
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

How To Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is a term that refers to the way that you feel psychologically. This includes how you think about yourself, the quality of...

The Best Goat Milk Formulas For Babies

For the first few months, most babies are exclusively breastfed. During this period, babies grow the fastest - by the time they are six months...

Do Baby Teeth Really Matter?

Baby teeth, or primary teeth, are the first set of teeth that appear in the first few years of a child's life. Although a...

What Are Bioresonance Machines And How They Can Help Treat Health Conditions?

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves to measure the frequency of the human body’s energy wavelengths. Thanks to these devices, it’s now easier for medical...

What are the Different Ways to Consume Marijuana?

Are you a beginner in the weed scene and want to learn more about the different methods of consumption? Are you curious as to...

How Can NIPT Offer Peace of Mind to an Expectant Mother? 

For most expectant mothers, peace of mind throughout their pregnancy can be hard to come by. This is where NIPT testing helps. This non-invasive...

10 Reasons Why People Find Happiness in Drug Addiction

Today, we are going to talk about why people may find happiness in drug addiction. More specifically, we are going to focus on cannabis....

What are the different types of eating disorders?

Eating disorders are a group of psychological illnesses that lead to the development of poor eating behaviours. They may begin with a food, body...
mental health

How can sexual obsessions damage your mental health?

Having sexual obsessions is getting quite normal for people nowadays since people now want everything and take everything to the extreme. However, it can...
COVID-19 Sequencing

COVID-19: How Will Our Future Look?

The COVID-19 pandemic has destabilized the entire world. Even now, with vaccines widely available, there’s still a lot of uncertainty about how things will...