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Is CoolSculpting Safe?

When it comes to getting rid of fat through cosmetic procedures, most people have heard of liposuction. You may have even heard of other means of fat removal, such as ultrasound treatment and laser therapy, but now there is a new method called CoolSculpting. So, is it safe to use?

The short answer is yes. Other methods of cosmetic weight control are considerably more invasive. Liposuction, for instance, is a fairly invasive treatment. Because it is an actual elective surgery, it does come with its own set of risks. Are they the same as open heart surgery? No, but it does require the use of anaesthetics in order to perform the procedure. The sudden weight loss also requires surgery to remove the extra skin remaining on the body in order to achieve the desired results. As a result, liposuction is something that you need to seriously discuss with your doctor before proceeding with treatment.

For other, less invasive procedures, the element of risk is minimal, but the approach is significantly different. Ultrasound treatment involves using radio waves to break up the fat in the body, and although people do boast that it does, in fact, work, there are questions as to just how effective it is.

The other major treatment uses those nifty little things that have gotten so common these days and seem to have a million and one uses: lasers. With laser treatment, the fat in your body is burned away with those interesting little miracles of technology. If this method is of interest to you, we recommend checking out the best prices on lipolasers and lipo LEDS.  There are some, however, who do have a bit of reluctance to get involved with a laser burning away parts of their bodies!”

So, enter in the new and most interesting way of getting rid of fat. It also asked and answered a basic question about how to get rid of extra weight. If a laser can burn away the fat, why can’t you just freeze it away? That is what CoolSculpting does.

CoolSculpting actually targets the desired fat in your body and then freezes it away! Now, that you know what it does and what the alternatives are, you would probably want to know just how safe it is.

This treatment is like the last two we mentioned, one of the least invasive treatments out there, and has minimal side effects. This treatment carries no real risk with it and is considered to be among the safer treatments out there, and don’t worry, you won’t accidentally get frozen doing it! The treatment involves targeting a very specific part of the body and that is exactly where the fat is. It can only treat that specific area and no others. It’s actually impossible for it to treat more than a small part of the body at one time.

So, if you’re concerned about how safe CoolSculpting, don’t worry. The most you might experience from the treatment is a bit of discomfort in the area being treated. Other than that, the recovery time is minimal. Just be sure to consult with your doctor, first!

4 Effective Things to Do to Make You Happy All The Time As an Aberdeen University Student

I’m sure you have noticed that when you are feeling positive, not only do you feel better, but you will also have noticed that things actually go better for you as well.

Think of the mornings when you get up feeling grumpy and end up with everything going wrong all day. 

Other days you get up feeling on top of the world and the day goes swimmingly! 

This is no accident. 

This is the Law of Attraction in action!

Well this fantastic phenomenon can even be enhanced and used to your advantage on a daily basis. 

The trick is to think about how you want your day to be, then set your intention for what you want!  Easy!

I remember a couple of years ago I was feeling really uninspired about my work in my shop – I was actually beginning to hate going there each day. 

My takings were down and the whole thing seemed pointless and I was just over it.  I noticed that I was in a very negative space, very focused on how I didn’t want things to be!  It was time to get myself together! 

So I spent a few minutes sitting quietly before going in each morning setting my intention to have pleasant, friendly interactions with happy people who would love all my products and want to purchase them. 

I would just sit and imagine how lovely all this would be, and then off I went to work. 

Well…. I found I not only enjoyed each day much more but within a week I noticed that my daily takings were up and by the time 2 weeks had passed there was a significant increase!  Very worthwhile for a few minutes spent setting my intention!

So to get you started here are some simple tips.

  1. Begin by writing down the things that irk you.
  1. Turn them round to the opposite – what you do want. For example assume you have written something like “I don’t want to be stuck in a traffic jam”. This could become  “I will travel in smoothly flowing traffic”, or maybe “I hate that I always ague with John” could become “I look forward to listening to John and encouraging him”  Get the picture?
  1. Make up a little story about how you want the day to be. It is a good idea to break the day into segments, work/leisure/family time etc. and stop at the end of each segment to plan for the next one.
  1. Allow yourself to feel the joy of things being how you would like. Now focus on what you want and if you find you have slipped back into negative mode simply take a few deep breaths and refocus.
  1. Play games with your friends or family. This is actually one of the best ways of making yourself happy. You can play any type of game but the one I actually do enjoy playing a lot is the truth or dare questions game. The guys at Sociotelligence did a pretty nice job of compiling the best truth and dares.

This may take a little time and seem difficult at first but with practice becomes 2nd nature. 

At first it is helpful to write your thoughts down as suggested, but you will find that once you have been doing this for a week or so, all you will need to do is just sit quietly and refocus. 

Be sure to pay particular attention on those days when you “get out of bed on the wrong side!”

The rewards are certainly worth the effort!

I’m The One Woman That Has It All Figured Out

Is it possible for a woman to have everything figured out? is a question I’ve been asked many times. Well, guess what? YES, IT IS.

Are you wondering how I know this?

Well, I am the one woman that has it all figured out.

I am a mother of two wonderful children and I give my best to raise them the best way I can. But, I also have the unspoken pressure to behave like I don’t have any kids when my boss calls me on the phone to talk to me about important projects when I am at home, of course, surrounded by my children.

I have an “obligation” to be well acquainted with the most popular YouTubers in 2019, because, you know, I have to know what’s in on social media today, but I also have my 9-year-old daughter that tells me that I shouldn’t be trying to act so cool.

Then I have no trouble lying about “attending an important business meeting” when I am actually with my children and no trouble lying to my children about “having to work on a project” when I chat with friends on Facebook.

I have many responsibilities as a mother and as a top professional, but guess what? I’ve never let my responsibilities, both at home and at work, prevent me from going to the gym three times a week. Yes, I make sure I consume healthy food and keep myself physically fit because I want to teach my kids that maintaining our health should always be our number one priority.

I have male co-workers that tell me that I lack the strength to achieve what I want in my career and female co-workers that tell me I work too hard to achieve my career goals and that I should slow down.

I have the perseverance to help my kids write homework till late at night and then wake up and get ready for work at 6 a.m.

I have a clear sense of who I am and where I’m supposed to be in life.

I have the confidence to say no to projects that I don’t want to participate in, and the ability to keep myself from flying off the handle when my colleagues try to downplay my achievements.

I have the strength to cut people out of my life who drain my energy, trash my happiness, and hinder my growth, and the willingness to nurture my relationships with people who mean a lot to me and who genuinely love and care about me.

I have the confidence and willingness to pursue high goals and the strength to face my failures.

I have the courage to stand up for myself when others try to accuse me of something that’s not my fault, and the courage to admit my mistakes and take personal responsibility for my actions.

I have the ability to live in the present moment, and the courage and willingness to accept with open arms whatever tomorrow brings.

A Scientist Provides Timely Advice About Identifying Poison Ivy Before It Turns Your Summer Into Hell

If you’ve ever picked up an itchy poison ivy rash, then you know how uncomfortable and irritating it can be.

John Jelesko, an associate professor of plant pathology, physiology, and weed science at Virginia Tech, had a close encounter with poison ivy in 2012, an experience which made him take an interest in this rash-inducing plant.

Jelesko was doing some yard work when he accidentally picked up poison ivy rash. Because he didn’t think it was anything serious, he decided to leave it untreated. And in approximately two weeks, he learned how uncomfortable this plant could be.

Jelesko explains that he had trouble sleeping while resisting the urge to “claw my itching flesh off.” In the end, he asked for his family doctor’s help.

Poison Ivy Outdoors Flora Nature Leaf Growth

This experience caused Jelesko to spend years carefully researching into a plant that he calls a “familiar stranger.” He’s studied urushiol, the chemical which triggers the rash, and the biology of the plant.

In what follows, we’ll present Jelesko’s timely advice about identifying this rash-inducing plant as well as some science behind urushiol, and what you should do if you’ve come in contact with the plant.

He explains that the tricky thing about avoiding the “familiar stranger” is that it’s very adaptable and it can take various forms in various environments.  

However, in order for you to identify the plant, you need to be able to recognize the leaf shapes. The leaves of poison ivy can have smooth, lobed, or jagged edges.

Another tricky characteristic of poison ivy plants is that they can grow in different shapes and sizes. For instance, in cities, they tend to grow as climbing vines, while out in the woods, they tend to grow as ground-creeping vines.

And that’s not all – poison ivy can grow as a shrub and it can also take over a dead tree.

What do you need to do when you’ve come into contact with the plant?

If you know you have touched poison ivy, here’s what you can do to ease the problem:

1. If you think you brushed up against the “familiar stranger,” wash with water and soap within a few hours.

2. To make sure you touched the plant, try tearing the leaf in half with gloved hands, and then put the sap on a piece of white paper. If it is really the “familiar stranger,” the urushiol oil will become black within half an hour.

3. If you’ve never picked up poison ivy rash before, know that the rash could take 7 days to develop. Whereas if you’ve had contact with the plant before, the rash can begin appearing in a day or two.  

4. Dermatologists advise that you soothe the rash with corticosteroid or anti-itch cream when you start breaking out.

5. And if the rash gets very bad, visit the doctor.

Ligandrol; What It Is, How To Take It, Benefits, And Side Effects

Ligandrol, also known as LGD-4033, is a popular supplement that stimulates testosterone, functioning as a selective androgen receptor (SARM) modulator.

In this recent blog post is all you need to know about Ligandrol. Read on to find more details here.

What is Ligandrol?

Ligandrol, a drug for body fitness, is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), which is popular among bodybuilders and athletes, both to gain muscle mass and fat loss. At doses of 10mg per day, the supplement showed to carry 5 to 10 pounds of lean mass gains each month.

Although Ligandrol can be used both for volume gain and for drying, it seems to be more popular for volume gain. There are several stories of progressive weight gain while taking Ligandrol. Sometimes these weight gains can be so significant that they generate mistrust.

However, the drug is supposedly popular with a wide variety of athletes and professionals, including:

  • Powerlifters
  • Bodybuilders
  • Models
  • Crossfitters
  • Athletes

The Science Behind Ligandrol

As we mentioned, since Ligandrol is a SARM, it works mainly the same way. By tying the androgen receptors very selectively and specifically, it is able to promote a level of exclusive anabolic activity in muscle and bone this is list of recommended brands. This is all without detrimentally affecting the prostate, liver or sebaceous glands, such as steroids, which gives it a great advantage. Unlike hormones or anabolic steroids, you will not gain 7-10 kg by taking LGD or any other MRSA, however, most people report gaining 0.5-2 kg in a single week during the cycle. In addition, scientific studies have shown that a period of 21 days was sufficient to show a dramatic change in muscle tissue.

You can gain about 5 pounds if you really do the right things but this will be lean and smooth muscle tissue with no swelling or joint pain. Along with gaining muscle, LGD will rapidly increase your strength levels as well, sometimes faster than weight gain. In fact, the improvements in muscle tissue that LGD 4033 helps to promote may be a result of increased strength. LGD 4033 has incredible anti-catabolic benefits, which basically means it transforms your body fat to the main source of fuel in your body and helps prevent muscle loss.

So whether you are focused on gaining muscle or on a strict diet to reduce weight, Ligandrol will potentiate your results anyway.

Benefits Of Ligandrol

From among the numerous benefits of Ligandrol, here are a few.

  • Increased muscle tissue and weight gain
  • Increase strength levels
  • Anti-catabolic benefits
  • No Swelling
  • No joint pain
  • Good for bodybuilders

The Side Effects Of Ligandrol

Now that we talk about all the good things you can get taking a SARM like Ligandrol, you may be wondering what adverse effects you may have. The good news is that the side effects are minimal.

Since the LGD 4033 is so new, scientists are still learning about possible long-term side effects, and what we know now can always change in a moment. SARMs are so effective because they are able to perform many medical benefits without the negative effects of testosterone therapy or anabolic steroids.

Here are some of the side effects:

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Increased perspiration
  • Muscle pumps
  • Hair loss
  • Headache

You should note that even the above side effects are rare, and most of them have not proven to be a direct cause of Ligandrol. With the average life span of 24 hours, anything you experience will disappear very quickly.

Does Ligandrol Decrease Or Increase Testosterone Levels?

Despite some claims that LGD 4033 will increase testosterone levels, the survey did indeed show the opposite. However, do not be alarmed. They will return to normal within a few weeks. They have been many who have experienced this, and their testosterone levels were discovered to have returned to the normal level a few weeks after they drop the cycle.

If you are looking to buy a SARM, Ligandrol (LGD 4033) could be your best bet. It is considered the king of selective modulators of androgen receptors and is the strongest and most effective option at the moment. It can also be taken by men and women.

With all the infinite benefits, potential in medical science and lack of side effects, Ligandrol is a recommended MRSA to improve your performance in the gym. Fitness is rewarding in itself, and Ligandrol helps you achieve just that. It supplies you with rejuvenating energy levels and helps you manage stress through flexing your muscles.

10 Things Independent And Strong Women Do Differently Than Others

She is the brightest fire that you’ve ever seen. She is fierce, brave, strong, ambitious, independent and she knows what she wants. She is a woman who works hard for everything that makes her eyes sparkle and heart sing. And she is not afraid to do whatever it takes to achieve her wildest dreams.

She doesn’t need someone to save her and show her the way. She is her own savior. Her own inspiration and her own biggest motivation. This woman has a plan, a purpose in her life and she is confidently walking towards that direction. Nothing anyone does will ever distract her from doing the things she lives for.

Here are 10 things she does differently from everyone else:

1. She does everything alone. She trusts her instincts and does everything that she believes she should do. Doing things without anyone’s help doesn’t scare her. In fact, it gives her the strength to show everyone exactly who she is. A woman who does not wait around for someone to show her the way.

2. She is not a victim. She is a normal human being who goes through the same difficulties as we do. But her approach is different. She doesn’t let a certain situation define who she is. Whatever she is going through, she always finds a way out of it.

 3. She is not afraid to be decisive. She works hard and gets the job done. When she has a problem, she decides what to do about it. She takes risks. But she is not foolhardy. She does not rush. She weighs her option, analyzes her situation and then makes a decision.

4. She doesn’t complain. She doesn’t waste her time worrying about something that she can easily fix if she puts her mind to it. Instead, she gets up and does everything in her power to change a certain situation that she doesn’t like.

5. She always tells it like it is. If something doesn’t feel right, she will let you know. If someone is behaving crazy, she will confront them. The thing about her is, she has a lot of stuff to do. But pretending to be someone she is not just so she doesn’t offend someone is not on that list.

6. She is aware of her flaws and strengths. She believes in herself and doesn’t let anyone shake her self-trust. She is confident, calm and fearless.

7. She relies on herself. She waits for no one. She knows that she might not always know how to do everything. But she believes in herself and that is her biggest weapon. She works hard and solves her problems all by herself. She figured that if she waits for someone else to save her, she might be waiting for her whole life.

8. She is her own biggest motivation. She doesn’t need someone to tell her if it is okay or it’s not okay to do something. She doesn’t need someone else to encourage her and get her going. She does that herself. Her enthusiasm and energy are contagious. That is why she is a source of motivation for others as well.

9. She constantly invests in herself. She is aware that in order to be there for others and help them, she needs to be there for herself first. That is why she always puts herself on top of her priority list.

10. She doesn’t need validation from other people. She doesn’t need anyone telling her what’s good for her. She is not concerned with other people’s opinion. She is too busy working on her dreams.

Creating And Maintaining Boundaries: How Much Privacy Is Good In A Relationship?

Creating a healthy, safe and loving environment where you and your partner would feel free to be exactly who you requires opening up both emotionally and mentally. The foundation of one loving and thriving relationship is sharing with one another. People say you need to open up your heart and allow yourself to be vulnerable if you really want to feel and love the right way. And they are right.

But, even though relationships are about sharing everything with another person, there is something called privacy that is just as important as vulnerability is in a relationship. In fact, if you ask me, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries in a relationship is the most important thing you can do for yourself and your relationship.

The sad truth is, many people often forget about who they are and what they want as an individual once they get into a relationship with someone. That is exactly when all the difficulties begin. Because being in a relationship does not mean forgetting your identity and your need for personal space.

Yes, sharing with someone who knows your soul and genuinely loves you for who you are is important, but so is making time for yourself in order to experience life’s challenges as a separate person. This helps you reflect on your thoughts, focus on what YOU want out of life and grow at your own pace.

However, the fact that we all need the opportunity for personal growth does not mean that we need the same amount of privacy.

When it comes to that, there is often a huge difference from one person to another. And naturally, sometimes this difference causes problems. People who need more space and time for themselves can feel smothered by a needy partner who wants to know everything about them. On the other hand, the ones who crave closeness and intimacy can feel unwanted by their partners who respect their own privacy and their own separate lives. In these situations, no one is right or wrong. They just have a different set of priorities.

Another problem with creating healthy boundaries is going too far with privacy. Too much of it, and you start growing apart and leading separate lives. But too little of it, and you can easily lose your identity as someone who is a person separate from the relationship.

That is why the key is maintaining balance.

First thing you need to understand is that healthy couples are made of two independent, autonomous human beings who share a true and deep connection.

After you realize this, it will be much easier for you to move onto step two. The balance in your relationship will be only be reached and maintained by keeping the communication lines open. This means feeling free to talk to your partner and let them know how much space you need. It also means not bottling up things that might be too hard for you to share with them.

It’s all about a healthy and honest flow of information. This includes everything that you two face as a couple. Every issue, every difficulty, every challenge that you are going through. All of the cards on the table.

A failure to do this and recognize each other’s needs for privacy may eventually result in a relationship breakdown. So, instead of forcing your partner to accommodate to your needs, focus yourself on how their behavior makes you feel. Then think about how your behavior affects them. If you notice that one of you is having trouble becoming more accepting and flexible, do your best to meet each other halfway.

Talk to each other and find out where the problem lies. Make a promise that you will do whatever it takes to overcome these issues and accept each other’s differences.

Just whatever you do, know that in the end, the only thing that really matters is making a decision that satisfies both of you. The most important thing is to be equally heard, cared for, respected, loved and supported. How you do that is entirely up to you and your partner.

This is how you will choose your first memory foam mattresses – easy steps

You spend a third of your life in sleep. It is extremely important to choose the right mattress to sleep on every day. Sleeping properly every day can make your life easier. It also protects you from tiredness, laziness and other diseases. This article is aimed at those who are interested to buy foam mattresses and want to buy them online. 

Take your time to know your options

Before you buy a mattress, you need to understand that your body never stays upright during sleep. So if you think you need a strong mattress that will support your whole body while you sleep, you’re going in the wrong direction. Your mattress should be able to adapt to your body during sleep. Mattresses with memory foam are a good example. It adapts to the shape of your body as you sleep, providing consistent support to your body wherever you go. For more information read these memory foam mattress reviews now. 

Go online for your mattress

Nowadays it is a good idea to order a mattress online. There are many websites offering a variety of comfortable mattresses. All of these sites have a return policy. You can easily return or, change your mattress if you do not like it as well. You can also read reviews online before choosing a mattress. Good websites have some really useful and authentic reviews written by certified clients. Even they suggest the bed that will best suit your mattress. The combination of your foam mattress and platform bed with storage goes hand to hand. You can even compare the prices of the same mattress on different websites before making a final decision. It is recommended to buy a bed frame and a mattress together. 

Use the home test options

One important thing to keep in mind when buying a mattress is to check if the retailer offers a trial period at home. Today, many good retailers offer 30 to 60 days of testing at home. Make sure you take this time very seriously and watch your dream. You can continue with the mattress if it suits you, or you can get your full refund if you do not like it. You cannot decide in a few days, so be patient, and spend time deciding on your new mattress. But, what will you do with your old mattress? You can either place this under your new mattress which is crazy, and second, you can sale or, donate it. If you are thinking that where can I donate a mattress for humanity – there are various options available. 

Do not hesitate while looking for a mattress

If you decide to buy your mattress online, then go to the nearest store and see it for yourself. After gathering the idea, order your favourite mattress online. You do not have to feel shy. It’s normal to do that. Remember that you sleep on the same mattress daily for about ten years. So it’s not a big deal to lie on a mattress in a shop for 15 to 20 minutes. Lie in all positions where you sleep mainly. You should also sit on the edges of a mattress while you try one. It has to be firm and, not like. Do not go to a mattress test if you feel too tired or lazy, as all mattresses feel equally comfortable.

Take your time to know your options Before you buy a mattress, you need to understand that your body never stays upright during sleep. So if you think you need a strong mattress that will support your whole body while you sleep, you’re going in the wrong direction. Your mattress should be able to adapt to your body during sleep. Mattresses with memory foam are a good example. It adapts to the shape of your body as you sleep, providing consistent support to your body wherever you go. 

For more information read these memory foam mattress reviews or these detailed mattress reviews.

Is latex mattress an ideal choice for you if compared to other materials – explanations?

The choice of the appropriate mattress depends primarily on your preferred sleeping position and your sleep behavior. Since the lateral body contour varies more than the body contour in abdominal or, supine position, completely different requirements are placed on a mattress here. Depending on the material, the mattress can adapt to the exact spot or, rather be supported flat. A mattress is right for you when your spine is straight in your preferred sleeping position and does not curve or sag at any point. 

Here comes the winner – The latex type

The best way to sleep is to lie on your side, but often turn around. They like to sink deep into the mattress, prefer a very soft feeling and want a mattress that adapts perfectly. You suffer from tension and occasionally sleep at night with your arms or legs. They weigh between 45kg and 90kg. Latex mattresses with coconut inlay are also recommended up to 140kg, but these are then rather firm from the feeling of lying and, ideal if you sleep on the stomach or back. You sweat quickly in bed. If you recognize yourself, you should upgrade to the best latex hybrid mattress. Latex has ventilation channels which ensure an optimal sleeping climate. It is very soft and, adaptable, but has a very high weight. When buying, make sure that the latex mattress has several lying areas. Latex mattresses are also ideal for electrically adjustable slatted frames.

The challenger – The pocket spring type

You have high body weight or, are prone to heavy sweating at night. In your sleep, you turn frequently, meaning you sleep on your stomach or back, sometimes on your side. They are preferably not very soft, but not too tight. If you encounter more than one of these points, you should buy a pocket spring mattress. You should not use an extremely adjustable slatted frame for this mattress.

Review on Sofa online

The purchase of furniture, including upholstered furniture, is shifting more and more into the numerous webshops since the prices in the online shops are often cheaper than in the large furniture stores nearby. In addition, sofa online shopping is convenient – from the couch, and independent of shop opening hours, without annoying queue at the cash register and with enough time for choice and decision. It’s a good idea to buy your favourite sofa online as the choice is much larger compared to the local shop. You should allow some time for preliminary considerations and research.

The competitor – The cold foam type

Do you have a bodyweight between 40kg and 90kg, and sleep rather restless or, often change your sleeping position? That means you do not want to sink deeper and, like to sleep on a medium-hard surface. Does this description suit you best? It means you are someone who likes to sleep on a cold foam mattress. They are available in different shapes, and various hardness, and quality as per your budget. If you want to make your interior more attractive, buying a new mattress, or sofa are not enough. Make your house look more attractive with small purple area rugs. These premium quality rugs give your room a classy, and trendy looks. For more information click the link, and choose the right one according to your taste.

Why Go to Church? Here’s 20 Reasons to Go Every Week

why go to church

Going to church can be very beneficial for many different reasons. Click here to learn why you should go to church every week.

Are you new to the Christian faith? Or perhaps you returned to the fold recently? Or maybe you want to rekindle your fire for God?

Regardless of your situation, there are non-negotiable aspects that you need to embrace as a Christian. One of them will be the church. 

Unfortunately, church attendance in the United States is dwindling. Statistics show that less than 20% of Americans go to church regularly. 

Despite the worrisome numbers, it doesn’t change the fact that there are many benefits of attending church. So why go to church?

Continue reading below and let us zoom in on some of the 9 most important reasons why we go to church. In addition, we give you 11 Biblical reasons why go to church regularly.

Why Go to Church?

It doesn’t matter if you are a mainline Protestant or Evangelical. The fact remains that church attendance plays a crucial role in your identity as a follower of Christ. 

Why is attending church important? Here are nine valid reasons:

1. To Hear the Word

Whenever you go to church, you get to hear the preaching of God’s word. Sure, you can hear the word through preachers broadcasting on TV. But there is still something special with hearing it together with the community.

When the pastor preaches to the flock of God, the word penetrates the latter’s hearts. It helps transform lives for the better. 

Hearing the word also convicts people of their sin. It calls sinners unto repentance. When you hear the preaching of the word, it will inspire you to obey and share Christ with others. 

Always remember that the word of God is full of power. It is sharper than a double-edged sword. 

2. To Experience Community

Going to church allows you to enjoy the community. Not only are you listening to the word alongside your brethren, but you are also inspiring others as you share in the word in unison.

Hearing other people singing the same songs of praise helps lift your spirits. Seeing other people praying together gives you a sense of connection. It is like you and the rest of the church are growing together in faith.

3. To Use Your Gifts

God calls everyone to serve. But not everyone has the same purpose. By going to church, you will discover ways how you can use your gifts.

You may discover that God gave you a wonderful voice. Hence, you can share your gift by joining the church choir. 

Going to church will open your eyes. You will see the areas in your church where you can help through your gifts. 

4. To Find Your Purpose

One of the most profound benefits of going to church is realizing your true purpose in life. People find their purpose in different ways. Inside the church, you can meet people who will share words of encouragement.

You may encounter brethren who have gifts for discernment. These are the people God may use to make you realize the reason why you are on earth. 

Today, there are congregations like the Parkway Fellowship church that are Purpose-Driven.

These churches help people, especially newcomers, find their purpose and direction in life.

5. To Worship

Going to church is incomplete without the element of Worship. Attending the weekly service gives you the chance to worship the Lord.

This means can get intimate with God as you experience his presence. It gives you the opportunity to praise him for his glory and kindness.

Yes, you can worship anywhere and anytime you want. But worshipping with thousands of people under one roof enriches your spirit.

6. To Build Up Your Kids

Do you have children? Taking them to church will help build their love for God. Going to church with your kids will teach them the love for the church. 

It is also a perfect venue for them to see what it means to follow God. They will see how you worship. They will see how you fellowship with other church members.

If you start them young, going to church every week becomes part of their lives. They will take this habit as they grow old. You can also expect them to pass on the habit to their future children.

7. To Grow Faster

If you want to grow faster in Christian life, going to church will help you. To maximize your walk with Christ, you need to walk with fellow believers. 

Yes, you can read your  Bible at home. You can study many books on your lonesome. But you can experience faster spiritual growth when you interact with others who are also maturing like you.

By attending church every week, you can touch base with others who you can share your experiences with. You can all build up one another. You can encourage each one, especially during trying times.

8. To Foster Generosity

When you give your tithes and offerings during the service, not only are you obeying God’s command. You are also practicing generosity. 

Every penny you offer to God goes a long way. You may not see it, but your financial offerings are helping the gospel reach far-away places. They also help improve the condition of the church.

No congregation can grow in number without tithes and offerings. The money of believers helps create bigger sanctuaries. The bigger the physical church, the more people you can invite and lead to Christ.

In essence, you are helping expand the kingdom of God.

9. To Obey God

Last but not least, going to church equates to obeying God. Hebrews 10:25 clearly states that the Body of Christ should not neglect meeting together. This refers to the body of believers gathering regularly “as you see the Day approaching.”

11 Reasons Why Should We Go To Church According To The Bible

Going to church is essential on your walk to faith and will help you in your path as Jesus molds you into the image of Christ.

So, on Sunday morning, you can develop a good habit of waking up and participating in Sunday Mass in a church in the area where you live instead of being lazy and just noting and do not develop your relationship with Christ.

However, you are not saved by the church but by repentance and believing in Jesus Christ for salvation. You are saved by faith in Jesus and what he did on the cross. The moment you are saved, you will be a new person with new desires.

Christians go to church because they desire Jesus, and we are thankful for everything he did for us whenever have enough of hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Always go to the church for the right reasons, never for the wrong ones.

We have done some research, and here are 11 Biblical reasons why you should go to the Church:

1. It is a Commandment

In Exodus 20:8-11Jesus asks that we keep the Sabbath day Holy, so doing nothing and rest. One of the great ways to live out this commandment is by going to church and filling this day with Worship. 

Growing spiritually requires a lot of time and effort, and you can do it yourself. However, there are many methods that will help you to stay engaged and learn how to grow interactively. 

2. To put God first

Matthew 6:33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Always seek God first and his righteousness, and go to church to put him in the first place in your lives. 

3. God’s Church relies on you and we as members belong to each other

Apostol Paul compared the church to a body with Jesus on the head and for the body to work, every member is important and must do its part according to its design and purpose. A healthy body functions in harmony and makes the body grow and when everyone is together in unity, the church builds up in love. 

Ephesians 4:16, NIV: From him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Romans 12:5 (NIV) … so in Christ, we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 

We need each other to grow in faith, love one another, exercise our spirituality, practice forgiveness, and learn to serve. Although we are individuals, we still belong to one another. 

1 Corinthians 12:12 (NIV): The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 

Unity of the body of Jesus doesn’t mean complete conformity, individual values, and qualities that make that unity are also very important, so both aspects of diversity and individuality should be appreciated and emphasized. Christ is our denominator and he is the one that makes us all One.  

4. The Sacrament helps us remember Jesus

When in church, we take part in the Sacrament (Communion). Jesus said:

“Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me” (1 Corinthians 11:24).

When we eat and drink every week blessed bread and water every day, we promise to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and strive to keep his commandments. The Sacrament is the weekly reminder of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and this allows us our sins to be forgiven and live again after we die. 

At the same time, when we take sacraments, we promise that:

  1. We are willing to keep commandments. 
  2. We will represent Jesus in our words and actions. 

5. Forgiveness of Sins 

Hebrews 3:12-13 speaks about Jesus doesn’t want our hearts to be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.

This is another reason to go to the church, so our sins can be forgiven and we can forgive others for theirs. 

6. Jesus Christ Went As A Regular Practice

Luke 4:16 (NIV):  “He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day, he went into the synagogue, as was his custom. “

 In the Bible, it is said that Jesus went to church as a regular practice, and it was his priority to meet with the believers, so we shouldn’t we, as His followers, continue to do so?

He saved many souls and as we strive to keep his image, we should attend church regularly. 

7. The Church is a God’s avenue where believers can utilize their spiritual gifts

Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12 emphasize that every believer is the recipient of one of few spiritual gifts that are God-given, and they enable him to serve the church.

So, the church is the place where God intended the believers to come and practice their God-given spiritual gifts and participate in the church functions.

8. Jesus Christ died for the church

Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”

Christ gave all his life for the church and his bride is his church.

9. Church services teach and uplift

At church, we learn how to follow Jesus, improve our spirituality, live a better life, and give guidance on how to follow Jesus. 

There you can feel the Holy Spirit, who brings “love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, [and] faith” (Galatians 5:22).

We will be uplifted by other believers and by Worship. 

10. You may hear God’s words as a guidance

If you have some struggles in your life and you don’t know how to answer a specific question, you might need to feel and hear God’s advice. He wants to connect with you, and while listening to service, you may have the opportunity to listen to his words inside your heart and mind. He is the best guide and counselor. 

Proverbs 24:6 “for by wise guidance you can wage your war, and in the abundance of counselors there is victory.”

11. God created his church to make disciples

Matthew 28:19-20 says that the last thing Christ told his disciples was to make new disciples, and this can happen within the local church. He is with us always, until the emf of times.

If you feel disillusioned or frustrated with the church, continue to search for a healthy, Christ-centered, and biblical–balanced church.

Sometimes churches are full of flowed people who are not perfect, but this shouldn’t keep us separated from a genuine relationship with God. 

Grow with Us, Today!

There are many other answers to the question, “why go to church?” But the bottom line will church gets you closer to God. And who wouldn’t want to enjoy intimacy with the Lord?

Whether you’re new to the faith or an old-timer trying to find your way back, we invite you to grow with us. Let’s schedule a visit to our church at your most convenient time.