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8 Ways Most Men Behave When They Find The One True Love Of Their Life

Yes, it’s true. Men and women display their love and affection in completely different ways. But it is not true that men don’t show their emotions. It is not true that they are heartless, cold and indifferent when it comes to showing their love.  

That is, in fact, is the biggest stereotype you’ve ever heard about men.

Men love from the bottom of their hearts.

And if you’ve found a real man, you’d know that when they love, there is nothing stronger and purer than their love. Here are 8 ways a man expresses his emotions when he finds the one, true love of his life:

1. He is not afraid to make a sacrifice for the one he loves. Because let’s admit it. Making sacrifices is hard. Until we meet the one true love of our life. Then it comes naturally. From that moment on, the only thing that makes us happy is seeing our loved one smiling.

2. He pays attention and listens to you. They say women are much better listeners. I don’t agree. I believe that if that’s your opinion, then perhaps you haven’t found the right man. A man who truly loves a woman will pay attention to every little thing. He will listen and he will ask. Because he genuinely cares.

3. He opens his heart and shows his vulnerable heart. When a man finds the one, true love of his life, he doesn’t hesitate to show her exactly who he is. A man in love is not afraid to be completely vulnerable in front of the woman he loves.

4. He loves every version of you. One of the signs that a man has finally found the love of his life is his unconditional love towards his partner. His acceptance, his devotion and most importantly, his affection. A man who has fallen in love with you will cherish every version of you, even the flawed one.

5. He is proud of the person you are. A man in love knows the value of the precious gem beside him. He is proud to be with a woman who works hard on herself and on her love relationships. That is exactly what inspires him to never stop chasing his dreams.

6. He goes out of his way to protect what you two have. If you’ve found your knight on a white horse, you already know how much he is capable of nourishing the sacred connection that the two of you share.

7. He fights with you. He fights because his feelings are strong. He fights because he doesn’t want to lose you. He fights because you are the best thing that ever happened to him. He fights because he cared. He fights, but he always finds a way to sort things out and makeup.

8. He treats your loved ones with respect. This is perhaps one of the most important signs that a man has found his true love. It is simple. When a man loves, he cares for his partner. Therefore, everything that is important to his woman, becomes by default, important to them.

Baby Bear Shot Dead By Wildlife Officials After Being Too Friendly With Tourists

A male baby bear has been shot by wildlife officials and killed after it started drawing too much attention. Supposedly, the bear got used to the food that the tourists were giving him, so he started getting closer to them.

He even became too used to people taking selfies with him.

Police received many calls from concerned citizens that the young bear is actually posing for photos and gets too friendly with tourists at Scoggins Valley Park, Oregon. Washington County Sheriff’s Office and wildlife officials at Oregon Department of Fish started getting these calls started on 4 June but took action last week after a people found a big pile of food for the animal.

On Tuesday ( 11 June), police officers received reports that his 100lb baby bear is drawing too much attention and there are actual crowds of people in the park.

The sheriff’s department stated that they are doing their best to take the bear back to where it belongs, and they advised people to stay away from the park until the necessary is done.


A few days after, wildlife officials successfully moved the bear back to the woods, but he came back. Knowing that people would keep feeding him, he returned after only one day. Sadly, this time he was shot dead.  

Biologist Kurt Licence stated that he did everything to find the bear and relocate him. He even said that the bear didn’t run when he approached him. However, according to him, this had to be done. Even though this was an unfortunate event, it directly warned tourists about the real dangers of feeding wild animals and getting too close to them.

He said: “This is a classic example of why we implore members of the public not to feed bears. 
“While the individuals who put food out for this bear may have had good intentions bears should never, ever be fed.

“It was very clear that the animal was way too habituated. With that information, it was a human health and safety risk, and we had to remove it.”

Wildlife officials also confirmed that it had to be done for the best of everyone. Because when a wild animal becomes used to human interactions and being constantly fed, that only increases the chances of possible dangers in the future. After all, it is only an animal that follows his instincts, they explained.

Mr. Licence added: “It’s never a good idea to feed wild animals. They are perfectly capable of fending for themselves, and it’s always better to leave them alone and enjoy them from a safe distance.”

10 Important Truths About Being Single Over 40

Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, rolling solo is nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. Being single in your 40s doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It doesn’t mean you’re unable to maintain a relationship. It doesn’t mean it’s too late for you to find the love of your life.

While it’s true that most people in their 40s are well established in their careers,  have been in long-term relationships, and have gained enough experience to approach their relationships more maturely and responsibly, you’d be surprised to know that many people who are in their 40s have many things that they are still figuring out.

And there’s nothing wrong with this. Because being in your 40s means being in the most beautiful and precious decade of your life – a decade in which you have plenty of things to be thrilled about and plenty of things to still learn.

Here are 10 truths you need to know about being single over 40:

1. Being single gives you more time to nurture your other relationships.

When you’re single, you have plenty of time to hang out with your friends and members of your family. After all, who said that romantic relationships are the most important ones in a person’s life? Indeed, being there for the people who truly love and care about you is something they’ll appreciate a lot.

2. Your happiness depends solely on yourself.

Your happiness and sense of fulfillment don’t depend on anyone. You’re the only person who gets to decide how you’ll live your life and what ways you’ll choose to find the happiness you deserve.

Therefore, remember: your relationship status doesn’t determine and shape your happiness. On the other hand, a poor, messy relationship or marriage can destroy your happiness and drain the life out of you.

3. Dating allows you to meet new people.

Once you turn 40, meeting new people and socializing may become quite a challenge. However, one reason why being single over 4o is good is that when you go out on dates with new people several times a month, you’re expanding your social circles. So, even if you don’t meet the love of your life, you could end up meeting someone who will later become your best friend.

4. You have fewer financial worries.

And it’s no wonder. Just think about it this way: when you’re single, you only have yourself to look after and when you’re married, well, a few more people come into the picture. Living with a husband/wife and raising kids is expensive indeed. No matter how much money you make, there will always be costs and credit debts you’ll have to take care of.

5. You are more motivated to stay fit.

When you are not in a relationship, you have more free time to invest in activities that help you stay in shape and maintain your physical health. Things, such as regularly going to the gym, eating healthy food, and walking in nature can easily be done since your schedule is not that tight.

6. You have more free time to do the things you enjoy doing.

Whether it’s hanging out with your friends, shopping for clothes, cycling in nature, hiking, or just watching movies on Netflix all day long, when you’re single, you have more time to do it because you don’t have a partner or kids whose schedules usually dictate the way you spend your time.

7. Last-minute holidays are no longer a problem.

Do you want to take that 5-day trip to Rome which you’ve wanted to take for a while now? Or do you feel like calling in sick and spending the entire weekend at the spa? Well, guess what? No one is stopping you from doing that. You can go wherever you want and most importantly, whenever you want.

8. You boost your self-confidence.

When you’re single, you have more time to reflect on your innermost feelings, thoughts, and desires. You have more time to figure out what your main priorities in life are and find the right direction in life. You also have more time to look deep down inside of you, find, and then face your greatest insecurities and fears.

9. You don’t have to deal with the stress that comes with relationships.

It’s not a secret that romantic relationships have their fair share of negative emotions, stress, and fights. These are problems that individuals who are single simply don’t have to worry about.

10. You grow both personally and professionally.

Rolling solo allows you to choose and dictate the course of your own life. It allows you to choose where you want to get in life and at what pace you’ll get there. It allows you to leave your comfort zone and do things you’ve always wanted to do but didn’t because your relationships prevented you.

Being single allows you to learn new things about the world around you and gain new perspectives on life. It allows you to search for your happiness the way you want. It allows you to live your life the way you want.

Your Guide to Selecting Cheek Fillers

I think it’s safe to say that fillers get a bad rap.  When you hear the word “filler”, your mind probably flashes to images of ageing celebrities sporting badly-botched botox jobs.  While there are unfortunately many cases of poorly done facial fillers, a well-executed filler procedure can yield great results. 

The goal when selecting a cheek filler is typically to get the most natural-looking results possible.  The good filler should soften any fine lines and wrinkles on your face and give your skin a fresh and more youthful glow.  The problem many people run into, however, is getting too much filler or working with an inexperienced dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.  Doing the proper research and putting a lot of time and thought into your decision is the key to having a good cheek filler experience.  Another crucial part of getting cheek fillers is selecting the right one for your individual needs.  There are several different types of cheek fillers on the market, all varying slightly depending on the results to wish to see. (1)

Types of Cheek Fillers

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid injections are some of the most commonly-used facial fillers, as they attract water and provide the skin with plumpness.  Hyaluronic acid fillers are typically soft and gel-like, giving your cheeks a natural appearance that looks and feels real.  The results from hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and typically only last about 6 to 12 months before needing to be touched up.  When hyaluronic acid fillers are wearing off, they are gradually absorbed into the body for a more natural look, so the effects won’t be as noticeable.  There are several different fillers that fall into the hyaluronic acid family, including Juvederm (Voluma, Volbella, Vollure, Juvederm XC), Restylane (Restylane Silk, Restylane Lyft, Restylane Refine, Restylane Define), and Belotero Balance.


Polymethylmethacrylate, or PMMA, is also commonly-used facial fillers, and it is often used to treat medium to deep wrinkles and folds on the face.  Because of this, PMMA fillers are among some of the most popular fillers for aging individuals who want to add volume back to their skin, and these types of fillers are also considered to be semi-permanent, making them a perfect choice for people who want longer-lasting results.  PMMA fillers are also commonly used to add fullness to thin lips, which can often occur during the aging process.  Another thing that makes PMMA fillers so common among older people is that these types of injections contain collagen, a naturally occurring substance that is found in skin but that your body stops producing as we age.  Bellafill is one of the most commonly-used PMMA fillers, and results can last anywhere from several months to years depending on what you are treating.

Calcium Hydroxylapatite

Calcium Hydroxylapatite, or CaHA, is a naturally occurring substance primarily found in our bones.  CaHA fillers are typically thicker than something like a hyaluronic acid filler and can last longer as well, making this type of filler a great choice for people who want a filler with less maintenance and upkeep.  CaHA fillers are also widely thought to improve the quality of the skin over time, as it can help stimulate the body’s natural collagen production and add volume to the skin.  Radiesse is one of the most popular cheek fillers in the CaHA family, as results are noticeable immediately and can last up to two years. 

Poly-L-lactic Acid

Poly-L-lactic Acid is another popular cheek filler known to fill wrinkles and improve the appearance of laugh lines on the face.  Like PMMA fillers, Poly-L-lactic Acid fillers are especially popular among aging people, as these types of fillers add volume back to the parts of the face that may have lost their volume over the years, including the cheeks and neck area.  Due to the biodegradable nature of this type of filler, Poly-L-lactic Acid has been used in medical procedures such as dissolvable stitches.  Unlike some other fillers, the results from Poly-L-lactic Acid fillers appear gradually over the span of several months, giving a more natural look.  One of the most commonly used fillers in the Poly-L-lactic Acid family is Sculptra Aesthetic, which helps to stimulate your skin’s natural collagen production and reduces signs of ageing. 

5 Fabulous Ways to Improve Your Brainpower

The journey to self-improvement begins by focusing on internal aspects of your being such as knowledge.

In order to grow, it’s essential that you’re always looking for ways to expand your mind and learn new things.

So here are five fabulous ways to help boost your brainpower.

  1. Exercise

Exercise can have a profoundly positive effect on your brain. For starters, it raises your heart rate, resulting in a greater flow of blood to the brain, which aids its functioning.

So consider joining a gym or a class such as aerobics or dancing – anything that will get your blood flowing. Or alternatively, if your current lifestyle doesn’t leave you with much free time, you can always exercise at home – it’s free and super convenient.

For more on the benefits of exercise for the brain, check out a health site such as Live Strong.

  1. Learning an instrument

Learning an instrument can benefit your brain in a number of ways. For instance, reading music helps improve your ability to process information, while your co-ordination skills are enhanced by playing and reading music at the same time. 

Learning to play can be challenging, but it’s also really fun. Plus, you’ll feel super accomplished when you’re able to entertain your family and friends with your favorite tunes.

  1. Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation involves training your mind to be fully engaged and aware of the present moment.

By practicing mindfulness, you’ll learn how to better control your thoughts, stop them from distracting you from important activities and consequently benefit from increased attention and productivity.

If you’d like to try out some exercises, download a mindfulness app such as Headspace, which has hundreds of bite-sized meditations to help you find peace of mind.

  1. Sleep

According to health experts WebMD, sleep helps keep your brain sharp. This is because it gives your brain the time to sift and sort information running around inside your head and it’s, therefore, useful for improving your memory.

Also, by getting plenty of rest, you’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and energized which will enable you to enjoy a much more productive day.

You can find out the sleep time recommendations for your age group on the Sleep Foundation website. (1)

  1. Education

Education is an excellent way to improve your mind as it gives you the opportunity to advance your knowledge of a subject of interest, with the reward of a recognized qualification upon completion.

For those of who don’t want to return to the classroom, consider studying a for a distance qualification from an online course provider like Anglia Ruskin Distance Learning. This way, you can study from home and schedule your work around other commitments such as family and work.

By engaging in any one of these fantastic activities, you’ll mind will enjoy a well-deserved boost.

That’s our list! Share your thoughts on improving your mind in the comments section.

How To Stay Safe When Dating Online

Online dating is more popular than ever. If you are ready to jump in and get started, it is important to take steps to protect yourself.

Internet-based dating and phone dating like party phone chat lines make it easy to meet new people in your area, allowing you to connect with others who are also looking for relationships. Today, there are countless ways to meet people online. Whether you install a dating app on your phone or meet people through popular social networks, safety should be one of your top priorities. Anytime you are connecting with new people, you should take steps to protect yourself. Following these simple tips will help you stay safe:

Protect your personal information. When communicating with other people online, never provide details that could be used to identify who you are. This includes your name, your home address, your phone number, the date of your birth, or the school that you attend. You should keep this information private until you have a chance to really get to know the person you are talking to. You should also use a made-up username when setting up your profile.

Maintain your anonymity. Don’t link your dating profile to any of your social media profiles. Avoid using the same profile picture on your social media accounts, as well. That way, people that you don’t know will have a harder time figuring out who you are based on the information in your dating profile.

Learn about the dangers of online dating. It is important to know what you are getting into before you enter the world of online dating. Educate yourself as much as possible about topics like sexting, consent, and sexual exploitation. If you meet someone online and they start sending you sexual content that makes you uncomfortable or if they try to blackmail you, you should bring it to the attention of an adult that you trust. Listen to your instincts. Many of these activities are against the law.

Block and report users if needed. If someone is doing something that makes you feel uncomfortable, block them. Ideally, you should also report them. Most dating platforms have a feature available to report abuse. The instructions for how to do this are usually included in the FAQ section of any dating site. You can also unmatch with a person if you no longer want to see them in your feed. Don’t feel obligated to provide people with a reason if you decide to block them. Just take the action and move on.

Understand that people may not be who they seem. Identity fraud frequently occurs online, with people claiming to be someone that they are not. If someone asks for money, don’t send it to them. Always do as much research as you can on anyone that you are matched with. Do your best to find out if they really are the person they are claiming to be.

Educate yourself about malicious computer threats. People can send you viruses, spam, and other malicious programs via email. Avoid accepting follow requests from people that you don’t know on social media. By learning how to identify potential threats and taking steps to protect yourself, you can be sure that you are interacting with an actual person rather than a bot.

Have a plan. If you eventually decide to get together in person with someone that you met online, always plan your date in a highly populated public area. Let someone that you trust know exactly where you are going, how long you plan to stay, and who you are meeting up with. Keep an eye on your food and beverages. Consider setting up a time to check in with one of your friends. Also, don’t forget to plan how you are going to get home ahead of time. Always carry your phone with you and bring along extra change for a pay phone in case you need it. Make sure you have any important phone numbers on hand. Don’t feel pressured to meet in person with someone until you are truly ready.(1)

How Online Communities Are Helping Students

With the rapid growth of technology, information has become easily accessible. Our society has both the benefit and the privilege of being able to connect with people from around the world who share similar interests and ideals. More often than not, the answers to all our questions are available through a simple internet search, although, the significant growth of online communities is what’s really bringing the world together. Online communities allow peers to answer questions, which can be extremely motivating for students that are studying through online institutions.

While more and more students are opting to study through online universities as a more affordable solution in comparison to traditional study institutions, there is a growing demand for students to be able to communicate with one another. Furthermore, lecturers also require the ability to communicate with students. Online communities serve as the ideal solution for the expectations of both students and lecturers as a critical aspect of digital learning and a vital element for online class takers. Several online institutions encourage students to make use of available online communities for peer encouragement and suitable mentorship for courses. (1)

The Function Of An Online Community

The main function of online communities is to encourage optimal member engagement. This can be done through routine classes for students, certification programs, and even discussion forums. This function is able to bring members together from all around the world, which will also prevent students from potentially feeling isolated while studying online. In addition to this, the function of an online community is vital for long distance learning as it encourages learning and the sharing of knowledge from outside the class. Even though they are significantly important for online learning institutions, students that are studying at traditional institutions are also able to take advantage of extended support. (2)

Optimal Conversation

Online communities offer students and lecturers a place to communicate and interact with one another. The sharing of knowledge on the shared interests of the members encourages learning and understanding through peer support. These platforms are usually regulated with rules and the behavior of members is also monitored, which means students and lecturers are able to freely discuss study material and problems in a safe manner.

Students can use online community platforms to extend the conversation from the class and pose questions. This will result in optimal understanding for students that may be battling with certain aspects of their studies.

Peer Motivation

Students that have opted for an online university may eventually feel significantly isolated. This unfortunate problem can be solved with the use of online community platforms as students are able to interact with other students who may be facing similar difficulties. Additionally, interacting with fellow students is vital for peer motivation. Students are enabled to work together and encourage one another to better understand potential difficulties. Peer motivation is often an understated element for students that may feel unable to keep up with their studies.

Lecturers are also able to monitor group discussions and track the progress of students, while also being able to provide essential feedback on group tasks. These platforms enable lecturers to view which students are participating and voice potential concerns. Because students are aware that a lecturer is monitoring the behavior and activity of each member, conflict is less likely to be a concern as students are more determined to remain focused.

Rewards For Participating

Many online community platforms encourage member participation through a certain reward system. Top contributors are often rewarded for their efforts to motivate other students to reach their learning goals, which in turn, motivates members to participate in peer motivation.

The Growing Importance Of Virtual Community Platforms

Online community platforms serve an undeniably important purpose for students studying in various fields, although, they are also becoming vital for organizations around the globe. The mere fact that these platforms have the ability to bring like-minded people together despite geographical borders is more than impressive.

These platforms are not just an ideal and safe place for students to share information and encourage one another towards their learning goals, but they are also significantly suitable for team building efforts for lecturers and students. Because these platforms have developed to promote learning and the sharing of knowledge, it is understandable why they are becoming a suitable solution for students and lecturers. By bringing people together and encouraging peer motivation, online communities are able to significantly improve the functions of online universities.

Ways to Cope With Depression without Using Medication

Depression is a serious mental health condition that negatively affects your mood, energy, and outlook on life. It’s usually marked by feeling blue, having low self-esteem, and loss of interest in engaging and socializing with others. When depression becomes serious, it can be a monster that steals your happiness.

Depression often greatly restricts people from living their life on their own terms; it has significant impacts on not only your mental health but your physical health too. It’s not unusual for people to confuse depression with simple grief – grief is short-lived and people often recover with time; however, depression can be a long-term mental health issue that disrupts people’s lives and requires more than just time to recover from. (1)

Signs of depression

People suffering from depression can experience both physical and mental tiredness, persistent sadness, and hopelessness. Depression can also cause insomnia, loss of appetite, and negative thoughts. Depressed people usually feel drained, exhausted, and depleted.

For years researchers and mental health experts have studied numerous ways of dealing with depression naturally, without the use of medication. Research shows that women are twice as likely to suffer from depression compared to men. A study conducted by the Wolrd Health Organization shows that an average of 322 million people across the globe are suffering from depression. This equals almost 5% of the world population!

Depression can either be managed by medication, therapy sessions, or non-medication – and often a combination of all three. However, in this article, we are going to address non-medication ways to cope with depression.

  1. Get More Exercise

Daily exercise is often considered the best and most effective way of dealing with depression.  Studies show that regular exercises improve our health. Studies have shown that exercise elevates the mood and the energy level – in fact just 3 hours of moderate exercise every week can moderate depression as effectively as Prozac and other antidepressants, according to a study by Dr. Andrea Dunn.

The recommended amount of daily exercise is just 30 minutes, six days per week. And the best part about this, which is often a misconception is that your daily exercise doesn’t have to be grueling! It can be a simple walk, some gardening or cleaning, or even walking the dog!

If you’re stuck for ideas on how to incorporate 30 minutes of daily exercise into your routine, read this great article by Psychology Today to get started.

  1. Eat a Healthy Diet

Numerous studies have shown a healthy diet can play a part in effectively managing or even preventing depression. Depression affects eating habits in two ways; some find comfort in foods leading to weight gain that can feed the cycle of depression; also, it can lead to lack of appetite.

A healthy diet can benefit your mood in many ways, such as providing:

  • Complex carbohydrates (vs simple carbohydrates) which help release energy more slowly into our system, allowing us to avoid the sugar highs and lows that come with junk food. They also give us more energy because the energy is released over a longer period of time and keeps us going all day long!
  • Antioxidants (found in berries and other brightly colored fruits and vegetables) which can help eliminate stress and reduce inflammation in your brain, which leads to the brain releasing more of the ‘feelgood’ chemicals that make us happier.
  • Omega 3 which is found in fish and fish oil has shown to have links with helping with depression

“That’s great…”, I hear you saying, “but what should I include in my healthy diet?” – well to get you started here are some recommended foods to help manage your depression include:

  • Dark, leafy greens
  • Walnuts (rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are known to boost your mood)
  • Avocado
  • Mixed berries (full of antioxidants)
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Beans
  • Seeds and grains
  • Fruit

This should definitely be enough to get you started on your journey eating healthy!

Get More Quality Sleep

It’s well known these days that getting enough good, quality sleep is one of the most important things you can do for both your physical and mental health.

Some studies have shown that simply altering the amount of quality sleep you get can have almost immediate positive effects for managing depression.

Some tips for improving your sleep quality and quantity:

  • Limit your screen time (blue light exposure), especially before bed! It’s generally recommended to put down your phone, shut down your computer and switch off the TV at least two hours before you go to bed. Instead, try reading a book or doing a puzzle – something that’s relaxing and helps you wind down before sleep.
  • Reduce (or eliminate) alcohol consumption – especially before bedtime. Alcohol can interrupt your circadian rhythm and throw your sleep way out of whack, leading to a depressed mood, which can easily become a cycle of poor sleep.
  • Limit caffeine intake throughout the day. While it has a lot of health benefits, caffeine also has some negative effects – for example, it can negatively impact your sleep.
  • Meditate – meditation is well known to help reduce stress, ease anxiety and calm your mood- the perfect pre-bed exercise!
  • Get consistent with your sleep – Your body’s circadian rhythm functions on a set loop and aligns itself with sunrise and sunset. Studies have shown that getting consistency within your sleeping times can help improve your quality of sleep can boost your mood or Medication Memberships is solution for you. 


If you’re struggling to manage or beat your depression, start by following these three simple strategies outlined above. These are all things that should be able to fit right into your daily schedule without too much disruption or effort, and you’ll start feeling better in no time! But don’t forget, if you’re suffering from depression you should always consult a medical professional first.

What is The Best Nappy Bag?

For any mum with a baby, nappy bags are a must. It may sound obvious but buying the best nappy bag in terms of quality, size and value can be an overwhelming affair. In this brief, we have rounded up some of the best nappy bags that you can check soon. Though, I have to start by saying that getting a good nappy bag starts to find a good store. Start by researching for some of the best stores in the market where you can buy your nappy bags including www.nappybagstore.com.au.

 Kmart Maxell Nappy Bag

This is the cheapest alternative we have in the market today perfect for a mum on a budget. It looks pretty simple but at the same time has a lot to offer. The bag features a bunch of pockets that can accommodate the change mat and two adjustable stroller attachment straps. It is also unisex in design which makes it perfect for men and women.

Escape Tote

This is a nappy bag of its kind perfect for mums that can’t stand mess. It is also a cheap but highly valued nappy bag that you can go for. You don’t have to deal with the mess of spilled milk and hidden crumbs while you can get a nappy bag to solve all that. This bag is made from perforated neoprene fabrics which make it durable and strong. It is also very easy to wash and may not take a lot of your time when packing and unpacking your nappies and other things. Additionally, this bag retails at $299 and at the same time has a removable zip pouch for storage. You will love it if you are worried about water and dirt because it has an aqua seal to protect it.

Skip Hop Duo Signature Diaper Bag

Sometimes it’s not all about the mum. If you are a man and wants to feel like you are taking enough care of your family, then you can get this bag which is perfect for both men and women. No one will notice that it’s a nappy bag. What this means is that even a man can have some comfortable time carrying it. Retailing at $109.93 means it’s a cheap alternative that you can go for today. This bag ticks baby bag essentials and at the same time has a larger capacity to pack a laptop and other things. (1)

OiOi Botanical Tote Nappy bag

For mums that like a feel and touch of colour, then this is the best bag you can go for. It also suits mums that want something really different. I bet if you are one of them, you want a bag that can serve two purposes at the same time. It’s a perfect bag that you can use as a nappy bag and at the same time as your ordinal travel bag. The bag also comes with a change mat and a bottle holder. This bag also makes sure you have a better place to store your wet clothes because it has a generous zip-top purse for wet ones. It also comes with a water-resistant finish to prevent it from dirt and water.

Housekeeping Tips: How To Clean A Memory Foam Mattress?

Cleaning your mattress protects your health and extends the life of your bed. Read on to learn the secret to how to clean a memory foam mattress.               

If you want to stay healthy, one of the best ways to do it is keep your mattress clean. You’ll be spending around a third of your life sleeping on it, so you need to do proper maintenance for it.

Keeping your room clean is important in your life. Keeping your mattress hygienic provides an added quality of life that can keep you healthier for longer. This is more true for memory foam, which gives you added health benefits.

But do you know how to clean a memory foam mattress? Is cleaning a foam mattress a chore?

In this guide, we’ll give you the top tips on how you can start cleaning a memory foam mattress and extend its life.

How do you do it? Are there any secrets to it?

Let’s find out.

  1. Cleaning A Memory Foam Mattress

As we said, we spend around a third of our lives sleeping on our mattresses. Bed heads like some of us will spend more because sleep is a great pastime for some. When you use it, however, you will start accumulating things on it.

Dust particles are the most common problems you’ll find on mattresses. There are also other things, like:

  • Sweat
  • Body odors
  • Hair
  • Dead skill cells
  • Pet fur and dander
  • Body fluids and secretions

As you can see, having these on your bed is a definite no-no. Even if there’s very little of it, this will collect over time and become a problem. Musty, dirty mattresses can make you sick.

Improper maintenance can grow mold, fungi and have a lot of dust mites. This can lead to severe allergies, infections, and even asthma. This is why you need something that can keep your bed hygienic.

Even memory foam is not safe from this. A sponge mattress will still need cleaning, even high-quality mattresses like the tuft and needle mint.

So, how can you go on cleaning a foam mattress? There are a few ways to do it.

  1. Vacuum Your Mattress First

The first thing you need to do to clean your mattress is to give it a good vacuuming. A strong hand vacuum is ideal for this type of maintenance work. If you don’t have a handheld unit, a floor unit will do as long as you remove any dust particles first.

If you have it, add a brush attachment to help clear out any stuck debris. Give the surface of the bed a few passes to get as much lint and dust. You would want to be thorough about this part.

A good 40% of the work will come from proper removal of dust and debris. If you do it right, that’s two-fifths of the work done.

  1. Using Cleaners To Remove Stains

You need to remember is that memory foam comes from a petroleum-based material. This means you need to be careful with the chemicals that you use when cleaning it. When cleaning a memory foam mattress, make sure to prevent the use of harsh cleaning solutions and chemicals.

This includes:

  • Ammonia-based cleaning products
  • Bleach and other similar products
  • Peroxide-based cleaners

Using hard chemicals can ruin your mattress. For a proper cleaning solution, combine two parts water to one part of either fabric cleaner or white vinegar solution. You would want to give this solution a vigorous shake until it’s homogenous.

Put the solution in a spray bottle and do light sprays all over. While you’re working on your sponge mattress, don’t forget to not get it too wet. Extreme moisture can lead to mold and mildew buildup.

If there are obvious stains, get a clean, damp cloth with some soapy water. Squeeze out much of the excess liquid and give it a good wipe. If you have some steam cleaner systems, that’s usable as well.

  1. Deodorizing Your Sponge Mattress

So, you removed stains with your cleaning solution. What’s next? Your next goal when cleaning a foam mattress is to deodorize the entire bed.

How do you do it?

Baking soda is a great cleaning material you can use for both tough stains and extreme odors. Sprinkle it all over the mattress. Depending on the smell or the stains, you would want to have a different type of coverage altogether.

You want a thin coverage across a wide area for general deodorizing and spot stain removal. There is fresh urine, you want to pile on it as much as you can, layering on the entire surface area of the stain.

Keep this layer of baking soda for a few hours. The ideal time when waiting for this to work is around 8 – 12 hours. You would want to start in the morning and finish the entire process at night.

  1. Finishing and Cleaning A Foam Mattress, With More Tips

Once you’re done with the baking soda, vacuum all of it and make sure the bed is both dry and clean. Put on the beddings where possible.

A good maintenance tip is to use both sides of your bed. After cleaning one side, flip the bed when possible and clean it as well. If it is clean as is, you can use it as the surface to sleep on.

The thing about a sponge mattress is that it keeps its shape. Even then, long-term use may leave it having an uneven surface. Using either side can help keep your mattress in its best shape.

You would also want to fan dry your bed when cleaning a foam mattress. You would want to use some waterproof cover if there are kids or pets that might pee on it as well.

How To Clean A Memory Foam Mattress

If you’re learning how to clean a memory foam mattress, you want to be thorough with it. Make sure to do some good vacuuming and spot cleaning to remove any debris. Deodorize it when you can, together with removing big stains with a homemade solution.

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