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There Isn’t Such Thing As Wrong Timing: You Just Weren’t Destined For Each Other

When a relationship fails, we always come up with reasons for the breakup. We always look for something which is beyond our control. We look for something that we can complain about and blame for the breakup.

And what’s the most common reason we come up with? Yes, you guessed it: The timing was wrong.

Indeed, saying, “We broke up because we met in the wrong time or wrong place” is like some kind of defense mechanism for most of us. But, the truth is that thinking that if you and your ex-partner had met in a different place or time, things would be different now, i.e. you’d still be together, is just a big lie.

Because when two people are meant to be together, the timing is never wrong. Yes, it’s simple as that.

There’s no such thing as bad timing. There’s no such thing as perfect timing either. Because timing is inconsistent. Timing is something you can’t control.

When you’re with the right person for you, neither you nor they worry about the timing. Instead, you make the timing right. You make your relationship a safe journey. You make the difficult times easier. You make yourselves ready to face and overcome any problem, difficulty, and temptation life sends your way.

Because when you’re with the right person for you, you’re willing to do everything to save what you have. You’re willing to walk through fire, climb the highest mountain, and fight monsters to keep the love between you always alive.

When you’re with the right person, timing means nothing to you.

Even when you hit a rough patch in your relationship, you don’t think that you two met in the wrong time. Instead, both of you try hard to solve your relationship problems successfully and move on. Both of you do your best to make right all the wrong things that threaten to separate you.

When you’re with the right person for you, you don’t give up on the two of you no matter how difficult your relationship is. Instead, you do everything in your power to make your relationship easier. You do your best to show everyone that they’re wrong when they try to convince you that the timing isn’t right.  Why?

Because you know that you were meant for each other. You know you were destined to be together. You feel this in your heart. You feel this in the depths of your being.  

4 Relationship Stereotypes We All Need To Get Rid Of If We Want To Find Happiness

So much has been written and said about love and relationship, that nowadays it is truly hard to determine what’s true and what’s false.

From a young age, we’ve been taught that relationships are these beautiful comfort zones where there are only rainbows, pink skies, and unicorns.

Disney movies and romantic fairy tales have convinced us that being in love means being in a divine state for 24 a week. Well, let me tell you something. Relationships may be an amazing part of our lives, but they are not that black and white as some people think.

That is why we decided to gather some of the biggest relationship stereotypes and let you know that discarding them is the only way to truly find happiness in your life:


As if! When I first met my current boyfriend, he was in a club playing with his band. The sound of his guitar caught my attention and I couldn’t stop staring at him. The way he handled that instrument and the energy he shared with the people around him made me very curious about him.  

Let me just tell you that I have never in my life really listened to metal or anything related. That was my first experience and I absolutely fell in love with the whole atmosphere he and his band made. For the record, I am a writer and a part-time photographer. That’s what I love and that is what makes me happy.

My point is, our different interests and hobbies didn’t stop us from falling madly in love with each other. In fact, they brought us even closer because they broadened our horizons.


False. This is probably the biggest stereotype I’ve ever heard. Ask the happiest couple you know, and they will tell you that there is no such thing as a relationship without the occasional disagreements and fights. The truth is people who don’t fight usually don’t care about one another.

I am not saying that fighting every day and emotionally abusing each other is okay. Not at all. I am just stating that having small quarrels every once in a while, is a normal thing.


Let’s get one thing straight. It is your duty to respect your loved one’s family and friends, but that doesn’t mean that you should unconditionally love them. You are in a relationship with your partner, not them.

Whoever told you that you need to constantly worry about interacting with your partner’s loved ones is wrong. The key is being respectful and having healthy boundaries without insulting someone.


Don’t kid yourself. Being in a happy relationship doesn’t mean being together 24/7. Being in love with someone doesn’t mean giving up on your life to be with them. That is called an unhealthy obsession if you ask me.

Relationships are about sharing your life with another person but also working on yourself. It is about accepting each other’s journey and supporting the work that you both do.

Having a life outside of your relationship means that you respect yourself, no that you stopped loving your partner.

It is about time we break these stereotypes and accept that love, just like everything else in life, is imperfect and flawed. Because that is the only way we are ever going to find happiness.

8 Little Surprises Women Enjoy But Will Never Ask You To Do For Them

Dear men, I don’t know if you know, but women love surprises. Regardless of what kind of woman you are dating, and regardless of what her preferences are, we all enjoy those small, cute gestures.

I am not talking about fancy dinners and luxurious trips. I am talking more cute good-morning texts and hand-picked wildflowers.

Yup, that is the kind of girl I am. And I believe I am not alone. In fact, I am pretty sure that there is not a woman that doesn’t enjoy these cute, little acts of love.

So, guys, I suggest you keep reading. Because these are 8 surprises women love but would never ask you to do for them:

1. Bring her breakfast in bed. I know it sounds cliché, but it is the cutest cliché that ever existed. Let’s face it. Personally, I don’t think there is anything more thoughtful and cuter than bringing your loved one a freshly squeezed orange juice and French toast in bed. Who is with me?

2. Leave her cute, good-morning, love texts. Okay, yes, she knows you love her. But there is no harm in leaving a small reminder every once in a while. Especially when it is in the form of an adorable good-morning note.

3. Take her on a spontaneous surprise trip. This may take some time for you to plan it, but I guarantee you that it is going to be worth it. If you ask me, I am the happiest woman alive when my man organizes a surprise hiking trip for me. And he has done it a few times already. I have no words to describe the joy in my heart whenever this happens.

4. Take her out on a date. Somewhere romantic. Somewhere you would both enjoy. It is truly sad how we’ve completely forgotten the concept of going out. Why don’t we bring that back?

5. Send her flowers. You don’t even have to buy her an expensive bouquet to make her day and put a smile on her face. Seeing you with only a single flower in your hand will immediately make her the happiest woman alive. Believe me. It is not a gift. It is the thought that counts. The fact that you care about her and want to see her smile.

6. Surprise her with her favorite home-cooked meal. Buy all the ingredients and surprise her with a lovely dinner. She will love you for doing that. Even if the food is overcooked.

7. Buy her tickets for her favorite movie. Cover her eyes and tell her that you are taking her somewhere special. Watching her favorite movie may seem like it is nothing, but trust me, to her it will be everything. The fact that you cared enough to make time for this date and take her to see something so special like her favorite story shows her that she truly means the world to you.

8. Compliment her when she least expects. Show her off to the world and let her know much she means to you. Compliment her in front of others. But don’t do it just because. Do it because you really mean it. She will know and she will appreciate you for it.

Here’s How You Can Overcome Codependency In Your Relationship

We enter relationships with the idea that when we’re genuinely in love with someone, we put their feelings, needs, and desires before ours. We enter relationships with the idea that we should make our partner’s happiness our business.

And we’re right about this since true love is unselfish. When you and your partner love each other honestly, deeply, and unconditionally, you’re willing to make compromises and sacrifices for each other’s happiness. You do your best to be there for each other.

Indeed, there’s nothing more powerful and magical than when you know your partner loves you selflessly and unconditionally.

So, yes, putting your partner’s needs before your own and feeling free leaning on them for everything is the right way you behave when you’re truly in love. But, when you always put your significant other first in your relationship at the expense of your own mental, emotional, and physical health and you lose yourself in it, you’re very likely to become codependent.

What you need to remember is that there’s a huge difference between relying on someone to be there for you and depending on someone. There’s a great difference between sacrificing your needs for someone’s happiness and completely giving up on yourself.

The first parts of these two sentences describe what a healthy, happy relationship looks like and the second parts describe one which is codependent – one which can be quite difficult and painful. One which prevents both you and your partner from being truly happy in your relationship.

Here are 5 effective ways you can overcome codependency in your relationship:

1. Stop forgetting to take care of yourself first.

Stop forgetting to treat yourself with the kindness, patience, and compassion you treat your partner. Stop forgetting to show yourself the respect and love you show your partner.

Because by always putting your significant other first in your relationship, i.e. prioritizing their feelings, needs, desires, and problems over your own, you’ll end up losing yourself.

To prevent this from happening, you need to start putting yourself first on your list of priorities. You need to make maintaining your emotional, mental, and physical health your number one priority. Because only when you love and take care of yourself, will you be able to love and take care of others.

2. Stop thinking that your relationship defines your happiness.

Stop thinking that being in a relationship with someone is the only thing that can bring happiness and a sense of fulfillment into your life. Because when you think that your relationship shapes your happiness, you begin investing all of your energy in and devoting all of your love to a relationship which is imbalanced, unhealthy, and, in fact, damaging to you.

Moreover, using your relationship as the main source that can provide you with security and increase your self-esteem places your partner under pressure. It might even lead them to consider you clingy or needy.

What you need to do is start perceiving your relationship as just one tiny piece of the many things which can make your life happy, fulfilling, and exciting. Your friends, your ambitions, and your hobbies are just as worthy of your time and attention as dating someone.

3. Stop thinking that emotional intimacy can only be experienced in romantic relationships.

Your friendships and the relationships you have with members of your family and even coworkers can be as emotionally fulfilling as your romantic relationships.  Your best friends and family can give you their help and support when your life gets difficult.  

They can give you all the space you need to be open and vulnerable. They can boost your self-esteem when you doubt your qualities and strength. They can make you feel fulfilled and respected. Indeed, they can do all of this because they are the people who truly love you and care about you.

4. Stop avoiding to spend some time on your own.

Wanting to spend some time alone doesn’t mean that you’re trying to avoid spending time with your partner or that you’re not in love with them. Instead, it shows that you feel the need to reflect on your needs, priorities, and wishes. It shows that you feel the need to reconsider your decisions and reexamine your goals.

It shows you feel the need to connect with your inner self and see if you’re where you’ve always wanted to be in your life. It shows that you feel the need to recharge your batteries so that you’re able to invest more of your energy and time in your relationship.

5. Stop putting everything in your life on pause for your partner.

One thing you should remember is that when you begin giving up on the things that mean to you so that you can spend more time with your partner, you’ll inevitably give up on yourself on many levels: doing everything in your power to please your partner; avoiding to confront them when they treat you badly; allowing them to hurt your feelings and forgiving them time and time again.

To prevent this from happening, make sure behaviors, such as canceling on your friends to spend time with your partner or giving up your goals and passions so that your bae doesn’t feel neglected don’t become a habit.

Being a positive force for others: Which careers help you best achieve this?

The modern world is a fast-changing place, and that is apparent in the attitudes we have towards our careers. Many individuals now look for far more in a job than simply making enough money to pay the bills or getting a fancy company car. Life after inpatient rehab might feel difficult however, things eventually work out.

People looking for work these days care more about finding careers that satisfy their personal quest for fulfillment and also, often, to help others. Naturally, this is not just limited to younger people starting out on their career – you can decide to change careers to data science with a good data science course in Hyderabad at any point.

It is this compassion for others and a desire to make the world a better place that is particularly notable. If you feel like that, then the great news is that there are lots of careers out there for you. By choosing one to commit to, you can be a positive force in the world for others that need help.

But which careers are best for this?

Career Advisor 

One of the best ways to be a positive influence on the lives of others is by helping them find a perfect industry or role to move into. It is very rewarding to set someone off on the path to happiness and fulfillment by assisting them in choosing their ideal career. You could work in a variety of settings from colleges to schools where you would interact directly with students. As well as helping them decide where their future lies, you can also make it easier for them to get a job by helping with resume writing and interview practice.

Charitable Worker

There are few things more rewarding than helping others. Whether it’s providing a hot meal for a family in need or giving someone a place to stay during a difficult time, charitable work brings joy to both the giver and the receiver. For someone looking for a career that is both personally satisfying and makes a difference in the world, charitable work is the perfect choice.

Not only is charitable work incredibly rewarding, but it also offers the opportunity to protect the sacredness of human life. In a world that often devalues life, those who work in charities help to remind us of the inherent dignity of every person. From assisting refugees to providing medical care for the poor, charitable workers show us that every life is valuable and worthy of protection. For anyone looking to make a difference, a career in charitable work is an excellent choice.

Social Worker 

Social work is another great choice of role that gives you the chance to protect those that need it and to improve their lives. This sector covers a variety of roles from Human Services Worker to Community & Social Service Specialist, so you have a range of jobs to train for. Much of your work will be around working with vulnerable people in the community, to look after them and to ensure they have a good life in a secure environment. To get started in social work you will usually need a social work degree. If you do not already hold this, then your first step should be studying a college course to get the qualification. That does not always mean studying full-time or having to move away – many colleges now offer part-time or distance learning courses.

Special Needs Teacher 

If you have a burning desire to help those with special educational needs to fulfill their potential, then this is the career for you. Working in this sector will mean you make a real difference to the lives of the children you teach and help them live a more positive life when they leave education. This role involves planning and teaching lessons specially designed to get the most from the students in your class. Not only is it very rewarding but it also hits the mark in terms of making an impact on other people for the better. 

Healthcare industry

When you work in healthcare you will be dealing with people in need of medical, nursing, and general care. In terms of being a positive force in someone’s life, it doesn’t get better than that! This is naturally a wide-ranging sector, and among the most popular roles are doctor, pharmacist, and registered nurse. The particularly gifted doctors often progress to become surgeons. Any of the caring professions will bring you into direct contact with people whose lives you can influence for the better.


Very often, a negative force in someone’s life can be centered in their mind. If you choose to work as a psychologist, then you can help patients to overcome anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Life throws up surprises all the time and you will be there to assist people in dealing with whatever has come their way. Psychologists usually work directly with patients in healthcare settings. From counseling to crisis intervention, it is a varied and rewarding career choice.

Be a light for good in the world 

The world can sometimes be a scary and mixed-up place. This makes it even more important for people to follow careers such as the above which try to make it a bit more agreeable for everyone. If you have always wanted to help people improve their lot but could never work out how to do so, the advice above should give you the head start needed to get into a very rewarding career.

5 Things You Should Know Before Calling A Psychic Over The Phone

If you have an interest in the paranormal or extrasensory abilities, one of the first things you may consider is contacting a medium or a psychic for a reading. A session with a psychic often entails a reading of your aura and using that intuitive feeling to predict future events and offer relevant advice. These psychics can offer general readings, or you may ask them about something specific, like your love life or your future career.

Not all psychics offer readings in person, however. In fact, you may be able to receive a quality reading over the phone. Psychic phone readings may offer a rate per minute, or a flat rate for a certain amount of time, say 15 minutes. These psychics can be very convenient, especially if you don’t have any good psychics in your area, but there are a few things to consider before contacting any psychic over the phone.

1) Research your psychic before you book

Like any service, you should always research something before you buy it. The internet is a great source for trusted psychics. Looking at customer reviews to guide you is important. If you have friends or family members who have booked a specific psychic, you can also often trust their judgment about whether to book someone or steer clear of them.

2) You shouldn’t go into the reading expecting a certain answer

Many people who contact psychics often have questions in mind to ask, and that is perfectly fine. However it can be a problem if they go in hoping to hear only what they want to hear. They may not be able to accept the reading.

You should never get upset with a psychic for telling you the genuine answer to your questions, rather than just telling you what you want to hear.

The way you can tell if a psychic is genuine or not is whether their predictions come through them or not. Good psychics won’t just tell you their own thoughts and impressions of you. This is why, if you have a credible psychic, you should trust that they are being guided to tell you these things and give you spiritual advice.

The exception to this rule is when you genuinely believe something is wrong with the reading. If your intuition is telling you that your psychic is being fraudulent, or not putting enough care into your reading, you should terminate the session immediately.

3) Let the psychic tell you what they need to tell you

You should also be careful not to vent to your psychic, or give overindulgent details about yourself. The point of receiving a reading is to let someone who is not attached to you in any way, give you sound advice based off of their intuition. If you give them too many details about your life, you are essentially just leading them into something that they may not feel themselves.

In addition, they are not your psychiatrist, and if you feel like you need someone to talk to about a problem, there are many other resources you can use. A psychic is for solutions and guidance, not for sympathy, necessarily.

4) Don’t go to a psychic when you are emotionally compromised

Booking a psychic when you are emotional can greatly sway the kind of reading that you receive. Some people, when in a time of need, may not seek doctors or counselors for health information. Instead, they will look for the first psychic they see to give them guidance, even if they are not seeing a quality psychic. Always seek a psychic when you are calm and ready to receive advice without acting out of control.

5) Have you booked a medium, or a psychic?

Contrary to popular belief, medium and psychics are two different things, and the services they offer over the phone can be different.

  • A medium is a person who can contact people who have passed on, often those that are close family members.
  • A psychic tells you about things in the present, and can predict or help guide you towards solutions for the future.

Sometimes, a person can offer both services, and this is important to take into account when booking over the phone. If you book a psychic-medium, you may hear from relatives who have passed on that can offer advice to you in your daily life. This can sometimes result in a better reading, so be sure to try out medium services as well as psychic ones if you would like to explore this further.

In conclusion

If you consider the quality of psychic you are booking, your emotional state, and the kinds of things you are willing to hear during your session, you’ll have a great reading that will open your mind to extrasensory experiences. 

Four Tips for Boosting Your Immune System

Are you the type that seems to catch every germ and bug that is circulating at the moment? Does it feel like you just jump from one illness to the next with little to no break in between? Besides it being hard on your body to be constantly fighting germs, it also becomes exhausting to always feel unwell, low on energy, and just not your best. It can affect your work and personal life in a negative way, taking a toll on your physical and mental well-being.

If this sounds like you, it could be that your body might benefit from a boost to your immune system. Boosting your immune system in the simplest terms means you give it all the support it needs in order to perform at its peak level. If you aren’t doing this, then it’s likely you will be sicker for longer, and be more susceptible to catching everything that is going around.

To help you turn things around, start feeling healthier, and enjoy breaks in between bouts of sickies, here are four tips for boosting your immune system.

Get Enough Sleep

One of the best things you can do for your immune system is totally free, and rather simple, and that’s to make sure you are getting enough sleep each and every night. Without enough sleep, your body won’t be as strong, which means it is vulnerable to any bugs that are going around. Sleep offers restorative benefits, which is also why doctors tell patients to rest when they aren’t well.

Keep Your Body Active

On the flip side, you also want to be sure you are staying active on a regular basis. Ideally you want to aim for 20-30 minutes of continuous activity each day, where you are able to get your heart rate boosted. There is plenty of research that shows regular exercise can help prevent things such as the common cold. This is because it can flush out bacteria through your sweat, and it helps to improve a person’s immunity. Even if you are sick with a mild to moderate cold, it can still have benefits, so there’s no need to skip the workout.

Consider Taking Supplements

Most people are aware of how important a healthy well-balanced diet is, but sometimes it can be hard to eat all the right foods and the recommended servings per day. This is where supplements come in handy, as they are meant to fill in those gaps where diet alone may not be doing the trick. Supplements are meant to keep your body healthy and strong, and can even target specific illnesses.

At the same time, supplements can be pretty expensive to purchase, especially if you’re taking multiple kinds on a daily basis. Be sure to check out Upgraded Reviews which features a ridiculous amount of supplement discount codes. At any given time, you’ll find a wide range of companies and products that are featured, which means you can stock up on all the necessary supplements for much cheaper.

Add Immune Boosting Foods to Your Diet

Along the lines of diet, another tip is to start adding immune boosting foods to your meals. Some of the foods that are known for immune boosting qualities are dark chocolate, blueberries, oily fish (tuna and salmon are great examples), turmeric, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, garlic, ginger, almonds, green tea, and sunflower seeds just to name a few.

Cut Back on Your Sick Days

By using these tips, you’ll find that you are able to boost your immune system over time, which will then help it to better fight off all those common germs that constantly seem to circulate.

6 Red Flags You’re In An Emotionally Abusive Relationship

When you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship, it’s often quite difficult to recognize the signs. And the reason for this is really simple: When you’re deeply in love with someone, your heart plays tricks on you. Your emotions cloud your judgment.

When you love someone dearly, you ignore all the warning signs that there is something wrong with your relationship. You gradually fall into a habit of making excuses for your partner’s bad behavior. Whenever they hurt your feelings, you come up with all kinds of excuses: “They’re tired;” They had a really stressful day;” “They’re just having a bad day,” and etc.

Indeed, when your emotions begin to cloud your reason, you’re likely to find yourself sinking in a sea of manipulations and devious mind games. And if you don’t recognize the red flags and get out of the relationship, you may end up drowning.

To save yourself from falling into the trap of an emotionally abusive person, make sure you watch out for the following 6 red flags which indicate that your partner isn’t in love with you – they’re just obsessed with you:

1. They demand large amounts of your time.

They act like you’re supposed to be around them 24/7. They want you to devote to them large amounts of your time. And the more time you spend with them, the more they become jealous of your friends and even family and the more they try to convince you that they’re the only person who is worthy of your time and attention.

2. They shower you with attention.

To make you fall in love deeply with them, they shower you with attention, sweet words, and compliments. They shower you with big amounts of affection to make you believe that their love for you is honest and pure so that it’s easier for them to control your actions.

3. They’re jealous of and impatient with your loved ones.

They don’t like when you spend time with your friends, family, or coworkers. They have even no problem criticizing you for hanging out with your best friends after work or attending family celebrations. It’s like they “compete” for your attention.

Oftentimes, they even try to poison your mind against your loved ones and convince you that they don’t deserve your attention. And if you’re not aware of this, they’ll eventually succeed in distancing you from your loved ones completely.

4. They follow you when you are not together.

Even when they know where you are and who you’re with, they call you, “just to check in.” It’s not that they don’t trust you- they just want to be informed about your whereabouts all the time.

5. They neglect other parts of their own life for you.

Whether it’s their family, their friends, or their career, they ignore everyone and everything in their life for you. Their list of priorities consists of only one thing – you. But, this is not because they’re genuinely and deeply in love with you, but because they’re obsessed with you.

6. They have no respect for your personal space.

When you’re in a relationship with an emotionally abusive person, normal things, such as hanging out with your friends and family or going out for dinner with your colleagues after work, well, turn into a big problem. Because an emotionally abusive person does everything in their power to show your loved ones and everyone around you that you are taken.

I Am Not Someone You Could Settle For. Either Love Me For Real Or Let Me Go

I see what you are trying to do. You are confused. You have no idea what you want to do with your life. You only know that you want to settle down and have a nice life with someone. At least that is what’s expected of you. I am not sure if that is your own personal desire. It just doesn’t feel like that.

So, you see me. I am the perfect addition to your plan. Honest, kind, mature, nice-looking, educated, independent woman. The perfect catch. But you don’t love me. No, you just love the idea of me. You know we would look good on paper, that’s all.

Well, too bad, because that’s not going to cut it.

I am not a woman you could settle for. You are not going to fool me with your cheap tricks.

I am not here to settle for a comfortable relationship and a half-assed love. I am not here to help you prove to your family that you’ve found love. I am not here to make your ex-girlfriend jealous. And I am not here to be your trophy wife.

I am here to fall in love. Madly, deeply and passionately. I am here to find a person who will make me feel things I’ve never felt before. I am here to find a man who will not be afraid to show me how crazy he is about me. More importantly, I am here to find myself.

All my life I’ve been dreaming the same. To feel love and to find the other piece of my soul. I am not saying that I’ve never done mistakes. I am just saying that even though my heart has been broken many times, I’ve never allowed myself to settle for just about anyone. I’ve made a vow to myself that whatever happens to me, I will never say yes to someone I don’t love, or to someone that doesn’t love me. I’ve promised myself that I will never ever settle for a relationship that doesn’t feel right. Even if I end up alone forever.

So, don’t think that I will make an exception for you.

I am not a woman would you could settle for.  I am not someone you could marry because I fit perfectly into your plans.

I have my hopes and dreams and the only thing that I care for is finding real love. An out-of-this-world, crazy, all-consuming, can’t-live-without-each-other love. I want to fall asleep and wake up with a smile on my face. I want to feel wanted. I want to know that I have the right person in my life. I want to be able to rely on my soulmate. I want to know that there is someone out there who cares for me dearly.

Don’t make things hard for us. I deserve to experience real love, and you do too. So, please don’t force us to pretend we have something between us when it’s clear that we are not made for each other. Love cannot just happen when you want it to happen.

If you are not able to give that to me then please leave me alone and let me find my own happiness somewhere else.

6 Common Behaviors Men Exhibit When They Are With Their One True Love

It is true that men and women have completely different ways of displaying their love. But it is not true that women are more sensitive and open to expressing their innermost feelings than men. It is also not true that men are cold, heartless creatures who are ashamed of their feelings.

I refuse to be a part of that group that enjoys stereotyping people. I refuse to believe that ‘all men are the same’. Because they aren’t. I myself, have been lucky enough to find you, the real proof that men love purely and from the heart.

Here are 6 common behaviors a man exhibits when he is with his one true love:

1. He listens and pays attention to everything you have to say to him. When a man finds his ‘forever’ person and falls in love, he makes a commitment to that woman. This means that he is ready to spend his life next to his one true love. The first sign that will reveal his love for you is his willingness to be there for you and listen to everything you want to share with him.

2. He is ready to get out of his way to make you happy. And he is more than willing to make a sacrifice to protect what you two have. A man in love is ready to do whatever it takes for his one true love. Because your happiness means everything to him. When you smile, he smiles too.

3. He allows himself to be vulnerable in front of you. If you ask me, this is the biggest sign that a man is head over heels in love with you. When a man opens up his heart and lets welcomes you inside his world, that means that he is ready to spend his life with you by his side.

4. He is proud of you and supports you every step of the way. A real and mature man is not afraid to show the world how proud he is to have a woman like you beside him. He is not afraid to let everyone know how happy he is to have found his other half. More importantly, a real and mature man is not afraid that your light will outshine his. He supports you and everything that you do.

5. He treats your loved ones with respect. He knows how much those people mean to you. That is why they are important to him as well.

6. He cares for you. Simple as that. A man who is deeply in love with his woman cares for her feelings. He protects her. He wants to make her happy. He attends to her needs. He loves her from the bottom of his heart. He is always there for her.