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Man Who Taped The Mouth Of Pit bull Caitlyn For 36 Hours Finally Sentenced To 15 Years In Jail

Dogs are the purest and kindest creatures that ever walked this Earth. They are here to show us what unconditional love really means. They are here to make our lives happier and love us in a way that we’ve never been loved.

Yet, there are still cruel and vile people who would hurt them.

Caitlyn, the lovely Pitbull is just one case out of thousands.

Her story became known across the world after she was found injured on her previous owner’s porch in North Charleston, USA. 15 months old Caitlyn had a tragic destiny. Her previous owner had sold her to a 41-year-old man for just USD $10. The man had only had Caitlyn for a few days when he injured her so badly that she nearly died. 

Two years ago, she went through the hardest time of her life. Her mouth was taped and shut for 36 hours straight. The abuser used electrical tape and wrapped her mouth nine times. The poor thing barely breathed. She was left all alone and she couldn’t do anything to help herself.

Fortunately, a neighbor found her and immediately called Animal Control. They took the poor creature to the Charleston Animal Shelter and they started the procedure in removing the dangerous tape that was all over her mouth.

The tape was fastened so tightly that the blood flow to her nose was stopped and she couldn’t breathe.

The doctors said that Caitlyn was in luck. If she stayed a few hours more in that condition, she could have suffered serious damages to her sinus cavity and tongue. Luckily, she was found just in time. The veterinarians did their best to take off the tape without hurting her and thanks to them she was able to recover faster.

”This is the most serious case of animal abuse I’ve seen throughout my career,” Aldwin Roman, director of outreach at Charleston Animal Society, said when Caitlyn first arrived.

Luckily, with the help of the doctors and her will to live, she recovered. But even though Caitlyn healed and got back on her feet, the authorities didn’t stop investigating her case.

They found the one responsible for this unforgivable crime and justice was finally served. William Dodson, the man who taped Caitlyn’s mouth got sentenced to 15 years in jail. Five of those were for animal cruelty, and the rest of them were for illegal possession of a weapon.

As for Caitlyn, she is finally thriving. She already found a new family that loves her and cares for her.

Top Tips for Practicing Self-Care, and Doing it Well

Life moves so quickly around us, that we barely get the chance to take a breather. We often find ourselves being so busy looking after those around us, that we don’t give ourselves a second thought, and worrying about the future more than we enjoy the present. It’s all too easy to end up in a constant cycle of working too hard, caring for others, and doing little else. But it is in fact very important to take the time to look after yourself too. It doesn’t have to take up too much time or be expensive but doing little things to take care of yourself can go a long way. With these top tips, you’ll be sure to feel well looked after in no time!

Take a Look at Your Diet

All too often, we associate diet and monitoring it with the act of wanting to lose weight, but this isn’t the only reason we should be mindful of the food and drink we put into our bodies. More often than not in our busy lives, we will grab food on the go, without really taking notice of the nutritional value of it. Allow yourself to plan your meals in advance if that will help you to take more notice of what you’re actually putting into your body. Not only this but put whatever it is you’re so busy doing to one side while you eat your meal. Mealtimes should be stress free and enjoyable, and if you can even make the effort to make them social too by sharing your meals with your partner, friends or family.

Take the Time to Talk

Take the time to talk to someone if you’re feeling overwhelmed by life. For some people, this could be a phone call to a friend or relative, and to others it could mean taking an hour a week to seek professional help like therapy if they’re really struggling. However, therapy isn’t the only option and there are other less traditional options if that interests you. Some people might take interest in seeking the help of a Psychic Advisor. More often than not, it’s the future that makes us worry in the present, so by seeking professional help that can put our minds at ease about the state of future, we can possibly enjoy the present more.

Exercise Frequently

This is something we’re told constantly by parents and doctors alike, but it’s actually scientifically proven that exercise can increase feelings of happiness. It doesn’t mean you have to hit the gym and bulk up, do whatever exercise you enjoy! This could be yoga, going for hikes, or even going out dancing with friends. It doesn’t matter how you choose to exercise, as long as you do it regularly.

Create a Space Just for You

A lot of the time, we only spend time in our bedrooms asleep, and therefore we neglect the space itself. Instead, you could consider sprucing up your room to make it more inviting. It can be something as cheap and easy as some new pillows, a cosy throw, fairy lights or lighting a scented candle. By creative a cosy and welcoming space for you to spend time in, you give yourself a safe haven in which to conduct your own self-care.

Come Offline

Although certain websites  include some useful self help guides, generally being online distracts from the important things you should be doing, and the quality time you should be spending with people you care about in person. Particularly when it comes to social media, it can trigger feelings of sadness and anxiety. A lot of the time, we’ll find ourselves looking through other people’s accounts and comparing our live to theirs – but remember social media is not a true likeness of real life! If you imagine a “best bits” reel, that’s the equivalent of social media. People only post what they want others to see, so try and remember that when you’re sitting comparing your everyday life to what other’s put online.

Get Creative

Finally, try doing something creative. By getting the creative juices flowing, you’ll find yourself feeling a lot more mindful and productive. It doesn’t have to be anything you share. Even if you’re not a pro artist, why not try your hand at painting a picture of something you love? Creativity can be literally anything, from baking a batch of cupcakes to redecorating a room in your home. Whatever makes you feel a sense of achievement is more than good enough!

How to Choose the Best CBD Oil for You: The Ultimate Guide

Cannabidiol oil or CBD oil is oil made from the flower, bud, leaves as well as stems of the Cannabis sativa plant. It is one of the best natural supplements, which people have found definitively useful. You can opt to take it orally or add it to moisturizers and balms for topical application.

Its use is global, making it hard for some to even, know what quality is. This makes its buy a bit difficult for some, especially first time users.

Nonetheless, do not worry we got you covered today, with this guide to choosing the best CBD oil for you.

1.     Establish a buying criteria

Given its rampant growth, it can be hard to choose from the various forms available from CBD oils to CBD-based products. However, by knowing what to look for you can buy the best type for yourself. You can consume Vitaleaf Naturals CBD oil, it may right for you among mazes of choices.

For example, you can base your buying criteria on its price, taste be it flavored or natural taste. Ease of use and efficacy also plays a role when it comes to buying this oil, as capsules are often easier to ingest than vape oil while vape oils are more effective than capsules. In the end, this determines your consumption habit.

Its concentration also matters as it states how muchCBD is in your CBD oil option, thus making it easier to assess its strength and value.

2.     Select an appropriate dose of CBD oil

All CBD products come in different doses and concentration. Higher doses of CBD will obviously have a distinct and noticeable effect, so you can opt to work your way up the dose or maintain a particular dose. It all depends on how comfortable you are with your dosage.

For dose information, you can check the product information, either on its external package or on the manufacturer website. You can also seek recommendations from a reputable medic in this field, for appropriate dosage depending on your goal.

3.     Select the best form of CBD product

The current market is not short of CBD-infused and based products. The variety can be overwhelming for some, as you might be tempted to just dive in and try it all. Some popular ones are tinctures, topicals, vape oils, and capsules.

Tinctures can be applied orally, added to beverages or food via a dropper. For vape oils, you can take them orally or inhale it vaporized form. You can apply topicals where you need it and for capsules just pop them in your mouth and drink some water.

4.     Know its various extraction methods

Knowing how your CBD oil is made can help you make a better buying choice. As some methods might expose this product to harmful contaminants while others may make it very pure. The more you know the easieritwould be, to find your ideal product amid the wide range available.

5.     Know its source

As much as you know how your CBD oil is made, it is also great to know where it was grown.High-quality ones are made from high-quality materials, so keep that in mind. In relation, always buy from reputable brands, no matter the price tag.

6.     Check THC level in your CBD oil

CBD oils are often derived from hemp and marijuana and each of them has some levels of THC, an acidic compound in cannabis plants. THC has psychoactive effects, so knowing how much of it your product has, can help you make a better purchasing decision.

7.     CBD full spectrum or isolates

You should also consider the overall makeup of your oil since the market usually offers two types the full spectrums and the isolates.

Isolates are purified while the full spectrums have all the active ingredients that are found in the plant. There are many things, which separate, isolates from spectrums and it is what determines the quality and capability of your product.

8.     Shop for independent lab tested products

When shopping for your oil, especially online always check if it is third-party tested. This means it should have another approval from a neutral party, independent lab testing. This is because this oil still lacks proper regulation and manufacturers can just sell it as they please.

The independent lab tests often protect you as the consumer, so it is best to keep an eye for it while shopping for your CBD oil. You can check for Third Party Tested label on the product or the website about section.


In conclusion, be informed about CBD and CBD oils for safe and better use. Otherwise, always feel free to contact a professional in the area for some help and guideline.

ED Infographic 500w

Contrary to the popular belief, erectile dysfunction is a common issue among men of all ages. According to https://www.privatedoc.com/blog/2019/04/hard-facts-erectile-dsyfunction/, for the 4.3 million men in the U.K. who have reported impotence symptoms it’s important to understand what causes these symptoms and how to ease them.

Erectile dysfunction has many causes, both physical and psychological. The first thing you need to consider is how often it happens: is it a long-term issue or it’s an isolated case? If it occurred once or twice in the past few weeks, it can be the outcome of medication taken for other health issues or of a stressful situation that’s currently going on in your life.

Smoking and regular alcohol consumption are two other common causes that make it hard to get or keep an erection. If this is the case for you, you can cut back on the cigarettes, reduce the amount of alcohol you usually consume or simply consume them less often.

Many times, the psychological causes are the roots of long term ED problems. Depression and anxiety alter the hormonal balance in the body, making you unable to perform sexually. In simpler words, “performance anxiety” is not just a myth – it’s a reality.

Over the years, erectile dysfunction has been mislabelled as “lack of masculinity.” This could not be farther from truth. The reasons behind this health issue are too varied and complex, and they cannot – and should not – be related to masculinity. In most cases, this label triggers anxiety, which furthermore worsens the problem. Depression and anxiety can also worsen the condition because of the additional stress and the negative feelings of disappointment, shame, and guilt.

Sometime, impotence can be a symptom of an underlying disease, such as diabetes, heart disease or blood pressure variations. To make sure this isn’t your case, check with your doctor and make sure your overall health state is good. However, if there is a serious health problem involved, the symptoms will go away once you start the treatment.

Moreover, a 40+ BMI (Body Mass Index) can also be at fault for ED symptoms. The extra pounds that your body stores as fat act as a hormonal gland, creating hormones that disrupt the normal cycle in your body.  In this case, a balanced approach on meals and nutrition can help you shed some pounds and rid of the symptoms.

In other cases, injuries and surgeries can also affect the sexual performance, even if they are not located in the inguinal area. A damaged nervous system or clogged blood vessels can affect the proper functioning of the entire body – especially the extremities.

Last, but not least, unresolved couple issues can also be an important cause of this issue. It often happens that it’s the connection with your partner that has been affected, and impotence is just a symptom of it. Are there any grudges you hold against them? Are you mad at them for any reason? Work through these problems with your partner – it will be a great relief to take the pressure off your shoulders, and the performance anxiety might disappear.

Alcohol Use Disorder: What You Need To Know

Drinking alcoholic drinks for many is often seen as a way to relax, socialize, or celebrate. However, drinking too much or drinking as a way of dealing with feelings of depression or anxiety has a severe effect on the entire body. Most commonly, alcohol intake harms the brain, heart, pancreas, mouth, liver, and immune system. But, in spite of its widely-known negative impacts, more Americans than ever before are consuming alcohol regularly.

According to research data published in 2018 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, yearly more than 88.000 people in the United States die from alcohol-related deaths. Also, more than 15 million Americans struggle with an alcohol use disorder. However, what is genuinely devastating is the fact that less than eight percent of those receive treatment.

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, and alcohol use disorder (ADU) is a medical diagnosis of severe problem drinking. AUD is a chronic relapsing brain disease defined by

  • Compulsive alcohol use, 
  • Loss of control over how much you drink and
  • A negative emotional state when not drinking (you feel anxious, irritable, and/or stressed)

Alcohol addiction results in repeated significant distress and problems functioning in your daily life. According to science, AUD can be mild, moderate, or severe. The level is established based on the number of symptoms a person experiences. Since even a mild disease can escalate and lead to severe problems, doctors advise that early treatment is essential.

Risk Factors for Developing Alcohol Use Disorder

Alcohol use disorder can stem from different factors. The existence of alcoholism risk factors does not mean you will automatically develop a drinking problem; however, knowing them should serve as a prevention measure. 

Several common alcohol abuse risk factors include:

Drinking at an Early Age – Excessive use of alcohol at a young age can lead to problems later on in life. This especially applies when adolescents engage in frequent binge drinking. Alcoholism can affect anyone at any age.

Family History With Alcohol Addiction – Growing up around family members or relatives that suffer from alcoholism increases the risk of alcohol abuse. If you are surrounded by people who drink excessively, alcohol use can look differently. In these circumstances, you can easily fall victim to bad habits.

High Levels of Stress – Drinking to reduce stress can quickly become problematic.  For this reason, it is essential for professionals in high-stress level industries to find other ways (like doing sport or maintaining a hobby) to de-stress to prevent alcohol abuse.

Peer Pressure – When a partner or close friend frequently drink, you may be more inclined to join them. Giving in to peer pressure can be tempting, so rather than feel the need to drink, offer to be designated driver.

Frequent Alcohol Consumption Over a Long Period – When drinking too much becomes a pattern, you significantly increase your chances of developing an alcohol-dependence. The more you drink, the more you become tolerant to alcohol, which means in time, you will need to drink more alcohol to achieve the same effects you felt with less.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Alcohol use disorder is diagnosed when a patient’s drinking causes distress or harm. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5), 11 criteria help a professional decide if someone has an AUD, and those are:

  • Drink more, or longer, than planned
  • Have tried to stop or cut back more than once, but couldn’t
  • Spend a lot of time drinking, (or being sick or hungover)
  • Want alcohol so badly you are unable to think of anything else
  • Have problems with family/ work/ school,  due to drink (or because you are hangover)
  • Carrying on with drinking even though it has caused problems for you or your closed ones
  • Cut back or quit on other activities that were important to you so you can drink
  • Have found yourself in situations where you can get hurt while drinking or afterward 
  • Keep drinking even though it makes you depressed or anxious, damage your health, or led to a memory blackout
  • To reach the effect, you have to drink more
  • Found that you had withdrawal symptoms, like trouble sleeping, shakiness, restlessness, nausea, sweating, a racing heart, a seizure, or seeing, hearing, or feeling things that aren’t there.

These criteria address both the physical and psychological components of alcohol use disorder. The physical dependence is an essential component of the alcohol addiction; however, a person can be physically dependent on alcohol (the body will build tolerance and will go through withdrawal if the intake ceases or if there is a severe reduction of the usually consumed amount) without being psychologically dependent on it. The psychological component refers to how the person’s thoughts and actions become adjust toward obtaining and drinking alcohol, even to the exclusion of essential responsibilities.

If a person experience at least two of the eleven factors (symptoms) described above, in the past year, then it is considered that the person has an alcohol use disorder. The existence of two or three signs equals a diagnosis of a mild alcohol use disorder, while four to five symptoms are considered moderate, and six or more is considered severe.

Available Treatment Options for Alcohol Use Disorder

Most people with diagnosed alcohol use disorder can get better from some form of treatment. Medical treatments include two types of therapy – medicines and behavioral. Medications usually prescribed for treating alcohol use disorder are Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate. Alcohol counseling includes cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement therapy, marital and family counseling, and brief interventions.  For the majority of people, using both types gives the best results. Also, going to a support group such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been an essential activity for many. The important thing is that if you have an AUD, it is vital to ask for treatment.

In severe cases, intensive treatment is required – joining a residential treatment center for rehabilitation (rehab). These treatments are highly effective since they are highly structured. They usually include several different kinds of behavioral therapies, including medicines for detox (medical treatment for alcohol withdrawal) and/or for treating the AUD.

Last but not least

It is easy for a few drinks with friends to become a full-blown alcohol addiction. Individuals struggling with alcohol use disorder cannot function normally without alcohol,  thus often suffering in silence. If you think you or someone you know may have an alcohol use disorder, it is vital to ask for help. There are many treatment options available like residential alcohol treatment centers california that can help you or your loved one overcome alcohol abuse and achieve long-term sobriety. 

Foreclosure: Trials of Retired Senior Citizens

In time past, older citizens were certain of financial security in their futures. As soon as they retired, the government paid pensions and social security worked for them. Once their 30-year mortgages were settled off; the remainder of their days were spent in comfort and essential luxury.

Sadly, however, economic recession and market crashes have adversely affected the once- certain and peaceful world of senior retirement security. Millions of seniors in the United States are now burdened with debt more than what it used to be. It has been estimated that around 1.5 million Americans have been victims of foreclosure between the years 2007 and 2011, losing their homes in the process.

Another estimated 3 million seniors are said to be at risk of foreclosure, and some 3.5 million mortgages are higher than the property’s value; they are underwater. This has created a bad situation where seniors are at risk of loss if selling their property becomes a necessity, and there may be no equity left if a compelling need comes up. It is sad to say that so many seniors are facing financial horror in their retirement, as opposed to the intended security they were supposed to enjoy.

Causing Factors

The rapidly increasing number in mortgage foreclosure can be attributed to several reasons. These include loss in value of the property, reduction in the pension amount, and an increase in living and medical costs. When these are considered, there is little or no extra money that could go into savings. Over the years, the final consequence is that up to half of all seniors have no substantial savings as a retirement plan. Owning a home is gradually falling from its status as a thing of pride.

The losses that can be incurred by mortgages are rather scary and dim the excitement of owning homes. Homes are no longer seen as assets but can well be liabilities. Accumulated equity in the past had tremendous value, but in recent times, accumulated equity has decreased, and appreciation in the value of a property is relatively low. The initial concrete sense of financial security for older citizens has weakened. Owning a home is almost now a guaranteed way to lose money, and ultimately, the home in question.

The Negative Effects on Health

All the outlined problems are now having a direct negative consequence on the health of citizens. Most of the victims are the elderly; they are vulnerable and are not as energetic as they were when younger. Research to study the link between the crises and the general health of the affected community has been conducted. Experts found out that areas with higher cases of foreclosure and general mortgage crisis recorded higher visits to health centers and an increase in the use of stress-relieving drugs.

Some of the reasons for hospital visits were found to be stress, agitation, and even worse, attempted suicides. In general, the areas had higher occurrences of physical ailments arising from mental stress. It is easy for people in serious debt to overthink and lead themselves into depression, and many elderly adults have ended up dying when the stress becomes too much to handle.

Negative Effects on the Economy

While the adverse effects of foreclosure on the homeowner’s health have been outlined, it turns out that the economy also takes a hit from these effects. A staggering 4.4 million foreclosures have been recorded between 2008 and 2013. This figure equals a total cost of about $2 trillion in the value of the property. This amount of money lost has affected the economy at different levels from local to state and the nation. Not only does it negatively affect homeowners themselves, but a loss in value of the property and reduction in the nation’s revenue is also prevalent consequences of large-scale foreclosure.

Another way by which foreclosure affects the economy comes from the homeowners themselves. With a foreclosure, many homeowners usually lower or completely stop purchasing other services. The economy thrives on large scale purchases and expenditures made by its citizens. As millions of homeowners reduce their spending, a good fraction of the whole nation’s economy is slowed. This effect can be particularly adverse in states that contain a large majority of the nation’s total foreclosures.

The homeowners who are victims of foreclosure are usually not granted new loans until after at least two years, automatically reducing the number of possible buyers in the real estate market. Another significant effect is that foreclosures are infectious; in the same area, a foreclosure on one property would cause a reduction in the value of the surrounding homes by giving the area a ‘bad’ look. This can, in turn, lead to further foreclosures.

Attempted Solutions

In an attempt to fix the situation, the US government has spent billions since the year 2008.  Prevent Foreclosures and Keep Families in Their Homes is an initiative that involves guiding homeowners on how to ensure they are up to date on their mortgage payment requirements. If a foreclosure is imminent, advocates and counselors also try to revisit payment agreements set in place between lenders and homeowners.

They usually try to extend the payment time over more extended periods, effectively reducing the expected monthly payments to values the homeowners can afford to pay. Another possibility is to discuss allowing the homeowners to keep residing in the property, with a future hope of reclaiming the property’s ownership. There are still many considerations ongoing to determine which homeowners facing foreclosures can be helped by the government and the amount that should be provided.

In most cases, however, the homeowners signed up for reverse mortgages when they didn’t have a full grasp of its implications. They were cajoled and wooed in by greedy lenders who only stated its benefits; no taxes. They also made sure it appeared like their homes faced no risk of foreclosure at all. Homeowners who can sustain their nation 21 loans payments and those who live in homes they clearly can’t afford are recognized as not needing help from the government.

The main objectives are to bring stability to affected neighborhoods and provide help to enable homeowners to recover. So far, the government has helped in the following ways:

  • By providing support with new housing for victims who have lost their homes to foreclosure.
  • Aiding in necessities like food, clothes and electricity.
  • By providing legal help with the mortgage.
  • By giving aid in school tuition fees for children of affected homeowners
  • By providing medical help for physically and mentally affected homeowners.

The effects of foreclosure are drastic but are not absolute. There is still hope for people who face foreclosure threats. However, it is better to avoid the possibility altogether; foreclosures are mortgage failures. Before signing any mortgage arrangement, make sure you fully understand what you are getting into, what it entails, and the worst-case scenarios.

However, it has been pointed out that solving the foreclosure problems and their effects on people do not require coming up with new services but instead improving on the existing areas. Funds have been released to help assist people who are about to or have foreclosure problems. The ARRA was a fund of $1.5 billion passed to help assist such people and saved many from ending up homeless. Retirement should be a time to relish in one’s comfort and financial security, not to start worrying all over again. The seniors deserve better!



Stop Lying To Yourself. If He Wanted To Be With You, He Would Be With You

One day you will regret everything that you did to let her slip away like that. One day you will wish that she is back in your arms instead of in the arms of someone else. One day she will be just another stranger that you avoid on your way to work. One day you will regret not waking up beside her.

You may not understand this right away, but I promise you that there will come a day when you will remind yourself of these words and you will understand everything that I was saying.

I don’t know when it will happen, but assure you that one day, it will. And when that day comes, you will feel every emotion that she felt when you left her, you will feel her sorrow and her tears in my words. And you will realize that you made the most terrible mistake in your life.

She was a woman who looked past your flaws and saw the good you have left in your heart. She was a woman who fell in love with you regardless of how much the world told her not to do that. She was a woman who believed in you when no one else did. A woman who was determined to help you change. A woman who was willing to wait for you until the end of time. And she tried… Boy, did she try?

She stayed by your side when you struggled the most. She held your hand when you were uncertain about your feelings for her. She was there for you even though she knew that you are only there when you need something from her. She figured that the only thing you needed was just a bit of time and space. Because she genuinely believed that you could become that loving and caring person that she always dreamed of.

This woman knew every part of your soul, she knew all of your terrible secrets, your darkest parts, your fears, your paranoia, but she still loved you more than words can say. She stuck with you because she saw something special within you and decided not to give up. But the reality was much worse than she expected. She did not expect to be pushed away like that, not after she gave you her heart on a silver platter.

You knew that she did not deserve anything like that. And you did it anyway.

Because you never thought of her feelings, did you? Your own feelings and your own needs were the only things that mattered.

You took her for granted, you hurt her feelings and you left her hanging. So, she left.

That was one of the hardest things that she ever had to do, but she did it. She realized that there is no more place in your life for someone like her. She accepted her destiny, swallowed her tears and started her own journey. She finally understood that love is not always enough and embraced life as it is.

You, my friend, may not understand this right now, but one day it will all become much clearer and you will finally realize the mistake you’ve made.

In the end, you will regret losing the woman who loved you more than life itself and waited for you to make up your mind. You will wake up with a tear in your eye and you will regret not having her by your side. You will open your eyes and you will regret not treating her the way she deserved when you had the chance.

But when that happens, it will all be too late.

A Heartfelt Letter To The ‘Best Friend’ That Cut Me Out Like I Was Never A Part Of Her Life

Dear ‘Best Friend,’

After all the ups and downs we’ve gone through, it never occurred to me that the ties of friendship between us would ever be broken. You suddenly cut me out like I was never a part of your life.

You cut me out like I didn’t mean anything to you.

I still can’t get over the fact that our friendship fell apart. It’s been almost two years now, but it appears that time can’t heal my pain and erase the scars you left on my soul.

You suddenly cut me out of your life without giving me any explanation. You left me with a lot of unanswered questions that are still lingering over my head:

Did you cut me out of your life because I did something bad to you? Was it my fault at all? Did your heart break when you decided to remove me from your life? Are you still thinking about me? Do you miss me?

How could someone so easily let go of a person they loved so honestly and deeply? How could someone let go of a person they had such a strong connection with?

And do you know what hurts me the most?

That’s the thought that I might never find the answers to these questions. It’s the thought that I might never get to find out why you cut me out of your life.

Whenever I walk past the places where we used to hang out and whenever I come across a photo of us, fond memories of the time we spent together come flooding back.

Dear ex-bestie, I can hold a grudge against you for cutting me out of your life. I can even blame myself for it. I can miss you terribly. But there are some things  I can never do.

I can’t erase our memories. I can’t erase what we went through. I can’t pretend that the genuine, deep connection we had never existed. I can’t act as if you never meant anything to me.

Because you were an important part of my life. You were the one who was always there for me. You were the one who saw the good in me even when I couldn’t see it myself. You were the one who reminded me of my strength and courage whenever I felt weak. You were the one who made sure I was always aware of my worth.

Yes, you were someone who helped shape me into the woman I am today – and for that, I’ll always be grateful to you.

Therefore, know that I don’t hate you. I don’t feel bitterness in my heart. I’m not angry with you.

After all, cutting me out of your life was your decision. And regardless of how difficult and painful it was for me to accept the harsh truth, I’ve realized that I need to let go.

Yes, I need to let go of you.

I don’t know if you will ever read this letter or if we will ever see each other again, but I truly hope you’re doing well. I hope you’re living the life you’ve always wanted to. And I hope that you’ll find someone who will love you and care about you the way I did.

Last but not least, I hope that our paths cross someday again. And until then, I wish you nothing but the best.

Research Shows That Reducing Meat Consumption Is Essential To Avoid Climate Breakdown

A new study shows that huge reductions in meat consumption are essential to avoid a dangerous and catastrophic climate breakdown.

According to major research, beef consumption in western countries needs to fall by 90% and be replaced by 5 times more beans and pulses.

The study also found that there must be made significant changes in farming if we wish to avoid destroying the planet’s ability to provide us with food for 10 billion people.

It is clear that food production is already causing damage to our natural habitat. This is due to deforestation, water shortages from farming, the emission of greenhouse gasses from livestock and vast ocean dead zones from agricultural pollution.

However, if we don’t take further action the effects of these circumstances can be very dangerous. In fact, it is expected that as a result of the rise of the world population by 2050, the impact would get far worse, enabling everyone to eat more meat-rich western diets. This dangerous chain of events would eventually destroy the critical environmental limits which will force humanity to struggle.

“It is pretty shocking. We are really risking the sustainability of the whole system. If we are interested in people being able to farm and eat, then we better not do that” said Marco Springmann at the University of Oxford, who led the research team. 

Prof Johan Rockström at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany, who was also a part of the research team explained that feeding a world population of 10 billion is possible, but only if we make significant changes in the food production and the food consumption.

“Greening the food sector or eating up our planet: this is what is on the menu today.”

The new research published in the Nature journal follows the publication of a landmark UN report in which world’s leading scientists warned that we only have just a few years to take action and keep the global warming under 1.5C. The report also warned that a significant reduction in meat and dairy consumption is also very important, especially since the current trends are going in the opposite direction.

“There is no magic bullet,” said Springmann. “But dietary and technological change [on farms] are the two essential things, and hopefully they can be complemented by a reduction in food loss and waste.”

The researchers found a way to make this whole process a lot easier by introducing a flexitarian diet to keep climate change under 2C. This means that an average person needs to eat 75% less beef, 90% less pork and half the number of eggs while tripling the consumption of beans and pulses and quadrupling the consumption of seeds and nuts. Incorporating these foods in our diets would halve the emissions from livestock and the better management of manure would allow even more cuts.

In richer countries such as the UK and US, the average person needs to cut beef by 90% dairy by 60% and increase the consumption of beans and pulses by 4 or 6 times. However, we mustn’t forget the fact that the undernourished people in the poorer country need to eat a little more dairy and meat.

According to them, reducing the meat production and consumption can be achieved a mix of education, taxes, subsidies for plant-based foods and changes to school and workplace menus, the scientists said.

To stop deforestation, water shortages and pollution from fertilizers, there must be made big, profound changes in farming.

All of these changes are already being implemented in different parts of the world. According to Springmann, in the Netherlands and Israel, fertilizers and water are being better used, while a big decrease in meat consumption can be noticed among mainly young people.

“I was surprised by the fact we need a combination of very ambitious options,” Springmann said. “We really need to push it to the edge of what is possible.”

However, he explains that what we now need is a change on a global scale.

“I think we can do it, but we really need much more proactive governments to provide the right framework. People can make a personal difference by changing their diet, but also by knocking on the doors of their politicians and saying we need better environmental regulations – that is also very important. Do not let politicians off the hook.”

Prof Peter Smith at the University of Aberdeen, who was also not part of the research team, said: “We know food choices are very personal, and that behavior change can be difficult to encourage, but the evidence is now unequivocal – we need to change our diets if we are to have a sustainable future. The fact that it will also make us healthier makes it a no-brainer.”

I couldn’t agree more. Personally, I am ready to do whatever it takes to preserve and protect our home. The question is, are YOU?

At Last! Public Breastfeeding Is Finally Legal In All 50 States Across The U.S.

Women have always been criticized and shamed for breastfeeding in public as if they are doing something truly shameful and disgusting, but now that era has ended.

Lawmakers have officially made public breastfeeding legal in all 50 states across the U.S.

Hooray! It was about damn time!

For years, Utah and Idaho refused to create laws that protect nursing mothers who have the need to breastfeed in public. However, now that the new legislation has passed, both states are finally on board with public breastfeeding.

However, even though the laws have officially passed, there was some resistance from Utah. The legislation was supposed to start with “A woman may breastfeed in any place of public accommodation … irrespective of whether the woman’s breast is uncovered during or incidental to the breastfeeding.”

But, according to the media, Republican Representative Curt Webb thought the wording would eventually to indecency.

“This seems to say you don’t have to cover up at all,” Webb said. “I’m not comfortable with that, I’m just not. It’s really in your face.”

This forced the lawmakers to remove the second part of the bill. It now just reads that women are allowed to “to breastfeed in any place of public accommodation.” The updated version successfully passed through the state legislature with a vote of 66-5.

As for Idaho, the legislation went a bit smoother. The law that allows breastfeeding moms to publicly nurse their children successfully passed with a vote of 66-0. It passed in March 2018 and it came into full effect only two weeks later.

It finally happened!

With these two pieces of legislation, it is officially legal to publicly breastfeed your kid in all the 50 countries across the U.S. The United States have finally followed the example of the UK, Australia and other countries across the world that protect nursing mothers.

Cheers to that!