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Here’s Why You Need To Experience Physical Touch Every Day

physical touch

Our senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch are all essential as they help us perceive and understand the world around us. But, the sense of touch is special in its own way. It’s powerful.

Physical touch is an important ingredient of genuine intimacy. It helps us communicate our feelings and connect with others. It gives us a sense of belonging and a sense of security. And undoubtedly, it has a positive effect on our psyche.

Here’s why you need to experience physical touch every day:

1. Physical touch helps you connect with other people.

We have all felt the butterflies in the stomach when touched by our partner or the feelings of anxiety when touched by a stranger.

The reason for this is that touch has the power to elicit strong emotions. It has the power to provoke both positive and negative emotions, such as happiness, excitement, satisfaction, anxiety, confusion, and even fear.

2. Physical touch helps you communicate your feelings and thoughts.

We usually use words to express our emotions and opinions but touch can convey messages and show others how we feel too.

This is especially true when we use language to refer to something other than its expected meaning, like when we tell jokes, make sexual innuendos, or exaggerate things.

3. Physical touch is a powerful way to send and receive positive energy.

Touch can transmit whatever you feel to other people. For example, when your touch transmits happiness or affection, you send the person you touch positive energy. And another person can brighten your day, too, when they hug you and send you affection.

4. Physical touch is an effective way to get what you need.

Have you ever noticed that touching someone on the shoulder or hand while talking to them causes them to pay more attention to your words or even agree with what you say?

Well, touch has the power to do this. It can convince others to do something that you really need and/or want them to do.

5. Physical touch has a healing effect.

When you’re feeling upset, stressed out, hurt, or afraid, it truly helps being hugged by the people that you love and that mean to you, right?

Well, you might find this hard to believe, but touch has the power to heal your wounds. For centuries, touch has been incorporated into different healing methods, such as massage, acupressure, chiropractic practice, and etc.

Psychologists and therapists use touch to help people who have a suicidal crisis, to guide couples during sex therapy, or to help people that have experienced emotional or physical abuse.

6. Physical touch offers you a sense of intimacy.

Touch is a very effective way to make a relationship deeper and more exciting. It’s a powerful way to show your partner your feelings for them. Of course, you should pay attention to who you are lying in bed and their health. If you are unsure, the serious partner will do a STD test just to prove you their love.

You can also feel how loved you are by your significant other when they gently touch you on the hand, hug you, or kiss you and make you sense their heartbeats.

San Francisco Residents Raise $60,000 To Stop Homeless Shelter Opening In Affluent Area

homeless shelter San Francisco

Residents of a wealthy San Francisco neighborhood have launched a crowdfunding appeal with the purpose of preventing a homeless shelter from being built in their neighborhood.

The affluent San Francisco residents’ campaign, which was launched on GoFundMe, has raised over $60,000 to cover legal costs to challenge the homeless shelter’s construction in the Embarcadero district, which is one of San Francisco’s wealthiest areas.

This controversial tactic has prompted an angry response from the city’s mayor, who described the campaign as “incredibly frustrating and disappointing.”

According to the latest estimates, there are more than 7,000 people who are homeless in San Francisco.

London Breed, the San Francisco’s mayor, said in a statement: “People want us to address the challenges on our streets and help our unsheltered residents into housing, and I am committed to doing the hard work to make that happen.

“But it’s incredibly frustrating and disappointing that as soon as we put forward a solution to build a new shelter, people begin to threaten legal action.”

It’s interesting to note that Mayor London Breed isn’t the only one who expressed her disappointment at the Embarcadero residents’ attitude. A rival crowdfunding page was also created to challenge efforts to stop the opening of the shelter.

William Fitzgerald, the founder of the page, said: “They’re (trying to stop) a shelter in the neighborhood, and these are the same people who complain about homelessness all the time.”

4 Good Habits to Supercharge Your Path to Success


We all know that having good habits is one of the key markers of success. Whether it’s Jeff Bezos, George Soros, or Warren Buffet, every successful billionaire has great habits.

Great habits utilize the slight edge effect to supercharge your success. They improve your life by a seemingly insignificant 1% each day, but compounded over a year, that’s a 37x increase.

With this in mind, let’s talk about some of the highest ROI habits out there today. There’s a lot of habits you can use in your life to supercharge your success, but these specific habits have the least time investment and the most return.

Habit 1. Meditation

It’s no secret that doing some meditation each morning can help clear your brain before you go out into the world to tackle your work. In fact, most research has shown that meditation has a whole host of benefits, ranging from decreased risk of heart disease to better focus.

If you do decide to meditate, I personally recommend starting out small. Russel Simmons, a popular advocate for meditation, recommends starting with just 5-10 minutes each morning and each night. This will create space within your life.

From here, you can decide what you wish to do. Some high achievers prefer to meditate for over an hour each day, but you only need to start with 5-10 minutes to reap the rewards.

Habit 2. Reading

As Tai Lopez, the famous internet marketer once said: “You should read a book a day.” He couldn’t be more right on with this recommendation.

Books are how human beings transmute information to one another. Without them, we would never have surpassed the bronze age. Books are the key to wisdom and knowledge.

It’s not just reading, however – it’s what you read. Unfortunately, most people waste time indulging in cheesy romance novels and poorly written fiction books. While these may be fun to read at times, they aren’t going to supercharge your life by any means.

Simply reading 5-10 minutes a day of a good book, however, can absolutely change your life… especially if you keep a journal and actively apply the advice that these books give you.

A great place to start is with biographies of incredibly successful historical figures, such as Alexander The Great, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Julius Caesar.

  1. Working Out

Science shows that your body needs to exercise in order to function at high capacity – so is it any wonder why so many entrepreneurs and billionaires exercise each and every day?

Some are known for their morning walks, and others are known for hitting the gym during lunch, but the fact remains that every high achiever understands the importance of exercise.

Studies have shown that there is a direct correlation with exercise and brain blood flow. In other words, your brain literally works better when you exercise regularly.

In fact, at a recent study conducted at the University of Copenhagen, researchers postulated why this might be:

“During exercise regional cerebral blood ¯ow (rCBF), as blood velocity in major cerebral arteries and also blood ¯ow in the internal carotid artery increase, suggesting an increase in blood ¯ow to a large part of the brain. Such an increase in CBF is independent of the concomitant increase in blood pressure but is modi®ed by the alteration in arterial carbon dioxide tension (PaCO2). Also, the increase in middle cerebral artery mean blood velocity (MCA Vmean) reported with exercise appears to depend on the ability to increase cardiac output (CO), as demonstrated in response to beta-1 blockade and in patients with cardiac insufficiency or atrial.”

The fact is that exercising daily is a great habit for success, and if you let your health slack, your success will soon begin to suffer, as well. There’s many ways to start exercising, from 4-week plans to lifelong plans, but what matters is that you start right now.

  1. Goal Setting

Another critical habit of high achievers is that they always have the end goal in mind. Most people have very vague goals and consequently, never achieve them.

Why is this? Well, if you can’t even see the target you’re aiming for, you’ll never hit it! This is why I recommend people set SMART goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Timely

Every single goal you set should have each of these characteristics. First off, it must be specific, otherwise you won’t know what you’re aiming for.

Instead of “make more money” you should aim for a specific amount, such as $15,000/month, $75,000/month, or $50,000,000/month.

Instead of “lose some weight,” you should aim to “lose 15 pounds,” to “lose 5 pounds,” or to even “lose 150 pounds.” Learn the difference between laziness and procrastination.

Goals should also be measurable. They should be quantifiable. They must be achievable, otherwise they’re dreams (not goals), and they must be relevant! Without relevance, it will be hard to motivate yourself to accomplish the goal.

Lastly, they should be timely. Without a set date, it isn’t a goal – it’s just a desire. So, in summary, a legitimate goal would look something like this:

“I want to lose 15 pounds of fat by March 15th, 2020. I’m going to achieve this by lifting weights 3x each week, and jogging for 45 minutes every day after lunch.”

With such a specific plan, specific goal, and specific date, how could you ever fail? It would be pretty damn difficult. This is why we set SMART goals – they’re destined to be hit.


In conclusion, having great habits is one of the most important things anyone could ever do. Not only do they set your life up for success, but they give you a holistic, rich, and fulfilling life overall.

It’s no good to be financially successful, but for your health to be in ruins. It’s no good to be physically jacked, but to have terrible relationships with your family.

The goal of life is to be happy, and to have a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle. This includes your health, wealth, love, and happiness. All four keys are super important to living the good life.

Habits are a great way to start moving towards these markers, and while you may not see the results of these habits overnight, if you put in the work, they will come – I promise.

Types of Crossbow bolts


For writing this article, we did sound research to provide you with an authentic piece of information about the Crossbow bolts. In our previous article, we discussed about the Top Crossbow Broadheads. Here, we will further discuss about the Crossbow bolts.

Besides all discussions, a brief introduction about Crossbows is pertinent to mention here for guiding you in the right way.

What are the crossbows?

When we talk about the elastic ranged weapons, the crossbow is not ignorable there.  This elastic ranged weapon is specifically designed for hunting.

To some extent of working and designing, the crossbows are similar to the bows. The crossbows are having the same launching principle as the bows but there is a little bit difference between these two hunting weapons regarding mechanism.

In bows, for pulling the archer, you will have to use the strength of your arms and back muscles. While on the other hand, crossbows are designed with a mechanism where you will have to use less effort.

This mechanism is well-known as the locking mechanism. In that instance of mechanism, the shooter’s exertion could only be limited by pulling the string into the lock. After that, you only need to release the shot correctly through depressing the lever.

For a crossbowman, longer handling is more required than a stronger physical strain. In the context of physical strain, it’s quite easier to handle.

A short history of crossbows

In this article, we are also going to shed light on a brief history of crossbows. Historically, they played a crucial role in East Asian and European warfare. In the earliest terms, the crossbows were invented by the ancient Chinese.

It was a comforting replacement of a traditional bow and arrow. In the case of playing a traditional bow and arrow, every player needs special training. On the other hand, a specific physical strain is significantly required for handling the target and playing well.

Before knowing more about the crossbow, its bolts and the types of bolts, following are the crossbow parts which are important to be known


Parts of a crossbow are listed below


Raiser is the part of the crossbow where you will find the limb is attached there.

Cocking stirrup

Cocking stirrup is the place where the archer puts his foot. He puts his foot into the stirrup for preventing the bow from getting slipped while cocking.


The barrel is a part which is commonly made of aluminum or polymer. The arrow gets a perfect alignment from a grooved track which is designed on the top of the weapon.

Secondly, it also maintains the consistent accuracy of string which keeps the performance excellent.  


Wood or composite material is used to design the stock. You will get it available in many configurations.


Limbs in a crossbow could be compound or curved. A recurve crossbow will have long limbs and also a longer barrel to deliver power.

Its power delivering functioning is almost similar to a compound crossbow.

Latch mechanism

Latch mechanism in the crossbow is designed to capture the string when the crossbow is let to be drawn. The latch is the only part that keeps holding the string in the place correctly until it gets released by the trigger. 


Sight Bridge

Sight Bridge is designed to hold the sight.  

Arrow retention Spring 

Arrow retention spring holds the arrow in the track until the trigger releases the latch mechanism. 


Safety is also the part of the crossbow that prevents the arrow from releasing accidentally. It might be engaged automatically or manually while cocking the crossbow.

Few crossbows have a dual safety system.


Always keep a loaded crossbow pointed in a safe direction because safety is only a mechanical device. It could be subjected to failure.

After knowing about the Top Crossbow Broadheads, in this article, we are going to explain about the types of Crossbow Bolts

What is a Crossbow Bolt?

A crossbow bolt is a quarrel or arrow that is used in this hunting weapon. The bolts are designed with typically square heads. The bolts are commonly different in length and you will find the bolts traditionally shorter than traditional or typical arrows.

Most of the crossbow shoot bolts are also known as crossbow quarrels. These are commonly made with hardwood. The bolts’ front end is made with a specific kind of steel.

Crossbow Bolts’ length

The crossbow bolts’ length is measured between 12 inches to 17.5 inches.



Two-sided vanes

Mostly, crossbow bolts are fitted with the two-sided vanes. These vanes are 180 degrees apart from each other. A lot of bolts are designed with 3 side vanes.

2 of them are facing sides and one is located on the top of both vanes.

Common bolt dimensions are in the following

  • Length should be 12.5 inches
  • The head length is measured as 3 inches
  • Length of the backend but is normally found as ½ inches

Following are the types of Crossbow bolts

Military Crossbow bolts

The Military crossbow bolts are what kind of bolts. Before explaining about the military crossbow bolts, I have heard and researched about the Top Crossbow Broadheads.  Exactly, in this way, now I have researched about the military bolts.

The military crossbow bolts are designed to increase the range and accuracy. Their pyramidal head is more dynamic than the broadheads.

Moreover, these bolts have square-faced heads.

Slurbow bolts

The Slurbow is widely considered as the type of the crossbow which is designed with a metal or a wood barrel. These types of slur bows are arguably influenced by the invention or emergence of the pistol.

Slur bow bolts are coming out with the findings of the advanced hunters those were eagerly fond of having the perfect bolts for hunting. The slur bow bolts are sized correctly to meet the right speed that is prerequisite for an excellent hunting game.


After discussing the types of Crossbow bolts, now its turn to discuss a few approved Crossbow tips

These below-listed tips are approved by an expert hunter who has hunted the different places with archery equipment. According to him, firstly, don’t be fooled about the fast-shooting crossbow. It will mean automatically more penetrated.

A disaster could be spelled in case of wrong bolt placement. You will have to be focused about the bolt or arrow replacement.

Tips are below listed

  • Pick your shoot
  • For a good shoot, consider the broadhead design, size, and weight
  • Use heavy and tough crossbow bolts
  • Practice on the multiple directions of your target place
  • Feel free to shoot twice, if necessary
  • Must look for a brighter nock amongst the tangle of debris

You will be helped a lot by reading this article for getting knowledge about the crossbows and the different types of their bolts. Furthermore, you will also get tips for enjoying an excellent hunting game.

This article is rightly set for you to have benefit in multiple directions regarding the topic of crossbow bolts.








Does Kratom Really Help With Depression And Anxiety?

Did you know that over 300 million people are struggling with depression and anxiety? Actually, you or a close friend could be one out of the three people that the World Health Organization (WHO) considers suffering from anxiety.  Thanks to Kratom, most people from South Asia attest that the leaves of this tree help treat depression and anxiety.

In fact, this has been their remedy for years.

Actually, they not only use the leaves to treat anxiety and depression but also treat chronic pains. That alone tells us that Kratom works.

Effectiveness of Kratom for Depression and Anxiety

To ascertain if this product is effective for depression and anxiety; we need to know the compounds that are found in these leaves. One of the compounds found in this drug is alkaloids. Two compounds make alkaloids: they are 7-hydroxy mitragynine and Mitragynine.

Now, if you consume alkaloids in low quantity, it will cause antidepressant effects. Why?

This is because alkaloids attach itself to the delta-opioid receptors. In contrast, if you take high quantities of this drug, there will be relief of pain in your body. Also, there will be euphoria as well as sedation.

Why is this so? Alkaloin will bind with mu-opioid receptors; thus, causing the relief of pain.

Similarly, after taking this drug, there is activation of adrenergic, serotonergic, and dopamine receptors, which are found in the body.  As a result, anxiety lowers. In return, your mood improves.

However, it is necessary to note that the Food and Drug Administration has not yet approved this drug. Nonetheless, the fact that most people attest that the drug works makes us conclude that Kratom helps with depression and anxiety issues. You can get lab tested bulk cratom power and capluses from Kratom Crazy.

How Should You Take Kratom?

You may take a small amount, but if you want to have good results, medics recommend you take 5 grams of the powder form, three times each day.

After taking Kratom, it should take a maximum of 10 minutes before it can start working in your body. What’s more? The effects of this drug last for approximately two hours. However, if you want the results to last longer, you may take slightly more dosage.

Nonetheless, it is a highly recommended method that you start by taking a low dosage of about 2 grams each day and increase it with time. This gives your body time to adapt to this product. Furthermore, you will be able to monitor if the drug is working well on you or not.

Now, it does not matter whether you want to take this drug in the form of a tablet, a capsule, leave extract, or a gum; the choice is yours.

Actually, you can as well add it in your cup of tea. It all depends on how you want to take it.

Side Effects of Kratom Taken In Low Quantity

There are several side effects. However, they differ from individuals depending on the amount you take. Nonetheless, for normal usage, here are some of the side effects you should expect:

  • Changes in moods
  • Vomiting, headache, and nausea
  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Urinating frequently
  • Drowsiness or dizziness
  • Constipation

High-Quantity Side Effects

Intake of Kratom in high-quantity can cause dependency on it. In fact, research shows that a high intake may cause deaths. So, it would be necessary to take only the right quantity to achieve the desired results.  It is also vital to note that once you become addictive; trying to withdraw from this drug may also cause anxiety as well as depression.

So, be sure to manage the quantity.

Some of the effects that accompany high-quantity intake include:

  • Kidney or liver complications
  • Loss of sexual desire
  • High blood pressure
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hallucination
  • Memory loss
  • Sleep disorders

Are There Any Necessary Precautions?

Too much of any drug will lead you into trouble, right? That definitely tells you that there are necessary precautions you need to undertake when using Kratom. Let’s explain further.

However much you may be feeling fed up with problems of anxiety and depression; always use the recommended amount. This ensures that you don’t put your health into risk. As a matter of fact, once you overuse this drug, you may end up becoming addictive, or it will lead to death. That, however, depends on the quantity you are taking.

Also, if after several days of usage, you still feel anxious and depressed, it is unwise to continue using this drug. On the other hand, it is not appropriate to ignore your doctor’s instructions.

The Verdict

We have confirmed that Kratom works for depression and anxiety. However, it is necessary to note that it also works for other illnesses such as fatigue, diarrhea, muscles, pains, and post-traumatic stress disorders.

Nonetheless, it is necessary to remember that some countries prohibit the use of this drug. Also, ensure that you use only a small amount when starting. Besides, if you suffer from any chronic diseases, it is good to inquire from your doctor if it is suitable to use the drug.


When to hire a long-term disability insurance lawyer


A disability usually leaves individuals feeling hopeless, thus preventing them from working correctly. Regardless of the situation, an individual is placed in working with a lawyer can help one overcome the legal battles. Some people hesitate to seek help from professionals since they think that it is expensive and time-consuming. Also, some people tend to believe that they know their disability and situation than anybody else.  A person requires someone who is experienced with disability insurance laws and how the insurance companies work. In reality, a lawyer saves individuals money and time. The following are signs that an individual needs to seek a lawyer;

When the claim is denied

A person knows his or her condition very well, but when one appeals an insurance benefits denial, then one requires a lawyer to take them through.

In most cases, an experienced lawyer is already familiar with the company an individual is against. He or she knows well which type of vocational or medical documents one require to prove to an insurance company. Some individuals think that they only have their doctors write that they are disabled, but that’s not the case. A person must prove and explain to the insurance company how their injuries affect their day to day work. An experienced lawyer knows all that and can help the victims get the benefit they require, and they have paid for.

When one has been representing his or herself

One of the possible reasons why ones claim could be denied because one is representing herself or himself. An individual requires the help of Long term disability lawyers since they are experienced with cases of disability. If one is heading nowhere with the insurance company, then one should seek the advice of a disability lawyer before the insurance company denies their appeal. If one has made an appeal and the insurance company has not responded, then one should find an attorney to represent them. A reasonable insurance attorney will discover what missing in individual claim file in order one to prove his or her claim. They know where to get the information and get the company to accept even the individual had already filed an appeal.

When one is not able to work

If an individual is not working, then he or she should seek professional guidance, especially if one has a family to take care of. Individuals with a disabling condition usually have high medical bills and other expenses like hiring a housekeeper. This is the bad times for an insurance company to deny individuals claims. If it happens, a good disability lawyer will help one prove that he or she is entirely unable to work, and one gets the benefit they require to maintain their life.

When one is hopeless

Some people tend to feel hopeless when they are disabled, unable to work, and tiring to claim the benefits from an insurance company on their own can be overwhelming. One starts to feel hopeless about the battle; then it is time for reaching out to a lawyer. An individual should not feel hopeless when Long term disability lawyers can offer legal help.


When a person is ready to get started with a long-term disability lawyer, then it’s not late. There’re many expert lawyers who are willing to help the victims fight for what they deserve.



What You Need To Know About Wisdom Teeth?

While wisdom teeth St George Utah don’t make you prettier or smarter, the reason behind they usually appears for the most part when are around 17 to 21 or older. These teeth are come out exceptionally back of the mouth. They perform two on top (Left & Right) and two on the bottom in the mouth (left & right) to complete the arrangement of 32 teeth.

Wisdom teeth are also known as molars; they are hardest, largest teeth that help to grind food efficiently. But as peer study, so many people don’t have wisdom teeth even until they died. A lot of us most commonly don’t have wisdom teeth. Several searches prescribed that our jaws usually change over the years as of changes in our eating routine.

We more likely can experience issues with these molars as comparing other teeth when they come out. Every year, around 10 million people have to get their teeth removed in the U.S. The main reason is when your jaw does not have enough space to appear the wisdom teeth, they often cause pain and swelling.


Affected wisdom molars don’t generally cause side effects. While, when affected wisdom moral appears, they can negatively impact and sometimes can damage or causes other teeth issues. You may experience some of these symptoms or signs-

  • Jaw pain
  • Experience Difficulty in opening or closing your mouth
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Bad breath
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Feel an unpleasant taste and flavour in your mouth


  • Wisdom molars become affected because of when there is not enough space to come in or grow ordinarily.
  • In many cases, however, the mouth is too crowded for third molars to develop normally. These crowded third molars become trapped (impacted).
  • According to research wisdom teeth between the ages of 17 and 25. A few people have these teeth with no issues and easily create the space in the jaw with different teeth. Much of the time, some people can experience various effects.


Wisdom molars impacted due to several issues in the mouth:

  • Damage to other teeth. Negative impact & Damage to other teeth. If wisdom tooth appears against the second molar and pushed it, it might harm or effect to the second molar and increase the risk of infection in the jaw. It also gives pressure to other teeth that cause some other issues.
  • The wisdom tooth appears in a sac on the jawbone. The sac contains fluid when wisdom tooth affected, and the sac can damage the jawbone other teeth and all over body health. That can also cause of the tumour.
  • Most of the time, wisdom teeth create a high risk of tooth decay because of wisdom teeth are difficult to clean that develop bacteria, and it gets Trappe between the gums.
  • Gum disease. Due to difficulty in cleaning, wisdom teeth can cause pain in the jaw, inflammation in gum condition and infection in another area of the mouth.

Wisdom Tooth Infection Treatment

There are various medicated methods to treat teeth infection, including a preservationist way to deal with treatment or careful surgical extraction. Even If your wisdom teeth come in without any issues, you should also consult the dental expert to exam your teeth health after some time.

  • The Conservative Approach:If you are experiencing pain due to wisdom teeth infection, oral surgeon or dental experts may recommend a conservative approach to treat it. During this treatment, Dentist in Raleigh use over-the-counter pain relievers, mouthwashes, antibiotics for the infection, toothpaste, or saltwater rinses. So, if your wisdom teeth is affected, then, surgery Conservative Approach is the best chance for relief.
  • The Surgical Approach: it is the very common and typical technique for evading inconveniences or complication of wisdom teeth infection. Specialists say that infected teeth can cause intricacies and different complexities. If you are experiencing any serious issues, then Surgical Approach the best way to manage this condition.


For proper wisdom teeth care, keeping a regular six-month dental appointment is vital for cleaning and checkup to monitor the growth and appearance of your wisdom teeth. If you’re on the lookout for a dental expert right now, you can check out this dentist in Lafayette.

Baby Sea Turtles Found Dead With Stomachs Full Of Plastic

Sea animals, especially baby sea turtles, are particularly susceptible to the damaging effects of plastic ingestion, as demonstrated by one study.

Considering the fact that approximately 10 million tons of plastic end up in the ocean every year, it can be concluded that sea animals are regularly eating plastic debris.

While some plastic can pass through an animal’s digestive system without causing it any damage, some plastic can accumulate and kill the animal by tearing or blocking its guts.

A team of scientists led by Dr. Britta Denise Hardesty from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) have conducted a study with the purpose of measuring the harm which plastic debris is having on sea turtles in eastern Australia.

The researchers analyzed data from approximately 1,000 dead turtles to identify the relationship between the amount of plastic sea turtles ingest and the likelihood of death.

What they found was that baby turtles seemed to be most vulnerable to plastic debris. Out of the 246 turtles that they examined, 58 had plastic debris inside of them: 54 percent of post-hatchling turtles and 23 percent of juvenile turtles contained plastic compared to 16% of adult turtles.

The researchers also found that once an animal ingests 14 pieces of plastic, it has a 50 percent probability of death.

Undoubtedly, this study provides a sense of the scope of the problem. And we hope that more studies like this one will be conducted by scientists all over the world so that we can all understand what a grave issue plastic debris in the marine environment is.

Warning Signs Of Exhaustion: Do You Have Them?

If you are feeling drained and stressed out and all you want to do is lie down in your bed and sleep as the long weekend approaches, then know that what you are experiencing might not be mere tiredness.

In fact, what you are experiencing may be exhaustion.

Many people think exhaustion is the same thing as tiredness, but it’s not. Exhaustion is a feeling of great physical or mental tiredness. Most of us feel tired after a hard day at work, but if you suffer from exhaustion, you may experience tiredness which actually has a different intensity and which does not always improve after you have a rest, be it a 7-hour rest or a week’s rest.

When you experience exhaustion, you can’t function normally since everything leaves you feeling drained. The symptoms that accompany exhaustion affect your relationships and productivity as well.

So, whenever life throws problems and pains your way, remember that it’s important for you to keep a cool head for a while and just let things be. Not trying to respond to challenges or resolve problems the moment life sends them your way doesn’t mean giving up. Instead, it means that you’re making time for self-care and self-love.

If you’re experiencing the following 10 signs, it’s possible that you are going through a tough time in your life. Just don’t allow it to suck all the energy and happiness out of you.

Stop, have a rest, and recharge your batteries. Because maintaining your physical and mental health should always be your number one priority.

1. You often feel anxious.

As a result of your physical and/or mental exhaustion, you feel more stressed out than usual. You worry about trivial things.  You often have panic attacks. You get anxious over the smallest things.

2. You constantly feel tired.

Undoubtedly, we all get tired after a hard day at work or after 6 hours of partying, but this type of tiredness can be remedied with a good night’s sleep. And exhaustion can’t.

When you are suffering from exhaustion, you can drink 10 cups of coffee a day or sleep 12 hours a day and you’ll still feel drained and unable to function.  

3. Your motivation level is low.

You have trouble finding the motivation you need to pursue your goals and accomplish what is on your to-do list. The goals and passions which once appeared challenging and stimulating to you are no longer enough. And when you have to complete a task which is very important, you often find yourself procrastinating.

If this is your case, please don’t lose hope. Know that inspiration is everywhere around you and you can find it when you least expect it.

4. You easily get irritated.

Things that once you didn’t even notice can easily get on your nerves now and make you lose your temper in no time. You get annoyed at meaningless things. You find negativity in things that once appeared interesting and intellectually stimulating to you.

5. You have trouble falling and staying asleep.

As a result of your exhaustion, you’ve developed unhealthy sleep habits. You often have trouble falling asleep, and sometimes even if you do fall asleep, you wake up a couple of times during the night. Staying asleep is very difficult for you. As a result of your disturbed sleep, you feel more tired and weak.

6. You feel numb.

You feel like you’ve lost attachment to people around you. You feel like nothing and no one affects you. Things that once upset you or made you feel afraid seem unimportant now.

Not feeling good nor bad can make you lose hope that things will change and get better over time, so please, do not ever let yourself reach that point.

7. You feel like crying for no reason.

If you are at the point where even the slightest joke can make you cry, then know that this isn’t good at all.

The thing is that when you are mentally and/or physically exhausted, you lose the strength and willpower to face challenging situations and your daily stress levels increase. That’s why you may often find yourself crying for no reason in front of your partner, friends, co-workers, or even complete strangers.

8. You experience dizziness and nausea.

If you experience dizziness and nausea, this is a distinct sign that you need rest and this should be your number one priority.

When a person feels so stressed and exhausted that their body can’t take it any longer and they experience a nervous breakdown, this usually manifests itself in physical ways. They feel dizzy and nauseous if they are the kind of person that carries stress in their stomach or if they subconsciously contract their muscles to brace against anything that’s painful to them.  

9. You consume unhealthy food.

It’s not uncommon for a person who is physically and/or mentally exhausted to replace fruits, vegetables, and healthy drinks with snacks, chocolate bars, and fizzy drinks.

And if this is your case, please, make sure you don’t make fast food and coke an inseparable part of your diet. It won’t do you any good – it’ll just drain your energy and make you feel more exhausted.

10. Your sofa is quickly becoming your new best friend.

If you’re suffering from exhaustion, you may often find yourself declining your friends’ invitations to go to parties, concerts, or the cinema with them. And this is normal.

Because when you feel physically and/or mentally exhausted, you don’t have the energy to go partying and go to crowded, loud places. When you’re exhausted, all you want to do is lie down on your comfy sofa and do nothing.  

Father Of 6 Dies After Contracting Flesh-Eating Bacteria While Crabbing On A Local Beach

Gary Evans, a 56-year-old man from Texas, died after contracting flesh-eating bacteria while crabbing with his family on a local beach.

Debbie Mattix, Evans’s wife, informed the press that he died just four days after he was exposed to the bacteria, known as vibrio bacteria, at Magnolia Beach.


In most cases, people get infected by this bacteria by eating raw or undercooked shellfish. But, vibrio can also enter a person’s body through open cuts and scrapes.

The day Evans and his family went to the beach, he didn’t go swimming or eat raw oysters or shellfish. He was just crabbing from the shore. Unfortunately, he contracted the bacteria and within just 2 days he wasn’t able to walk.

Once his family noticed that his legs were severely swollen, they took him to the hospital, but they didn’t think it was anything serious.

Evans was given painkillers and antibiotics in the hospital. He even underwent surgery, but it was all in vain. The bacteria spread into his kidneys and his liver. It also got into his bloodstream and began collapsing his veins.

This is how one ordinary trip to the beach was enough to terminate this man’s life.
