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11 Distinct Signs That Show A Man Is A Misogynist

Even in an era of shifting gender roles and equal rights, misogyny is still present. And I guess that we have all heard about the misogynists. And that’s not all – some of us have even had to deal with them since they can be found everywhere around us.

Yes, they can be the male friend you’ve been best friends with for ages. They can be the ex-boyfriend that tries to convince you that he still loves you. And sure, they can even be the most ardent pro-feminist that exists in the entire world.

The question is: What is misogyny? And who deserves to be labeled as a misogynist?

Misogyny is the dislike of, hatred of, or prejudice against women. And you might find this surprising, but some misogynists may not know that they hate women. The reason for this is that in most cases, the antipathy misogynists feel toward women is a result of a bad or traumatic experience they had early in life which involved a woman they trusted.

Regardless of whether it’s an unloving, abusive mother, a toxic sister, a manipulative girlfriend, or a mean teacher, their behaviors can easily cause a man to start feeling antipathy toward women early in his life and affect the way he sees and builds relationships with women.

Although misogynists don’t walk around with a label attached to them, once the misogynist’s dislike of, hatred of, or contempt of women intensifies, these 11 signs become quite apparent:

1. He’ll direct his attention towards a particular woman and single out her as his target. She might not recognize his hidden intentions and stand up for herself because the misogynist is charismatic and fun at the beginning.

2. However, as time passes by, he begins revealing his true colors. One moment he may be rude and irresistible the next.

3. He’ll rarely be punctual for dates and appointments with women, but he’ll always be on time with men.

4. When he is around women, he is usually self-absorbed, controlling, and conceited.

5. He treats women in a different way from men. For instance, in his workplace, he’ll allow men different liberties for which he’ll judge and belittle female coworkers.

6. He’s very competitive and intimidated by women that are more successful than him.

7. When he makes promises to men, he almost always fulfills them. But, with women, on the other hand, he hardly ever keeps his word.

8. When it comes to his romantic relationships with women, he has no problem cheating on his partner. Monogamy is a word which does not exist in his vocabulary.

9. Moreover, he’ll also sexually control the woman he’s in a relationship with by ignoring her needs and sexual pleasure. He’ll have no trouble asking her to sexually satisfy him, but he won’t bother to do anything to please her.

10. He’ll unconsciously do everything he can to make women feel worthless and inferior to him. Whether it’s a social gathering, his workplace, or a meeting, he’ll discriminate women and make himself look and feel superior to them.

11. Instead of ending a relationship the right way, he may simply ghost on the woman he’s dating. And then, he may come back a month later with a crazy scheme for luring her back in.  

12 Characteristics That Make Introverts Unique

When someone mentions the term introvert, I guess that the first idea that pops into your mind is of a person who is timid, distant, and unsociable. But, know that this couldn’t be further from the truth. Because introverts are not shy, reserved, or cold. These people can actually be quite warm, easygoing, and interested in others.

And yes, introvert individuals display certain behaviors which other people might consider weird, but they always have a sound reason why they behave the way they do.

Here are 12 traits that introverted individuals possess and that other people have trouble understanding:

1. They can tell when a person is genuine.

Introverts can tell when someone is honest, trustworthy, and good. And that’s the kind of people they’re interested in. They want to be surrounded by people who show their true selves. People with whom they can have open, intelligent, interesting, and stimulating conversations. People who are not manipulative, selfish, dishonest, and fake.

That’s why when an introvert recognizes that someone is fake, they distance themselves from them right away.

2. They appreciate loyalty a lot.

Introverts don’t make friendships easily, but once they do, they stick around for good. Having an introvert as a friend means having someone who will invest huge amounts of time and energy in your friendship. Someone who will treat you with kindness, compassion, and dignity. Someone who will stick with you through thick and thin.

And this is exactly how they expect and want you to treat them. They want you to be loyal to them as they are to you.

3. They enjoy their own company a lot.

While most people don’t like spending time on their own, introverted individuals love it. Whether it’s reading books, listening to their favorite type of music, watching movies, relaxing, or daydreaming, introverts enjoy doing it on their own. This is their way of resting and recharging their batteries.

4. They always plan their day.

Introverted individuals almost always know what their day is going to be like. They set goals for the day to avoid wasting time on unimportant things. By keeping a daily schedule, they manage to stay productive both at home and at work.

That’s why they don’t like when they have unexpected visitors, especially when they didn’t squeeze an activity such as hanging out with someone into their busy schedule.

5. They don’t like to be on their own all the time.

Introverts don’t like being alone 24/7. From time to time, they like to go out and hang out with their friends or family.

It’s true – they’re not really fond of loud, crowded places, such as bars, restaurants, and shopping centers, but they have no problem going to such places once in a while to hang out and have fun with the people they hold dear.

6. Moreover, they can sometimes be the life of the party.

But, not intentionally, of course. They might be the life of the party since they want to show that they’re a good host, let’s say, if they’re hosting a birthday party, or since they simply want to entertain the people around them. Indeed, introverts can sometimes behave like their extroverted fellows.

7. They’re rarely bored.

Even when an introvert appears like they’re bored to death, they actually aren’t. Why? Because their thoughts and inner energy keep them from boredom. Introverts can, in fact, get energized even when they just sit still, relax in their comfy armchair and do nothing.

8. They’re not judgmental.

Introverted individuals are quiet and perceptive and they think deeply. This often causes extroverted people to think that an introvert is quietly judging them. But, they’re not. They might be just annoyed by another person’s behavior and thinking about it.

9. They like spending time with their children, but they need some alone time as well.

You might think that introverted individuals don’t really like spending time with their children as the latter are usually loud and energetic. But, this is not true. Introverted parents can actually be quite patient, lively, and cheerful. They can be fun to be around.

But, once they begin feeling exhausted, they’ll ask their kids to give them some alone time to rest and recharge their batteries.

10. They may seem like they’re in a bad mood, but they actually aren’t.

When you see an introvert, you might easily think that they’re in a bad mood, which is not true at all. The thing is that the mind of an introverted individual never stops working.

They’re usually thinking about something – be it their home responsibilities, problems, or how they spent their day at work. So, just because they tend to look pensive or worried most of the time, it doesn’t mean that they’re in a bad mood.

11. They can easily get distracted.

Introverts can easily get distracted by certain movements, sounds, and noises. That’s the reason why they prefer working in quiet environments where there aren’t many people and where there are minimal distractions.

12. Last but not least, they love deeply.

When an introvert loves someone, they love them genuinely, purely, intensely, and wholeheartedly. They try to connect with their partner on a deep emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

They’re not afraid to make compromises and sacrifices for the sake of their partner and for the sake of the relationship as well. And most importantly, they’re not afraid to fully commit to their significant other.

Is Your Soul Exhausted? Here Are The Reasons For It And 5 Ways To Fix It

I Am Tired Of Everything

Soul tiredness is an inseparable part of the journey called life. It’s a part of our lives as we all go through difficulties, pains, and break downs.

We all have times in our lives when we’re feeling down in the dumps. Times when we’re feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted although the day has just started. Times when we’re feeling a strong, dire need for rest. Times when we simply stop loving the things which once used to fill our hearts with pure happiness and joy.

Well, this is exactly how you know that your soul is exhausted and needs to be healed. But, the main question is: What deprives your soul of its energy?

Here are 8 of the most common reasons behind soul tiredness:

1. Not practicing self-care and self-love

2. Not being sincere to yourself

3. Constantly feeling like you can’t achieve happiness because you’re missing something in your life

4. Allowing the burdens of your past to stand in the way to your happiness and success

5. Demotivating yourself

6. Having trouble saying NO

7. Participating in gossip and meaningless conversations

8. Surrounding yourself with individuals that are robbing you of your happiness and that aren’t encouraging you to work on and better yourself

Although the reasons mentioned above may appear irrelevant, know that they are worthy of attention. They’re not something you can easily get over, especially when you feel this way for such a long period of time that you get used to it.

Ignoring these “small” and “unimportant” issues can lead to more serious ones, such as anxiety and depression.

So, if any of the above-mentioned issues sound familiar to you, don’t ignore them and wait for your soul to mend by itself.

Here are 6 ways you can fix your soul on your own:

1. Practice positive self-talk.

Try to discover the hidden optimism, joy, and hope in any given situation. Think about and talk to yourself positively.  Make your inner dialogue to be more uplifting and stimulating.

2. Think positively about the world around you as well.

The world is full of beautiful things – you just need to be willing enough to see them.

3. Do things which bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into your life.

Whether it’s reading books, watching movies, listening to music, walking in nature, cycling, spending time with your loved ones, or you name it, make sure you spend enough time doing it.

4. Begin practicing meditation.

Doing meditation exercises will not only bring peace to your mind and soul, but it’ll also help you explore the depths of your being. It’ll allow you to find out a lot of amazing things about yourself you didn’t know before.

5. Last but not least, love yourself.

Treat yourself with kindness, compassion, and patience. Treat yourself with respect and dignity. Take good care of yourself. And never settle for anything less than you deserve.

8 Red Flags You Are In A Relationship Which Is No Longer Worth Your Time And Energy

Let’s face it: It’s not difficult at all to stay in a relationship even when you feel in the depths of your being that it isn’t going to last forever. So, the question is: Why is this so?

The answer – at the beginning of your relationship, you tend to look at your partner’s weaknesses and imperfections through rose-tinted glasses. You too easily ignore any flaw you spot in your partner and the relationship as well, cherishing hopes that things will change and get better over time.

However, once you consider your relationship for all that it really is as well as isn’t, there’re some things which are simply too important and too serious to ignore.

Here are 8 telltale signs you are in a relationship which is wrong for you:

1. Your partner is constantly criticizing you.

Your significant other should be your biggest cheerleader, your best friend, and your partner in crime all rolled into one person.

So, if they make jokes at your expense, criticize you, and judge you when you make a mistake or fail to achieve a goal, instead of offering you moral support, comforting you, and cheering you up, then this is a red flag you are in a relationship with the wrong person.

2. You feel the need to change to make your significant other like you more.

Of course, there will always be something you and your partner don’t like about each other. But if your significant other makes you feel like you have to change so as to keep them happy and make them like you more, then you are undoubtedly in a relationship with the wrong person.

If you can’t be who you are when you’re around your partner and if you’re not accepted and cherished exactly the way you are, then what’s the point of staying in the relationship?

3. You’re in a relationship with your partner since you’re scared of being alone.

If you truly want to build a healthy, happy, and successful relationship, then you have to be honest with yourself. When you start dating someone, you always need to ask yourself whether you’re in a relationship with this person because they make you feel happy and emotionally and intellectually fulfilled or because you have simply grown comfortable being around them, or maybe even, you’re scared of rolling solo.

If your answer doesn’t include the first reason mentioned above, then you should consider doing both yourself and your partner favor and leave them.

4. You love more the image of who your significant other could be rather than who they truly are.

The truth is that when you’re head over heels in love with someone, it is easy to disregard any differences between you two and fantasize about who this person could be someday.

For instance, he/she’s not interested in having children now, but perhaps someday they are going to change their mind. Or yes, he/she has a tendency to leave their clothes scattered around the house, but perhaps someday they’ll become more organized.

Make sure you never fall into this trap. Yes, fantasy is better than reality, but the latter is the one you should live in and build your relationships.

5. You can’t remember the last time you and your partner laughed together.

This may appear like a small, unimportant problem, but if your significant other doesn’t find your jokes amusing and if they don’t laugh with you when you share funny or dirty jokes with them, it may be quite problematic.

The thing is that it’s not exciting at all being around someone that is always taking things too seriously or sulking, especially when you’re going through a rough phase in your life.

When you feel down in the dumps or when life tries to knock you down, you’ll need someone by your side who will cheer you up and help you face and overcome the punches more easily with their sense of humor.

6. Your goals aren’t compatible at all.

Of course, it’s impossible for two people to want the same things and have the same goals in life. But, when you’re genuinely in love with someone, you should know, respect, and believe in each other’s goals and dreams.

And when it comes to your relationship, both of you should want the same outcome, and that is to stay together and love each other forever.

7. You don’t really like your partner’s family or they don’t really like you.

If this sounds familiar to you, or even worse – if your significant other regularly takes his/her family’s side in misunderstandings and quarrels and if they don’t appear to stand up for you, then chances are you are in a relationship with the wrong person.  

What you should remember is that if your partner doesn’t seem to bother to help you get along with their family and if they appear to be more attached to their family than they’re to you, you’re definitely in a relationship which is wrong for you.

8. You find yourself wondering what your life would be like if you were alone again.

If you often find yourself thinking about whether you’d have been happier with your ex or whether you’d lead a more fulfilling life if you rolled solo again, then you either don’t love the person you’re with or you need to search for within yourself the reason why you are not content with what you already have.

Just ask yourself why you are searching for things outside of your relationship and once you figure out the answers, you can either decide to make things work between you and your partner again or leave them for good.

8 Reasons Why Teenagers Are Suffering From So Much Anxiety These Days

Anxiety is a widespread health problem among teenagers and due to certain cultural shifts and societal changes that have occurred over the past three decades, the number of teens that are struggling with anxiety appears to be increasing.

Some teenagers are absolute perfectionists and have a fear of failure. Other teens are concerned so much about the way they appear in the eyes of other people that they feel stressed on a daily basis.

So, why is this so? Why are more teens than ever struggling with anxiety?

Here are the reasons:

1. Our culture puts too much emphasis on happiness.

Our culture places such great stress on happiness that some parents believe that it is their duty to make their children feel happy 24/7. When a kid is down in the dumps, his or her parents cheer them up. Or when a child is angry, his/her parents calm them down.

This way, children grow up believing that if they’re not happy all the time, then something isn’t right. Not only does this idea arouse feelings of confusion, uncertainty and worry, but it also prevents children from understanding that it is healthy and normal to feel worried, disappointed, afraid, angry, and sad sometimes as well.  

2. Children aren’t learning how to manage their emotions.

Parents put such great stress on academic preparation that it seems they forget to teach children the emotional skills they need to take care of their feelings, manage stress, deal with uncomfortable, difficult situations, and of course, succeed in life.

3. Digital devices provide an unhealthy escape.

Computer games and social media let children escape negative emotions such as sadness, boredom, or loneliness. But, the thing is that using digital devices to avoid sadness or discomfort actually prevents children from developing the coping skills and mental strength they need to deal with everyday challenges.

4. Parents are showering children with unrealistic praise.

Telling a kid things like: “You are the most intelligent child in the class,” or “You are the best football player on the team,” doesn’t boost self-esteem. Instead, it places pressure on children to measure up to these labels. And more often than not, this can lead to great fear of failure.

5. Parents feel the need to protect their kids rather than guide them.

A lot of parents believe that their role is to ensure their children grow up and mature with as few physical, mental, and emotional scars as possible. They protect their kids so much that the latter hardly ever handle challenges on their own. As a result of this, these children grow up to believe that they are too weak to manage life by themselves.

6. Parents allow their own fears to affect the way they raise their kids.

Parenting creates fear and guilt. But, instead of allowing themselves to feel these uncomfortable emotions, a lot of parents are changing the way they raise their kids.

For example, they don’t let their children out since this triggers their anxiety. Or they’re overwhelmed by feelings of guilt saying no to their children so much that they allow them to do everything they want. As a result of this, they teach their children that uncomfortable feelings are unbearable.

7. Parents don’t know how to help children face their fears the proper way.

Some parents tend to force their kids to do things they’re afraid of. And other parents do not push their children at all. Such parents simply allow their children not to do anything that causes them to feel anxious or afraid.

Exposing a child to the thing he/she is afraid of is an effective coping strategy, but only when it is done gradually. Without proper guidance and practice, children never develop confidence that they can overcome their fears directly.

8. Children are not being given enough free time to play with other kids or on their own.

Whether kids play with their peers or alone, both unstructured and solitary play are important for them as they teach them how to be creative, think on their own, handle disagreements without the help of an adult, and of course, feel comfortable in their own skin.

Why There Is A Great Need For Grief And Loss Therapy

The greatest argument against grief and loss therapy today is that, if it wasn’t around decades ago, why would anyone need it today? This argument depends on the assumption that it was never needed before so shouldn’t be needed now. PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, has been dismissed by some for the same reason, but the thinking here is specious.

The idea that something like grief therapy is new is like saying that PTSD is new, but the truth is that it’s always been there just like grief. Soldiers who returned from World War I and II usually experienced what was then called “shell shock”, but that was rarely talked about, even amongst family members. The result was that veterans had terrible mental health issues because of that repression. Today, the world of psychiatry knows when people experience PTSD and they know how to treat it. It’s always been there, it was just under a different name and hidden from view.

The same thing is true of grief and loss therapy. Grief and loss were always there in the past, they were just repressed more often or kept out of view rather than appropriately dealt with, which also resulted in poor mental health for the people affected.

If there’s one thing that’s become clear in recent years is that not dealing with one’s own grief, especially when it involves losing someone, can result in serious mental, and even physical, consequences for the individual in question. Thankfully, the psychiatric world has recognized this and created grief therapy.

For some, the process of grief is something that everyone goes through and eventually, they move on. Here are the normal stages of grief:

First, people tend to go into denial over the loss of a loved one. This means that the first reaction to such a tragic event is to deny that it’s happening to the person at all. In other words, people will literally say something along the lines of “This isn’t happening to me.” This reaction is usually pretty brief and is a temporary coping mechanism for such a surge of emotion in a short period of time.

Next is a tendency to resort to anger. This is really the consequence of the feeling of not having any control over what has occurred. This can be one of the more dangerous stages of grief in just how it manifests itself.

Bargaining is the third stage of grief where people will try to make a deal with a higher power to “get them out” of their current circumstances. This can also involve people wondering what they could have done to have avoided the person’s death.

After bargaining comes depression. This is the most well known, and usually the longest stage of grief where a deep sadness takes hold of a person. There is no set rule as to exactly how long this stage of grief should last, but it can be weeks, months, and in some extreme cases, years. This is the stage where everyone knows what happens. There can be a lack of appetite, a lack of sleep, and a lot of tears.

Finally, most people then come to the final stage of grief where they accept what has happened and move on with their lives.

It is also this last stage of grief that can be the most difficult to achieve. Most people will go through the first few stages of grief fairly quickly, but it’s when people get into a lasting depression over the loss of a loved one that there can be serious consequences.

This is where depression can cause major problems in a person’s life. It can affect them physically because they can’t eat and/or can’t sleep. Their professional lives can suffer as well if they start missing work or are unable to concentrate on their jobs. Some people can even lose their jobs as a result of grief. Not only that, but people’s mental health can also begin to disintegrate if they don’t seek help for these extended periods of grief that don’t seem to stop.

This is where grief therapy becomes the most important tool for these people to use. When a person finds themselves unable to move on from a loss in their lives, they need outside help to guide them through the process of grief so that they too can move on to a happy, productive life.

There are a few different methods that therapists use, but many start with allowing the grieving person to simply talk about their loss and what they’re going through. It may appear to be a simple solution, but for many people just talking out their problems really helps.

The need for grief and loss therapy has become a major requirement and resource to people today and is something that the modern world can’t do without.

Health Benefits Of CBD Oil

Never has there been a more current and exciting addition to the world of health and wellness as CBD. The natural, plant-derived herb is being favoured by more people nowadays for its ability to treat a variety of ailments in humans and animals, including arthritis, anxiety and depression, and several neurological conditions.

Although many people choose to take CBD oil for medicinal purposes, there’s no reason why you can’t enjoy it purely for the health benefits it provides, as a daily supplement. If you’re interested to know exactly how CBD oil can be beneficial to your health and wellbeing, read on.

What is CBD oil?

Derived from the cannabis plant, CBD is a non-psychoactive compound that delivers all of marijuana’s beneficial properties without giving the user an unwanted high. CBD works by communicating with receptors in our endocannabinoid system, which trigger receptors all around the body to improve the functioning of everything from our brain cells to our immune systems.

CBD comes in many different forms, but CBD oil is one of the most popular, favoured for its versatility and accessibility in the market. Sometimes, CBD oil is infused into foods and drinks, known as edibles. It can be taken on its own, or you can add it to your own meals and snacks for a more subtle overall taste.

What are the health benefits of CBD oil?

Scientific research has only recently uncovered the main health benefits of CBD, and even today’s studies are revealing new remedial properties that the herb was previously not known to be linked to.  The most prominent health benefits of CBD are:

General pain relief

We all experience aches and pains from time to time, and taking CBD is an effective way to prevent soreness or stiffness from impacting on your overall wellbeing. Its proven anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal for treating muscle and joint pain linked to arthritis and other chronic pain disorders. 

Treats anxiety and stress

Stress is, unfortunately, a big part of life, and there’s normally no avoiding it. However, taking CBD can help you respond much more positively to stressful situations, and prevent you from letting something worry you to unnecessary levels. It reacts with the receptors in the brain and prevents them from associating with the stress hormone, cortisol, while encouraging them to respond to mood-boosting hormones like serotonin and endorphins.  

Fights nausea

Sickness and nausea are never nice to experience, and it can often be hard to successfully numb those sensations when they are present. Luckily, CBD has been found to naturally decrease nausea and vomiting, with studies finding that it can be effective in treating cancer patients who are suffering the unpleasant side-effects of chemotherapy.

Promotes better sleep

How much we do or don’t sleep on a daily basis can easily effect our health, not just our overall temperament- it has been found that a prolonged period of sleepless nights can lower your life expectancy and put you at risk of serious medical conditions, including obesity, heart disease and diabetes. The relaxation properties of CBD make it an effective remedy for sleeping problems, and can help to recover a natural sleeping pattern.

How to Make Your Bones Grow Healthier & Stronger?

The National Institute of Health which is a US-run agency that focuses on biomedical and public health issues, as well as research, proclaims that around 53 million people of the nation are either suffering from osteoporosis or likely to develop the risk of bone disease. This is due to the fact that in this current day and age we have chosen for ourselves an unhealthy lifestyle that deteriorates our bone health considerably. Poor diet & nutrition, sedentary lifestyles, and even our modes of entertainment are killing our bones without us even knowing about it. It is time that we wake up and realize how our bone health is being neglected and what can we do to prevent this from happening in the first place. So in this post, we would like to offer you some great suggestions that can help you regain your bone mass and continuously strive to achieve healthier bones in the future. Let’s begin:

Active Lifestyle

Binge-watching shows, spending hours and hours on social media, online gaming, internet surfing, and online video streaming have made our lives sedentary. All of this causes our bones and muscles to grow weaker with time. What we need is an active lifestyle that promotes physical excursions that can make our bones stronger. Here is what you can do to rectify the current problem:

  • Consider walking or using a bicycle to get to your place of work rather than using a mode of transportation that keeps you seated and immobile.
  • Develop a daily regimen that is built around everyday workouts or going to the gym.
  • Best exercises to promote stronger and healthier bones include yoga, tai-chi, dancing, jogging/running, hiking, and racket sports.

Super Foods for Stronger Bones

First thing first, the primary source of dealing with bone problems is correcting our diet and nutrition options. Junk food, fast food, hydrogenated oils, alcohol, tobacco, processed meat, inorganic edibles, and even caffeine are what cause our bones to become weaker at times. Hence to compensate for our past mistakes, let us actively work to create a diet that includes the following superfoods to help grow stronger and healthier bones:

  • Green and leafy vegetables preferably from an organic source such as broccoli, cabbage, okra, however spinach aren’t included since it is heavily endorsed with iron that blocks calcium absorption within the body. All of these organic vegetables offer you a good source of calcium that is required by our bodies to grow stronger bones.
  • Selected fishes including tuna, salmon, and sardines. Tuna offers you a good source of vitamin D, 3 ounces of canned tuna comprises of 154 IU which is about 39% of your daily requirement of the sunshine vitamin. Salmons have omega-3 fatty acids, plus 3 ounces of red salmon a.k.a. blueback or kokanee salmon offers you 100% of vitamin D that is essential for calcium absorption in our bodies. Sardines offer you both calcium and vitamin D at high levels. Try them out in pasta and salads. Even mackerels and pilchards are great for bones as they are great sources for vitamin D and calcium respectively.
  • Eggs and especially the yolk of theirs are rich in Vitamin D.
  • Dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt. Cheese of just 1.5 ounces is more than enough to have 30% of your daily value of calcium so there is no need to eat it excessively. 8 ounces of fat-free milk does contain 90 calories but offers you 30% of your daily dose of calcium. Fortified milk is better since it adds in the benefits of vitamin D as well. Lastly, one cup of yogurt offers you 30% of your daily requirement of calcium with 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin D.

 Some Home Remedies for You to Try Out    

  • Avoid losing sleep, as a study suggest that men and women over the age of 50 years old become more prone to bone diseases if they slept less than 6 hours at night. As an adult, you require at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.
  • Stock up on items in your cupboard such as beans, peanut butter, and vinegar. Beans are rich in minerals such as magnesium and help prevent osteoporosis. Similarly, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter offer you 50 mg of magnesium. Lastly, a splash of vinegar when cooking a soup or preparing a green salad is great for your bones.
  • Fruits like apple and bananas are also terrific when it comes to bone health. Apples have a trace of boron in them that holds calcium within the body. Bananas contribute to making your hips and spine bones to become stronger as they are rich in potassium and keep your blood clean.
  • Tofu is a great source of iron and calcium plus it doesn’t contain cholesterol which makes it an excellent delight for your homes. For vegans and vegetarians, it is a great source for healthy protein as well. Tofu contains isoflavones such as phytoestrogens that can offer you protection against cancer, heart diseases, and osteoporosis. Tofu is made from soybeans curd and is naturally gluten-free as well as low in calories. 122 grams of tofu offers you 421 mg of calcium, 65 mg of magnesium, 3.35 mg of iron, 282 mg of phosphorus, 178 mg of potassium, 2 mg of zinc, and 27 micrograms of folate & DFE.
  • Flowers like the Black Cohosh and the Red Clover. The Black Cohosh is commonly used to treat premenstrual syndrome, menopause, and painful menstruation, as well as acne. They are great for women going into the starting stages of labor as well. Red Clover, on the other hand, is a powerful herb with estrogen-like effects. Supplements of Red Clover can lower the chances of bone loss in women especially. However, one should completely avoid mixing them with prescribed medicine and always speak with a professional doctor before using them.

We hope this post was able to offer you some great insights as to how you can consciously make better decisions in your life to promote stronger and healthier bones. However if earlier problems persist and conditions prove to be unfavorable then it is best for you to contact chiropractic services immediately for help. For any further questions and queries regarding the topic, please feel free to let us know of your views and opinions in the comment section below.  

Everything you always wanted to know about the keto diet

“The keto diet seems to be en vogue these days.  I have heard of it often, but I am still not completely sure what it is exactly.”  Many people, maybe even you, have asked this question when the keto diet is mentioned to them.  This article will attempt to answer this question in sufficient enough detailed information by acting as a ketogenic diet guide for readers (and you) to make a solid decision regarding following the keto diet.

What is the keto diet

“Ok I have heard of this ‘keto diet,’ but what is it exactly?  I have not gotten comprehensive enough information to decide if it is worth it for me to follow it!”  If you are finding yourself saying this, it is likely because the media has not given you comprehensive enough information about the keto diet, let alone its benefits.  The first thing to know is that the keto diet is not new – it is almost 100 years old.  It has recently gained popularity largely because celebrities are embracing and endorsing it.  If you decide to follow the keto diet, you will be consuming foods which are primarily low in carbs and high in healthy fats.  Good examples of these types of foods are fish (high in omega3 fats), and beans (low in carbs).  The omega3 fats in fish are good for developing and repairing brain tissue and neuron connections. The fiber and low carbs in beans will help keep you regular while allowing your body to burn fat even as you eat.

Good examples of foods to eat when on the keto diet

You want to eat foods in the meat, fish, legumes, nuts, and vegetable groups.  Good examples would be salmon, chicken, almonds and walnuts, any kind of bean imaginable, and broccoli and avocados.  These foods are high in the good fats which your body needs to function at its best and repair body tissue.  The low carbs in these foods ensure that your body will be storing the vitamins and minerals present and not the calories.  Any kind of carb – complex or simple – is full of calories which your body will store as sugar.  This sugar is eventually converted into and stored as body fat.  This is why eating processed foods like cakes, white bread, and some canned foods makes you gain a great deal of weight in a relatively short period of time. These foods are full of simple and complex carbs.

What you may not have heard about the keto diet

You eat foods high in good fat when on the keto diet.  Your liver will break this fat down into a molecule called ketone which is full of energy.  This energy allows your body to function, sometimes on overdrive.  It also allows your body to burn fat even when you are reading a book in your recliner or when you are sleeping.  If you have type two diabetes or hypertension (high blood pressure) you should seek medical advice from a doctor before starting the keto diet.  Because the keto diet will alter the effects of the medicines you need to take for either condition, it may make taking these medicines entirely unnecessary for you with time.  You will, therefore, need to follow a trained physician to adjust your medications over the course of the keto diet.  Pregnant and nursing women should not follow this diet because it may deprive them of the nutrients they need to keep their babies healthy.

Now it’s time for you to decide

Now that you understand more about the keto diet, what to eat when on it, and how to follow it, it’s time to decide if it is the right diet for you!  Hopefully, you will decide that it is!

Should I Send a Gift? 6 Essential Tips About Wedding Etiquette

Whether you’re the bride or a guest, there are strict social rules when there is a wedding. Read on to learn all about wedding etiquette.

We hear wedding bells in the air! To engaged couples and their loved ones, that means a celebration is on the horizon.

As unfortunate as it is, a wedding is also full of opportunities to offend or fight with the people you love most. For couples and guests alike, those conflicts often start with mistakes you don’t know you’re making.

To help you make sure the next wedding on your calendar is a joyful occasion, follow these wedding etiquette tips for couples and guests.

  1. Handling Registry Information

A gift registry is a touchy part of the wedding process. They make life easier for couples and guests alike, but advertising them makes a couple look greedy. So what do you do?

If you’re the one getting married, don’t include your registry information on your wedding invitation.

After you register, spread to the word to your immediate family. This way, if anyone asks them where you’re registered, they can let them know. You can also include registry information on your wedding website.

If you’re a guest, don’t assume a couple doesn’t have a registry if it isn’t on their invitation. If the couple doesn’t have a wedding website, call the couple or call their parents if you’re closer to them.

  1. Accurate RSVPs

If you’re a wedding guest who has planned your own wedding or someone else’s wedding, you know how important numbers are. Extend the courtesy that your past guests may or may not have shown you: RSVP with care.

If you RSVP “yes,” set aside the date on your calendar and consider it a commitment. If something unavoidable arises and you can’t attend the wedding, tell the couple as soon as possible.

Both a last-minute “yes” and a last-minute “no” will cost the couple money and stress. If the RSVP deadline is drawing near and you don’t know if you can make it, talk to the couple and explain why. Let them know when you expect to have a definitive answer.

  1. Dietary Restrictions

Serving food is a customary part of any wedding, but that comes with complications including dietary restrictions.

If you’re an engaged couple, ask about dietary restrictions on your guests’ RSVP cards. Make sure you set the RSVP deadline early enough to make arrangements for those restrictions with your caterer.

If you’re following one of the popular wedding trends of serving food buffet-style, label all foods clearly with their dietary limits.

If you’re a guest who has a dietary restriction or allergy, let the couple know. Don’t assume they know or assume they’ll have options available. Planning a wedding is a complicated journey, so don’t assume your dietary needs are the couple’s top priority.

What do you do if you forget to tell the couple about your dietary needs? Don’t spring it on them at the last minute. Be prepared to choose from what is available and bring stacks in case you need to supplement your meal.

  1. Leaving Room for the Pros

When you’re a guest at a couple’s wedding, you’re just that: a guest. The couple invited you so you could enjoy their special day, not so you could document it for them.

Instead of trying to get pictures of all the special moments in the day, let the photographers and videographers do their job.

Snapping selfies during the reception is great. When it comes to the ceremony, sit back and relax so the photographers can get the best views possible.

  1. Save the Dates

As a couple planning a wedding, you know your loved ones have busy schedules. It’s traditional to send out invitations a month or two before the big day, but what if your guests need more time?

That’s why more and more guests are sending out “Save the Dates.” These are less formal than invitations and you can send them as soon as you confirm the wedding date.

Save the dates are especially helpful if many of your guests will need to travel to your wedding. They give the guests time to book flights, request time off work, or make other arrangements.

It’s also a good idea to send save the dates if your wedding will be during a busy part of the year like the summer or around the holidays.

Be sure to send your save the dates to everyone you will invite to your wedding: not just those who will be traveling. You don’t want any locals to hear about the save the dates and, if they don’t receive one, assume they won’t be invited to the wedding.

  1. Minding the Schedule

This one is for the guests and the couple alike: be on time.

If you’re a guest, remember that a wedding is a carefully planned event. The last thing you want to do is put a wrench in the festivities, so watch the time and be on schedule.

If you’re the couple getting married, remember that your guests are taking time out of their busy lives to celebrate with you. Respect that by starting your ceremony, reception, and other events on time.

It’s also a good idea to be clear about that schedule from the beginning. Tell guests how the day will proceed so they can plan accordingly if they need to.

This rule goes for all events associated with the wedding. We’re talking about the rehearsal, bridal shower, post-wedding brunch, and more.

Wedding Etiquette Basics

No one who’s preparing for a wedding expects it to cause a rift in a treasured relationship. It’s supposed to be a day for celebration and joy. Following the wedding etiquette tips above can make sure that’s the case.

Whether you’re a guest or an engaged couple, check out other articles on our site for more helpful tips and tricks.