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Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence

We all have intuition. As a women, me personally I have used my intuition in many cases and I’ve never been wrong. Intuition has also been studied by researchers.

The newest book written by Gerd Gigerenzer, “Gut feelings: The intelligence of the unconscious” proves this.

Gigerenzer, who is a director at Max Planck Institute for Human Development, says that intuition is instinctively recognizing and understanding the information which is needed to solve the problem instead of definitely knowing the solution of the given situation from previous experience.

In “Gut Feelings: The intelligence of the unconscious” he says that he himself is intuitive and rational. He believes that in his scientific work a gut feeling brings him the answer very often.

According to him, sometimes one cannot explain why something is right and it’s just the feeling that brings you to the realization.

Even in his private life, he admits that it is best to rely on your instinct. A good example is his first encounter with his wife. Namely, when he meet her, he recalls that he was not overthinking neither calculating anything – he just had a feeling.

One of his readers, Joy Boleda, asked him a question that intrigued him and made him tell this story. The question was: 

Gerd Gigernzer answered that his instinct tells him to say yes, even more when it comes to talking about people who are curious and seek knowledge and changes in their way of thinking.

Simply put, if you are waiting for an answer sitting and doing nothing just waiting for the instinct to give you the answer you are not exercising your intelligence. But if you think about and go over different possible solutions, than you are training your intelligence and your gut feeling will give you the answer to the right solution for you. 

Actually, many people think of intuition as a form of collective intelligence. Just take a look how web pages evolved over time. They used to be made of a lot of information put together on one page. However, today they are very intuitive to use and you can easily access the information you need. This way of organizing web pages was introduced by several web designers at approximately same time who selected the most important information.

Theo Humphries defines intuitive design as design that could be understood by most of people without any extra explanation for it. This makes sense. You know how most people find some objects easy to understand and others not?

Humphries, too considers himself a believer in the potential of controlled and well trained intuition. According to him, if you want someone to believe in your intuition you need to use your brain, think a lot and share your ideas and arguments with others.

On top of all, you should never be static and always be on the move searching for new things and ideas. If you are static and stuck in your comfort zone, no one will believe in your intuition.

Theo adds that intuition works better if you investigate more and when you stay hungry for learning and researching new ideas and solutions. That’s how you train your mind to be intuitive.

This is what Albert Einstein had said on this matter: 

Many times, we find ourselves in a situation where we have a bad feeling for something. These situations can be caused by someone who has influenced us, or by our side, as well. In these situations the only thing that can save us is intuition. If you have a bad feeling about something, you should never ignore your intuition, no matter how badly you need or want to go towards that thing.

Intelligent people always listen to their intuition. The biggest geniuses in history have never ignored their feelings, in fact they have always known what they feel about something and they have trusted their intuition.

That’s why they have better judgment in certain situations. They wouldn’t become the intellectuals they are and stand out above others without following their intuition.

Image Copyright: niserin / 123RF Stock Photo

12 Things I See Happy People Do (That Unhappy People Do Not)

Happiness is a way of life, an attitude toward life that is designed to let you experience the positive outlook on your life and your actions. This kind of happiness takes time to build, but once you’ve got into the habit of living a happy life, you can never go back to the queue for the illusory happiness.

Being happy means taking a full control over your life and living it to the fullest. So, here are the things genuinely happy people do that unhappy people tend not to.

  1. Focus on what you have, not on what you don’t.

Gratitude is the first step to realizing that you are already a happy person. There are so many things that you have if you decide to look around you. Being unthankful and paying no value to these things will eventually leave you without them.

Happy people realize that one can never have everything. So, instead of focusing on the things that you don’t have, and dwelling over how ‘miserable’ your life is without them, you could take a look at your life and understand that you have already been blessed more than once.

  1. Be realistic toward your expectations.

Expectations are the mother of all disappointment. Why? Because we often tend to rely on external sources without thinking that we are the only and most reliable source of happiness for ourselves.

You should always be realistic toward your expectations. If you have set them toward people, ask yourself if these expectations can really be met by someone (or something) that doesn’t owe you anything to make your life happier.

The best person to meet all your expectations is yourself. Do you know why? Because you know your limits and you set your expectations accordingly.

  1. You have the power to change your life.

There is always something we will not like about our lives. Now, the question is: Will you complain, or will you try to set the course straight? Happy people choose the latter.

Your life is what you do with it. If you expect that it will magically change for the better, you are fooling yourself greatly. The reality is that if you don’t contribute to how your life looks like, you will end up in a dead end, and thus misery.

If you want something from life, you need to start working toward it, not just daydream about it. Take control over the situations and start creating some beneficial ones that will contribute to a goal you have set in your mind. Happiness is action.

  1. Happiness has no destination.

While many think that happiness looks like some magical moment in the future where everything will be pink and colorful, the truth is that happiness doesn’t look like that at all. Happiness has no destination – it’s the ride itself that makes happiness possible.

Experiencing genuine happiness is understanding that life is full of ups and downs (like a roller-coaster). Your job is to enjoy the ride, not think of the destination.

  1. Slow down.

You can’t smell the roses, you can’t see the beauties around you, and you can’t really enjoy life if you are on the run all the time. Slowing down is essential for a happy life. Devote a part of the day for doing nothing.

Don’t be surprised to see a happy person with a hobby. They all have one. It’s not only about the money and getting everything done – it’s also about giving some pleasure to your life that no money can give to you. Slow down and do something you’ve always wanted to do.

  1. There are no shortcuts.

Easy come easy go. Everything in life that has come the easy way in, will easily go out as soon as you become numb to it. In truth, you will never learn the value and appreciate the fruits of whatever comes into your life unless you don’t work for it, earn it.

Getting an easy job, tricking your way into things, easy money – these are all shortcuts that will eventually leave you unaware of your worth and your abilities. In turn, you will never feel the happiness that comes out of getting things on a silver platter for no good reason, because there is no such happiness.

  1. You are not entitled to anything.

You should never think that the things that come into your life are there because you deserve them unconditionally. You are not entitled to anything but what you make out of your life.

The truth is that no one owes you anything, you rip only what you have sowed and everything else is a bonus. So, work hard to giving yourself whatever you think you deserve. Deserve it.

  1. Your life has significance.

Once you understand what your gifts and abilities are, you need to understand that your life has significance on every scale imaginable. A happy person will always try to leave the world better than they found it.

So, never stop improving and being good to your world. Your life has the potential to change many others for the better.

  1. Be generous.

Selfish people are miserable. Generosity means opening your heart to the world. In turn, the world opens up to you. Being generous means that you find greater value for which you don’t hesitate to sacrifice something of a lesser value. Never stop being generous.

Do you know who gets the best out of forgiveness? If a person has hurt you, dwelling on the pain will cause only greater pain. This gives that person power over you long after they have done whatever they did.

Forgiving is letting go of the influence over you and taking the power into your own hands again. The best way to live happily is to move on. Nothing is permanent and nobody is perfect. If you can forgive and stay, do it. If not, just forgive and move on.

  1. Happiness is an attitude. Attitude is a choice.

Choosing to have a great and positive attitude toward life is the key to happiness. You can let your feeling take control over you, and you can also take control over your life and your outlook on it. The latter is happiness.

Nobody’s life is easy and it’s because struggles make growth possible. Having a positive attitude while you are living it will make life more interesting to walk through.

  1. Speak beauty.

If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t speak at all. It’s not because you are trying to ignore the negative bits of life, but because you know that munching on a bitter rubber will never solve any problem.

Choose words that are uplifting, encouraging, and full of positive energy. You need that energy to work on those bad bits and make them work out just right for you. Love life and don’t be afraid to show it – life is beautiful, no matter how much you’re trying to see it as dark.

Inspired by Rev. Shane L. Bishop

Girls Who Take A Break From Dating Actually End Up Happier

There is nothing wrong in being single. So, why are so many people desperate to get into a relationship just not to be alone? I have a different opinion when it comes to relationships – one that includes being single as a way of living life at its fullest.

Focusing on yourself is important. Sometimes, this results in not having time for a relationship or even not wanting to date. And that’s okay.

There are girls who decide to be single until they’re in college or even later. I have friends who didn’t want to have a serious relationship until 25, some of them because of bad dates in the past and some who decided to focus on themselves instead.

And there are girls who want to take a break from dating for a different reason. No matter the reason, I salute all the girls who decide to stay away from relationships for a period. It takes courage to do this because there are always people who judge.

Taking a break from dating might seem like a bad idea for some, but it can actually turn out to be the best decision for some.

How many times have you felt like you don’t know what’s good for you? These are the moments when some alone time helps. That’s why girls who decide to take a break from dating end up happier afterwards.

These girls know how to be alone and they have grown to be independent. They are the ones who are the strongest during a crisis and the ones who are the bravest whenever a sacrifice needs to be made for a greater good.

Everyone need some time just for himself/herself. Girls who have decided to take a break from dating have had the time to focus on themselves. As a result, they don’t feel intimidated for their flaws, but they embrace them instead.

They have realized what’s important to them and know that they have to spent time with their friends and family. They are bold in making decisions about their future and don’t hesitate to use every chance they get. They are dreamers and they are brave enough to follow their dreams.

They don’t need a man to tell them what to do or how to live their life because they are independent and they have the confidence which is needed to succeed.

They end up happier because they respect themselves and are respected in return. Later, in a relationship, they know that love is much more than feeling butterflies in the stomach. They are aware that relationships also demand commitment and support.

These girls will never be in a relationship just not to be alone. They’re not afraid to be single and don’t care if they never get married because they know how to enjoy being alone. They are not desperate to find someone and don’t make mistakes because of that.

But when they find someone and decide to start dating again, they know it’s someone who is worth the time. They know that it’s someone who will make their life better and that will support them in everything. These girls want someone beside them who is a dreamer, just as they are.

They wouldn’t change themselves for anyone in the world and they don’t want to change others. They need inspiration and support and they will find someone who will give them that.

These girls want someone who will not make them lose their sense of individuality. So, their special someone will only push them forward. And this someone will only make them happier, although they are happy as they are.


Coconut Oil Is Unhealthy According To The American Heart Association

You all know that person (or maybe you are that person) who would not trade coconut oil for anything in the world, and always has a jar of it in the kitchen.

Well, bad news for all in healthy food world and coconut oil lovers – the American Health Association reported that coconut oil might be unhealthy and even risky for your health. The author of the report says he has no idea how could anyone think that this product is healthy and become obsessed with something that contains very high quantity of saturated fat.

 “Coconut oil isn’t healthy. It’s never been healthy,” screamed the viral headline which made the study public. This devastated the members of the wellness world who believed and swore in the miracles that this product provides them with.

Dr. Joel Kahn, a cardiologist and best-selling author says that he was concerned a long time with the extremely high amount of saturated fat. He doesn’t believe in fat-heavy diets. Instead, he encourages his patients to consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

However, every story has two sides. So, the inevitably question remains:

Is coconut oil really unhealthy?

Dr. Will Cole, a functional medicine practitioner says that there is no doubt that coconut oil contains higher levels of saturated fat.

However, AHA cite don’t say that consuming coconut oil can increase the risk of heart diseases. No – they connect it to higher cholesterol numbers which doesn’t necessarily is a predicator of a higher stroke risk and heart attack.

In fact, studies found out that high total cholesterol may not be connected to strokes and heart attack risks. 

Another best-selling author and a hormone expert, Dr. Sara Gottfried, states that many times before the AHA has encouraged low-fat diets. However, these low-fat diets have a downside – they can increase corpulence and can cause diabetes.

“I’m not a fan of blanket statements; the future of medicine is personalized to the individual based on the gene/environment interaction. Coconut oil is unusual in that it contains medium-chain triglycerides that are well-proven to speed metabolism and assist in fat loss. Another component is lauric acid, found in breastmilk, which is antimicrobial.”

The founder of Parsley Health, Dr Robin Berzin, explains that the AHA bases its advice on outdated sources that give a poor understanding of heart diseases and what role plays the cholesterol in them.

While many think that the problem is the high levels of LDL, the fact is the total number of LDL is of no importance – what matters is its composition – the size and shape of the particles.

Namely, the small, thick particles are the ones which can be connected to heart attacks. Contrary, the larger and fluffier ones – are not.

There is still a debate between eating saturated fat and eating fat.

A diet that contains high saturated fat and lacks fibers, but is full of sugars and refined carbohydrates, increases the production of small, thick LDL.

On the other hand, a diet consisting of a monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, and even saturated fat like in our case organic coconut oil, but does not contain any sugars and is high in fibers, can actually help us improve our cholesterol composition.

And while all doctors share this view, they all agree that we must be careful of how we consume the coconut oil.

A problem can arise when we mix coconut oil (and all saturated fats) with refined grains such as pasta, bread, or any food high in sugar. This ‘mix’ can increase the inflammatory effects of sugar in our body.     

All in all, you know your body best and what food agrees with you. Coconut oil interacts differently in different people. It all depends of what you combine it with. For example, if you combine coconut oil with a high-sugar, high-refined-carb diet can lead to an increase of the bad cholesterol in your body along with inflammation.

So, if you are not ready yet to give up junk food and eat vegetables instead – avoid consuming coconut oil.

Moreover, you must figure for yourself what portion of coconut oil works for you. For some 1 to 2 tablespoons work just okay, but for some this amount causes them to gain weight.

The bottom line is – coconut oil can still be considered as healthy food because it contains medium-chain triglycerides and lauric acid. Only, we must be careful with what we mix it with and how much coconut oil do we need daily.

We are all different and we must find out by ourselves what works best for us.

20 Best Mini Pocket Led Projectors For 2017

In the modern world of technology, we have devices like smart phones, iPads, and mini laptops. The list goes on. But, how about when you want to watch a movie on a big screen and have no time to visit the movie theater or simply find it distasteful? Well, the best 3D projector is the perfect solution. This is big news for movie lovers around the globe.

Who wants to spend a load of money on a big screen TV when you can invest in a mini projector that entails the same features and can be taken anywhere? The inventors of the mini projector have saved movie lovers the fuss and expense of having to either drive to theaters or waste countless hours picking out the right flat screen.

This genius move is not only perfect for movie fanatics. It is also the brilliant solution for business presentations and gaming nights. Think about it. You can save the hassle of trying to figure out how the office projector works and just grab your portable mini projector out of your bag.

They are foldable, user-friendly and can fit anywhere. The next time you have movie night or your PowerPoint presentation, just grab your projector and be on the move. It saves time, money and frustration.

However, when it comes to actually choosing the right projector, you need to take time and review the pros and cons of the best ones out there. Fortunately, we have saved you the hassle of doing this.

Check out the best mini projectors the market has to offer and see which one suits your needs:

Optoma ML750ST 

The Optima ML750ST wins the gold when it comes to the newest mini projectors. Possibly the best feature of this mini projector is the fact that it has built-in Office viewer without the hassle of PC or laptop. It can be used straight from your mobile device with HDMI/MHL connectivity.

Apart from this, the 50-inch diagonal image can be seen from 32 inches away. It uses a wireless presentation and entails a Multimedia Playback capability and device mirroring, while also having bright LED projection.

The Optima ML750ST is highly rated on most sites and even won a gold award. 


For all lovers of business and home projectors either for presentations for home theaters, the AAXA M5 is the perfect choice.

Having high focus on essentials and particulars, it is also the perfect mix between transportability and presentation, which go unmatched. The perfect blend gives it a 5-star rating since it can be used both at home and in the office, saving time and money everywhere. Entailing high qualities in both image and performance, it has been awarded the Top Ten Reviews Silver Award, which hardly does it justice.

The AAXA M5 has built-in battery, an onboard media player, not to mention 20,000 hours LED, 900 Lumens high brightness and a WXGA HD resolution.

Optoma ML550

If you are in the search of an extremely small portable projector that has excellent lighting, the Optoma ML550 is the perfect choice. It has a powerful LED light source and wide-ranging connectivity.

As for performance and value, it has 3D viewing, a projection screen size ranging from 0.43 to 2.54m and projection distance of 0.55 – 3.23m. The best part might be the wireless presentation capacity with a BI-EXTBGN adapter.

 Philips PicoPix PPX2055

One of the smallest mini projectors out there and ranked number one on the charts is the Philips PicoPix PPX2055 with a DLP system. This PicoPix wonder can fit perfectly in your brief case or even in your jacket pocket. Imagine being able to fit a projector in your pocket.

Not only is the Philips projector super user-friendly, it is also surprisingly affordable, or “pocket-friendly”. It has a ridiculously simple setup and projects content through a USB, which can be connected to your PC or laptop. In order to have the best view, you must use a completely black environment to achieve the 55 lumen-capable lighting to present the picture. In case you need to present video, it is advisable to use a subordinate speaker to remove audible noise emitting via the DLP wheel.

The resolution for the Philips PicoPix PPX2055 is 854 x 480, while the brightness as mentioned is 55 lumens. As projection distance goes, it ranges from 0.5 m to 5.0 meters. The dimensions are 72 x 72 x 27mm, while the contrast ratio is 1000:1. For those of you who love all mini things, this may just be the perfect fit.

Philips PPX4935

The Philips PPX4935 mini portable projector is the perfect choice for all lovers of pocketsize projectors. No room? No problem. Just slip it right into your pocket and be on the move in no time.

The internal battery has a 2-hour life span, which is more than enough time for home or business matters. It has a Smart Engine 720p HD resolution, which includes LED technology, bringing the best light colors and high contrast, with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Apart from that, it entails a remote control for simple steering, ports for an SD Card, USB, audio and HDMI, included media player and HDMI/MHL interface for notebooks, smartphones, iPads, etc.

LG Electronics 

The LG Electronics PH550 minibeam projector includes Bluetooth sound, built-in battery that lasts up to 2.5 hours and 550 lumens.

It works with a wireless connection on O/S, WiDi and of course, Android. Apart from that, it includes Bluetooth sound out and the quality is 1280 x 720 HD.

Lumid™ High-Resolution Ultra-Portable 1080P LED Mini Projector

The Lumid™ High-Resolution Ultra-Portable 1080P LED Mini Projector is perfect for those who enjoy quality and appearance. Its sleek shape and bright color have a unique touch of art.

Apart from appearance, it has multiple functions for USB, HDMI, AV and VGA and can connect to you laptop and PC, DVD Player, X-Box ONE Wii, PS3 and PS4, making it perfect for gamers.

It has a portable design with 7.8 x 5.9 x 3 inches in size and 2 lb. in weight, making it perfect for movie lovers in and outdoor.


The AAXA P300 Pico LED Projector entails a battery life of one hour, has a WXGA 1280×800 Resolution, and Media Player.Apart from that, it contains 400 Lumens, HDMI, Mini-VGA, and 20,000 Hour LED Life.

It is the perfect choice for business presentations and has a USB plugin. This incredible mini projector is only 0.97 lbs.! 

Vivitek Qumi Q5

The Vivitek Qumi Q5 has an estimated 30,000 hours of operation, HD 720p resolution and 4GB built-in memory and USB port. This can be used for expanding memory.

The connectivity is for HDMI, AV mini-jack audio-out to, which does not need a PC or laptop to function and a Universal I/O, wireless capacity though Wi-Fi USB dongle and 3D from the DLP link. 

Sony MP-CL1 

One of the smallest and most convenient mini projectors is the Sony MP-CL1. For one, the assembly and superiority go unmatched. As far as dimensions go, they are only 5.9 x 3 x 0.5 inches and weighs about 0.46 lbs., meaning it can be slipped right into your pocket like a carry-on.

Although the projector entails USB and Micro-USB ports and MHL port for video output, it also has a full-size HDMI adapter, making the connectivity simple anywhere you go. It is mainly used for home theaters, while it can also be used for business purposes.

Celluon PicoPro

For home theater lovers everywhere, the Celluon PicoPro is an excellent choice. Whether you are are streaming your favorite movie or are just in the mood to watch anything on a big screen, this is the perfect choice.

It is best known for its compactness both inside and out. Going by the dimensions of 5.9 x 2.9 x 0.5 inches and 0.43 lbs. in weight, it’s great for those who love a unique shape. The setup itself is quite simple and support for Miracast wireless streaming lets you reflect tablets and other maneuvers.

As far as the slots go, it entails a Micro-USB used for the purpose of charging, a Micro-HDMI for video output and a 3.5mm audio jack.


For all lovers of the real “mini” things in the world, the RIF6 Cube Pico Projector is the absolute best choice. A 2-inch portable mobile projector that functions with phones, iPads, laptops, and gaming consoles. Since it can fit right into your hand, it can be taken anywhere for use.

One of the best things about it is that it is compatible with HDMI devices, works perfectly with mobile adapters and has the battery life is 90 minutes! The LED light projection lasts up to 20,000 hours, comes with a USB charger, remote control, and MHL connector cables.

As far as connectivity is concerned, it has HDMI, MHL and Micro SD, while the dimensions are 2 x 2 x 1.9 and has an 854×480 resolution.

 Apeman LED Mini Pocket Projector

If you are looking for a mini projector with longer battery life, you have come to the right place. The Apeman LED Mini Pocket Projector has a 2-hour battery life that most mini projectors do not have.

It comes with a 4.4 Android operating system, providing comprehensible interface and platform. Whether you enjoy streaming on Hulu, Netflix or anywhere else, the value is amazing. With a resolution of 854×480, dimensions of 3.1 inches x 5.9 inches x 0.6 inches and weight of 1.6 lbs., it is the perfect compact choice.

As for connectivity, it pairs well with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, wireless connections with iPads, smartphones, laptops, etc. It is a good fit for the office and an excellent fit for an outside home theater, due to its long lasting battery life.

AAXA P4-X Android Wireless Smart Pico Projector

For those who love a high resolution, the AAXA P4-X Android Wireless Smart Pico Projector would probably be the smartest choice. It has a resolution of 1920 x 1080, one of the best resolutions found in mini projectors, Optical Engine with a 90-minutre Li0Ion rechargeable battery, built-in touchpad, Bluetooth Radio and Wi-Fi, office viewer for PDF, DOC, XLS and PPT documents, and supports AVI, MP3, JPG, TXT, etc.

Apart from this, it contains a mini VGA, AV inputs, Mini HDMI, USB and Micro SD readers, and 20,000 hour LEDs.

InnerTeck Portable LED Projector

If you are a lover of the mini projector and are looking for one at an affordable price, this is the one for you. The InnerTeck Portable LED Projector comes at an acceptable price, while still giving a fair resolution and measuring at 5 x 3.4 x 1.9 inches, weighing at 0.64 lbs. This gives the opportunity to carry it anywhere.

This projector had an SD slot, USB, AV and HDMI port, and is able to connect with all smartphones, gaming consoles, iPads, tablets, etc. 

 LESHP Mini Projector 

The LESHP Mini Projector is probably a universal choice when it comes to use for a home theater, gaming and office needs.

It is compatible with various devices and systems like iPhones, Android, Mac, PC and more, connecting with an HDMI cable. The size of this mini projector comes at 7.4 x 5.9 x 2.3 inches and weighs 2.3 lbs. Although this may not be the most lightweight choice, it is still quite simple to move.

The resolution comes at 800 x 480, making a nice bright and clear image. It is only used for internal purposes, as it does not come with a rechargeable battery.

Mobile Pico Video Projector

The Mobile Pico Video Projector is the king of variations, as it contains all things found in most projectors.

It comes with a battery life of 90 minutes, shows pictures of up to 120 inches, with a resolution of 854 x 480. This projector comes with an Android operating system, with continuous downloads of Netflix, Hulu, and other media apps. Therefore, it can be used on its own or can be connected to outside devices wirelessly.

Having a resolution of 854 x 480 and weighing at only 0.58 pounds, you can fit it literally anywhere and not even notice it. The measurements come in at 5.7 x 3.1 x 0.71 inches. 

AMAZ-PLAY Mobile DLP Pico Projector

Coming at the size and shape of a smartphone, the AMAZ-PLAY Mobile projector is 5.8 x 3.1 x 0.7 inches and weighs only 0.6 lbs. It comes with a remarkable resolution of 1920 x 1080.

The optical technology comes at 100 lumens, DLP Optical Engine, 20,000-hour lifespan, has ultra compatbility, i.e, it supports Miracast/ Airplay/ DLNA wireless protocol, USB/TF/HDMI/ input, iOS /Android device wireless connection and has a USB drive.

In addition, the best part is it has a built-in stereo speaker, connectable to an external speaker and headset.

Magnasonic LED Pocket Pico Video Projector

If you are looking to use a mini projector outside of your home or office, then this would be the perfect choice. Coming with a rechargeable battery and 2-hour life, you can enjoy an outdoor theater at any time.

Considered as the world’s smallest portable DPL projector, it is only 3.9 x 3.0 x 0.5 inches with an HDMI connection. The resolution is at 640 x 360 and has a 25-lumen LED DLP light engine.

The best part is it comes with HDMI, Micro HDMI, MHL cables & Samsung Galaxy adapters. This way, you can project right from your smartphone, tablet, laptop, media player & any other HDMI video player. If you have an old, classic movie projector and you want to replace it with one of these mini ones, be sure to always recycle outdated electronics in the right way. 


This Guy Has The Most Amazing Way Of Dealing With His Girlfriend’s Anxiety

Anxiety is something that many of us have experienced or will experience in their lives. It is not easy, and someone who has never felt its grip could never understand what you are going through.

It is known that one in four people in the world will have a mental disorder at some point in life.

Even though anxiety does not define us, it does affect our relationships with other people, and those who haven’t experienced it don’t know what it feels like and don’t know how they can help you.

Sometimes they fail to see that all a person in a middle of an anxiety attack needs is someone who listens and assures that everything will be okay.

A person living with anxiety lives in constant fear that their partner will abandon them. So, they try to push their loved ones away because they cannot stand the fact of being hurt. They always doubt everything; they just don’t believe that pure happiness and love exists.

Callie is a girl who suffers from anxiety. She is not immune to struggling and constant over-thinking which leads to imaginary scenarios in her head causing her and her partner Chris to fight constantly.

However, she strongly believes that the right one can’t be pushed away not matter how bad the situation gets.

In her post on Facebook, she explains her struggles to let everyone know that anxiety is real and having someone by your side to support you is essential. And no one should ever dismiss your struggles nor make you feel that you are overreacting. Luckily for her, her boyfriend Chris understands and supports her.

In her Facebook post, which went viral, she shares a text conversation between her and her boyfriend. It goes like this – She asks him “Are we okay?” “Very much so honey”, he responds. To this, she replies with “okay good” and three hearts. This is all she needed to calm down.

In her post, she explains the importance of finding a supportive and understanding partner who doesn’t ignore their feelings and struggles.

On the other hand, there is still a stigma against dating people with mental illnesses. A study in Evolutionary Psychological Science found out that people with mental illnesses were viewed as less attractive than those without them.

However, Callie and Chris’s love story is a proof that our personal struggles and worries are not something which can ruin our relationship as long as we know how to handle them.

Her post has now over 86,000 likes and more than 190,000 shares from people supporting her.

She then uploaded a sweet video of her boyfriend, called “We All Got Demons” in which he explains what is like to have a mental illness.

Her final advice is to take deep breaths which sometimes can be one of the hardest things to do. Also, love, patience, and communication are key factors to make relationships work. You may have anxiety, but anxiety doesn’t need to have you.

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How To Heal Cavities – The Astonishing Claims Of The Oil Pullers

A couple came to amazing results after trying the oil pulling for dental care and their story raised numerous questions in the field of dentistry, some of which are connected to healing cavities and the probability of regeneration of teeth.

As the report states, the couple is strongly behind their claims about getting healthier and stronger teeth, right after trying this oil pulling and their claims go beyond that, their theory of replacing toothpaste with swishing coconut oil every day from 15 to 20 minutes was well supported with an explanation and proof that oil pulling has done wonders for this couple.

Their report would have been just another fraud on the Internet, however the experiment that the couple made and the results that they got makes their report something that it’s worth reading and trying as well.

The experiment have lead the couple to better teeth and they strongly believe that oil pulling have healed cavities and left their teeth in a much better condition than previously.

This is quite a statement, more of a revelation, especially if we bear in mind that it is opposing the orthodox dentistry which claims that cavities are a permanent damage of the teeth and such damage could not regenerate unless you decide to visit the dentist and undergo a dental procedure or filling your teeth.

So, led by these beliefs, people have no other option than choosing a good dentist and following the traditional medicine for repairing the teeth.

This is why the couple’s assertive claims are regarded as controversial, because not only did they go against the orthodox dentistry, but they also prove their experiment right by repairing their teeth and healing cavities, something that was never done in the orthodox dentistry history.

We know the old-fashioned dental care already. Go to the dentist, don’t forget and miss your regular appointments, schedule at least twice a year to check the condition of the teeth, reduce the sugar intake and you’ll be just fine.

Nowadays, the market is full with natural products which can help you in the process of lengthening the life of your natural teeth. Starting from natural mouthwash, toothpastes and even tooth brushes with natural hair, all of this provided in order to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the product on your natural teeth.

However, “natural” does not always mean good for that matter. Even natural toothpastes contain ingredients which are bad for our teeth, such as glycerin, sweeteners and fluoride. Besides the proper dental hygiene and buying the most suitable dental care product, your diet seems to affect your dental health more than you can ever imagine.

Poor diet, modern food, processed food loaded with sugar and chemicals can ruin your smile and there isn’t a single toothpaste nor the best dentist that can prevent that. Maybe it’s time we do something about it and the best cure comes from the ones who have truly taken the time to explore a certain area, apply their findings on themselves and share the results with us.

First of all, let’s discuss logic. Our bodies are designed in a way that every injury can heal itself because of the regeneration process of our bodies. If a broken bone can grow into a healthy one, then why not a damaged tooth grow into a healthy one?

It seems that we would rather believe that our teeth are incapable of healing themselves, then prove ourselves the other way around. True, we are mainly responsible for the health of our teeth, due to poor diet or neglecting our dental care, but what if we try everything the doctor ordered and we are still left with poor teeth and a tendency of getting worse and worse?

The solution can start with changing your whole diet, implementing more fruits and veggies, consuming good fat such as butter oil or cod liver oil, raw milk, plenty of whole foods, tasty meat. By doing so, it can lead you on a good path to improving your dental care and to stronger teeth, capable to fight off bacteria.

It’s a very logical way to think that teeth problems or tooth decay may be the product of our modern society or a product of agricultural era? When discussing about perfect teeth, if we may put it that way, we should be looking at the tribes who have no touch with modern society or as we may put it, are living in the pre-agricultural times.

For instance, a documentary in the early 1990’s portrays the lives of the ancient Kogi Indian tribe and the creator of this documentary Alan Ereira himself claimed that the members of this tribe had perfect teeth.

This may come as a shocker, because we are all aware of the fact that such tribes have no dental care or any time of medical help and yet, it’s proven that they have a longer life and most of all, they have a healthier life. 

Their health level is much higher than the usual civilized citizen, without ever having the option to visit a doctor or a dentist.

This may be due to the fact that tribes have different sources of food and most importantly, their food is not derived from mineral-depleted soils, which of course is the case of our typical agricultural environment.

Another important moment, which strengthens these theories about perfect teeth in tribe people, is the significant work of Dr. Weston A. Price. He engaged himself by travelling the world and visiting various indigenous tribes.

On his journeys, he was investigating and comparing their dental health. Although people living in tribal groups have none health facilities, nor they have dentist to take care of their teeth, Dr. Price himself discovered and claimed that these people have truly got the perfect teeth. So, the question arises, what do these tribal groups do right and we mess it up?

Dr. Price found the real answer in their diet. Their natural diet, free of chemicals, toxins, is crucial and most important for their flawless teeth. Once Dr. Price introduced modern food to these people, to our disbeliefs, the degeneration of the dental health started.

He also concluded that the proper diet can lead to perfect teeth, but also cure or heal the cavities. He strongly believes and he has good proofs about the negative impact of modern food, mainly affecting the teeth and everything else.

It seems that oil pulling is something that it’s worth to be thoroughly investigated, because it clearly has a positive and amazing results on our teeth.

Source: herbs-info.com

The 7 Most Effective Exercises To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

Eating well and staying fit is an imperative for many people. But whatever your healthy routine is, you may not have paid too much attention to the facial muscles. Your face and chin are made up of many muscles that can lose shape if not exercised. Hence, the double chin can slowly take shape.

The double chin is not so uncommon, and it’s a nightmare for many who can’t think of a way to get rid of it. Getting rid of it can, in fact, be very easy, and some muscle exercise wouldn’t hurt along the way for that pretty face to stay pretty.

So, here’s a list of the 7 most effective exercises that can help you to get rid of that double chin and retain your natural beauty for longer.

…and although it’s easy to do them practically anywhere, it’s best to try them when you get home from work because they DO look silly.

Of course, before any exercise, you need to warm up. Have you ever experienced a neck cramp? Well warming up serves for the purpose of avoiding it. You should bear in mind that these exercises activate the muscles and can be tough for the lean muscles that create the double chin.


For this, you will need to relax your face and start moving your jaw in a circular motion, reaching the furthest points outward and back as it moves. Start slow and smooth, without any sudden jerks.

Repeat 8-10 times.


Open your mouth and roll up your lower lip completely over the lower teeth. Imagine that you’re making a scoop with your mouth. Then scoop. Move your head down in a scooping motion and close your mouth with your lip inside as you are lifting your head up.

During this exercise, you need to make sure that your lip corners are relaxed.

Repeat 5-7 times.


Stick out your tongue and try to touch your nose. You don’t have to succeed, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try, right? While stretching your tongue, make sure your lips are relaxed.

Repeat 5 times.


This exercise takes care of more than one thing. It activates so many muscles, that your face can return to a younger look and pull your cheeks up.

Start left, by turning your head that way. Push your lower jaw forward until you feel a comfortable strain in your neck muscles. You should feel your neck muscles stretch. Don’t stay too long and return to the initial position, now turning right.

Repeat 5 times on each side.


Imagine you want to kiss a giraffe (or someone very tall). Now do it. Look up, and lift your chin high. Now bring your lower jaw slightly forward and pucker your lips to give the giraffe a kiss. Wait for 5-8 seconds and slowly release.

If you’re doing it right, you should feel a strong tension in your neck.

Repeat 5 times.


Make your hands into fists and rest your chin on them. Next, start pushing down with your lower jaw to strain your muscles. The pressure should gradually increase as you press, and when you reach the maximum pressure, hold there for 3 seconds, release slowly, and relax.

Repeat 5-7 times.


Make a big clenched smile! Clench your teeth and stretch your lips as wide as possible. Then, push against your hard palate with your tongue to gradually increase the pressure. You should get to the point when you start feeling a strong tension in your chin muscles.

When you get there, hold for 5 seconds and relax.

Repeat 5-8 times.


Fill your cheeks with air and puff them up. Now, while holding the air, press your cheeks with your hands until your feel a tension in your muscles. Hold for 3-5 seconds, slowly let the air out, and relax.

Repeat 5-6 times.

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What Do You Feel When I Say “I Love You”?

I still remember that day when we first met. Somehow, it happened that we found each other at the same place and time in our lives. We didn’t plan for it, but I’ll be forever grateful for that moment. The moment when I realized that I have met someone special. Someone different than all the others. Someone worth fighting for.

I fell in love with you instantly. I opened myself to you and you didn’t try to change me. This is just one of the many reasons I love you.

I wonder if you know that. Do you know why I love you?

Can you notice that I get nervous when I’m in front of you? No matter how many years we have spent together, I often blush when I talk to you.

When we fight, it’s not traumatic for me because I know that we will solve the problem, no matter how hard it seems. It won’t be the end. Do you feel that too?

When I say “I love you”, I also mean I like you. I like how good you are to other people. You’re always patient and sensitive, especially with me.

I love it when you surprise me with dinner after work and you support me in everything. Even when I myself don’t know what I want. Even then, you’re by my side, believing in me like nobody else does.

I adore you every time you’re calling me just to hear my voice. I haven’t told you this, but whenever my phone rings, I hope I will see your name on the screen, even if we just spent hours together.

In bed at night, I feel safe when I’m with you. Whenever you’re away for work, a huge piece of me goes away with you. I don’t feel able to get up and face the situations that the day will bring to me. Until you come back. And I can conquer the world again.

I love when we do something as a team. We are such a great team, aren’t we?

I love you because you’re masculine, but sensitive. Because you make me laugh every day, even after all this time.

I admire your strength and intelligence. I like listening to your stories, again and again.

I learn from you a lot. You teach me things that I have never considered to learn. But you also allow me to teach you things that you don’t have interest in. And I love you because of that.

When I’m with you, I feel special. I feel invincible and powerful. You make me stronger and braver.

I feel like I’ve been with you since forever. I feel real when I’m with you. I don’t have to change myself. You accept me as I am. And you love me because of that.

If you didn’t know, I’m still attracted to you. For me, you’re still the most handsome man alive. I hope you get the same feeling as I get when I haven’t seen you for hours.

I love your aspirations and your enthusiasm for a magical future together. I love that you are positive and believe in our future, just as I do. And the fact that I have you for the rest of my life makes me the happiest girl alive.

You are the only one that understands my craziness. Whenever I act crazy, you smile and hug me and everything is back to normal. Back to perfect.

I don’t know if a group of words can explain what I feel when I say “I love you”. I don’t know if you feel the same thing. Do you? I hope you do.

Mahatma Gandhi said that “Where there is love, there is life”. Life cannot be explained, you have to live it. It’s the same thing with love. It is not easy to describe. You have to feel it.

5 Things That Make You An Awesome Girlfriend (According To Men)

What does it take to be a perfect girlfriend? What do men want from their girlfriends anyway? These are questions that every woman has.

On one hand, no girl should change completely for a man. But on the other hand, some change is good for both of the partners.

Nobody is perfect, anyway, but we should all reach towards improvement.

So, we thought it would be interesting to get inside a man’s head for a day and see how they picture their perfect girlfriend. 

We invited some boys for a cup of coffee and we asked them several questions about girlfriends and the things they like about girls.

Here are the five best answers.

Alan Smith from New York, 22

Alan appreciates when a girl is independent, not only at work but in private life, too. For him, the girl has to be able to take care of herself. His ideal girl is someone stable, a girl who will not let anyone play with her emotions.

Mathew Johnson from New York, 28  

Mathew doesn’t like “bimbos” and he thinks that it is not okay to tell women that any man would prefer a bimbo over a smart woman. In his opinion, this is not what the majority of men are looking for in a girl. The profile of his perfect girlfriend is a smart woman with many skills and high intelligence.

Ted Jones from Denver, 25

Ted’s answer is very interesting! Ted said that he has been in too many relationships that ended because of dishonesty. He believes that partners should tell each other their needs and he would respect that more than hiding bad feelings from him.

He advises women to be straightforward because men can’t read minds. Moody behavior is not helping when something is wrong in a relationship, it will only make things worse. “Sit down and talk about what is bothering you. If your love is strong, you will resolve it in no time.”

Paul Davis from Los Angeles, 29  

Paul stated that in his opinion, boys respect their girlfriends way more that their girlfriends respect them. The perfect girl for him is a girl with whom they would have mutual respect. “Respect isn’t a one-way thing, it goes both ways.”

Another thing he needs in a relationship is support. Instead of criticizing men in front of everyone, show them your support. That makes men feel important. They want their girl to support them and to trust their judgment when they argue with someone else.

Gerald Moore from Boston, 24

All Gerald wants is a girl that will give him more space. Many girls believe that this is the best way to keep a boyfriend. Others are just mean and bossy. “But eventually, the man will wake up and leave only because he wants more space.”

If you don’t trust a man don’t be with him at all. Being bossy will only provoke him to turn a new page. Give him space, and he will want you even more. Just try!

So what is your opinion?  What is the perfect girlfriend like? Maybe perfect is the wrong term, no one can or needs to be perfect.

But do you think these five answers will help you in your relationship? Will they make your boyfriend happier?
