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3 Tips for Preventing Skin Cancer

In Australia, skin cancer is a big problem. The sun is particularly strong over the country, and the numbers of skin cancer diagnoses climb every year. Although skin cancer is one of the most curable cancers if treated early, it’s still better to prevent it where possible. This article discusses ways that you can avoid ending up in a skin cancer clinic by practising good preventative strategies. 

  1. Protect Yourself from the Sun

The best way to prevent skin cancer is to stay out of the sun, as it’s usually the sun’s rays that cause skin cancer. While this isn’t always true, as a skin cancer lesion can appear in places that are not usually exposed to the sun, it’s still an important factor that you have a lot of control over. Therefore, protecting yourself from the sun is essential when trying to prevent a trip to your local skin cancer clinic. Here are some simple steps to take to protect yourself from the sun:

Wear a Big Hat

A wide-brimmed hat will protect your head, face, ears, and neck from sun damage.

Cover Up

Wear long-sleeved tops and long pants to protect your skin. It can be tempting to wear less clothing in summer, but this will put your skin at risk.  You should also note the fabric. Some fabrics naturally offer better protection from the sun – especially if they’re dark colored or tightly woven. Some clothes even have an SPF value like sunscreen.

Be Mindful of the Time

The sun’s rays are at their strongest between 10 am and 4 pm, so if you want to enjoy the sun, do so outside of these times. During the peak hours of sun strength, try to stay indoors or in the shade. 

  1. Apply Sunscreen

For the best kind of sun protection, always choose a sunscreen with a high SPF (sun protection factor) like SPF 30 or more. Apply it to all areas of the skin where the sun might reach, including the face, ears, nose, chest and shoulders, arms, hands, stomach, back, legs and feet. Don’t assume that just because you have a hat on that you won’t get burned to − apply sunscreen as well to make sure you’re fully protected.

  1. Avoid Tanning

When you get sunburned, you’ve experienced skin damage caused by the sun. Yet for some reason, many people don’t realize that tanning can cause a similar form of damage. Sunburn and tanning increase the risk of getting skin cancer and having to visit a skin cancer clinic. Avoiding excessive doses of the sun’s UV rays will always help you prevent skin cancer lesions from forming on your body. (1)


If you take the above points seriously, you’ll have a much lower chance of getting skin cancer from excessive sun exposure. As a bonus, your skin will also be in better health and will naturally appear more youthful. So there’s more than one reason to slip slop and slap − you’ll be looking after your health and also preventing skin cancer at the same time.

What is the Effect of Cannabis on your Metabolism?

In 2013, the American Journal of Science shared a report on the effect of marijuana (cannabis) on human metabolism. The findings noted a lower prevalence of obesity in users compared to nonusers.

During an interview with Time magazine, an associate professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School explained that users had a healthier carbohydrate metabolism. Keep in mind, carbohydrates are noted for producing midsection obesity and a significant contributor to diabetes. (1)

What is Cannabis?

It’s important to understand that cannabis is a flowering plant consisting of three species; Sativa, Indica, and Ruderalis. The terms of hemp and marijuana are used simultaneously with cannabis, when in fact these two varieties are strains of the plant.

They do share the active ingredient of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is a psychoactive compound responsible for physiological effects (high). One of the side effects of THC is an increase in appetite, known as the munchies.

  • Dry weight, hemp contains three percent or less of THC.
  • Marijuana contains over three percent of THC.

What many don’t realize, THC is one of two cannabinoids. The other is known as CBD (cannabidiol). CBD is a non-psychoactive compound. Further research has demonstrated that CBD, as a derivative of cannabis, may have a direct effect on the body’s metabolism.

In Canada, where cannabis has been legalized, individuals have the opportunity to explore the potential benefits of both THC and CBD and make informed decisions about their usage based on personal needs and preferences. To explore the wide range of cannabis products available, residents of Kingston can visit a reputable cannabis store in Kingston that offers a diverse selection of strains, concentrations, and consumption methods. Such a dispensary can provide valuable guidance and information to ensure a safe and enjoyable cannabis experience.

Metabolic Effects

Research studies on molecular and cellular biochemistry discovered CBD stimulated the body’s metabolism to increase the breakdown of fat. The studies explained that CBD multiplied the number of mitochondria boosting the body’s ability to burn more calories.

Mitochondria (living cells) are part of our body structures like our brain and heart. They take in nutrients so our structures can function. In this case, mitochondria cells break down carbohydrates (sugar) to make energy.

The effect is called “fat browning.” CBD appears to have the ability to deplete the body’s stored white fat by burning it into brown fat. Medical professionals refer to brown fat as the good fat. Brown fat gets its name from the high iron content causing the hue.

  • White fat accumulates around a person’s waist and thighs and is associated with the onset of diabetes and heart disease. Consuming excess calories causes the body to store white fat.
  • Whereas, brown fat is linked to helping with weight loss and good health. Brown fat generally collects around the neck area.

In 2018 the Agricultural Improvement Act removed hemp from the 1970 Controlled Substance Act (CSA). The action legalized hemp or hemp derived (CBD) products with restricted THC percentages. Exceeding THC allowable limits is a violation of federal hemp laws. Marijuana or any by-products is still listed as a controlled substance and federally illegal under the CSA.


Kratom is an herbal product derived from a tropical evergreen tree in Asia. Its medicinal properties provide opioid-like pain relief. Low doses have helped to relieve chronic or injury related pain with no side effects in most cases. Sensitivity or risk of addiction is lower compared to traditional prescription pain medicines.

Like all health treatments or medications, talk with your doctor before making any changes. If you are taking prescriptions, over-the-counter supplements or being treated for other health disorders combining non-prescription remedies could cause side effects.

Right now, only forty-six states allow the distribution, selling, buying or consumption of Kratom legally. It’s available in liquid, powder, tablet, and capsule forms. Depending on the level of pain a kratom dose can range from two to eight grams or more.

Officially the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DES) is waiting for analysis before determining Kratom as a legal or illegal substance.

Ways to Improve Your Relationship with Yourself

Not all of us have the best relationship with ourselves. We are criticizing ourselves and we are too harsh on us, most of the times. With time, comes wisdom, and most of us learn then how to deal with our deepest negative emotions and learn how to love ourselves.

The relationship with ourselves is sometimes the most complicated in our lives, marked by internal struggles and difficult to make choices. When we lack a good view of ourselves, we are more likely to cause external conflicts and struggles. We are unlikely to develop and maintain healthy relationships with others. But a faulty view of yourself can be easily fixed by using several strategies. (1)

Create self-love habits

Finding and getting into habits which help you practice self-love is one of the best strategies you can apply to develop a healthy relationship with yourself. It’s surprising how many strategies work wonderfully for this purpose. For instance, thanking yourself for making the bed, for fixing yourself a meal, taking yourself on a date and making the most of your time spent with yourself.

Spend time analyzing how you feel on a daily basis and make resolutions of being kinder to yourself. Compliment yourself whenever you feel like you deserve it.

Reduce social media use

When you feel like you don’t tune in with yourself anymore, you can always try to reduce social media use for a day or two. Take a day off from using it and focus on living your life without external interferences. This will help you eliminate some of the FOMO syndrome symptoms we are all pressured by and to actually enjoy your own presence, without scrolling page after page of online content. This will help you become a kinder and more pleasant person and will boost your joy levels!

Practice forgiveness

Sometimes, it’s difficult to forgive others, but most difficult it seems to be forgiving ourselves. Not forgiving others or yourself puts an enormous burden and strain on yourself. You don’t forgive for others’ sake; you do it for your own good. The act of forgiving yourself and others is releasing all negative energy in your life and making peace with yourself and others. Practice forgiveness and this will turn you into a better person.

Help somebody out

When you have too much on your plate and feel helpless, the best way to make this feeling disappear is helping out somebody else. This will offer you the feeling you’re in control and will give you a positive energy kick. This will turn your energy 180 degree and will make you feel like you’re in control. When you have little control over your life, try to make others’ a little better.


Meditation will offer you the opportunity to completely tune in with yourself and become more self-aware than ever. Find some online tutorials and try to get a better grasp of several meditation techniques. Practice meditation as frequently as possible and try to din the best methods to tune in with yourself. Meditation will also help you grow as a person and individual in more than one way.

Rediscover yourself

You will be surprised by how much a little self-discovery session will help you grow in unexpected ways. Rediscovery comes in many shapes and forms and you can explore whichever you feel you have to work on a bit more. If we’re discussing sexual rediscovery, think of experimenting things you have always been afraid to. Experiment with sex toys or whatever toys you find appealing.

Rediscover how pleasant keeping yourself company is and how to deal with solitude, even if, for many, this is the biggest punishment out there. When you have a great relationship with yourself, solitude is not a scary prospect anymore. It becomes strangely appealing.

Be easy on yourself

When you feel your relationship with yourself is going not as well as you’d like, remember not to take everything so seriously. Be easy on yourself and others and treat yourself with kindness. Try not to look too deeply into everything and overanalyze all things happening in your life. This is a sure way to become more critical of yourself and others.

Even negative events in your life should be seen with a positive eye. They allow you to grow and discover that your limits are others than you would expect.

Write your feelings out

Bottling up feelings is not a healthy way to deal with them. This usually leads to frustrations and resentment. To deal with your negative emotions better, you should practice writing your feelings and letting go. If something is bothering you more than it should, this will make your relationship with yourself more difficult than it should be.

Writing your negative feelings will also help you gain a new perspective and have a clearer view of the situation. Remember that acknowledging your feelings and accepting them is the first step to a healthier relationship with yourself and the world.

Mirror exercises

Some mirror work has been proven to raise self-esteem and help us deal better with ourselves. It has also been proven to help us accept us for what we are, rather than what we would like to be. Look at your reflection in the mirror and affirm love whenever you feel like your relationship with yourself deteriorates.

Mirror exercises of self-love and acceptance will make you realize that you deserve love and appreciation, even if it comes from yourself!

Be aware of your thinking processes

How you think of yourself is how you are. If you know that you’re prone to self-criticism, try to control this and ensure that you practice self-love and appreciation, instead.

Also, in terms of thinking, remember that not everything crossing your mind deserves your undivided attention, try to be picky in the process and try to remember there are fewer things that you expect deserving headaches and sleepless nights. (2)

How Going To The Beach Regularly Benefits Your Mental Health

Whether you’re the type of person who enjoys hiking in the mountains, cycling in nature, or jogging, we can all agree that spending time outdoors is beneficial for both our body and mind. However, nothing really compares to the smell of the sea, the sound of the crashing ocean waves, and the feeling of the sun as it warms the soft sand beneath your toes.

Spending time near water, be it a lake, the sea, or the ocean, makes people feel calm, relaxed, and blissful. The incredible feeling of tranquility that we experience when spending time at the beach has the power to calm us down to the point of feeling hypnotized.

So, if you feel peaceful and happy whenever you go to the beach, know that this is not just your imagination. Rather, that’s the real effect spending time near water has on your brain and mental health.

Here’s how going to the beach regularly benefits your mental health:

1. Spending time at the beach reduces depression.

The negative ions in the ocean air are powerful enough to relieve symptoms of depression and boost feelings of joy. Additionally, the amount of sunlight we receive when spending time at the beach directly affects our mood. The more we are exposed to sunlight, the more our levels of serotonin, also known as the happy hormone, increase, which boosts our mood and causes us to feel happy and reenergized.

2. Visiting the beach regularly reduces stress.

Just close your eyes and imagine that you’re now relaxing at the beach. You’re looking at the calm, peaceful sea while listening to the sound of the tiny waves and the seagulls that are flying over the sea and you’re feeling the sun as it gently caresses your skin. Don’t you feel calm already?

Well, that is the kind of effect the beach has on your body and mind. It makes you feel at ease, relaxes you, and most importantly, makes your worries and the stress you experience every day go away.

3. Spending time at the beach boosts creativity.

Have you been feeling so stressed and tense lately that you find it extremely difficult to focus on anything you do? Well, if so, spending time at the beach might be the right solution to this.

Spending time near water helps you clear your mind of stress and deal with your problems, projects at your work, or whatever is bothering you more creatively. Just like doing meditation exercises, spending time near water provokes feelings of calmness and peace, which helps you focus only on what is relevant to you at the moment.

4. Last but not least, regular beach trips can change your perspective on life.

Not only will spending time near water help you learn how to slow down in the fast-paced world we live in and enjoy the present moment, but it will also remind you how beautiful and precious life is. It’ll help you see the world around you in a different, more realistic way as well as develop a connection with nature.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]  

5 Facts about personal loans with bad credit history

Guaranteed approval personal loans no credit check – quick, competitive, transparent.

Slightly all borrowers aware of all pros of personal loans no credit check, But it’s better to begin with comparing various lending market offers. You have to meet a variety of strict standards to get becoming loans for you. Fiscal troubles can strike fairly all of the sudden, and overcoming such problems and difficulties isn’t convenient. It might seem sensible to downsize your budget by means of simplifying way of life, but it surely will not work in case of difficult money emergencies. (1)

Asking for support from your relatives and associates is mostly now not acceptable for a lot of explanations. If one would not have any personal financial savings, external sources shall be well known. Besides this, many common lenders probably no longer approve your will to apply for preferred type of loans in case you have a bad credit rating. We simply try to browse an easy personal loans or credit check for employee, as worthy variants.

Quick personal loans no credit check – best among offers without credit check.

When you’ve gotten imperfect credit rating, it’s still possible to obtain a money help. Payday loans, private loans, and title pawn may be viewed if you’re in such circumstances.

One of a type of secured crediting choice is title pawn. One could obtain it with horrible credit or quietly without credit, but your possessions shall be collateral for such a loan. Unable to make the repayments you’ll be at the threat of dropping of house or other your own. If you wish to compare them, unsecured personal loans no credit check, that are one of a loan type don’t have these risks, you can’t lose any property even if something goes wrong.

Payday loans as usual require neither collateral no high credit rating, but several shortcomings also found in this credit option when compare with personal loans no credit. However, these options are a fast ones, that you will pay off in full, as its APR, mostly in two weeks, but maybe in a month. Amount of such loans will be too small for many of your needs, but their interest usually are too high.

Fast personal loans no credit check often are most worthwhile answer amongst these three varieties of credit. Pledge is not any wanted, the sum you can borrow could also be excessive, but the curiosity expense will diminish.

Personal loans no credit check no bank account – more flexible borrowing options.

Like it was stated above, a bigger type of choices is feasible to enjoy. These loans are nontoxic for personal property, improved borrowed money, and significantly better compensation terms, which aren’t in any case depending on your paydays. Longer borrowing intervals shall be on hand.

Lack of strict eligibility necessities can be imposed on fast approval personal loans no credit check, in order credit score historical past, also bank account might be learnt. Accordingly, they’ll be not utilized by collectors as reasons, when your application will be viewed, you just ought to have a standard revenue source. Unlike title pawns, individual loans aren’t earmarked for a special cause. Possible take out instant personal loans no credit check with any variety of reasons. (2)

Guaranteed approval personal loans no credit check – time saving routine.

These financing offers will not be time demanding. It most effective takes several minutes or seconds to use. You don’t have got to put down your residences for securing a loan, and don’t ought to accumulate documentation proving your ownership. On the whole, a lot much less bureaucracy for personal loans no credit check  prevent you and a lender much time. Formally making use of for these style of crediting will have got to present only records for identification of your individual, verification of deal with, and proof of revenue. Often lenders may additionally ask different papers, but generally, this shall be some of them demanded. Without a needed a credit score examine, the resolution-making step may be very quick. The complete system of applying, evaluating, approving and disbursing the loan is done effectually and swiftly. All of it can be completed inside one or two days, field to all data required for fast personal loans no credit check are submitted in due time.

Instant personal loans no credit check – quick and convenient payment options.

As we already be aware of, individual loans have effortless necessities to satisfy. It is the cheapest technique to borrow since the interest premiums aren’t too excessive but fairly low-cost. It entails borrowing sum of money which you outline yourself coming out of your needs and potential. Guaranteed approval personal loans no credit check allow one to entry quick cash in a relaxed manner.

Loan proceeds may also be credited to your account on the equal day whilst you apply field to constructive resolution has been made. On the spot availability of a loan on favorable terms shortens the entire method.

Personal loans no credit check month-to-month repayments will depend on your chosen money quantity and time period.

You’ll have a structured yet bendy payoff agenda, having decided the targeted quantity of future repayments. You will experience an effortless and obvious payment method paying simply monthly installments through automatic debit from your account.

Where can I get a personal loan with no credit? You can do it online.

While you get into a fiscal problem, the first thing to do is to set feelings aside and instantly get began to devise a way out of it. Applying for personal loans no credit check online is the easiest process, it is transparent and easy.

Streamlined procedure of soliciting for a loan makes extra easy to get economic support in your present challenges. There no long lines to face, paperwork will not be troublesome, so all the formalities can be completed online fast in a short time. Reputable loan counselors will render all help for you beneath if you want it. If you have a sudden demand for cash help, this financing choice creates the pleasant answer for you, provided by means of cheap premiums and costs, speedy handling, easy-to do paperwork, and convenient-to head procedures. It presents a lot of flexibility in amounts to be borrowed, time periods, or cost terms. Go to our website, fill an easy application type out, attach your IDs, and get one of bendy loans.

Quick personal loans no credit check will definitely handle any of your urgent money necessities.

A Thank-You Letter To The Friends Who Will Always Be A Part Of My Life

Dear friends who will always be a part of my life – THANK YOU.

Thank you for being my friends. Thank you for showing me what genuine, deep, lifelong friendship is.

Thank you for always being here for me. For being patient, compassionate, and selfless. For attentively listening to me every time I vented about my problems.

Thank you for staying by my side on my best days and my worst days. For celebrating with me my achievements and successes, but also for not leaving me to deal with my problems on my own.

Thank you for sticking with me through thick and thin.

Thank you for always doing your best to help me ease my worries and make me feel better when I felt upset, confused, and lost.

Thank you for always being my greatest help and support. My cheerleader. My strength. My guiding light. My inspiration. My hope.

Thank you for never turning your back on me. For never letting me down.

Thank you for picking me up when life knocked me down. For believing in me, reminding me of my strength, and encouraging me to move forward when I felt like I could not do that on my own.

Thank you for always being honest with me. For telling me the truth even when it was too cruel and painful and even when I didn’t want to hear it.

Thank you for always having my back. For never letting anyone criticize me or make fun of me in your presence. For letting me know which of the people in my life truly love me and care about me and which of them are only trying to take advantage of me.

Thank you for making my life happy, enjoyable, and exciting. For all the fun, jokes, and laugh. For all the warm, sweet, precious memories that flood back to me whenever I think of the time we spent together.

Thank you for laughing with me every time I said or did something silly in public so that I wouldn’t be the only one feeling embarrassed.

Thank you for always helping me make wise decisions and choices. Thank you for openly telling me when I was making mistakes.

Thank you for accepting me and loving me the way I am. For knowing and accepting all of my annoying habits and whims. For tolerating my frequent mood swings and drama scenes. For being patient and tolerant every time I got cranky, needy, or simply unbearable.

Thank you for being aware of my bad, dark side and not making me feel ashamed of it. For helping me overcome my insecurities and fears. For inspiring me to love and respect myself with all my weaknesses and imperfections.

Thank you for inspiring me to grow. For encouraging me to read, travel, and learn more. For encouraging me to leave my comfort zone and do things I never thought I would. For helping me overcome the fear of the unknown.

Thank you for believing in my qualities and strength. For encouraging me to set high goals. For encouraging me to never stop dreaming. For making sure I never forget my worth. 

Thank you for inspiring me to do better and be better.

Thank you for the sense of fulfillment you’ve given me – the kind of fulfillment which comes from knowing that you are loved and respected; from knowing that you’ll never have to feel alone and that there’s someone else around you that understands you and connects with you on all levels.

Thank you for choosing me to be your friend, for loving me dearly, unconditionally, and selflessly, and for always being here for me.

Thank you for shaping me into the person I am today.

Thank you for making my life easier, happier, and better.

Thank you for being a part of my life and know that you’ll always be a part of it.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] 

I No Longer Put Up With Crappy Behavior In Relationships

In my past relationships, I used to forgive and accept lame excuses and apologies without even considering the situation carefully and thoroughly. I used to let people I loved with every part of me play with my feelings and break my heart without once standing up for myself.

Yes, I’m going to admit this right here and right now – I used to tolerate crappy behavior in relationships, but not anymore.

I used to give second chances to people who didn’t even deserve one, but not anymore.

I used to think that a person’s heart can’t be cold if they’re treated with love, kindness, and respect, but not anymore.

I’ve grown. I’ve changed.

Therefore, know that I won’t keep you in my life for long if I notice that you treat me badly. If I notice that you’re an immature, selfish, manipulative, inconsiderate person, I’ll walk away and let go of you without looking back. I’ll move on without feeling guilty about any big thing you might have done for me.

I’ll no longer let anyone play devious mind games with me, manipulate me, and take advantage of my empathetic soul. I’m going to set clear, strict boundaries and I’m never going to allow anyone to disrespect them. Since although I still have the same fears and insecurities from my past, I don’t feel weak and unworthy anymore – I’ve realized my self-worth.  I know who I am and I know how I deserve to be treated.

So, if your actions don’t match your words, I’m not going to think twice about calling you out on it. I’m not going to act as if everything is okay between us and allow you to feed my hopes with your pathetic excuses, empty promises, and lies.

I am not the type of person that loves drama. I am not going to have angry fights with you every single day. If you bring more stress, worries, and dissatisfaction into my life than happiness and a sense of peace, then I’ll know that you aren’t worth my attention. I’ll know that you don’t deserve my patience, kindness, compassion, and respect. I’ll know that you aren’t worth my love.

Therefore, know that if you string me along, I’m going to let go of you.

If you’re unfaithful to me, I’m going to let go of you.

If you break my heart, even once, I’m going to let go of you.

I’m not going to make excuses for your broken promises, lies, and mistakes. I’m not going to justify your crappy behavior. I’m not going to let you treat me like I’m a worthless sh*t and get away with it just because you have a special place in my heart and my greatest fear is losing you.

I used to forgive and give second chances to people who didn’t deserve this since I was afraid of not being accepted, of not being loved back, of being rejected. However, I no longer give a damn about any of these things.

I’m more fulfilled and happier being single than surrounded by manipulative, dishonest, fake people – people that are good to you until they get under your skin and make you fall for them and then they betray your trust and leave you heartbroken the moment they get a chance.

I’ll no longer say, “that’s fine” when it’s not. I’ll no longer be the type of person that is always willing to sacrifice their own happiness for somebody else’s sake. I’ll no longer be the angel that is always there for others and makes sure everyone feels happy, safe, and protected.

I used to be all this, but not anymore.

I no longer put up with crappy behavior in relationships.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected] 


Top 3 offplan projects in Dubai that encourage a healthy lifestyle

In the last few years, Dubai has risen to become a popular investment destination, especially in the real estate industry. One of the most prominent features of Dubai’s real estate is its promising off-plan market. The market has rapidly gained popularity featuring almost all types of properties including villas, townhouses and apartments. Most of the off plan properties for sale in Dubai are designed to encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Here are the top three off plan projects in Dubai.

  1. Meraas Sur La Mer

Dubai features sparkling waters and golden sands that make it ideal for individuals looking for a waterfront destination. Sur la Mer townhouses is one of Meraas off-plan projects in Dubai. It is aimed at letting residents enjoy the beautiful beaches and a lot of walkways which encourages healthy living.

Sur la Mer is located in the Jumeirah 1 neighbourhood, sandwiched between pearl Jumeirah and Jumeirah Bay. This location is advantageous because it does not only run across the coastline but is also placed close to major attractions like Etihad Museum and Dubai Water Canal making it attractive to off-plan buyers.

  1. Dubai Creek Harbour

Dubai creek plays a crucial role in Dubai’s heritage. Since it is a natural harbour, the creek was historically used as a major trade hub. In fact, it is believed that the expansion of the current Dubai started at the port. The Emaar Dubai Creek Harbour development is designed to preserve the cultural and environmental aspect of the site. It is located next to Ras Al Khor wildlife sanctuary which is home to an abundance of native flora and fauna. The developers intend to create awareness of sustainable biodiversity and encourage healthy living. Emaar Properties has developed it in conjunction with Dubai Holding.  Dubai Creek Harbour is a perfect location to invest in the real estate market.

  • Bluewater residences

Meraas Bluewaters Residences is a project on the Bluewaters Island developed by Meraas Properties. Situated just off the coast of Jumeirah Beach Residences (JBR), this development mixes city life with waterfront living. Residents will have access to panoramic views of the largest Ferris wheel in the world, the Ain Dubai, the Dubai coastline and crystal blue waters of the Persian Gulf. There is an exclusive selection of different types of off-plan properties such as apartments, townhouses and penthouses.

Top shopping festivals to look out for in Dubai

Apart from being the top investment and tourist destination, Dubai is also a shopping haven. People from all over the world flock to the city because of the wide variety of shopping options. As the population of the city continues to increase, Dubai has set up various shopping festivals to cater to the rising demand.

Here are some of the biggest shopping festivals in Dubai. Even though numerous small promos and sale events are held now and then, most of them are more on in-store offerings. However, they are not fixed or part of the Dubai calendar

  1. Dubai shopping festival (DSF)

Dubai Festival (DSF) is one of the biggest shopping events in the world and is held every year during the winter. The recent event started from December 26th to February 2nd lasting for 39 days in all major malls and retail outlets. It saw a participation of more than 700 brands and over 3200 outlets from all over the world. The event is organised by the Dubai Festivals and Retail Establishment (DFRE) which is an agency established by the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing. DSF is popular because it offers up to 75% discounts on most of the items on sale. Also, during the event, the shopping time is extended from 10 am to 12 am to give more time to shoppers.

  1. The Dubai Summer Festival

The Dubai Summer Festival is a month-long celebration of entertainment and shopping held every year for the past two decades. It features a plethora of family fun activities such as live concerts, fireworks and huge discounts and offers on almost everything on sale.  The event is held across the city in leading malls and entertainment spots. Also, top end hotels and resorts make the luxurious life more affordable with discount packages. Meanwhile, children can enjoy at the variety of waterparks and other activities with special offers.


The Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (GITEX) is one of the biggest technological extravaganzas in the Middle East. Consumer electronics and all things associated with technology are sold with huge discounts and offers. Some outlets offer some crazy offers never heard of. For instance, you can get a free tablet by purchasing a laptop.

As you attend these festivals, you will require a place to live. It is advisable to consult the top real estate brokers in Dubai when looking for a residential unit. Some of the expected residential complexes include District One Residences by Meydan and Mina Rashid by Emaar where you can invest in and then reap the rewards later, once completed.

4 Tips for Recovering From a Car Accident

When it comes to major public health concerns, auto accidents have gradually become recognized as one of the chief culprits of accidental injury and death in the world. Globally, nearly 1.25 million people die per year – or roughly 3,287 people per day. Another 20 to 50 million people are injured or disabled.

So while you may think you’re out of harm’s way, getting behind the wheel of a car is actually one of the riskier things you do on a daily basis. Should you find yourself in a situation where you’re injured in a car accident, how you handle your recovery will, to a large degree, determine your long-term outlook. 

4 Tips to Help You Recover 

Your accident recovery process will be unique to you. And while it’s highly dependent on situational factors, you’ll find that the following tips are helpful in rediscovering your new normal. 

  1. Follow Your Doctor’s Orders 

The most important and urgent piece of advice is to follow your doctor’s orders exactly as they’re given. Don’t assume that you know better than someone who has dedicated decades of their life to medicine. If they give you a treatment plan, it’s designed with your best interests in mind.

It’s also important to keep an eye out for hidden injuries that don’t appear until hours or days later. These may include things like herniated discs, traumatic brain injuries, knee injuries, shoulder injuries, and certain psychological side effects. If you notice any of these symptoms emerge after the fact, set up an appointment with your healthcare team so that you can be reexamined.

If you have serious questions about the competency of your doctors, then get a second opinion. However, there’s a difference between being too stubborn to follow orders and genuinely believing the doctor is wrong. In the former situation, you simply need to bite the bullet and do what you’re told. 

  1. Take Care of Legal Issues

“Your accident isn’t an inconvenience – it’s a complete disruption of your life, especially when it includes emergency room bills, massive vehicle repair or vehicle replacement, rehabilitation costs, and other associated expenses,” The Law Offices of Hilda Sibrian explains. “Injuries can take years of physical and psychological therapy to overcome, and have the potential to disrupt your way of life for an extended period of time.”

If you’re the victim in a car accident, you may have the opportunity to pursue legal recourse. No matter how small you think your situation is, it’s imperative that you look into these options. You never know what your recovery will entail or what expenses you’ll incur. Having some funds available will ensure your injuries don’t destroy your financial future. 

  1. Address Emotional Fallout 

Long after most physical wounds heal, it’s emotional fallout that affects many car accident victims.

“It’s not so much the severity of the crash or the severity of any resulting injury that counts – it’s how someone perceives it,” Dr. Lynda Matthews says. “If you perceive the crash as life-threatening, or if someone is killed in the accident, then that can influence your response.”

Don’t bury your emotions. It’s common to experience any or all of the following symptoms: anxiety, depression, fear, anger, frustration, confusion, helplessness, irritability, inability to concentrate, or issues sleeping. If you notice any of these issues, seek out professional guidance and/or confide in a loved one. Opening up about the less obvious side effects will help you move toward recovery. 

  1. Take Your Time

The final piece of advice is to take your time and to avoid hurrying yourself through recovery. If you try to ignore the symptoms and will your way back to 100 percent, you’ll inevitably set yourself up for long-term failure.

Remember to respect your doctor’s orders and listen to the advice of those around you. There’s nothing heroic about rushing back prematurely. By patiently waiting for your body to respond to treatment, you’ll increase your likelihood of reaching a full recovery. 

Putting it All Together 

There’s no perfect formula for recovering from a car accident. However, by following the advice outlined in this article, you’ll find it easier to approach your recovery with the efficiency and poise that’s needed to thrive.