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Steps To Recovery For Cancer Patients

Recovery for cancer patients starts immediately after diagnosis. This should be the mentality and not otherwise. Your whole life changes once you find out you have cancer. The journey from there on will be hard and emotional.

It is easy to lose hope along the way, but when you have the right support, you can get through anything. So, what do you do once you find out you have cancer?

1.    Find an expert in your disease

If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, find an expert in that area, and consult him. Don’t stop there find another and other to be sure that you are getting the best type of treatment where you are.

2.    Build your inner grit

You will be fighting for your life. Make sure you have consulted nutritionists and integrative doctors to help build up your physical and spiritual well-being. You have to be proactive in this situation because going through treatment is not easy. You want to remain strong.

3.    Get support

Involve your family and friends to help you through these trying times. Friends and family can help you do most of the research. You can also opt to go for a womens cancer retreat and meet people going through the same thing as you relax your body and eat healthy food. It is also essential to find and join a cancer support group near you. A cancer survivor will understand what you are going through and offer emotional support throughout the process.

Pampered in paradise has great packages for womens cancer retreat, and they also host events. It is never too early to join a cancer support group.

4.    Stay informed

Studies have shown that patients who are well informed have less of a hard time during treatment. Write down all the questions you have about your disease and find the answers. Your family can help you with this. There are numerous resources online that you can get information from as well as the experts you found in step one above.

5.    Know your treatment options

Medicine is advancing in technology as well as the pharmacy department. After researching all about your disease and consulting various experts, you will have a list of possible treatment options. Do your research on those as well and see which one is best for you.

Different types of cancer have different types of treatment. Each of these treatments has various side effects. Some are also more likely to increase your chances of survival, and some are not. Be informed enough to make a reasonable decision concerning the treatment.

6.    Remember to stay healthy

Follow your new diet to the core. Fit in some simple exercises within your schedule to keep your physical strength up. If you are spiritual, pray some more, meditate or do some yoga. Maintain social contact with friends and family.

You never know how long your battle will be, but you will be one step ahead if you follow the above steps.

The Busier We Are, The More We Need To Be Alone: Here Are A Few Ideas How To Relax

This world is an express train that is going too fast and I cannot bear the pressure. Personally, I feel like I am going to throw up.

Look around you. People are getting busier and busier by the hour. They are always running somewhere. They are always rushing to catch a bus, finish an errand, get that check, get lunch, get to work.

I get it. We are busy working bees that are not satisfied with the ordinary. We always want more. More work, more knowledge, more information, more money. That is truly amazing if you ask me, but it is not always beneficial for us.

Look around you. We are The Burnout Generation. We live in a world where everything we can imagine is possible if you work hard enough. And so, we do. We put our heart and souls into accomplishing our dreams and we succeed. But somewhere down the line, we forget to take care of ourselves. We let ambition and greed take control of our lives.

And after some time, we realize that the busier we get, the more we need to be alone.

We realize that spending time with ourselves and enjoying the silence is actually the best thing that we can do for ourselves. Because it really is.

In fact, according to recent studies, taking time for yourself restores the nervous system, helps us sustain energy and makes our minds more responsive and adaptive to the complexity of the environments.

However, being quiet is not about distancing yourself from the daily distractions of your office. Real silence means more than that. It means silencing your inner chaos and finding peace within yourself. It is about resting your body, mind, and soul and taking a break from life’s dynamic.

Here are four effective methods that will help you relax:

1. Spend more time outdoors. Ditch the phone and the TV and go to your cabin in the woods. Be offline for a few days. Isolate yourself from all the media and all the people. Let them know that you need to recharge and let go of everything. Allow yourself to breathe.

2. Make breaks from work. Close the office door every once in a while, and take a deep breath. Or even better, take a break and eat your lunch outside. Go to the nearest park and enjoy the morning sun. Close your eyes and enjoy the silence. Meetings can wait. Your wellbeing that shouldn’t be left on hold.

3. Go on a media fast. Stop giving a damn about your emails. You are a human being who needs rest. You deserve to be left alone. You deserve to find your peace. Turn off your damn phone for one day and just try to enjoy life from a real perspective. See things with your eyes not your camera.  Enjoy every moment because you never know what tomorrow might bring.

4. Try a meditation retreat. Yes, the world is getting louder, but it is your choice whether you will ignore it or let it drive you mad. If none of the above helps you, I suggest you try meditation retreat. It is an experience that will change the way you think and the way you see the world. It will help you slow and take look around.

So, what are you waiting for?

The Concealed Health Risks Of Bad Relationships

Considering the fact what a great number of articles we come across every day about what we should do to maintain our health and how many TV-shows have been broadcast in recent years in which therapists explain what kind of food and physical exercises are good for our overall well-being, it’s no wonder that nowadays we’re more health conscious than ever.

We’re focusing a great amount of attention to the type of food we consume and the environment we live in. We’re trying to make sure we eat organic, gluten-free food, drink healthy, sugar-free beverages, go to the gym at least 4 times a week and, of course, avoid toxic environments.

But, what many of us fail to understand is that the quality of our relationships, both romantic and otherwise, can be as toxic to our physical health as junk food or any toxic environment. Poor or troubled relationships can lead to anxiety, stress, depression, and even more serious health conditions.

We can have bad, toxic relationships with members of our family, our friends, our coworkers, or our partners. So, the real question is: How can you tell that you are in this kind of relationship?

To figure that out, we advise you to answer the following questions:

When you are around the person, do you generally feel comfortable and content, or do you usually feel stressed out and drained?

Do you feel safe when you’re around this person or do you feel like you’re in danger?

Do you feel happy or mentally and physically drained after you spend time with this person?

Do you feel that they’re invested in the relationship as much as you are?

– What kind of feelings predominate in your relationship with this person: feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and security, or uneasiness and tension?

Do you feel like this person accepts and cherishes you for who you are, or do you feel like you have to change your behavior to make them happy and like you more?

After you answer the questions, try to make a comparison between your answers and these descriptions of healthy, happy and bad, unhealthy relationships:

-The typical characteristics of healthy, fulfilling relationships are kindness, patience, understanding, security, healthy arguments, mutual respect and caring, and willingness to make compromises and sacrifices for each other’s happiness.

The typical characteristics of troubled, toxic relationships are selfishness, lack of trust, jealousy, dishonesty, insecurity, rejection, unfounded, harsh criticism, and derogatory comments.

How can you change a bad, unhealthy relationship?

The first thing you need to do so as to change an unhealthy relationship is to identify the red flags that you are in one. More often than not, people are unaware that they’re in a toxic relationship, even when members of their family and their friends can spot the warning signs.

Then always remember that you deserve to be surrounded by people who truly love and care about you and who are able to see your worth. You deserve to be treated with kindness, respect, dignity, and love.

Once you begin to truly believe that you’re worthy of other people’s respect and love, you’ll also start feeling more comfortable addressing bad behavior when it happens.

For instance, it’ll become easier for you to tell the person directly how you feel. Telling them something, such as, “I don’t like the fact that you’re always laying the blame at my door, even when I’m not the one to blame,” or “I wish that you’d stop making me feel like whatever I do is never good enough” won’t be difficult for you at all.

Last but not least, if you’ve exhausted all ways of changing the unhealthy relationship, and nothing worked, then you should consider reducing the amount of time you spend with the toxic person, or even distancing yourself from them completely.

Remember – maintaining your mental, physical, and emotional health should always be your number one priority and you must never compromise your well-being for anyone or anything.

Is It Love Or Is It Lust? 5 Signs You Might Be Confusing Intimacy With Sex

Sometimes we feel too much. We meet someone new and suddenly we feel like are head over heels in love with them. One look is all it takes to light that fire inside of you. And before you know it, we cannot keep our hands to ourselves.

There are fireworks in the air and the sheer excitement makes you feel like you are on 7th heaven.

But are you really?

Like I said, sometimes we feel too much and because of the intensity of our feelings, we often mistake good sexual chemistry with real love. Luckily, there are people who are not afraid to embrace their emotions. These people find it easier to recognize the truth.

If you feel lost, read on. These are a few signs that you might be confusing love and sex:

1. Your connection is based on physical attraction. Try to think of the first thing about your partner that ever caught your attention when you met them? Was it their kindness, their incredible sense of humor or their rock-hard abs? Your answer will probably help you reveal the truth.

2. You are only lovers and that is that. The sex is great, but you don’t really have anything else in common. You don’t really share the same interests. Plus, you don’t know much about their past and their life in general. If this is the case, it is obvious that there is nothing more than a powerful physical and sexual attraction between you two.

3. You spent most of the time in bed. You don’t really go on dates or do anything else than making love. In fact, you’ve never been out in public together. You mostly hang out at home. And when the sex is done, you feel like there is nothing else you could do with them. It is obvious why you are together.

4. The sex is amazing, but it somehow doesn’t make you satisfied. You make love and everything at that moment is mind-blowing. Your senses are intensified, your energy is going crazy and your desire is making you go nuts. You feel like you are out of this world. Like you are in a completely different dimension. But the moment you finish it and it all comes back to normal, you feel like there is something missing. Being with that person doesn’t make you fulfilled.

5. You don’t feel comfortable introducing them to your family. You don’t see a future with them. Plus, you are afraid that your family will see the truth once they see them. That you two are not really a couple. So, keeping it a secret seems like the best option for now.

Sometimes The Woman That Is Always There For Those Around Her Needs Someone To Be There For Her

When you are the woman that is always there for those around her – you have a deep, waste ocean of feelings within you. You’re not scared to plunge into it and drown for those that are too afraid to swim.

When you are the woman that is always there for those around her, you never stop giving. You give pieces of your heart and soul to others to make them happy.

But, when you are the woman that is always there for those around her, you also hurt. You feel emotional pain. You worry. You feel confused. You wonder whether you’ll be given the love that you so selflessly and unconditionally give to others. You wonder whether one day, someone will come to you and ask you, “How are you feeling?” “How are you healing?”

And since this never happens, you look deep within yourself to find your inner strength and courage to heal your wounds and mend your broken heart. You look for hope in the depths of your soul. You tell yourself that you don’t need anyone to heal your wounds. You don’t need anyone to stay by your side and hold your hand while you try to save yourself.

Because you’re your own savior. You’re a warrior who is not afraid to lose a battle or two because you know that you have what it takes to win an entire war.

Yet, sometimes you need someone to be there for you.

Sometimes the woman who always lets others rely on her when they need help needs to have someone she can rely on. Sometimes the woman who reminds everyone around her of their worth needs someone to remind her of her own.

Sometimes the woman who appreciates everyone around her needs to know that she’s appreciated. Sometimes the woman who has the biggest smile hides the greatest sorrow behind her laugh and cheerful face.

So, if you are the woman that is always there for everyone, know that you have a heart of gold. You have a heart which is pure and deep. You have a heart which is rare. You have a character which is an inspiration to many.

Also know that there are strength and power within you which enable you to overcome any challenge, problem, and pain life sends your way. They enable you to prevent any harsh truth, hurtful word, or bad action from destroying your self-esteem and taking your happiness away.

Last but not least, know that you aren’t obligated to carry other people’s problems and pains on your shoulders. Remind yourself that your heart, body, and soul need to rest. Remind yourself that from time to time, you need to invest the energy and love you so selflessly give to others in yourself.  

Remind yourself that you don’t always have to be tough and resilient. Remind yourself that you have the right to cry, be vulnerable, and ask for help.

Remind yourself that you don’t always have to be the one that saves herself.

Because you deserve to be saved by someone else once in a while.

4 subtle signs that your partner is cheating on you

Cheating is often associated with hindsight. Once it comes to light, you look back and realiz­­e the signs were there all along; you did not want to see them. The cheater does everything in his/her power to cloak the truth and make everything appear normal, but there are some subtle hints that you will see. At first, you might brush them off and choose to trust your­­ partner especially if you have been together for a long time, but it starts to become a pattern and if you want to see them you will. Once you see some red flags, do your due diligence and confront them. If that yields nothing, then take matters into your own hands and investigate. Everything you need to tell you the truth lies in your partner’s phone; the text messages, the calls, his/her social media activity. That is where it all begins. You can get an app to spy on your spouse to get the answers you need. Below are some of the subtle hints of a cheating partner. (1)

  1. Changed schedule

When you notice a change in your partner’s program, then there is cause for concern. Perhaps they might start ‘working late’ which is always a sure giveaway, or it might be subtle like a shift in his routine when he comes home. Maybe before they would get back, talk to you or out for a jog, but now once they get home, they have to take a shower first. Monitor such things. They might seem like nothing, but you should pick up on them.

  1. Increased random gifts

When your partner starts gifting you randomly, something they were not doing before, you might want to get an app to spy on them. It is often their guilty conscience trying to mask the fact that their cheating on you so they try to overcompensate so that you do not notice what they are doing behind your back.

  1. Suddenly picking up new interests

When you’re partner starts spurting facts about things you had no idea they had an interest in, it might be an effect their lover has on them. People tend to pick up new likes from people they admire and are intimately involved. You might want to investigate where all this interest is coming from by checking their phones.

  1. Changed sex patterns

It can go two ways, one, your spouse might show less interest in having sex with you, second, your spouse might want to change things up, perhaps be more adventurous, something they may have picked up from their lover. Less sex may mean that their lover satisfies them more, and they no longer have the interest to have sex with you. It is cause for alarm, and you might want to dive into some investigating.

Cheating is a painful experience, and the feeling of betrayal is so hurtful that many may choose to overlook it and blindly trust their partner. You are better of finding out the truth and decide on whether you want to work things through or pull the plug. Remember, more often than not, if they cheated once, they are more likely to cheat again, and in realizing this, it is better to walk away. (2)

The Top 4 Ways to Keep a Marriage Healthy and Thriving

It’s a sad reflection of our society that 50% of marriages end in divorce. The reasons for this are many, including cultural changes, generational changes, the volatility of the economy, and so on. However, there are certain things that can be done to keep a marriage healthy in the long term so that this ending is avoidable.

  1. Look After Your Finances

At first, it might sound as if love is all that anyone needs to have a successful marriage, but reality has a habit of biting hard. One of the biggest reasons why many marriages fail is money trouble.

Not having enough money can cause couples to fight, but it’s actually a wider ranging issue than this. Nearly half of the people in a marriage lie about an impulse purchase they’ve made. This might not sound like too big of a deal, but it paves the way for more lying and possible financial ruin.

So, what about couples where one person likes to spend money and the other likes to pinch pennies? This is not an uncommon scenario, but this in and of itself is not always the cause of the problems. There’s nothing wrong with two people having a different approach to money, after all.

What needs to happen is that two people need to set out some ground rules at the start of their marriage. Both people need to understand what the limits on spending are and what the family budget is. Keeping track of spending through apps is a good idea, too.

The truth is that if a married couple has a financial plan in place, the lying is less likely to happen. It may not prevent it completely, but it can definitely help to keep the finances open and the rest of the relationship honest.

  1. Make Intimacy a Priority

It happens to most married couples, especially after the birth of their first child: a decrease in sexual intimacy. In fact, it’s another big reason why many couples end up in divorce court. At first, sex is common, but after a while familiarity creeps in, and it can become a real chore.

The truth is that any kind of intimacy, be it holding hands or kissing, tends to result in healthier marriages. Some couples like to schedule their sexual activity, but this can make it seem like a chore. It can be a tricky balance to figure out, but both people in the marriage need to see sexual intimacy is important enough to engage in. As long as both people are happy in this area, it doesn’t matter whether it happens once a day, once a week, or once a month.

  1. Keep Talking

A lack of communication between couples is another reason why so many marriages dissolve. Communication is one of the keys to a successful relationship, and it’s important to be as open and as honest as possible.

Though couples who fight passionately may seem as if they are in trouble, the truth is that displaying any passion in a marriage is actually a good sign that things really matter. It’s more of a concern when one or both people are simply uninterested and dispassionate.

  1. Remain Adaptable and Flexible

The truth is that circumstances will change as a marriage gets older. This may be sudden unemployment, illness, or changed financial circumstances. One of the hallmarks of any successful marriage is a capacity for both people to adapt to these changes and accept them.

The problem is that many couples enter marriage with rose-coloured glasses on and become upset when circumstances change. This is the time when it’s most important to be understanding and flexible.

6 Effective Strategies To Deal With People Who Want To Trash Your Happiness

Unfortunately, we all have people in our lives that try to downplay our achievements and ruin our happiness. You may have that one friend that tries to undermine your confidence every time you achieve some success.

You may have that one co-worker who criticizes you and tries to belittle you in front of your boss every time he/she praises you for something you did. Or you may have that one family member who always acts like they’re superior to you because they can’t stand the fact that you are fulfilled and successful. 

So, the real question is: What can you do to prevent someone from making you feel bad?

Well, if you think you have someone who wants to trash your happiness in your life, here are 6 effective strategies you can use so that their words and actions don’t affect you:

1. Remember that it’s okay to be happy, even when those around you aren’t.

There will always be someone who’ll envy your good looks, professional success, satisfying love life, or amazing family. There will always be someone who will roll their eyes when you laugh or share an achievement.

But, remember their envy is their own problem. Some individuals can’t resist the urge to compete with those around them. And there’s nothing you can do to change this.

Therefore, always remember that it’s fine to be happy, even when those around you aren’t. You can sympathize with their pain, but you must not allow their problems and pain to ruin your happiness and hinder your growth.

2. Remember that happiness is a result of hard work.

When others tell you those “do-not-chase-the-rainbow” clichés, don’t listen to them because they don’t know your story. They don’t understand that the reason you lead a happy, fulfilling, successful life is not that you were born under a lucky star. Rather, you worked hard to get where you are in life now.

You were not afraid to make mistakes, sacrifice your desires, and take risks. You were not afraid to accept and face your failures, both in your personal and professional life. And most importantly, you knew that genuine happiness includes the willingness to be patient.

3. Having a lot of money doesn’t equal happiness.

Facts, such as how high you stand on the social ladder, how much money you make, how many fancy cars you own, or how many pieces of expensive jewelry you have, don’t determine your happiness. Possessing expensive material things like these can bring you satisfaction -no one denies that. But, this kind of satisfaction doesn’t last long. It’s transient.

On the other hand, being a kind, compassionate person and being surrounded by people who truly love and care about you is what comprise genuine happiness. So, if you fit this description and you’re blessed to have this kind of people in your life, know that there’s no such word or action that could trash your happiness.

4. Remember that happiness isn’t an egotistical goal.

Everyone deserves to live a happy, meaningful, fulfilling life. Then, how can your wish and efforts to achieve happiness be egotistical?  “Happiness is an egotistical goal” is something which only a person who envies your happiness can say.

5. Happiness and contentment can’t be separated.

You can’t be happy if you’re not able to content yourself within the current moment. You can’t be genuinely happy if you don’t pursue your passions, the goals you want to achieve, and the hobbies that bring you joy.

Therefore, next time, someone tells you to make contentment your goal, not happiness, tell them you want to achieve both.

6. Happiness requires you to be willing to set clear boundaries.

When you talk to a person who tries to put you down and ruin your happiness, always be prepared to endure their unfounded, harsh criticism. Always be ready to endure their judgments and snide remarks.

Yet, make sure you never respond to their harsh words in an immature, rude manner because this way, you’ll join their unhappiness. Instead, try to disengage from the conversation in a calm, civilized manner.

10 Clear Sings That It Is Finally Time For You To End Your Relationship

Dating is about finding out whether two people have what it takes to maintain a real, loving relationship and find happiness together. Sometimes they turn out to be the best match, but sometimes they don’t have the qualities and the compatibility to end up as a happy couple.

And so, the struggle begins. They feel that something isn’t quite right, but they don’t have the guts to break up. They know that they don’t belong to each other, but they are afraid. Their doubts make them unsure and so they wonder.

“Should I break up or should I give them another chance?”

The truth is, we’ve all been there. We’ve all felt anxious about being in a relationship with another person. We’ve all felt like we can’t find our way out.

So, if you, the one reading this article are struggling with these following feelings, know that it is maybe time to finally put a stop to your nightmare. The sooner you accept this, the better off you will be.

1. You don’t feel happy. Being romantically involved with someone means spending time and sharing moments with them because they make you happy. So why would you choose to stay with someone that makes you feel anxious and edgy around them? This is more than enough. It is a sign that you are not where you want to be. Trust your emotions.

2. You don’t trust your partner. It is pretty natural and healthy to be jealous and doubtful at times. But when your inner voice starts whispering something to you and starts to concern you, you shouldn’t ignore what it says.

3. You don’t think that you will ever regret doing that. You’ve accepted that you don’t belong together. You’ve accepted that you are not meant for each other. So, the only thing left that you need to do is to finally end that relationship for good.

4. You are trying hard, but you cannot find a way to make things work out. You are doing the best you can to salvage your relationship, but it doesn’t work. That is because there is nothing between you that can be salvaged. You are not right for each other. This is another clear sign that you need to move on alone.

5. You often daydream what your life would be like if you weren’t with them. This makes you nostalgic for something you’ve never ever experienced. You have dreams and goals that you want to accomplish on your own and you feel trapped with them. If this is the case, you already know what you should do.

6. Your insecurities are getting louder and louder. You don’t feel good about yourself. Being with them makes you doubt and criticize yourself. Trust me, you don’t want to be with someone who does not believe in you. You need a person that supports you and cares about you. Make the step. If your relationship doesn’t feel right, end it for good.

7. You have different values. You cannot be on a completely different page with your partner and expect your relationship to thrive. Sharing the same values is crucial to sustaining a healthy and loving unity. If your values differ radically, this may be one of the biggest red flags that your relationship is not meant to be.

8. Your friends are supporting you to end your relationship. They are 100% on board with that decision. They believe that you deserve much better than what you have right now. And honestly, if you are really going through all of these feelings, they may be right.

9. You don’t talk to each other. You simply don’t communicate the way one healthy and loving couple should. You don’t share intimate moments with one another. This is probably the biggest sign that you don’t belong together and that you probably should end your relationship.

10. You are lying to yourself that something will change, but deep down you know it won’t. You keep convincing yourself that there are things about them that you like, but the weight of all the cons in your relationship make it unbearable for you to pretend that everything is fine.

6 Toxic Behaviors You Shouldn’t Ever Put Up With

We argue and we fight with those who are close to us, even when we truly care about each other. We can fly off the handle and be negative once in a while in our relationships, both romantic and otherwise, and, all of this is normal.

Unfortunately, there’re many of us that have a problem recognizing when normal behaviors have become toxic and drawing the line when we have had enough of someone’s crappy behavior.

Toxic behavior comes in many different forms: manipulation, unfounded criticism, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or ghosting, to name just a few. It can be found in your relationships with your caring parents, loyal friends, loving partner, or supportive colleagues – in one word – everywhere.

Regardless of the form toxic behavior takes, it can drain your energy and suck the happiness out of you. It can weaken your confidence and destroy your dignity. Are you wondering how I know this?

Well, unfortunately, I had to learn it the hard way. I was in a relationship with someone who was damaging to my self-esteem.

But, this painful relationship has also taught me a valuable lesson, and that is that if you establish clear, firm boundaries and you’re willing and strong enough to defend them, there’s no such person that can undermine your confidence.

Here are 6 toxic behaviors you shouldn’t ever put up with:


Gaslighting is probably the most severe form of toxic behavior. It’s a form of psychological abuse by means of which a person tries to convince you that some words were never uttered or some actions never happened.

This kind of behavior enables a person to do something bad or say something hurtful to you and then deny doing that. They can even accuse you of lying or exaggerating things and make you apologize for something which isn’t your fault at all. And if you’re not aware that you’re a victim of gaslighting,  they can even make you doubt your own perceptions and logic.


If you know someone who often displays this kind of toxic behavior, you may think that they’re reserved or too shy to express their feelings, but know that you’re wrong. Because stonewalling has nothing to do with being timid.

It’s just manipulating, degrading, and controlling kind of behavior which is used when someone wants to avoid answering your questions, listening to you, or taking responsibility for their bad behavior.


Threatening is a common behavior for a person that has more power in some part of your life, such as a partner or a parent that makes most of the money. The person who often displays this highly negative behavior usually uses phrases, such as, “If you don’t do … then I’ll …” By verbally threatening you, they actually try to show that they’re the one who is in control, not you.

What you need to remember is that whether a person threatens you verbally or physically, you need to make sure you distance yourself from them, because if you don’t, they can greatly damage your self-esteem.


Whether it is forgetting to take out the garbage or what products you should buy at the supermarket since you left the list on the table in the dining room, we all make mistakes.

But, when the person you’re in a relationship with begins listing your flaws, insulting you, and humiliating you every time you make a simple mistake, know that you are not in a healthy territory anymore.


When a person downplays your accomplishments, know that this is because they envy you your success and happiness. They have low self-esteem and they have trouble accepting that you’re smarter and more successful than them and that you have a better and more fulfilling life than theirs.

If you know someone who regularly displays this toxic behavior, know that they’re not worthy of your time and attention.


While you may think that blaming someone for something they never said or did is unfair and absurd, unfortunately, there are people who don’t share your attitude. These people have no problem laying the blame at your door for something that’s not your fault. Why?

Because this is the easiest way for them to avoid taking any personal responsibility. When they gaslight you, it’s easy for them to avoid admitting their mistakes and apologizing to you for their bad behavior. And as if this wasn’t bad enough, this manipulation technique enables them to convince you that you’re the one to blame for their own mistakes and bad actions.