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Two Inspirational Scandinavian Holiday Ideas to Lift Your Spirits

Travel is a great way to recharge your energy, stimulate your mind and strengthen your soul. However, some trips will inspire you more than others. For example, a week sat by a pool at an all-inclusive resort might help you relax but it might not give you the cultural and spiritual stimulation you are craving. Sometimes, you have to think a little differently to find the right experience for you.

If you’re looking for a holiday with a difference, Scandinavia provides some great options. Here we look at two truly inspirational Scandinavian vacation ideas.  

A trip to the Ice Hotel

Located in the small village of Jukkasjärvi, 200 km north of the Arctic Circle in Sweden, the Ice Hotel offers a unique holiday experience. The hotel is built every year using ice from the River Torne on whose banks it stands. Traditionally, the design and layout of the hotel have been different each year, although new technology now allows part of it to open all year round. The artic location offers a unique landscape dominated by the silence of the surrounding wilderness.

Visitors can choose to spend a night or more in one of the hotel’s many themed ice rooms, each featuring ice sculptures commissioned by artists from around the globe. However, there are also warm and cosy chalets available nearby.

During the winter, there is very little daylight, temperatures are well below freezing and the snow can be metres deep. Some lucky guests may even get to see the Northern Lights during their stay.

Despite the location, there is plenty to do with snowmobile experiences, dog-sled tours, wilderness dinners, fishing trips and photography adventures among the huge choice of excursions in this winter wonderland.

Visit a Viking location

Scandinavia is the original home of the Vikings. These ancient Norse seafarers were known for travelling far and wide to trade, conquer and discover new lands. They even made it to North America hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus where they built a settlement at L’Anse aux Meadows.

There are many Viking locations scattered across Scandinavia and a visit to any will transport you back to an era when Vikings dominated the north of Europe. At the Viking Centre in Ribe, Denmark, you can see how the Vikings used to live by visiting the reconstructed village and marketplace. Ribe is the oldest town in the country and is an important part of Norse history.

The Vikings had their own culture, mythology and language. Norse mythology features Gods such as Thor and Odin who, along with the entity Loki, were popularised in the Marvel comic and movie series. Their tales are told in the runestones that were a popular part of Viking culture.

Also in Denmark, the Trelleborg Viking Fortress near Slagelse is home to the remains of an original circular Viking fort. There are seven more similar fortresses located across Denmark and Sweden all worth a visit.

Trelleborg, a viking fortification from” (CC BY 2.0) by Daily LOL Pics

The famous town of Jelling is full of Viking sites and artefacts such as burial mounds, rune stones and the 900-year-old Jelling Church which was one of the first signs of the Viking transition to Christianity.

In summary, these are just two ways to experience Scandinavia – there are many more incredible experiences to be found in this fascinating and awe-inspiring part of the world. Why not take a trip to the Norwegian Fjords or enjoy the wonderful cities of Stockholm in Sweden or Helsinki in Finland? The possibilities are endless.

This Is How You Love Purely, Unconditionally And Free Of Any Attachment

True love is free-flowing, pure, wild, untamed, unconditional and limitless. It doesn’t have any shape. It cannot be broken. And it exists independently on its own. It is not based on attachment. It is based on mutual understanding, compromise and trust.

The only thing that destroys it and eventually kills it, is attachment. Yup, you read it right. Attachment is the death of true, unconditional love.

Attachment is the nasty villain that comes in and sweeps everything away. And you know that. Deep down, all of you know it. The thing is, you are just too afraid to admit it.

You see, most of you may say that you unconditionally love someone, but if you are someone who behaves co-dependently and cannot spend a day without your partner beside you (or in other words, you cannot live your life without them),  I have news for you. That is not unconditional love. In fact, that is the opposite of unconditional love. It is called codependency.

Codependency is easily mistaken for real, unconditional love. Those fiery, can’t-live-without-each-other feelings are often misinterpreted and most of the people often think that they’ve found real love. When in reality, they’ve actually put themselves into a dangerous cage.

Well, let’s make things clearer, shall we?

This is how you love purely, unconditionally and free of any kind of attachment:

1. You love without boundary. When you truly love someone, your love should know no boundary. If you say that you are truly in love with someone, you should be able to love them passionately and from the bottom of your heart. Without any fear that your heart might get broken again.

Having said that, attachment is what makes us absolutely addicted to a person. It is what makes us fear for our life without them. As a result of being attached, we forget about ourselves. We forget that real love has no end and it exists freely on its own.

2. You have a huge sense of happiness and freedom. More importantly, you feel like you can be yourself. When you truly love another human being, everything feels just right. There is no pressure, no fear of being rejected and no doubts. This is a sign that you love someone unconditionally and free of attachment.

3. You fully accept your partner as they are. This goes without a saying. The definition of unconditional love is acceptance of imperfection. Loving someone purely and without attachment means loving them for who they truly are. A flawed, peculiar, imperfect human being who’ve done many mistakes in life. This kind of love liberates, whereas love based on attachment entraps.

It is truly important for you to be able to make a difference between these two. Because if you are being controlled and criticized by your partner, you shouldn’t convince yourself that they love you. You should know that this person cannot love you the right way.

Unconditional love doesn’t allow you to go down the road to attachment. It simply teaches you to love without boundaries.

10 Reasons Why People Who Overthink Everything Have A Hard Time Falling In Love

Overanalyzing. Misinterpreting. Exaggerating. Overstressing. Thinking. Overthinking.

If you ask me, it’s all the same. Because it all involves using your mind to overanalyze everything that is happening around you and sometimes even up to a point where it gets more harmful than helpful for you.

It’s crazy, I am telling you. I myself am a passionate overthinker. Those who are struggling with the same know exactly how deep thinkers go through life.

Here are 10 reasons why people who overthink usually have trouble finding love:

1. They overthink the obvious. They are the masters of making something unnecessary complicated and hard. Overthinkers or in other words, deep thinkers internalize their feelings. They always feel and think more than it is needed. Even when the truth is obvious.

2. They know that love is not enough to sustain one relationship. People who overthink know that loving someone is not all there is. They believe that compatibility is one of the most important things for a relationship to thrive.

3. They often attract partners in order to fulfill their voids. Their mind is loud, and their thoughts are often chaotic. So, in order to fulfill their voids and hush their fears, they attract people who they think can help them go through the pain. The sad thing is, in most cases, the relationships they create with these people are not real.

4. However, they are also afraid that they might get hurt. Deep thinkers are very conflicted human beings. The first thing you need to know about them is the fact that they are wounded. Their scars are a part of who they are, and they are the reminders that keep them up at night.

5. They are in love with the realms inside their minds. They like how things sound in theory more than in practice. That is why when reality suddenly disrupts their fantasies, they have no idea how to react. Instead of actually doing something, they retreat to the safety of their comfort zones.

6. They are afraid of how much they feel. And this often makes them very cautious about their decisions. The truth is, deep thinkers know that they feel too much, they are very well aware of what is going on inside their hearts. The problem is putting their feelings on the line and showing everyone how vulnerable are.

7. They analyze and carefully evaluate situations before they take a leap. Overthinkers have a storm of thoughts in their minds before they actually make a decision. They can’t help it, it’s just who they are.

8. They have high standards. Even though they sometimes make mistakes like falling for people just because they need to fill their voids, deep thinkers actually believe in love. And they are convinced that there is someone for everyone.

9. They want a partner who is more than just what they make them feel. As I previously said, deep thinkers believe in compatibility. They need someone who will share the same ideas, passions, and insecurities as them. They need someone who is more than just attractive.

10. They find it hard to follow their hearts because most of the time this involves trusting themselves. And doing that is not simple for these people.

I Am Gradually Learning Not To React To Everything That Upsets Me

I am gradually realizing that I don’t have to let everything that happens to me affect me.

I am gradually realizing that I don’t have to let every worry, challenge, and temptation life throws my way and every negative person that walks into my life get to me.

I am gradually understanding that the time and energy I have to invest in reacting to every harm that befalls me and every manipulative, selfish person that tries to take advantage of me drains me and sucks the happiness out of me.

I am gradually realizing that every problem and every bad person I concentrate on prevent me from seeing the good, valuable things in life. They prevent me from appreciating the people who genuinely love and care about me. They prevent me from feeling grateful for the unswerving support and unconditional love my family and close friends have been showing me all my life.

I am gradually learning that not everyone will like me. That not everyone will like and support my opinions, ideas, decisions, and goals. That not everyone is going to treat me the way I deserve to be treated – and that is fine.

I am gradually learning that trying so hard to please everyone around me is pointless and absurd. It’s impossible. Because there will always be someone who will judge and criticize me for my opinions and decisions. There will always be someone who will say that I’m not trying hard enough to make others happy.

I’m gradually realizing that trying so hard to make everyone around me like me is just a waste of energy. It’s a source of distress and happiness. Because not everyone will accept and cherish me for who I really am. Not everyone will accept me with my annoying habits, whims, insecurities, and fears. Not everyone will find me perfect with all my imperfections.

I am gradually understanding that not reacting to everything that upsets me doesn’t mean I am fine with it. It only means that I am willing, resilient, and tough enough to rise above it and move forward. It means that I am choosing not to let selfish, inconsiderate people undermine my confidence and self-esteem.

Not reacting to every negative thing that happens to me doesn’t mean that I’m ignoring it. Instead, it means that I am choosing to accept it as a valuable lesson and learn from it. It means I am choosing to allow it to make me wiser, stronger, and braver.

Not reacting to every bad person and thing life sends my way doesn’t mean that I lack the will and strength to deal with them. It just means that I am choosing to preserve my mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It means I am choosing not to let anyone and anything take my happiness away.

I am gradually realizing that life is too short to deal with immature, fickle, inconsiderate people.

I am gradually understanding that I don’t need unnecessary drama in my life, nor do I need to surround myself with individuals who create it.

I don’t need to be surrounded by people who only care about themselves. People who are only interested in taking advantage of others so as to meet their needs. People who think are superior to me.

I am gradually realizing that sometimes not reacting at all to someone’s crappy behavior is much better than complaining to them about it or yelling at them about it. Why?

Because it will not change anything. It won’t make them suddenly start respecting and loving me.

I am gradually understanding that sometimes you just need to let things be. Don’t complain. Don’t pick a fight. Don’t look for answers. Don’t beg for explanations. And don’t expect others to understand your story. Why?

Since reacting to everything that upsets you allows someone else to have power over your feelings and reactions. It allows them to mess with your mind and manipulate you. It allows them to control your life. It allows them to destroy your happiness and shatter your hopes. It allows them to prevent you from living your life the way you want to.

10 Definite Signs Your Man Is So Into You

When it comes to men and the way they behave in relationships, there’s a general misconception that it’s very hard to figure out their feelings and whether they’re serious about you because they’re not usually vocal about their feelings.

But, as I said – this is just a misconception. Because the truth is that when it comes to expressing their feelings, men are not complicated at all. When a man falls deeply in love, his actions speak louder than his words.

When a man falls for you hard, his feelings make him act in certain ways. He doesn’t have to tell you, “I love you” five times a day for you to understand that he’s crazy about you.

Because all of a sudden, the look in his eyes and the warmth of his touch say more than his words ever could. All of a sudden, the energy that he radiates when he’s around you reveals that you occupy a special place in his heart.

So, if you find yourself wondering whether your man is in love with you, here are 10 sure signs that he is so into you:

1. He spends the majority of his free time with you.

You know a guy is so into you when he goes out of his way to rearrange his schedule so that he can spend more time with you.

When a man is madly in love with you, he can never get tired of you. Instead, he enjoys being around you. And it doesn’t matter if he has to cancel plans with his buddies over text to hang out with you – it is the precious time he spends with you that means the most to him.

2. He treats you like a lady.

He treats you with kindness and compassion. He treats you with respect and dignity. He showers you with affection, sweet words, and compliments. He doesn’t wait for your birthday to come to buy you flowers or your favorite box of chocolates. He holds the door open for you. He simply acts like a real gentleman around you.

3. He constantly talks about you to his family and friends.

You know how you can’t shut up about him to your besties? Well, guess what? Men talk to their pals too.

You may think that guys are reserved and cold when it comes to expressing their emotions, but the truth is that when a man is dearly in love with you, he won’t shut up about you to his family and buddies.

4. He wears his heart on his sleeve.

He is not ashamed to show how he feels about you. He’s not afraid to tell you those three powerful words, I love you. Because he knows that you two are destined to be together. He knows you two are meant for each other.

And knowing that God, faith, the universe, or you name it, brought you two together helps him wear his heart on his sleeve and undress his soul in front of you.

5. He fully commits to you.

When a man is deeply and madly in love with you, he doesn’t hesitate to fully commit to you. He imagines you as a part of his future. He lets you know that you mean the world to him and that he’s ready to devote his entire life to loving you and making you happy.

6. He notices every little thing about you.

When a guy is head over heels in love with you, he notices things about you that others fail to see. He notices the way you move your lips when you smile. He notices the way you tie up your hair in a ponytail.

He notices all those parts of your character that you desperately want other people to notice and embrace. Because this man loves every little thing about you, including your weaknesses and imperfections.

7. Your happiness means the world to him.

He doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice his needs and desires for your happiness. He is not afraid to leave his comfort zone and do things he’s never done before if he knows that this will contribute to your happiness in some way.

You can see that your happiness matters the most to him in the way he looks at you and comforts you when you’re feeling down in the dumps. You can see this in the things he does for you when you’re going through a rough time in life. You can see this in the way he boosts your confidence when you’re feeling weak and doubting your worth.

8. He is proud of you.

When a man is honestly and wholeheartedly in love with you, he feels proud of you. He’s proud of everything you are and everything you do. He enjoys talking about you to his friends and family and telling them how blessed he is for having such a beautiful, smart, and amazing person as you are in his life.

9. You’re the one he calls first whenever something important happens to him.

Because you mean the world to him. Because he’s more than pleased to share his interests, goals, achievements, successes, as well as problems with you. Because he wants to share his life with you.

10. Other women don’t interest him.

When a man is genuinely in love with you, he only has eyes for you. He doesn’t flirt with other women, nor does he notice when other women hit on him. Because in his heart, there’s a place for only one woman –you.   

Top Tips for Staying Healthy This Summer

In the summer, it can be quite challenging to stay healthy 24/7. Even though it’s easier to get lots of exercise by going to the pool or hiking with your friends, for some reason, it seems like you’re barely doing it. You’re outside all the time, but it seems like you’re just feeling dehydrated constantly, and eating and drinking way too much anytime you’re invited to a barbecue. Who knew it could be so hard to stay healthy during the summer? Sure, it’s not as bad as being healthy during the holiday, but it’s pretty close.

That’s why we’ve put together this list of tips for staying healthy this summer. By using these strategies, you can work healthy habits into your everyday schedule, which is key to staying healthy not just now but during any time of the year.

1 Hydrate constantly

We’re always telling ourselves to stay hydrated because we know it’s good for us. But how often are you drinking water (and not soda or beer), and is it enough? The fact is that we’re supposed to be drinking two liters of water a day, which is equal to about eight 8-ounce glasses. That’s so much that you can’t just drink water in the morning or when you’re thirsty. You need to make it part of your day.

Set reminders on your phone to drink water, and carry a bottle around with you. If you spend a lot of time at the office, have a large bottle right at your desk, so that you can hydrate anytime. If you don’t like the taste of water, add a couple of slices of lemon or flavored drops–it’s way better for you than other beverages!

2 Drink less alcohol

We’re all for staying hydrated, as you can see from above. But if you’re mostly staying hydrated by partying hard and drinking lots of alcohol this summer, it’s probably smart to cut down. Just because you’ve been invited to summer events such as weddings and birthday parties, that doesn’t mean that you have to drink all the time. Keep track of how much you drink, and if it’s more than the suggested four or fewer drinks a day for men or three or fewer drinks for women, make a point of drinking less. Not only is alcohol toxic to the body, but it’s also unnecessary calories.

If you think you might have a drinking problem, join a group like AA or see a therapist. Sometimes, excessive drinking is caused by depression. If you’re asking yourself, “why do I feel this way?” think about your mental health.

3 Keep track of what you eat

They say that health starts in the kitchen. And this is very true! No matter how many times you go out during the summer, you need to think about what you’re eating. For some people, a low-calorie diet works; for others, a low-carb one. Figure out what’s best for you, and track what you consume using an app like MyFitnessPal, which has a 4.7 out of 5-star rating in the App Store. That way, you’ll feel in control, and won’t drive yourself crazy saying no to everything. These apps make it easier to consume what you want in moderation, so, go ahead, enjoy that slice of apple pie if you’ve been healthy all week!

Additionally, don’t forget the value of cooking at home. Instead of getting takeout when you stay late at the office or buying unhealthy sandwiches for lunch, bring home-cooked food with you. Cook in batches so you don’t have to worry about it every day. If you have a family, educated everyone about the importance of eating well!

4 Schedule exercise into your schedule

In theory, summer’s a great time to exercise. There’s always swimming at the pool as an option, which is not only good for you but also refreshing and fun. But telling yourself that you’re going to go and doing it is a totally different thing. That’s why you need to schedule a time for exercise so that it happens. Go two to three times a week, and if going to the gym isn’t really your thing, do anything else athletic, from runs to yoga. As long as you’re getting your heart rate up, you’re good. Worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, so if that is something you struggle with, it’s nothing to be ashamed of. But going to the gym can help you get healthier!

These are some of the best ways to stay healthy this summer. What other strategies do you use to stay healthy, whatever the season?

Don’t Settle For Just Any Guy: Settle For The One Who Imagines His Future With You

This goes to you – the woman whose heart has been broken many times.

Trust me – I know how you feel. I know you’re still trying to erase the trace his kisses left on your lips. You’re still trying to erase him from your memory and your heart.

I know you still hope that time will soon erase every wound he inflicted on your soul.

I know you still think about him. You still dream of him. You still try to figure out whether all of it was your fault or his.

You still wonder why he couldn’t see you in his future, why he didn’t love you, why it was you whose heart he had to steal, why you weren’t good enough for him. Hundreds of whys hover over your head. Hundreds of questions keep you awake at night.

But, let me tell you the truth: He never saw you in his future. He never imagined himself standing at the altar next to you. He never imagined growing old beside you. Why?

No, it was not because you weren’t good enough for him, pretty enough for him, or smart enough for him. It was because he wasn’t worthy of your love. He wasn’t worthy of your attention.

He didn’t deserve you.

He didn’t deserve your trust. Your patience. Your kindness. Your compassion. Your empathetic soul. Your efforts.

Therefore, instead of wallowing in self-pity and reviving memories of someone who wasn’t worthy of your love, let this be a valuable lesson to you. Let this teach you that you should never settle for fickle, immature, manipulative, selfish men. Let this teach you that you shouldn’t settle for just any man, but rather wait for the man that imagines his future with you.

Don’t settle for just any man – settle for the one who chooses you every day. The one who goes out of his way to put a smile on your face. The one who feels the happiest when you’re happy. The one who is not afraid to make compromises and sacrifice his needs and desires for your happiness. Someone who enjoys waking up next to you.

Don’t settle for just any man – settle for the man who loves you with every part of him. The man who loves you honestly. Selflessly. Deeply. Wholeheartedly. Passionately. Unconditionally. The man who keeps you in his heart no matter where he is and what he is doing. The man who only has eyes for you. The man whom you mean the world to.

Don’t settle for just any man – settle for the man who accepts you and cherishes you for who you are. The man who knows all your annoying habits, vulnerable sides, insecurities, and fears, but who also knows that your weaknesses and imperfections don’t define who you are. He knows that they’re just a small part of you – a part that makes you different and more interesting and beautiful than other women.

Don’t settle for just any man – settle for the one who doesn’t leave at the first sign of trouble. The one who doesn’t walk away when the first worries and problems begin to appear in your relationship. The one who is not afraid to work through your relationship problems together with you. The one who is willing to invest time and energy in your relationship.

Don’t settle for just any man – settle for the one who wants to keep you in his life forever. The one who is not afraid to walk through fire or fight monsters if that’s what he needs to do to keep you by his side forever. The one whose only fear is losing you.

Don’t settle for just any man – settle for the one who gets excited about spending the rest of his life with you. The one who wants to fall asleep and wake up next to you until the rest of his life. The one who craves your presence. The one who craves your touch, the warmth of your lips, and your smell. The one who wants you in his life now. Tomorrow. Forever.

Let’s Face It: There’s No Such Thing As Bad Timing, Only Bad Choices

If you have chemistry, you only need one other thing. Timing. But timing’s a bitch.

We’ve all heard this saying and we’ve all related to it at some point in our life.

Personally, I have always genuinely believed that the only reason for my failed relationships is bad timing. For a long time in my life, I was convinced that bad timing is the main villain in my life. I didn’t know any better.

You cannot imagine how much time I’ve spent cursing timing in my life… Until one-day reality hit me. Until one day I realized that I’ve been lying to myself all along.

Until one day I said to myself… “Maybe timing has nothing to do with my mistakes. Maybe I am the one who is to blame”

The truth is, timing will always be messy. Timing will always be fickle and inconsistent. It is out of our control. How could someone ever think that there is good timing in life?

There is no good or bad timing. It took me a lot of time, a lot of heartbreaks and many broken promises to finally understand that timing has nothing to do with it. My choices do.

I suffered a lot; I blamed my destiny and life itself for my bad, failed relationships and disappointing experiences in life for a long time. But now I get it. There is no such thing as a perfect moment in life. There is no such thing as “the right time” to do something, meet someone, enter a relationship etc.

There are only right or wrong people. Meeting them or being with them is a direct result of your own choices. Bad or good, you are the only one responsible for them.

If a person wants to be with you, and I mean truly be with you, they will. If someone wants to give their love to you and let you inside their world, they won’t hesitate even a minute. They will be ready. It is as simple as that. Trust me. When love is real, there is nothing that can prevent it from happening. When love is pure, there is no bad timing. Every moment is right. Every moment is perfect.

I needed a lot of time to process this, but I am glad I finally did. This has been one of the greatest lessons that life has ever given me. And I am lucky for that.

So, now it’s your turn.

Stop what you are doing and think about your life for a second. Who do you think it’s responsible for most of your failed relationships and disappointments? The timing? Your fate? Life, itself?

It is you, my dear. Your choices shape up your life and eventually, your future. It’s all you. The sooner you realize that the better off you’ll be.

8 Reasons Why Most Men Feel Intimidated By Strong And Smart Women

The more independent, stronger, and smarter a woman is, the more likely she is to roll solo. How sad it is to realize that it is the 21st century and the stigma that’s attached to tough, deep women still exists. A lot of men still feel intimidated by intelligent and confident women.

So, the question is: Why is this so?

Well, the liberated, wild nature of independent and tough women is a big threat to the ego of men that have low self-esteem. When a woman carries herself with an air of depth, intelligence, and class, she can be intimidating to a guy that lacks confidence and feels unlovable or incompetent.

Following are 8 reasons why a strong and smart woman is intimidating to most men:


A strong and confident woman is not afraid to speak her mind. In her conversations with other people, she’s not afraid to express her opinions and ideas, no matter how different they are from those of the person standing in front of her.

And when it comes to telling the truth, this kind of woman never beats around the bush. Instead, she tells it like it is.


A smart, deep woman is not going to waste her energy or time on just about any man. This kind of woman craves genuine emotional intimacy. She needs someone with whom she’ll be able to have intellectually stimulating and interesting conversations. Someone who will encourage her to grow and gain new perspectives on life.


Controlling and conniving men that tend to manipulate and take advantage of insecure women can’t fool a smart, deep, confident woman. They can’t mess with her mind and lure her into their trap with their lies and manipulation techniques. Why?

Because this kind of woman is not naïve. She can sense a lie from a mile away. She can see through people and their intentions.


An intelligent, deep woman has no time or energy to waste on guys who are only interested in flings and no-strings-attached relationships. When this woman loves, she loves honestly, wholeheartedly, and intensely. That’s why she’s looking for a man who will be able to handle the intensity of her love and who will be ready to fully commit to her.


A strong, smart, confident woman has a strong sense of independence. She lives her life in accordance with her own principles and beliefs. She doesn’t bother to fit in with the crowd and please everyone around her.

Additionally, she doesn’t care about what others think of her. She knows very well who she is and she knows exactly what she wants in life and how to get it.


A deep, confident woman is in touch with her emotions. She expresses her love to her man openly and confidently. She’s not ashamed or afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve and undress her soul in front of the man she loves.


When this kind of woman decides to engage in a serious, meaningful relationship, it has to be with a guy that will be invested in the relationship as much as she is. A guy who will be her equal. A guy who will respect her boundaries. A guy who will be sure that he wants to be with her, not some immature, fickle guy who can’t decide whether or not he wants her.


Because everything which is shallow and superficial has no meaning for her. When she’s truly in love, she wants to know everything about her beloved’s life. She wants to know what makes him happy, what his life purpose is, what his deepest fears and insecurities are. 

Unfortunately, questions like these make most guys feel insecure and not ‘macho’ enough.

It’s Okay To Love Someone Who Doesn’t Feel The Same As You

it doesn't feel the same

Falling for someone who doesn’t feel the same…

Love doesn’t happen when you want it to happen. Sometimes love happens when you least expect it. And sometimes it chooses the worst possible person for you. It makes you fall for someone who cannot love you the same way that you love them.

And you do. You fall head over heels with this person even though there are flashing, red signs everywhere around you telling you that what you are doing is wrong. You let our emotions consume you and you no longer see anything other than that person. They become your entire world. The air that you breathe. The food that you eat. The sweetest, most addictive drug that you’ve ever tried.

You know that you will never be together the way you want to be. The way you’ve prayed for your whole life to be with someone. But you cannot stop your heart from feeling what it feels. You simply cannot tell your heart who to love. You are not strong enough to make the right choice because the love that you feel overpowers your mind.

You thought you are stronger than this but turned out… you aren’t. So, you are out there all alone, pitying yourself. Trying hard to let go of those feelings. Crying your soul out over the fact that you two are not destined to be together. Hating your guts forever falling in love with him.

People are looking at you with despise. They are judging you for being so naïve.

BUT, refuse to be one of them. Maybe it’s because I’ve already been through the same pain that you are experiencing. Maybe because I am not quick to judge. Especially not people with sadness in their eyes.

Because only you know how it feels. And only you know what you are going through.

It is okay to love someone who doesn’t feel the same way as you. It is fine to leave an open window of hope in case they ever change their mind. As long as you are ready to accept the consequences if they decide they want to leave you.

So, love them if that is what your heart wants. It’s okay. Don’t listen to what people have to say. It’s your life and your choice.

But just know that you can never force them to do anything against their will. Know that you might wake up tomorrow and realize that they’ve given up on you. Know that one day they may break your heart in a thousand pieces. Most importantly, know that if it ever comes to that, you are the only one who can get yourself out of that mess.