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Chakras - How To Open And Heal Them

An Introduction To Spirituality, Our Chakras – How To Open And Heal Them!

We are made up out of three aspects: the mental body,the physical body and the energetic body – what some would refer to as...
Signs From The Universe You’re On The Wrong Path

11 Warning Signs From The Universe You’re On The Wrong Path

We all come with a purpose, a calling that we all strive to fulfill. It is the thing we are meant to do in...

4 Important Factors That Can Help You Raise Spiritually Awakened Children

Many cultures consider children to be born as angels and gain their humanity later in life. And this is no coincidence when you think...
spiritual shift

11 Signs You’re Going Through A Major Spiritual Shift (#8 Is Extremely Important)

We are all beings of pure energy, our bodies are condensed vibration, everything around us is condensed vibration. Knowing this, it is not difficult...
Positive energy

The Power of Positive Affirmations in Spiritual Writing

Positive affirmations are statements that are designed to replace negative or unhelpful thoughts with positive and uplifting ones. They are used to create a...

11 Signs That You Were Destined To Be A Shaman And Don’t Know It

Shamanism is a practice which combines various techniques that help the person to enter the spirit realm and gain the wisdom to heal humanity...

The Brutal Truth About Happiness Explained In Less Than Two Lines By The Master...

What is happiness? We have all asked ourselves this question. Is happiness a feeling? Is it having a stable job, great friends, a romantic lover?...

Empaths Have A Mission To Understand Others, But They Themselves Are Misunderstood

Some days are better than others, sure, but if you are an empath, you feel the pain of other people the majority of the...

Best Numerology App for Android & I phone | Tarot Life

Are you curious to know about your numerology number? Or are you looking for the best ways to find out about a numerology app?...
Manifestation and Spirituality

What is the Connection Between Manifestation and Spirituality?

You've probably heard about manifestation, a concept that's been gaining popularity in recent years. But did you know there's a deep spiritual aspect to...