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Why Do Hangovers Happen: Here is What You Need to Know


The number of active alcohol drinkers in the world is about 2 billion, and that is for a good reason. Taking alcohol, in certain cases, can be the beginning of great memories. It is also a way many people relax after having stressful days.

However, where there is the consumption of alcohol, there might be hangovers. A hangover is a terrible feeling people get a couple of hours after drinking alcohol. It is the way the human body tells the drinker that there was too much alcohol.

We wouldn’t give much thought to hangovers if they didn’t come with terrible symptoms that range from headaches to dizziness.

You might be wondering why they happen and how to avoid them. These will be discussed below.

Myths About Hangovers

Hangovers aren’t fun. Most of the time, they aren’t worth the ‘good time’ you thought you were having with your friends. You might be one of those who believe in a cure for a hangover. There might be recipes you have memorized.

The truth is that there are things about hangovers that are just myths with no scientific evidence.

The first piece of advice you might get when having a hangover is to sleep it off. While resting is a good idea after drinking heavily, sleeping in itself won’t cure a hangover. To avoid choking in your sleep, it’s a good idea to be sober before heading to bed.

Another myth about hangovers is that taking liquor before beer will keep hangovers away. That is false. The order in which you take your drink doesn’t prevent a hangover. The quantity of drinks is what will determine if you have a hangover or not. So, whatever you drink, pace yourself.

You should also not rely on painkillers to make you feel better. They will not swiftly rid you of all symptoms. You shouldn’t take any medication with alcohol. It might worsen your condition or possibly send you to the emergency room.

Another myth is that taking a small amount of alcohol in the morning will reduce the hangover symptoms. This is a myth because the symptoms won’t be reduced. They will only be postponed. You will still have the full blow of a hangover, but it might be worse because you took more alcohol in the morning.(1)

What You Need To Know About Hangovers

You have seen that many of the things people think they know about hangovers are just myths. Some things about hangovers can help you prevent them or cope with them when they occur, but first, why do they happen?

Why Do Hangovers Happen?

The first question someone going through a hangover might wonder is why it’s happening. The person usually asks this question when the symptoms have set in and they are feeling miserable.

Hangovers happen because alcohol causes your body to produce more urine, and the more you urinate without replenishing with water, the more dehydrated you get. Dehydration leads to dizziness.

Alcohol also expands your blood vessels, which is the reason for the headaches during a hangover. Your blood sugar falls when you drink, and that is why a hangover comes with weakness and irritability.

When you have a hangover, you might discover that you lack the desire to perform particular tasks. It is because alcohol triggers a response in your immune system since it is seen as a poison.

How Long Do Hangovers Last

Like many facts about alcohol, the length of a hangover depends on the individual involved. The more alcohol is consumed, the longer the hangover might last.

As soon as blood alcohol concentrations drop below zero, hangovers peak. When this happens, the person feels the full blow of the hangover. How quickly the symptoms peak will vary between people, and how long they last after they peak will also vary.

On average, your hangover should last somewhere within 24 hours. In certain cases, it might last longer. Keep in mind that the amount of alcohol you have drunk, your metabolic rate, and your immune response will affect how much time you need to overcome the symptoms. (2)

Long-Term Consequences of Hangovers

When you successfully survive a hangover, you will feel good again. You might go back to drinking those amounts of alcohol, feeling that you can rest out a hangover. However, hangovers have long-term consequences that you have to consider.

One thing a hangover can cause you is your job. If you report to work in a state where you cannot work, your company might fire you for poor performance. It is even a more serious issue if your company has a no alcohol at work policy.

Another long-term effect of hangovers concerns your health. Remember that you have to drink a certain quantity of alcohol to have a hangover. That quantity of alcohol can have long-term effects on your heart, brain, and kidneys.

Do They Happen to Everyone

You might’ve met someone who brags about never having a hangover. You might even be someone who drinks but doesn’t have hangovers later.

 Well, the truth is, anyone who drinks alcohol can have a hangover. The difference comes with how much more likely some people are to have hangovers than others.

A genetic factor that affects how certain people break down alcohol in their bodies might influence how susceptible they are to hangovers.

Even so, drinking on an empty stomach increases the likelihood of getting a hangover. Taking drugs like nicotine (found in cigarettes) will increase the chances of a hangover.

So, hangovers can happen to anyone who drinks; however, some people require more alcohol than others to achieve hangovers.

Talk to Us

Hangovers happen because we have taken in enough alcohol to stimulate a response from our bodies. The symptoms range from dehydration and dizziness to headaches and confusion.

There are no magical hangover cures. The most reliable way to deal with a hangover is to give it time. Some foods and drinks can help with the severity of symptoms, but they won’t shorten the time required to get better.

Hangovers are an indication that you have drunk too much alcohol. How can you cut back on drinking so much? We at Sunnyside might have the solution. You can get our binge-drinking app that will help you drink mindfully.

Now that you know why hangovers happen, do the right thing and moderate your alcohol intake.

5 Facts About Care Homes You Might Not Know

Care for Disabled Adults

Care homes are a popular option for elderly people who can no longer live safely in their own houses. Whether it’s because they have special medical needs or simply because they’re lonely, a care home can provide all the support required to live a happy and healthy life in your twilight years.

You might think you have a good idea of what care homes are like; for example, because you’ve visited an elderly relative who’s living in one or you’ve seen them depicted in movies and TV shows. However, the following five facts might still surprise you! Hopefully, by the end of this post, you will have a clearer picture of what life in a care home is truly like.

  1. There are different types of care homes available.

Not all care homes are the same! There are actually a few different styles available, each one designed to suit residents with slightly different needs. The main varieties are:

  • Residential care homes: these cater to residents who require personal care with daily activities such as washing, dressing, and household chores
  • Nursing homes: these provide personal care but also have qualified nurses on-site to assist residents with more serious medical needs or disabilities
  • Care homes for patients with cognitive impairment: these are specifically designed to look after patients suffering from serious cognitive conditions, especially those degenerative in nature, like those more common among the elderly.

Some care homes are run by private companies, while others are operated by nonprofit organizations, local councils, or other healthcare services.

  1. They take residents on day trips.

Some people worry that once you move into a care home, you’ll never leave, but this is far from the truth! Lots of residential care facilities organize fun day trips for their residents to nearby places of interest. For example, this could be a matinee performance at the theater, an afternoon at a shopping mall, a gentle walk in the countryside, or any other kind of enjoyable outing. Even residents with more serious health conditions may be able to participate in these because trained staff will be on hand to supervise them.

  1. They run plenty of in-house events.

One of the best parts of living in a top-quality London care homes is the opportunity it provides for socializing and engaging in new hobbies. They operate a packed schedule of events and activities as varied as:

  • Painting
  • Pottery
  • Baking
  • Quiz nights
  • Tai Chi
  • Seated Pilates and yoga
  • Film screenings
  • Flower arranging
  • Singing
  • Knitting
  • Crossword afternoons
  • Board game tournaments
  • Language classes

In addition to being great fun, activities such as these help to ensure that the residents stay both physically and mentally active. This, in turn, is vital for their health and wellbeing, boosting mood and improving cognitive functions. It’s also a fantastic way for people to socialize and expand their friendship group. Loneliness is one of the most pressing concerns for senior citizens because it increases the likelihood of people suffering from conditions such as depression, stroke, anxiety, and heart attacks. Therefore, the importance of this cannot be overestimated. 

  1. Some allow pets

If you have a pet, you already know what an important part of your life they become. The fear of having to leave their beloved animal behind causes many elderly people to dismiss the possibility of moving into a care home; however, these days, many such facilities welcome pets. You might have to do a bit more research to find one, but there are definitely plenty out there to choose from. Not only that, some care homes even have therapy dogs on-site to boost the well-being of their residents! This is understandable because interacting with animals has numerous benefits for your health and wellbeing, including lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, and combating loneliness.

  1. You can still enjoy an independent life in a care home.

Some older individuals worry that moving into a care home spells the end of their independence. However, this is simply not the case. You still get to decide your own daily routine, including what and when you eat, how you spend your leisure time, and whom you socialize with. You can also bring plenty of keepsakes and perhaps furniture from your house in order to make your room into a home that feels truly your own. In fact, you might even find that living in a care home gives you greater independence! That’s because you’ll have all the support you need to live life the way that you want to, whether that’s trying a different hobby, learning a new skill, going out on day trips to fun locations, or making new friends.

What Are The Major Health Benefits Of CBD Gummies?

CBD Gummies

There are few products in the health world that have done quite as well as CBD. In fact, CBD has become a top seller very quickly, and is known for all the amazing benefits it is said to bring. There are lots of different types of CBD products too. For instance, there are CBD oils, CBD gummies, and even CBD coffee beans! This variety of products available just shows you one reason why it’s become so popular. People love to be able to tailor their health supplements to their needs, and CBD does exactly that. CBD gummies are one of the best selling CBD products on the market, and it’s easy to see why. So, if you want to know if there are any major health benefits to taking CBD gummies, keep reading and find out all you need to know…

What Is CBD?

CBD is a chemical compound that comes from the cannabis plant. However, CBD itself is completely non-psychoactive so it doesn’t induce any feelings of being high. CBD is extracted in a number of ways, but the most common is through the CO2 method. This is where the cannabis plant is placed into a small chamber that’s then filled with CO2. The pressure then extracts the CBD compound which can then be added into carrier oils and placed into different products. CBD comes in all sorts of different strengths as well, so you need to know which one will work for you. Most people start off at a lower strength and dosage and work their way up. You’ll then be able to find a happy medium that works perfectly for you. (1)

What Are CBD Gummies?

 CBD gummies, including Joy Organics‘ CBD gummies, are a type of CBD product that make taking your daily dose a lot easier. The gummies are designed to look and taste just like candy gummies, the only difference being they have CBD added into them. You can barely even taste the CBD too, so you don’t have to worry about trying to overcome that earthy taste it’s known for. CBD gummies are already pre-dosed, so you don’t have to try and measure out the right amount yourself.
All you need to do is choose the right strength of gummy and take as many as you need to get the right dose. CBD gummies are super discreet too, as their packaging allows them to look like any other sweet. This means that if you’re taking them out with you in case you need them, you won’t draw attention to yourself the same way you would when taking CBD oil.

The Health Benefits

When it comes to the health benefits of CBD gummies, there are said to be a lot. It’s worth noting that research on CBD itself is still on-going, so there are no definitive results as of yet. However, the results that have happened in studies has been overwhelmingly positive.

Reduced Anxiety Symptoms

Anxiety is something that a lot of people deal with on a daily basis, and it can be hard to live with it at times. However, CBD gummies could help to reduce the symptoms of your anxiety massively. When you take CBD, it interacts with your body to help calm your heart rate and soothe your panicked mind. When people feel anxious, a lot of the symptoms reported are a racing heart and a tight feeling in the chest. But if you were to take a dose of CBD gummies, this could help them to dissipate within minutes. While this won’t solve the root cause of your anxiety, it can help you to think more clearly as you won’t be feeling as panicked. You can also take CBD gummies with you when you’re out and about. So, if you struggle with social anxiety, these can be a life saver!

Improved Mood

Low moods are another very common issue that plagues lots of people. But with the help of CBD gummies, this could become a thing of the past. When you take a CBD gummy, the CBD works with your endocannabinoid system to regulate your moods. It also helps to boost your production of serotonin and dopamine, both of which help contribute to your happiness. CBD gummies are perfect to take when you feel as though you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed and your mood is quickly declining. A few CBD gummies could be enough to help get you through the day without your mood decreasing even further. So, be sure to pop some CBD gummies into your bag before heading out so you can keep yourself topped up throughout the day. You’ll soon feel the difference they make to your overall mental wellbeing!

Lower Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is something that can lead to a lot of serious health problems like strokes and heart attacks, so it’s crucial that you work to try and keep it at a healthy level. Studies have shown that taking CBD gummies could actually help to lower your blood pressure, with one dose keeping it at that level for around 7 days. For long term effects, you would need to take CBD gummies every day, but they’re so delicious, that it’s not really a chore taking them. Studies have also found that taking CBD gummies can improve the way that your body responds to stress, meaning that you’re able to keep your blood pressure level when faced with a stressful situation. So, taking CBD gummies could do a lot for your stress levels and help bring your blood pressure down to a healthy rate.

Enhanced Sleep Quality

Getting enough sleep can be tough, but with a few CBD gummies, you’ll soon be snoozing in minutes. When you take CBD before bed, it won’t make you feel drowsy like a sleeping pill. In fact, when you take CBD gummies before bed, they help your body and mind to relax, allowing you to naturally drift off. Not only that, but you’ll also see an improvement in the quality of sleep that you get. So, taking CBD gummies will help you fall asleep, but also stay that way too, allowing you to wake up feeling refreshed every morning.

Lowered Inflammation

Inflammation is something that’s often associated with pain, and it can be hard to soothe. However, CBD gummies could be the one to rescue you from the pain! CBD itself is anti-inflammatory, so when you take the gummies, these properties will work within your body to soothe any inflammation. This then helps to lessen the pain in that area, allowing you to get on with your daily routine. A lot of people prefer CBD gummies to over the counter painkillers now. This could be for a number of reasons, but mostly it’s down to their taste and their speed at which they work. Painkillers can take up to an hour to start working, but CBD gummies start working within a few minutes. So, if you want to manage your pain, CBD gummies could be the way to go!

CBD gummies are fantastic addition to any daily routine. Not only do they taste great, but they’re also offer lots of amazing health benefits. From improving your sleep to lowering anxiety symptoms, there’s not much CBD gummies can’t do! So, if you’re wanting to take control of your health, why not give CBD gummies a go? You’ll be wowed at all the possible results they can give you! (2)

CBD Extract – What is it and what are its benefits? 


CBD extract is a substance that is derived from hemp plants. This extract contains high levels of CBD, or cannabidiol, which is a compound that has been shown to have numerous potential health benefits. Some of the most well-known benefits of CBD include reducing anxiety and improving sleep. In recent years, CBD extract has become increasingly popular as more and more people are beginning to see the potential benefits of this substance. 

One of the reasons for this increased interest in CBD is that it does not have the psychoactive effects that are associated with THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. This means that CBD does not get the user “high” in the same way that THC does. This difference has made CBD a popular choice for people who are looking for an alternative to traditional medications. 

Another benefit of CBD extract is that it is legal in all 50 states in the United States. This means that it can be used without fear of legal repercussions. CBD extract is also non-toxic, which means that it is safe to use even in high doses. 

All these factors have contributed to the growing popularity of CBD extract as a treatment option for a variety of conditions. More research is needed to determine all the potential benefits of this compound, but there is already a great deal of evidence suggesting that it has significant therapeutic potential. 

What is CBD Extract? 

CBD extract is a thick, oily substance that is derived from hemp plants. This extract contains high levels of CBD, or cannabidiol, which is a compound that has been shown to have numerous potential health benefits. Some of the most well-known benefits of CBD include reducing anxiety and improving sleep. In recent years, CBD extract has become increasingly popular as more and more people are beginning to see the potential benefits of this substance.  

CBD extract can be taken in a variety of ways, including orally, topically, or through inhalation. The most popular way to take CBD extract is orally, either by drops under the tongue or in capsule form. The topical application of CBD extract can be done in the form of lotions, creams, or salves. Inhalation of CBD extract can be done using vape pens or e-cigarettes.  

The effects of CBD extract vary depending on the person and the method of administration. Oral ingestion takes longer to take effect but the effects last longer. Topical application takes effect more quickly, but the effects do not last as long. Inhalation takes effect almost immediately but the effects only last for a short period.  (1)

Benefits of Taking CBD Extract 

CBD extract has been shown to have many potential benefits for people who take it. Some of the most well-known potential benefits include reducing anxiety, improving sleep, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain. These potential benefits are why so many people are beginning to take CBD extract regularly. 

While the potential benefits of CBD extract are many, more research is needed to determine the precise effects that CBD extract has on the body. Many people report positive results from taking CBD extract, but more research is needed to confirm these anecdotal reports. 

CBD extract has been used for centuries to treat a variety of medical conditions. The recent rise in popularity of CBD extract is due, in part, to its ability to provide relief from various symptoms without the psychoactive effects associated with THC. CBD extract is non-addictive and does not cause a “high.” (2)


CBD extract is a thick, oily substance that is derived from hemp plants. This extract contains high levels of CBD, or cannabidiol, which is a compound that has been shown to offer numerous potential health benefits. Some of the most well-known benefits of CBD include reducing anxiety and improving sleep. In recent years, CBD extract has become increasingly popular as more and more people are beginning to see the potential benefits of this substance. 

There is a growing body of research that suggests that CBD may offer a range of health benefits, including reducing anxiety, improving sleep, and reducing inflammation. CBD has also been shown to have anti-cancer properties and may help treat other conditions, such as diabetes and depression. 

Does a Heating Pad Raise Blood Pressure?

Measuring blood pressure

According to early findings presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension 2019 Scientific Sessions, using a heating pad overnight may benefit persons with supine hypertension, which causes blood pressure to rise when lying down, even when sleeping.

Most people with autonomic failure also have supine hypertension, which can exacerbate orthostatic hypotension during the day, resulting in pressure diuresis and volume loss at night. End-organ damage is also connected to supine hypertension. Since sympathetic activation prevents blood pressure (BP) from falling in healthy participants exposed to heat, we hypothesized that passive heat treatment might treat supine hypertension in people with autonomic dysfunction. Local heat treatment, a novel strategy for treating this illness, successfully reduced nocturnal blood pressure in individuals with autonomic failure and supine hypertension.

About 50% of persons with autonomic failure, a chronic degenerative condition that affects the area of the nervous system that controls involuntary activities like blood pressure and heart rate, have supine hypertension. Blood pressure spikes during the night are linked to kidney and heart damage. Additionally, it can increase urine production, exacerbating situations where a person’s blood pressure dips significantly when they first stand up, as when they first get out of bed in the morning. Brachial artery flow-mediated dilatation was used to measure how well heat therapy affected vascular function. Our findings imply that the therapeutic potential of heat therapy for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease risk factors should be further explored in terms of method and dose.

Studies found that heat therapy applied during sleep decreased systolic blood pressure, with a maximum reduction of 30 mm Hg after four hours of heat. Heat therapy did not decrease nighttime urine production or improve the sudden drop in morning blood pressure despite lowering overnight systolic blood pressure.  Compared to the control group, the experimental group experienced less anxiety and less objective and subjective pain thanks to the heating treatment. Compared to the control group, heating treatment also reduced the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the heart rate in the experimental group. Women expressed far higher levels of satisfaction than males.

Cystoscopy is now preferentially recommended over invasive testing for the evaluation of asymptomatic microscopic hematuria and, thus, the identification of bladder cancer or other urological diseases. However, even though cystoscopy is the most common procedure in daily urology practice, it is invasive and can be associated with pain and discomfort. In particular, conscious patients are directly exposed to various stimuli during cystoscopy, which increases anxiety. The pain and anxiety associated with cystoscopy can activate the sympathetic nervous system, resulting in different physiological responses, such as increased cardiac output, elevated blood sugar level, peripheral vascular contraction, and elevated blood pressure. Heating treatment performed with an electric heating pad is straightforward, practical, and economical, making it a helpful non-pharmacological nursing intervention. Patients are undergoing cystoscopy experience less discomfort and anxiety because heating treatment lowers their BP and PR, two physiological markers of pain and stress. We feel that heating treatment is an effective independent nursing intervention, given the high satisfaction score found in the current study.

Worse quality of life and decreased mobility are linked to intermittent claudication (IC). A novel cardiovascular treatment called heat therapy may help individuals with IC move more comfortably. No heat therapy has been shown to statistically enhance the quality of life or brachial blood pressure, according to systematic studies (Ovid Medline / PubMed, Embase, Scopus / Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Health Technology Assessment Databases for patients with IC). Significant increases in limb blood flow and core temperature, as well as brief drops in blood pressure after heating, were the hallmarks of acute treatments. Randomized controlled studies made use of various heat therapy. The acute physiological reactions of these groups to different heat treatment approaches have likewise received relatively little research. To understand the efficacy of heat treatment, future studies should develop acceptable protocols and conduct additional randomized studies.

6 Top Soft Skills for Success in The Healthcare System


Undeniably, it is an incredible accomplishment to work in the healthcare sector. The community of healthcare professionals strives to save people’s lives, help vulnerable people, and make outstanding efforts to promote scientific knowledge.

Of course, successful healthcare workers must possess the necessary credentials and licenses to get hired for their dream job position. However, it’s not always sufficient to have a strong resume. Focusing on your soft skills will help you stand out as an exceptional employee. Put this way, the quality of patient care is determined mainly by soft skills, even though we dedicate most of our time and effort to refining hard skills.

Moreover, when employing healthcare professionals nowadays, organizations look for more than just clinical skills. Soft skills, or interpersonal abilities, are more crucial than ever for developing positive relationships with your patients, coworkers, and industry peers.

So, are you a healthcare professional and wish to succeed in your career? Be sure to hone the common and essential soft skills to help you reach the highest level of success. Now, let’s take a glance at the top six soft skills every healthcare professional must possess:

  1. Openness to learning

Let’s face it, learning never stops.

No matter where you stand in your career, a crucial soft skill is the ability to learn new things daily. The healthcare industry is continuously evolving, so you must never stop learning. You can expand your research, learn from failures, or make discoveries through trial and error. The chances for learning are endless, from seminars to online courses and self-taught information.

So, do you strongly desire to secure a managerial position in healthcare technology and information systems? In that case, it is worthwhile to enroll in an MBA degree online to understand organizational operations and processes. An impressive thing about this degree program is it helps you build a strong foundation in marketing, finance, accounting, behavioral management, and other core aspects of the business. Additionally, an online degree enables you to maintain a healthy work-life balance while studying from the convenience of your home. This dentist who does quality dental implants in San Leandro also suggests learning from your peers through networking or by simply attending conferences specific to the healthcare industry.

  1. Communication

One of the most critical and fundamental soft skills is communication.

Answer this. Do you listen carefully? Do you have any linguistic skills? What is your body posture when communicating? All these play a crucial role in your success as a healthcare worker.

Successful healthcare workers can concisely communicate information to patients, families, and other care team members. For example, in stressful circumstances, patients often feel more at ease when medical professionals explain the meaning of medical terminology in a language they can comprehend.

It is relevant to note that not only should you learn the appropriate words to use but also the appropriate body language and tone of voice. 

  1. Attention to detail

Do you deal with a large number of patients every day? Or perhaps, you enter and sift through countless medical records throughout your shift? In a healthcare facility, there is an exchange of enormous amounts of information every day. Thus, the more information, the greater possibility that something may fall through the cracks.

Although it is a fact that there is a lot of potential for being distracted in hectic work settings, the best employees never do. One of the most crucial soft skills a healthcare professional must possess is paying great attention to detail. After all, even a minor detail can make the difference between life and death; therefore, there is little to no room for error.

Being meticulous is essential in this line of work. Whether ensuring you measure the precise quantity of medication, checking that you’re following the correct safety procedures, or simply recording the necessary patient information. It might even be your skill to pick up on subtle signs like non-verbal expressions and body language. In addition, you can maintain focus and keep your attention sharp by being present and avoiding distractions. 

  1. Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to handle unpleasant or distressing situations that enables you to go on without becoming traumatized. It is the ability to manage and adjust to difficulties. It is a crucial quality for professionals working in stressful environments.

In simpler terms, resilience is a trait that encompasses every aspect of effectively handling pressure, along with the ability to regulate stress. Healthcare workers must be strong and resilient since they frequently deal with stressful situations. If they do not learn how to deal with these situations, they will be unable to perform well in this field.

Be mindful that resilience does not mean “grinning and bearing it,” though. Instead, it is about knowing your limits and taking action to prevent stressors. As a healthcare worker, ensuring mental and physical well-being is essential.

  1. Time management

Healthcare facilities are frequently chaotic and busy. For this reason, they are also most likely to have their priorities change at the drop of a hat. That said, every day, a single healthcare practitioner has a massive daily to-do list that they must manage. Moreover, many healthcare practitioners might deal with life and death daily, so time is of the essence. Thus, time management is one of the top soft skills you should hone, regardless of your current industry role.

Time management includes learning to prioritize your activities, multitask and wear several hats, and meet deadlines in addition to simply completing everything on time. Excellent time management will enable you to organize your day, prioritize tasks, provide the best services, and advance professionally.

How successfully are you developing and achieving objectives within a reasonable time frame? Do you have a good sense of how to use your free time? What happens if your priorities conflict? Keep these questions in mind when evaluating and developing your time management skills. 

  1. Adaptability and flexibility

Change is the only constant in the healthcare industry.

Even scientific evidence is constantly subject to change, as are laws, regulations, standards, and best practices. Therefore, you will be able to perform better only if you can ride the waves of change.

Instead of being closed off and reluctant to change, try being open. By adjusting your plans or methods of operation to your changing environment, you can learn to deal with problems. In addition, chances are your job is not a standard 9 to 5 commitment; thus, you must be available whenever needed.

Flexibility and adaptability might require you to step into unexpectedly tricky situations or new roles. Therefore, it would be best to show that you can remain composed in stressful conditions and maintain composure.

And while change can initially be unsettling, learning how to react, change and adapt as necessary is a worthwhile investment.

Final thoughts

Healthcare professionals are responsible for offering their patients the best care. Therefore, healthcare personnel must be proficient in various skills to provide comfort and patient care consistently. There are, of course, the obvious ones relating to their line of work, but soft skills like resilience, excellent communication, etc., are also crucial in the healthcare industry.

So, why are you still waiting? Incorporate these soft skills into your personality starting today to set yourself up for a rewarding and successful career.

Healthy Snacks That Can Help You Lose Weight

healthy breakfast

One of the best ways to quell your cravings and avoid feeling hungry is to eat healthy snacks. These are nutrient-packed and will help you stay full longer. 

Try having a handful of nuts or lightly salted dried fruits for a healthy, low-calorie snack. You can also try a cup of frozen grapes, which are also an excellent snack option. These are high in fiber and phytonutrients, which can help improve your digestion.


Another healthy snack that is easy to pack is a single-serving container of light yogurt. These are a great option for traveling and are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats. 

Nuts are also an excellent choice for snacks. They are high in fiber and protein, which is great for losing weight. You can make your own trail mix with nuts or fruit. 

Here are some healthy snacks you can use to lose weight. 

1.       Mixed Nuts

It is tempting to think that nuts are only bad for you, but they are actually one of the healthiest snacks you can eat. Besides being a great source of fiber, protein, and healthy unsaturated fats, they also help you feel full longer, so you can eat less. The good fats in nuts can help you lower your LDL or “bad” cholesterol and increase your HDL or “good” cholesterol. They are also good for your heart, as they can help keep your arteries healthy and your blood pressure at healthy levels. 

2.       Cottage Cheese And Fruit

Cottage cheese is a low-fat, high-protein snack that can help you lose weight. It’s also great for your health, as the curds contain four essential electrolytes that help fight cramps. Cottage cheese is also a great low-calorie breakfast alternative. It can be eaten on bread, in salads, or on its own. Cottage cheese also contains selenium, an essential mineral that supports healthy thyroid function. If you’re trying to lose weight, cottage cheese and fruit may be a good way to start.

3.       Celery Sticks With Cream Cheese

Snacking on celery sticks is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while also maintaining a healthy diet. This low-carb snack is also low-fat, gluten-free, and vegetarian. You can choose from many toppings to create the perfect snack, such as fresh fruit, cheese, or hummus. You can even use vegan cream cheese in place of the regular variety. Using low-fat cream cheese cuts down the amount of fat in this snack.

4.       Kale Chips

If you’re looking for a healthy snack that will satisfy your cravings while allowing you to maintain a healthy weight, kale chips may be the perfect solution. These chips are a great source of fiber and contain a small amount of protein. They also don’t require a lot of ingredients, and your kids may even enjoy them. To make kale chips, simply place the kale leaves on a baking sheet, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with sea salt and garlic powder. Bake for ten minutes, then rotate them. 

5.       Cucumber Slices With Hummus

Cucumber slices with hummus are a healthy alternative to chips, which are high in fat and calories. Hummus is a great snack option because it’s full of plant-based protein, fiber, and heart-healthy fats. The low-carb content of cucumber slices makes them a great snack to eat during the day. They are great snacks for people who want to lose weight. 

6.       Fruit Slices

A piece of fruit is one of the healthiest foods you can eat and is a great way to get your daily dose of vitamins and fiber. Eating fruit has been linked to lower body weight and reduced risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. While fruit contains high levels of sugar, it is not harmful to your health. 

7.       Cherry Tomatoes With Mozzarella

Cherry tomatoes with mozzarella are delicious snack foods. They can be eaten as a salad ingredient or combined with other savory snacks to make a satisfying meal. These snacks contain protein, calcium, and vitamin B12. They’re also good for your heart.

8.       Hard-Boiled Eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are low-calorie snacks that are great for losing weight. They are high in protein and can be incorporated easily into your daily calorie budget. Not only do they satisfy hunger, but they also help you maintain lean muscle mass. 

9.       Popcorn

Popcorn is an excellent snack food that is high in fiber and low in calories. The fiber content helps you feel full, so you’re less likely to eat more than you need. Popcorn is a good replacement for other high-calorie snacks. It is a good choice for people who are on a diet because it has only a few calories and a small amount of fat. 

10.    Roasted chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are an excellent, healthy snack because they’re high in protein, fiber, and nutrients. They’re also a quick, easy-to-make meal. Toss them with olive oil and seasonings such as sea salt and coarse black pepper, and bake them for 20 minutes. After roasting, they’ll have a rich, buttery flavor.

11.    Oatmeal

Oatmeal is high in fiber and may help lower blood sugar levels. It is also rich in magnesium and zinc, which can help you lose weight. It’s also easy to prepare and versatile. Oatmeal can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and many people also enjoy eating it as a dessert. Because of its high fiber content, oatmeal can be eaten for all three meals. 

12.    Olives With Feta Cheese

Olives with feta cheese are a great snack because they contain a high concentration of calcium and a low-calorie count. They also contain trace antioxidants, which may help protect against high blood pressure. 

Is Popcorn Good For Losing Weight?

Popcorn has numerous health benefits, including the antioxidant polyphenols it contains and its high fiber content. However, commercially-made popcorn can be high in calories and contains unhealthy ingredients. 

Therefore, it is better to cook your own popcorn at home rather than purchase it in a commercial microwave. Even air-popped popcorn can be healthy as long as it contains no hydrogenated oils.

What Is the Healthiest Weight Loss Snack?

Fruits are a great snack because they’re high in fiber and are a great source of natural nutrients. Kids and adults alike can enjoy mini fruit as a healthy snack. These snacks are low in calories and high in fiber. Some of the best varieties are low in sugar and contain only a small amount of fat.

Another healthy snack is whole grains. You can also choose to have a portion of your grain-free bread or whole-grain pita pocket filled with a small amount of part-skim ricotta cheese. The combination of fiber and protein will keep you feeling full for a longer period of time. For more interesting articles about health tips read healthreporter.com

How Mentally Strong Physicians Plan Out Their Lives


Physicians are some of the busiest people in the world. So it is no wonder many physicians feel they don’t have enough time for themselves. That is why it is so important for physicians to plan their lives.

Physicians can ensure they make the most of their time by planning their lives. They can set aside time for themselves, their families, and their patients. By doing this, they can ensure that they provide the best possible care for their patients and still have a life outside work.

How Mentally Strong Physicians Plan Out Their Lives.

Physicians must need to plan their lives more holistically. They can create a more balanced and fulfilling life by managing physical, emotional, and mental needs. Here are a few tips on how mentally strong physicians can plan out their lives:

1) Knowing your values and setting priorities.

Knowing what you want or what’s important to you can be challenging. You may have competing values or priorities that make it difficult to set clear goals. However, taking the time to understand your values and set preferences can help you achieve greater satisfaction in life and work.

It is important to remember that you can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first. Setting aside time each day for self-care can help you recharge and be more effective in your work.

It is also essential to set boundaries with your work. For example, you can’t be available 24/7, and trying to do so will only lead to burnout. Some leisure activities outside of work can help you maintain a healthy balance.

2) Plotting out your goals and making a schedule.

As a physician, you have a lot to do. It can be challenging to find a balance between work and life, but it is crucial to do so to maintain your mental health and well-being.

One way to help achieve this balance is by plotting your goals and making a schedule. This will allow you to focus better on what is essential and ensure that you make time for all.

When plotting out your goals, be realistic about what you can achieve in a given timeframe. And when making your schedule, be sure to include some flexibility so that you can accommodate unexpected events or take a break when needed.

3) The family: balancing work and home life.

Work demands can be all-consuming, making it challenging to balance our professional and personal lives. For some, this means working long hours and sacrificing time with family and friends. Others may feel like they’re always on call, even when they’re not at the hospital. 

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging, but trying is essential. Here are some tips from physicians on how they manage their busy schedules: 

  1. Set boundaries between work and home.
  2. Make time for yourself every day, even if it’s just a few minutes.
  3. Delegate tasks and learn to say ‘NO’ when already stretched too thin.
  4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your colleagues or loved ones.
  5. Take vacations and don’t feel guilty about it.

 4) Think about homes/mortgages: planning for retirement.

It’s never too early to start planning for retirement, including considering your mortgage. The home is the most significant asset, so it is important to plan to buy a home as soon as possible.

There are a few different ways to go about this. One option is to make extra monthly mortgage payments, which will help you pay it off faster. Another option is to refinance into a shorter-term loan.

With a physician mortgage loan, you can borrow up to 100% of the value of your home. It can be handy if you need more cash to fund your renovation project. Additionally, physician mortgage loans often have low-interest rates and flexible repayment terms.

Whatever you choose, the important thing is to start planning now, and your mortgage must pay before you retire. This will give you one less thing to worry about in retirement and help you enjoy your golden years stress-free.

Frequently asked questions.

Q: Do doctors have good mental health?

A: It’s no secret that the medical field is a high-stress environment. With long hours, demanding patients, and life-or-death situations, it’s no wonder that doctors have a higher rate of mental health problems.

Q: Are doctors knowledgeable?

A: Doctors are knowledgeable. They understand complex medical information and make decisions based on their training and experience.

Q: Are doctors happy with their lives?

A: According to a recent study, most doctors are happy with their lives. The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and CompHealth surveyed over 5,000 doctors and found that nearly 60 percent of respondents said they were happy with their life.

Wrapping up with final thoughts. 

As a physician, you have to be mentally strong to deal with the stress of the job. However, you also have to be able to plan out your life in a way that makes sense for you and your career.

Mental strength is essential for physicians as they plan out their lives. They need to manage their time, set goals and achieve them and know when to ask for help. These skills will help them maintain a healthy balance in their personal and professional lives.

Supply Chain Visibility Tools & Its Importance

Supply Chain

The Supply Chain Visibility tools have become the new norms for many industries. We’ll dig the insights of its existence and importance.

Supply Chain Visibility Challenges

To have visibility in the oil and gas supply chain, you must understand what is happening at each stage. Supply chains are complex and have many moving parts. They also rely on ecosystems composed of numerous partners who employ various tools and systems.

People don’t always care about supply chain visibility until something goes wrong. Weather extremes, natural disasters, factory damage, political interference, trade wars, pandemics, and blocked canals can all disrupt supply chain visibility tools. Visibility does not prevent crises from occurring, but it does make them more difficult to manage.

Organizations may be unaware of the location of their suppliers and subsuppliers, or how a minor shortage of a component will affect them. Consider the scarcity of semiconductors and other electronic components in many industries. Supply shortages can disrupt entire industries, but companies with a better understanding of their supply chains can make better decisions more quickly.

What is Supply Chain Visibility?

Visibility in the supply chain entails the ability to track and inspect raw materials, parts, and finished goods at any time. This makes tracking the flow of goods from suppliers and manufacturers to a company’s own factories (or retail distribution network) and customers much easier.

It assists product teams in identifying and correcting supply chain tool flaws such as inventory shortages and order issues before they become larger issues. A company may need to see orders from suppliers, raw materials arriving, manufacturing processes, delivery and shipping information, customer data, and the real-time status of orders.

Why Are Supply Chain Visibility Tools Important?

Today’s supply chains are complicated. In 2017, experts surveyed senior-level global supply chain professionals and discovered that 70% of them said supply chain complexity was a major issue for visibility. Only 6% of those polled said their company could see the entire supply chain, both inside and outside.

The majority of the businesses polled said supply chain visibility was just as important as product availability and on-time delivery. Businesses that could see everything in their supply chain platform had a higher EBIT to sales ratio than those that could see less.

These figures demonstrate the importance of supply chain management tools and how it provides businesses with a competitive advantage over those with less visibility.

What Are the Main Types of Supply Chain Visibility Tools?

Visibility requirements differ greatly from one industry to the next. Depending on the circumstances, it may be necessary to keep track of each component or group of components. Both scenarios require quality control and more information to meet the requirements of traceability and openness, such as:

l Quantity/number of units

l Orders

l Accreditations

l Provider Information

l observing the rules

Manufacturers sometimes assign unique identifiers to their products, such as ID codes or serial numbers. This is especially important for products that are similar but not identical, such as cars with different exterior and interior color and trim options. It is sometimes necessary to keep an eye on batches of the same parts or products in order to meet customer demands.

It is frequently necessary to be able to see beyond Tier 1 suppliers to see how accidents and disasters may affect raw material and component suppliers. (1)

The Importance of Real-Time Supply Chain Transportation Visibility Tools

Transportation management solutions must always keep an eye on all modes of transportation. This is usually done to improve performance. Machine learning algorithms are used in real-time transportation visibility platforms to process large amounts of data and draw conclusions in real time. By comparing predictions and estimates to what actually occurred, root causes can be identified. This type of analysis can identify “gaps” in transportation operations that must be filled, as well as TMS changes that will provide the best return on investment.

Real-time transportation visibility connects the steps taken by a TMS prior to and after a shipment with the data gathered during the transport. Real-time delivery status, major events, and estimated arrival times (ETAs) are fed back into the TMS before and after a shipment to match up with other operations and processes.

Data on real-time, objective visibility of transportation can aid in optimization and planning prior to a shipment. Real-time data on transportation visibility reduces paperwork, improves report accuracy, and speeds up invoicing. Including a time stamp on deliveries aids shippers, carriers, and recipients in avoiding and resolving disputes. Because everyone in the supply chain can use a central “control tower” tool to track shipments and coordinate actions across the entire value chain, real-time transportation visibility makes it easier for partners to collaborate.

Achieving True End-To-End Supply Chain Visibility with Tools

The primary goal of digitalizing supply chain simulation management is “end-to-end” process visibility. A TMS cannot provide real-time or predictive updates on packages in transit without continuous transportation monitoring. Transport management systems (TMS) and real-time transportation visibility solutions complement each other.

It is always preferable to use tracking data in conjunction with a carrier’s TMS because the data is more accurate and the carrier uses the TMS to run its daily operations. Drivers must deal with transportation requests, milk run schedules, and cross-dock calculations without the assistance of a dispatcher.

 Accurate and reliable ETAs and powerful insights into how the transportation network works can be made in real time with the help of a TMS’s contextual data. We can provide TMS and real-time tracking to our customers because the solution has partnerships with TMS providers.

These collaborations make it easier to run, manage, and monitor transportation in real time. Key performance indicators that are updated in real time encourage excellent execution and allow for in-depth analysis of Exception Management’s operations. Our algorithm ensures that the ETAs provided to TMS users are always the most accurate and dependable in the industry.

The credible platform is compatible with 200 TMSs, the majority of which are well-known in Europe. The best platform can be connected to any TMS on a large scale quickly and easily. A significant amount of this is required for large carrier fleets to land on different continents.

Because we were able to connect to TMSs quickly, our network now has over 140,000 carriers and serves over 100 customers. Once a TMS connection is established, adding new customers who use the same systems is simple. This allows shippers to gain access to valuable predictive analytics more quickly.

Real-time transport visibility is the most important investment in the supply chain risk management software when all of the features it adds to a TMS are considered. According to expert , by 2023, 50% of product-focused organizations will have invested in real-time transportation visibility platforms. Contact us to learn how our team’s TMS integration skills can be used to improve your TMS implementation’s real-time transportation visibility. TMS interactions are discussed in greater depth in our guide, “Choosing the Right Transportation Visibility Provider.” (2)

Why Hire a Local Moving Company?

Moving Company

When searching for a local moving company, many consumers are looking for experience and reliability. They want to hire a reputable company that has been in business for many years and has a great reputation in their area. To find out if a company has a good reputation, check online reviews. Read customer testimonials, check the company’s website, and then select a company based on its reputation.

Why You Should Hire Local Movers

Hiring local movers is an excellent way to avoid the potential risks of damage to your furniture and other belongings. While it may be tempting to try to do it yourself, you run the risk of getting injured while packing and moving heavy equipment. Local movers know what to look for in the proper packing materials and know how to handle heavy loads, see here for more information about the services of a local moving company. They also have the expertise to help you assemble your furniture once you’ve arrived at your new home.

Hiring movers from your area will also ensure a smooth move. They will help you plan and execute your moving schedule. This allows you to do other things, such as enrolling your children in school, preparing your home for the move, or even making travel plans. In addition, movers are punctual and will ensure that your belongings arrive at your new home on time. Furthermore, they will also unpack and put everything back where they belong.

The Benefits of Hiring a Local Moving Company

Hiring a local moving company is a smart way to minimize the stress and hassles of moving. A company that operates in your neighborhood is familiar with local roads, one-way streets, and parking rules. It also knows what type of climate to expect, so it can better prepare for the move. It also brings more packing supplies and equipment.

Another advantage of hiring a local moving company is the lower cost. Most local moving companies charge a flat rate, which means that you’ll save a considerable amount of money. You’ll also avoid paying based on the weight or volume of your items. Plus, the movers know how to pack and move items properly. They use all of the proper equipment to make the move as easy and efficient as possible.

Save Money When You Hire Professional Movers

There are many ways to save money when moving, and hiring a professional moving service is one of them. For example, you could hire hourly labor to move your possessions for a fixed rate. This would be cheaper than hiring full-service movers to move your belongings.

Moving is expensive, so it is important to figure out ways to cut costs. The cost of a professional mover will depend on the distance between the destination and the number of items being moved. You should also check if they charge by the hour or a flat rate. You should also ask how much each employee will be paid.

Another way to save money when you hire professional movers is to hire an experienced one. They will do a better job and charge less than you would if you were to do the moving yourself. Also, hiring professional movers will prevent you from sustaining injuries while moving your stuff. These injuries can lead to disc injuries, broken bones, and even sick leave.

Moving Independently VS Moving Company

Moving independently is a smart way to cut costs and get a better deal on your move. Unlike hiring a moving company, which will require you to work around the schedule of the movers, you can set your own schedule. This option also gives you the flexibility of moving on short notice. For instance, you can choose to move on a weekend or even on the same day of the week if you want.

When you move, you pack things, load them into your car or rented truck, and then unload at the other end. This choice may be easier and cheaper if you can rent a truck and don’t drive very far. Moving becomes more complicated if you don’t have free help or you move a long distance. Then contacting a moving company is a reasonable way out, because this way you will save your nerves. Learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of moving independently or hiring a moving company.

Reasons To Consider Hiring Local Movers

Hiring a local moving company will save you from the stress and hassles that are associated with moving. They have a professional staff and a secure truck to transport your belongings. Their experienced drivers know how to safely maneuver around roadblocks and will ensure that your items arrive safely. They will also unpack your boxes and assemble furniture for you. This way, you can focus on other things and leave the work to them.

Another benefit of hiring a local moving company is the ability to work with movers that know your neighborhood. This helps them anticipate what needs to be packed and moved. They will also know where to park the truck to avoid heavy traffic.