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The One Who Thinks You Are Good Enough Will Not Be Afraid To Love You From The Bottom Of Their Heart

I know you’ve made many mistakes in your life and I know you regret them.

You’ve given your heart to people who didn’t deserve it. You’ve loved more than you’ve been loved. You’ve offered your soul as a shelter to people who didn’t know any better than destroying it. You’ve sacrificed your happiness for others thinking that one day they will do the same for you.

I know that you are tired of trying all over again.

I know that you are exhausted from hoping.

But you mustn’t lose hope. Because one day, you will find a person who will think that you are more than enough for him. This person will not be afraid to show you what his soul is made of. They will not be afraid to commit to you and love you from the very depth of their heart.

It might be hard for you to understand this now. You are torn and you are tired. There is barely any hope left in your heart. But I completely understand you. I know how you feel.

The only thing that I am asking of you right now is to not give up.

Love is real regardless of what everyone is telling you.

Love exists. And one day, a person will come into your life and prove this to you.

They will make sure you realize your worth. They will do their best to let you know how they feel about you. They will open up their soul and let you in it. You and only you will have the key to their heart.

The one who thinks that you are good enough will not be afraid of the intensity of your heart. This person will be happy to be in your life. They will gladly make space in their life for you and welcome you with open arms.

They will hush down your insecurities, answer all your questions and help you quiet your fears. Everything you once worried about will finally be alright. Everything you once craved will be beside you, around you, inside of you.

The one who thinks you are good enough will be the one who will be there to catch you when you fall for them. They will love you like no one ever loved you before. Unconditionally, madly and passionately from the heart.

This person will be proud to be a part of your life. They won’t hold back from hugging you and showing their affection in front of everyone. On the contrary, they will be more than pleased to show the whole wide world how they feel about you. Because, unlike the ones that were a part of your life before them, they will be 100% certain about you.

Unlike all the others, this person will love you from the depth of their heart. Like there is no tomorrow.

11-Year-Old Blind Girl Sees Her Best Friend For The First Time In Her Life: A Video That Will Melt Your Heart

Serenity Aug is an 11-year-old girl that has been legally blind since birth. Thanks to eSight, a company that produces advanced electronic glasses which let visually impaired people see, Serenity’s wish to really see for the first time ever came true.

More than a thousand people came to Pine River School, in Michigan, to help raise money for the lovely girl’s new eSight electronic glasses.

When eSight asked Serenity what she wanted to see the most with her new glasses, well, we’re sure that none of the people present in the gymnasium expected to hear the answer she gave.

Serenity expressed her wish to see her best friend that lived 26 hours away from her.

And her best friend was, in fact, there in the same school sports hall as her.

“I missed you so much” is what Serenity’s friend told her to which she responded: “I missed you more.” These words and the look on the faces of the two girls showed how happy they were when they were finally reunited.

8 Reasons Why Being In Love Is The Most Amazing Feeling In The World

Love. Oh, love. I could write about it for days and it wouldn’t be enough to express my feelings.

All I know is that the first time I really felt love was the moment our eyes met. That brief moment of calmness and fireworks at the same time will always stay with me to remind me that true love may be rare, but it is real.

You started a fire in me. A fire so bright that I never knew existed. You proved to me that there is someone for everyone. You changed my life from the very core. You made me rethink my choices and realize that I never ever knew what love is. You showed me how beautiful it is to care for another human being. You gave me your heart. And I gave you mine.

Because of you, my world is a garden full of blooming trees. Because of you, my sun is shining brighter than ever. Because of you, I am finally who I was always supposed to be.

Here are 8 reasons why being in love with you makes me the happiest person alive:

1. Love is my source of inspiration. It makes me feel positive. Like I can do everything that I put my mind to. It transforms me into an adventurer. A person who would roam the world till eternity, as long as you are right there beside me.

2. Love makes me feel invincible. It gives me the strength to show the world who I am without being afraid of what others would say. It gives me the energy to do whatever I feel like doing without being afraid that the world would reject me. Love makes me feel powerful and confident about myself.

3. Love opens my mind and broadens my horizons. Love transforms me into a different person. A person who is eager for more in life. A person who is not afraid of the unknown. A person who is not afraid of anything.

4. Love motivates me to become the best version of myself. It makes me aware of my flaws and imperfections. It accepts me just the way I am but helps me find the path to self-cognizance. It motivates me to work hard on myself and fulfill all my dreams.

5. Love gives me the courage to be exactly who I am. It makes me feel good about myself. It teaches me to fall in love with my flaws and accept myself just the way I am. Different, imperfect, strange and unapologetically myself.

6. Love makes me hopeful. Hopeful that this world may actually be better than we think. Hopeful that there are people who genuinely care about other human beings. Hopeful that happily ever after doesn’t exist only in fairytales.

7. Love opens my heart and makes me more compassionate. It makes me selfless in ways that I never knew existed. It makes me want to be there for other people and offer them shelter in my world. Love eliminates my fear of getting my heart broken.

8. Love makes me the richest person alive. It makes me feel blessed. Blessed to be right here sitting beside you and watching you smile. Blessed to be a part of your life. Blessed to have someone who knows the way my heart signs.

When You Finally Meet The Right Person For You, You’ll Understand Why Your Previous Relationships Fell Apart

This goes to the broken-hearted and those who have given up on love. This goes to all those who have stopped looking for ‘The One’ – the person who will embrace and love them the way they deserve. This goes to those who have stopped believing that they’ll find the right person for them. Trust me:

That person does exist and they’re waiting for you to find them.

No! This is not cliché. It’s the truth.

How do I know?

Well, I’ve already found that person. I’ve found my soulmate. My forever person.

Yes, I’ve met the person who changed my life completely. The person who’s shown me what genuine, pure, intense love truly feels like. The person in whom I’ve found my best friend, my cheerleader, my greatest help and support, my guiding light, my strength, my hope. The person who’s made me understand why it never worked out with anyone else.

Therefore, trust me when I say that when you finally meet the right person for you, you’ll realize why your previous relationships failed.

Because when your paths cross for the first time, you’ll sense that they are not like your ex-partners. You’ll sense that they’re special. Unique.

When you talk to them, you’ll sense that they listen to you attentively. They listen to every word you tell them because what you have to say matters to them. You’ll sense that they look you in the eye and you’ll feel like they’re able to see the depths of your soul.

When you spend time with them, you’ll want to be around them forever. You’ll notice their kindness. You’ll admire their sweet, compassionate nature. You’ll be charmed by their sincerity.

And when you get closer with them, they’ll accept you just the way you are. They won’t force you to change. They won’t expect you to pretend to be someone you are not. Instead, they’ll understand your fears and insecurities and they’ll do their best to help you overcome them.

And when you touch each other’s skins, you’ll feel their powerful energy. You’ll feel their warmth.

And when you finally form a strong, deep bond with them, you’ll realize that they’re the one you’ve been searching for all your life. You’ll both feel that you are meant for each other. You’ll both know that you are destined to be together.

And if someone asks you when and how this person managed to steal your heart, you won’t know the answer since you began to love them the moment you met them.

And as time passes, the connection between you will get even stronger and the love deeper.

As time passes, you’ll realize that they’re the right person for you. Because you’ll feel this in your heart. You’ll feel this in the depths of your being.

If He’s Truly The Right Person For You, These 9 Things Will Never Scare Him Off

I know. It’s difficult to find the right person for you in a world full of fickle, selfish, manipulative, and dishonest people. It’s really tiring to even look for that one person who will accept and cherish you exactly the way you are and who will show you what true, deep, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love feels like.

Yes, I know all of this. Because I’ve already been through it myself. I know what it’s like when you’re in a relationship with a guy who isn’t sure what it is that he wants from you. A guy who makes you doubt his feelings for you. A guy who is not on the same page as you about the future of your relationship.

Yes, I’ve experienced all of this firsthand. But, you know what?

Just when I thought I was ready to give up on love and let faith guide me through my love life, I met a man who showed me that true love does exist. A man who was interested in understanding my insecurities and fears. A man who showed me that he wasn’t intimidated by my annoying habits and whims. A man who showed me that he embraced and loved every part of me, including my vulnerability, indecisiveness, impetuousness, and craziness.

Therefore, ladies, trust me when I say that if he’s the right person for you, nothing you do will scare him away. If he’s truly the one for you, he’ll never be intimidated by the following 9 things:

1. Your emotional self.

When you’re in a relationship with the right man for you, you’ll never have to feel ashamed when you get emotional around him. You’ll never have to pretend that you’re okay when you’re actually feeling like your whole world is crumbling in front of you.

Instead, you’ll feel free and comfortable showing him your real, deep, most hidden emotions. And he – he’ll appreciate your vulnerability and ensure you know there’s nothing wrong with showing your vulnerable sides.

2. Your family.

The right man for you might not like or get along with every member of your family, (and there’s nothing wrong with that), but he’ll do his best to respect them. He’ll try to find a way to make both you and him as well as the family member feel comfortable and pleasant when you’re spending time together.

And he’ll do that not because he feels obliged, but because he loves you enough to know how important your family is to you and how much you enjoy spending time with them.

3. Disagreements and arguments.

The right man isn’t going to ghost you or walk away from you after your first argument. Instead, he’s going to make sure you find a way together to talk out and successfully solve your relationship problems. He’s going to be mature and responsible enough to admit to and put right his mistakes.

And most importantly, he’s not going to lay the blame at your door whenever something goes wrong between you two and he’s not going to use a petty fight as an excuse to break up with you.

4. Your physical appearance.

When you’re with the right man, you aren’t going to have to spend hours doing your makeup in front of your mirror and choosing what to wear before you go out with him. Because he’ll still think that you’re pretty when you have a bad hair day, or when your eyes are swollen from sleeping, or when you look like a real mess. He’ll think you’re pretty and desirable even when you feel like you are not.

5. Your expectations.

The right man will be proud to have a lady with high expectations beside him. He’s never going to accuse you of being high-maintenance, picky, or too difficult to deal with. Instead, he’s going to love the fact that you know your worth and how you deserve to be treated, and he’ll make sure he lives up to your expectations.

6. Trust issues.

When you’re with the right man, you’ll never have to worry that he’ll fly off the handle every time you ask him when he’s going to come home from work or why it took him so long to respond to your call.

Because he’s going to understand that you’re still carrying emotional baggage from your previous relationships. He’ll understand that you still need time to cure your wounds and overcome the insecurities and fears your past relationships caused you to have. What’s more, he’ll be glad to help you get rid of them.

7. Your career and goals in life.

The right man isn’t going to be intimidated by your goals. Instead, he’ll encourage you to set high goals and pursue your dreams no matter how unrealistic they might seem. He’ll be aware of your qualities, intellectual capacity, and strength and he’ll make sure you know you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.

8. Waiting for you to be physically intimate with him.

The right man will have no problem waiting for you for a while before you feel ready and comfortable being physically intimate with him.  He’ll let you take your time because he’ll love you for more than your body.  

9. Commitment.

If you’re with the right man for you, know that he’ll never play those childish hard-to-get games with you or string you along. Instead, he’ll be more than glad to put a label on your relationship and fully commit to you because you’re the person that he loves truly and deeply and wants to spend the rest of his life with.

10 Things Your Partner Has No Idea You Are Doing Because You’re Scared Of Losing Him

Love is not always as easy as it seems. It is not always the same as it is in those fairy tale stories. Sometimes it makes us go crazy. And sometimes it makes us feel afraid.

Afraid of losing the most important person in our life. Afraid of losing the one true love of our life. Afraid of having our heartbroken to pieces. Afraid of never finding love again…

Here are 10 things that your partner may not realize that you are doing because you are scared of losing him:

1. You get upset whenever something goes wrong. You are terrified that the smallest argument will instantly escalate and turn into a breakup. You are paranoid about losing him. You don’t know what you would do without him. If this is the case, I have to be honest with you. I am sensing extreme codependency here. Be careful with your heart.

2. You cannot handle your fights, no matter how trivial they are. Every time you have a disagreement, your first reaction is crying. You are too emotional and too paranoid about getting into a fight with him because the first thing that pops into your mind is the thought of ending up all alone.

3. You want to know more about his ex-partners. You are worried that he may not be as happy as he once was. So, you want to know everything about his past. You are obsessed with it. All you want is to be loved with the same intensity that you love him.

4. You are overprotective and very territorial. You don’t need much to get jealous.  Having other people around him makes you anxious and insecure. In fact, you find it very hard to control yourself when he talks to another woman.

5. You constantly call him or text him. You are trying hard not to suffocate him, but you are doing the exact opposite. You tell him that you want to check up on him when the only thing you want to know is where he is going. Reality check: Love has nothing to do with this. You are terrified of ending up all alone.

6. You keep asking him how much he loves you. You need reassurance for his feelings. There is a voice inside of you that makes you question everything that he does. Something in you believes that he may wake up tomorrow and decide to leave you for good.

7. You pretend that you are fine when you are clearly not. You stay away from drama. You don’t want him to think that you are always complaining. So, you suck it up and stay silent.

8. You spend most of your time with him. Everything you have, you give to him, hoping that it will be enough for him to love you the way you love him.

9. You let him make most of the decisions on his own. You sacrifice yourself for him. Whatever he wants is fine by you. Well, not completely fine, but you accept it either way. Somehow his happiness means more to you than your own.

10. You let him get away with things that really bother you. You are pissed at him for not calling you, but you don’t want to complain and start a fight with him because then you might scare him away. You might upset him. So, you settle for whatever he gives you. But deep down you know that it is not enough. It never will be.

Playful Chihuahua Faces Big American Bulldog In The Funniest Video You’ll See Today

Here’s a cute video which shows that bulldogs aren’t unfriendly, fierce, and dangerous dogs. And this American Bulldog is the best proof of that.

Given the fact that he lets the fearless chihuahua, which is also 10 times his size, tease and play with him the way it wants, it’s evident that this breed of dogs can be as compassionate, playful, and friendly as any other dog breed.

Scroll down to watch the video and get ready to have a good laugh.


Dog Lost For Two Years Is Ecstatic To Finally Reunite With His Owner

Indeed, dogs are man’s best friend, forming a close, strong bond with their human companions. Just as people take care of their furry friends, dogs give their owners emotional support and genuine, unconditional love.

When this link is broken, it’s a real tragedy. Many a time we hear about puppies stolen from their owners – a harsh act that’s hurtful to both man and animal. Fortunately, one woman in Ukraine got the chance to reunite with her beloved dog from which she’d been separated for two years.

Volunteers at one animal shelter in Ukraine found a lovely, blue-eyed homeless dog wandering the streets. Since the dog had mange and it was starving, it was evident that it had quite a hard life on the streets, to say the least.

Volunteers were determined to give the cute dog a new, warm home – not knowing that he actually already had one and that someone was longing to reunite with him.

So, to find him a home, the volunteers posted pictures of the pup on social media. Due to the fact that the dog was in poor health, they initially doubted that someone would be interested in adopting it. But, their doubts were dispelled when a great number of people filled with sympathy for the pup’s hardship and sadness began to share pictures of the shelter on social media.

Two days later, a woman contacted the shelter, informing them that her dog had been stolen from her in 2017. When she saw the dog’s photos, she was amazed to see how similar that pup appeared to the dog that had been taken away from her.

The following day, the woman came to the shelter and very soon, the meeting turned into a beautiful, heartfelt reunion.

The video of the emotional reunion, which you can find below, shows that both woman and dog were ecstatic that they were finally reunited.

Japanese Company Takes Care Of Its Employees By Paying Them To Adopt Cats And Bring Them To Work

An IT company from Japan has found a way to become efficient and effective at its work by creating a stress-free work atmosphere for its employees.

Can you guess how?

They are LITERALLY paying their employees to rescue cats and bring them to work. Yup, you read it right. They are 100% cat-friendly, and I don’t know about you, but I am already browsing for cheap flights to Japan, because, this seems like the dreamiest job ever!

Ferray Corporation is now home to many rescued, stray cats. For a long time, this company worked on improving the work atmosphere and the efficiency of their employees, but nothing they did worked as miraculously as bringing in cats.

The presence of cats made everyone feel less stressed, more calmed, motivated and inspired for work. Everyone has agreed that working in an office where cats roam free and sleep around has increased the employees’ overall productivity and decreased their stress levels.

All in all, it seems that cats are really the key to a job well done.

And what’s even better, the company is paying its employees to bring more and more cats.  That’s right. In order to motivate them and encourage them to rescue and adopt even more cats, the company pays 5,000 yen or $45 per cat.

In Ferray Corporation, every day is ‘Bring your own cat to work’ day!

Now that is a company I would enjoy working in!

Cat lovers and IT professionals don’t forget to send your resumes. This seems like the best job opportunity that you’ll ever get in your life!

Also, if you are curious to see how these office cats handle the office life, go check their Twitter account. You will enjoy it, I guarantee you!











Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Praised For Sharing Picture Of Him Feeding His Partner While She Nursed Their Baby Girl

Famous American actor and semi-retired professional wrestler Dwayne Johnson, also known as “The Rock,” did a great job of setting an example of how to be a loving and supportive partner and dad.

On his Instagram, he shared a sweet picture of himself feeding his partner Lauren Hashian while she breastfed their baby girl Tiana. He accompanied the adorable photo with heart-melting words which got the attention of thousands of social media users. He wrote:

“I’ll handle this business. Mama @laurenhashianofficial has her hands full nursing/feeding baby Tia, so I’m feedin’ mama her dinner. My pleasure.

“So much respect to her and all mamas out there holding it down and running things. Just landed and good to get all my girls settled in.”

“Now, I gotta go satisfy my own appetite… Iron Paradise, here I come.”

The picture which has been liked over 5 million times so far has also received thousands of comments from mums and dads from all over the world in which they praised and shared their support for the loving father of three daughters.

The actor often writes about how much he loves and admires the four most important women in his life. After the birth of Tiana, his third daughter, in an Instagram post, he wrote: “Blessed and proud to bring another strong girl into this world.” In the post, he also praised both his partner, Lauren Hashian, and all women out there for their strength in childbirth. He wrote:

“Tiana Gia Johnson came into this world like a force of nature and Mama labored and delivered like a true rockstar.

“I was raised and surrounded by strong, loving women all my life, but after participating in baby Tia’s delivery, it’s hard to express the new level of love, respect and admiration I have for @laurenhashianofficial and all mamas and women out there.”

He also added: “Word to the wise gentlemen, it’s critical to be by your lady’s head when she’s delivering, being as supportive as you can.. holding hands, holding legs, whatever you can do. But, if you really want to understand the single most powerful and primal moment life will ever offer – watch your child being born. It’s a life changer and the respect and admiration you have for a woman, will forever be boundless.”

Undoubtedly, the respect and admiration Johnson’s fans have for him are boundless too.