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Simple tips to mindfulness, meditation and spiritual guidance

It is never too difficult to improve your outlook, motivate yourself to achieve those goals and to keep yourself feeling happy and healthy. With that in mind, give yourself the power to connect to your mind and soul with these easy and effective ways and be able to tap into your higher spirit. Let’s explore together, as organic clothing by Om and Ah.


There is no easy way to take your mind off daily stresses but there are ways to assist it. Mindfulness can be the key to unlocking a healthy mind; the ways to do it may vary, but it helps to start experiencing life in the moment, without feeling as if you’re caught up in the troubles of the past. Write down goals on paper, and make goals for each week. Take time to inhale the fresh air from the comfort of your garden or balcony. Ensure you’re giving yourself some quiet alone time to reflect and repeat your positive affirmations in your mind, and tell yourself the things you’re grateful for. 

Write lists of gratitude, and be patient with yourself, as things don’t happen overnight. Don’t judge others, focus on your own life journey and start to implement these tips every day. Once you feel in a routine with your guided mindfulness, then things will start to fall into place and feel a little more natural for you. Those quiet evenings away from social media will also be a huge bonus. 


Take those deep breaths and start learning to switch your mind off. Sound tricky? It is, but it’s achievable, and once you’ve cracked it, you’ll find you can start incorporating guided meditation into your daily life a lot easier. How to meditate varies; from listening to gurus or from just starting to follow your own breath in a quiet room, there are many variations. The benefits of meditation are less anxiety, better sleep quality and generally improved mental health when practised often. To begin with, start in a relaxed position, either sitting or lying down, close your eyes and breathe slowly, focusing only on your breath. Continue this for a minute, gradually increasing the time over the days and weeks. It may not be a quick fix, but it can be a valuable tool.

Spiritual Guidance 

Learning to understand spirituality and how our bodies respond to mindfulness and meditation is not going to be easy. It’s vital to look at other elements of spirituality, such as psychic readings, which will guide you and be the helping hand to your mindfulness. You can begin to understand what the universe has planned for you, how your astrological chart and star signs may affect you and how the planetary alignment may affect moods and career slogs. Give yourself time for personal spirituality.

It is a long journey but by using spiritual guidance, you can learn how to prepare yourself for the coming weeks, whether that is understanding that you should re-evaluate certain relationships or even learn to undertake your new tasks at work with an open mind. Make things work for you. The power is in your hands.

7 Healthy Relationship Habits That Most Of Us Perceive As Toxic

First things first, romantic relationships are not a smooth journey. And anyone who believes that relationships are supposed to be effortless and easy has obviously never been in one for longer than a year.

So, the question is: What exactly makes a good, healthy, successful relationship? Or perhaps I should paraphrase the question and put it this way: Why some couples are happier and stay together longer than other couples?

But, I want to emphasize that when I say a happy, successful couple, I’m not referring to those who post photos on social media in which they look so content and in love with each other. I’m not referring to those couples whose relationships are full of romantic surprises and date nights.

Because the truth is that while romantic things, such as watching sunsets together with your beloved on a beach or cuddling with them while watching a movie, are important as they keep the passion, positive energy, and spark of excitement alive in a relationship, they are not what makes a relationship strong, stable, and long-lasting.

It might sound surprising to you, but certain healthy relationship behaviors that most of us think are toxic and destructive are actually the prerequisite for a relationship to work and last long.

Here they are:

1. Accepting your partner’s weaknesses and imperfections.

If you and your significant other accept and cherish each other the way you are, never doubt that your love is genuine and that your relationship is going in the right direction.

Enjoying a healthy and happy relationship requires understanding that your partner’s annoying habits, insecurities, and fears are just one small part of them. It requires knowing that your partner’s flaws don’t define who they are. They don’t determine their worth. They just make them different and more interesting than everybody else around you.

2. Taking some time apart.

Spending time apart doesn’t equal breaking up. Instead, it’s a normal, healthy behavior. Every couple needs time apart to reconsider the relationship. Because if you want to build a healthy, harmonious, successful relationship, you should never allow yourself to depend on your partner too much. You should never let your identity be consumed by your relationship.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to get some distance from your beloved, have separate friends,  maintain interests, or practice hobbies which are just your own. Remember what made your partner fall in love with you in the first place and make sure you never let that be consumed by your relationship. Because once this happens, the love between you will fade away.

3. Leaving some conflicts unresolved.

There’s no such relationship in which couples never fight. You and your partner may have a deep connection and you may be dearly in love with each other, but this doesn’t change the fact that you’re two different individuals. You have different educational, working, and socio-economic backgrounds. You have different interests and goals in life.

Therefore, you will always find things that you don’t like about your partner or things you disagree with. You won’t always agree with or support your partner’s ideas, opinions, plans, and decisions.

But, what you need to remember is that you shouldn’t feel the need to change your beloved so as to love them. And most importantly, you shouldn’t start an argument with them every time you disagree with them about something. Because the truth is that trying to solve a conflict can sometimes cause more problems than it solves.

4. Not being afraid to hurt each other’s feelings.

They say truth hurts, but let me ask you something: Would you rather lie to your partner and make them believe in something that isn’t true, or would you be straightforward and openly tell them the truth, regardless of how hard or painful it might be?

It might sound cruel to you, but you and your partner will hurt each other’s feelings many times – this is simply unavoidable. For instance, they might tell you that your new haircut makes you look old or that your new jeans don’t look good on you. But, I’m sure you’d prefer to hear their real opinion more than have them lie to you, right?

Additionally, you shouldn’t be afraid to call your partner out on their behavior when they say or do something that offends or hurts you.  You shouldn’t be afraid to complain to them about things they do that bother you, even if that means that you’re going to hurt their feelings. Because it’s always better to be sincere and upfront than pretend that everything is fine in the relationship.

5. Not putting each other first.

Number one rule in the world of dating is that your bae should always be your top priority, right? Putting their feelings, needs, and desires before your own and making countless sacrifices for their happiness are two behaviors that are usually regarded as the most definite sign of love.

But, this kind of behavior can lead to displeasure and bitterness and even lead you to a codependent territory.  So, instead of putting your beloved or yourself first, try putting the relationship first. This will help you find ways to nurture what you two have and maintain your relationship.

6. Feeling attracted to people outside the relationship from time to time.

Feeling attraction for someone other than the person you’re in a relationship with is something which is frowned upon by most people. You’re supposed to only have eyes for your beloved – your family and friends will say to you if you tell them that you’re attracted to someone else.

But, as silly or funny as it may sound, feeling attracted to someone other than your partner is not crime. The truth is that once you get past the honeymoon phase in your relationship, the novelty of your bae fades away a little bit. And sadly, human attractiveness is partly wired around novelty.

So, if you’re feeling attraction for someone else, do not suppress those feelings. Because if you do, you’ll make them even stronger or even decide to run into this person’s hands.

What you need to remember is that occasionally finding someone more attractive than your partner or flirting with someone other than your bae doesn’t make you an awful person. If you have control over your actions, then neither you nor your partner should worry that you might cheat on them.

7. Not being afraid to end the relationship.

Relationships are supposed to bring happiness, excitement, and a sense of peace and fulfillment into your life. So, if you’re in a relationship which causes you emotional damage, drains your energy, and undermines your self-esteem, i.e. brings you disappointment and sorrow instead of happiness, there’s no point in staying in it.

If you’re in this kind of relationship and you know you have exhausted all ways of changing it, and nothing has worked, you should consider the idea of putting an end to it.

Because staying in an unhealthy, messy relationship will sooner or later become detrimental to your emotional, mental, and physical health. So, you need to make sure this never happens. You need to know when is the right time to leave.

8 Harsh Truths About Life That Will Change You And Make You A Better Person

Listen up! Life isn’t always about pink skies and fairytales. Whoever told you that, clearly lives in a glass bubble. So, here’s what.

I am going to be honest with you. The truth hurts but makes you wiser and better in the long run. I know that the best way to learn something is by experiencing it, but I feel that you need to know these 8 harsh truths about life.

1. Nobody is that busy. Everything is about their priorities. Get that in your pretty little head. The next time someone says they are busy, know that they probably have more important things to do. It sucks I know, but it’s the truth.

2.No matter how kind, genuine and honest someone is, they will always care about their needs more than yours. Everyone has their own best interests at heart. Including you. You may not admit that out loud, but deep down the person you most care about is yourself. If you ask me, that is not selfish. It is called self-care and it is something that all of us should start practicing.  

3. You cannot please everyone. No matter what you do, or how hard you try to fulfill every person’s desire, you will never do it. It is impossible to make everyone happy. So, stop doing that. Stop wasting your precious time on other people. Focus on what pleases you. In the end, you are the only person that you can truly rely on.

4. This world doesn’t owe you anything. And it certainly isn’t the reason for your failures. You may be the coolest, most hard-working and most interesting person in the whole world, but if you aren’t doing much to put those traits to use, you are entitled to nothing for simply possessing them. This world doesn’t owe you anything. You have to give in order to receive.

5. It’s your actions that define you. Not your thoughts. You can have the best idea about stopping climate change, or world hunger, but if you don’t start implementing it and being an example to others, it is all for nothing. Your thoughts can’t do much. But your actions? Believe me, if they are effective enough, they can move mountains.

6.No one is going to save your life. No one is going to come into your life and solve all of your problems. That’s your job, your responsibility. So, don’t expect people to give a damn about your life. Everyone is busy taking care of their own things. I suggest you do the same.

7. Complaining that you don’t have the time to do something is not an excuse. It’s not the time that is restricting you from pursuing your dreams, it is you and your choices. You decide what you give your energy to. You decide who you are going to give a piece of your time to. You decide what your priorities are.

8. Some people will love you and some will hate you. You can be the nicest person on Earth, and there are still going to be people who can’t stand you. But that shouldn’t alarm you. We are all different and that’s fine. The sooner you realize that the better off you’ll be.  

This Goes To The Girl Who Is Convinced She Is Not Good Enough For You

I know your struggle dear. I know exactly what you are going through.

People see you and immediately fall in love with your smile. They enjoy being around you because you are a sun. You are a warm sunray in a human form. You have soul soft like a cotton ball, eyes shining bright like the most beautiful diamonds, heart beautiful and fragile like a dandelion in an open field.

You are the person everyone loves. You are funny, smart, extraordinary. People admire you. They would do anything to be your friend, your partner, your everything. To them, you are more than enough. But none of this matter to you.

Your heart desires only one person. It craves his love, his touch, and his attention.

The problem is, this man is not like those people. He is more “complicated”, as you often like to say. He doesn’t bother to show his feelings to you. He doesn’t do anything to open emotionally and become a part of your life. For some reason, to him, you are not enough.

And that tears your heart apart. It shatters your hopes. Yet, you try. Every day you try to give your best and prove to everyone that he can change. You go out of your way to be with him and give yourself to him, and he still takes you for granted. He doesn’t appreciate your love.

You convince yourself that he needs time to acknowledge his feelings and open up to you, but deep down you know that is not true… He is just the way he is, and he would never change for anyone. You know that.

So, why are you doing this to yourself?

You are hurting yourself. You are playing with fire. And what’s even scarier, you are completely aware of it.

Stop it. I am begging you. He is not the first, nor the last person on this Earth.

He doesn’t deserve you. He is using you the way he wants to. He is taking you for granted because he knows that you’d do everything to be with him. He is not capable of loving you the way you deserve to be loved. He is not capable of giving you what you need. The only thing he is interested in is being with you until he gets bored.

You deserve more than his “I don’t know”. You deserve a man who will take care of that pretty little heart. Someone who will love you with all of his heart. Someone who won’t be afraid to be there for you and let you inside his world. You, my darling deserve to feel love in all its splendor and that should not be taken away from you.

So, don’t do that to yourself. Don’t waste your precious heart loving a man who will never ever do that same thing for you. I know that the heart wants what it wants. I know that it is too damn painful to convince it that he is not good for you, but you have to do it. For your own sake.

You don’t need someone who thinks you are not good enough. You need a man who will fall in love with your flawed, imperfect self.

Here’s Why I Am Sick And Tired Of Modern Dating

The world of modern dating has become so twisted and unbearable that it’s made me become sick and tired of it. I mean, is it really that difficult to find real love these days?

But if you are an individual from the millennial age and just so happen to be single, welcome to the match that is going to be your dating life.

I don’t know – perhaps I have conventional attitudes to romantic relationships and everything that has to do with dating, but I really can’t understand when things, such as one-night sex and no-strings-attached relationships started to be prioritized over true, pure love and genuine relationships.

Has the world gone completely crazy these days?

Have we all forgotten the meaning of honesty, respect, and dignity? Have we all forgotten the meaning of emotional intimacy and deep emotional connection?

Indeed, creating genuine, fulfilling, strong relationships in the 21st century has turned into a tough challenge for many. Why?

Because modern dating lays down weird rules. For example, if you want to get the attention of the person you like, you need to master the art of seducing them without letting them know your real feelings because you don’t want them to think you’re weak.

Modern dating makes bad behaviors, such as taking someone for granted or stringing someone along, look normal. It makes individuals who enjoy playing hard to get and who have no problem playing with someone’s feelings look like they’re a real catch. It makes showing your partner your real feelings and vulnerable sides looks like a sign of weakness.

Well, I am sorry, but I don’t want to be a part of this sick world of modern dating anymore. I refuse to be a part of a world which is full of twisted values and emotionally handicapped people. I refuse to drown in a world which, to me, is nothing else but an ocean of apathy.

We live in a world where we are scared to feel anything honest and deep, or at the very least, are scared to show it. Instead of fully devoting our attention to our partner when spending time with them, we aimlessly scroll through our Facebook feed and notifications and post selfies on Instagram.

Instead, of investing our energy in making our partner feel happy and fulfilled, we invest it in posting happy, romantic photos of us and our beloved on social media and making our virtual friends think that our relationship is perfect.

Instead of showering our partner with attention and affection, we show indifference towards them.

Instead of having an open conversation with our significant other when we want to complain about something they said or did to us, we simply decide not to call or text them for days. 

So, I can’t help but ask: Who is to blame for this?

Is it us, the people that just want to find a normal, mature, responsible human being capable of loving and building a genuine, deep connection?

Or is it the society we live in, which has wiped out the last generation of people who possess true values?

Whatever your answer is, the fact remains that we need to stop playing by the twisted rules of Naturally Dating and make new ones instead. We need to stop thinking that by committing to someone, we run the risk of getting hurt. We need to stop thinking that showing how we really feel is a sign of weakness.

We need to stop stringing people along that we don’t love and care about. We need to stop taking others for granted. We need to stop playing with other people’s feelings.

We need to stop being cowards and open our hearts to love and let our feelings show us the real way instead. We need to start treating those around us exactly the way we want to be treated.

What Are Typical Work Days Like for High-End Escorts?

Ever wonder what days are like for high-end escorts? Take a trip through a typical escort work day in this hour-by-hour guide.

Most people don’t realize this, but there’s a difference between escorts and prostitutes. High-end escorts seem like they’ve hit the jackpot, but there’s a lot more to the trade than most people realize.

As you probably know, prostitutes have sex in exchange for money. However, high-class escorts provide very different services than prostitutes do. 

As such, a high-class escort’s workday goes much differently than the average worker. This is your chance to get your peak into an elusive world.

Escorting 101

What is an escort? Well, the working definition of an escort is someone who provides companionship in exchange for money.

“Companionship” isn’t necessarily a euphemism for sexual activity. The clients of high-class escorts pay to spend time with them. The escort provides companionship in exchange for the client’s money.

Escorting Services

Escorts either work independently or through an agency.

What is an escort service? The definition varies based on what escort service meaning you’re reading.

Generally, escort services are the same thing as escort agencies: They connect clients with escorts. When the client pays, the agency collects a percentage of the money.

In places where prostitution is legal, escort services can advertise when certain escorts are open to being sexual with clients.

However, unless prostitution is legal in a given area, never assume local escorts will provide “full service.”

Now that we’ve got the definitions out of the way, let’s explore what an upscale escort’s workday is like.

Making Arrangements with High-End Escorts

Booking clients goes differently depending on whether an escort is independent or not.

Escorts like the ones on this page don’t have to worry about arranging appointments. They work for an established agency. The agency takes care of booking appointments and screening clients on each escort’s behalf.

Independent escorts have to manage their own booking process. That means answering a lot of emails and calls, including ones from timewasters. Timewasters are people who contact escorts without the intention of booking.

(Spoiler: Usually, timewasters are men who attempt to get free dirty talk from escorts).

Once an indie escort snags a promising customer, they move on to the next step.

Client Safety Protocol

A client must provide a high-class escort with his name, phone number, picture, and home address. The escort has to verify this information.

Escorts also have to make sure the client isn’t a predator. That’s where search engines come in handy.

Once a client is verified, they book the escort for a specific amount of time. 

The Clients

Most clients range between the ages of 25 to 70. They’re usually men with high-paying jobs.

The younger men’s jobs are often so high-powered, they don’t have time to date. That’s why they’re seeing an escort. The older men are often married, well-off in their careers, and looking for excitement.

Beauty Routine

Most people with escort jobs invest in a beauty routine. The look is what gets clients on the hook! However, high-end escorts take “self-care” to the next level.

High-class escorts have regular manicures and pedicures. Many clients have a foot fetish. That’s why upscale escorts have plenty of sexy, fancy shoes to wear.

Sure, there are escorts who use a few products to keep their skin looking young and healthy. But high-class escorts can go to spas and afford upscale treatments like waxes and microblading.

Right before seeing the client, an escort will put makeup on. Upscale escorts, however, have to make sure their makeup is pristine. After all, high-end prices mean high-end services!

Once the escort is prettied up, she’s ready to go.

The Date

Escorts often agree to meet their clients somewhere in public for dates. High-class escorts usually have a driver take them to and from the meeting for safety purposes.

The agreed-upon date could be anything. The two could go anywhere from an upscale restaurant or country club to a vacation on a private island. It all depends on how much the client paid to spend with the escort.

At an upscale restaurant, a single client gets to “be seen” with the escort. This boosts the client’s self-confidence. The escort will entertain the client over dinner with conversation, flirtation, jokes, and more.

Married clients prefer more privacy.

Clients can also pay for an entire day or week’s worth of services. These bookings require the escort to be “on the job” for an extended amount of time. The escort has to remain charming and attractive for the entire time.

Yes, it takes a lot of effort to keep up appearances for a week. Fortunately, escorts make big money off of extended bookings.

The End?

If a client spends a night on the town with an escort, their time will come to an end. This is where the escorting situation gets tricky.

For most upscale escorts, the night ends when the date ends. Then the escort and the client part ways.

Other escorts might hit it off with a client so well, they wind up in bed together. But technically, this isn’t the same as exchanging money for sex.

Look at it this way:

The client paid for companionship. The escort provided companionship, then decided to have sex with him. But sex wasn’t part of the companionship he paid for.

Some regions have specific laws to prevent client-escort relationships from becoming sexual. So in a lot of places, an escort and a client can’t have any sexual contact, even if they get along.

Treat Your Escort Right

Always groom yourself for escorts. High-end escorts will drop you on the spot if you’re not clean.

If you’re going to be more than 10 minutes late, call the escort to let her know. (By the way, this is good etiquette for dealing with all kinds of people, not just escorts).

Upgrade your love life and check out articles about relationships and psychology. The truth bombs you’ll discover will blow your mind.

10 Reasons Why Falling In Love With An Alpha Woman Will Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You


Congrats! You’ve found yourself a woman who is worth it. You’ve found yourself a strong, independent, alpha lady who knows what she wants from life.

She is spunky and fearless, but she has the biggest heart. She seems hard to love, but when she falls in love, there is nothing that she wouldn’t do for you. Her confidence often intimidates men. And only the real ones recognize her worth.

Here’s why falling in love with her will be the best thing that ever happened to you:

1. She is an honest woman. She tells it like it is. Simple, clear and to the point. While some people feel stupid or weird to say something the way it is, she doesn’t hesitate to be open and honest about it.

2. She values simplicity. No muss, no fuss. No drama, no nothing. She is the kind of woman who values simplicity in life. What you see is exactly what you get.

3. She is loyal to the ground. She might need some time to fall in love, but once she opens her doors and gives you the key to her heart, there is nothing stronger than her devotion. When this woman loves, she loves from the heart. She is there for the people in her life and she is loyal until eternity.  

4. She is one of a kind. She is brave. She is herself. Her self-confidence is her guidance in life. She is true to herself and she is not afraid to show everyone who she really is. That is what makes her special.

5. She lives life to the fullest. She is a responsible human being, but she also enjoys adventures. An alpha lady is not satisfied with sitting in one place. She needs to get out of her comfort zone and experience life and all its challenges.

6. She will inspire you to reach your potential and become the best version of yourself. She will give you the strength to keep working hard. She will inspire you to chase your dreams and never give up.

7. She is self-loving and positive. An alpha woman knows how important it is to be able to rely on yourself in life. That is why, her wellbeing is on top of her priority list. You have no idea how lucky you are. Having her by your side will help you realize just how much there is to life.

8. She is fun to be with. An alpha lady lives life to the fullest. She takes risks and she has a heart hungry for adventure. That is why she is the best company you can ever ask for. She is fun to be around.

9. She is not afraid to make the first step. She is not shy or hesitant. An alpha knows exactly what she wants, she sees it and she gets it. Making the first move in a relationship is not something only a man should do.

10. She will feel free to talk to you about anything. Falling in love with an alpha woman will be the best thing that ever happened to you because she will be there for you. She will be open about anything that bothers her. And she will encourage you to always be your true self with her.

Women Who Know What They Want In Life Would Never Put Up With These 10 Things In A Relationship

A woman who is clear about what she wants from life is a woman who would never ever settle for less. She would never allow herself to accept something mediocre in life.

To her, it is all or nothing. You either love her with all of your heart and soul or let her go. There is no middle ground.

Here are 10 things she would never put up with in a relationship:

1. Disrespect. A strong woman would never let someone talk her down or belittle her, let alone be with someone like that. She knows her worth; she knows exactly who she is and she is not going to let anyone walk all over her.

2. Silly excuses. I mean, we all make mistakes and we all apologize. I understand that. But when excuses become an everyday thing, and they are the only thing that you say to her, it becomes clear that you are making those mistakes on purpose.  

3. Being told what to do. A woman who knows what she wants in life and works hard to fulfills her dreams won’t let you control her. If she ever notices that you are trying to take control over her, she will cut you off. You’ve been warned, my friend.

4.Cheating. Honestly, I don’t know a person who approves cheating. But I know I few that have forgiven cheating. She is not one of those people. Because when this woman catches you sneaking behind her back, that will be the end of her trust in you. She will no longer respect your word. Nothing you ever say will matter.

5. Lying behind her back. She will always be honest with you no matter what. So, she will expect the same thing from you. If you think that you can get away with your dirty little lies, you are mistaken. She can sense bullsh*t from afar.

6. Manipulation. Don’t even get me started on this. If you think that this is the way to keep her beside you, you are wrong. Strong women don’t respond to manipulation tricks and threats.

7. Jealousy. This is a big NO. When a strong woman gets in a relationship with someone, she makes that step because she believes in that person. She put her trust in him and she knows that he wouldn’t do anything to hurt her. If you don’t feel the same and you need to question her every time she does something on her own, you don’t deserve her.

8. Settling for average. She knows how much she’s been through to get here, so she is never going back down. She would never ever settle for something less than what she deserves. She is not making the same mistake all over again.

9. Waiting for someone to make up their mind. She values her time and she has more important things on her mind. Don’t ever think that she is going to wait for you to decide whether you want to be with her or not.

10.No support. She doesn’t need you. She doesn’t need you to save her. She does that all by herself. She wants you and she wants your unconditional support. She wants to know that there is someone out there that she can count on when things get tough. So, if you are not planning to be that person for her, just leave her alone. Let her find her happiness someplace else.

How Narcissistic Groups Abuse Their Chosen Targets From Smear Campaigns And Black Sheep To Scapegoating

When someone mentions the word narcissist, the first thought that pops into your head is most probably of someone who is conceited, arrogant, and inconsiderate. Or it may also be of the narcissist’s victim.

But, has it ever occurred to you that there are cases in which a whole group of narcissistic individuals is working to take advantage of and undermine their chosen victim?

When the narcissistic group’s participants decide to plot against their victim, they make sure the target, i.e. the recipient of their manipulation techniques and devious mind games, is silenced. They make sure their chosen target is not able to complain about them to their family and friends and get any help or support from them.

Narcissistic groups can be found everywhere around you: in your family circles, your friendship circles, your workplace  – in any place where there’s a possibility for verbal, emotional, and even physical abuse.

Narcissistic individuals use all kinds of manipulation tactics to undermine and take advantage of their chosen target. They don’t care whether their actions may cause great emotional damage to their victim and ruin their self-esteem. As long as the narcissist’s needs and demands are satisfied, nothing else matters.

Having been a victim of narcissistic abuse myself, and still being surrounded by narcissists, it seems that these people’s most favorite manipulation techniques are scapegoating, black sheep, and smear campaigns.

Scapegoating is a form of psychological abuse which narcissistic groups use to shift responsibility onto someone else. While any normal, mature, responsible individual would have no problem admitting their mistakes and taking personal responsibility for their actions, narcissists can’t allow their ego and reputation to be tarnished by a mistake.

So, to lay the blame at the chosen victim’s door more easily, the narcissistic group does everything in their power to detect the victim’s vulnerable sides and insecurities. Because once they succeed in this, it’ll be easier for them to ensure that the victim won’t have the power to complain or do something against them.

In all narcissistic groups, the scapegoat is usually considered as the “black sheep” in the family. This “black sheep” is verbally and emotionally abused, taunted, and blamed unjustly for the mistakes and wrongdoings of the narcissists.

So, the question is: How do narcissistic groups choose the scapegoat?

The interesting thing is that narcissistic groups don’t target individuals that are weak or incompetent. Instead, they choose people that are threatening to them in some way. Maybe it’s the chosen victim’s intelligence, independence, physical appearance, determination, ambition, high social status, and the list goes on, which arouses envy in the narcissists.

To make the chosen victim feel like they’re a part of the group, the narcissists idealize, praise, and shower them with grandiose stories and promises. They also make sure the victim knows the rules of the game. And the most important rule is that they have to keep quiet about everything which happens inside the group.

If the victim doesn’t behave the way they’re supposed to, i.e. they oppose the group in some way, they’ll be humiliated in front of the group members, belittled, stonewalled, and, of course, excluded.

Furthermore, the narcissistic group may even have a smear campaign against the victim related to their character, stability, as well as the ability to be a member of the group.

If you’re a victim of black sheep, scapegoating, or smear campaigns, know that you were chosen since you have the abilities, qualities, and talents that the narcissistic group lacks. You were chosen since you possess the power that the narcissistic group lacks and wants to take away from you.

Improving your relationship with your partner can improve your overall mental health

It’s important to have a healthy relationship with your romantic partner because you want to lead a long, happy life together. You know that, but did you know that healthy relationships can also improve your personal mental and physical health? To maintain a strong, long-lasting relationship, you want to be able to count on your partner, communicate effectively, and feel that they care about you.

It’s important to listen to your partner, ask what they need, and let them know what you need from them as well. There will be times in your relationship where you need to set boundaries, and that’s not a bad thing. In fact, setting boundaries is a way of loving someone and showing that you’re committed to them. First, let’s talk about why that’s so important.


Boundaries are important for your health because you need to take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else. It’s like that old analogy about putting your air mask on before you help others put theirs on. You want to set a boundary and say “this is what I need and why.” For example, you might be a private person whereas your partner is more of an open book; which could be due to how they were raised on their family dynamic.

If this is the case, there might come a time where you’ll need to set a boundary and ask them to keep your private matters, such as details about your personal health or religious practices, private. If your partner can’t accept that, stand your ground firmly. Your needs are important, and it’s important that they hear you out, but it’s also vital to listen to what they have to say. If they aren’t in agreement with a boundary that you’re setting, see why they don’t want to respect that boundary. Boundaries are an extremely important part of maintaining good health, and if you struggle to set boundaries, then it’s something you can talk about in therapy either with your partner or in individual therapy.

Mental health and your relationship

If you’re in a healthy relationship, it affects your mental health because being with your partner makes you happy. You can’t expect a partner to be the only reason that you’re happy, though; that’s not realistic, and it’ll create an unhealthy dynamic very quickly. You want to be able to have realistic expectations, which will mean that your partner will contribute to your happiness but won’t be the only reason that you’re happy.

You’re responsible for your own happiness. You can’t expect anyone else to make you happy. They can enhance your happiness and make your life more enjoyable, sure, but that’s the keyword: more. Like you, they need to be able to get their needs met first, and then, they’ll be able to contribute to your happiness.

Physical health

When you’re stressed out, you can feel it in your body. You might have a racing heart, feel nauseated and struggle with sleep, or experience anxiety that makes you shake or tremble. Anxiety about your relationship can be a sign that something is wrong with the dynamic. Relationships can make you feel really good, but they can also make you feel really bad.

If you’re in a healthy relationship, your physical health can be impacted positively and vice versa, if you’re in a toxic relationship, you can find that your physical health is impacted negatively. Long-term stress is harsh on the body and can lead to skin troubles, digestive issues, heart issues, and more, so be sure to take care of yourself and reduce your stress levels as much as possible.

Get healthy

Relationships and the physical or mental impact that they have on you matter. One of the things that can help you flourish both in your relationships and your personal wellbeing is counseling. Online counseling is a great way to work on your relationship.

It’s an excellent place to discuss what’s bothering you and a couples counselor can help. Whether you’re working with someone in your local area or online, getting help matters. You can read about common relationship issues at Regain here https://www.regain.us/advice/. Couples counseling is an opportunity for you and your significant other to get closer and understand one another.