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10 Seemingly Unimportant Things That Actually Matter A Great Deal To Her

Men, when it comes to women and what they need in a relationship, there’s one thing you need to know: When a woman falls genuinely in love with you, she falls in love with who you are as a person. She falls in love with your soul, your kindness, your charm. She falls in love with the way you treat her. She falls in love with your weaknesses and imperfections.

When a woman falls honestly and deeply in love with you, she doesn’t fall in love with your possessions or the fact how high you stand on the social ladder.

When a woman falls deeply in love with you, she doesn’t need you to shower her with lavish gifts or take her to expensive restaurants every Saturday night. This means nothing to her. It’s the small and seemingly unimportant things you do for her that actually matter the most to her. Why?

Because these are the things which show her that you genuinely care about her. They show her that you are willing to put effort into keeping the romance and spark of passion between you alive forever.

Here are 10 small and seemingly unimportant things that actually matter a lot to her:

1. Pay attention to the important details when she talks to you.

Remember the names of her besties (and her colleagues too), her favorite type of chocolate or flowers, or any other important detail she shares with you. For example, not referring to her friend Carol as “Honey, that girl with the glasses called you this morning” will show her that you pay attention when she talks to you.

Sure, no one expects you to memorize every single thing she tells you, but you should pay attention to the most important details.

2. Never criticize her choices.

“Are you really going to eat that stew?” “Are you sure you want to eat another piece of cake?” Yes, she is.

Never criticize her for the little choices she makes, even when you disapprove of them. Instead, respect them.

3. Don’t leave a mess behind.

Perhaps leaving dirty dishes all over the kitchen counter and leaving your socks on the floor are not a big deal for you, but trust me, women hate this.

So, regardless of whether you have your own place or you live together with her, know that it’ll mean a lot to her if you keep it clean and tidy.

4. Open up to her.

Guys are known for not being vocal about their feelings, but remember when you tell a woman that you are not a mind-reader? Well, guess what? She isn’t either.

Therefore, make sure you talk more about yourself and your feelings. Trust me, she’ll appreciate this a lot.

5. Don’t keep her waiting for you to respond to her texts for ages.

It’s not like you have to answer her call or text her back right away when you see her name pops up on the screen of your phone. But, when she sends you a message, respond to her in a reasonable amount of time. This way, she’ll know she is on the top of your list of priorities even when you’re up to your neck in work.

6. Go shopping with her.

Yeah, yeah, guys don’t like shopping, we know that. But, do you know how pleased she’ll be if you offer to take her to the shopping center and help her choose some nice clothes? Or how about going grocery shopping with her? It’s not that boring like you think, trust me.

Oh, and I almost forgot – make sure you’re not grumpy and impatient while you two are doing the shopping. Offer to carry her bags instead.

7. Show interest in the things she enjoys doing.

Perhaps you’re not a fan of Sex And The City, but, trust me, it won’t hurt if you watch an episode or two of it with her once in a while.

By showing interest in the things she likes doing, you’ll show her that everything which is related to her matters to you.

8. Take her on a date.

Regardless of whether you’ve been together for 3 months or 3 years, you should never let the romance in your relationship fade away. 

And you don’t need to wait for her birthday to come so as to take her out to dinner at a restaurant or any other place where you two can have fun. There are other 364 days in the year when you can do this. Keeping the romance and spark of passion between you always alive is crucial – never forget that.

9. Respect her boundaries.

Give her space. Because we all need to spend some time alone. So, whether she had a stressful day at work or she just wants to watch an episode of her favorite sitcom, let her spend some time on her own. Let her rest and recharge her batteries, and she’ll love you even more for it.

10. Learn to cook.

I’m not saying that you should become the next Jamie Oliver, but if you know you’re terrible at cooking, you can learn at least a couple of dishes to prepare for her once in a while. Oh, and, of course, it doesn’t have to be anything elaborate because what will truly mean to her is your effort.

PS I don’t know if you’ve been told, but most women find it really sexy when they catch their man preparing some delicious dinner for them in the kitchen.

Life Is Too Short: Don’t Ever Tolerate These 6 Toxic Behaviors From People

People will always do what they want. That’s a fact. Sometimes their actions and behaviors will be harmless and won’t have anything to do with you, but sometimes some of their behaviors will be toxic and they will directly impact your life.

In those moments I’ve always said that it is the best to avoid the drama and stick to your guns. However, there are moments when no matter how much you try to, you cannot avoid these things. This is the time when you have to stand up for yourself and call people out on their bullsh*t.

If someone is treating you badly, they should never get away with that. Here are 6 behaviors that you should never ever tolerate from those around you:

1. Someone constantly pointing out your flaws. If a person has nothing nice to say to you, you don’t need that person in your life. Someone who is always criticizing you and making fun of your imperfections is not your friend. Don’t hesitate to speak up and let them know that their rudeness will no longer be tolerated.

2. Someone constantly giving you hidden insults. We all know at least one person who does this. They act all nice with you, but they don’t ever forget to surprise you with those hidden insults when you least expect it. Keep in mind that this person doesn’t mean well. They like to make you feel bad because that gives them a sense of pleasure and victory.

3. Someone constantly asking you for validation. Oh, I am sick of people who bend over backward to be noticed and get immediate validation. If you know someone like this, don’t feel obligated to constantly praise them for what they do. Say it like you mean it and carry on. If they feel offended, that’s on them.

4. Someone constantly playing the victim and making you feel like the bad guy. People who are masters of making something far worse than it actually is. People who are the best at making you feel like you did something to them. People who love pretending that they are victims. The worst ones! Don’t ever tolerate someone like this.

5. Someone constantly competing with you. Life is not a competition, and sadly only a few normal people get that. The rest are busy working their asses off to always be one step ahead of you. If you know someone like this, know that they are not your friends. They envy you and they want to be better than you.

6. Someone constantly calling you only when they need you. People like this don’t care about you. They only care about how much they can get from you. If you are there when they need you for something, they will use you. So, it is really up to you to understand this and finally cut them off from your life.

Bottom line, if you love and respect yourself, you shouldn’t have to put up with these toxic behaviors. Know how much you are worth and never ever let anyone treat you like less. Stick to your path and be careful when choosing who gets to stay in your life and who gets to leave forever.

The Benefits of Virus that Eats Bacteria

Most people think of viruses as being universally bad. They cause diseases and that’s about it. However, there is a whole class of viruses called phages that go around destroying specific types of bacteria. In the current era of “superbugs” that are resistant to multiple antibiotics, phages may be our only defense.

The rise of superbugs

Throughout most of humanity’s history, bacterial infections have been a major cause of death. Young children rarely reached their third birthday and even a minor injury could lead to gangrene, sepsis, and death. That all changed with the discovery of antibiotics. Doctors thought for a time that they had completely defeated this enemy of humanity. However, bacteria are tricky foes and rapidly started acquiring resistance against antibiotics. The CDC estimates around two million people in the US contract antibiotic-resistant infections every year and around 23,000 people die from these infections.

The discovery of viruses that eat bacteria

The first bacteria eating virus was discovered in India, busily killing the bacteria that cause cholera in the heavily polluted Ganges river. Since then, endless numbers of different phages have been isolated from a variety of sources, including sewers, lakes, feces, the ocean, biowaste, and even in toxic liquids.

Phages in medicine?

The development of phages into medical therapy stalled after the discovery of antibiotics. Antibiotics are cheaper and easier to apply; a broad-spectrum antibiotic will knock out most species of bacteria, while phages tend to be fairly specific and only target one or a handful of species, thus before they can be used the exact species causing the infection needs to be identified. Then, a specific phage needs to be selected to target it.

Another impediment in the use of phages that has led antibiotics to be preferred is that they can in most cases be taken orally, while in general phages need to be injected into the body. Deliberately injecting an active virus into a sick person tends to cause a knee-jerk reaction of “not a good idea,” but phages do not target anything other than bacteria; they have no harmful effects on the human body.

They work

Although no phages have been approved for use by the FDA yet, they have been used clinically in a few cases. For example, they were used to successfully treat a man with a flesh-eating bacterial infection and in another case someone was saved from infection by a life-threatening multi-antibiotic resistant superbug.

The dream: off-the-shelf phages

Although the field of phage therapy is in its infancy, scientists feel that soon all hospitals will have an in-stock selection of phages that will seek out and kill all of the more common antibiotic-resistant bacteria and the bacteria that cause difficult-to-treat infections like sepsis and flesh-eating bacteria. The hoped-for scenario is that if a patient has an infection that isn’t responding to antibiotic treatment, the doctor can simply prescribe a cocktail of phages that can be immediately administered.

The defeat of the superbugs

Scientists are currently looking for naturally occurring phages that target the bacteria of greatest interest, and since there are a lot of phages in existence this approach may be fruitful. However, in today’s age of simple and quick methods for altering genetic codes, another approach could be to simply take some existing phages and genetically engineer them to attack specific bacteria. Thus, the era of the multi-antibiotic resistant superbug may soon come to an end.

June Article #3 – Are You Dealing With Stress the Wrong Way?

Everyone has to deal with stress eventually. However, some people handle it better than others. Even very minor stressors, like a cluttered car or frustration at work, can end up spiraling into something big, especially if there are multiple minor stressors that all build into one big ball of stress. When you look at people that know how to effectively manage their stress, you may be equal parts amazed and annoyed. How did they get so good at handling the stresses that life throws their way? Although some of it is in building healthy coping skills and management strategies, some of it is just being in the right mindset.

Ignoring Stress

When you’re first presented with a stressful situation, how do you handle it? If you’re like most people, you probably just ignore the situation and shove it to the side. Maybe you feel like you have bigger things to deal with right now, or maybe you just don’t want to think about the stressor at the moment. Sometimes, ignoring these stressors is the best thing to do in a given situation. If a deadline is looming over your head, you’re going to feel stressed, but it’s short-lived. Once you get past the deadline, you’ll be able to destress.

However, most of the time, ignorance is not bliss. If you’re constantly putting off dealing with a very specific stressor, especially if it’s one that you tend to encounter over and over again, you’re just going to build up resentment toward it. It’s also still stressing you out, even if you think you’re forgetting it. Over time, all of these stressful encounters and situations build up. At a certain point, you may end up running into huge problems with something that you could usually handle, all because there are other issues weighing on your mind. Just ignoring things doesn’t solve the problem, and that’s bad for you.

Treating the Symptoms

Too often, people think of the stress itself as the problem. If the negative effects from the stress go away, they think, then everything will be just fine. Whether it’s with a bubble bath, a nice dinner, or a personal indulgence, you’ll be dealing with the effects of the stress, but not the stressor itself. True, these can be a great way to reward yourself for dealing with that stressor, but without action, they can effectively become a way to ignore the problem. You can’t just try to handle the emotions tied to the stress by themselves.

It’s even more unfortunate when you only address the symptoms and you only address them after an acute event. If you end up having to take a few weeks off school because you’re dealing with so much stress, it’s an obvious sign that you need to handle some of those personal issues. However, if you only treat the surface problems, you’ll seem to function normally for a very short amount of time before it all comes up in a much more disruptive fashion. It’s a seemingly-endless cycle that can be very frustrating and even have repercussions throughout your private life.

How can I actually deal with my stress?

People who are great at dealing with stress are so good at it because they know how to tackle the root of the problem. Even if they just brush off their stressors sometimes, they eventually handle what’s actually stressing them out. They have that difficult talk, finish that difficult task, or complete that difficult journey. In order to most effectively handle your stress, you need to be in that same frame of mind. That’s where CBD gummies come in.

With Charlotte’s Web CBD gummies, you can take a step back from the situation. It doesn’t give you any new tools in and of itself, but it does provide you with potentially the most important tool of them all — a clear mind. This way, you can trace back the issues you’re having and identify the stressor that’s causing those issues. Then, you’ll be more prepared to take it down.

When you achieve a clear head with CBD gummies, you’ll also be able to handle other portions of your personal life a bit better. You may be able to deal with anxiousness more easily, fall asleep and stay asleep more reliably, and even exercise better. It’s all up to you.

How to Carry Out Toronto Window Replacement


Toronto Window Replacement Process.

Carrying out Toronto window replacement is arguably a significant investment in your home, and more importantly, if you want to get high ROI when you sell it in the future. It is estimated that people who upgrade their homes by installing new replacement windows in Toronto recoup up to 75% of the invested cost because the new replacement windows boost the value of the homes. Buyers are don’t want to start replacing the windows immediately they buy their houses, so they are likely to pay more for homes with new windows.

 Even if you don’t have plans of selling your home soon, replacing your windows is still an essential thing since it gives you a myriad of benefits. It improves the curb appeal of your house, makes it more energy-efficient and more comfortable to live because of enhanced ventilation. Besides, it enhances the flow of natural light into your home, but the most significant benefit homeowners get when they carry out Toronto window replacement is energy savings.

  1. Do You Need to Replace Your Windows?

If your windows are a few years old, you may not need to replace them. Some repairs and maintenance might solve small problems and get your windows back to their original shape and efficiency.

 But if your home is old, or if you think your home will look more appealing with new windows, or the existing windows are not functioning well, then you should consider Toronto window replacement. Perhaps, your windows are not energy efficient, and lately, your utility bills have been rising every month. It is time to replace those old windows with the new ones.

The windows could also be damaged, rotten, cracked, or peeling, and they are no longer impressive. All these signs tell you, YOU need to replace them.

2. Replacement Window Installation.

There are two main types of Toronto window replacement, and each type determines the cost of window replacement. The first one is full-frame window installation, which entails removing the frame, moulding and the jambs. This method is labour intensive and more costly because of the amount of work done and also since it consumes a lot of time.

The second form of window installation is a retrofit installation. This involves installing the new replacement windows in the existing window frame. It takes little time and doesn’t need a lot of labour. It is cheaper compared to the full-frame window installation.

Full frame window installation is used mainly in older homes where the frame is in bad form. This is the best way to make your home energy efficient again and avoid regular maintenances.

Retrofit is used if the frame is in good condition. It is preferred when you are replacing windows due to other reasons such as making your home look beautiful by installing new windows.

3. Repairing Windows.

If you don’t want window replacement Toronto, you can opt to repair your windows instead. However, before you decide whether to repair or replace your windows, you should call your contractor to inspect your windows and advise you the way forward.

Things such as broken window sashes, damaged frames, and other small issues that face your windows overtime may be fixed quickly if you hire a professional window installer. If you don’t plan to replace your windows, then you can achieve an energy-efficient home by repairing the existing windows at a reasonable cost.

4. The Best Replacement Windows.

 If you have decided to carry out window replacement Toronto, then there are various choices of windows styles you can opt for. Vinyl replacement windows are common replacement windows in Toronto and serve you for more than twenty years. In addition, they require little maintenance.

They are also durable and exists in standard sizes, but you can as well order custom sizes for your home. Vinyl windows have a long lifespan, are cheap and look good with minimal maintenance. That is the reason most people opt for vinyl window replacement Toronto, but there are other options.

You can opt for wood Toronto window replacement. They provide great aesthetic appeal but don’t last for many years as vinyl windows. They are also prone to extreme weather elements. They warp, peel off, crack and rot, so they need a lot of maintenance keep them looking new.

Aluminium is another probable choice. They are durable, but they are not best if you are want to improve the curb appeal of your home.

Procrastination – why do we do it, and how can you overcome it?


It’s one of the most puzzling aspects of human psychology – why do we delay doing the things we know we have to do, especially when we’re well aware that doing so is going to make the task more stressful? Whether it’s studying for a big exam or simply doing the dishes, the longer we wait to get started, the harder the job becomes. The rational thing, of course, is to dig in, get the task done, and then feel relieved that it’s over and we’re free to enjoy some down time.

Most people have at least a few things they tend to procrastinate over, but for some it can become a truly debilitating problem, getting in the way of their long-term goals and development. Whatever end of the spectrum you’re on, there are some signs and excuses to watch out for, and techniques you can experiment with to help you overcome this all-too-common phenomenon.

Realize when an excuse is just that – an excuse

“I’m not in the right headspace right now – I work much better at night.”

“I’m the kind of person who needs that extra time pressure to perform at my best.”

“This isn’t the right time to tackle this task.”

“I have to do X first.”

“I’m waiting for feedback from my boss before I can get stuck in.”

It’s amazing the list of excuses we can come up with to rationalize irrational behavior. By learning to identify excuses for what they are and be honest with ourselves, we can learn when we need to call ourselves out on our own… nonsense.  

 “Awfulizing” the task at hand

When you’re tempted to put something off, you’re likely to blow how difficult it actually is way out of proportion. Watch out for thoughts like “I just can’t deal with this right now”, “I can’t stand this”, “This is unbearably boring”, “I hate doing this” – whatever your internal dialogue happens to sound like.

Is the task actually anywhere near as awful, distressing, or painful as you’re making it out to be? Almost certainly not. Try to actively replace those kinds of thoughts with more realistic ones – “I might not be overjoyed at the prospect of finishing up this report for my manager, but I can deal with it.” “Okay, so this might be a little tedious, but it’s definitely not going to kill me, and I’ll feel so much better once it’s finished.”

Set an appointment in your calendar

Some people find it helpful to set themselves a deadline, especially if they’ve been putting off a task that no-one’s ever going to force them to get round to – like doing that spring clean of the garage or calling someone in to handle those fridge and freezer repairs once and for all. Set a specific date and time. When your reminder comes up or you reach the applicable page in your diary (however you like to organize your life) don’t stop to think or hesitate – just do it. Once you’ve got it behind you, you’ll probably wonder why you were making such a fuss in the first place. 

Start somewhere

When you’re faced with a complex task, breaking it down into manageable chunks and setting them out in a logical order can be extremely helpful. Some people find it helpful to dig in with the most challenging part of the task first and get that out of the way, while others may find it easier to start small with an easier aspect. Play around and find which works best for you – the key is simply to get started somewhere. Once you’ve actually started work on something and the status shifts from “to do” to “in progress” in your mind, the battle’s likely half won.

Bribe yourself

Another strategy some people find helpful is offering themselves a reward for making progress on a task. By dangling a carrot, you can rustle up that extra little bit of motivation to get stuck in. You can’t get the reward until you’ve done the work, though!

Gamify the chores you dislike

Like all animals, humans gravitate towards the things they enjoy and avoid the things they don’t – whether that’s food, other people, or activities. By adding a level of challenge, enjoyment or excitement to an otherwise dull activity, you can turn what feels like work into something that feels more like play. Setting yourself a time limit, trying to outdo your previous day’s performance, or tackle the task from a completely different angle can make the job more like a game than a chore.

5 Must-Try Kombucha Drink Recipes

Kombucha has been all the rage lately. With its wide variety of health benefits, it’s no wonder why people prefer Kombucha as an alternative to caffeine and alcohol.

Kombucha can be enjoyed in many different flavors these days. However, it can be quite expensive especially if it’s something you will purchase often. You can save a ton of money though if you can make your own kombucha at home.

The first thing you need to learn is how to brew your own kombucha. Once you know how, you can then customize it and make your own flavors. Here are some must-try Kombucha drink recipes to check out.

Strawberry Lemonade Kombucha

Looking for a refreshing drink to beat the summer heat? Try this concoction made only with brewed kombucha, strawberries, and lemon.

Ginger Kombucha

If you’re looking for a more flavorful kombucha with a spicy kick, this recipe is for you! It’s so easy, you only need to add ginger root to your brewed kombucha.

Pineapple Kombucha

This kombucha drink will make you feel like you’re in a tropical country enjoying the sun, sea, and sand. All it takes is adding ¾ cup of pineapple juice to your brewed kombucha!

Cream Soda Kombucha

Kicking a soda addiction can be really hard. With this recipe though, you can do so while still enjoying that familiar soda taste. Just add a couple of vanilla beans and some organic prunes and you got your own cream soda kombucha.

Lavender Kombucha

Lavender has its own health benefits including helping relieve indigestion, headaches, and insomnia. It promotes relaxation as well. So, if that’s what you’re after, add some lavender buds to your kombucha.

Kombucha is definitely not a boring drink. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of flavors to kick it up a notch.

Don’t Be Afraid To Be The Woman Who Is Unapologetically Herself And Does Whatever The Hell She Wants

I know how you feel dear. Ever since you’ve opened your eyes and draw the first breath on this Earth you’ve been told what to do.

Every person in your life expected you to behave in a certain way. To have manners, to act ladylike, to live up to people’s expectations, to lead a conventional, quiet life, to be careful when choosing your partners, to find the love of your life, to get married, to have children and to spend your whole life taking care about your family than yourself. In a nutshell, to fit the standard.

All because you were born a woman.

I was in that same loop for a long time. Until I finally got out of it and realized that my life is for me and for me only. Once I saw that it is not that scary to stand up for yourself and confront every conventional, non-written norm about what women should do, I realized that I will never ever let someone dictate the course of my life.

And I became the person that I was always destined to be.

My true self.

From now on, I live for myself. No one else.

I’ll be honest, going through life like a free bird without depending on someone’s opinion does make you feel like you are doing something wrong at times, but it is important to understand that you are not. No matter how many people judge you and your non-conformist way of living, it is essential that you keep doing just that. Because that is the only way that you will ever do something with your life.

You know what? We are not born to fit the same norms that society has created for us.

We are not here to grow up, graduate, find a job, find a man and have kids. We are not here to be told that we should behave more ladylike.

I’ll be damned if I let another person’s expectations of me as a woman define my life!

There’s more to life than just raising children and taking care of your family. Yes, having those things in life is a blessing, but so is finding true happiness. And sometimes, happiness means other things. While for some it may be growing old next to their husband, for me that’s finding myself.

Chasing my goals, living life at the moment, spending time with my loved ones, making mistakes, creating memories, excelling in my career, exploring life, traveling the world, doing the seemingly impossible, and just doing whatever the hell I want.

And you, my dear, the one who is reading this, the one who is in desperate need of that nudge in life… You should do that too. I know exactly how pressured you are by society, but it is up to you whether you will let that impact your life or not.

I say put fear aside! Put all of your insecurities aside, hush that pessimistic voice inside of you and just do whatever the hell you want.

Be unapologetically yourself. Set goals for yourself. Search for the things that make your heart smile. Follow your wildest dreams. Live up to your own expectations. Dare to fly higher. Stand out from the crowd. Enjoy your life. And let people talk. Let them say what they will because, in the end, their opinions don’t matter.

The only thing that matters is what you want out of life, whatever that is.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get it!

Three Kinds Of Relationships That Strong And Successful People Are Attracted To

Relationships are never a smooth journey. And they are not an easy journey for strong, successful people either.

If you know someone who fits the above-mentioned description, you probably think that their life runs smoothly. But, this isn’t always the case.

I’ve seen independent, confident, tough, successful people get into relationships that are messy, stressful, and toxic. And I’ve often wondered why this is so. I mean, shouldn’t these people be wise enough to know better?

There’s probably a myriad of reasons as to why strong and successful people tend to attract difficult, draining relationships, but it seems that such people feel so comfortable in their own skin and they’re so good at handling their personal problems as well as the emotional baggage they’re carrying around from the past that it often takes a relationship to force them out of their comfort zone.

One more possible reason as to why tough, successful people tend to attract unhealthy, troubled relationships is that such people want to embark on additional journeys of self-discovery and self-improvement.

They want to gain a more profound insight into themselves and their purpose so that they can identify and overcome their insecurities and fears and continue to grow, both at a personal and professional level.

So, if you’re struggling in your love life and if you’re wondering why this is so when you appear to have everything else running smoothly in your life, this could be a sign that you fit into the category of confident, tough, and successful people.

Here are the three kinds of relationships that strong people are attracted to:

1. Healing relationships.

A lot of tough, confident, spiritually awakened people tend to be healers as well. They possess the strength to handle the pain and problems of people who need emotional support and attention. Therefore, they often attract individuals who need healing.

The healing in this kind of relationship usually benefits both partners. However, the tougher person has to be extremely careful not to get trapped in a one-sided relationship in which he/she is going to be the only one doing the healing.

And if they start feeling exhausted from all the healing they do, this may be a sign that they need to stop investing all of their time and energy in healing their partner for a while and take better care of themselves instead.

2. Soulmate relationships.

Soulmates are people who enter your life to challenge you intellectually and inspire you to work on and change yourself in order to grow. Working on a soulmate relationship requires a lot of energy and hard work. It’s stressful, draining, and rewarding all at the same time.

It is exactly in this kind of relationship that strong, successful people discover their true selves. Because when they’re romantically involved with someone, their weaknesses and imperfection are highlighted.

A soulmate relationship does not necessarily last forever, but in regard to growth, the effects of the relationship surely do.

3. Karmic relationships.

Karmic relationships are probably the most intense and challenging relationships that strong and successful people tend to attract since they overflow with karma from their past.

In this type of relationship, both partners help each other heal old wounds,  purify their souls, and get rid of the shackles of their past.

What Tough And Successful People Can Do In Difficult Relationships

1. Every challenge we’re faced with in our relationships is only a small part of the journey which is supposed to make us grow and become the best version of ourselves.

Therefore, embracing the difficult relationships and trying to enjoy every moment they spend with their partner as much as they can is the best thing strong people can do in order to discover their true selves and grow.

2. They need to remember that even the toughest, most confident, and most successful people have the right to be vulnerable and emotional.

3. They need to turn their challenging relationships into valuable lessons and learn from them. They need to let these experiences teach them how genuine, deep, and happy relationships work.

4. They need to understand that practicing self-care and self-love should always be their number one priority. Because only when they truly love themselves will they be able to love and take good care of their partner and nurture the relationship.

5. They need to always be themselves. Because if their partner is the right person for them, they’ll accept and cherish them exactly the way they are.

This Is Why Empaths Usually Fall For The ‘Wounded And Poor Narcissist’

People say opposites attract. Some don’t believe this.

Personally, I think that’s not far from the truth. Just look at narcissists and empaths. They are completely different worlds, yet for some reason, they are always attracted to each other. Together they are trouble, but somehow, they are always incredibly drawn to each other.

Being with an empath is heaven for the greedy, soul-sucking narcissist who enjoys being the center of attention. Empaths, on the other hand, are attracted to the narcissist’s need for care and love. They are open and loving people, so it is in their nature to take on other people’s pain. This is how they get involved with narcissists in the first place.

So, what usually starts as an innocent attempt to help a troubled and miserable soul ends up as a hellish experience that often leads to mental and emotional distress.

But the question still remains. If narcissists are the worst thing that could ever happen to empaths, why oh why are they so attracted to them?

As I already mentioned, empaths are loving and emotionally open people who exist to help other human beings. But they are not only compassionate. They have the extraordinary ability to put themselves in other people’s shoes and do everything in their power to help these poor beings overcome their pain. Empaths have hearts of gold. They believe that there is good in every human being.

And that is exactly what narcissists look for. Kind, loving and trusting people who would boost their egos like crazy and treat them like they are the most important people in the whole world. Narcissists know that empaths have a hard time accepting that someone could be that self-absorbed and they take advantage of that. And so, their games begin.

They usually start with seducing the poor empaths by pretending to be a victim that desperately needs their help and then when they finally trap them in their web of lies, they show them their true colors. They take everything empaths hold dear and day by day they suck the energy out of them. Until the empath completely loses a sense of self and falls into despair.

Having in mind that empaths are bad at setting those necessary boundaries in life, they are quite the easy catch for the greedy and manipulative narcissists. Once the empath is within the narcissist’s clutches, the chase is over. From this moment on, the game of lies and manipulations begins.

Which leads us to a conclusion that even though it is very easy for these completely contrasting sides to attract, it is unlikely for them to ever work out as a couple. If they can even be called a couple.

Empaths and narcissists could never ever find balance, no matter how much they try.

Their union is doomed from the very start.

So, ending a toxic and a manipulative relationship like this would not be considered a bad thing. In fact, it would be an absolutely positive step for both sides. In the end, it is important to remember that holding on to something that doesn’t help us grow, but pushes us down can have a big impact on our life and our mental health.