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10 Reasons Why Owning A Cat Is Beneficial To Your Mental And Physical Health

Cats are the most incredible creatures on Earth. And not to mention the cutest! I know that most of you will probably disagree with me and say that cats are evil, two-timing and cannot be trusted, but before you lash out on me, hear me out.

Yes, it is true that a cat can never be truly tamed. Compared to the devoted and needy dogs, cats are pretty unconcerned with human affairs. And yes, it is also true that owning a cat will probably result in more scratches than owning a dog, but there is something special about these extraordinary creatures that only cat lovers know.

Despite all of your efforts to convince everyone that cats are the devil, many studies and researches have actually proven that cats are indeed extraordinary, but what’s even more important is that they also have a big impact on our overall wellbeing.

So, in honor of yesterday’s international cat day, we decided to make a list of all the pros of owning a cat. Here are 10 reasons why owning a cat is beneficial to both your mental and your physical health:

1. Owning a cat can lower your stress levels. Having these furry friends around you and petting them on a daily basis can have a significant effect on your wellbeing, especially on your stress levels. Being around cats triggers the release of the love (bonding) hormone, called oxytocin. Feeling their soft fur on your skin and listening to them purr can do wonders.

2. Their purring has therapeutic and healing power. This is definitely the most adorable sound in the world. I doubt there’s anything cuter than this. However, despite the fact that it means your cat is happy, this sound also has a therapeutic and healing power, especially when it comes to human bones and muscles. A cat purr creates vibrations at a frequency of 20-140 HZ. And according to studies, frequencies in the 18-53 HZ range has the best effect on people’s wellbeing overall.

I mean who can resist a purring little cat sitting in your lap and making that repetitive movement with their cute little paws?

3. Having a pet cat will help you sleep better and calmer. Several types of research and polls have found that people, particularly women prefer to sleep with their pet than with another person. They’ve also discovered that sleeping next to your pet is more comforting than sleeping next to your partner.

4. Being a cat lover means lowering the possibility of getting allergies. I don’t know if you knew, but according to the National Institutes of Health, high pet exposure early in life can protect children not only from pet allergies but also from other types such as ragweed, dust mites, and grass. It might be too late for you, but if you have a baby on the way, you may rethink this whole idea about adopting a kitty cat.

5. They can pick up on how you are feeling and alleviate your pain. I know, cats’ responses are always subtle, so it may take you too long to discover their EQ’. But you should know that even though cats seem like they don’t care about you, they are truly sensitive to human emotions. In fact, science already proved it. Moriah Galvan and Jennifer Vonk of Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, US studied 12 cats and their owners. And they found that cats behaved quite different when their owners were smiling compared to when they were nervous.  

6. Cats provide great companionship. Cats may be known for their independence but having them as a pet sure does eliminates all feelings of loneliness. Ben there, done that. Trust me. There is nothing more pleasing than having your kitty cat welcome you from work.

7. Owning a cat decrease risk of heart disease and heart attacks. According to researchers, by more than a third! Can you imagine? The study analyzed 4,435 adults aged between 30 and 75. Half of them owned a cat, the other half didn’t. Guess what? The findings showed that approximately 3.4 percent of the cat owners died from a heart attack. In comparison, the heart attack rate among the people who never owned a cat was 5.8 percent.

8. Being surrounded by cats will help you cope with the pain of losing a loved one. Despite the fact that they are just animals, as I previously said, it’s been proved that cats understand and feel our emotions. As a result, they’ve been shown to help people overcome the pain of losing someone. No matter how crazy it sounds, people in mourning have confirmed that talking to their pets help them work out their feelings.

9. Owning a cat is better for the environment. Did you know that having a dog creates the same carbon footprint as that of a Land Cruiser? Yep, it’s true. This, in fact, makes owning a cat much eco-friendlier, since they eat less, and they are more likely to eat fish than corn or beef-flavored foods. Think about it.

10. Owning a cat increases sociability. It’s simple. Positive feelings about dogs and cats trigger positive feelings about engaging in relationships with people. Having a cat as your pet can enhance one’s ability to socialize with other people. Research has found that cat owners are actually much more social and trust people more than the people who have no pets.

So, there you have it.

Have we managed to convince you that cats are not evil and two-timing, or you need more proof?

This Is What It Feels Like To Love A Woman That Is Struggling With PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)

If you happen to be in a relationship with a woman struggling with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), please, know that you have a truly inspirational person by your side.

Because she’s living with a condition which greatly affects her mood, her confidence, her self-esteem, and her relationships with others, both romantic and otherwise. She faces her condition every single day with immense strength, determination, and courage.

If you happen to love and be loved by a woman fighting PCOS, you need to know that she’s doing her best to keep her condition under control. She’s doing everything in her power to prevent her condition from affecting your relationship and the way you feel about her.

More importantly, you need to know that she needs your complete, unswerving support. She needs you to be patient, caring, and loving. She needs to know that she’s not alone in her struggle and that you understand what she is going through.

Because there are times when she’s moody. There are times when she feels like she is on an emotional roller coaster.

There are times when it is difficult for her to control or just understand her emotions. One minute she is overjoyed and she’s sad the next. There are times when she feels like she is not herself.

There are times when small, unimportant things make her lose her temper. There are times when she picks a fight with and shouts at you although she doesn’t mean to.

This woman is a fighter. A real warrior. But, that doesn’t change the fact that her days are filled with doubts, worries, and fears.

Yes, she’s constantly doubting her strength, her qualities, her worth. She’s afraid that she might never ever conceive. She’s terrified that she might not enjoy the future she has always imagined – the future in which she falls asleep and wakes up next to you every night and every morning.

But, do you know what terrifies her the most?

Her most terrible fear is losing you. Yes, she is afraid that her condition might ruin everything you two have.

She fears that you might get tired of her and abandon her. She fears that you might want to look for love elsewhere. She’s scared that you might fall in love with another woman – a woman who is not struggling with PCOS. A woman who doesn’t have the insecurities and bodily imperfections she has. A woman who is perfect.

But, you know what?

She is deeply grateful. She’s enormously grateful for having such a good, caring, and loving person as you are by her side. She’s grateful to you for all your patience, compassion, support, and help.

So, I hope that you will always be there for her. That you’ll always shower her with attention and affection.

I hope that you will be there to hold her hand and comfort her when she feels weak and powerless. That you’ll be there to remind her of her worth when she doubts herself.

I hope that you’ll let her know that she is beautiful just the way she is. That her imperfections make her perfect. That her condition will never make your love for her fade away and destroy your relationship.

7 Meaningful Jobs That Leave Workers Feeling Better After Their Shifts

Looking for a job that gives more than it takes? Look no further. Here are 7 meaningful jobs that are more rewarding than their big salaries.

Approximately 53 percent of Americans currently feel unhappy or unsatisfied with their jobs. 

Are you part of this group? Are you worried that you might become part of it if you don’t find a job that gives you a sense of purpose?

Doing work that allows you to help others is a great way to feel better and more satisfied with your job.

If you’re considering a career switch, or if you want to choose a career that feeds your soul and not just your bank account, these seven meaningful jobs are great ones to consider.

  1. Education Administrators

Most people who have careers in education report high levels of job satisfaction and find a lot of meaning in their work. Some educational careers appear to be more meaningful than others, though.

Those who work their way up to the administration side of the education field consider their work to be very meaningful. They also find that their work helps them to make the world a better place.

Education administrators working at the elementary and second school levels seem to find the most meaning in their jobs. A smaller (although still significant) percentage of postsecondary education administrators have the same feeling.

In order to work as an education administrator, you’ll need to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in an education-related subject. You may also want to consider going on to pursue a doctorate.

  1. Psychiatrists

Psychiatrists are responsible for providing counseling to and writing prescriptions for individuals struggling with mental health disorders.

In many cases, psychiatrists give these people the help they need to change and improve their quality of life. It’s one of the most rewarding careers out there (and the pay isn’t bad, either).

As a psychiatrist, you will spend your day listening to and offering support to individuals dealing with a wide array of symptoms. It can be a draining job in some ways, but it’s also very rewarding to be able to help people start to feel better and making needed changes in their lives.

To work as a psychiatrist, you’ll need to pursue a medical degree and complete your residency like other medical professionals. It’s a long career path, but the outcome is often well worth the wait.

  1. Chiropractors

Another meaningful career option in the medical field is a career as a chiropractor. Chiropractors manually adjust the spine in order to help patients feel relief from chronic pain.

Chiropractors can also help with other health problems, such as allergies, headaches, anxiety, and sports injuries. Being able to help people feel better and exist without pain is very meaningful and provides a great deal of satisfaction to most chiropractors.

Chiropractors must obtain a medical degree just like other doctors. They actually spend more time in school that medical doctors do. 

If you’re willing to put in the time to receive your training, working as a chiropractor can help you feel very fulfilled in your career.

  1. Rehabilitation Counselors

Rehabilitation counselors work with individuals struggling with addiction. They help these people overcome their addictions and change their behavior patterns so they can live sober and productive lives.

This kind of work certainly comes with a lot of challenges. It comes with a lot of rewards as well, though. There are few feelings as significant as seeing someone turn their life around and stop using the substances that were harming them and others.

Most rehabilitation counselors have a master’s degree. Some are also able to find work with a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field.

  1. Kindergarten Teachers

You already know that careers in education are rewarding. You don’t always have to pursue a master’s degree in order to experience those rewards, though.

Of all the educational careers that provide a lot of meaning and fulfillment to a person’s life, working as a kindergarten teacher comes in at the top of the list. Getting to help shape young children’s lives and start their educational experience off on the right foot is a great opportunity. 

Kindergarten teachers must have a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in order to teach. Many go on to pursue master’s degrees eventually, though.

  1. Surgeons

Surgeons regularly report experiencing high levels of job satisfaction. When you consider the often life-saving work that they do each day, this makes perfect sense.

Of course, being a surgeon isn’t easy, either. You face a lot of challenges when operating on the human body. Overcoming these challenges and finding ways to save your patient is very rewarding, though.

It takes a lot of hard work to become a surgeon. You’ll need to be in school for a very long time before you can work on your own. However, the lessons you’ll learn along the way (and continue to learn as you begin your career) are well worth the wait. 

  1. Home Care Aides

Home care aides are individuals who are trained to help seniors and others who may be struggling with long-term health problems. Home care aides spend time in the home with these individuals on a regular basis helping them carry out various activities.

Some home care aides are trained to administer medicine and help with physical and occupational therapy-related tasks. Others help with everyday activities like eating, using the bathroom, and getting dressed.

Home care aides also often provide companionship and spend time communicating with seniors or those who are homebound for much of the day.

This is a very rewarding job that doesn’t require a lot of training or education. It’s a good option for those who want to feel fulfilled in their careers but don’t have the time or means necessary for long-term schooling.

Learn More About These Meaningful Jobs Today

As you can see, there are lots of meaningful jobs out there that will allow you to do what you love, make people’s days better, and get paid. What better combination is there?

Are you interested in learning more about any of these jobs? Have you found one that seems like something you want to pursue?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, check the Self-Improvement section of our site today.

You’ll find lots of helpful articles here that will teach you the skills you need to land the job of your dreams!

5 Storage Unit Tips for Making the Most of Your Space

Do you know how to make the most of a storage unit? Use these storage unit tips to maximize your space and get easy access to your items in storage.

Did you know that the average household in the U.S. has 300,000 items in it? It’s no wonder then that despite the fact that the average home has also tripled in size, we’re still running out of space.

As a result, storage unit use is becoming more popular, especially for seasonal items like patio furniture or holiday decorations.

The bigger the unit you rent, the more expensive it will be. To save money, follow these storage unit tips to get the most out of your available space.

  1. Organize and Label

To make it easy to find things in your storage units, meticulously organize your boxes. Store like items together, or things that you will use at the same time. For example, pool toys can go with grilling supplies since you’ll be using them both in the summer.

Clearly label each box to help you remember where everything is. Better yet, buy clear plastic tubs so you can see what is inside.

  1. Make a Master List

If you want to win the organization prize (and find stuff with ease), make a master list. Write down every item that goes into each box and number the boxes. When you need to find one item, all you’ll have to do is consult your list and find the correct numbered box.  

  1. Use the Same Size Box

As much a possible, use the same size box throughout your unit. It will be easier to neatly stack and organize when you don’t have to play Tetris with the boxes.

Depending on what you’re storing, stick to small or medium size boxes. Large boxes are great for large items, but they won’t hold up well at the bottom of a stack of heavy items. 

  1. Brick Wall the Boxes

Another benefit to using the same size box is that you can create a brick wall pattern when stacking them.

This a sturdier method of stacking. It’s less likely that your stack will fall over, meaning you can go a little higher. Plus, more weight goes on the sides of the boxes, which is the strongest part.

The best benefit, however, is that when you want to access a box, you don’t have to remove all the ones on top of it first. Simply select the box you want, slide it out and back in when you’re done.

  1. Shelving

If you have many heavy items, you may want to opt for some shelving. Freestanding shelves are great because the company may not allow you to attach shelves to the wall.

Shelves allow you to stack everything up as high as you like without worrying about crushing the items on the bottom. Plus, you can easily access every box from top to bottom.

Choose adjustable shelves so you can make the shelf height just barely higher than the boxes to maximize your available space.

Storage Unit Tips to the Rescue

You may have been wondering how you were going to get all the stuff you wanted to store into the unit you rented.

If you have a ton of stuff, you may have to break down and rent a larger unit. But in many cases, following these storage unit tips will free up enough extra space that everything will fit.

Looking for more life advice? Feel free to check out our blog, we have tons of content on everything from romance to health.

Steps To Recovery For Cancer Patients

Recovery for cancer patients starts immediately after diagnosis. This should be the mentality and not otherwise. Your whole life changes once you find out you have cancer. The journey from there on will be hard and emotional.

It is easy to lose hope along the way, but when you have the right support, you can get through anything. So, what do you do once you find out you have cancer?

1. Find an expert in your disease

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, find an expert in that area, and consult him. Don’t stop there. Find another expert to be sure that you’re getting the best type of treatment. It’s good to have a second opinion.

2. Build your inner grit

You will be fighting for your life. Make sure you have consulted nutritionists and integrative doctors to help build up your physical and spiritual well-being. You have to be proactive in this situation because going through treatment is not easy. You want to remain strong.

3. Get support

Involve your family and friends to help you through these times. Friends and family can help you with most of the research. You can also opt to go for a women’s cancer retreat and meet people going through the same thing, as you relax your body and eat healthy food. A cancer survivor will understand what you’re going through and offer emotional support throughout the process.It’s also essential to find and join a cancer support group near you.

Pampered in paradise has great packages for womens cancer retreat, and they also host events. It’s never too early to join a cancer support group.

4. Stay informed

Studies have shown that patients who are well informed have less of a hard time during treatment. Write down all the questions you have about your disease and find the answers. Your family can help you with this. There are numerous resources online that you can get information from as well as the experts you found in step one above.

5. Know your treatment options

Medicine is advancing in technology as well as the pharmacy department. After researching all about your disease and consulting various experts, you will have a list of possible treatment options. Do your research on those as well and see which one is best for you.

Different types of cancer have different types of treatment. Each of these treatments has various side effects. Some are also more likely to help improve your condition, and some are not. Be informed enough to make a reasonable decision concerning the treatment.

6. Remember to stay healthy

Follow your new diet to the core. Fit in some simple exercises within your schedule to keep your physical strength up. If you’re spiritual, pray some more, meditate, or do some yoga. Maintain social contact with friends and family. Surround yourself with positivity, and you’ll be able to have a more relaxed approach to recovering.

You never know how long your battle will be, but you will be one step ahead if you follow the above steps.

What to know about Cannabidiol Tinctures

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is among the many recognized cannabinoid molecules originating from Cannabis plants. In all the cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, there are two main cannabinoids namely Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Like all cannabinoid molecules, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body.  Cannabidiols were controversial in the past, but it’s now well established these wonder chemicals are effective at treating a range of aliments, and even drug and alcohol addiction treatment.

In all the cannabinoids found in cannabis plants, there are two main cannabinoids namely Cannabidiol (CBD) and Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Like all cannabinoid molecules, it interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body.

Although CBD isn’t psychoactive, it doesn’t produce the ‘high,’ instead, it’s the THC which is responsible for the effect. Cannabidiol, on the other hand, consists of some anti-seizure, anti-inflammatory and anxiety-relieving properties. Here are more details about Cannabidiol tinctures.

About CBD tinctures

An herbal tincture is a solution that is made by using a mixture of alcohol and water to compound extracts from a plant. Generally, CBD Tinctures come from the high CBD concentrates of hemp with close to 70% of alcohol. These tinctures are purposely used to assist in relieving anxiety and reduce pain or discomfort. They are most effective when taken under the tongue because its contents are absorbed easily. Researchers and scientists worldwide have carried out investigations to establish whether CBD has the potential for treating various life conditions and ailments.

Pain Reliever

Moreover, it has guaranteed pain relief because it exhibits analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These properties make CBD very useful especially in treating acute pain such as muscle pulls as well as chronic conditions like arthritis. It is important to mention the development of a debate on whether the CBD tincture is better than CBD oil extraction. The tincture is advisable as it contains a wider range of compounds than oil extractions. CBD oil products only act as an anti-inflammatory and when applied, it may not give the best pain relief, and neither do the contents get absorbed into the bloodstream.

How to partake a tincture

A CBD tincture is very concentrated so one should take it in small doses. They are usually packaged in a small built-in dropper that only allows the users to take small and carefully measured quantities. For example, patients who have to take it with food, they will mix a dose of tincture into a meal like soup or pasta. You can also add it to beverage drinks and even soft drinks to make it more relaxing than usual.

The quality of cannabis is always of great concern. A study that was published in 2017 highlighted that among all the CBD products available in the market, only 30% of them are rightly labeled. You can identify organic cannabis as a bio-accumulator. The cannabis plant is usually affected by heavy metals and contaminants from the soil. Therefore, it contains a broad spectrum that includes the full range of phytocannabinoids except for the THC.


In conclusion, Anchor: CBD Tinctures are more beneficial and safe for use. They offer the advantage of effective pain relief, anxiety relief, and reduce stress levels. Moreover, the tinctures are easily administered as one can comfortably adjust the doses as desired. Their packages ensure small, careful and well-measured quantities for users.

10 Reasons Why Your Sister Is The Coolest Person You Know And Your Best Friend For Life

She has been there from the very beginning. She knows exactly how you breathe. Your hearts beat in the same rhythm. She has seen every version of you. And she knows all of your identities.

She’s been there for you in the worst and she’s been there for you in the best moments of your life.  She’s seen it all. And despite all of your flaws, she’s accepted you just the way you are.

Flawed, imperfect, sometimes harsh and inconsiderate, but nevertheless an extraordinary person.

Here are 10 reasons why sister is the coolest person you know and your best friend for life:

1. She is always there for you. You can literally call her any time of the day, and she will be there to answer and talk to you. She is the person you can always count on when you have a bad day.

2. She will never ever judge you. She’s seen every part of you. She’s been through all of your struggles and pain in life, she’s heard all about your mistakes. She knows you. And she would never dare to judge you.  

3. She is the reason why you haven’t ruined your life making terrible mistakes. She is like your conscience. Always there to remind you what you do wrong and what you do just right.

4. She will always let you rummage through her closet and borrow clothes. Let’s be honest, the reason why most of the time you look decent or even fashionable is that because your sister’s closet is there at your disposal.

5. She will do anything to defend you from the people who made you cry. A sister is a mate for life. She is there to protect you from any harm coming your way. She is there to confront your enemies and let you know that everything is going to be just fine.

6. She is always up for doing silly things with you. This includes staying up all night watching your favorite, stupid movies, eating junk food until your stomach hurts, sneaking out of home for a party, getting drunk together and holding each other’s hair while puking. Whatever it is, she is there.

7. She is brutally honest with you, no matter how much it hurts. A sister won’t care whether the truth hurts you or makes you cry. Because she knows that being torn by the truth is always better than being comforted by a lie.

8. She is the person you can rely on when it comes to giving good, heartfelt advice. She always has your back and tells you how it is. Nine times out of ten, she is the person that you can rely on when you need support. Whatever you are going through, she will find a way to help you get out of the mess.

9. She introduced you to many things that you love today. She got you hooked on her favorite movies. She showed you the best music. She helped you build your style throughout the years. All in all, she is the one to thank for many things that you like today.

10. She will love you more than anyone else in the world. No matter how much you get on her nerves, she will always do everything to see you happy. A sister will love you purely and unconditionally. No matter how many fights you’ve had, you will always be one of the best things that happened to her.

Here’s How To Recognize A Person That Is Drowning

A refreshing dip in the pool or sea is the best way to stay cool in the heat. But, the water can be extremely dangerous, especially for kids and those that don’t know how to swim.

Drowning is one of the leading causes of unintentional injury death all over the world. One reason why drowning is so dangerous is that its signs are not always obvious.

When movies show a person who is drowning, they usually portray the victim splashing violently in the water and screaming for help.

However, in reality, chances are that you would not be able to tell if a child or an adult is drowning or just playing in the water. Because when a person starts drowning, they can no longer shout, call for help, or control their body.


So, before you head to the beach or pool this summer, make sure you familiarize yourself with the signs of drowning and how you can stay safe in the water.

Here’s How to Recognize a Person That Is Drowning

They’re vertical in the water and they’re trying to keep their head above the water so that they can breathe. 

They bob up and down as they gasp for air.

Their arms may extend partially or remain in the water.

They often have their eyes covered with hair.

They move their body in a way which makes them look like they are climbing a ladder.

Their eyes are usually closed, but if they’re open, they are unfocused.

How to Stay Safe in the Water

1. First things first, learn how to swim.

Every person that goes into a pool, river, lake, sea, or ocean must know how to swim.

2. Don’t swim alone.

If you know you’re not that good swimmer, make sure you always swim with a friend or any other person that will keep you safe from danger.

3. Swim in areas where a lifeguard is present.

4. Know your limits.

If you notice you feel cold or exhausted or that you are out too far, that means it is time for you to come out of the water.

5. Last but not least, never swim after you’ve been drinking!

This Is The Kind of Love You Deserve To Experience In Your Life

You deserve a person who does everything to be by your side. Someone whose eyes shine, smile glisten, and heart pound hard when they see you. Not someone who is afraid to open their heart and show you what exactly they feel.

You deserve a person who sends you a message in the morning or wakes you up with the sweetest breakfast that you’ve ever tried. Someone who cares for you so much that your happiness is the most important thing in their life. Not someone who doesn’t care about making an effort.

You deserve someone who thinks of you and wants to know more about you. Someone who wants to be a big part of your life. Someone who calls you a few times a day only because they miss you and they want to hear your voice. Not someone who doesn’t bother to check how you’ve been.

You deserve someone who wants to spend their Friday nights alongside you. Someone who cannot wait to wake up next to you and caress your face in the morning. Someone who could watch you sleep and feel the happiest. Someone who wants to spend a lifetime loving you. Not a person who is always busy doing something else.

You deserve someone who loves making plans with you. Someone who enjoys having adventures with you. Someone who would go to the end of the world with you by their side. Not a person who would find it hard to put you in their schedule.

You deserve someone who listens to a song on the radio and turns the volume up because they know it’s your favorite. Someone who cares about those little things that make you happy. Someone wants to know every little thing that moves your heart. Not a person who is not interested to get to know you.

You deserve someone who will gladly spend their morning, afternoons and nights next to you, watching your favorite movies while eating a pizza in bed. Someone who wouldn’t be able to keep their hand to themselves. Someone who would make love to both your body and your soul. Not someone who would call you only when they want to have some ‘fun’.

You deserve someone who stays up all night holding you in their hands because you need someone to remind you that ‘it was just a nightmare’. Someone who pays attention to every word that you say. Someone who wipes your tears and hugs your insecurities. Someone who makes the pain go away. Not someone who vanishes in thin air the minute you open up to them.

You deserve someone who proudly introduces you to their friends and family. Someone who wants the whole world to know how happy they are to be with you. Someone who imagines a future with you. Someone who cannot wait to spend their entire life loving you. Not a person who only sees you as an option.

You deserve love, my dear. Raw, intense, passionate, wild, unconditional, pure LOVE.

Nothing less than the real deal.  You deserve to dive deep inside a love that will fill your soul with joy and tranquility, but at the same time will have your fire burning brighter than ever. You deserve to find someone who will make you feel all of this and more.

Don’t ever give up on that dream.

Love A Woman The Right Way And She Will Become Even Stronger

It may sound corny to some of you, but it is the truth.

Love a woman right, and she will shine brighter than the greatest star.

I’ve felt it, and I am sure that a lot of you did as well.

When a woman is loved the way she deserves, she will bloom. It’s not that she won’t be able to bloom on her own, don’t get me wrong. It just means that when a woman feels that unconditional love from her loved one, from the one true love of her life, she will become a whole new person. Her walls will tumble down, she will find the courage buried deep down inside of her, and she will let the sun shine on her. There will be nothing that could stop her from showing her true colors.

When a woman is loved from the heart, she will carry happiness wherever she goes. Her eyes will shine like diamonds and her smile will glisten with joy. She will know that true love does really exist, and she will be the happiest person alive. The butterflies inside of her tummy will give her a tingly feeling and she will no longer have her feet on the ground. She will be up in 7th heaven and there would be no place that she would rather be. She will be genuinely loved, and because of that, she won’t be able to hide her happiness.

When a woman is loved the right way, she will become even stronger. That doesn’t mean that she is not strong all by herself, but that the feeling of love coming her way will make her even stronger. Trust me, I’ve felt it. The love you give to her will make her move mountains. She will be braver. She will be fearless. She will be her true self.

When a woman is loved the way she deserves, she will finally be free to speak her mind. She won’t be afraid to show who she really is. She will no longer bottle up her feelings because for the first time in her life she will feel comfortable around you. She will do things differently. Everything she feels or thinks, she will say to you. Out loud and clear. There won’t be any need for her to hide something from you, because she will be convinced that you will always stay by her side, no matter what.

When a woman is loved from the heart, she will be inspired to do greatness. Say what you will, but when she feels that pure, unconditional love from you, she will feel more determined and stronger to reach her potential and make all of her dreams come true. It’s not that her self-love won’t help her achieve everything she has ever dreamed of. The support from you will make her even stronger. The intensity of your emotions will make her believe that she can do everything that she puts her mind to. And she will.  The happiness that the two of you share will make her the best version of herself.