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7 Tips For Writing Outstanding Scholarship Essay

scholarship essay tips

Writing is in high demand today and a very useful skill needed in the business world. But, ironically, it is the least evaluated among students, and most professors do not have time enough to explain or teach writing skills in every detail.

We offer you some helpful writing tips, useful for students that will help you to explain some complex topics and apply to almost any kind of writing.

To put it simply, good writing is not limited to a context or a particular theme.

Writing is a skill that you can learn with time, and if you are a new student, academic writing might feel unfamiliar. (1)

So, get started with the following writing tips to write a good essay.

8 Essay Writing Tips For Students 

1. Pace yourself.

Most of the professors give assignments at the beginning of the semester and you have a lot of time to search for information and plan your essays and write them ahead of time. Anyway, most of the students start writing the night before the deadline and sometimes miss it. So, start writing a few weeks before and avoid the stress and sleepless night needed to write the essay the night before the deadline.

2. Brainstorming.

Just before starting writing the essay, it is helpful to have a brainstorming session. You need to write down the ideas that come to your mind and make a list. In addition, take time to plan the main points in the text and develop a specific structure.

3. Skip the introduction.

Most writers have problems writing the first few sentences and sometimes it is good to skip the introduction and go directly to the second paragraph. You can write the first paragraph at the end, although sometimes you might not need to.

4. Write the draft.

In the beginning, you can write a draft that can be fixed later by ignoring the format rules, grammar, and style. The most important part comes next when you rewrite your essay and fix all the typos and mistakes.

5. Pay attention to the length of the essay.

You need to write as per the instructions and given assignment. Nevertheless, you should always stick to the topic, and you can write as long as it needs to be to make its point. The number of pages given in the assignment usually relates to the details you need to include in the essay. Contrary to the belief, writing longer essays is always easier than writing shorter ones as it is very limited, and you need to be very clear with your points.

6. Use your own words.

Avoid lifting phrases from Wikipedia or someone else’s work because a good essay should be much more profound and richer in meaning. Avoid using someone’s work to suggest your own words. On the contrary, try to use your own and be as creative as possible. An essay that is full of citations and paraphrasing is not a good one, and it is usually not marked with a high score. If you copy something from other sources, you should include a reference and enclose it in quotes.

7. Focus on delivering your message.

While writing, ask yourself questions about the sentences you write if they are relevant to be added to support your argument or are just taking up space. Be careful with the transgression and make sure that the sentence you write follows the previous one and leads to the following sentence. In addition, verify if each paragraph clearly states and conveys your arguments and gives a deeper understanding of the topic.

8. Revise and proofread the essay at least once.

Apart from revision, you should always pay attention to the grammar and fix all the spelling errors. You can run your spell checker and make sure there is a subject and verb agreement.

The best way to improve your writing is by writing as much as you can!

7 Tips On Writing Scholarship Essays

When you apply for a scholarship, you can see that there are many universities that involve writing a quality scholarship essay, and you should put a lot of effort so your essay can catch the eye of the scholarship committee.  

1. Read the competition rules.

 The most important thing for your essay to win is to follow some specific instructions. You need to pay attention to the deadline, word count, and formatting, or your essay will be disqualified. 

2. Brainstorm essay ideas.

You probably will have a topic to write about, and it is very important to stick to it. You can think about this particular theme and write down several ideas, but avoid going off-topic. For example, if you write about a person that has influenced you the most, write down several names, but choose the one that you can describe the most. 

3. Make an outline or short draft.

Make a short outline with the main points and organize all your thoughts with some details and the citations you are planning to include. 

4. Write something about yourself.

Write something about yourself and your own accomplishments, and the committee will see you are self–confident. 

5. Write a good introduction. 

You can start with a quotation, answer, or anecdote to hook the readers and induce them to keep on reading. Some markers or professors may even mark the essay just by reading the first two sentences, so try to be your best in the beginning.

6. Never experiment with the essay form.

You should always follow the typical essay format and keep in mind the word count. Read the topic several times and check whether your text addresses the main question. 

7. Revise and proofread the essay thoroughly.

Have someone else proofread and revise your essay before you submit it. The person should have good editing and proofreading skills.

7 Tips On Academic Writing

Academic writing plays a central role in research and publication and serves to spread information and certain knowledge in a certain field. When it comes to academic writing, your concept should be clearly stated and must not be subject to the reader’s perspectives. It can be a dreadful experience, and we should not underestimate its importance. Therefore we offer you 6 practical tips to improve your academic writing:

1. Focus on reading.

A well–red person never gets stuck in finding the right one to express himself, and it also gives you a better understanding of the scientific style of writing.

If you read books and research papers related to your field of study will help you with your analytical skills and learn different aspects of writing.

2. Use a proper academic layout.

Different academic articles (editorials, opinion articles, research articles, reviews, literature reviews) have a different preset format that needs to be followed, and it is very important to know the paper category.

3. Use academic and lucid language.

It is very important to use the words needed in the context f the study and not to sound pretentious. In addition, avoid using jargon and write clearly to be readable and acceptable by all readers.

4. Register for the online webinars for academic writing.

Some universities organize online webinars and informative sessions, which you can attend to learn more about academic writing.

5. Accept constructive criticism.

You can always accept and learn from suggestions and comments given by supervisors, professors, and colleagues and make some notes to make sure that you will incorporate them in your future assignments.

6. Determine your own academic style.

You should always use a formal tone, a clear focus on the arguments, use of the third person, and precise word choice. The style used should be persuasive and critical, with correct reference to the sources you have found.

6 Dissertation Writing Tips

Writing a dissertation is an accumulation of a few years dedicated to research and hard work. Of course, your fellow colleagues, your mentor, and your committee are always there to help you, but here are some tips you can use during your writing:

1. Set your deadlines.

Make a plan when you want to finish the chapters and how much you need to write each day not to miss the deadline.

Choose the working hours wisely to correspond to your time and the working hours you have. If you are a morning person, the best thing is to write in the morning.

2. Revise and rewrite.

Revising and rewriting are crucial. The first draft is never the last one. The most important thing is to start writing, and it doesn’t have to be perfect at the start.

3. Skip the introductions.

Introductions are always the hardest, and you can get stuck, and it will evolve as you continue writing, so you can always come back to the introductions at the end of each chapter.

4. Do not burn yourself out.

If you constantly write without taking a break, your health may slide, so make sure you are in excellent mental and physical condition. Sleep and eat well, and if possible, stay active and make some walks around your neighborhood.

5. Discuss your ideas with others.

Discussing your ideas may refine and stimulate your thinking and create opportunities to find some other resources where you can search and read.

6. Use a reference manager.

You can use a personal assistant reference manager like Zotero to synchronize your data and sense your research on the web.

7 Article writing Tips For Students 

Article writing may look easy, but it is a difficult task that requires significant skill. Many social media workers see articles as keys to their success. Articles are needed in almost all areas of our lives, and many website owners need articles on a daily basis. 

If you are a student, you might be given a task to write an article. You can see that articles are different types of writing as they are direct conversations with readers. So here are a few tips for students when writing their articles:

1. Engage the reader’s interest.

The first thing is to identify who your readers are ( general public, people interested in sports, politics, art, students, etc.). The text you write should engage their interest.

2. Use an intriguing headline.

You can capture the reader’s attention with a good headline. The headline should be of 4 or 5 words the most and tell about the theme you are writing. 

3. Keep it simple and friendly.

Communicate your information in a simple and understandable manner, so it can easily be understood by all readers. The tone you use should be assertive but not arrogant so the reader can trust you and it will mean that you know what you are talking about.

4. Choose interesting themes.

You can choose a theme that you are engaged in yourself, and it can be easier for you to write it and it will let the reader know you have written it with passion and interest.

5. Focus on your topic.

Never deviate from your topic because you can easily lose focus and direction and cut as much as you can on unnecessary words and sentences. Be concise and clear.

6. Do some research on the topic.

You can spend time searching for relevant information. You can always find some credible and supportive resources to boost your legitimacy.

7. Write a good ending.

In the article, you can always ask the reader to think about the question and the topic without giving a final conclusion and calling them to action.

What you need to know about Dementia


Dementia is a wide term for a group of brain illnesses that damage and kill brain cells and affect cognitive abilities’ smooth functioning. 

These diseases can cause problems with memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, speech and language, personality changes, and a decrease in one’s ability to carry out day-to-day tasks and activities.

The term dementia also refers to any loss of cognitive functioning that is not due to sensory impairment or psychological illness; instead, it has short-term and long-term effects, severely affecting a person’s memory.

Each year more than 55 million people worldwide suffer some form of Dementia. (1)

Causes of Dementia

Dementia is caused by past brain damage, such as stroke or degeneration through old age. Symptoms can include loss of memory and judgment; confusion about the time or place; personality changes; and language, communication, and swallowing problems.

Many forms of dementia like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and other neurological diseases can cause the same symptoms.

How it affects the quality of life

Dementia is a term that is used to describe a variety of conditions. conditions that cause severe brain deterioration and various other symptoms.

These symptoms affect the victim’s mental capabilities such as speech, emotions, and social interactions and affect their physical abilities, especially in the cases of Alzheimer’s disease.

When elderly patients have dementia, many changes start occurring in their lifestyle, ultimately affecting their quality of life. However though it may be challenging to understand the person experiencing dementia as they go from being able to socialize to not recognizing even their family members, it is essential to interact with them as much as possible and treat them like normal.

When you speak of “dementia,” a lot comes to mind. However, one thing is certain: the capability of a person who has dementia to perform daily tasks decreases with time. As a result, this disorder makes day-to-day life very difficult for patients and their loved ones.

Taking care of the patient

Irrespective of the gravity of the disease, favorably, there are dementia home care services that assist the patient and their families in providing the proper care that they deserve.

Let us share tips on the type of home care services and how to choose them wisely as per your requirement.

  • Companion Service – They assist the patient with monitoring, leisure activities, and visitor visits.
  • Personal Care – Bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, exercising
  • Homemaker – Offer assistance with housekeeping, grocery shopping, and meal preparation.
  • Skilled caretaker- A licensed health professional can assist with wound care, injections, physical therapy, and other medical needs. Once a physician has ordered these skilled care services, a home health care organization frequently organizes them.

How to choose the service provider

  • The primary care doctor treating Alzheimer’s patients should be consulted. In addition, inquire about residential healthcare professionals who have expertise in caring for dementia patients.
  • Use the online tool provided by Health care to identify and compare Medicare-certified Home Health agencies in your area.
  • Enquire about the opinions of friends, family, and neighbors. Receiving a detailed account from someone who has used in-home care services might be particularly beneficial.

International Schools In Finland [2022]

finland education success

Did you know that Finland has been touted as the most literate nation in the world thanks to its 100 percent literacy rate, years of schooling, various newspapers and libraries, and computer availability? 

Additionally, the Finnish education system is considered the best in the world. There are several reasons why this is so. First of all, Finland has an education model that’s different from the models used in the rest of the world. 

According to the Finnish education model, students have to participate actively in creating their own learning activities. They also have to work in teams on projects. In addition, classrooms in Finland are student-centered.

Another thing that’s characteristic of Finland’s education system is that it consists of early childhood education, primary education, upper secondary education, higher education, and adult education. (1)

Other reasons why Finland’s education system is considered the best in the world are the following: Finnish children begin their schooling at the age of 7. All teachers in Finland hold a master’s degree, and they don’t assess the learning and performance of students by using standardized tests and exams. Instead, they do so by using a grading system that they design on their own.

However, the main reason why the Finnish education system is considered the best in the world is the education policy the country has adopted.

Finland Education Policy

Offering every citizen in Finland equal opportunities for education and training is the primary objective of Finland’s education policy. The four keywords that characterize the education policy of this country are equity, quality, internationalization, and efficiency.

Another thing that characterizes the Finnish education policy is that learning is prioritized by over-testing. For instance, students in primary education are not required to do national tests. The only obligatory test they take is at the age of 16. In addition, teachers assess students’ learning and performance by using their own grading system and considering the objectives that the curriculum includes.

And last but not least, one more thing that characterizes Finland’s education policy is that the majority of education is funded publicly. Finnish students don’t have to pay tuition fees. Moreover, students in basic education are offered free meals, school materials, and transport, whereas students in upper secondary education are required to pay for commuting and their books. Additionally, Finland offers students study loans and grants. (2)

In addition to the above-mentioned characteristics of the Finnish education policy, here are a few more:

  • ‘Lifelong Learning’ and ‘Free Education’ are the two principles on Finland’s education policy is founded on.
  • Teachers in Finland are fully trained, and they all hold master’s degrees.
  • Finnish teachers actively participate in the designing of learning plans and the best curricula.
  • Students are encouraged to work in teams on projects through specializations and by participating in interdisciplinary projects.
  • The Finnish education system promotes an environment of trust between the community and educators.

Finland Offers International Students Opportunities To High-Quality Education

Education institutions in Finland have over 20 000 international students that study in various locations in this country. The main difference between Finnish students and international students is that the latter are required to pay university tuition fees. International students are considered those outside the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). (Students from EU/EEA countries and Switzerland don’t have to pay tuition fees). However, international students are not required to pay for programs taught in Swedish or Finnish.

In addition, students that pay fees are offered scholarships in higher education institutions in Finland.

International Schools In Finland

The international schools are located in various cities in Finland, such as Helsinki, Turku, Espoo, Imatra, Oulu, Lappeenranta, Vantaa, Rovaniemi, Pori, Tampere, and Rauma. Programs in these schools are taught in English, Swedish, Russian, French, and German. Some international schools have adopted Cambridge and International Baccalaureate programs. Some have adopted a modified Finnish national curriculum, and some have adopted a national curriculum from other countries.

Students from all over the world can enroll at international schools in Finland. In government schools, students have to take entrance examinations. Programs in the international schools are taught in the language of the school. However, students study the Finnish language and culture in some schools as part of the curriculum. In what follows, we’ve presented the international schools in Finland.

1. The International School of Helsinki

This school is private, and it consists of two sections: Lower School and Upper School. The International School of Helsinki offers different programs that are taught in English. The programs are also student-centered, and students are offered the opportunity to choose from a variety of sports and after-school activities.

2. Maunula Elementary and Secondary Schools

These schools are also located in Helsinki.

In Maunula Elementary School, students are not required to pay tuition fees, and they study in English-speaking classes in grades 1-6.

Maunula Elementary School is intended for Finnish children that return to Finland from other countries as well as children who speak English and live permanently or temporarily in Finland.

In Maunula Secondary School, students study in International Classes in grades 7-9. They are not required to pay tuition fees, but they are required to take an English aptitude test.

3. Kielo International School

This is a private primary school and it’s situated in Malmi. Kielo International School follows the Finnish national curriculum, which is taught in English. The school focuses on students’ development, well-being, and academic achievement.

4. Ressu Comprehensive School

This school is located in Helsinki and is intended for students aged 7-15. Students study in English and Finnish-speaking classes, and they don’t have to pay tuition fees.

5. The Deutsche Schule

Situated in Helsinki, this school is intended for students 7-18 years of age. Students in this school study in German-speaking classes.

6. Kulosaari Elementary and Secondary Schools

This school is also located in Helsinki. Students in this school are not required to pay tuition fees. There are two types of secondary schools: Lower Secondary School and Upper Secondary School.

In Lower Secondary School, students can study in English, Finnish, and bilingual classes in grades 7-9, whereas in the upper secondary grades, they can study in English classes only, in grades 10-12.

7. L’école Française Jules Verne

This school is also located in Helsinki, and it follows the French curriculum from kindergarten to high school. 

8. The Finnish-Russian School

Located in Helsinki, the Finnish-Russian School is intended for students 6 years of age and is free of charge. It also includes a private day nursery. Russian and Finnish are used as languages of instruction.

Other international schools situated in various cities in Finland include the following:

  • Etelä-Tapiolan Lukio, Espoo International School, and Mattlidens Gymnasium are all located in Espoo.
  • Oulu International School
  • International School of Vantaa
  • English Classes at Cygnaeus School, which is located in Pori
  • Lyseonpuiston Lukio, which is located in Rovaniemi
  • Ecole Areva MLF de Rauma
  • Finnish International School of Tampere
  • Tampereen Lyseon Lukio (Rellu)
  • IB World School – Imatra and Lappeenranta
  • Turku International School

Vocational Schools In Finland

Young students and adults can obtain vocational qualifications in upper secondary vocational education and training (VET). Adults and those people who have already gained skills mostly complete competence-based qualifications. Vocational education and training offers skills for work and life and is organized mostly as apprenticeship training or in institutions.

Those who have obtained vocational qualifications are eligible for universities of applied sciences and regular universities.

Vocational qualifications in Finland are provided in Finnish and Swedish in the following educational fields:

  • Education
  • Agriculture and Forestry
  • Health and Welfare
  • Business, Administration, and Law
  • Humanities and Arts
  • Natural Sciences
  • Service Industries
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Social Sciences
  • Technology

Sources And References

Finland Education System Ranking

Introduction to Finland Education

Study in Finland: A Guide for International Students

International Schools & Private Schools in Finland

How To Be Awakened – 7 Things You Do When You Are Awakening

How To Be Awakened

How To Be Awakened – What Does This Mean?

Awakening is a process which introduces you to the awareness of your spiritual self and your innate spiritual potential. It opens up your mind to different perspectives and a different angle of view which holds answers to many situations and questions.

Through the process of awakening, you are steadily learning new information that will eventually introduce you to the awakened state. The important thing about awakening is that it starts happening to those who are ready enough to experience it.

Awakening can come in many forms and being awakened is by no means the final result of the process. Being awakened can occur in different stages, and one of those stages is the state of being highly awakened.

The stage of being highly awakened possesses unique qualities that require a lot of work on to perfect. I myself have gone through many of the lessons that this state brings, and trust me, they are harder with every step – but very worthwhile.

They are all important steps to understanding yourself and your environment from a deeper and higher perspective at the same time. (1)

So here are 7 things people don’t realize you’re doing because you’re highly awakened:

You are aware of it, and you want to help others to awake too

In a state of such high consciousness, you will know that you are highly awakened. The first lesson that will pop up to you is also your first trait. You know you are highly awake and you know how to get there (you start remembering the road).

With this knowledge, you want to help other people awake and start their journey. The thing is, it’s not as simple as that. People awake at their own pace, and you can’t force change even if you know it’s for their best interest.

Some people don’t want to be awakened – they are not ready for that yet. Trying to wake them up at the wrong time means trying to give them an unripe fruit to taste. You need to respect the other people’s stage of awareness and let them grow at their own pace, just like you did.

You start questioning everything around you and everything about you

Being highly awakened means possessing the old qualities of perception and new qualities that have emerged with this state. Because of this, you start looking at everything twice – you start questioning everything you knew.

The beautiful thing about this kind of perception is that you begin to discover the connection between everything you used to know. You begin to understand things better and you start to see how these things work.

This comes everywhere from beginning to understand a person’s attitude or habits to the importance of all the knowledge you have gathered about the world around you. The aim of this stage is to shift to the new kind of perception completely. And trust me – it’s life changing.

You start following your innate instincts

Many perceive instincts as something animalistic and believe that instincts have been replaced by societal habits and teachings. This is maybe why humanity is going in such a wrong direction. Instincts are the innate ability of our body to heal and nurture itself.

Simple as it is, in this state you start listening to your body and it speaks to you loudly! You can notice your feeding patterns, your choice of food and the shift in attitude towards many toxic foods and medications that you didn’t use to consider as harmful.

It will first appear as some kind of ‘urges’ for a particular food or activity (without you being aware that your body is talking to you). It’s important that you start paying attention to how these things connect to your health and your wellbeing. You will notice the pattern.

You shift your conversations to heavier topics

As you progress in the state of being highly awakened, you will notice that the topics you prefer for ‘small talk’ aren’t that small at all. You start detesting gossip and blatant blabbering about nothing important. You stop talking about celebrities and their ‘intriguing’ lives. You stop talking about unimportant events.

“Oh, they mixed up the Oscar!!” won’t work for you anymore. You would rather talk about the importance of genuine feelings, truthfulness to oneself and the others or the sad ignorance of the world. With every topic, you would go deeper into the cause and effect of even the simplest things.

The thing is, many people won’t always understand you and will not be ready to let go of their reality. This is why you may sometimes seem difficult for people to talk to. It’s not the people who are wrong and it’s definitely you who is right. You are just speaking different languages and you will eventually learn to say those same things in their language.

You feel the need to isolate yourself from time to time

Being highly awakened means being able to sense all the vibrations and energies around you and live them out. The increased sense of empathy and awareness makes you want to take a rest from all of that. And the best way to do it is to have your ‘alone time’.

Isolating yourself from the environment may range anywhere from giving yourself a few hours of the day where you ignore all messages on your phone to going away for a few days in nature – alone. You use this time to recharge and rebalance yourself.

You may not be aware of this process, as you may be doing it instinctively. I remember when I used to disappear from everywhere and be happy with it ‘for no particular reason’. The more you learn from the silence, the easier you will enter that state at any time and anywhere.

Your priorities start to change

Being ‘rich and famous’ is not your thing anymore (if it ever has been). Getting a job just to earn any kind of money will not satisfy you. In fact, you may even find yourself quitting a job without being afraid of becoming broke.

Your values change, and with them change your priorities. You begin to understand that the true value of life is to live it happy and satisfied with what you have done in it. You begin to understand the long-term goals of your actions and you direct yourself to your true calling.

That’s why you may decide to take up a course in something you have always found attractive, but have been discouraged to do it. You begin to be true to yourself and to your long-term happiness. Don’t listen to the others if they tell you to think again about this – go for it!

You are constantly trying to advance yourself further

Being highly awakened gives you the opportunity to understand that you are far from perfect. This is why you are trying to become a better human being with every new day. You start working on yourself and you constantly analyze your ways and habits.

You may notice that your browsing history contains more lessons about life than videos you’ll forget after watching. You may also notice that your interest in spirituality has grown so much as to understand its true essence through various ways.

Being able to see your path and walk steadily to the next levels is your greatest trait. Being highly awakened gives you the ability to accept who you are (in all ‘good’ and ‘bad’ qualities) and know how to become even better – for yourself and for everyone around you.


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5 Facts About Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation

The lifestyle of any contemporary person has one specific flaw – not getting enough sleep. We tend to sacrifice it for something that we think is of greater importance at the time: watching a movie or TV show, hanging out with friends, or finishing a report for your next meeting. When we finally get to bed, it is already long after midnight or even early in the morning.

One way or another, our sleep gets damaged. Statistically, nearly one-third of the American population sleeps less than a recommended amount (7-9 hours). Of course, nothing bad will happen if you don’t sleep for one night (you will just be tired and sleepy for the next day). But the regular lack of sleep will create serious negative effects in the long-run perspective. Check out our 5 facts about sleep deprivation.

  1. Driving in a sleepy state is the same as DUI. Drinking and driving do not come along. Everybody knows that. Moreover, it is forbidden by the law to do so. Numerous ads and social movements have been trying to raise awareness of this issue. However, nothing has been done to educate individuals about the consequences of driving in a state of sleep deprivation. A recent study cross-referenced the data and found that the number of accidents caused by sleepy driving was approximately the same as DUI collisions.
  2. It boosts the risk of illnesses. It not only contributes to bad well-being but also raises the risk of numerous diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer. This happens due to the fact that our body fights dangerous substances 10 times more efficiently during the deep sleep phase. If we don’t receive enough sleep, our body becomes at risk of developing the above-mentioned diseases.
  3. Sleep deprivation can lead to weight problems. Eating healthy food and exercising on a regular basis helps you to keep yourself fit. However, lack of sleep can eliminate any positive results from your hard work. Due to sleep deprivation, a person becomes more tired and seeks proteins and sugar to replenish the energy, which often causes late-night snacks. Also, don’t forget about hormone misbalance created by a ruined sleep cycle.
  4. It decreases the vaccine’s efficiency. Every year, people get vaccinated against numerous diseases, but the results of a recent study have shown that any vaccine is essentially useless if you don’t get enough sleep. The study examined the data on the sleeping habits of flu vaccination recipients and discovered that those with sleep deprivation were approximately 12 times more likely to experience no benefit from the vaccine.
  5. It has a higher influence on the health of women. Different problems have different impacts on men and women. The same with sleep. According to a new Duke University research, women are in a danger zone when it comes to dealing with the consequences of such a condition. Women with such a condition have a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Concluding everything, we can say that sleep is a vital component of our lives. Thus, it is a good idea to take care of it. Sleep well, keep yourself fit, and soon, you will see how your life becomes better!

11 Little-Known Benefits Of Laughing

benefits of laughing

Whether you’re laughing with friends telling funny jokes, giggling while reading comics, or guffawing while watching funny YouTube videos, laughing is good for you.

It’s no wonder laughter has been touted as the best medicine because it offers various health benefits. In addition to this, it can help you bond with other people.

Be it spontaneous or intentional, a good dose of laughter can greatly benefit your mental and physical health. And some of these benefits have even been backed by science.

What Is The Importance Of Laughing?

From helping you release anger and combat stress to improving your mood, relaxing your body, and protecting your heart, laughing is good for you in many ways. In what follows, we’ve presented 11 ways laughing can benefit both your mental and physical health.

11 Health Benefits Of Laughing

1. Laughter Lowers Stress

When you’re under stress, the hormone cortisol is released into your body. Laughter can help your body regulate the levels of this hormone by improving blood circulation and upping your intake of oxygen. One study has shown that laughter can reduce cortisol levels (1).

2. Laughter Relaxes Your Entire Body

Laughter releases muscle tension stimulates blood circulation and reduces stress, which helps relax your entire body.

3. Laughter Helps Increase The Level of Endorphins In Your Body

Endorphins are chemicals that your nervous system produces in response to stress or pain. They’re also known as “feel-good” chemicals since they can help boost happiness and relieve pain. Laughter increases endorphin levels in your body, thereby promoting mental and physical well-being and improving your mood.

4. Laughter Can Reduce Pain

In one study, social laughter has been associated with an increased pain threshold (2). Another study has found that humor therapy can relieve chronic pain in older adults (3).

5. Laughter Can Stimulate Your Organs

Laughter increases your intake of oxygen, which stimulates your muscles, heart, and lungs.

6. Laughter Benefits Your Immune System

When you’re under stress, this triggers chemical reactions in your body that reduce your immunity to disease. Laughing reduces stress hormones, and in addition to this, it can also help increase antibodies that fight infection as well as immune cells in your body, which contributes to your resistance to illness.

7. Laughter Improves Your Heart Health

A good laugh can benefit your heart by improving the function of your blood vessels and blood flow and increasing your heart rate. Moreover, one study that examined the effect of laughter on arterial stiffness found that laughter reduced pulse wave velocity. Arterial stiffness has been associated with an elevated risk of cardiovascular diseases (4).

8. Laughter Can Help You Control Anger

Nothing suppresses anger more quickly than a good dose of laughter. When you’re faced with a problem, looking at the funny side may help you look at the problem from another perspective. Similarly, it can also help you move on from a conflict without holding onto anger and bitterness.

9. Laughter Can Help You Burn Calories

Did you know that you can lose weight by laughing?

Undeniably, going to the gym a few times a week will help you burn calories and lose weight faster than laughing, but some researchers claim that laughing for 15 minutes a day can help you burn 10 to 40 calories. So, now you have one more reason to laugh more often.

10. Laughter Can Distract You From Worrying Thoughts

When you laugh, it’s impossible to think about the final exam you have to take next week or about the big project that’s waiting for you to complete. Laughter enables you to stop worrying about projects or tasks you need to accomplish in the future.

11. Laughter Improves Your Mood

In addition to reducing stress, laughter can relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression and make you feel more joyful.

The Connection Between Laughter And Mental Health

Laughter makes you feel positive and energized. And you continue to feel this way even after you stop laughing. Laughter also enables you to look on the bright side when you’re faced with a difficult situation or feel disappointment. It also enables you to have hope and feel better and gives you strength even in the hardest of times.

In addition, laughter suppresses distressing emotions, such as anger, anxiety, and sadness, because you can’t feel these ways when you’re laughing.

Moreover, when you’re tired or working on a difficult project, laughter increases your energy levels and helps you relax, which, in turn, enables you to remain focused and achieve more.

Laughter Strengthens Relationships

Having a good laugh with your family or friends can help strengthen the bond between you and make you feel more emotionally connected to each other. Laughing with your loved ones keeps your relationships exciting and fresh and allows you to be more spontaneous in them. Additionally, laughing is an effective way to overcome disagreements, conflicts, judgements, and resentments.

Additionally, laughing in the workplace helps you form a closer bond with your co-workers too. In addition to this, it can also boost your creativity and confidence and make you more productive.

9 Easy Ways To Incorporate More Laughter Into Your Life

Now that you know all the benefits of laughter, you understand why it’s important for you to set aside time for laughter and humor. In what follows, we’ve presented 9 simple ways you can incorporate more laughter into your life.

  • Laugh when you read or hear a funny joke.
  • Smile more. Smile at your friends, family, co-workers, even at random strangers you pass in the street. Smiling is contagious.
  • Be grateful. When you’re feeling sad, disappointed, or anxious, think of the people that truly love you and care about you. Think of all your successes and the things you have that make you happy. Counting your blessings and being grateful for them will prevent you from having negative thoughts that suppress humor and laughter.
  • Share jokes with others, and when you hear other people laughing, ask them what they’re laughing about and join them in laughing.
  • Watch comedies on television and funny YouTube videos.
  • Laugh at yourself. Next time you say or do something silly, don’t be upset or reproach yourself. Instead, try to see the funny side of the situation.
  • Spend time with people that have a good sense of humor. Such people are witty and always know what to say to make you laugh, even when you’re feeling down.
  • Spend time with pets. Pets can bring happiness, joy, and laughter into your life.
  • Practice laughing yoga.

7 Benefits Of Laughing Yoga

Laughing yoga is a practice that originated in India, and nowadays, it’s used all over the world. It involves deep, diaphragmatic breathing and playful exercises to promote laughter, joy, wellness, and happiness. (5)

The goal of practicing laughing yoga is to help you make laughing a daily habit. For example, it could be laughing at work, laughing while waiting for your dental appointment in the waiting room, or laughing while doing household chores. By laughing in different situations, you learn to laugh at whatever life throws at you.

Advocates of laughing yoga claim that this practice can offer the following health benefits:

  • It can help improve sleep
  • It can relieve stress
  • It can improve mood
  • It can improve energy levels
  • It can improve blood flow
  • It can reduce pain caused by arthritis
  • It can decrease your risk of chronic diseases

However, more research is needed to confirm these effects.

Can Learning To Code Help Mental Health?


It is a known factor in the programming industry that mental health can suffer during the course of a job. Still, with the right tools and job support, there are many benefits to your mental health and even improved mental health in the field of programming. 

When you set out to learn JavaScript, Python, BASIC, or any other type of programming language, you can feel the benefits to your mental health taking shape. This is a field where you are tasked with some of the most complex problems in the world.

Managing those problems produces a great deal of intrinsic satisfaction that goes well beyond general job satisfaction. If you are concerned about the consensus of mental health issues that can come with being a coder, be proactive to prevent it from becoming an issue. The truth is that there are multiple benefits to your mental health from working in the field of programming.

The Pitfalls of Anxiety and Depression in Programming

Long hours of staring at a computer with little human interaction could yield a very anxious and depressed worker. Depression is noted by a constant mood of sadness or loss of interest in daily life and activities. Coding depression is a thing. It occurs when programmers and coders spend those long hours without any human love coming their way.

When programmers spend those long hours with more trouble than troubleshooting in their code, the risk of depression and anxiety increases. Many experts say that the average programmer and coder is more at risk of depression and anxiety than the average human. The pitfalls of mental health risks are real in this industry. Yet, there are many benefits to overcoming them.

Troubleshooting is CBT

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT for short, is world-renowned as a very effective treatment for anxiety and depression. It is a kind of therapy where you walk through the thought cycle of your problems until they are resolved internally to your satisfaction. No medication is involved, it is an internal treatment to help you to cope with feelings and emotions.

This is the job of a programmer in real life and real-time. Every programmer learns to problem solve and walks through problems from beginning to end. That is what troubleshooting is, and this is an integral skill in the field.

Bring CBT into your everyday work life. Walk every issue through, even when you aren’t troubleshooting. Use your troubleshooting skills in the areas of life that make you the most stressed or sad, and you’ll see that the worst isn’t around the corner. Programming helps you to do that and this can be a tremendous benefit to your mental health.

Stress Regulation With Programming

There is a tremendous amount of job satisfaction with programming, despite the risks to mental health. Programming requires both creativity and problem-solving skills, and when coders win in both of these areas, job satisfaction is at an all-time high. Learning how to stay in the wave of the creative zone with programming will help to regulate your stress and decrease the risks of depression.

Programming can be an overwhelming field to be in. However, it can also be incredibly rewarding. When you solve other people’s problems, yours feel a little smaller. Stay in the zone with every problem work sends your way, and you will find the stress feels more regulated than during those moments when you feel overwhelmed. 

With experience, you will find this self-regulation is extremely beneficial to your overall health. (1)

Relationship Building in the Programming Community

Coders and programmers are unique human beings, and do not often meet many people that they have a lot in common with. 

But the world of programming and coding offers communities, networks, and groups worldwide that you can connect with to end any feelings of isolation. Taking advantage of those brings a sense of connectivity to your work, and gives you the best of both worlds. You can enjoy the benefits of human interaction in the people-rich communities of programming. (2)

Become Happier in Programming

It is known that there are risks to mental health in the field of programming. However, it is also known that the field can provide many benefits to mental health. There are some risks to your anxiety and depression levels when you spend a lot of time alone staring at bugs and code. At the same time, there are benefits to being in this rewarding field, that help you to walk through the overwhelming problems when they arise.

Learn the many benefits of creative problem-solving in coding, and become an important part of the global programming community today. When you see those benefits, the job satisfaction and overall life satisfaction factors are high.

Mental Health in Grad School: How to Survive

mental health

Getting accepted to grad school can be a massive weight off your shoulders. You’ll finally be done with thinking about how many graduate schools to apply to or which programs you want to try. At last, you can get to the important part — actually starting your studies!

It’s exciting, and rightfully so. But, starting grad school can bring its own stresses.

Graduate school is a massive commitment that requires you to make some sacrifices. Earning your graduate degree means investing your time and money into your education. If you already have an established career, you might have to leave that behind to pursue your studies full time. You may even have to say goodbye to your work-life balance.

Going to grad school means you’ll be beyond busy, which can mean you’ll have much less time to do things you enjoy. Sure, grad school can take you on a journey to success, but at the same time, it may also bring you levels of stress you won’t know what to do with.

Add all of those up together, and you may just find your mental health tanking. So how exactly can you survive?

Mental Health in Grad School

Understand that feeling like an impostor is normal.

Impostor syndrome is a very real thing. You may feel as though you don’t belong or like you aren’t good enough to be where you are. If you are dealing with these feelings, know that you are not alone.

There are a lot of things you can do to fight impostor syndrome. Common advice you might see is to stop thinking like an impostor — something that is easier said than done. You may also learn to separate your feelings and thoughts from facts.

Another thing you can do is to stop comparing yourself to others. Looking at someone’s achievements is great and all, but what you don’t see is all the stress and effort behind them.

Comparing yourself to others can exacerbate impostor syndrome and cause you to doubt yourself and your capabilities. It may cause you to limit yourself subconsciously despite your potential.

Put yourself first.

Your education is important, but so are you. Sometimes, you might need mental health days (or even weeks!), and there is no shame in taking them. Even if you have looming deadlines stressing you out, it may be wiser to take a step back and recharge. Consider taking regular or even frequent breaks while working — even if it’s just to play a quick game on your phone or look at cute animal pictures.

Celebrate even the small things. Appreciating minor achievements can help your mental health, especially if you’ve got a long way to go.

You are not alone.

Often, declining mental health can make you want to retreat into a deep hole and never come out. However, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. There are many tools available to you.

Talk to your peers or seek advice from your adviser. Spend some time with your family and friends. Seek therapy if you must.

It may also help you to keep some friends outside of grad school, so you have somewhere to go to get your mind off things.

Make time for yourself.

It can be difficult when there are so many things to do all at once, but this piece of advice is vital to helping you maintain your mental health.

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s always a good idea to take a welcome break to do things you love. Find time for hobbies and socialization, even if it’s just a few hours a week. Another thing you can do is to involve things you enjoy in your life by finding ways for your interests to fit in with your daily routine.

Never work 24/7.

Even though you have tons of work to do, it’s never worth it to spend every minute of every day working. Making that deadline isn’t worth sacrificing your physical and mental health. Instead, find other ways to be more productive and manage your time more efficiently.

Wrapping Up

Grad school is stressful, and there’s no denying that fact. However, making yourself a priority is always essential to maintain your mental health. Breaks can help, no matter how short they may be and no matter what you do during them. Sometimes, even just stopping to hug a pet can recharge you enough to get back to work. It could also be a good idea to take a short walk or spend some time at a nearby park.

And hey, if you feel like working in bed in your pajamas for the day, go for it! Only you know what’s best for you, and when taking a mental day or week is the best thing you can do.

How to Design an Ecommerce Website

Designing website

Designing an online store can be overwhelming. You have to think about so many different things, from the colors and fonts you’ll use to the way your site will look on different devices. Plus, you need to make sure that your ecommerce platform can handle all the features you want and that your checkout process is as smooth as possible.In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of designing a successful ecommerce website design in Bakersfield.

Precision Branding

Precision branding is the key to ecommerce website success. It is the process of creating a unique and consistent identity for your company, products, and services. When potential customers see or hear your name, they should instantly know what you’re all about. There are many different aspects of precision branding, but the most important are your company logo, website design, and marketing materials. All of these elements should be consistent and reflect your unique brand identity.

Clean and Responsive Design

When it comes to ecommerce, having a clean and responsive website design is extremely important. 56% of online shoppers will abandon a purchase if the website is poorly designed or difficult to navigate. Additionally, nearly half of online shoppers will leave a website that takes more than three seconds to load. A clean and responsive design means that your website will look good on any device, and will be easy to navigate. It’s important to make sure that all of your product images are high quality and that your text is easy to read. Additionally, you should use clear call-to-action buttons to encourage customers to take action.

Intuitive and High Quality Navigation

Navigation is another important aspect of an Ecommerce site. Your visitors need to be able to find what they’re looking for quickly and easily, or they will leave your site without buying anything. That’s why it’s important to use an intuitive, high-quality navigation design on your ecommerce website. There are several things to keep in mind when designing your ecommerce website’s navigation. First, make sure it’s easy to understand. Your visitors should be able to figure out where they are and what they need to do without any trouble. Second, make sure that it is mobile friendly and makes sense across all platforms. Lastly, that it delivers it’s purpose.

Trust and Security

Online shoppers are more likely to complete a purchase on a website that they trust. A website’s security affects how much trust a shopper has in the site. Online shoppers are also more likely to return to a website that they trust. There are several ways to improve trust and security on an ecommerce website. One way is to use a secure payment gateway. A secure payment gateway encrypts credit card information so that it cannot be stolen by hackers. Another way to improve trust and security is to use a secure website certificate. A secure website certificate verifies that the website is legitimate and not a scam.


Creating an online store can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to design an ecommerce website. It outlines the important factors to consider, such as choosing the right platform and creating a user-friendly layout. Additionally, it provides tips on how to make your website stand out from the competition. To get started on designing your ecommerce website, choose Plenty of Pixels. Visit plentyofpixels.com to learn more.

What You Should Look Up While Planning A Trip To Istanbul From Dubai?


Turkey has always been a popular destination for tourists looking for a complete vacation. This country is a healthy tourism destination because of its crystal clear lakes, steep mountains, historical ruins, charming towns, and huge cosmopolitan cities. 

Every year, thousands of travellers took Dubai to Istanbul flights for both business and pleasure purposes. Turkey appeals to everyone due to its Mediterranean climate and rich history. Like other people, are you planning to visit the most touristy country – Istanbul? 

If you’re considering a trip to Istanbul from Dubai,  we’ve got you covered with all the information you’ll need. (1)


Only in Turkey’s vast landscape can you find fairy chimneys, enthralling beaches, vibrant valleys, and rock-carved cathedrals all at once. 

Istanbul, the metropolis that unites East and West, is a never-sleeping city. Due to its abundance of gorgeous landmarks and lovely architecture, it is Turkey’s most popular tourist destination. Istanbul also has a lively nightlife and a wide range of restaurants. 

The bustling markets and attractive tourist attractions combine to make it one of the towns on the planet that everyone should see at least once in their lifetime!

Turkish coffee

Popular Tourist Destination Of 2022

Istanbul, a city rich in history and magic, is where European customs and Asian culture collide. This Turkish city is a dynamic creative and cultural centre that everyone should have the opportunity to visit at least once in their lives. It’s the ideal destination for a holiday, with enough to see and well-dressed Turkish folks. 

Istanbul is a popular destination for Gulf visitors.

According to Wingie’s survey, the majority of flights departing from MENA originated in the Saudi cities of Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, and Abha. Several flights also left Dubai, Kuwait City, and Cairo in the first few weeks of the year. 

According to a recent poll performed by prominent online travel operator Wingie, Istanbul is the most popular tourist destination in the Middle East and North Africa region in the first quarter of 2022

Ideal For Solo Trip

If you are considering a short solo journey from Dubai, Istanbul is the ideal destination. Once you’ve decided what to do in Istanbul, you can make reservations and book ahead of time to ensure the greatest possible vacation experience. 

The most efficient strategy to ensure that your entire travel experience runs smoothly is to plan ahead of time. 

If you want to save money on your tickets, book a round-trip flight to Istanbul; if you need flexibility with your itinerary, book a one-way flight to Istanbul.

How Long Is The Flight From Dubai to Istanbul?

The non-stop flight time from Dubai to Istanbul is around 5 hours and 15 minutes. 

The quickest nonstop trip between Dubai and Istanbul takes over 7 hours. However, depending on the stopover destination and duration of the wait, certain airlines may take up to 34 hours. 

This is the average nonstop flight time from Dubai to any of Istanbul’s major airports.

 Connecting flights and direct flights with a layover appear to take longer than non-stop flights. In such circumstances, the duration of the Dubai-Istanbul trip is determined by the layover destination supplied by your airline or by the one you select when booking your ticket. 

Waiting times at intermediate airports could range from 50 minutes to 25 hours.


Airlines & Flight Duration Of Different Airlines

Major airline flights departing from Dubai land at Ataturk Airport or Sabiha Gokcen Airport. Istanbul has two international airports. 

Flydubai DXB ➝ SAW  4 hrs 55 mins
Emirates Airline DXB ➝ IST 5 hrs
Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines DXB ➝ IST 5 hrs 5 mins

What Are Istanbul’s Biggest Attractions?

Istanbul’s biggest tourist attractions are Hagia Sophia, Basilica Cistern, Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque), Topkapi Palace, Suleymaniye Mosque, and the Bosphorus Strait. 

Bosphorus Strait Afternoon Cruise, Bosphorus Strait Entertainment and Dinner Cruise in Istanbul, Istanbul Classics Tour, Hagia Sophia, Topkapi Palace, & Basilica Cistern Combo Tour in Istanbul, Bosphorus Bridge, Camlica Hill, and Dolmabahce Palace Tour, Ancient Troy Day Tour from Istanbul are the top activities in Istanbul.

Dubai-Istanbul Flight Information 

Aerial distance 2998 kilometres
Flights per week In a week, there are 134 flights from Dubai to Istanbul.
Popular airlines flying from Dubai to Istanbul All Nippon Airways, Turkish Airlines, Air Canada, Royal Brunei Airlines, Pegasus Airlines, Emirates, Sunstate Airlines, Transavia Airlines, and Flydubai are among the carriers.
The shortest flight time from Dubai to Istanbul 04h 45m
Time of flight departure Flights from Dubai to Istanbul depart at 06:00 a.m.

Final Thoughts

In a nutshell, Istanbul is the ideal place to visit with your family and friends. It is even best for solo trips. There are several places to visit in Istanbul. So pack your vacation essentials, create a must-see list, and book your journey to Istanbul today!