Improving your career with knowledge and free certifications
I know that summer will decide, to enter the OFF mode and recharge the battery. We need to rest and enjoy family, friends and ourselves.
But this is also a good time to reflect study, read a good book and why not get free certifications that allow us to return to the last four months with more hope if possible. For this, we can take advantage of all the free online certifications provided by the Internet to develop our digital potential and talents.
One day I was talking to an acquaintance that was actively looking for work and didn’t know one of the best free certifications, the BitDegree certification. At present it is an obligation, whether we actively seek employment or not, that we increase our Digital Talent. We will all agree that the world is increasingly digital, that most companies have begun their journey towards Digital Transformation and that this transformation began with the people who formed these companies.
And to develop this digital talent we talk about what is called Soft Skills (Behavioral Competence) and Hard Skills (Technical Skills). Here are some of my “free” recommendations so that this summer, you will strengthen your personal and professional empowerment by focusing on becoming your company’s Digital Transformation Superhero. Here are some of good free certifications I have tried in my efforts to get certificate.
Leading Digital Transformation in organizations:
Mooc (Massive Online Open Courses) from the Miriadax platform:
In this course you will know in a very simple way what is digital transformation. Through various modules, you will find out the main pillars that form the basis of Digital Transformation; Digital Marketing, Digital Strategy, Digital Talent Management, Digital Operations Management and Digital Financial Management. You are still in time to register and take a course that ends on August 12.
Google Activate:
Google Activate has special attention in this article. In this certificate of achievement, you will access free training in digital competitions, both in online courses and in direct courses. From the Online Digital Marketing Course, Electronic Commerce, Cloud computing, Application Development … That is, if you don’t use the free resources provided by this Google, I suggest you do it from YES. Usually in this course all modules have a test and then there is a final exam to get free certifications.
Digital Competence:
This certificate of achievement covers general concepts, keys and strategies for developing your Digital Competence. Through various modules, interesting topics such as digital culture, personal branding and social networking are touched.
Marketing Inbound:
At present it is very important to move from more troubling marketing to marketing which really adds value to the final client. Hubspot offers a free inbound certification course where you can get certificate, learn more about the Inbound methodology and enhance your professional career. In addition, you will get a certificate that accredits this knowledge. This is one of the best free certifications.
Big Data and Business Intelligence:
You know what Business Intelligence is and what it can bring to your company. In this case I share a Webinar that my colleagues gave, in which they explained what you need to be #DataDriven and use all the power of the Data.
Nowadays we have to work with English and it has to be part of our competences. If you want to get certificate, be up to date and research your specialty you must control English. It is clear that the ideal thing would be to have a native prof @ r to our side, but failing that we have many resources online and free. For example, the Mooec program focused on English and some tools to learn a free language and have fun.
As Buddha Dhammapada said “Everything we are comes from our thoughts” so think that everything is possible, that you will get where you set out and empower yourself by developing your skills. Your career depends on you. If you improve your skills then you will naturally increase your chances of getting a better career. Hopefully this article is able to provide great motivation to you and to anyone who wants to improve his career, especially what is called Digital Talent.