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Historical and Modern Importance of Tobacco

What comes to your mind when you first hear the term “tobacco”? For some people, it is the addiction that lingers like a disgusting smell, and for some, it is an excellent way of nicotine consumption that keeps them going. There are countless debatable perspectives on tobacco, but few acknowledge their historical importance and various forms. This article discusses these essential factors, so you can use the knowledge to gain insight and form a better judgment about tobacco next time you get into a debate. Tobacco is a plant extract, and the family name for its species is the Nicotiana genus. It has large, lush green leaves and bright red flowers. Farmers often grow it in separate fields. Though many people recognize tobacco in traditional products like cigarettes, it is also popular in newer forms like Black Buffalo products.

Origins of Tobacco

Using archeological evidence, experts have discovered that tobacco history goes as far back as humankind itself. It was quite famous with Spanish and Europeans in generals, as they utilized it for medicinal, periodontal, and mental purposes. Their doctors wrote books about its benefits, as you can guess its popularity because many people compared it with gold. Since all exchanges occurred through a double coincidence of wants in the barter system medievally, tobacco came close to the money.

Ancient doctors used it for treating pain and curing diseases like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), toothaches, bleeding from wounds, and venomous insect bites. It was somewhat similar to the relief provided by CBD gummies today. Historical evidence also suggests that many found it beneficial for mental anguish, and modern discoveries prove that the credit goes to the mind-stimulating drug, nicotine. Over time as the world went through wars and revolutions, the bans stemmed from changing social norms and drug abuse.

Uses of Tobacco

Though tobacco has faced several bans, they were triggered by misuse on the part of misinformed people. However, tobacco companies have used and commercialized many of tobacco’s health benefits for a long time. The two most prominent benefits are discussed below.

  • Pain Relief

Nicotine is a significant ingredient in the tobacco leaves, so the extracts also entail a variable proportion of nicotine. It is a pharmaceutical drug that can numb the pain receptors in the body when given under proper supervision. Similar to morphine and other anesthetics, nicotine can be quite effective in providing quick relief. Regulated tobacco extract can thus be found in hospitals, surgery rooms, and laboratory medicines.

  • Healing Wounds

Tobacco can not only relieve the pain, but it can also practically go a step further by healing wounds. In ancient times, local doctors would use tobacco leaves to wrap around the wound, like a bandage. For example, if someone badly hurt their knee or suffered from an insect bite on their arm, local doctors would tightly wrap the leaves around the injury. It stopped blood loss, numbed the pain, and made for quick recovery. It was effective because tobacco has anti-septic properties. Subsequently, many people, especially farmers, use it for wounds today.

How to Balance Mental & Physical Wellbeing in Times of Stress

2020 was a fairly disastrous year to say the least, but one thing we have gained from the unique obstacles we’ve been presented with is the understanding that for a moment, we were truly all in the same boat. Or at least in the same ocean. 

We all know now how easy it can be to lose yourself in times of great stress and uncertainty. Of course, we’ve all experienced our own varying levels of stress. We all have our own limits, and we have methods that may work for ourselves, personally. You owe it to yourself to find and finetune your personal wellness methods too. 

To give you a little headstart with this personal process, I’ve decided to put together a small step-by-step guide on how you can effortlessly learn to balance your mental and physical wellbeing on your own terms.

Step 1: Prioritise Your Healthcare Appointments

Healthcare appointments are the most foundational element of self-care. It’s all about ensuring that your mind and body are well-equipped for maintaining their respective health and vigour. Be sure to attend all your regular physicals, dentist appointments, therapy sessions, chiropractic appointments, and any other appointments with specialists that are a part of your personal healthcare routine. 

Keep in mind that prioritising these appointments will ensure that your healthcare essentials are taken care of, even if you may feel otherwise. Take confidence from the fact that you’re allowing yourself to secure the practical support and framework for self-care that’s being offered to you by your healthcare professionals, and use this confidence to aid you in the subsequent steps of your wellness journey.

Step 2: Cut Out The Junk

Whether this means junk food, smoking, drinking, or any other particular bad habits, it’s definitely worthwhile taking some time to identify the things in your life that you could do without. A good place to start is simply by taking stock of your eating habits, and assessing how you can eat more wholefoods. Those of you who are largely on the go can greatly benefit from taking a few minutes every evening to prep a breakfast smoothie that’ll be sure to carry you through the busy day that lies ahead. And if you’re finding that you do have the time to cook but are lacking the energy, even making an effort to eat more fruits and vegetables on their own can go a long way! What we put in our bodies dictates a fair bit when it comes to how we feel. 

This system doesn’t just work for junk foods either. You can use this same ‘baby steps’ approach for any other nasties that you’re looking to cut out. Just be sure to practice some goal-setting to ensure that you provide your journey to clean living with a realistic and practical framework.

Step 3: Develop A Physical Wellness Routine

Now that you’ve consulted with your specialists and transformed your eating habits, it’s finally time to build further and start developing your own routine for supporting and maintaining your physical wellness. Exercising on a regular basis isn’t just great for your body, however. It can also work wonders on your mental health and wellbeing too! Your emotional health and wellbeing can truly thrive when following a wellness routine, and the release of happy hormones through exercise can thoroughly aid you in your ongoing journey. 

Think about the kinds of physical activity you’d like to be doing, and assess the barriers that are currently standing between you and building those healthy habits. The bulk of these barriers are likely to be largely overcome. For instance, social or environmental barriers can be overcome by choosing activities that can be completed within the comfort of your own home. Financial barriers can be largely mitigated by following online classes such as free yoga flows and pilates workshops. Even setting aside two or three times a week to go jogging round the block can be a superb addition to your self-care routine. 

At the heart of it, balancing your mental and physical wellbeing in times of great stress is really all about allowing yourself enough room to rediscover structure in chaos. By allowing yourself to build and maintain healthy habits, you’re demonstrating a dedication to your self-care needs that will surely see you thrive in next to no time at all!

5 Mind-Blowing Facts About Menstrual Cycles You Didn’t Know

Every month, women find themselves swallowed up by an irritating cycle of emotional chaos and physical discomfort. For those unfamiliar with feminine hygiene products and PMS-induced mood swings, menstruation indicates a woman’s incredible capability to create life and acts as a testament to her mental fortitude. While the bleeding itself occurs for two to seven days, the side effects of a period get a running start and hit full swing several days before the first sign of menstrual blood.

In many cases, this dreaded monthly visit incites feelings of anger or anxiety, while other period-havers report feelings of sadness and distress. Despite the off-handed side comments and jokes of uterus-owners binge-eating and bursting into tears at random, premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, isn’t something to take lightly. Severe mood swings can end in debilitating panic attacks and crushing depression. Riding a rollercoaster of emotions every month would drive even the most tenacious person to madness. Luckily, women are resilient creatures who go about everyday life despite the internal war waging inside them.

Menstrual cycles affect half of the Earth’s population, but a disturbing lack of education on women’s health has led to social stigma and misunderstanding. The ignorance surrounding periods can have devastating consequences for people who experience menstruation and those who don’t. Almost 50% of women have experienced period-shaming in their lifetime. The culprits? Those closest to these anxiety-ridden menstruaters. Feelings of embarrassment and hostility cause many women to avoid speaking about their period, furthering a culture of silence surrounding menstruation.

While menstruation is a miraculous mark of femininity and fertility, many women will live their whole life with little understanding of their bodies’ natural functions. Even the most empowered women may receive inadequate education about periods. Fortunately, these five mind-blowing facts about bleeding will prove just how powerful the female form is.

Start with the basics

Due to incompetent menstrual education, not everyone understands what it means to bleed. So, what is a period? The average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and consists of four primary phases. The first stage is menstruation, during which the body eliminates the thickened uterine lining. Bleeding typically occurs for three to four days, although irregular periods may lengthen or shorten it. The follicular phase begins the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation. In this stage, hormones encourage the ovary to produce dozens of follicles filled with immature eggs. Typically only one follicle will mature into an egg.

Ovulation is the third stage in which the mature egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. The egg will die within 24 hours unless it fuses with fertilizing sperm nearby. In the final luteal phase, the ruptured follicle that once housed a mature egg transforms into a corpus luteum. This structure will continue to grow if a fertilized egg implants in the uterus lining. However, if pregnancy doesn’t occur, it will wither and die. The lack of progesterone levels then causes the uterus lining to fall away, thus triggering menstruation and renewing the cycle.

Your body is telling you something

Cramps, heavy bleeding, and back pain are not typical symptoms of a period. Although, the majority of women will experience at least one of these symptoms during their cycle. High estrogen levels can cause an increase in blood and a flare-up of back pain.

To combat shell-shocking cramps, have your doctor check hormone levels and consider ways to lower your estrogen levels. While high estrogen levels may be to blame for cramps that render you bed-ridden, they are usually an indication that you may have ingested too much sugar. In some cases, cramps may be a sign of a much bigger problem like cysts or fibroids.

You can regulate your cycle

Exposure to light impacts a menstruating woman’s melatonin production, a sleep hormone that helps control the release of reproductive hormones and dictates the beginning and end of menstruation. Studies have shown that women with irregular periods can shorten their cycle by sleeping with a nightlight. The trick is to keep the light on only during the last two weeks of your menstrual cycle.

Your voice can change during your period

Vocal studies have found an association between changes in reproductive hormones and the sound of your voice. Women may have a higher-pitched tone during ovulation and experience more hoarseness right before menstruation.

Your pain threshold lowers

During menstruation, the nerve sensors in your body are more receptive to pain. Why? For starters, low estrogen levels during pre-menstruation and the bleeding phase lower your pain threshold. So if you notice the beginning of your period, you might want to consider rescheduling that bikini wax.

Free flow

Periods are one of nature’s many miracles. Every time your body menstruates, it is undergoing a cycle of renewal and rebirth. Dismantle social stigma by reminding others of the power of periods.

Wrap up

With period talk relegated to whispers and hushed tones, it’s no wonder these mind-blowing menstrual facts can even shock those readers who’ve religiously stocked their purses with tampons and pads for most of their lifetime. For those rattled by the insights above, consider doing your part to protest period-shaming behavior.

Finding the One: Dating in the Age of Social Distancing

Dating Building a Relationship

As Shakespeare said, “the course of true love never did run smooth”. Unfortunately, in the tumultuous times we find ourselves living in, the course of true love is rockier than it’s ever been!

But just because the pandemic has totally turned our world upside down, it doesn’t mean that singles around the world aren’t desperate to find love. Fortunately, even though we aren’t able to venture out and meet people in person as easily, there is no shortage of online options when it comes to diving into the dating pool. 

So how does one go about finding love in the age of social distancing, using apps, and having to meet under strict conditions? We take a look at some dating tips for everyone seeking their other half in these tricky times.

Use dating apps

Hand holding up mobile phone showing Tinder dating app signup page on the screen

Gone are the days of meeting people at bars, nightclubs, restaurants, or at dinner parties. If you want to find love, it seems your first stop should be your app store! The wonderful thing about online dating apps is that you can’t catch germs through your phone. In addition to this, you’re able to set your preferences for what you’re looking for, gauge whether you find someone physically attractive, and chat to them and get to know them before deciding to take any next steps.

Some of the most popular dating apps at the moment are Bumble, Tinder, and Match.com. Simply download the app, set up your profile, add some pics, set your age and location preferences, and get matching! Once you’ve matched with some potential partners, you can decide whether to use the video or voice call features on the apps in order to get to know your match a little bit better. This is a great way to deepen the connection, chat a bit more, and really get a feel for whether this is someone you’d like to meet in person.

The added bonus? Voice and video calling are totally pandemic-friendly, and you get to do both without sharing your personal information or location. 

Reach out to old flames and love interests

Who doesn’t have a story of how, in the midst of the harshest lockdowns, they received a totally out-of-the-blue message or call from an old flame or love interest? Now that the days of meeting new people are over, it seems time to revisit old acquaintances. Is there not perhaps someone you flirted with or chatted to in the past, where nothing ever really came of it because you both got busy with your own lives? There might still be some potential there. This is why it can’t hurt to browse through your contacts, or your social media page’s friend lists to see who might be hidden in plain sight. If you both have nothing better to do, it doesn’t hurt to spend a bit of time chatting to see if there is more to your friendship, or the flirtatious banter you’ve shared over the years.

Set up a virtual date

So now you’ve hit it off with your love interest and want to get to know them even better. Whether lockdowns are still in full force in your city, or if you are both just being careful and aren’t keen to meet up just yet, you can plan a virtual date together on FaceTime, Skype or Zoom. Set a date and time, have both of you get dressed up, and have a drink or even a meal together on video call.

Planning a social distancing-friendly date IRL

Sign at a park with man and woman cut out showing that distance of 2m apart should be observed

If your online relationship has reached the next level, and you’re both ready to meet in person, there are ways to do so safely. For the first date in real life, it is best to meet outdoors, where the risk of coronavirus transmission is lower.

You could both meet for a walk in a park, have a picnic outside, or meet at a restaurant with outdoor seating. Communicate with your date and ask what they would feel most comfortable with.

It should go without saying but ensure that you wear a mask for the duration of your date. Do not just approach your date for a greeting hug or any form of physical contact, without first communicating with them and finding out what they are comfortable with. Some people have taken to agreeing to getting a COVID test before meeting for a date. It all boils down to what both parties are comfortable with, which is why you should establish mutual boundaries and an understanding before any meetup happens in real life.

Use the time to work on yourself

Even if you are keen on finding a life partner but feel like dating apps just aren’t working for you, maybe the time just isn’t right for you yet. Use this quieter time to focus on yourself. Nurture a hobby that you’ve always wanted to start, read some self-help books, exercise, and meditate. Do whatever you need to do to feel happy and to cope with what’s going on around you. These are crazy and uncertain times, after all!

Perhaps once you’ve found some inner peace and are feeling more confident and secure, the right person will find their way to you… with a simple swipe or click of a button.

Which Food Supplements can help You relieve Pain?

Chronic pain can stop you from fully enjoying your life. They can also keep you awake at night and start an anxiety cycle, as you lack sleep and it affects your days. There are also back and joint pains as well as temporary ones when you hurt yourself. If you don’t want to take medicine to reduce it, there are natural ways to fight the pain and regain control of your life. Here are some of them.


Today, one of the most popular food supplements is CBD oil. Ever since new regulations were passed in various countries, regarding cannabis, the properties found in CBD have been at the center of various health products, including pharmaceutical ones. But if you want to benefit from the natural effects of cannabidiol (CBD), then you should use CBD oil as a food supplement.

Adding CBD oil to your diet will help you in many ways. First, it will aid you to digest, which is an important part of your body function. If you have an upset stomach, CBD oil will calm it down. When it comes to pain, CBD is the perfect natural ingredient to stop it, as well as nausea. It is certainly the most efficient food supplement for a god night’s sleep.

It also contains many other ingredients beneficial to your health. Inside the cannabis plant, we find different vitamins, amino acids and terpenes (commonly found in phytotherapy). These and the various phytocannabinoids will help you stay in good health all year long and keep pain away.

Other Natural Pain Killers

There are other food supplements that can be used if you suffer from back and joint discomforts. Here are a few of them:


This root is part of the ginger family and can be found in your local supermarket on the spice rack, but also in capsules. Because it is known to curb inflammation, it can help to relieve pain. You can cook with it, drink it like a tea or add it to your diet, as a food supplement, in its capsule form.

Devil’s claw root

Studies have shown that this herb may help to ease low back pains, as well as arthritis discomfort, thanks to its active compound: harpagoside. However, if you have a fragile stomach, it might not be the best solution for you.


Did you know that chilli peppers can help relieve your back pain? In cream form that is… Don’t try to place chilli peppers directly on your skin, it won’t work and may cause burns. But they are found in capsaicin cream, which can be used to reduce pain. They also come as pills to help relieve diarrhoea and cramps.

How to Start Dating Older Women

old fashioned

A lot of men find women who are older and more experienced attractive, and yet, it can be a bit intimidating to actually try to start dating older women. Some men worry that a more mature woman will have high expectations and that she might be put off by a younger man’s age and things like his income.

However, there are lots of older single women who are just as interested in dating younger men as the men are in dating them. Women are thought to reach their peak in terms of things like sex drive in their thirties when it is a lot younger for men, and so for some older women, a younger man’s higher energy levels and interest in having fun can be appealing. Equally, older women who already have careers and a stable income of their own often don’t really care about things like how much their partner earns and are more interested in things like how happy being around him makes them, and to some extent, of course, physical appearance and fitness. Younger men can be more appealing in that respect.

Here are some tips about the attitude you’ll need and approaches that can work if you want to start getting into relationships – either casual or serious – with women ten years or more older than you:

Don’t Make Assumptions That Every Woman Will Be the Same

Every woman is different, and if you want to start dating older women it is important to remember that. You can’t really make broad assumptions about how a woman will act and what she will want from a man based on only her age. Just as you wouldn’t want all older women to assume that you will be immature and irresponsible just because you are younger than they are, it is best not to assume that all older women in the dating pool will be the sophisticated, worldly MILFs people fantasize about. You can’t even really always assume that she will be a lot more experienced than you with dating or sex because everybody’s circumstances are different.

While you can search for women in the age bracket you are attracted to using dating sites, or you can chat up women who you are interested in when you’re out, if you are looking for a certain type of person to date then you need to treat each woman you talk to as an individual rather than presuming she will be a certain way due to her age.

Make Sure You Feel Confident When You Approach Older Women

Confidence is about the most attractive thing there is to just about everybody, but this is especially true of attractive older women, who are likely to have been shown attention by all sorts of men in their lives and will not be fooled by games and flattery. While it is a stereotype and of course not true for everyone, it is probably true of the type of older woman you are turned on by that she knows what she wants. This means that you’ll need to be confident that you have something good to offer and that her dating you would be a good experience for both of you, rather than approaching her with the idea that you’ll be really lucky if she gives you a chance.

Remember the things you bring to the table, whether it’s your sense of humour, looks, being an interesting person, or whatever else you know a partner would appreciate about you, and don’t be intimidated – either by the women themselves and your perceived ideas about their expectations or by the idea that you are competing with older men for their attention.

One good way to beat the insecurities you might have about dating someone older – or about your sex life with them once you are dating someone – is to raise your confidence about how well you can satisfy a woman in bed. It is easy to imagine that older women have tried all sorts of things and will be easily disappointed by someone younger, but in reality, what actually makes someone a good partner in bed is really passion and attention – and you can bring that no matter how experienced you are.

If you want to get more of a feel for what older women are like sexually and maybe pick up some ideas about how to satisfy them, it can be a good (and fun) idea to check out some MILF camgirls. Take a look on this site, Babe Station, to find camgirls in all different categories, including older women, and you can enjoy exploring what turns them on, and that can give you more confidence when it comes to having sex with older women you date in real life.

Approaching Older Women Online

With social activities being a bit more difficult at the moment due to social distancing, the best way to meet new people for dating is online. Naturally, online dating profiles will allow you to find single women near you who are in the age range you want to date. However, online dating can be tricky for men at the best of times, as attractive women tend to get messaged a lot, and making that first contact and getting into a conversation can be hard.

The best advice is to find a few profiles you are interested in and send a specific message to each of them introducing yourself and referencing things about their profile, to show that you are paying attention and aren’t just copy-pasting the same message to dozens of girls. That is a sure-fire way to stand out from all of the ‘hi’ messages in her inbox, and from there, you can begin talking and find out which of the women you approached you have a spark with.

Dating can be tough, but if you approach looking for an older partner with the right attitude and some confidence, you should find that you can meet some sexy, interesting older women who will be just as happy to date you as you are to date them!

Best Healthcare Marketing Tips for 2021

If you are looking for a good doctor in a certain field, or having a toothache, in need of a home health care agency or need a place to donate blood for a sugar test, you probably search for everything related to health on the internet. You know that any information is always just a click away. Even as special and delicate as health issues. If you want to get more leads and customers for your clinic or other healthcare services organization, you need to become more visible and attractive for your audience. It’s not enough just to be shown on the first page of search results for any request. You also need to prove that each visitor should contact you, not a competitor from another line of search results. That is why you need to understand how healthcare marketing works.

The first contact of a potential patient and the first impression of a medical institution will be made by your website or social media account. In this article, we will tell you what you need to do with them in order to get a steady stream of customers.

Why do you need SEO optimization of your website? The first three lines of search results account for 75% of clicks. The second page of results is viewed by less than a percentage of users. You need to go to the top of the search results in order to increase the number of visitors, from which you will find some new customers. To work on SEO optimization you need:

 – patient reviews;

 – blog articles with the answers to the most common questions;

 – informative videos and images with relevant keywords for the target audience, including photos, infographics, analyzes, and any other visual formats.

How does it work? Let’s say the user is trying to understand why he has a weakness in his left hand. In the search results, he comes across your article, where you write that it could be overexertion, arthritis, osteochondrosis, or any other of 20 diseases. You strongly advise not to self-medicate, but to consult a specialist (in your organization, of course).

Or another example. The visitor has already realized that he needs a consultation with a neurologist. But he lives in a big city, where there are more than a hundred specialists in this field. He has no acquaintances with similar symptoms, so he searches for reviews of different clinics and private offices on the internet. And you have the most convincing reviews (at least of the few that he looked at in the first lines of the search results).

According to ComboApp mobile marketing agency, 60% to 80% of users conduct their mini-research from smartphones, so not only the content is important, but also its visual part and appealing design, as well as easy navigation on a small screen.

The main advantage of modern marketing is the storage and tracking of all results, as well as the ability to quickly make adjustments when needed. Thanks to analytics systems, you get a huge amount of information: data on brand awareness, interactions with social networks, blog traffic, conversion rates, etc.

Social media and SMM marketing are another excellent tool for building connections with an audience, supporting doctors and other experts. Be sure to maintain a company account in those social networks where your audience is. There you can work on the brand image and launch advertising to increase reach, and analyze all this in detail. By creating an emotional and trustworthy social media profile, you can attract clients seeking health care online.

If you use email for healthcare marketing, you should focus on educational and informative content. Start by mailing to existing customers, working to retain them. The peculiarity of your sphere increases the responsibility for everything that you send. Any inaccuracy can harm the patient and your brand.

Modern Treasure Hunts You Can Take On Yourself in 2021

In a world that feels increasingly small due to new technologies that better connect all four corners of the globe, people have a growing thirst for adventure, be that in outer space or in the far reaches of the ocean or desert landscapes.

Having said that, most grand expeditions are reserved for people with deep pockets or pro athletes with sponsors who can provide the necessary equipment and support.

So, what can the average man or woman on the street do to sample that sought after thrill of exploration and adventure which will not require them to break the bank?

The answer is: treasure hunts. Yes, you read that right! There are lots of famous treasure hunts underway in different locations all around the world just waiting for new devotees to join the search.

Why not choose one of the ones listed below, and see if you can get your mitts on the hidden treasure in 2021?

Will you be one of the plucky explorers who manage to get their hands on some hidden treasure in 2021?

Forrest Fenn’s Hidden Treasure

While we have tried to only include treasure hunts that are still ongoing in this list, there are some which are so legendary that there is nothing stopping people from retracing the steps of the person or people who finally decoded the clues and unearthed the hidden treasure.

Such is the case with the treasure hunt thousands of people embarked on after author Forrest Fenn announced the beginning of his very own treasure hunt by publishing his book, The Thrill of the Chase, in which he proclaimed to have buried a treasure chest worth $1 million.

For the best part of a decade, the mystery went unsolved and courted controversy along the way, with some people calling Fenn’s bluff, believing the whole hunt to be an elaborate hoax. One of the most vocal denigrators of the hunt was a poker pro who offered a $10,000 reward to anyone who could prove the treasure’s existence, proclaiming himself a big believer that Fenn’s Treasure never existed in the first place.

However, that all turned out to be misplaced cynicism, as it was eventually proven that a medical student called Jack Stuef had indeed found the treasure almost 10 whole years after Fenn first buried it in the Wyoming outback.

With so many books, articles, and videos made about this famous modern-day treasure hunt, there is no reason why you yourself cannot pick up from the very beginning and see if you can trace Stuef’s tracks through some stunning US countryside all the way to where the treasure was once buried.

Treasure hunts can take you to places you never would have otherwise thought to visit

Outlaws Knew How to Hide Their Stashes

Whereas Forrest Fenn always imagined that someone would one day track down the treasure he had hidden away, there are some historical characters who wanted anything but, as they went about stashing money and jewels that they had robbed during daring heists.

Two famous stashes that have never been recovered are those purportedly stowed away by bank robber extraordinaire John Dillinger and the Wild West’s very own Butch Cassidy.

Both men’s names have gone down in history for the brazenness of their respective high jinks, and there is no doubt that any person who manages to unearth either of their hidden treasures will have their own name up in lights.

Cassidy’s treasure is said to be somewhere in Colorado, whereas Dillinger’s sizeable stash is thought to be in the state of Wisconsin.

La Chouette d’Or

Last but not least is this purposefully created treasure hunt which was made all the more alluring, and indeed difficult, when its creator, Regis Hauser (AKA Max Valentin), died in 2009. Many of the hunt’s followers were convinced that he took with him any vestige of hope they had of finding the coveted golden owl, which he stowed somewhere within France’s borders.

To this date it is still one of the most hotly pursued treasure hunts in the world. So, go on, why not make a promise to yourself that you will take that trip of a lifetime to France, where you can pursue the glorious golden owl?!

Understanding the Working of Labouchere Strategy in Roulette

Roulette is one of the classic games which is absolutely based on chance. This means, the outcomes of the game cannot be predicted and you just have to wager your bet blindly. And it remains one of the reasons behind the popularity of the roulette game. That is why especially those people who gamble at new casino sites must be capable of following some strategies.

However, players still hope to win any way possible. While you cannot actually do anything about the outcomes of the roulette game, there is a strategy to help you through your wagering. This is known as the Labouchere strategy. 

Let’s catch up on all details about the Labouchere strategy below.

What is the Labouchere strategy?

Labouchere strategy is a technique applicable on even-money wagers of the roulette gaming to reverse your losses. The strategy makes use of the negative progression technique. According to this technique, for every loss on the present bet, players have to increase their bet by that amount. 

Apart from roulette, this scheme can be used on games that come with 50% chances of winning. This system is also referred to by other terms such as the Cancellation system, American Progression, or Split Martingale.

How does Labouchere strategy work?

As mentioned earlier, the system works on the even money bets. This means the amount you wager must be even-numbered. Let’s understand this with an example.

Consider you bet an €8 and wish to win back all. Now, you do not have to wager €8 all at once. Instead, break it into the smaller sequence to wager. So, €8 can be broken into 2-2-2-1-1 or 2-2-1-1-1-1. It is up to punter as to what kind of sequence they wish to form. However, we would like to suggest that the smaller the sequence, the better for you to keep the track. It could get confusing if you opt for longer ones. 

So, let’s consider the sequence 2-2-2-1-1 to split open the €8. For your first stake, you take the digits from both the ends and add them. Here, it is 2+1=3. So, you first wager €3. 

If you win €3 back, then you go with the next two numbers in the sequence for your second stake. It is again 2+1= €3. Keep doing this until you are winning.

Now suppose you face a loss on your first stake. Take the €3 loss and place it to the right-end side of the series. So, now your series looks like this: 2-2-2-1-1-3. 

Continue using the strategy on your next wager. You add the last two numbers from the series, 2+3= €5. This will be your next stake. Suppose you win your second stake. Now, you have your money (€3) back that you had lost in your first wager.

Does This Strategy Work in Reality?

The computer simulation of this system showed 95% accuracy in winning back your losses. All in all, Labouchere strategy is simple and can definitely help you win back at least some amount that you lost.

Remember, the Labouchere system only helps you manage your stakes. Since the system doesn’t influence the outcomes, you could even lose all your bets. But it’s good to have a backup plan in place for your losses like the Labouchere system.

Skipping Your Annual Physicals? Here are 5 Reasons Why Preventative Care Matters

Take a moment to ask yourself: When was the last time you had a physical? If it’s been longer than a year or two, you’re not alone. In fact, a survey completed by Harmony Healthcare IT revealed that close to one in four millennials hadn’t scheduled an annual physical exam in five or more years. On top of that, a little less than half of all Americans failed to realize yearly physicals were essentially non-negotiable in the medical community.

Not surprisingly, a whopping majority of millennials have turned to online resources and somewhat unreliable symptom checkers in lieu of in-person doctor’s appointments with a primary care physician, and there may be more than a few reasons why.

For many, not having insurance coverage is a significant deterrent against annual physical exams. Under most insurance policies, a yearly exam involves little to no out-of-pocket costs. With these savings in mind, researching available health insurance plans on platforms like AHiX Marketplace can set you up for success and ensure you have proper coverage when emergencies strike.

Without insurance, a simple visit to the doctor can be quite costly. Without signs of infection, a bothersome runny nose, or open wounds, many patients may struggle to rationalize these additional costs. After all, why visit the doctor if you don’t feel sick?

Still not convinced that the annual physical is genuinely worth taking a long lunch break? Take a moment to review a few of the reasons that you shouldn’t neglect your yearly check-ups. Upon further investigation, you’ll likely realize that shrugging off the importance of annual physicals can have profound implications. That said, here are a few of the unignorable reasons why you should take your preventative healthcare seriously.

It may save you money

The goal of an annual physical and preventative healthcare, in general, is to prevent diseases and chronic conditions before they’re able to wreak havoc on your internal organs. Some of the standard tests performed in an annual physical exam include blood cholesterol and HbA1c, which is a way to tell if your blood glucose has stayed at elevated levels over a long period. These tests can reveal potential signs of high cholesterol and type 2 diabetes, both of which can be prevented through lifestyle changes. Catching these signs early on can save you money in the long run by nixing the need for medication and potential medical procedures.

Turn multiple visits into one

Many people visit a doctor or pharmacy to get their annual flu shot, so why not combine that service with your yearly physical? Not only will you feel prepared for the upcoming flu season, but you can also have other tests run to gain a better understanding of your physical health. Cancer screenings, such as breast cancer and skin cancer, can be completed during an annual exam to give you a clean bill of health or take note of any suspicious lesions or bumps.

Maintain an updated health record

Being consistent and carving out time for a physical exam every year helps you track health trends over time, which is a critical step in identifying lifestyle changes that you should begin to make in your life. Additionally, securing a firm grasp on your state of health (past and present) can also play a life-saving role in emergencies. If you get injured, require surgery, or have a health complication that needs diagnosing, a fully fleshed-out medical record will be an invaluable resource.

Get a professional opinion

If you have something funky going on with your health, don’t rely on the internet for answers. The results you may stumble across can incite fear and anxiety when, in reality, it’s nothing to worry about.

Whether you’re suffering from a persistent dry cough or shoulder pain, have a professional take a look. Doctors didn’t endure medical school and residency for nothing. They’re trained to help and heal.

Live your best life

Preventing disease can save you money, but more importantly, it will spare your health. If you want to enjoy your life without health complications for years to come, preventative healthcare is your best bet. Annual physicals can help ensure that you have the best quality of life possible by assessing where you should make changes in your lifestyle and evaluating potential genetic risk factors for specific conditions.