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Canadian Woman Thinks She May Be An Alien-Human Hybrid Due To Strange Events During...

The topic of alien visitations has long been associated with imagination, questionable sanity, or just a call for attention and fame. However, while it...

VIDEO: A Priest, Rabbi And Atheist Smoke Weed Together

“Why don’t we light a joint together, priest? Rabbi, are you in?” said the gay atheist. In a Cut video, this is exactly what...
Depositphotos_88866680_l-2015 Reading Habits of Ultra-Successful People

The Reading Habits Of Ultra-Successful People

Did you know that there is one habit that all extremely successful people share? They read. And they read a lot. When Warren Buffett was...

F1 To F12: Time-Saving Function Key Shortcuts Everyone Should Know

In today's fast paced time, everyone could use those extra seconds (which can easily turn to minutes) wasted on clicking and searching. How much do...

NASA Says: We DIDN’T Change Your Zodiac Sign, Astrology Isn’t Real!

Did you know that there are actually 13 astrological signs instead of 12?  This means that 86 percent of all people were born under...

LILITH-The First Woman Before Eve The Church Doesn’t Like You To Know About

While the Bible is filled with contradictions, oral tradition and additional texts add up to the whole inconsistency that Christianity tends to represent nowadays....

This Is How The Pluto Retrograde In May Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

Occasionally, we are witnesses of a retrograde, or backwards, movement of the planets, an occurrence that has been puzzling scientists for centuries. Today we...

Billionaire David Rockefeller Died Today, At The Age Of 101

The world’s oldest billionaire, David Rockefeller, died on March 20, 2017 at the age of 101. Dubbed by many ‘One of the Evilest Men...

16 Women Express Their Beauty By Body Modification

The term Body modification, which is also known as body alternation, has odd and frightening implications for people who have no personal interest or...

What Your Sleeping Position Reveals About Your Personality

Just as the color of your clothes or the size of your car can reveal your true self, the same goes for some more...