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How the Intensive care is provided for the inpatient mental health?

All the diseases start from the mental health of a person. If a patient is mentally strong enough to fight with major diseases he will be a healthy person in no time but if a person is mentally and emotionally weak and he is not able to deal with minor incidents or illness, it will be near to impossible for him to get better.

Mental health of a person totally depends on the resistance and strength residing in him. Some people’ mental health may easily get affected by the daily life issues and incidents whereas the mental health of some people is not even affected by severe traumatic events.

A person suffering from any disease in the hospital may remain ill for a longer time not because of the side effects of that disease but due to the depressing and negative effects of the surroundings on his mental health.

Physicians try a lot to keep the environment lively around the patient and to not let him think pessimistic regarding his disease and life. Family pressure, career difficulties, sudden deaths, failures can easily be a cause for a person’s depression, anxiety, thought disturbances, loss of wealth etc.

There are many therapies introduced to treat the mental health of a person depending on the cause of its occurrence. The most adopted mental health therapies are:

  1. Individual and group psychotherapy
  2. Milieu therapy
  3. Occupational therapy
  4. Family sessions
  5. Medication management

Inpatient mental health treatments of patients is required to be performed by highly qualified physicians and professionals who have years of experience in treating patients suffering from any emotional or mental disorder.

As per the suggestions and directions of the psychiatrist, the patient is thoroughly assessed and observed for his every activity and thinking which is used to stabilize him among his family and friends. The team of inpatient mental health treatment might include:

  • Board-certified general psychiatrists
  • Registered nurses
  • Licensed clinical social workers or psychiatric therapists
  • Board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Occupational and/or recreational therapists
  • Behavioral health advisors

The team is subjected to provide intensive care an attention to the inpatient mental health. The patient is overly cared and observed till he reacts better. There are also adult acute inpatient units that are focused on treating the people over age 18 and suffering from mental health issues.

Younger than 18 years of age might get admitted to the adult acute inpatient care unit depending on the severity of his condition. Physicians make sure if the adult acute inpatient unit is safe and secure for the patient or not.

The duration of treatment is not specified by the physicians as it may take days, months or even years depending on the improvement in the mental health condition of the patient. The time is provided for the treatment with the suggestions of the families provided and the condition discussed with the consultants.

The Isolated Indian Ocean Island Is The Home To A Community Who Have Lived There For 60,000 Years

What is more fulfilling and still hold a place in your bucket list for as long as you can remember? Is it having enough money to travel the world?

Is it visiting secluded places which has been untouched by humans or the fast-developing technology? Or maybe you have a small black notes keeping down all the places you want to see and experience like no other? Yes, yes and yes!

No matter how adventurous or not adventurous you are, everyone wants to see as many places as possible before their lives come to an end.

The North Sentinel Island sounds just the right place that everyone should put on their bucket list, or is it?

One on One with the North Sentinel Island

It’s located in the Bay of Bengal and it belongs to India. It’s dreamy, it’s isolated, it’s untouched by humans or technology and that sounds like a real vacation for us.

Exploring nature all day long, meeting the tribe that inhabited this marvelous island and take advantage of all the natural sources that this island provides for you.

Well, so far it sounds perfect, however nothing is perfect on this world and there’s something on this island that gives people from all around the world chills and fear.

Ok, now I’m interested. Why is this island so mysterious and so untouchable?

Meet the Sentinelese People

The tribe that ruled this island exclusively for over 60, 000 years and one thing’s for sure- you don’t want to mess with these people.

They have been so hostile to outsiders that we can easily say that no man alive have lived enough or reached even the bays of this island to tell a story about it.

Yes, these people are hostile, they defend this island with all the weapons, force and people they have in order to keep foreigners away from them. It’s no wonder this island has been a mystery for such a long time, the Sentinelese allow no access to what’s known as their OWN island.

So, the North Sentinel Island is about the size of Manhattan and yet there hasn’t been a man to lay foot on it or tell us how it really looks. This tribe is often referred as the “Stone Age Tribe”, probably due to their lifestyle because from the few photos and videos that appeared so far, we can notice that they still use tools and weapons like the ones they used in the Stone Age.

In fact, the Indian government had made several attempts to establish contact or communication with them, however they firmly indicate that they want no contact or mingling with other people.

So, the Indian government has decided to let these people live as they please and even prohibited people to come near the island or make attempts to establish contact with the Sentinelese people.

What we know?

First of all, we see photos from afar and we instantly notice the dazzling beaches, the amazing greenery, and the astonishing forest secluding this island.

However, the tribe left a lot to our imagination. The notorious reputation of this tribe left curious people away from this island and if you even get the chance to get close even by a helicopter, then you will notice a representative of the tribe holding an arrow in his hand and aiming towards you.

Even people wandering the ocean and coming close to it, have faced difficulties approaching this island because they may put their lives in danger or they may not even come alive from this adventure.

The tribe has zero tolerance for curious outsiders, in fact there was an incident in 2006 when the tribe killed two fishermen just because they were fishing too close to their island.

They also use filing rocks and fire arrows as a defense mechanism and not even a helicopter can come near them. However, it’s more about what we don’t know rather than what we know.

It’s the 21st century and we still have no clue about the tribe, what their habits are, the language they speak, their rituals, but one thing is for sure, they don’t want us there and they still want to keep their island away from outsiders or modern civilization.

There are some photos or videos with a very poor quality, because people are trying to take a glimpse of them from afar, however no one dares to approach them or put their lives into jeopardy. 

So, long story short, if you ever do have the chance to wander the ocean, try to avoid this mysterious island and save yourself from all the troubles you may encounter on the way. I’m sure deleting this island from my bucket list.


9 Brutally Honest Reasons Why Millennials Refuse To Have Kids

Getting married and raising children are the most important roles we have as humans. Yes, older generations believed in this purpose, but is that the case now?

I don’t think so. If you ask millennials do they want to have children, without much thinking they will immediately replay NO!

If the picture which women had earlier involved having a big yard, white picket fence and children running around today’s picture is completely different.

Career first, say millennials.

Therefore, data from the Urban Institute which show that between 2007and 2012, birth rates among women in their 20s is about 15% lower, are not surprise at all.

A research from Pew showed that the number of people who don’t have children has doubled since 1970.

Our grandparents may think that we are selfish for not wanting to dedicate our lives raising children. But as we can see millennials are not much affected by what other people think and say. They’ll do whatever they feel is best for them.

Here are 9 reasons why millennials refuse to have children.

  1. We Live in an Awful World

Every time I turn the TV on there are news about some terrorists’ attacks, many dead and many seriously injured, some new disease has invaded the country or similar ugly things.

How on earth do you expect us to want to raise a child in this awful world? Like it’s not enough that we are trying to survive all the bad things that are happening? So, forgive us if we want to spare an innocent child from all the ugliness there is.

  1. We are Broke

The sad truth is that our generation is the most educated but the least paid one. There are so many people with a doctoral, master or professional degree but unfortunately they are not paid enough.

The expenses of everyday life are too high and we are struggling to make ends meet each month. We are still giving back the loans we’ve taken to cover the expenses for our education.

How could we afford housing, diapers, baby food, baby clothing (which is by the way as expensive as clothing for grown-ups), and the list goes on. It’s just unbearable.

And to mention same sex couples or couples who can’t have their own baby. Their journey would be even more expensive one. Surrogate and artificial insemination are very expensive methods and not everyone can afford them.

  1. Overcrowded World and Expensive Housing are just Too Much

There are too many people in the cities, and that is already causing many problems. Too many cars equal too much traffic. Too much traffic equals too much air pollution. Too much air pollution equals too many diseases and so on and so forth.

The amount of rents is too high because overpopulation increases demand and normally prices.

There are also many orphans and children who are starving and begging on the streets so if you are thinking about raising a child, why not adopt one. That way you won’t add to overpopulation and you’ll get the chance of being a parent.  

  1. Pregnancy is not Such a Blissful Period as They Say

Morning sickness, sore breasts, fatigue, nausea, throwing up after every meal, heartburns… blissful period, I don’t think so!

And then comes the time of giving birth. Even with all the improved medical technology childbirth is excruciatingly painful experience. The time for recuperation can take a long period of time too. This means no normal sexual activities for a long time either.

But wait, that’s not all. Imagine some little creature sucking on your breasts all day and all night long.

Are these reasons not enough?

  1. Some People have Children for Selfish Reasons

Some would say that not having children is a selfish act, but having kids for the wrong reasons, is that the right thing to do?

Some people decide to have children so they could save their shaky marriage or relationship while others do it out of boredom.

If you just want to see what a hybrid of you and your partner would look like, then don’t have children.

I’m grossed out whenever I see how people parade their children on Facebook or Instagram just so they could get more likes.

  1. We’ll Ruin Them With Terrible Parenting

Some of us admit that they can’t take care of themselves let alone take care of a child. There are some who don’t like children and can’t stand being around them.

I’ve spoken to some who have said that the only time they thought children are cute is when they are quiet and sitting still, and we all know that happens only when they are asleep, every 4 hours that is.

Some women just don’t have the so called motherly instinct that sets your biological clock and tells you when the time has come to have a baby.

  1. Career First Please

Just as the study shows, having both a successful career and a family is simply impossible. Even when a couple decides to have children, one of them has to stay at home or at least work less. That will of course have a negative impact on their achievement in the career area.

Therefore, many who want to stay focused on their career opt not to have children. That’s the wise choice if you ask me. Because what’s the point of giving birth to a child and then letting a babysitter raise them so you could work more and chase your dream? 

  1. Children Won’t Fix Your Relationship or Your Marriage

True story. There are so many pathetic people who think a child will restore their damaged relationship or save their marriage.

Others decide to have children just because the society and their surrounding expect them to.

Hats off to those who say they don’t care what society thinks as long as they are satisfied and happy with their own decision.

And if that’s not having kids and being a parent, then be it.

  1. We simply don’t Like Them! Period

Some people like chicken, some like pork while others like fish. Same goes with the choice to be a parent or not. Some people like the role while others simply don’t. There’s no particular reason why, it just doesn’t seem right to them.

What one does with their money, career, body or lifestyle choices is no one else’s business.

Everybody deserves to live a life as they see fit!

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This City Really Exists Where People Live Without Politics, No Religion And No Money!!!

Take a moment and think about the biggest challenges the world is facing today.  Poverty, political disputes, natural resources depletion, cultural and ethnic intolerance. Moreover, prevalence of judgmental behavior and prejudice against anyone different.

Now, imagine living in a place where none of these problems exist. It sounds impossible, right?

Well, although a surprise for many, such a utopian place exists for more than 50 years.

It is called Auroville and it is located in Southern India.

The creation of the city was an idea of an incredibly smart and benevolent woman, a spiritual leader named Mirra Alfansa.

Although with Egyptian and Turkish roots, she has found her peace in the Indian culture, and has fulfilled her dream of creating a place where people will leave in peace with God and the universe, rather than worrying about the earthly artificially created plights.

As early as her teenage years, when asked why she is so sad, Mirra answered: “Indeed, I do feel the weight of the world‘s miseries pressing upon me!” Struggling with the idea she has to change the world, it all started.

The main goal of Auroville is to become a universal place, where everyone is welcomed to live, regardless of the nationality, cultural heritage, religion or language.

It is designed to be a cosmopolitan place that will demonstrate to everyone how harmonious life can be, if we only remember one thing – that we are all human, and that we are all citizens of the earth.

The way in which this place functions in very unique, and certainly, difficult to be believed. Its creator Mirra, has shaped a city charter, which explains the purpose of the town.  According to the document, no nation can claim property of this place – Auroville belongs to the whole world. 

There is no authority, legal or political, nor a person of power, that the inhabitants need to respect. There are no written laws either.

They all believe that there is only one supreme universal truth that everyone needs to follow. The values that its citizens strive towards are harmony, love and acceptance, while in the same time; they put enormous emphasis on education and research.

The idea of the town is to be a place of birth of new and prosperous ideas that will be used to the progress of all. There are no titles of hierarchical positions – everyone has equal access of resources, and everyone has a right to choose its own profession as long as he/she does not harm anyone.

To some it may look like a city of laziness – everyone can pursue its own dream. But in reality the city puts immense accent or scientific progress and societal development.

They care about the nature –, but in the same time they appreciate art, technology and industrial development.

As a result, the functioning of the town is organized in a very modern and environmental friendly way. They have implemented systems of wastewater treatment, as well as systems of ground water depletion.

Auroville uses eco-friendly methods for production of organic food, as well as technologically advanced methods for making the poor soil fertile. With the time, the town has become self-sufficient when it comes to food production and drinking water.

Starting from the seventies, they have started a process of forestation, and today the city is settled within a belt of forests and fields, making it one of the cleanest places on earth.

On top of that, Auroville has started with the production of biogas, produced out of a bio-waste. With that, the town has its own renewable energy production and a clean environment.

Interestingly enough, there were representatives of the western developed countries visiting the congresses organizes in Auroville, in order to see the new advancements this small settlement has instigated.

If you thought that all of this is too unrealistic, wait for the most fascinating part of the story.

Aurovillians use no money – they have a whole economy functioning on principles of sharing, giving and exchanging.

There is a distribution center in the city where both citizens and strangers can get a meal, but mainly, people produce what they need and exchange items with neighbors, without any aspirations of earning from the barter economy.

As a result of the cosmopolitan spirit embedded in the city, today it is inhabited with representatives from more than 50 nations.

It is protected under the authority of UNESCO, which in a way secures its future existence.  The town has no restrictions – everyone is welcomes to come and to find his own peace.

Certainly, the example of Auroville might be perceived as extreme to someone, but without a doubt, it sets an example of how societies should search for organizational and functional forms that will stop the destruction of the environment and will reduce human suffering. As Mirra Alfansa would say: “Widen your consciousness to the dimension of the earth, and you will have a place for everything”.

Anxiety Makes Me Look Like An Asshole

“Look at her, she probably thinks she is way better than anyone else.”

But I don’t. I stay quiet because I cannot engage myself in conversations, not because I think people are not good enough to be talked to, but because I think I am not good enough to be talked to.

Anxiety has made me like this. Anxiety has put an end to my social life way before it had even started.

I am always the shy one when it comes to hanging out in groups. I have a lot to say the majority of the time but the thing keeping me away from expressing myself is the thought I put behind every single word that comes out of my mouth.

The tone of voice I greet you with or the amount of interest I put into my sentences. Nothing goes unnoticed. Anxiety makes sure that I notice everything.

All I have ever wanted in life is to know how it feels like having self-confidence. How it feels like having no problems talking and exchanging opinions with others. The pure ability to make eye contact without sweating or cracking my knuckles until I’m in physical pain.

Just because I stare at my phone, at the floor, or I am counting the cracks on the wall behind your talking lips instead of focusing on the point you are trying to make, people assume I am rude.

Nodding my head instead of a welcoming “Good morning” makes my coworker think I am full of judgment, despise and derision.

But he is not familiar with my burning desire to talk to him, he is only familiar with the parts of me I don’t want to show. The ones that destroy me. He doesn’t know how many times I have skipped lunch because of him.

Because I was too shy, too embarrassed to ask him to move his plate out of the microwave. Or how many times I had to walk miles to get to work because it just seemed much easier than asking him not to use my parking space.

People get the vision of me being an asshole. But the real asshole here is my anxiety. The thing keeping me at home, keeping me away from my own life.

The voices in my head constantly yelling and telling me to double, even triple check everything I do. My movements, posture, body language and every combination of notes and sounds I make.

I just want to be normal, to have a normal life, a human life. This is not something I can wash away with pills, my mental health, or to be clearer: a lack of it is not something that I can live with anymore.

A widespread havoc on my inside is covered up with the most innocent smile and eyes full of “joy.” I am being attacked and destroyed by something I can’t escape from.

By something that is inside my own mind. I am on the verge of breaking and the only one whose fault it’s is myself. No matter how irrational that sounds, it’s more than real to me.

It’s not a choice you make, rather a choice that makes you.

All the logic in the world can’t keep my heart from hammering in my chest when I am about to go out with my friends. Getting ready for a night out is like getting ready for a battle.

By practicing my words and greetings I leave the door, with an abundance of apprehension in my thoughts, capturing the things that may go wrong and everything in between.

Anxiety makes me look like an asshole, it makes me turn into something I am in eternal denial for being.

It makes me lose myself, but in the same time, it is bringing me closer to myself, making me realize there is more to me than my mental illnesses.

There is more to anyone than their silence.


Why Women Date Married Men!

Primitively speaking wanting something we can’t have has been embroiled in our genetic make up for many generations. The stark reality of poaching a mate has evolved from animals into our daily lives, mate poaching is attractive to women because women see a married man as already possessing all the qualities they require in their life.

If a man is married and taken off the market then it’s perceived that another woman has already seen his life ensuring qualities and married him.

This perception of what men can offer can certainly change due to their relationship with others. If a single lady meets a single guy, then immediately you may ask yourself why he is single, why hasn’t another single lady taken him off the market? However, if a single lady is attracted to a man and finds out they are in a relationship or married, then is this subliminal confirmation that he  has all the necessary qualities she is looking for, is he more experienced, is he more committed, is he more desirable now because his wife or partner has already pre screened him?!! If someone wants him and has him, then he must be worth wanting and having by another!

It could also be said that women want more than a one night stand, more than just sex with a stranger never to be seen again.

But in the same breath don’t necessarily want the fully fledged and committed relationship that is expected of two people in a relationship. A married man offers sex, a partner, a lunch date, maybe even a weekend away. But on majority he certainly does not offer a long committed drawn out relationship that is hers and hers alone to fulfil and make work.
On the other hand a married man could well be offering a committed relationship, but only when he is ready in the future and has left his wife first, but until then the guilty sex, the sneaking around and wanting what she can’t have is more than enough satisfaction.

The irony is that if he is perceived to have all the life ensuring qualities a woman seeks in a man, pre-screened by his current wife or partner, then why is he cheating with someone else, is his honesty and integrity already impaired, yet when dating a married man this is all ignored.

If he’s a cheat, a sneak and two timing the women in his life, then surely he can’t be top of your ‘must have’ list, or… is he? You would think the lack of respect, availability, time and attention is enough to put any women off, yet he is still perceived as desirable by many. However, some women’s logic also determines that if a man has a wife at home and is cheating on her, then he is not cheating with me. And in some women’s eyes that does sound good, especially those with possible trust.

This high number of single women certainly does desire a married man because it gives them space, they have a relationship with a pre-screened man who has the ability to give a woman breathing space. A mistress is not at all responsible for him, not accountable to him and do not need to give him all of their time and energy. 

And let’s face it the sneaking around is probably a highlight of the relationship as the excitement of meeting up, hot rendezvous, meeting for lunch, staying for nights at a time provides arguably more thrills on a regular basis than a personal honest relationship. Secret sex can be more sort after, this lusting part of married men dating provides all the enjoyment a woman could need. New daring places to have sex such as in the marital home or bed fills this experience with passion and desire in a way not always possible in a regular relationship.
Grabbing sexual encounters when you least expect them can be a huge turn on, these rule breaking, unprotected experiences are very desirable to single women as they are naughty, new, adventurous and no strings attached.

Alternatively there is also the competitive element to consider. Some women crave competition; they thrive on challenges and constantly seek goals to achieve to boost self-esteem. Dating a married man is the ultimate prize, the reassurance that comes with ‘winning’ a man that has already been pre-selected by another female.

The element of feeling superior often has little to do with how ‘hot’ or attractive the married man is, but more to do with being in a position of power and competing to ‘beat’ another woman.

However, do not forget that as much as the sparks are flying when they meet up at the secret rendezvous if he was to actually leave the marriage or relationship then be aware that dating a married man may well lose its appeal.

Once he is available and ready to start this new lease of life with a mistress, all the pretence and upkeep of this sordid affair will dissipate as quickly as the competition and challenge does.


Bank Of Canada Urges “STAR TREK” Fans To Stop “Spocking” Their Fivers

Canadians are ‘Spocking’ their fivers in tribute to deceased actor Leonard Nimoy, aka Spock from the Star Trek series.

In a trend that has taken on Twitter, hashtagged #Spocking and #Spockingfives, Canadians have started drawing pointy ears and tiled brows over Canada’s seventh prime minister’s face.

Sir Wilfrid Lauriel’s face seems to have served as perfect basis for Star Trek’s famous Mr. Spock, played by Nimoy.

The Bank of Canada is not so happy with this trend though. Their spokeswoman Josianne Menard, sent USA Today an emailed statement that showed the reasons on why the Bank disagrees with this practice:

However, the trend continues and Canadian’s fivers aren’t the only notes that received a makeover.

Here are some of the tweets:

Source: dangerousminds.net

6 Easy Steps To Becoming The Best-Liked Person Everywhere  

Work, school, friendships, everything in life today comes down to one common thing – building good relationships. Although some people are just born with the gift to attract people, most of us struggle to get the feedback we need, no matter if we need a positive feedback from a colleague, friend or partner.

However, psychologists agree that the personal will to improve is crucial. 

Indeed, there is a great amount of research done on this topic and researchers and psychologists have come to agreement about certain actions that greatly influence human relationships.

For instance, did you know that people are likely to behave in a good manner if you expect them to?

Here are 6 psychological tricks you could use to build better relationships with people. 

  1. Show them you see them as they like to be seen

Everyone wants to leave a certain impression about themselves in front of the others, and usually that has a lot to do with the beliefs they have about themselves. There is even a theory about this phenomenon – it’s called self-verification theory. The theory argues that people actually seek confirmation when they present their views. 

This theory was tested by researchers at Stanford University and the University of Arizona, who conducted a study where they asked the participants with positive and negative perceptions about themselves about their preferences when interacting with people – whether they prefer critics or people who have positive reactions to their views.

The results have shown that the participants who perceive themselves in a positive way preferred to interact with individuals who had positive impressions of them. On the other hand, those with negative self-views preferred to interact with critics who gave them a feedback equal to their beliefs. 

Furthermore, another study shows that the conversation advances more smoothly when we are talking to someone like-minded. Thus, showing like-mindedness can be the key to impressing someone and making them like you. 

  1. Tell them something personal 

Secrets are for best friends only, but sharing personal information with someone you’ve just met can ensure building a closer relationship with them.

Arthur Aron conducted a study on college students at Stony Brook University to discover whether sharing personal information really affects the intimacy level between the subjects.

In the study, the students were paired randomly and had a task to get to know each other better in 45 minutes. In the first group, the conversation started with questions about personal facts, such as the subject’s relationship with their mother and favorite holidays.

The second group was engaged in small talk during that period. 

The experiment showed that self-disclosure is an effective technique when it comes to building relationships.

Namely, the students who had been engaged in a personal conversation with their subject ended up feeling closer to the conversation partner compared to the students who didn’t ask or answer personal questions. 

  1. Expect to see the best of them 

First impressions are important, but they are influenced my many factors, one of which could be you. Thus, if you expect to get only the negative side of people, you will probably get only that.

The Pygmalion effect occurs when people treat the others according to what they expect to get from them. In other words, if you expect a bad behavior from someone, they are more likely to behave in such a manner. 

So, if you want to build a good relationship with someone, keep only positive thoughts about them and they’ll give you the best of them. 

  1. Show them you like them 

The so-called “reciprocity of liking” is a psychological phenomenon that has been known for a while. According to it, if you show someone you like them, there is a big chance that they will like you back.

The phenomenon has been supported by a study where participants were told that certain subjects involved in a group discussion like them.

After the study, the participants were asked who they liked best in the discussion. Most of them liked the individuals who reciprocated their feelings. 

  1. Make them laugh 

Researchers from Illionis State University and California State University at Los Angeles discovered that sense of humor is a really important trait of a person when it comes to choosing a friend or partner.

Another study showed that the sense of humor is connected to the moral traits of people.

In this study, the participants who had highly exposed moral traits were perceived as less humorous and were less popular among their colleagues. 

  1. Encourage them to talk about themselves 

Talking about yourself makes you feel good. It’s rewarding and motivating. Harvard researchers supported this with a study.

The researchers used FMRI machines to follow the brain activity when people share information about themselves or someone else.

It was discovered that sharing information publicly and talking about yourself activates the brain regions connected to motivation and reward.

So, encouraging people to talk about themselves will leave them with positive feelings about your conversation.


Pisces Serial Killers – The Most Dangerous Serial Killers According To The Zodiac Signs

cancer serial killers

What Is The Most Dangerous Zodiac Sign?

There are people who believe in astrology, and they are people who don’t. Either way, reading horoscopes is sometimes a great way to get our ego boost and feel confident about ourselves, especially when we are reading about our strengths and qualities.

However, the other side of astrology is not so positive. There are also many negative sides and character flaws of each sign that get revealed by astrology. And even when you don’t like reading about it, sometimes it is good to be aware of the negative aspects of your personality so that you can work on improving yourself.

Many people rely on astrology, their zodiac sign and the decisions that they make in their life, are based on their daily horoscope or maybe their natal card.

No one can assure you in the effects that the zodiac signs have on our personality or character marks, however in many situations you find yourself familiar to that other Aquarius friend and you share so much in common that you can’t stand each other anymore. 

The astrology shows that pisces serial killers are the most dangerous serial killers in the zodiac.

Hopefully, no feelings will get hurt or offended in by the text below:

10. Leo (July 23- August 22)

This sign reacts so fast that often has disastrous consequences. Leos are one of the most violent signs when it comes to being involved in heated arguments. They can never admit they were wrong regardless of making a fool of themselves. Their vanity, pride, and superiority complex can destroy many lives, emotionally at least.

This sign enjoys being in the spotlight. They think the entire world revolves around them. They want to be perfect and they also want everything around them to be perfect. That’s why they will always try to present themselves in the best light.

Gentle, loving and tolerant, your Leo friends may be plotting their next victim and you wouldn’t even have a clue about it.  Try googling Anthony “The Cleveland Strangler Sowell and see it for yourself.

He was the notoriously famous American serial killer, who was later referred as the Cleveland Strangler by the press reports. He was arrested in October 2009 under the suspicion of killing 11 women, all of who were found in his Ohio duplex.

In 1989 he was arrested and sentenced to 15 years of jail for attempting to rape, kidnap and murder a three months pregnant woman. He pleaded guilty and was released in 2005.

However this wasn’t his last assault and when he was finally arrested for the second time, the police had found two bodies in his living room and four more were found throughout the house, some buried in the basement and some in the crawl spaces in the house.

The bodies continued to appear as the police started digging in the backyard and finding three more bodies and the remains of a fourth. It was a real graveyard as it seem. All of these victims lead him to prison and death sentence.

Leo serial killers:

  • Rodney Alcala
  • Tsutomu Miyazaki
  • Cary Stayner
  • Paul Durousseau
  • Anatoly Onoprienko

9. Pisces (February 19- March 20)

People born in this sign are known to be the greatest liars and manipulators. They lie a lot and they do it masterfully. Lying is their second nature and they often mix fantasy with reality. Sometimes they can’t even remember what is true and what is not.

A person born under the sign of Pisces is someone who is full of contradictions and they can’t make their own mind. They get themselves into complicated situations and they can’t get out of them. That’s when they tend to become aggressive and manipulative.

A water sign which is quite unpredictable when it comes to tricky situations, especially in situations when they lose their temper and the things gets intense.

Many serial killers were born in this zodiac sign, among which John Wayne Gacy who was responsible for at least 33 deaths.

He was an American rapist and serial killer, sexually assaulting and murdering at least 33 teenage boys and young men in the region of Cook County, Illinois. He deceived or led all of his victims to his Norwood Park ranch house where he raped them, tortured them and at the end killed them.

At least 26 of his victims were buried in his home and the others were scattered around his property. He was convicted due to his 33 murders and was sentenced to death for 12 of them.

Finally, he was executed by lethal injection in 1994 leaving behind plenty of victims and a nickname which give us chills even now after so many years. He named himself as the “Killer Clown” because of his mask as “Pogo the Clown” which wore it on children’s parties, parades and fundraising events.

Pisces serial killers:

  • John Wayne Gacy
  • Aileen Wuornos
  • Richard Ramirez
  • Ottis Toole
  • Todd Kohlhepp

8. Scorpio (October 23- November 21)

Scorpio is one of the most (or the most) dangerous signs. Scorpios may look calm but inside them, a storm is brewing. And no one knows when will they explode and make everyone pay for their mistakes. No one can mess with a Scorpio.

Scorpios are known to be limitless, unrestrained, prone to lying and cheating, and going to great lengths when it comes to destroying their enemies. They are spiteful and vindictive. They never forget those who have insulted them and they will do anything to destroy them.

If you want to get into trouble, then wrong a Scorpio. Even if they don’t sting you immediately, you can rest assured that they will do it sooner or later.

The people born in this zodiac sign, justify their zodiac sign’s name because they can be as dangerous as the scorpion’s sting and if you are a thorn in their eye, you wouldn’t know what will get upon you.

Just take for example Carl Eugene “The Sunday Morning Slasher, the person who has left behind and was suspected for around 100 victims in total. He kidnapped his victims, tortured them and at the end murdered them.

He brutally murdered Gloria Steele, a 20 year old woman who was suspected that she was his second victim. He continued killing many other women at the age of 14 to 44 and the most interesting part was that the police couldn’t find anything on him for eight whole years.

He used the methods of stabbing, strangulation, drowning and bludgeoning. He did spend some years in jail for attacking a woman who came out alive at the end, however despite the DNA testing no one could prove him guilty of the other murders.

It wasn’t until 1980 when the police had the authorization to place him under sporadic surveillance and plant a homing device in his car. He was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

Even though the police gave him the chance to plead guilty for all those murders, he is still suspected to be responsible for over 90 deaths and was given a 60-year sentence. I sure don’t like to be the reason a Scorpio gets mad at.

Scorpio serial killers: Billy the Kid, David Parker Ray, Belle Gunness, Nannie Doss and Mary Ann Cotton.

7. Virgo (August 23- September 22)

A Virgo will not listen to anyone who has different opinions from them. This zodiac sign is always prepared for a battle for their thoughts and opinions even if that means losing all their friends and loved people in their life. No one should oppose a Virgo if they don’t want to see their evil side.

Even though this sign looks very sophisticated and gentle, under their grace there is a personality of nitpicking, petty, and quarrelsome nature. They want everything to be their way.

Don’t let the innocent name of this zodiac sign fool you, because they can be real homicidal maniacs. Yes, it’s true behind their innocent name Virgo, there is nothing virgin about them.

A notoriously famous serial killer will prove us right, Henry Lee Lucas was the man who is behind 157 deaths.

He was condemned to death for a single case, however was arrested in Texas based on his confessions and the other unsolved murders were attributed to him and were classified as cleared. He was sentenced with life imprisonment.

Virgo serial killers:

  • Serhiy Tkach
  • Maria Swanenburg
  • Richard Angelo
  • Gerald Stano
  • Albert DeSalvo
  • Joseph Christopher
  • Adnan Colak
  • Benjamin Atkins

6. Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

Capricorns can be one of the coldest and most indifferent people you’ll meet. They are very demanding and strict with the people in their life, even tyrannical. They have a tendency to nitpick and complain about the little things which drives other people crazy.

This sign is egotistical and headstrong. They won’t back down at anything. And when they say they are not holding a grudge, be careful because they never forgive and forget even the smallest offense.

Goats can be homicidal? Who would have thought huh? However, behind that coldness and distrust of people surrounding them, is their real face which compliments with their personality or their predisposition to be hardy killers.

Among the notorious killers born in this sign is Dean “The Candy Man” Corll, responsible for the death of over 28 people. Dean worked with two accomplices Elmer Wayne Henley and David Brooks.

All of them raped, tortured, abducted and murdered at least 28 boys and were known as being part of the Houston Mass Murders. When Henley shot Corll, everything came to light, how they deceived their victims and murdered them.

Some victims were shot with a 22-caliber pistol and buried in a rented boat shed, some were buried woodland near the Lake Sam Rayburn, some on the beaches in Jefferson County and Bolivar Peninsula.

His nickname Candy Man as well as the Pied Piper was given because he owned a candy factory and was known to give free candies to children. At that time this was the worst case of a serial killer in the American history.

Capricorn serial killers:

  • Harold Shipman
  • Dean Corll
  • Marcel Petiot
  • Ahmad Suradji
  • Anatoly Slivko

5. Aries (March 21- April 19)

This sign is a born tyrant. They are ruthless, primitive, and hot-tempered. Their domineering and aggressive nature can frighten everyone, including our friends and family. You should be very careful when dealing with this sign’s vindictive nature. They will stab you in the back when you least expect it.

This sign loves picking fights with other people. That’s how they get an ego boost. Moreover, they are careless spenders, so don’t give them any money. When drunk, this sign is prone to scandals and it is not fun being in their company.

Aries may be stubborn, intense and arrogant at some point, however nothing beats their homicidal nature and we have a record of pretty decent number of serial killers proving us right.

Just check Donald Harvey’s criminal record and you’ll see that he’s been responsible for more than 57 victims. 

Even though he claimed to have murdered 87 people, officials estimated to around 37 and 57 victims. He was a self-described “angel of death”.

He is currently serving 28 life sentences, pleading guilty at the Toledo Correctional Institution in Toledo, Ohio.

Aries serial killers:

  • Alexander Pichushkin
  • Donald Harvey
  • Gennady Mikhasevich
  • Jane Toppan
  • Yoo Young-Chul
  • Paul John Knowles
  • Joachim Georg Kroll
  • Herbert Mullin

4. Gemini (May 21- June 20)

Gemini is a sign that changes their mood so quickly that you can’t imagine that someone is able to go from excitement to rage in a minute. They are two-faced, and because they are aware of it, they don’t trust other people as well. Some people say this is the evilest sign of the zodiac because of their double nature.

Geminis stay infantile throughout their whole life. They refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their actions.

The interesting moment with this zodiac sign is that they truly have a double personality or their mood varieties from loving and caring to aggressive and homicidal.

Many serial killers born in this zodiac sign as “the twins” have actually led double lives or had split personality issues. Among the most famous and popular Gemini serial killers is Jeffrey Dahmer, the Milwaukee Cannibal. 

He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, psychopathic disorder and schizotypal personality disorder, however was found sane at his trial. He was a sex offender and a notoriously famous serial killer.

Some of his murders included cannibalism, necrophilia and permanent preservation of body parts. He was sentenced to 15 terms of life imprisonment and was later sentenced to 16th term of life imprisonment for an additional homicide.

He died in prison as he was beaten to death by a fellow inmate at the Columbia Correctional Institution.

Gemini serial killers:

  • Pedro Rodrigues Filho
  • Samuel McDowell
  • Mohan Kumar
  • Robert Lee Yates
  • Jeffrey Dahmer
  • Arthur Shawcross
  • Lorenzo Gilyard
  • Peter Sutcliffe

3. Taurus (April 20- May 20)

Taurus is the most inflexible sign of the zodiac. They are proud, firm, and uncompromising. They think they can do anything because they know best. They can be ridiculously uptight and hypercritical, and so you can be sure they won’t accept any kind of change and novelty.

This sign is greedy and cheap when it comes to money. Moreover, it is best for you not to get into conflict with a Taurus because they can get extremely ruthless and dangerous when they are angry mainly because of their egotistical nature and thinking that they are the center of the universe.

Taurus has sadistic predispositions i.e. they can abuse and terrorize their family from their childhood days until the day they die even though on the surface they seem a nice and kind person.

Something must be wrong since the first American serial killer was born under this zodiac sign. He was discrete, attentive in hiding his victims and not even today can anyone claim the real number of victims, but it may as well be 200.

You seriously don’t want to mess with Taurus, I get chills just by thinking of them. H.H. Holmes or “The Torture Doctor” was the first documented killer in the modern sense of the term.

He was a fairly known and successful con artist and a bigamist, confessing 27 murders, however was under the suspicion of killing about 200 people. He brought his victims to his World’s Fair Hotel.

Taurus serial killers:

  • Earle Leonard Nelson
  • Carroll Edward Cole
  • Dorángel Vargas
  • Milton Johnson
  • Henry Howard Holmes
  • Vladimir Mukhankin
  • Dagmar Overbye
  • Sibusiso Duma

2. Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

Because of their reckless nature, Sagittarian people often make great errors due to their lack of clear perception and judgment. They are oftentimes very optimistic in their pursues, even aggressive, but they lack common sense and that’s the reason why they don’t succeed in their endeavors.

This sign is prone to fantasy and lying. They like to create the reality they desire. They are very irresponsible and flaky which is a very annoying characteristic.

Determined, sociable, however they lack empathy. But we don’t put Sagittarius on this list because of their lack of empathy.

On the contrary, that may be a virtue compared to the psychopathic and homicidal nature. Just take Ted Bundy as an example, been to jail and escaped from there, escaped lockup and is responsible for the death of more than 30 victims.

Sagittarius people are extremely intelligent and quick-minded and maybe this characteristic saved so many serial killers from getting caught.

Ted was a kidnapper, burglar, rapist and a necrophile, assaulting and killing various women and girls and even though he only confessed 30 homicides, the real number of victims is still unknown.

He died in the electric chair at Rayford Prison in Starke, Florida and was described as a sadistic sociopath who took pleasure from other’s human pain and the control he had over these victims.

Sagittarius serial killers:

  • Ted Bundy
  • Larry Eyler
  • Billy Chemirmir
  • Thierry Paulin
  • Jose Antonio Rodriguez Vega
  • Larry DeWayne Hall
  • Jake Bird
  • Dennis Nilsen

1. Cancer (June 21- July 22) 

We came to the final and most dangerous sign in the zodiac. They may seem all sensitive and harmless, but they are as vicious and homicidal or even more than you can ever imagine.

Cancers are people who can laugh at one second, and then burst into anger the next and most often over something unimportant. They are unpredictable and aggressive even to people who are closest to them.

Genene Jones who is among the most iconic cancer serial killer was born under this zodiac sign and responsible for the death of around 60 victims. She was a pediatric nurse, responsible for the deaths of numerous infants and children in her care.

She used injections on them, with the intention of reviving them and therefore gain some attention or praise. The real number is unknown as the hospital officials destroyed records to prevent further litigation after her first conviction.

She was sentenced to 99 years of jail for killing a 15-month-old baby and later was sentenced to a concurrent term of 60 years in prison for almost killing Ronaldo Santos with heparin.

She will be subjected to a mandatory release in 2018 due to a Texas law to prevent prison overcrowding. You may want to consider twice before messing with Cancer.

Cancer serial killers:

  • Sergei Dovzhenko
  • Donato Bilancia
  • Charles Ray Hatcher
  • Julio Pérez Silva
  • Gerald Gallego
  • Rudolf Pleil
  • Volker Eckert
  • Sean Vincent Gillis

Zodiac Sign With The Most Murders

Are Scorpios more likely to be serial killers than Libras? Are Cancers innocent? Or is it Leos that you should look out for? Below is a list of 161 killers from 30 different countries born between 1900 and 2000 and their zodiac sign. Here are the results.

  • Pisces: 19 serial killers.
  • Scorpio: 17.
  • Sagittarius: 17.
  • Aquarius: 15.
  • Capricorn: 15.
  • Aries: 14.
  • Cancer: 13.
  • Taurus: 12.
  • Gemini: 11.
  • Leo: 10.
  • Libra: 10.
  • Virgo: 8.

So, Pisces seems to be the ‘greatest’ serial killer, followed by Scorpio and Sagittarius. Virgo, on the other hand, is the ‘most innocent’ one. What’s funny is that Pisces are thought to be one of the most gentle signs and they often say they despise cruelty of any kind.

The Most Dangerous Zodiac Sign Of The Worst American Serial Killers

When it comes to serial killers in America and their zodiac signs, here are the results:

  • Pisces: 9 American serial killers.
  • Scorpio: 8.
  • Gemini: 8.
  • Capricorn: 6.
  • Aries: 5.
  • Sagittarius: 5.
  • Leo: 4.
  • Virgo: 4.
  • Aquarius: 3.
  • Libra: 3.
  • Taurus: 3.
  • Cancer: 3.

Pisces are still number one murderer and Scorpio still holds the second position.

So, what do you think? Is your sign among the worst zodiac signs?

7 Proven Health Benefits Of Gooseberries

Gooseberries are translucent fruits that are a native of Europe and southwest Asia. They are those berries that you can either use in fruit desserts or serve them with different edible sauces. As a matter of fact, they are quite low in calories and also fat and cholesterol free.

Gooseberries are highly recommendable to everyone as they help in boosting brain performance and also increasing brain concentration. Apart from this, the gooseberries are high in minerals and various vitamins.

The taste of gooseberries falls in between the taste of blackberries and raspberries, i.e. they are sweet and juicy.

There are various benefits of eating gooseberries regularly. In the blog below there is a mention of seven proven health benefits of gooseberries.

Health Benefits of Gooseberries

1. Rich in Vitamin C

If you eat one whole cup of fresh and raw gooseberries than it means that you are having an intake of about 41.6 milligrams of Vitamin C. As per the reports, it is recommendable for an adult woman to have high amount of vitamin C and one whole cup of gooseberries alone contributes about 55% of the actual amount of vitamin C that a woman needs.

Also, it is important to note that vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps in averting the harmful compounds to damage the DNA. It also helps in lowering the risks of various heart diseases and cancer. The compounds of gooseberries are very much effective when it comes to the reduction of harmful effects of radiation and the chemotherapy sessions.

It does so without reducing the benefits of chemotherapy and works as an excellent antagonistic cancer handling fruit. It is highly advisable to store the gooseberries in a cool and dark place and use them within three to four days.

2. High Dietary Fiber

One cup of gooseberries comprises of 6.4 grams of dietary fiber that is about 26% of the total amount of dietary fiber that an adult needs to consume. It is important to note that they render a good amount of both, soluble as well as insoluble fiber.

The soluble fibers help in reducing the risks of diabetes and high blood pressure while the insoluble fibers help in regulating the bowel movements and eventually reducing disease like colon cancer.

Lastly, the fibers are very important for the body as they help in reducing the risks of obesity and various heart diseases.

3. High Amount of Manganese

As per the laboratory research, one cup of gooseberries comprises of 0.216 milligram of manganese, which is about 12% of the total amount that an adult woman needs to consume and about 9% of adult men.

Manganese plays a very important role in the body as it promotes the calcium absorption and regulates the blood sugar. It also reduces the risks of diabetes and arthritis.

Also as per the reports, if women do not avail sufficient amount of manganese, they are more likely to face premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms.

4. Rich in Vitamin A

Each cup of gooseberry comprises of 435 international units of vitamin A, which is about 18% of the total amount that an adult woman needs to consume and 14% of the total amount that a man needs to consume. You can find vitamin A in the carotenoid compound form in gooseberries.

It is very important to note that the carotenoids are antioxidants that help in reducing the risks of heart diseases and diabetes. The vitamin A also helps in proper regulation of genes and stimulating the red blood cells. Lastly, it is advisable to have the proper amount of vitamin A as it helps in reduction of infections and various eye problems.

5. Protects the Heart

The gooseberries are quite recommendable for the person who is having high cholesterol level. The fruit has the supple amount of fiber and iron that helps the person to fight cholesterol and reduce the risks of heart attacks.

It also comprises of compounds that help to control the oxidation of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) that eventually helps to release the free radicals. They also have various oxidative properties that make them control the cholesterol level of a person and reduce the risks of various diseases and induce the LDL.

6. Increases Brain Concentration

As we already know that gooseberries are a great source of antioxidants and fibers, it is also important to note that they are very effective in protecting the person against the cellular damage and various types of oxidative stress.

The antioxidants that are present inside the gooseberries are very important for the brain of a person as it helps in improving the memory quotient and the concentration level of the brain.

Lastly, as per the laboratory results, the antioxidants of gooseberries are so effective that they protect against major brain disease like Alzheimer’s. It is highly advisable to students to have the necessary amount of gooseberries on a daily basis to boost the brain performance.

7. Skin Benefits

Nobody wishes to look old before their age, and in such cases, it is highly recommendable to eat gooseberries as they work as an anti-aging fruit. Yes! Now you don’t have to spend money on anti-aging creams and treatments instead eat gooseberries and look young.

The gooseberries have a rich amount of collagen that helps in keeping the skin look fresh and young always. For better results, it is advisable to eat gooseberries on an empty stomach.

Gooseberries are one of those fruits that are not only good in taste but are extremely beneficial to health in many different ways. The sweet and juicy fruit comes along with compounds like polyphenols and minerals like zinc and much more.

The fruit is extremely beneficial in reducing the risks of various heart diseases, cancer as well as diseases like diabetes and arthritis. Apart from this, the fruit is extremely important in improving the brain concentration and boosting the brain performance.

It is highly advisable to all the people out there to have sufficient amount of gooseberries daily to stay fit and healthy.
