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Ways To Deal With Medical Debt Without Making It Physically Or Mentally Taxing

Medical debt can be quite taxing, physically and mentally of course.  There are so many other people who have to work on it before it gets out of hand. And once it does gets out of hand, then it’s hard to avoid falling into the pitfall of bankruptcy.

In America alone, majority of the natives are suffering from the burden of medical debt, due to the growing [price of pills, medications, injections and surgeries.

The only way to avoid it is by living a healthy life, which is quite impossible in this high working lifestyle. Therefore, you have no other way but to handle such problems, from start till end.

Reasons behind growth of medical bills

Now, there are multiple reasons for those ever growing medical bills. Falling into sudden injuries or illness will be the major cause for medical bill growth. No one is expected to know about the time when they are going to fall ill, so that they can prepare otherwise.

Therefore, emergencies are the main reason behind certain growth in medical bill. Furthermore, you have insurance companies, which are working to make this payment a bit more difficult sometimes. All these points have to be considered as reasons, while working on the medical expenses right now for sure.

Dealing with the growing bills

Whenever you are planning to tackle medical bill, you have to deal with more beyond just hospitals and doctors. You have to deal with your health insurance firms, as well, and get along with the debt collectors now. There are certain medical establishments, which are quite aggressive when it comes to collecting debts.

These firms might even sue you or can even convince you that you won’t be able to seek any medical treatment further if you owe them money. Want to know more to get rid of that problem? Then you might have to check online and gain some important information on the topic.

Facing credit card debt is common these days but it is always a wise idea to plan well and take necessary steps in order to solve your debt issues in the initial stages so as to get relief easily.

Checking on the bills

After gaining all kinds of medical treatments, it is time to confront the bill. To be on the safer side, ensure to check the bills if those are accurate. If you have any doubt on any particular sector, do not forget to check that out.

With the addition of taxes and what not, you are bound to pay some bucks extra. So, get to understand those calculations straight and match that with the bills to ensure that the hospitals are not playing any tricks on you.

Avoid the overcharges now

Some hospitals are clever enough to add overcharges while making a patient’s bill. As there are so many small checks included so most of the time patient party avoids falling into this pit of checking the bills in details.

Avoid being such a loser and go through the bill thoroughly to avoid overcharges, or charges for those services, which you didn’t even receive. Once you are through with the points and packages, half of your work is done. That way, you can prevent your opportunities to fall into medical debt more and get rid of payments immediately.


Impact Of Financial Debt On Mental Health

There is a link between your financial situation and mental health. The psychological state is affected adversely by obligations. High financial debt is associated with depression, stress and high blood pressure. 

Mortgage is good for peace of mind

Researchers have shown that people who have obligations have a higher incidence of psychological health problem. The common psychological illnesses individuals face are anxiety disorders, depression and psychotic disorders.

  • Suicidal tendency

An even stronger link is established between debt and suicide. People confronted with problems of debt are more likely to commit suicide or will have a suicidal tendency.

  • Substance abuse

They are also dependent on alcohol consumption and drug abuse. Studies have shown that unmarried people, people who have retired and those who did not study much are prone to stress related to credit cards and outstanding bills.

  • Distress is more in case of home renters

In case you have an unsecured debt, then you may face serious health problems. On the other hand, a mortgage does not pose to be a threat, especially to psychological well being. It is seen that psychological anguish is lower in the case of homeowners compared to people renting properties.  

  • Financial insolvency leads to distress

Of course, the risks of psychological problems are lower only when you are in a financial position to make timely payments on your mortgage. It is often seen people who are going through problems such as loss of jobs or marital disharmony resulting in divorce have the same level of distress similar to people struggling to pay their mortgage payments.

Difficulty in paying bills

Always worrying about obligations will lead to an increase in stress level and reduction in resilience. Psychological problems cause instability, and that interferes with appropriate financial management. These kinds of diseases affect self-control and lead to atrocious spending. They may lead to concentration problems and this may have a detrimental effect on the job situation, and you may end up losing your job. This will result in experiencing difficulty in paying bills. Credit card debt consolidation is a great way to solve your debt issues in an easy manner. It is an effective way to get relief from your debt related issues that too in a systematic manner.

Tackle both problems

You can solve the problem of debt. To address that problem, you need to have a strong bent of mind. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety attacks, then your mental issues may come in the way to solve that problem. On the other hand, if you are overburdened with obligations, then taking care of your psychological problem will not be feasible. Irrespective of which matter comes first, both the issues of mental health problems and debt have to be tackled simultaneously. You can cope with your debt if your mental health is good. If your financial situation is organized, then your mental state will be better.

Always monitor

If you had past problems of these kinds, but you are not experiencing anything now, then also watch out. You should monitor your bank balance and take good care of your mental health. If you have recognized the connection between psychological distress and improper handling of finance, then you must have understood the values of both and the ways you have to nurture both.

Affordable Health Care For Debt-Ridden Individuals

Why is the word debt so traumatic? This is because debt is not just about money. It is about a lot of psychological feelings associated with it. Any debt is capable of causing severe emotional distress. An average individual has credit card debt, car loans, medical debt, mortgages, educational loans and various other obligations.

The impact of debt differs from person to person. Those who struggle to pay off the debts are more likely to face serious health issues compared to those who did not have to go through this dreadful experience.

Economic scenario of the downtrodden class

The financial scenarios of many countries have unemployment as the major issue. As unemployment is on the rise, the unemployment insurance benefits are also likely to be exhausted.

  • Drying up of savings

As an individual’s debt increases, his savings are drying up. When people are facing a significant debt crisis, they are likely to suffer health wise.

  • Health problems

Those with high debt stress have reported health problems such as ulcers, digestion problems, frequent migraine and headaches and backaches.

  • Chronic stress

Chronic stress results in the release of harmful chemicals which disturb the equilibrium of the body. These chemicals cause severe harm to the vital body systems such as blood pressure, memory and immune system.        

  • Poor people trapped in vicious cycle

The ongoing debt problem coupled with insufficient income worsens the situation. The low-income families are trapped in this vicious cycle of insufficient income, ill health, piling bills and inability to afford medical amenities.

Government supported centers providing health care

There are many centers which are backed by the government providing health benefits to the poverty stricken communities. Many programs are available for low-income people and also for those people whose income levels are subject to fluctuations.

For enrolment in these programs, various strategies are utilized. The centers work closely with the states to identify and enroll people who are eligible for these programs. Guidelines are available which informs in details about the eligibility criteria.

Presumptive eligibility is employed as a tactic in some states to avail of the services of those programs without having to wait for the full processing of the applications. In certain case, states may grant authority to qualified entities to provide assistance regarding screening of these applicants and also to decrease the administrative burden on the states.

Continuous coverage

State agencies may also provide one-year continuous coverage for the children even if their family income has changed during the year. Giving a guarantee of continuous coverage helps in ensuring that the children are provided appropriate health care.

It also helps in developing a bond between doctors and the children along with their families. This helps in preventing wastage of time and money of the government by the elimination of unnecessary paperwork.

Providing quality care

These programs are focused on simplification of health care process and working efficiently to provide quality medical care to low-income individuals at lower costs. Even prescription drugs are provided at nominal amounts for the financially challenged people.

There are so many people in today’s time who are struggling with credit card debt issues. The craze of using credit card is increasing day by day and with it is increasing the cases of debts.

Credit card debt consolidation loan is an effective way to solve your debt issues in an easy manner. It will solve your debt issues and will provide you relief so that you can live a happy and tension free life.

The Day After Trump Slammed Colin Kaepernick, The Athlete Donated To Meals On Wheels

On Monday night, 20th March, at a rally in Louisville, Kentucky, Donald Trump made a speech about implementing his new health care bill which will completely rule out Obamacare.

He seized the moment to make a joke out of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick.  

Colin Kaepernick has been out of a job since he ended his contract with the 49ers on March 3.

Apparently, Trump is taking credit for his misfortune not to sign with any team since then.

Trump said that he has read in the news that the NFL don’t want to hire Kaepernick because they wouldn’t want to get a bad tweet by Trump.

Colin Kaepernick has been a persona non-grata to football teams since he decided to kneel during the national anthem at NFL games last fall.

Kaepernick did that as a sign of protest against racism, social injustice and police brutality.

Trump has once before told the public that he was completely against what Kaepernick did, saying that was a terrible thing to do.

Trump also openly suggested that if this country doesn’t work for Kaepernick, then he should find another one that will offer him more. But he doubted that would happen.

However, obviously, the comments which Trump made didn’t get to Kaepernick at all and the day after Trumps’ comments, Kaepernick decided to donate $ 50,000 to Meals on Wheels.

Colin hasn’t responded to Trumps’ comments yet, but his generous donation says everything.

Meals on Wheels is an organization which provided food to those who couldn’t afford it or couldn’t prepare it for themselves. Most of the people who were getting the food were older people. If Trumps’ budget program is accepted than this one and several other organization will be in danger.

The president is planning to get rid of the Community Services Block Grant and Community Development Block Grant which are two crucial sources of funding some local Meals on Wheels programs.   

Luckily, Kaepernick’s donation will help them for now.

And that wasn’t all he did.

Kaepernick also donated $ 50,000 to #LoveArmyForSomalia, an online campaign whose aim is to raise $2 million so it can ease the famine which has taken over Somalia.

Thanks to the money that Kaepernick donated, the organization was able to buy an airplane.

Kaepernick is very happy to inform us about the new airplane and he said that they will make sure that each penny goes in the hands of those in need.

They’ve set up a GoFundMe page, so anyone who would like to give a little hope to these people could donate money, food or water.

The GoFundMe will soon reach the amount of $2 million which will be enough to provide 60 tons of food and water and help diminish the historic famine says Ian Rapoport.


Almost No Children Are Medicated For ADHD In France – Here’s HOW They Define And Treat It

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is largely a fabricated condition that many children in the US are diagnosed with. If you read the symptoms of ADHD, you could easily put yourself into that category and the reason is much darker than you may think.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 6,4 million children between the age of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. That number has surely risen since then, as the generations change, and that change in the generations’ behavior is a very easy excuse for the ADHD label.

The sad truth is that in the US, ADHD comes with a very arbitrary diagnosis and with highly addictive medications. In fact, Ritalin, one of the most widely prescribed drug that these children are forced to take, has a very strong potential of addiction.

So, why does the US treat these children with such harmful drug? If you take only these 6.4 million children that are fed Ritalin, the pharmaceutical companies receive an amount of $11.7 million for each tablet sold! We have calculated this by taking into account the price of a single tablet being $1.83.

Which is more unfortunate, it’s not only this number of children that is forced to chug the cocaine-like tablets daily. The number is much larger nowadays.


Indeed, France has decided not to destroy their youth for profit, so they define and treat ADHD much differently.

Instead of using APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), the French psychiatrists refer to an alternative system created by the French Federation of Psycology, Classification Française des Troubles Mentaux de L’Enfant et de L’Adolescent (CFTMEA).

Thanks to their system, ADHD is not treated like a neurological disorder (like in the US).

In fact, France defines ADHD as a sociological disorder, and their definition is much narrower. The difference in the approach is largely because the DSM doesn’t consider underlying causes.

The French psychiatrists have a more holistic approach and prescribe medications very rarely. Before stamping the child with ADHD, they first look at many underlying causes. One example is their diet, as poor or some unhealthy eating habits can influence a child’s behavior.

Of course, many psychological causes can contribute to the false image of ADHD, as children can also go through a lot in their lives. However, many of the ‘hyperactive’ behaviors are normal for children, and the French are well aware of it.

This is why children in France are diagnosed are less than 0.5%, compared to the USA’s official 11%.

So, is your child treated for ‘childhood’? You should consider that many of the ‘symptoms’ that correlate with ADHD really correlate with normal child behavior. Some children may have a bad time handling their surroundings, or perhaps they are very creative and full of energy.

Consider looking into what your child is being chugged down the throat and for what reason.


International Classification And Diagnosis: Critical Experience and Future Directions (french-classification-for-child.pdf)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (dsm.psychiatryonline.org)
Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Science Says The First Born Child Is The Most Intelligent

Are you the eldest and wisest child in your family? Or perhaps you are the youngest and most rebellious? The birth position among siblings has long fascinated both scientists and the general public.

Many people believe that the position among our siblings comes with specific personality traits, but research has proven that these stereotypes do not always fit in the frame.

In a study done by the University of Leipzig, researchers examined the effects of birth order among 20,000 people from the USA, UK and Germany. They analyzed the participants through empirical tests on intelligence, and they also examined how neurotic, extrovert, conscientious, open, agreeable, and imaginative the participants were.

When they compared the results to their birth position, they concluded that first-born children are indeed more intelligent than the later-born children.

However, the tests failed to prove that birth position had any effects on extroversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness, or imagination.

When it came to the IQ tests, the researchers found that there was a specific pattern that showed an approximate 1.5 IQ points increase in intelligence in birth-order position. In other words, the first-born child would have 1.5 IQ points more than the second-born.

Of course, this was not always the case. The results showed that in a family with two children, the first-born is 60% likely to be more intelligent than the second-born.

Is this IQ difference innate, or developed?

As you may have already heard, most of our intelligence is developed. In fact, only around 40% of our intelligence is genetically conditioned. The rest needs to be built through the environment. The IQ differences between the children comes as a result of environment, not genes.

The first reason first-borns can have a higher IQ may be due to the fact that these children get undivided attention for at least some months or years – something late-borns will have to share from the beginning.

The parents’ expectations from their first child are often higher compared to the other children, and as you know, higher expectations contribute to higher IQ in the long run.

Because of this, first-born children also find themselves often looking after their younger siblings. They are often designated the role of teaching their younger brothers and sisters what has been taught to them.

This responsibility has the greatest effect on the IQ boost first-borns get. Perhaps those 40% who didn’t have a higher IQ in the study were not given such responsibilities by their parents.

Is this the case with you and your siblings?

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16 Secret Codes That Unlock Hidden Features On Your Phone

Secret Codes That Unlock Hidden Features On Your Phone

Did you know that smartphones are ‘equipped’ with secret codes that can unlock (or lock) a number of different functions?  These secret codes, also known as ‘backdoors’, were originally intended to provide the OEMs with access to their respective devices for the purpose of troubleshooting.

However, the internet did what it does best and these secret codes became public knowledge that can be accessed and used by anyone that sets their mind on it.

Below is a list of 16 secret codes that we think you might find useful somewhere down the line.

Factory Reset

This function will basically restore your device to its original manufacturer settings. To do this, simply dial *#*#7780#*#*or go to Settings >Restore > Factory Reset.

How to Reinstall Firmware

To reinstall your smartphone’s firmware, open the dialer and type *2767*3855#. Another way to do is to this is to use a third party software and install new firmware modules via your computer.

How to Turn On Testing Services Mode

This feature is typically used by Android programmers and testers. To activate it, simply dial *#*#*#*#197328640 and the new Testing Menu will appear on the settings page.

Learn More About Your Phone Camera

The quality of the camera is often the deciding factor for many customers looking to buy a new smartphone. To find out more about the camera on any Android Smartphone, open the dialer and type in *#*#34971539#*#*.

How to Back Up Media Files

You don’t have to worry about your media files anymore as your smartphone has the ability to create backups. All you need to do is type in *#*#*273 283 255* 663 282*#*#*.

How to Access Google Talk Monitoring Service

If you suspect Google is ‘spying’ on you, there is a way for you to access their talk monitoring service and find out if, and to what extent, they have been monitoring you. Just open your dialer and type in *#*#8255#*#*.

How to Check the Battery Status

Obviously, you can check the status of your battery on your screen display. However, there is another way to do this and it is easy too. Just dial *#0228#.

How to Access Encryption Information

If you are interested to learn the type of encryption your phone is using to protect you, simply dial in *#32489#.

How to Access Data Usage Statistics

If you are not sure if your phone bill corresponds to the amount of data you think you’ve used, simply enter in *# 3282 * 727 336*#. This will tell you whether your phone company has done right by you or not.

3D Testing

Depending on your phone, you can test whether your device is capable of rendering 3D modules. To do this, simply enter 3845 #*920#.

How to Perform WLAN Testing

To check the status of your wireless network, just type in 528#*#*#*#* or 526#*#*#*#*.

How to Conduct GPS Test

GPS can sometimes be a bit off the mark so it might be wise for you to check just how accurate your GPS really is. To run a full GPS ‘diagnostic’ test, simply type in *#*#1575#*#*.

How to Test Your Bluetooth

Are you experiencing problems with your Bluetooth connections? If the answer is yes, you can test the status of your Bluetooth by dialing the following secret code: *#*#232331#*#*.

How to Check FTA Software

If you want to learn more about the type of software your smartphone is using, simply enter *#*#1111#*#*.

How to Check FTA Hardware

Having learned about your software, you may find yourself compelled to learn more about the hardware it is running on. You can do this by dialing *#*#2222#*#*.

Diagnostics Settings

If you want to see the configuration of your diagnostic testing, simply dial*#9090#.

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12 Reasons Why Old Souls Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love

Finding real love can be difficult for anyone, but for old souls is a real challenge.

That’s the case because of these 12 reasons.

  1. They are completely aware of who they are

Old souls know themselves very well, and they know exactly what they expect from their significant other. They know which qualities they like and which qualities they dislike in a partner.

 As right as this sounds, believe it, it’s not. It definitely lowers the number of chances of finding a partner as they have imagined to.

  1. They are too intuitive

Over-thinking and reacting intuitively over something you don’t have any evidence for can often be a cause for a break-up of the relationship.

 Making wrong assumptions about everything can ruin any relationship, but especially one that’s not based on a firm foundation.

  1. They often end up in a twin flame relationship

Old souls tend to be attracted to people who aren’t the ones they are meant to be with. They rather have short and intense relationships, from which they soak up every experience they can and after a short period of time they move on.

  1. They must achieve all goals in life first

Before they give in to love, old souls want to achieve all they think is important in life.

Because they love deeply and surrender completely when they enter in a relationship, they fear they would neglect and not accomplish their goals.

  1. They want nothing less than a soul-mate love

Even for the price of being alone for a longer period of time, or even ending up alone for good, old souls would never accept nothing less than a soul-mate.

Old souls can’t see themselves being in an average, shallow relationship just for the cause of having someone to share life with.

  1. They can find a companion, but they can rarely find compatibility.

Since old souls have such fascinating views on life and they think deeply about many things, they are good philosophers and thinkers, old souls have no problems to fascinate and attract a companion who will fall for them immediately.

But when it comes to finding a person who really understands them, who can be their best friend whom they can confide to and trust completely, that’s the real challenge.

  1. They are old-fashioned when it comes to meeting new people

Old souls understand perfectly that things are changed and it’s perfectly normal and usual to find love on social networks.

But when they are the ones who need to find love on-line, they don’t feel that’s the right choice for them. They feel the same for blind dating or randomly hooking up in a bar.

  1. They want to fix people and they often attract people who need help not love

Although maybe they don’t see it at the beginning, old souls often find themselves in a relationship where their partner needs fixing rather that loving.

However, they must understand that they have to find their real partner in life, and not just pick up “students” or “charity cases” along the way.

  1. They don’t enjoy the “dating game”

“I called him the last time, now it’s his turn” or “He didn’t walk me home the last time we went out, what does it mean? Are we going to break up”? Uh. These types of questions are simply exhausting for an old soul.

They feel stressed when they find themselves in this type of relationship. Why go through all that waste of time guessing things when you can directly ask your partner how does he feel and expect from the relationship.

  1. They have high standards

Old souls have high expectations from themselves hence they have high expectations from their significant other.

This may sound perfect in theory but in reality it is not. Old souls can decide to end up a relationship for reasons that aren’t as important as they consider them to be.

  1. They come with baggage

Old souls have learnt a lot from life, they have matured, they have grown into being a strong confident person but all these things happen because they were challenged by many experiences life has brought them.

However, that much experience brings with a lot of baggage as well. Unresolved issues can often arise and create a problem in your new relationship.

  1. They fear as strong as they love

When an old soul loves somebody, they love them so hard. On the other hand, they fear just as hard of losing the one they love or not being good enough for them.

That kind of intense love, fear or any other feeling can sometimes have the opposite effect and scare the other person away.  

Source: http://thoughtcatalog.com

These 4 Behaviors Are The Most Reliable Predictors Of Divorce

You are raging inside. Your partner hasn’t picked up the toilet seat and he does not even show signs of caring about that.

He just looks at you and smiles. You immediately start a fight and ty to explain why you are hurt. He’s been doing this over and over. And then, when you thought that he is at least going to fight back, he opens the door and says “I’m out of this. Bye!”

If you have experienced this kind of an argument, you are in big trouble. This treatment is what psychologists like to name stonewalling.

Stonewalling is one out of the four reactions that John Gottman says they trigger divorce. This psychologist at the University of Washington conducted a study where couples were observed in terms of behavior.

This scientist found four negative behaviors to be the leaders of triggering divorce and predicted divorce in 93% of the couples mentioned in the study.

Gottman worked together with the psychologist Robert Levenson and they measured how often they found the four negative behaviors in a 15-minute conversation.

The three other negative behaviors are contempt, criticism, and defensiveness, apart from stonewalling. In this 14-year study including 79 couples from the US Midwest, they predicted a shocking 93% of the divorces.

During the study period, 21 of the couples ended up divorcing. What started as a small-scale research, went on for years to finally set these four traits on the top 4 divorce triggers.

  1. Contempt

This negative behavior is a mixture of both anger and disgust and it is very hurtful in a relationship. Partners often think of their significant other as someone who is beneath them and they start behaving in this hurtful way.

For instance, if the husband went to buy bread and milk, but bought only bread, the wife might yell: “Are you and idiot? You only needed to remember two simple things!

You are good for nothing!” The wife does not care about the partner’s feelings and emotions, but attacks him immediately, feeling she is the smarter one. Partners who practice contempt on a daily basis can barely look at the situation form their partner’s perspective.

  1. Criticism

Criticism can go along with contempt, which is a very bad scenario for your partner. When having an argument, partners often love including hurtful and negative traits of their partners’ characters to heat up the fight.

Partners sometimes have very bad habits and when anger comes in, they often criticize themselves. If this happens once, it is not so bad, but if it happens very often, it just builds up and one day it will explode and end up with divorce.

  1. Defensiveness

You might think that you are always the innocent one, but you are probably just playing the victim. This is what psychologist call defensiveness. You really need to be responsible for your own actions, so that you don’t start defending yourself in front of your partner. This behavior can easily turn into negativity and end up in divorce.

  1. Stonewalling

This behavior brings a lot of frustration. One of the partners ignores the other one by leaving, talking on their phone, or just refusing to talk. Instead of this habit that occurs so often, you can easily ask your partner to wait of you are not ready to talk, but do it gently. In that way, you can talk in a relaxed way when both of you are calm. Next time, maybe there won’t be any stonewalling.

Whatever happens, it is always good to breathe deeply and stop panicking. Anything can be resolved with a cold head.


Give Your Children What They Really Need- MINIMALISM

There is always a solution to every problem, sometimes there are several solutions and we need to choose one which will be the most appropriate one and the most suitable solution which us and our families will benefit from it.

The same applies for parenting, parents come across so many challenges and obstacles in life and it seems difficult to determine whether we are making the right calls and finding the proper solution for the sake of our family.

Nowadays, we can rely on so many technological achievements and innovations which are here with one purpose only- to make our lives easier and more convenient.

However, sometimes the easiest way and the latest invention is not what we truly need. Sometimes the answer we’ve all been searching for is held in our deepest thoughts reminding us that our family and our kids need one thing only that no application or expensive gadget can fill in its place.

Our kids need minimalism, our kids need to be neglected from the material world and focused on the true values in life. We need to understand that teaching doesn’t start from school, but it starts from the first day we become parents.

Parenting is sacred, parenting is patient, parenting is passing on the important lesson in life- technology is here just for the ride.Our kids need humbleness

How many of you have found yourself in a situation where you search for the perfect gift for you loved ones and you simply can’t find something to please their desire or satisfy their needs?

Well, search no more because what your children need is not on the market, it’s in your home. Replace exchanging or promising them gifts for Christmas, because the only gift they need is love.

Forget about the thank you or gratitude cards, because the only thing they need to be grateful for is the family, the love and respect that they get from you. Celebrations are here to remind us that no material thing can replace the gift that we’ve had from birth- the gift of being loved, the gift of religion and the gift of our family.

Our kids need to just kids

Don’t expect your kids to be obedient, calm and disciplined. That’s not in their nature, kids need to be messy, they need to be curious, they need to look upon their parents and find out on their own the persons they want to become in life.

Buying expensive toys or downloading entertaining applications will only narrow your child’s world.

Our kids need to spend time with their families

Not a single class of piano or karate will replace the well-spend and valuable time with the family. Kids who socialize with the family are the ones who are expected to achieve higher results in the future.

So, what does a child that sits around the house and does nothing achieve?

The answer is never nothing. That child develops closeness with the family, it also develops skills which will later on reflect positively on his/her life.

Our kids need proper meals

Skipping a meal from McDonald’s is the best gift that you can give to a child and not only because it’s not healthy for them, but also because you need to create proper eating habits for your child.

Snacking between meals is only alluding that food is something which you intake in order to survive. Even though that bears some truth in it, food should also be regarded as a gift.

Lunch time or dinner time is the time when family sits together and eats real food.

Our kids need US

This is not said just of the sake of being said. Our kids need us to guide them, to make the proper decisions for them, to put them on the right path which later on be reflected on their lives.

Thank God we have teacher who will only help us and support us in the process, however the greatest teachers they can get are their parents, their role models, their biggest supporters.

Our kids need something which grows with them

Those dinosaurs or minions hanging in his/her room will lose meaning after a few months. Buying toys which will grow with them or be sustainable is the best call for them and for you.

They truly don’t need tons of toys just because they need to have them. We consciously make our kids believe that they deserve or need those toys, however the truth is that those toys will only satisfy their momentarily needs and not on a long term.

Most of all, our kids need themselves

Our kids need to grow, they need to be molded and raised with the real values in life. Nothing can buy the love, the life lesson that we give them, however they need to go through some things in life by themselves.

They need to be their own heroes, they need to be able to make decisions and determine their priorities by themselves. They need to grow, they need to be curious, they need to be themselves and they need to be just kids.

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