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Achieving An Excellent Grocery Ecommerce Experience

Today, the e-commerce market promises a significant offer for grocers as sales are shooting off the roof at over 13% annual increment, according to Kanta Worldpanel data.

Also, statistics from Kanta Worldpanel states that online grocery transactions are likely to grow to up to ten times the in-store sales in the next four years, reaching over $100 billion before 2023. Even with the promising trends, grocery retailers still have the chance to expand their horizon into the e-commerce space.

According to a presentation by IGD at the Grocery shop conference held in 2018, online grocery only has about 2% of the United States shopping activities. Retailers must work really hard to attract new shoppers, and increase the multi-shopping rate for first-time customers.

 To fully utilize the journey, retailers must deep-research on how to integrate their digital offering to meet the needs of customers.

This digital offering includes options that swiftly deliver a product to consumers. The complicated task of fulfilling these promises is to incorporate several behind-the-scene strategies to provide shoppers with an easy and Swift experience ranging from grocery selection to delivery.  

 Retailers who put their heart at getting these fundamental processes achieved will have their business experience excellent growth and positive turnaround while building a reputation.  

According to Mercato, an online grocery store,  the following pillars will guide retailers in the process of creating a successful grocery delivery business.

Ist pillar: Incorporation

While most retailers have already integrated technological advancement like e-commerce grocery apps to skyrocket their sales, incorporation still remains the key.

Complicated or out-of-date systems that lack connection and infrequent communication can cause an operational setback, resulting in loss of revenue.

An incorporative approach will blend areas with weak connections. A few of the areas includes series of data sets (shoppers, products, and associates), third-party systems (coupons and loyalty), business processes/workflow, and everyone involved in the operational activities of the business.

2nd pillar- Analysis

Keeping track of shopper’s key data can help acquire imperative information, which can be significantly beneficial for competition analysis.  

 To utilize data for a more comprehensive view of shoppers, a retailer should create a digital platform that encourages e-commerce transactions and allows them to keep track of the data, enabling customer relationship control.

The retailer should then utilize the transactional data, strictly using every single data to the customer’s advantage and service delivery. They should continuously update this data and improve the overall customer’s experience.

3rd pillar- Organization

To ensure that the team, products, and processes are perfectly working to offer a satisfactory customer experience, it’s imperative to organize and perfect all sections of the grocery e-commerce operation.

It’s critical to gain trust and operations from different levels of the organization, from frontline managers to associates, cashiers, operations and logistics and head office. Any department flaking up with late assembly, packing, processing, and driving must be made to blend into the hardworking spirit. Of course, this involves hard work, but approaching the Job at hand strategically can make a huge difference in customer loyalty. Consider implementing prime quality custom retail boxes as part of this strategy, ensuring that the presentation of your products aligns seamlessly with the dedication displayed throughout your operational processes.

4th pillar-empowerment

Investing in-store associate is a very good way to land more customers.

Even with the modern day increasingly love for digital engagement, statistics indicate that the human touch still plays a crucial role. This is more important in services like click and collects.

 An empowering employee can help deliver excellent service to shoppers by:

Creating a solid communication with employees as they’d do with a customer

 Engage them in productive conversations through their preferred medium. Provide complete and concise information as regards to the sales target, company goals, and the individual role of employees to overall success.

Equipping employee with the right tool to do a good job

 These include sharing mobile devices among staffs to complete a transaction or for inventory searches

Organizing an up-to-date training

It’s important to provide accurate and up-to-date training and support.

Investing in the digital world

Incorporating AI-inspired digital solutions allows an employee the chance to cooperate quickly and effectively with shoppers and stakeholders.

As far as e-commerce grocery is concerned, there’s no shortcut to an effective strategy. Inculcating the right strategies that aim at an excellent grocery purchase experience from order to delivery is the only way to go.

CBD-High On A Real Market

Similar to pot, can be vaped like pot, in fact, eaten like pot. But, its actually not pot.  The name is CBD, an abbreviation of cannabidiol, a chemical compound that has taken over the cannabis market. CBD is a hemp extract, and from the same family with marijuana. Although it contains little THC, you won’t get high.

While it’s a health beneficial weed that gives no high, avid users confirms that it treats conditions like insomnia, arthritis, depression, anxiety, and even more.

According to a former NFL player, “cannabis policy coming up in 2021 may totally favor pot legalization”. “CBD claims is something that sounds too good to be true”, as said by correspondent Lee Cowan.

“Sure, I think, for some people, this is actually true”, Lee said, “after all, some people have testified to getting relieved through CBD, although not a total one”.

 Luis carol, an epileptic patient had been using the low THC compound to relieve his chronic pain. “I mean CBD is now available in everything, from the taffies and caramels to bath balm, and even shampoos,” Luis said.

As said by  CBDcentral, Cannabidiol, strictly extracted from hemp, is now experiencing an economic acceleration within the last few years averaging over $600 million in sales, annually.

According to Gomez, the managing director of a marketing research company, “it amazes me to see an industry experience this wide boost within a short timeframe- the headwind is pretty high”.

Just last year, the United States recorded sales of over $600 million. But Gomez predicted that within the next 5 years, CBD industry is likely to escalate to up to 40 times, making it around $22 billion annually markets.

But why is this extremely high evaluation? Luis said, “CBD has experienced over 200% increment over the past few years. And the growth was before it became legal on December 20 when the farm bill was passed.

Historically, hemp was formally a common crop in the United States before it got blacklisted with Marijuana and banned in 1937. The ban was later lifted by the farm bill only on certain stringent conditions: as long as the THC level doesn’t exceed 0.3% and is cultivated by licensed Farmer.

Also, it is against the law for CBD sellers to make health-related claims of the product. And companies have been warned not to add CBD to consumable foods. That’s due to the fact that the level of research on CBD is far behind its popularity level.

We’ve seen lots of people using CBD in large quantities, yet we are left in the loop on its impact on health” according to Yasmif Hurd, a New York-based professor. She said although CBD looks promising in sales, the health research on it isn’t progressing.

 Epidote, a new CBD drug was already approved by FDA and it’s not used to treat different types of epilepsy, especially the ones prevalent among children. Hurd also suggested that CBD may somehow reduce the addiction to heroin and its harmful counterparts. The research, however, has guided us on which to build” according to Yasmif.

 Laura Fuentes ( CEO of greenroad), dating back to history was confused about what’s best between the anecdotal and scientific evidence. She had doubts at first, “I created the products back then, and shared them among friends and family. And the product worked. I was left mouth-opened”.

The former pharmacist dived right into the CBD market, hoping that regulations and research would follow.

Amidst skepticism, she eventually quitted her job which by then was a really good show of strength. “yes, I have really good faith in CBD”, Fuente said.

Greenroads is now one of the biggest makers of CBD, covering over 10% of the country’s CBD annual revenue. Her sales team consists of 20 professional staffs working and waiting for the best which is yet to come to the CBD industry.

Highly reputed brands like CVS and Walgreens have disclosed plans to add CBD products in some sections of their stores. The department stores like Neiman Marcus already have them. So, experts affirm that it’s only a question of time before CBD becomes established like Coca-Cola. Is CBD a supplement, drug, or a Fad? It may just be all!


How to Kick the Energy Roller Coaster for Good

For some people, day to day life leaves them lethargic and they struggle to get through the day. For others, energy levels plummet in the afternoon or evening, known as ‘the crash’ after their early morning energy rush. Neither of these routines is healthy. You want to stabilize your energy levels at a healthy, sustainable level so you can get the most out of life. Let’s look at how to kick the energy roller coaster for good.

Get on a Regular Meal Schedule

One of the best ways to end the energy roller coaster is to get on a regular meal schedule. After all, going hours without eating is certain to leave you lethargic. The solution to this is to eat healthy, balanced meals three times a day around the same time each day. If you have issues with your blood sugar, then you need to have five or six meals and snacks equally spaced throughout the day.

Eat Healthier

A good way to get off the energy roller coaster is to prevent the highs that inevitably lead to the lows. You can achieve this by eating well balanced meals. For example, ensure that every meal contains protein and a modest amount of healthy fats. The energy in these foods is released more slowly than that in sugar and carbs. For example, you’ll get more out of an apple with nuts or peanut butter than an apple alone.

Another trick is adding fiber to your diet. The more fiber in the meal, the more slowly the food is broken down by your body. You can get this by eating whole grains instead of refined grains, or you can eat more beans and vegetables.

Stabilize Your Blood Sugar

When your blood sugar levels are too low, your body recognizes that it needs energy then and there. You feel hungry, and you crave instant energy. The default solution is a sugary or fatty food like chocolate chip cookies, not healthy foods like carrots. You’ll feel good temporarily as the sugar rushes into your bloodstream, but it is quickly absorbed by the body. Then you’re tired again, at least until you start craving the next high calorie snack.

One solution is to eat foods that don’t cause the spike in your blood sugar. It means avoiding refined foods like pastries, white breads, potato chips and candy. It requires eating carrots, lean cuts of meat and other healthy snacks. You may not feel the quick rush of false energy, but it will give you energy over the long term. And more importantly, it will prevent the next crash that leaves you craving unhealthy foods.

The effect of blood sugar on your energy levels cannot be overstated. However, changes in your diet may not be enough. You can take supplements for blood sugar stabilization; this will give you continual energy throughout the day. They will eliminate the “hangry’ feeling you get when your blood sugar drops – that unique combination of hunger, anger and sugar cravings. You can find plenty of information here on supplements that balance your blood sugar levels, giving you more energy and a better mood.

Increase Your Intake of B Vitamins

B vitamins like riboflavin and niacin are needed to turn sugar into the fuel our cells need. Other B vitamins are required to transport glucose and for the formation of vital enzymes. Increasing your intake of these vitamins should increase your energy level. You can do this by eating more green vegetables, eggs and brown rice. A side benefit of consuming green leafy vegetables is that they provide magnesium, too, another nutrient whose deficiency often causes chronic fatigue. A final option is taking supplements to get enough of these vital nutrients.

Your energy roller coaster could be due to poor eating habits, nutritional deficits, wildly fluctuating blood sugar or another cause. However, you need to address the root cause instead of hoping that determination will get you through. Then you’ll notice a tremendous difference in energy levels and quality of life.

How to improve your paper writing skills

Is my paper writing skills good enough? This question is critical for students, irrespective of their academic level or field. How well you write will not only impact your grade. It will have a significant impact on your career when you graduate from school.

There is also a no better time to improve your writing skills than now that you are still in college. The effort you will make, coupled with the numerous essays your professors will request you to write can help. So, if you are ready to make an effort, then follow the tips below.

  1. Make reading a habit

One of the proven ways you improve your paper writing skills is to read and read a lot. Read journals, essays, newspapers, articles or any other material that fascinates you. But then, bear in mind that you are not just reading for the fun of it, but to improve yourself.

So, when you pick up any material to read, read in between the lines. Note the writing style, formatting, or structure, and use it to improve any area that needs attention.

  1. Start writing regularly

One of the steps to improve any skill is to practice often. Even if the ability is not fully developed, constant practice can make it better, if not perfect. So if you want to improve your paper writing skills, you should continue practicing how to write stunning essays.

However, you can come up with new topics after reading a couple of samples. After writing, you should also scan your paper repeatedly to see if there are areas that require attention. Once you identify that area, make an effort to improve it. But if you can’t, you can request help from those above you academically but track the corrections made.

  1. Don’t take feedbacks for granted

Whether positive or negative, feedback can have a massive impact on your writing or whatever skills you want to improve. However, the input should also not come from people close to you because they might be a bit biased.

Also, you can embark on a project to write a book, essay or series of articles. But before you go ahead, you can inform those who will be reviewing your work. You can also notify your professor or students who are above you academically, and try to put their feedback to good use.

  1. Learn to use active voice

You need to discourage the use of the passive voice when you write. Use active voice instead. The use of passive voice can make your paper difficult for readers to understand and less engaging than active voice.

Here is a clear example

  • Active voice – John cooked rice for dinner.
  • Passive voice – The rice cooked for dinner was done by John.

You can see the difference above. The active voice goes straight to the point. It tells readers what the subject is, what he, she or it is doing. Understand that only a handful of readers might spend time reading your paper in details. So, making it difficult to read will only reduce that figure a bit further.

  1. Proofread your paper

Another way you can improve your paper writing skills is by spending quality time to editing the document after writing. In other words, read in between the lines and fix any error you come across.

However, you can use software to edit your paper and take note of minor and critical errors to avoid future mistakes. The proofreading tools tend to be more precise regarding paper editing and can also provide suggestions that can help you improve your paper writing skills in no time.


Improving one’s writing skills, according to Ace My Paper experts, requires a certain level of discipline and commitment. You need to be ready to devote time to work on your skills. However, this post contains tips that can help you become a better writer in no time. So, if you are ready to improve, you can start considering each point one after the other.

What Is A Phone Psychic Reading and What Can You Learn From Them?

Because of the advent of technology and man’s desire for perfection, it’s now possible to have an idea of what will happen in the future. This information allows you to be prepared for the things that can occur in the coming days or weeks, keeping stress at bay. You can experience all of these things once you make use of a phone psychic reading. As the name suggests, a phone psychic reading is done through a phone with the psychic giving you readings from the other line. This is a convenient way of knowing what your future holds because you can basically have phone psychic readings anytime, anywhere.

Several businesses offer phone psychic reading services. You can just check reputable websites online such as https://www.psychicgurus.org, follow the instructions on the screen, and wait until you’re connected to a psychic online. To paint a clearer picture of the things you can learn from a phone psychic reading, take time to read the following points:

  1. You might get nudged in the right direction.

Regardless of your skills and experience, you will reach a point in life where you’ll feel confused or stuck. You might be clueless about what to do with your career, what course to take in college, or how to improve your current relationships. If you think you’re in this kind of situation right now, a phone psychic reading might be suitable for you. You might even want to patch things up with someone who has passed away, for which you can consult mediums. These can be excellent avenues for you to gain another perspective in your life, especially in your current troubles. This new outlook might be the only thing you’ll need for you to be alerted towards a new path—a path which you never knew even existed.

  1. You might get a glimpse into your future.

The unpredictability of life can make it wonderful. You’ll be surprised about the things that can happen in the future. But on the other side of the coin, this unpredictability can also become the reason for your stress. Because you don’t know what your future will look like, you would be clueless on how and what to prepare. This is something which a phone psychic reading can help you with. When you pay for this kind of service, you’ll catch a glimpse of the future that could possibly happen in your life. These readings can open your eyes to explore a new future and new possibilities.

It can give you a new perspective on life.

Even if you ask for help from your friends and family, there will be instances when you become so wrapped up in your own problems that not even they can make things better. A single problem can adversely affect different areas in your life, compromising the quality of your life. A phone psychic reading can be very beneficial in this matter because a psychic can help you gain a new perspective. During your session with a psychic, you might realize how toxic your current relationship or working environment is, and all this time, you believe you’re living in a healthy environment. Being able to point out and address this problem can significantly improve your life in the long run.

  1. You’ll get an idea of your future relationships.

One of the reasons why people turn to phone psychic readings is because they want to know what will happen to their relationships in the future—and you might be one of them. If you’re single right now, more often than not, you want to know if you can meet the love of your life in the coming years. A psychic can tell you as to when you can possibly meet him or her—information which can create optimism in your life. Your readings can even motivate you to continue with your journey in searching for a partner.

If you’re currently in a relationship with someone, a phone psychic reading can also give you an idea of whether or not your current relationship will last. It can also give you pointers on how you can improve your current relationships. Possible answers to these queries can be gained through a phone psychic reading.

  1. You’ll learn how to be open-minded.

Before you talk to a psychic through the phone, you might already have a list of questions you want to ask. Usually, these questions will involve your career, relationships, and anything that could happen in your life in the future. Along with these questions, you might also have an expectation of the answers you’re going to get. Having this kind of mindset isn’t harmful, but if you want to utilize a phone psychic reading, never control the outcome of the readings. Keep in mind that everything in your life can unfold in more ways than one, so always have an open mind during your phone psychic reading. 

  1. You’ll be aware of underlying problems and issues.

You might think that everything in your life is running smoothly. You might have a career, a partner, and a beautiful house to live in as you’re reading this article. However, if you have the same mentality or perception, you might be unaware of the small problems currently taking over your life. Because you believe that everything in your life is going well, you’ll disregard the need to look into your life through another lens. If you don’t want these small problems to worsen over time, let a phone psychic reading help. These psychics can assess your life in different views, allowing you to be more aware of underlying problems. The earlier you notice these problems, the easier it’ll be for you to solve them. 

Know Your Limits

Contrary to popular belief, a phone psychic reading isn’t harmful. In fact, psychics can help you better prepare for life and everything that can happen in the future. However, you shouldn’t solely base your decisions on the readings that a psychic makes; you should know when and how to draw the line and decide on your own. After all, these readings are only guides, not your concrete stepping stones to achieve something.

Women’s Multivitamin Supplements: Do They Work?

Nowadays, many multivitamins are readily available over the counter. Despite its popularity, though, there is still much doubt as to whether or not these supplements work. Some opine that it is merely a waste of money, as you can get all your essential nutrients from food. Others, meanwhile, are aware of their benefits and comment that, yes, you need these vitamins.

This article hopes to put a stop to all this confusion by pointing out why taking multivitamins, like those from Ritual, are still beneficial for your body and are worth all the extra daily cost.

  1. Multivitamins may improve memory

Many individuals who are pro-multivitamins have opined that the intake of these multivitamins may improve memory. Although there is no one hundred percent concrete evidence to this claim, there are some medical and scientific facts to back up the same. When you take multivitamins, you are supplying your body with all the essential nutrients that your mind and body need, and so much more. Hence, any deficiency that you may have, but may not be aware of aware of, are covered and replenished. With this, your brain and body functions dramatically improve, as your body doesn’t lack any of your essential nutrients. 

  1. Multivitamins can help aid pregnancy

If you are a pregnant woman, then it is a no-brainer that you indeed need that added dose of vitamins from your multivitamins. When you are pregnant, you are sharing your nutrients with your child, where you may not even have enough for yourself to begin with. Especially during your first trimester, there are essential nutrients that you need to prevent any congenital neuro disabilities in your baby.

Examples of these essential nutrients that can be supplemented by multivitamins include:

  • Folic acid
  • Iron
  • Calcium

If you are a woman who is trying to conceive, or are already in the early weeks of your pregnancy, taking vitamin supplements might just be right for you. If you are a breastfeeding mom, this intake of vitamin supplements can also supply you with all the essential nutrients that are needed by your baby as well, which you may be lacking from food sources.

  1. Multivitamins can help slow down the progression of macular degeneration

Macular degeneration refers to the slowing down of your eyesight. Often, this physical degeneration occurs as a result of aging. It has to be made clear, however, that multivitamins do not prevent macular degeneration from happening; it only controls its progress. If your eyesight is slowly becoming bad to begin with, you can take care of the same through taking multivitamins rich in antioxidants. These antioxidants are necessary for the body to replenish any lost nutrients, and to stay healthy as well, preventing degenerative diseases such as blindness.

However, it is crucial for you to ask for the advice and proper dosage from a doctor, as too much of anything can be harmful.

  1. Multivitamins can also help aid the deficiency of vegan women

Choosing to go vegan is an entirely personal choice, and for as long as an excellent team of doctors or nutritionists guide you along your big change, then you will indeed be a healthier individual. However, as is the case with any other lifestyle change, too much of anything can be harmful. When you choose to go plant-based in your diet, you may be deficient in some essential nutrients needed by the body because they can only be found through animal sources.

Examples of these nutrients include Vitamin B12, which is only found in animal food. If you are deficient in this, you may need to supplement yourself through multivitamins. Some of these other nutrients can include:

  • Calcium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  1. Women need multivitamins for that added dose of nutrients that are difficult to take from food sources

Man’s body needs Vitamin D so that it can better absorb calcium. Sadly, Vitamin D cannot always be taken directly from food sources. Especially if you are an expectant mother, you will need all the added dose of Vitamin D for healthy bones. However, too much of Vitamin D can be harmful, as this is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means that it cannot be excreted by the body naturally. Therefore, you will need to control your intake as well to keep it to a healthy level.


Yes, it is true that the best source of everyday nutrients still comes from the food that you eat. No multivitamin can ever replace the best source of vitamins and nutrients, which is through healthy eating. However, if you are deficient in any nutrient and need that extra boost, taking multivitamins might be the best for you. As a woman, you go through a lot of changes with your hormones, such as during your menstrual period, pregnancy, and menopause, all of which can be made easier through the intake of multivitamin supplements.

How NLP can Redefine Your Life

NLP or neuro-linguistic programming has been rising in popularity, which is probably due to the power it seems to have over people. Still, most people do not know what NLP can do for your life. The following is meant to help you understand this type of programming and all the things it can do for you.

Reality Check

Language is quite powerful, and one of the most powerful words is “reality.” The way people understand reality can influence their thoughts or perceptions. NLP tells you to reconsider your reality.

Most people consider their interpretation of a moment as truth rather than the actual moment itself. Those who are able to rethink the truth and reality should be able to see through their interpretation and evaluate the moment. This allows you to be more objective, which could lead to making wiser decisions.

Redefined Failure

There is no doubt that failing at something can hurt people pretty badly. Sometimes, failure can shatter confidence, and that is no good, especially because failure is not necessarily something you have to feel bad about.

NLP tells you that you can change your perspective of failure into what it really is, which is an opportunity to learn. Some of you may have heard this before, but the truth is that it is a lot harder to believe that each failure is a lesson. Well, NLP actually helps you re-learn failure, so it doesn’t hurt you but rather teaches you.


Most people focus on what they say at any given moment, and thinking about what you say is wise, but there is another part of communication that people tend to ignore: the response. A big part of communication is how your message is received on the other end.

Most people are trained to pay attention to that, but NLP helps you integrate this aspect of communication into your everyday conversations. Being able to understand people a little better by reading a person’s responses will become invaluable to you in many settings, like at work or in your own home. You’ll be more empathetic and much clearer with your messaging.


There are times when some individuals choose to stay quiet about a particular subject simply because it is uncomfortable. You may think you are being wise or getting away with something, but the reality is you are not. You are always communicating, even when you think you are not.

NLP teaches people about the different non-verbal cues they give off at any given time. Your silence, expressions, hand and body language could be telling a story, even though you decided not to talk. Learning to understand your own non-verbal language can help you become a better human being.

Good Behavior

This one might feel a little strange because most people were brought up to think that there are good and bad behaviors or thoughts. NLP teaches that you need to evolve from those ideas, and start to see that all thoughts or behaviors are just a product of something you need to take the time to understand.

There is nothing inherently evil about your thoughts or behaviors, but they are a result of something else. You need to learn to explore why you act or think certain things, and you need to learn how to teach this to others because having the ability to be this introspective may help a person lead a more fulfilling life. Truly adopting this philosophy can help you in sorts of ways, even your career like if you want to become a life coach or something like that.

Mind Power

State of mind can affect the physical body. This idea has slowly become commonplace, and it is an idea that NLP helps you learn. Some might think saying the mind can actually produce positive or negative effects you can feel later is insane, but it is the truth.

A recent study found that positive thinking could help improve your chances at a longer life. The idea that your own thoughts could do that may seem unreal, but there is another side to this coin. Negative thoughts, especially ones that you continue to have can actually hurt you and cause all sorts of real physical problems. NLP can teach you to control your mind and thoughts so that you can control your body at the time.

These are just some of the ways NLP can help improve your life for the better. Redefining the way you understand language allows you to redefine the way you see this reality, and that can change your world.

5 Top Ways To Get Relief From Pain

Pain can hamper our quality of life as well as they can outweigh our thoughts. No matter how much we try to be positive, the pain won’t let us be our best selves.

Be it a headache or a chronic pain, pain can affect our day-to-day life, not allowing us to live our life at fullest.

People suffering from chronic pain like osteoarthritis are more prone to psychiatric symptoms such as depression and anxiety. Also, fatigue, insomnia, and many more diseases come along with chronic pain.

Antibiotics and over-the-counter painkillers are sometimes the best options to get immediate relief from the pain, however, they also may cause gastronomical problems. These aren’t the best long-term solution when it comes to chronic pains.

There are other ways to deal with the pain such as CBD oil, Bromelain, Lavender essential oil, Turmeric, and Hot/Cold Compresses. Let us understand these pain relief solutions in detail.

1 – CBD Oil – Alternative To Antibiotics

CBD oil has the power to relieve moderate as well as severe pain. CBD oil reduces inflammation and pain by engaging with the endocannabinoid system which promotes balance to the central nervous system.

CBD is not medical marijuana, rather it is one of the 40 cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant. With almost no side-effects CBD oil is very effective in treating pain when compared to other traditional methods.

2 – Bromelain – Pain Reliever Found In A Fruit 

Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple. Our digestive system breaks down almost all the enzymes, but bromelain gets absorbed in the body. According to a study by NCBI, it helps in reducing pain as well as inflammation. Drinking the juice of the hard stem of pineapple in an empty stomach can provide you with bromelain. Also, you can find a bromelain supplement.

3 – Lavender Essential Oil – Pain Relieving and Anti-Inflammatory 

Pain associated with migraine headaches can be relieved by inhaling lavender essential oil. According to research by Scielo, it has pain-relieving, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects. Though the use of lavender essential oil is not regulated by the food and drug administration, using it with caution can be beneficial. Ingesting it can be toxic.

4 – Turmeric – Ancient Cure Of Diseases 

Available as a dried ground spice, turmeric is used to treat a lot of diseases including digestive problems, inflammation, and pain. Curcuma is one of the bioactive ingredient found in the turmeric and has pain-relieving qualities. Including turmeric in its natural form can give better results. In order to do so, add it into the curries and juices you make. You can also buy turmeric supplements if you’re not comfortable in including it into your diet.

5 – Hot/Cold Compresses – Natural Pain Reliever 

The best natural pain reliever. Sudden change in temperature triggers anti-inflammatory heat-shock and cold-proteins resulting in a decrease in the blood flow to injuries. As a result, inflammation and pain decreases.

Not everyone reacts the same to each pain relievers. Some may find turmeric beneficial while others may find CBD oil as the best pain reliever. It is advisable to visit a doctor if the pain is not tolerable or if it lasts for more than 6 weeks.

How to Live A More Fulfilling Life in Recovery

Taking the first step towards recovery is a scary one.

Even though you know full well that drugs aren’t the right answer, they’ve been your quick-fix solution for so long that it’s difficult to imagine life without them.

And in truth…

A life in recovery is a life without quick fixes.

Recovery is a long path that can lead you towards a more fulfilling life.

But here’s something you may not know.

The recovery process itself can also be fulfilling. We all tend to think of recovery as grueling. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Not completely.

Here are some tips for living a more fulfilling life in recovery.

Recognize your illusions

Let’s face it. You bought into some illusions that led you down the path of addiction. It’s time to recognize those for what they are.

You may have thought that you needed rugs or alcohol to have fun. Or maybe you thought you needed a substance to numb some pain.

But you should have realized before long that drugs and alcohol only lure you into believing these things long enough to get you hooked. And once that illusion is shattered, it’s too late.

The substance isn’t fun anymore. It isn’t working to numb the pain. But you still need it.

This is the toxic illusion that has drawn you in. And just like a typical trauma bond, you’ve spent longing for the good old days. Even in your last days of using, you feel like you need the drug for the same reasons you started using it. It’s no longer valid, but your brain can’t let go of the illusion.

This part of letting go is about recognizing the substance for what it is. It’s not bringing any positivity into your life – and it never will. Acknowledging this truth can help set you free to live a more fulfilling life.

Look inward for happiness

Finding happiness and self-love in recovery is a long and challenging process. But if you start working on it today, you’ll feel better over time.

The good thing about learning self-love is that it’s not a black and white thing. It’s more like a spectrum. When you first stop using drugs, you’re very low on the self-love spectrum. But if you work on loving yourself, you’ll feel stronger and more confident over time. You don’t have to wait for the day you wake up and ultimately love yourself to be happy. You can find small bits of happiness along the way, and they’ll build as you get better at this self-love thing.

Get out of your comfort zone

At this point, you can’t trust your old patterns. You can expect that your mind will play tricks on you, and your thoughts will deceive you. So autopilot is not your friend.


But here’s the thing about autopilot. It only operates in your comfort zone.

When you get out of your normal routine, you’re actually forcing your mind to engage. You have no idea what’s about to happen, so you have to remain alert and aware. You have to spend more time in the present moment than worrying about the past or future.

Think of this as a clever hack to trick your brain into getting into the right frame of mind.

It’s incredibly difficult to change your thoughts on your own, but it’s easy to trick your mind into focusing on something else. And when you’re finally “out of your own head,” you can start to live a more fulfilling life.

Listen to more music

Music is a powerful tool that many of us should rely on more often. Have you ever felt a song that seems to touch your soul?

We all have.

And you can use that to your advantage. Music can help you quickly access hope and positivity that you didn’t even know were there.

Just be careful about listening to songs that were part of your life when you were using. This could spark a nostalgia that could lead you down the wrong path.

Instead, find new songs that have meaning in your new life. Find songs that give you hope and lead you towards happiness.

Once you find a few, create a playlist you can listen to every day.

Ask for help

Many tools can help us succeed in recovery, but none are as useful as human interaction.

If you feel like you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. If you’re already on the road to recovery, you may find resources in your current addiction treatment program. And if you’re further along in your journey, you may find support from group meetings or sober supports.

The important thing is that you get help from one resource or another.

As you go along your journey, it’s important to remember that recovery is a much more fulfilling path than an addiction will ever be. You may have difficult days in recovery, but you’ll get through them. The further you get from addiction, the more fulfilling your life will become. Hang in there – it really gets better!

How Do You Get Mold Stains Out of a Canvas Bag?

A lot of have a variety of different bags for certain uses, and throughout the last few years, canvas bags have become more and more popular. This is mainly because they can be stylish while suiting all of your needs. However, unlike most other bags they’re a more affordable bag than you’d expect, especially if you buy your tote bags wholesale. Over the past few years, this has meant that large canvas tote bags have become one of the most popular types of bags. They still have a few slight issues. One of the only significant problems with them, though, is the fact that they can build up a certain amount of mold stains after a while. Because of this, many people have avoided using them for too long. There are a few different ways to get rid of mold stains and have your bag looking as good as new.

What Will Get Rid of Mold Stains

White Vinegar

For either option, you’re going to need to ensure that your bag is empty so that nothing gets damaged. After this, you should put it into your washing machine for a normal cycle, except you should only use hot water. During the spin cycle, you should add a cup of white vinegar. Once it’s washed, you should hang it outside for 24 hours inside out. After this, you shouldn’t have any more mold stains.

Baking Soda

For this to work, you first need to make sure that your bag is empty and dry; this can be done by leaving it in the sun inside out for a few hours. After this, you should then return it to its original shape and then begin adding baking soda until it covers the bottom of the bag. Next is to zip up your bag and place it in a dry, dark place overnight. The following day, open up your bag and start rubbing the mold stain with a damp cloth, using the baking soda to help. Once the stain is gone, empty your bag and you’re good to go.

Getting Rid of The Smell of Mold

Even though both of the above can be an effective way of getting rid of mold stains, they can often still leave a smell, and that’s especially true with white vinegar. However, there are a few simple and easy ways to get rid of the smell afterward so that your bag looks, feels and smells almost as good as new. Some are more effective than others, but each should significantly reduce the smell in your bag.

Dryer Sheets

The first of these ways is to put a few dryer sheets into your canvas bag. While the amount may depend on how much of a smell there is, the majority of people recommend using 10. After this, you should put your bag into the sun for at least two hours; again, this may depend on how much of a smell there is, but many people recommend leaving it out for at least two hours. After that, your bag should be smelling as good as new.

Baking Soda

If you’ve already used baking soda to get rid of the mold stain, then you’re not likely to have a smell afterward, which is why is one of the better options to choose from. However, if you’ve gone a different route, then putting some baking soda into your bag and leaving outside overnight should do the trick. The following morning, you should just have to empty the baking soda of your canvas bag. The exact amount can differ from bag to bag, especially when it comes to large canvas tote bags so you may need a decent amount of it.