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If You Truly Love Her, Love Her The Way She Deserves To Be Loved

You do love her, I know that. You think without her, you’d be lost. You feel blessed for having her around and you can’t imagine...

7 Ways to Keep Things Fresh in Your Marriage after Having Kids

Married couples with kids can find it relatively hard to maintain the spark and romance in their marriage when they're up all night tending...

Is online dating destroying romance?

Has is taken over receiving flowers, champagne, poems and long walks? The journey that takes two people from being strangers to best of friends and...

The Easiest Ways to Find Dates After You’ve Moved

Finding a new partner for dates isn’t always easy when you are in a familiar place. However, what do you do if you have...

Stop Lying To Yourself. If He Wanted To Be With You, He Would Be...

One day you will regret everything that you did to let her slip away like that. One day you will wish that she is...

10 Seemingly Unimportant Things That Actually Matter A Great Deal To Her

Men, when it comes to women and what they need in a relationship, there’s one thing you need to know: When a woman falls...

An Open Letter To The Man That Will Love Me Next

Dear man that will love me next, Wherever you are and whoever you are, I don’t know when or how faith will cause our paths...

Keeping the Romance Alive: 13 Must-Have Tips on How to Make a Relationship Work

Looking for a way to maintain the spark in your relationship? Here are thirteen must-have tips on how to make a relationship work that...

Why you need to try chat lines: 5 reasons a chat line is better...

Online dating is undeniably a difficult skill to master. In fact, after editing your carefully selected profile photo, slaving away over your witty bio...

How to Plan the Perfect Wedding?

Planning a wedding is no easy task. With so many vital decisions to make, it can be challenging for couples to pick the best...