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Fall In Love With A Person Who Makes You Laugh Until You Cry

People fall in love for many reasons. Sometimes they fall in love because they feel understood and accepted. Sometimes they fall in love because they’ve found someone who makes them feel like they know them their whole life. Sometimes they fall in love because they feel that their hearts are synchronized. And sometimes because they feel free to be exactly who they are in front of that other person.

All of these things are rare and extraordinary, but if you ask me, I believe that the most important reason why people fall in love is that they find someone who makes them laugh.

Think about it. Life is short. It’s imperfect and sometimes really difficult. We go through a lot of pain, betrayal, heartbreaks, disappointments, doubts, sleepless nights, failures, ups, and downs. We get knocked down. We lose the ones we love. We are forced to lose faith. We are forced to lose hope. But eventually, the only thing that helps us stand up and find a way to the exit is love. True, genuine, unconditional, warm love.

We feel lost and then all of a sudden comes a person who understands our soul and knows the way our heart beats. We find a partner who makes it all easier and believes in us. We find a person whose smile makes us feel those beautiful butterflies in our stomach and whose humor makes us laugh until we cry.

They look into our eyes and immediately bring a smile to our face. Their existence brings joy into our life. Their touch makes us feel loved. And their kiss makes us feel things that we’ve never felt.

We realize that this human being was the one that we’ve been waiting for our whole life. That we’ve always known this person. Maybe from a previous life or some parallel universe. That our paths crossed right on time. And that they’ve found us and chose us out of 7 billion people in the world.

The reason why I am saying this is because I don’t ever want to see you settle for something average.

Having someone whose laughter and a smile can make your day and fill your life with joy is one of the most priceless things in life. Being in love with someone who makes you feel the happiest person alive is the biggest blessing. Life is incredibly hard, that is why love shouldn’t be. Love should help up grow, thrive and experience every joy while we exist here on earth. Love should make us flourish.

So please, don’t give yourself to people who take everything for granted. Fall in love with a person who will never stop reminding you what a joy it is to be alive.

4 Ways Digital Printing is Spicing Up the Fashion Game

Digital printing technology is revolutionizing the fashion industry at an amazingly fast rate. Whether traversing the line between high fashion and streetwear, or even a common custom T-shirt, digital printing technology is offering designers new ways to produce and beautify fabrics locally. Here, we show you four significant ways the digital printing technology is spicing up the fashion game.

Creating Trends: 

With time, the advent of digital printing has helped designers catch up and even stay in trend, creating their own designs. Until recently, custom-designed fabrics have been of low expression on the American cloth design and fashion. Designers and embroiders are scarce and it takes a long time to review a work sample and style before the final product is delivered. But with today’s printing technology, high-quality printers like the Prestige XL2 DTF printer, designers can now print patterns on the spot. This gives designers the power to experiment, explore and create collections faster and more efficiently than ever. With the current wave of digital printing on custom shirts or clothes, designers become the creators of trends – instead of chasing them.

Freedom to express and explore creativity:

Digital printing has created a conducive atmosphere for designers, creating freedom for designers to be able to fully express their creative styles without being boxed in. This has ensured that designers can let their creativity flow freely, allowing independent brands to flourish. Fabric sublimation allows for a diversity of textures and materials, and ensures that designers don’t have to limit themselves in the design process.

Consistent quality with short turnover time:

Thirdly, in terms of quantity of prints, digital printing technologies enable limitless design possibilities, with the result being original prints of the highest quality unique to each designer, on fabrics that convey their signature style. With digital printing, fashion designers can promptly get into full production after prototypes, in just hours or a few days, with no limit to how small or large their production goals are. Previously, it took designers very long times to complete bulky orders. However, the new type of digital fabric printing machines let emerging brands produce only what they need, therefore, saving cost and optimizing their inventory by ensuring that only the styles and sizes that sell are on the racks at any given time.

A new face for custom designs:

Digital printing has spiced up the fashion industry in the line of customization. The digital imaging industry is changing the business of fashion and it is no longer news that the future of fashion is customization of clothes. From the colors and prints to the size and shapes of the garment, fabrics are constantly being customized to suit specific client needs. The implication of this is that designers can now create more unique and impressionable designs on demand in a very short time frame.  

The design potential and impact of digital printing technology in the fashion industry is limitless. Right now, designers are simply still scratching on the surface of technology, and it only gets better from here. Improved and more efficient print technologies are anticipated, and soon, who knows, printing might just be achieved with the snap of a finger!

How to Correctly Practice Japa Meditation


Japa, which means “muttering” in Sanskrit, is the name for meditation that involves mantra recitations. Learn how to correctly practice japa meditation here.

Have you ever wondered why so many ancient rituals use chanting words and sounds in repetition? 

It is no coincidence that pronouncing phrases in repetition is a successful form of meditation in religions like Buddhism and Hinduism.

But, you do not need to follow a certain faith to gain the benefits of chanting. You can use mantras from the Indian meditative practice of Japa. 

Read on to learn how to properly practice Japa to achieve a higher state of consciousness.

What is Japa Meditation?

The practice of Japa meditation dates back to the mantras of one of the oldest languages of Sanskrit and has been used by Hindus to invoke a state of peace for thousands of years.

Japa or muttering of specific mantras (either sounds or phrases) focuses the mind and removes negative thoughts. 

If practiced ritualistically, the mind can easily filter the negative and give you power over your thoughts. You can begin to regulate your energy flow or shakti to alleviate physical suffering of the mind and body while elevating the spirit.

Choosing and Using a Mantra

Japa meditation mantras are extremely personal and should be chosen wisely. You will want to know the true meaning behind your mantra and focus on this meaning while chanting.

You should use the same mantra every time you meditate and not share it with anyone. It should be precious and personal to you.

Many beginners will find a quiet place to say their mantra out loud since the audio helps you focus and remove inner thoughts. As you progress and become accustomed to Japa, you can whisper or say your mantra in your head. 

How to Use the Sacred Mala Beads?

Wearing mala beads during Japa is part of the ancient practice. These Japa malas are usually blessed by your guru and given to you before use. 

They can be made of organic materials like seeds, wood, stone, or even bone beads.  Most malas have 108 beads on them including a larger guru bead in the center with a marker like a tassel. 

During meditation, mala prayer beads should be kept at heart level to avoid touching the ground. You will use your middle finger to hold the beads as you move from bead to bead with your thumb after each repetition. 

A full mantra includes once around the mala and can be repeated up to 10 times.

Malas are sacred and should be kept in a clean cloth or bag out of sight when not in use. Others should not use or touch them. 

Benefits of Japa Practice

By wearing a mala and practicing Japa, meditation can be much easier. Focusing on the words and movement through the mala can place the mind in a state of relaxation. 

Daily practice can also increase your mind’s ability to concentrate while performing other tasks. 

It can also cleanse the mind of past regrets and eliminate worries of the future. The mind can stay centered on the present to truly live in the moment. 

Growing Spiritually

Practicing Japa is just one of the ways that you can increase your level of intuition and consciousness. Continue reading the spirituality section of our blog to find out more ways that elevate your soul.

Keto 101: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to the Ketogenic Diet

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that can help you burn more fat. Welcome to Keto 101! Check out our ultimate beginner’s guide to the ketogenic diet.

Did you know that obesity affects more than 35% of American adults while more than 34% are overweight? With statistics like this, it’s no surprise that more and more people are looking for ways to lose weight. If you’re one of them, you may have heard of the ketogenic diet.

Among other diet plans, it’s one of the most effective. But what does ketogenic mean and how does this diet work? What are the benefits and risks?

Read our keto 101 guide for everybody and anybody ready to make a lifestyle change. 

  1. Keto 101: What Is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet or ketogenic diet involves the intake of proteins from a low-carb, high-fat diet. It has similarities with the Atkins diet and the low-carb diet. This diet promotes ketogenesis, which is a natural occurrence in the human body. 

Your body needs organic protein and carbs to function well. When your diet changes into a fat-heavy kind, your body will start looking for a new calorie source. This survival mode is what we call ketogenesis or ketosis.

Ketogenesis happens when you eat a very low amount of carbohydrates. Your blood sugar will drop and your brain will look for a glucose source. From the stored fats in your body, your liver creates ketones, which are a reserve energy source.

The keto diet is somewhat of a contrast to the Atkins diet. The typical Atkins diet involves getting 75% of calories from protein, 25% from fat, and less than 5% from carbs. Meanwhile, in the keto diet, you get 75% of your calories from fat, 25% from protein and less than 5% from carbs.

  1. What Must You Eat on the Keto Diet?

For the keto diet to work, 60-80% of your calories should come from fat. Protein could provide around 20% of calories. For your carb intake, it should be 20-30 grams per day only. 

The keto diet has very strict control over carb intake and moderate control over proteins. Water is the best drink to have while on this diet but you can also have plain coffee and black tea. However, be careful about the fibers you eat and be sure to look for more info about it here.

You don’t have to follow the Atkins-opposite ratio above for this diet. Only remember this rule: very low carb intake, moderate protein intake, and high fat intake.

Of course, this isn’t keto 101 if we didn’t include an example meal plan for a day.

For your first breakfast, eat eggs scrambled in butter on a bed of lettuce and topped with avocado. Grab salmon baked in olive oil and asparagus with butter for lunch. Prepare a pork chop with cauliflower mash and red cabbage slaw for dinner. 

Whenever you feel hungry, snack on low-carb cheese and sunflower seeds between meals. If you need a new snack, try celery and pepper strips dipped in guacamole.

  1. Who Should Take the Keto Diet?

This diet will work for certain kinds of people but not all. For starters, people who can’t stick to the diet won’t see any results from it.

Although it’s one of the most effective diets out there, you should be careful when trying it. 

There are other groups of people who should ask their doctors first if they’re considering this diet. The first group is people who take medication for diabetes like insulin. You’re still allowed to get the keto diet but you may need to lower your insulin doses by a lot.

The next group is breastfeeding mothers. It’s understandable that you want to get rid of the post-pregnancy fat as soon as possible. However, a low-carb diet may be dangerous for you and your child.

The last group is people who are taking blood pressure medication. The diet change can normalize your blood pressure but your meds can be too strong for your condition. Talk to your doctor about your plans as well as getting extra salt and bouillon. 

  1. Benefits of the Keto Diet

Many doctors recommend the keto diet because it’s far more superior to the typical low-fat diet. Also, this diet is not only a quick weight loss solution. It’s also a treatment for epilepsy

If you have type-2 diabetes, a ketogenic diet can help you lose the excess weight well. It can even reverse your type-2 diabetes until you don’t have to medicate anymore. If you have type-1 diabetes, you can control your blood sugar levels with it.

The diet also helps treat several types of cancer and tumor growth. Avoid heart disease by reducing risk factors like HDL cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Researches show that the keto diet also has benefits for people with Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, brain injury, and polycystic ovary syndrome.

  1. Does the Keto Diet Have Any Side Effects?

Now, you may think that the ketogenic diet is pretty solid. However, you might also think about any cons this diet has in store. As with most diet, your body will take some time to adjust to using much fewer carbs.

In the beginning, you may experience the “keto flu.” Symptoms include headaches, nausea, fogginess, muscle cramps, and fatigue. Stay hydrated and rested and you should be alright within the week.

Cutting down on carbs may affect your defecation as well. Note that your breath may stink too due to the acetone compound in ketones. To be safe, see your doctor for any recommendations or advice.

  1. What Not to Do (and Eat) on a Keto Diet

Since ketosis happens when the majority of your diet involves fats, how do you know when you’re in ketosis? One thing’s for sure: maintaining it isn’t easy.  For one, you should have the self-discipline to avoid too much protein or too many carbs. 

Avoid sugary foods and almost all fruits. Reduce the intake of beans, legumes, root vegetables, and tubers. Grains, starches, and processed low-fat diet products have to go too.

Supplements are not enough to jumpstart your body into ketosis so don’t rely on them. Also, drinking alcohol can put you out of ketosis and back to square one, even on a cheat day. If you want, you can use an over-the-counter ketosis test to see if you’re in ketosis. 

Take the Keto Diet

That is Keto 101 for beginners. Remember that everyone’s regimen is as unique as their metabolism and body. The keto diet may work for you or it may not but it wouldn’t hurt to give it a go. Fasting schedule is the best option during the keto diet plan for maximum benefits. 

It doesn’t end here! There are other details to learn and more diets to discover. Don’t hesitate to explore our other posts for more guides like this one.

Medical Misdiagnosis Is More Common Than You Think

Medical misdiagnosis and failure to diagnose are considered medical malpractice. The statistics and common conditions missed by specialists are startling.

Did you know that an estimated 12 million Americans are victims of some form of medical misdiagnosis each year? Not only this, but a recent Mayo Clinic study suggests that more than 20% of patients suffering from serious illnesses were initially misdiagnosed.

Misdiagnosis is an increasingly common problem in the medical industry, and its consequences can be severe, ranging from delayed and improper treatment to severe injury and even death. Read on to learn more about medical misdiagnosis, how it occurs, and how it can be prevented!

What Is Medical Misdiagnosis?

At first blush, the term “medical misdiagnosis” might seem pretty self-explanatory. But it’s actually much more than just incorrectly identifying a patient’s illness, injury, or condition.

Medical misdiagnosis, in fact, refers to any error that results in an incorrect, missed, or delayed diagnosis of the patient’s condition. In other words, misdiagnosis is not just about the diagnosis you receive and treating you for Disease X when you really have Disease Y.

It’s also about a doctor or clinician telling you you’re perfectly healthy when, in fact, the clinical signs of your condition are there and yet not properly or promptly recognized by your care provider. It’s even about taking months to perform batteries of follow-up tests when there were adequate signs for a proper diagnosis from day one.

So, whether it’s a matter of improperly identifying a condition or of failing to recognize the signs and symptoms of the condition, medical misdiagnosis is a form of medical malpractice that can cost you or your loved one precious time in getting the treatment you need.

How Does It Happen?

Let’s face it: the doctor/patient relationship is among the most important relationships you will ever have. Your doctor is the person you share your most intimate secrets with, private matters that you may not even share with your closest loved ones.

Your doctor knows you, literally, inside and out. In many ways, he knows you better than you know yourself. From the first day of your relationship with your doctor to the last, you are quite literally agreeing to put your life into her hands.

But did you know that the average doctor’s appointment in the United States lasts just twenty minutes? Or that patients generally get a mere 18 seconds on average to talk before their doctor interrupts them?

It’s little wonder, then, that misdiagnoses happen so often. In an increasingly burdened healthcare system, with high patient volumes and fewer and fewer clinicians to care for them, doctors all too often find themselves overworked and lacking for time.

The simple fact is that when a doctor encounters scores of patients each day recounting the same sets of symptoms, it can be tempting to jump to conclusions. It can be easy to listen to the patient, but without actually hearing her.

 And the consequences can be devastating, ranging from the simple progression of the disorder to injuries borne of improper treatment. It can cost the patient and the medical system thousands or even millions of dollars for treatments that could have been avoided. It can rob patients not only of their quality of life but also their peace of mind. It can take their function and it can take their life.

What Can Be Done?

In an already overtaxed healthcare system, where patients may too readily feel more like a number on an assembly line than a human being in search of compassionate care, it’s hard to know what to do to avoid misdiagnosis.

However, there are a few steps you can take to decreases the chances of it happening to you or your loved one.

Be Thorough and Clear

One of the most common causes of misdiagnosis is insufficient patient information. So make sure that you are communicating clearly and thoroughly with your doctor. Make notes and take a loved one with you to help ensure that you don’t miss any important details when communicating with your doctor.

Don’t Just List Your Symptoms: Tell the Story

Doctors are used to hearing the same list of symptoms repeated to them day in and day out. This can lead to a diagnostic error in which the doctor prematurely settles on a familiar and expected disorder while unconsciously ignoring signs that point away from that expected diagnosis.

However, when you tell the story of your symptoms, rather than just listing them, you’re helping your doctor focus on and better remember. Best of all, you’re providing the context that just might hold that vital clue needed to make the proper diagnosis.

It’s Your Time. Take It.

Remember what we said about the average doctor’s appointment lasting just 20 minutes? Well, it doesn’t have to be that way. You are paying for that time with your doctor. You deserve her attention, even if that means you have to demand it. 

After all, it is your right and it is your health. Nothing is more important. Your doctor should be more than willing to sit with you, hear what you have to say, and answer your questions and concerns. If he isn’t, then it’s time to start looking for a new one.

Get a Second Opinion        

Yes, your doctor may have the training, but you have the experience. You’ve lived in your body your whole life. No one knows it better than you do. And when a diagnosis (or a failure to diagnose) just doesn’t feel right, pay attention.  Listen to your intuition.

That gut instinct is an evolutionary tool meant to ensure our survival. It’s maybe the strongest ally we have in determining what is right and wrong for us. So when your gut is telling you something is not right about your diagnosis or treatment plan, take action. Get a second opinion. Or a third or a fourth if need be. It may well save your life.

The Takeaway

Medical misdiagnosis is all too common in the American healthcare system, but that doesn’t mean you or your loved ones have to experience it. With the right strategies and a bit of support, you can protect yourself and those you love from becoming another statistic. 

Please keep browsing our website to read more about your health and how to make the most of it!


Factual Details to Note about Noopept

Noopept was a synthetic drug initially developed in Russia in the 1990s. It was made with the primary purpose to help cure the problem of deteriorating cognitive abilities in the elderly. Scientists in Russia used Piracetam to develop Noopept during the 1990s, and it was ready for sale by 1996. Noopept was seen as the cheapest solution to the growing problem of social care for people in their old age. It was then realized that it offered far more benefits, for example, cognitive improvements, a sense of well-being, and more mental and physical energy, minimal negative side-effects. Here are more details about Noopept.

Effects of Noopept

This is a fast acting powder that as soon as its active components hit the brain, it will improve the movement of alpha brain waves, which are vital to cognitive performance. Furthermore, it increases two essential brain chemicals that is BDNF and NGF located in the hippocampus. Even though these two chemicals are mostly associated with long- term memory improvements, under the influence of Noopept, they increase in activity and number, thereby improving short-term memory.

Additionally, Noopept appears to increase the ability of receptors in the brain to work together with the neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine. This, in turn, enables faster transportation of the brain signals hence resulting in increased mental clarity and performance. Therefore, Noopept is a chemical stimulant of fundamental brain neurotransmitters which improves the mental functions like memory improvement, speed of thought and clarity, focus, enthusiasm and lastly positivity.

Noopept Dosage and Cycle

Noopept shared heritage with Piracetam that has made people think their dosage is similar. This is not the case as Piracetam requires a dosage of up to 500 mg, while 10 mg of Noopept is enough to trigger all the benefits one would want. You can click here to know the effects of Noopept, which are usually quick and short last, taking about 15 minutes onset and at most taking one hour for the effects to last.

Legality of Noopept

Noopept is legal but not in all states in the USA where it is not regulated thus not operated under any laws. Although it is not illegal, you are not allowed to advertise the drug for consumption by a human for medical purpose but as a general supplement.

Side Effects of Noopept

Noopept has minimal noted side effects that are short term and long term. The usual short term side-effect is headaches, which is usually at the beginning or when you take a high dose. The headaches can be counter-balanced by taking the dosage of Noopept with around 300 mg of Choline. Some of the long term side effects can be a dependency, due to the way the neurological receptors in the brain become dependent on the impact of the drug to function fully.


Since it is unregulated finding a place to buy a pure, good quality Noopept that fit the purpose is an issue. Therefore, you can click here to get genuine and good quality Noopept. Ensure you take the drug as recommended.


Be Ready for Anything: How to Survive a Plane Crash

Plane crashes don’t happen often, but when they do, they can be deadly. Keep reading below to learn how to survive a plane crash.

Did you know that your odds of being on a crashing plane are one in 5.4 million by some estimates and one in 11 million by others? You’ve got a better chance of being attacked by a shark or struck by lightning.

And when it comes to automobiles? Car transportation proves 100 times more deadly than plane travel.

Yet, the very act of soaring through the atmosphere at 31,000 to 38,000 feet still makes us nervous. And when we do hear about plane crashes and the casualties involved, these tragedies only further cement our anxiety. 

What’s the best way to assuage your fear of plane crashes? Understanding your odds of surviving a plane crash and what to do should the worst happen. Read on to learn more about surviving a plane crash.

Know Your Odds

Many airplane passengers climb on a plane with a certain sense of resigned hopelessness. They mistakenly feel that should their plane crash, it’s over. Period.

That may be why 50 percent of airline passengers don’t pay attention to the emergency briefing by flight attendants before takeoff, let alone read the brochure in the seat-back pocket in front of them. 

But inaction and ignorance founded in hopelessness won’t do you any favors should you beat the odds and find yourself in a plane that’s going down. 

When it comes to an airplane crash, your odds of surviving prove much better than you think. 96 percent of all airplane crash victims survive. 

What’s more, when researchers crunched the numbers for some of the worst crashes between 1983 and 2000, they found that even with the addition of fire, substantial damage, and injuries, 77 percent of passengers still walked away. 

Of course, there are instances where no one survives a plane crash. But they prove fewer and farther between than you probably realize.

Despite the rarity of such events, they get splashed in news headlines about 1,500 times more than auto accidents and 6,000 times more than cancer. By the way, cancer remains the second leading cause of death in the US after heart disease. 

Where to Sit to Survive a Plane Crash

When it comes to surviving a plane crash, one thing remains outside of your control: the nature of the crash. If you happen to be seated where the impact of a plane crash occurs, your odds of survival drop significantly.

But some seats do prove safer than others, no matter what the FAA states about their equivalent safety. Always try to sit in the rear third of the plane.

The safest seats on the plane are located in the last row because of their proximity to the rear exit. You can also increase your odds of survival by following the five-row rule. Position yourself within five rows of an exit door. 

Although only a marginal difference, sitting in an aisle seat also ups your odds of survival. 

Ways to Further Improve Your Survival Chances

Besides sitting in what are considered to be the safest seats, don’t make the mistake that half of your fellow passengers do. Instead of ignoring the safety presentation and seat-back card, pay attention.

Why? Because aircrafts each have unique safety procedures and features. Don’t assume that all plane safety protocols are the same. 

Most crashes occur during the first three minutes of takeoff or the last eight minutes of the flight. So, make sure your shoes are on at these times. Stay alert and prepared to take action should events change rapidly.

You should also consider your flight wardrobe carefully. Avoid shorts, skirts, dresses, and loose-fitting clothes. Wear close-toed shoes with good shoes and traction. And avoid synthetic fabrics that prove flammable. 

If possible, opt for flame-resistant clothing. If portions of the plane are on fire, this type of clothing could mean the difference between perishing and escaping.

And Don’t Forget Your Seatbelt

While it shouldn’t surprise you that passengers who wear seatbelts are far more likely to survive, after the crash seatbelts do present an escape hazard.

Many passengers who’ve survived plane crashes reported losing precious minutes to exit the plane due to problems getting their seatbelts off.

In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to forget that the buckles of airplane seatbelts must be lifted for removal. Instead, many passengers resort to trying to press them in the middle of the buckle to release them.

So, make sure you practice this a few times to get it in your muscle memory just in case.

The Best Brace Position for a Crash

As for the best position during the actual crash, make sure you have your seatbelt pulled as tightly as possible. Remember that the g-force of the crash triples with every centimeter of slack in the belt. 

Also, make sure that the belt is pulled down over your pelvis as much as possible to avoid damage to organs or soft tissue.

Brace for impact by following the positions outlined in the seat-back book. The positions include either having your head down while hugging your knees or cradling your head on the seat in front of you.

If possible, pad your heads, shins, and ankles with pillows and blankets. It also reduces the risk of shin injury when you place your feet flat on the floor and as far back under your knees as possible.

After the initial crash, prepare for additional impacts to the plane. Stay in the brace position until the plane comes to a complete stop. 

If at any point during the crash oxygen masks drop, put yours on first. You’re only as good as your ability to breathe. After that, help other individuals such as children who may not be able to get their masks on without assistance.

How to Get Off the Plane

Once the plane comes to a resting position, listen to the flight crew. If they give instructions, follow them to a tee. The flight crew is thoroughly trained in post-crash protocol.

But should they be dazed, confused, or dead, don’t wait. Time is of the essence.

If you want to survive, then you’ve got to evacuate the plane as quickly as possible. Don’t try to bring anything with you. Material items are replaceable. Your life is not.

Get out of the cabin and as far away from the plane as possible. Aim for a 500-foot distance between you and the plane. Should the exit nearest you be blocked, don’t head towards the front of the plane, no matter what your instincts may tell you.

Instead, head straight for the back. The rear emergency exit will be among the easiest to find, especially in the chaos and disorientation following a crash.

Don’t climb seats unless there’s no other way to access the emergency exit. Planes are made to be evacuated within 90 seconds. So, don’t cut line or else you stand to make the exit area so congested that nobody can get off.

Once you’re off the plane and a safe distance away, check yourself for wounds. If you’re seriously bleeding, use clothing to tie off your wound. Rescuers should arrive soon, so stay in the general vicinity of the crash.

Finally, once you’ve survived the crash and gotten back home, these attorneys a call. Following an aviation accident, you need to understand your rights and the legal recourse available to you. 

Surviving a Plane Crash

Should you find yourself in the rare position of an impending plane crash, the tips above could save your life.

While they apply primarily to commercial planes, they also have applications for a single-engine plane crash. Of course, avian crashes and deaths go up significantly when you fly in a private plane. So, think twice before departing on a small plane.

Now that we’ve satisfied your curiosity when it comes to plane crash survival, are ready for some more fascinating reads? If so, browse our blog for more stories to pique your curiosity. 


Top 10 Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

Using an electric toothbrush has its many benefits. Click here to learn all about why you should be using an electric toothbrush to brush your teeth.

So you’ve got a smartphone, a smartwatch, a smart refrigerator, and who knows what else. But you’re still scrubbing the inside of your mouth with some neglected brush? 

Upgrading to an electric toothbrush will improve your dental health and hygiene considerably.

Read on to learn about the top 10 benefits of an electric toothbrush. 

  1. Oral Health

So you’re young now and have a beautiful set of chompers. Done the line, however, you may wish you took better care of your teeth.

An electric toothbrush will keep your teeth clean and healthy for years to come.

  1. Better Brushing

An electric toothbrush moves and vibrates in such a way that is superior to a conventional toothbrush. This makes it more efficient at cleaning your teeth.

  1. Let Your Toothbrush Do the Work for You

The process is easier for the user. Instead of having to back and forth and up and down you essentially just leave the vibrating toothbrushes against your teeth and it does the word for you.

  1. Fights Bad Breath

Since this method is superior at removing bacteria and food particles from places that normal toothbrushes miss, you can expect to have a fresher smelling breath.

  1. Say Goodbye to Gingivitis

Gingivitis refers to an inflammation of the gums. It is a very common condition that leads to pain, redness, and swelling. If left untreated, it can have serious consequences.

An electric toothbrush cleans away the plaque and bacteria that cause gingivitis.

  1. Cleanliness

Studies have shown that a typical toothbrush found in our bathroom contains about one hundred million bacteria.

Switch to an electric toothbrush that is easy to clean and replacing the head is a snap.

  1. Works for Everybody

Some people can have a lot of difficulties using conventional toothbrushes. This can be due to pain, such as those with carpal tunnel syndrome, or due to mobility issues (broken wrist, Parkinson’s). It is very easy to teach someone how to use an electric toothbrush.

Self vibrating toothbrushes are easier for the user.

  1. No More Plaque

Dental plaque is sticky biofilm around our teeth that is created by bacteria. The build-up of plaque can lead to gingivitis and other condition.

Electric toothbrushes are designed to get rid of plaque, letting your teet be as healthy as possible.

  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis

Although purchasing an electric toothbrush requires an initial investment, the replacement heads are cheap and easy to replace. Plus, over time, improved dental health will translate to less dental visits and procedures, possibly saving you money in the long term.

  1. Style

OK, so style points won’t actually make your teeth whiter or anything but electric toothbrushes are simply really cool and sleek looking. Also, it is possible to buy customized toothbrushes that match your bathroom.

The best electric toothbrushes of 2019 will certainly surprise you.

Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush: It’s Time to Ditch Your Old Brush

When you look at your old blue toothbrush compared to the benefits of an electric toothbrush, it’s really a nice brainer which one wins.

You certainly have many options. Whether you want to find a deal or simply want the best Sonicare toothbrush available, your mouth and teeth will definitely appreciate it.


Why You Should Consider Taking Adrafinil

Everyday life can sometimes be demanding to the extent that you can feel overwhelmed. You might be expected to meet targets in the workplace, carry out chores, take care of the family, or even organize and attend events every week, among many other tasks.  

Such responsibilities can leave your mind and body tired and unable to function at the required level. Lucky for you, there is a drug known as adrafinil that is designed to help you during such periods. The drug is also beneficial to a person suffering from health conditions that impair the brain.

How the Drug Benefit your Body

When your mind and body are tired, you likely to feel sleepy at times when you are supposed to be functioning at the highest level. This can occur anywhere, whether in the workplace or in an event where probably you are the main guest. Adrafinil can help you avoid such awkward moments. It promotes alertness and wakefulness, which ensures that you remain active throughout the day.

Been unable to concentrate and make informed decisions is common when your mind is tired. This can also happen if you are suffering from a health condition that affects the functioning brain. If you are going through such experiences, you should consider taking adrafinil.

This because the drug leads to better mental clarity, increases reaction time, improves focus, and improves short-term memory. All these benefits ensure that you remain attentive, especially at times when you are required to be on high alert.

One other benefit associated with adrafinil is mood improvement. Most of the drugs in the market that are meant for the same function makes one irritable. This can make it difficult to relate to others. That is not the case with adrafinil. The drug has been found to improve behavior and reduce symptoms of depression. This means that you are not likely to jeopardize valuable relationships when your body is under the influence of adrafinil.  

However, if you want to enjoy the benefits or even avoid becoming overwhelmed by the effects of the drug, you should ensure that you take the right dosage. Click here for details about the recommended dosage.

Side Effects     

It is worth noting that adrafinil has the least side effects compared to most of the drugs designed for the same function. As already indicated, it does not result in mood disturbances but rather an improvement. Individuals that use the drug are also less likely to become addicted.

The only known negative side effects are delayed feeling of sleepiness and decrease in appetite. However, this should not be a concern. This is because most of the studies carried out indicate that the side effects are rare. This means that only a small percentage of users report experiencing them.

The Takeaway

Adrafinil is a drug that can help you keep up with the demands of everyday life. It promotes alertness and wakefulness, enhances mental clarity, and improves mood. All these lead to improved cognitive function. It also has the least side effects when compared to most of the drugs meant to offer the same benefits. Visit here for the best place to buy adrafinil.    


How can you make your Business Stand out in the Crowd?

You may feel like there is a long way to go before you become as successful as someone like Richard Branson, but it is important to remember that the man who is now worth approximately $4 billion started off at the bottom as well. Small business owners are getting in on the ground level, and there is no denying that it is a tough climb to get up the ladder. Those that want to be successful need to stand out from the crowd. With every industry being hugely competitive in the online world, being recognizable is more pertinent than ever.

Make sure everything is above board

One of the simplest things that business owners can do to boost the number of clients that want to deal with them is to make sure everything is above board and legal. This information can be included on the home page of your website. For example, sites in the online casino industry need to show that they are regulated by the relevant authorities.

Other businesses need to check the federal and state regulations in their area of operation. These include things like tax codes and environmental and privacy rules. It’s also a good idea to show that you have insurance. Liability insurance for small business is especially crucial, as the company may not make enough revenue to deal with any potential lawsuits.

Show that your team is committed to professional development

Clients are most likely to want to work with up and coming businesses which can show they are committed to professional development. There is a vast amount of research to show that keeping employees engaged and constantly learning is beneficial to a business. This, in turn, makes that business more attractive for others to deal with. 87 percent of millennials stated that the opportunity for professional development was a huge persuading factor to stay in a job, and companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202 percent.

Include recommendations from clients on your website

Once the above points are covered, it should be much easier to attract clients than when you were starting out. But that is just the start. Use early dealing with other businesses and clients as a way to garner some feedback from them. If possible, have them make recommendations and use quotes on your website homepage. If others can see that reputable companies have recommended you, they are much more likely to want to do business. This is the same for any industry and is a vital tactic for standing out. If two websites both offer the same thing but only one has recommendations, which one do you think people are most likely to deal with?

Some other ways to make your small business stand out from the crowd include colorful and unique website design, innovative offers, and interactivity. If you get all these things right, you could end up being as successful as Branson one day.