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How to Choose a Medical Alert System for Seniors

Use of technology in medical field is making it more promising. From the sophistication of surgical instruments to the use of wireless and USB enabled fitness trackers, the technological innovation in medical field has come long way. Now, the next in the series of innovative healthcare devices is medical alert system, which is wearable in nature too. Here are some of the features you must look for in your medical alert device.

Fall detection and prevention system

Loss of balance is a thing of common occurrence amongst seniors. Therefore, medical alert system must have the provision for fall detection and prevention. Also, it is favorable if the medical alert device is connectible to the emergency healthcare unit in the closest proximity to handle any uncalled for adverse situation. Such facility allows seniors and family caregivers to obtain medical help even when no one is around.

Push button feature for calling help

When emergency strikes, it may not be possible for the person in distress to search and dial the emergency number. Thus, a push button feature that connects the device to the nearest healthcare center in just one click can prove to be the boon for the patient or the caregiver. This is, therefore, a feature of high utility and must be present in the medical alert system.

Regular health monitoring feature

A lot of effort is gone in blood and urine tests when done on a regular basis. Also, it is not possible to have an expert around 24 hours to measure your other health vitals. Medical alert system having facility for the monitoring of health vitals can help keep a close eye on the overall condition of the seniors. In case of the requirement of medical tests, alerts are generated as per the date input in the device. This facility is supportive of close and advanced monitoring that makes daily assessment of health vitals hassle-free. Additionally, daily check-in service, in person or electronically, is also a desirable feature as it enables daily monitoring of the seniors’ condition.

Location detection and activity monitoring feature

If the seniors are active enough to drive, they can enjoy self-sufficiency by taking help of GPS system embedded in the health alert equipment. GPS allows the person to travel on his own and the ability to share the location to other family members keeps them informed about the whereabouts of the user. Thus, the family members can know where the seniors are at any point of time.

Also, motion sensor and detector feature allows the family members to know if the seniors living in home are active as per their schedule. If there is any abnormality noted in the activity of the person, the users connected with the medical alert system can make timely enquiries and take necessary steps, when needed.

While selecting the medical alert system that fulfils all your needs, it is better to check the features offered by top 10 companies. Compare the features and then pick the one that suits your requirement most closely.

10 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be

Life is a challenge. Sometimes life goes good, sometimes life goes bad. Every day we are experiencing different trials and tribulations. Then still, some days will be better than others. Most of us have forgotten the real purpose of living, and thus we conceal it under our complex jobs, chores and responsibilities that capture us more and more day by day.

We are all trying to get ourselves a better life; therefore we are galloping through the time, tracking the end of the day until we find ourselves not contented and troubled by countless problems.

We begin to perceive that every passing day our life is becoming tougher and more entangled and we start complaining about how difficult life has become. What we are not aware of is that we sometimes are solely responsible for burdening ourselves with inessential pressure and that we are the only creators of the complexity in our lives.  Nonetheless, we can just as easily create a simpler life as we can do a more complex one.

Life wasn’t this hard when we were younger, right? At least, it feels that way. But the only reality is that life is still easy and it will always be. The only difference being is our age. We got older, and the older we get, the harder we make things for ourselves. When we were young we used to see the world with pure, sanguine eyes.

We all knew what we wanted and we had no prejudice or secret agendas. We adored people who smiled and we ran away from people who frown. As we grew older, we became discouraged by the negative influences. The perspectives altered, demands got bigger and that’s how we begin to acquire the habitual skepticism. 

Eventually, we have made our lives harder and we have lost touch with who we really are, what we really want and what we really need, without even being aware of it.

Here are ten of the things that are making our lives harder, than it really has to be. Hopefully, when realizing all these things one can finally have some contentment. 

  1. You assign negative intent to people’s actions.

You always take everything as a personal insult. Your colleague didn’t offer you to get coffee together. Another chauffeur cut you off in traffic. Your friend never called you back. Everyone can see a cause to be offended on a daily basis. So what induced you to be offended? Don’t take things personally. People have their own lives to care about, too. Stop doing this to yourself. Stop attributing negative intent to the unintended actions of the people you know. Make your happy days by finding something good in everyone you meet. If you keep looking closely into everything people around you do and you always assign ulterior motives to their unintentional shortcomings, you can never be happy.

  1. You’re your own movie star.

You are one of those people who think that everything comes around you. And you always get to be the very center of every experience you have ever had. Regrettably, you have forgotten to include other characters in your script. As a result, people are so unaware of the main role that you anticipate to have. Therefore, others may ruin your script by not giving you a promotion or not falling in love with you. So, you better let other people star once in a while. Life would get more interesting even for you. One cannot always be the center of attention; everyone gets to enjoy it occasionally. 

  1. You always think about worst-case scenarios.

You often think that something innocuous will become an impending catastrophe in your mind. For instance, a blemish on your face becomes a cancerous tumor. A flight to another state turns into plane crashing. Your child not attending a specific school turns into him never getting a good job.

What’s the point of you spending your precious time and energy on anxiety and stress about your negative future? Negativity only breeds extra negativity. You are simply depleting yourself of what you are trying to accomplish today.

It’s your choice to make; either you are seeing the world through a lens of hesitation and discouragement or hope and exhilaration? Will you be one of those people with a smile or a frown on their faces?  

  1. You are victim of your high expectations.

You have set high standards to your happiness, anticipating people would go miles for you as you ascribe them unrealistic expectations. Your boyfriend forgot your favorite song, your mom didn’t notice your new nails done, and your friend didn’t wish you luck before your final exam.

You keep your expectations so high and that’s why you get so disappointed at the end. Higher expectations lead to higher disappointments. Instead, as long as you keep you assumptions down you will have a greater chance of getting pleasantly surprised by people’s actions.

  1. You are a sign-waiting person

You cannot make any decision without receiving a sign. I have only one question referring this point. How would you know which is the right sign and if the sign is positive or negative?

You would be much happier if you make a rather rational decision. It’s not that the fate or other power plays role in our lives. But it would be better to shape fate than be governed by it.

  1. You never risk.

You always play on the safe side and never take risks. You are researching every detail to ensure that you are making the best choice. You are afraid to do something impulsive or to take chances.

But, life in reality isn’t so predictable or safe as if taken for granted. In order to move forward sometimes you have to take a risk. And who knows, maybe one day you will be glad you did.

  1. You compare yourself to other people

Don’t compare your life to others. Not only will this stop you from improving your own life but it will most probably make you feel resentful and envious. Different people choose different paths to walk through life and none of those are identical.

Therefore, no one should ever have as identical life as someone else. It doesn’t necessarily means that your life is miserable since is not as someone else’s.  Instead, that’s why you should only compare yourself to the person you were yesterday and try to become better.

 8. You allow other people to steal from you.

Instead of worrying whether people steal from you and checking your valuable possessions if they are on their right place, people are stealing your most precious thing- your time. And you are not taking the same precautions to protect it. On the contrary, pessimistic people, egocentric people, selfish people succeed to take your time away. You should guard your time closely like Fort Know and only give it to people who are worth of and appreciate it.

  1. You won’t move on

You are full of bitter memories and loss? Are there people who need your forgiveness?  
In order to be happy, you need to let go of things that are weighing you down, work your way through and try to become happier, make changes and do your best until you succeed. Loss of a loved one, you can’t get over him/her. Make peace with it! Letting go is always hard, but it’s always worth it.

  1. You never give back

You are used to only taking and not giving back. Then you have never enjoyed the incomparable satisfaction that comes from the giving and sharing. Change your life, get among people, spread positivity, become a volunteer. Try just with giving someone a compliment, saying encouraging words, smiling to someone, you will not only make their day better, but you would make your day brighter. Remember, giving and receiving go hand in hand!

“Life is as simple as these three questions:
What do I want? Why do I want it? And, how will I achieve it?”
― Shannon L. Alder

The Science Of Simplicity: Why Successful People Wear The Same Thing Every Day

Have you ever heard of the term ‘capsule wardrobe’? It refers to a concept that envisions owning and wearing a limited number of versatile and interchangeable pieces of clothes as opposed to clogging and overflowing the closet with clothes that you’ll hardly ever wear.

The concept is rapidly gaining following from people of all walks of life, including some of the world’s most important politicians and businessmen.

But what makes the capsule wardrobe movement so appealing to people, especially to those that can afford to buy just about every fashion piece no matter the cost?

In an effort to explain this phenomenon, we offer these 6 logical explanations as to why more and more celebrities are warming up to this concept

  1. Fewer selection headaches

Important people are faced with the challenge of making a number of vital decisions that could potentially have huge implications every day.

This can lead to a condition known as ‘decision fatigue’, which could influence the quality of their decision making.

Former US President Barack Obama, a dedicated follower of the capsule movement, says limiting his fashion options left him with more time and energy to spend of things that matter.

“You’ll see I wear only grey or blue suits. I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing. Because I have too many other decisions to make,” Mr. Obama explained.

  1. The gift of time

Up until recently, my closet was packed full with clothes that were either too old or too passé to wear.]

The hoarder in me finally gave in a few months ago when I decided to try the so called ‘Project 333’, which involves discarding all but 33 clothing articles for a three month period.

I successfully completed the challenge and have not looked back since. The result?

Much fewer selection headaches and a lot more time to spend on more important matters.

  1. Stress therapy

When asked the reasons behind her wearing the same clothes every day, New York art director Matilda Kahl cited ‘decision fatigue’ and the lack of time.

She also said that wearing the same outfit every day was a lot less stressful than having to choose different pieces, wandering if she got it right or wrong all the time.

“Is this too formal? Is that too out there?Is this dress too short?

Almost always, I’d choose something to wear I regretted as soon as I hit the subway platform,” she was quoted as saying.

Having reduced her wardrobe to her ‘trademark’ white shirt and black trousers, Ms Kahl certainly has one less thing to worry about.

  1. Limited wardrobe saves energy

Hollywood director Christopher Nolan is one of the more distinguished ‘followers’ of the capsule wardrobe movement.

Mr. Nolan, who can nowadays typically be seen wearing black trousers and a blue dress shirt under a dark jacket, recently told the New York Time Magazine that ‘choosing anew what to wear each day’ was a ‘waste of energy’ which could better be used elsewhere.

The man has a point. Having a large wardrobe will certainly take up a lot more time and energy to organize.

  1. It saves money too

It is a well known fact that the average woman in the 1930’s owned nine outfits compared to today when each woman is estimated to own 30 pieces of clothing.

It is also estimated that the average American family forks out $1.700 on clothes each year. This might not seem like too much, but it could be argued that many of these purchases were not borne out of necessity.

Adopting the capsule wardrobe approach will certainly save you some money in the future.

  1. It puts life into perspective

We think we can all agree on the notion that holding on to our clothes from ‘the good old’ times when we were younger and maybe a bit slimmer is both pointless and unnecessary.

This is perhaps best summed up in Drew Barrymore’s article for Refinery 29, where she writes about her rationale for severing all sentimental ties with clothes from her youth.

“For starters, I’m almost 40, and the twenties clothes don’t make sense anymore. And, after two babies, the thirties clothes don’t fit anymore. I am at a clothing crossroads, and it’s a painful one at times,” reads her article.

In a world obsessed with appearance and glamour, it is certainly refreshing to see the growing popularity of the capsule wardrobe movement.

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Scientists Proved It: The More Time You Spend With Your Parents, The Longer They Live

If you have ever asked yourself how to improve the life and longevity of your parents and grandparents, the scientists have come with a very simple answer: just be around them. In the most recent study, the results showed that people who are lonelier are more likely to experience faster functional decline and earlier death.

The study which was carried out from 2002 to 2008, showed that loneliness can indeed kill you. The target group were 1604 participants with the mean age of 71.

These people were visited every 2 years and were asked if in any way they felt left out, isolated or if they lacked companionship and were then put in the ‘lonely’ and ‘not lonely’ category respectively.

The outcomes of the study showed remarkable results. In fact, the participants who were lonely experienced increased difficulty in their activities of daily living (ADL), such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, walking and continence.

Another difficulty they experienced was in their upper extremity tasks, such as extending their arms above their shoulders, pushing or pulling larger objects and lifting or carrying weights heavier than 10 pounds. The lonely participants also experienced decline in mobility and increased difficulty in stair climbing.

The study also showed that lonely people had a greater death rate compared to those who were visited by their relatives and who socialized regularly. More precisely, during the 6 year period of the study, only 14% of the participants who were not lonely died, compared to 23% of the participants who were lonely. This means that loneliness did have a strong impact on the participants’ longevity.

As people grow older, they tend to give greater importance to their relationship with their families; and although they show greater tolerance to being lonely, the effects of loneliness can turn out as fatal. These people tend to get more depressed, eat less and function mechanically.

So ask yourselves how much time you could devote to your parents and grandparents, if you knew that this time spent bonding with them can improve the quality of their life and their longevity? People cannot live a rich life if lonely, as we are by nature social animals.

And never forget that whatever life your parents could offer to you was the best they could do. Caring for them in their old age means a lot more than helping them out with their health problems and other things they don’t feel powerful enough to do. On the contrary, the greatest empowerment they need in order to care for themselves comes from companionship and bonding with their family.

Perissinotto CM, Stijacic Cenzer I, Covinsky KE. Loneliness in Older Persons A Predictor of Functional Decline and Death. Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(14):1078-1084. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2012.1993

This Is How Sweden Has Redesigned Streets To Route Around Bad Human Behavior

The need for safety on the road has been a very concerning topic for a very long time. The truth is, every 25 seconds, someone dies on the roads. The death toll on the roads for last year reached a staggering 1,2 million people. In the United States alone, 34,064 people died in the last year with a count of 10.6 people per 100k.

Sweden’s solution for this problem is called ‘Vision Zero’, where ‘Zero’ stands for the aimed number of deaths in traffic. Although they haven’t come to this number yet, their efforts in improving the traffic conditions and laws have placed them in WHO’s lightest category counting a number of 0 to 4 deaths per 100k people. In fact, the number of deaths per 100k in Sweden reached to only 2,8 people last year!

So what exactly is Vision Zero?

Vision Zero was an idea conceived in 1994 and has become part of Sweden’s Road Traffic Safety Bill ever since. The idea behind Vision Zero states that errors are an inevitable part of human nature and that instead of correcting people, the greatest effort should be put in improving the traffic conditions. This means putting the greatest responsibility on road engineers instead of the drivers and all other people who are part of the traffic safety problem.

Vision Zero does not focus on eliminating traffic accidents altogether. As Matts-Åke Belin states in his interview for Citylab, “…the accident is not the major problem. The problem is that people get killed or seriously injured.” The main focus that Vision Zero has is eliminating deaths and serious injuries by reducing the impact these accidents may have on the people involved.

Some of the changes Vision Zero involves are a reduction in driving speed in urban areas to 30kmph (or 18.6mph) and the introduction of roundabouts instead of intersections. Belin explains these two changes in a very simple way. Concerning the speed limit, Belin states that “…if you get hit by a car at 50 the risk for a fatal accident is more than 80 percent. But it is less than 10 percent when you have 30 kilometers per hour.”

The roundabouts are not only implemented to reduce deaths on the intersections by driving past the red light or turning right when pedestrians have the green light. It is also there to reduce the driving speed. Belin points to the need for roads which would not make it easy to drive fast even if you wanted to. In addition speed bumps, roundabouts require slower driving speed by design.

Enforcement doesn’t play the greatest role in Sweden’s traffic safety.

Enforcement focuses primarily on the idea that people should ‘behave’ when driving and should be punished if they don’t. Sweden takes a different turn on this idea. Although enforcement is present and plays a role in Sweden, the biggest role is given to engineering.

The role of the police has its own importance, but as Belin says, “If you have a very dedicated police staff and they think it’s the most important thing, then you can be quite effective working with police. But I don’t think you will get a safe system. You will reduce risk, but you will not achieve a safe system.”

Vision Zero’s primary focus is thus knowledge and experience in designing and developing a traffic system with all the components essential for road safety. The approach for each local initiative is meant to be holistic, which means there are no preset solutions that would apply for every area.

A very curious fact regarding Sweden’s enforcement is the use of cameras. Sweden has one of the largest camera systems in the world, per population, but, as Belin explains, these cameras serve to “nudge” people, not catch them. Belin says that this method has increased the compliance on the roads from 50 to more than 80 or 90 percent.

“We reduce the speed, but we don’t catch people. And we don’t earn any money. It’s an investment for us.” The truth is that the Swedish government is not trying to make profit out of people’s errors. On the contrary, the system’s aim is to create a safer place on the roads through collaboration and responsibility and many of the enforcement methods aim to remind people of the same.

Will this become possible outside Sweden?

 The good news is that Vision Zero aims to spread as an idea accepted worldwide. They offer help in the construction of a safe system for every country and hold symposiums for the same purpose. Such a symposium was held in New York and NY is pursuing a version of Vision Zero.

Vision Zero could mean a potential end of road deaths worldwide. Perhaps we will see that day where all the people involved in the traffic will be able to coexist freely and safely very soon!

www.visionzeroinitiative.com (Retreived 16 Jan 2017)
http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_traffic/death-on-the-roads/en/ (Retreived 16 Jan 2017)
http://www.citylab.com/commute/2014/11/the-swedish-approach-to-road-safety-the-accident-is-not-the-major-problem/382995/?utm_source=SFTwitter (Retreived 16 Jan 2017)

Dallas Is Getting A $600 Million Urban Park That’s More Than 11 Times As large As Central Park

The city of Dallas has announced plans to build the biggest urban park in America – the Trinity River Part – that is set to span an amazing 10,000 acres of forests, playgrounds, lawns, riverside trails and endless marvelous sights.  

Image: Michael Van Valkenburgh  Associates Inc

This so called “nature district” is a great leap forward for Dallas to become a much “greener” city as the new city park will be almost 12 times as large as Central Park in Manhattan.

Image: Michael Van Valkenburgh  Associates Inc

Aside from people being able to have peacefull walks along the Trinity River, the Trinity River Park will also feature  a myriad of sport fields, flora and fauna, walkways and endless green and pleasant views.

Image: Michael Van Valkenburgh  Associates Inc

The Harold Simmons Park will part of this nature district and it will feature pedestrian overpasses, roads and many more amazing additions.

Image: Michael Van Valkenburgh  Associates Inc

As it is part of a flood zone, the architect Michael Van Valkenburgh from Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates Inc has found a solution how to deal with flooding.

If floods occur, the park will naturally flood only in controlled areas and the water will drain into sloped courses that will be designed in such a way that they will absorb the water, thus eliminating all danger to the surrounding areas.

The elevated parts of the park will be safe from flooding and will include sports fields, paved trails, a playground, walking trail a grassy lawn.

“To transform the Trinity Floodway into a world-class park and a catalyst for urban growth, MVVA placed two core concepts at the center of its design: civic spaces and naturalistic landscapes. Civic spaces, such as playgrounds, fountains, plazas and lawns, are located to provide a connection between the city and the floodplain, protect programmatic areas from extreme flooding, and bring a sense of identity to the dry side of the city’s levees. Riparian landscapes, on the other hand, will restore the ecological function and natural beauty of the channel and its banks while also reducing the vulnerability of pathways and other important design elements,” it says on the official project page.

This is how the park looks now.

This is how it will look once it is completed.


Image: Michael Van Valkenburgh  Associates Inc

Amazing, right?



Canadian Man Who Disappeared In 2012 Is Found In The Amazon Rainforest

Anton Pilipa, a Canadian citizen, went missing in 2012 and was wandering the Amazon rainforest for 5 years, until he was found safe and alive.

Amazingly as it may sound, Anton Pilipa (39), was reported as missing in 2012, when his family set up a page GoFundMe and reported his disappearance, they clearly stated that after struggling with his mental health condition, he suddenly went missing and they lost track of him.

His brother, Stefan, took care of all the paperwork and money raise for his safe returning to Canada, however they went through a hard time during this search and luckily, the struggle and hardships passed after five years.

After his family activated the social media, they have received a call announcing that Anton was noticed in the north of Brazil, looking as a homeless person and he was wandering the highway and later was thought to be a 10,500 km walk from Ontario, Canada to South America.

The amazing fact is that Anton has made it alive through these dangerous and hazardous areas in Brazil.

Bearing in mind his mental condition, specifically schizophrenia, his family is more than pleased to state that the quest ended positively and with a happy ending.

When his brother received the news of his showing up, he immediately started taking care of the paperwork- passport and identification and regulating everything to get Anton back safely and as quickly as possible.

The officer, Helenice Vidigal was responsible for the social media campaign, being among the few people who can communicate in English and identify Anton at the Brazilian Police Department in Porto Velho.

So, after his brother received the news of the appearance of his brother, he immediately started to arrange and raise money for his returning.

Even though Anton tried to escape, the police had successfully managed to return Anton home, right after Christmas in 2016.

The quest for Anton was not only hard for the family emotionally, but as well financially. Sadly, they needed a great amount of money which was only possible to get, if they asked for help from people through their page.

On their page GoFundMe, Stefan managed to successfully raise $12,500. He used the money to help his brother recover and get back home safely.

Anton is now working on his recovery, with the help of his brother in Toronto, so Anton can continue with his life as he was once a known member of radical communities and anti-poverty activist.

This heartbreaking story is a true inspiration and testifies for the humanity in people and the greatness of moving mountains if joined together.

Many people have helped Stefan in his struggle and by doing so, they helped a man in need. With all the help now Anton can have a proper life and put all of his hardships behind him.

Everyone deserves a second chance, and luckily Anton got one, thanks to his family’s faith in humanity and believing in the impossible.


3 Types of Applications That Has Changed The Modern World

“Change is inevitable”. This thought provoking statement is driven every time when there is change in life. But what if the whole lifestyle of humans changes? Has it really happened? The answer to the question is Yes. The Humans back in 80s or 90s and the humans of today are poles apart. Blame the Digitalisation.

The Digital world has its own boon and banes but it has entirely changed the Human world, literally. Right from waking up to sleeping, the smart phone has taken place of a human being. More deeply, the applications in the phone have become the comrade than human beings.

How Apps Have Changed Our lifestyle?

How many kms running and jogging is needed? how many calories of food intake required? How is the weather outside? or for that sake how is your mood? all can be known by a particular app in your mobile phones. These useful apps have taken over everything, humans used to do on their own.

Connecting your long distance friend or relative was simply not possible but Facebook made it possible. Currently there are more than 2 billion users of Facebook. Similarly you can watch movies, TV shows, documentaries etc via Live TV and video apps.

Based upon the usage, we tried to categorize the kind of apps people like to use.

  1. Social Apps (Like Facebook, Twitter, Quora)

Among the most common app used by the people at large are the social apps. Apps like Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram are a source of medium to connect to the masses.  In fact people can even raise their opinion, share their views, feelings on this app. Social apps let you socialise digitally with the people, and you need not meet them personally.

 To make these apps more fun and interesting various types of filters, features are added. They are like the daily dose of protein in human body. After waking up the first thing human would do is checking Facebook, Insta or Whatsapp messages etc. 

  1. Streaming Apps (Sports, Movies, News)

The Video On demand services has garnered a huge fame in recent years. The market was tapped owning to the increase in use of Mobile phones and internet connection. There are plenty of free movie apps such as TubiTV, Snagfilms, Netflix, Hulu, Hotstar let you enjoy your favourite TV shows and stream movies online.

Gone are the days where you used to wait for your favourite show episode to air on TV at a fixed time. Now you simply can stream or download the episodes and watch when you are free. Same in the case of movies or sports for that sake.

  1. Shopping Apps (Like Amazon, Ebay)

Ever wondered Humans could have shopped sitting at their sofa/couch watching TV? Yes this was made possible with shopping apps like Flipkart, Amazon, Infibeam, Ebay etc. Majority of the population now shop online. Be it clothes, gadgets, gifts, grocery or any other thing, shopping is possible sitting at your home/office delivering at your desired location.

In fact these apps do provide you with various offers and discounts on MRP. They are genuine, safe and secure medium to shop. Shopping is no more tiresome and time consuming all thanks to these apps.

Bottom Line

It is clear that Apps are predominant in all areas. Some of the apps even pay you money for downloading. Imagine what not can you get from these apps. You simply need a smart phone and an internet connection to use such apps and you are sorted. It takes whole day of yours and you still not get enough time to cover them all. 

The apps have broken the ice between vendors and customers. Almost all the businesses are upgrading themselves to digital medium all thanks to growing acceptance of these apps.

11 Laws Of Mindfulness To Practice For Better Lifestyle

Mindful living is more and more present in the recent years, mostly because of the countless scientific proofs of its benefits.

Actually, this practice has been present for hundreds of years and it is all thanks to the spiritual guidance of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.

The mindfulness is all about knowing or sensing what is happening at the moment, without any negative feelings towards it or wishing for something else. The mindfulness lifestyle offers many benefits, and you need to continuously practice it in order to see them.

In this article we’ll show you 11 laws of mindfulness that you can implement in your lifestyle and make them your routine.

  1. The only reality is now – the present.

The quote perfectly defines the principle. Indeed, the past is only a memory or a sort of fiction, we cannot influence it. The future is not here yet and if we want to have some control over it we have to be aware of the present.

  1. Negative thinking is dangerous only if believe in it.

Negative and positive thoughts come and go away continuously. It is normal to have negative thoughts sometimes because that is simply in our nature. The important thing is that the thoughts don’t mean anything in real life, they don’t define us – only our actions do.

  1. You will not be punished for your anger, it is the anger that will punish you.

People get angry often, and sometimes it is for a valid reason. But reacting to that anger really gives positive results. It is not hard to get angry, but you have to be really wise to get something positive of that. All you need to do is realize that the present moment is what we have and what we control, and then it will become obvious that life is too short to be angry.

“The best fighter is never angry” –  Lao Tzu.

  1. The peace within is to know how to belong to yourselves.

Don’t get obsessed with the opinion of the others.  No matter what they think of you, you should never look up to them and become like them. The truth is, we are who we are and no one can truly change that. Osho gives some guidance on how not to care about other people’s opinion of you.

“Nobody can say anything about you. Whatsoever people say is about themselves. But you become very shaky, because you are still clinging to a false center. That false center depends on others, so you are always looking to what people are saying about you. And you are always following other people, you are always trying to satisfy them. You are always trying to be respectable, you are always trying to decorate your ego. This is suicidal. Rather than being disturbed by what others say, you should start looking inside yourself…”

If you truly know who you are, then you will not have a problem with this.

  1. All things are created twice, first in your mind and later in your life.

Our brain is the chief creator of the picture of the world around us. People don’t act unless their brain knows what it wants. That’s why we need to have an idea of what we want and our goals, and act accordingly.

“The future depends on what you do today” – Mahatma Gandhi.

  1. Nobody can walk our path for us

Life itself is a set of challenges, for some people they are bigger and for others they are smaller, but the only thing we can have control of is how much effort we put in overcoming these challenges. We can’t credit outside objects for our success and happiness – it is all inside us.

  1. If you don’t get something you believe in, it is not what you honestly want. 

Never back down on what you want to be, because of society. Never change your personality so that others accept you better. Stay unique and stand for what you believe in and you will never be fooled by others.

  1. The hard path is sometimes the right path

At some point of life we all understand that the struggles from the pas have made us stronger. Every difficulty we encounter is important. If something is difficult, do not avoid it. It will take you right where you want to go.

  1. Everything comes with a price, and you need to know what you are paying.

If you are searching your passion, maybe it is a good time to ask yourself the next question: What is worth suffering for? If something is worth suffering for, you must be passionate for it.

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”  – Eckhart Tolle

  1. Overthinking and overworking are the complete opposites of the principles for mindful life

Don’t overbook your day. Don’t make long lists of what you need to do today or the next day. It is not the busyness that counts. Try focusing on one thing only, and do it well. Peaceful life is a true mindful life. Stay organized and find the time to rest.

“You must learn to let go. Release the stress. You were never in control anyway.” – Steve Marboli.

  1. Don’t try to control everything – that way you enjoy nothing

People usually have the need for control over things. But what is the truth, really? Are we in control of everything? The truth is that we are never in control. We are only stressing ourselves while we are trying to stay in control. We believe that this way we will stay in our comfort one. But the sooner we learn to go with the flow, the sooner the things will improve.  

“Tension is who you thing you should be. Relaxation is who you are” – Chinese Proverb.


George Michael Secretly Gave Millions To Charity Throughout His Life. Here Is The List:

Last year was very harsh, a lot of famous people left this world. One of these famous people who passed away was the British musician George Michael. He ironically celebrated his last Christmas (the title of his famous hit ‘Last Christmas’) and passed away on December 25th, 2016.

Only after his death we learned how generous he was. George Michael had spent milions in order to help those in need: orphans, the homeless, the sick and evern strangers who experienced some kind of misfortune.

A selection of stories about his incredible generosity has been put together. The stories come from those who bore witness to his actions of kindness or  personally know the singer.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/