I was born into a decent family, my mother is an elementary school teacher and my father is an auto mechanic. I also have another sister who supported me and helped me all my life. My childhood was fun and cheerful. After kindergarten, I went to school with a deep understanding of information technology. Studying was easy for me, I always got good grades, and life seemed carefree at all.
In 10th grade, I fell in love with a wonderful guy, so I thought at the time. Our romance was quick and stormy. My parents tried total me out of the relationship because they wanted me to finish school and get a decent education. But unfortunately, I didn’t listen to them. I thought it was possible to study and be happy with my lover. At the beginning of eleventh grade, a terrible tragedy happened in my family. My parents were killed in a car accident. It was a terrible loss for my sister and me. My sister had already gotten a college degree, was married, and was working a law office.
I had to learn to live again, without loving and caring parents. My lover began to move away from me a little at a time, because I was no longer that cheerful and carefree girl. Before my high school graduation, I began to feel strange. My sister took me to the doctor, who diagnosed me as four months pregnant. This of course came as a surprise to everyone. When I broke the news to my boyfriend, he said he was not ready for such a responsibility, andhe slowly disappeared from my life. I never saw him again. I was ata crossroads. What should I do next? How do I live? My sister said she would support whatever decision I made.
And what decision can be made when it is about human life. I decided to have a baby, whatever it takes. The baby was born healthy and beautiful. That’s how I became a single mother. My sister helped me morally, physically, and materially; she became my “guardian”. But I understood that she didn’t have to nurture me all her life.
I could not change the past and the pain I had experienced, butI had to move on. I had to provide a good life for myself and myson, so that he could live with me.
After the graduation, some of my classmates immediately start edlooking for a job, because they, unfortunately, can not allow themselves to get higher education for material (or other) reasons and others believe, that they simply do not need higher education and that attending university is a waste of time and effort, which could be spent on something more important (in terms of care redevelopment or opening their own business, for example). But I saw from my friends who received higher education that they are more initiative, motivated and really useful for society, more opportunities open up before them than people who just stopped at school education.
I decided to go to a higher education institution because that’s what I wanted and that’s what my parents wanted. With this education I would be able to get a high-paying job and provide for myself and my son. I chose to study by correspondence in order to be able to study and spend enough time with my child.
My baby is no longer breastfed, but eat formula. We have tried different kinds of them, there is a great variety on the market. But we settled on HIPP Organic. And everyone is happy
By the way, I once ordered a formula through the online store on the European site. I found something very interesting for myself. The brand advertised a competition for single parents scholarships. I will definitely take part in this contest, because want to achieve my educational goals. I hope that I will be the one to receive the Super Parent scholarship from Organic and that I will be able to get a good education and a decent job so that my son can be my caregiver.