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What Kind of Lawyer Do I Need for Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is an unfortunate situation that happens all the time. In many instances, it happens in the workplace and involves any type of unwanted sexual conduct or advances that make for a hostile, uncomfortable, offensive or intimidating workplace environment. There are also many ways that this type of harassment can be present, such as someone sending pornographic photos to telling sexual jokes to make certain sexually suggestive comments to or around employees. Additionally, although women the most common victims of this type of harassment, men can also be victims. Generally speaking, anyone, gay or straight, can also become victims.

There are both federal and state laws in place to protect employees from sexual harassment while at work. Many of these laws also protect people against gender discrimination. If you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, there are certain measures you can take to protect yourself.

Tell the Harasser to Stop

Although it might seem difficult, the first step you can take to protect yourself from harassment is to outright tell the harasser to stop their actions or behavior. Dealing with this head-on is often the most effective. This lets the individual know that you do not like the actions or behavior and tells them that it’s not welcome. If the person ignores you, there are other steps you can take next. Document the situation and keep a copy for yourself. You should also speak with your direct supervisor or boss about the harassment if the harasser becomes more hostile or threatening and you are worried for your safety.

Complain to Supervisors

As stated before, you should go to your supervisor to complain about the harassment if speaking with the harasser is ineffective. Refer to your employee handbook to learn whether there is a policy against this type of harassment in place. See how you can handle a complaint and if you have to make one with the supervisor themselves or through your human resources department. If your supervisor isn’t helpful, you will have to bypass them and speak to a higher-up about the situation. Continue to document the situation as well so that you have a record.

Even if there is no formal procedure regarding making a complaint against the harassment in the company, you should still inform the company of the problem.

Document Everything

You must have documentation of everything regarding the harassment. This is essential in the event that you decide to file a legal claim against the harasser or even the company. Gather as much evidence as possible and save anything you receive from the harasser as proof of the harassment. If possible, include all the dates and possibly times of each instance of harassment. You may also want to write down how the action or behavior affected you physically, mentally and emotionally. Note whether it has also adversely affected your job performance and keep your journal or notes in a safe place at home.

Always make copies of your employee performance evaluations and other work-related documents as well. You can even ask the human resources department for a copy of your file. If your employer tries to retaliate against you for filing a complaint, you can use this in your case.

Complain to Government Agencies Before Filing a Lawsuit

If your employer won’t help you, you can then complain to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or state fair employment office. File a civil suit if an internal investigation and attempt to settle is unsatisfactory to you. However, it’s important to note that you are required to file a complaint with the EEOC before filing a federal suit.

Contact an Attorney

It’s imperative that you speak with an experienced sexual harassment attorney if you are planning on filing a lawsuit. A sexual harassment lawyer will listen to you about your situation and inform you about whether you have a legitimate case. To that end, it’s important to know whether the conduct by the individual in question at your workplace is sexually harassing.

Conduct Reasonable People Would Find Offensive

If someone is sexually harassing you at work, it includes any type of unwelcome, offensive behavior that any other reasonable person would find objectionable. Comments, emails, jokes, physical conduct and other actions can be considered harassment if they create a hostile workplace. In other words, if something the person has done would be viewed as just a friendly gesture, it won’t qualify as harassment.

Severe or Pervasive Conduct

If the individual’s conduct is severe or pervasive, such as constantly telling a female coworker how “hot” she is on a daily basis, it can be considered harassment. At the same time, even a single incident can fall under the category of harassment if it is severe enough. If someone sexually assaulted another person at the workplace, for instance, that would be enough to go past harassment laws and can even be criminally prosecuted.

Supervisor Harassment of an Employee

If a supervisor harasses an employee, the employer is liable even if they had no knowledge of the situation. However, if the harasser is a coworker and the victim is not a subordinate, the victim is required to report the problem to the employer. The employer is required to then address the situation and take action before being held liable.

What Lawyers Look for in a Case

When you speak with a sexual harassment lawyer, there are certain things you can expect them to look for in your case. They include the following:

Whether the conduct was truly unwanted: If you participated in banter or sexual jokes, the conduct was not truly unwanted.
Whether the conduct was objectively offensive: A sexual harassment attorney also explores whether the conduct was objectively offensive.
Whether the conduct was committed by a supervisor or if it was reported: If it was a supervisor who committed the harassment or even a coworker, that needs to be documented. An attorney wants to see the evidence so they can use it in your case.
Extent of your damages: It’s important to learn from the lawyer about the extent of your damages and even what damages, in general, you can expect. For example, if you lost pay, were demoted, denied a promotion, had your hours cut or were even fired, you would recover the money that was due to you.
Whether you are a good witness: Your attorney will also determine whether you are a good witness to testify in your case. An evaluation includes your credibility, appearance and jury appeal. It’s important to dress appropriately for meeting your lawyer and for appearing in court.

If you believe you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment in California, it’s important to get in touch with West Coast employment lawyers. It is the best way to learn whether you truly have a case and can recover the compensation you deserve. Contact West Coast employment lawyers at your earliest convenience.

Dwarf Kitty With A Big, Purrrfect, Fluffy Tail Is Taking Over The Internet

We live in a society that is constantly filled with negativity. Everywhere you turn, you see sadness, misery, disappointments, failures, and tragedies. It’s truly hard to be a part of this world today. However, lucky for us, one of the things that help us transcend from that state of mind and find our source of happiness are animals.

 These fluffy, adorable and loving creatures are an essential part of our lives.

That is why I believe that none of you out there could ever resist what I am about to show you.

This adorable dwarf kitten with a big, purrrfect and fluffy tail and short fuzzy legs goes by the name Bell. But Bell is unlike any other cat you’ve seen. You see, this cute feline has the biggest tail which pretty much resembles the tail of a squirrel. And that is because Bell is a very distinctive breed.

She is a Napoleon, also known as Minuet – which is the result of Munchkins and Persians. These adorable fluff balls are well known for their chubby, round faces, short legs, and fluffy fur. Another thing that makes them stand out is the fact that they can stand on two feet.

This cute and hilarious video off Bell meowing and strutting around is really taking over the internet. I mean, how could it not? Just look at how adorable that tiny little face is.


However, besides starring in short videos on her YouTube Channel, Bell is also a big Instagram star. She has her own Instagram account where she has over 140,000 of followers.  If you haven’t checked her profile but want to see more of her amazing exploits, make sure to head over to Instagram and follow her.

And if you have cat lovers in your life, don’t forget to share this adorable video with them so they can also appreciate Bell’s beauty.

Instagram | YouTube

Homeless Man Gets Job At McDonald’s Thanks To Policeman’s Act Of Kindness

We’re daily exposed to negative news to the extent that when something like this happens, it is difficult for it not to make your day happier.

A homeless man from Tallahassee, Florida, was told at a job interview at McDonald’s that he could get hired if he appeared at the restaurant freshly shaven. So, to prepare for the interview, Phil managed to buy a razor, but he realized that it was broken.

Policeman Tony Carlson noticed Phil struggling with the razor in a petrol station and offered to shave off the rest of his beard.

What a great act of kindness, right?

Well, Phil’s story doesn’t end here.

Namely, Phil was offered the position at McDonald’s, but there was still one little thing preventing him from getting the job – he didn’t have a social security card or a government ID.

Fortunately, as Phil’s story went viral on social media, it caught US Senator Marco Rubio’s attention, and his office contacted police officer Carlson and told him that they’d help Phil with the paperwork.

In his Facebook post, Carlson said:  

I then told Phil I had good news about that and told him I had been contacted by Senator Marco Rubio’s office here in town. They stated they had also seen the story and wanted to help Phil get his ID and Social Security card. I told Phil when I got to work on Thursday I would print out the paperwork they emailed to me and bring it by for Phil to fill out.”

So, as you guessed it, once Phil successfully did everything he had to do so as to get the job at McDonald’s, he began performing his janitorial job at the restaurant.

What’s more, Raphael Vasquez, the owner of McDonald’s, also said that if Phil stays at the company for 90 days, at least, working 15 hours a week, he will have the opportunity to qualify for the restaurant’s Archways to Opportunity program.

This program can help Phil gain a high school diploma, tuition for college, and even the chance to start a career.

Indeed, this story is proof that little, seemingly unimportant things can make a great change in the world around us.






9 Uncomfortable Signs That You Are Slowly Transforming Into The Person You Were Always Meant To Be

Growth means change. And change is a necessary part of this journey called life.

Here are 9 positive signs that you are changing and slowly becoming the person that you were always meant to be:

 1. You have a strong urge to end some relationships and cut ties with people who have no meaning in your life. As you begin to question your relationships you realize that some people should no longer have a place in your heart.

2. You realize that you have to work hard on yourself. You are completely aware of all the issues that you are going throw. You know the source of your insecurities, fears, and doubts. You know that the key to your self-growth lies within you. You acknowledge this fact and give your best efforts to overcome your issues.

3. You cannot open your heart and confide in other people. And it is not only because you are selective about who you hang out. Mostly it is because you’ve already been through many things in life and those experiences have shaped you into a person who doesn’t put up with other people’s nonsense.

4. You feel like you don’t have enough time for everything you wish to do. You are always running, multitasking and doing all at once, but somehow there’s not enough time for you to do everything. It seems as though 24 hours a day are not enough for you. There is always something that you want to do. This is a sign that your ambitions are growing bigger and bigger.

5. You catch yourself feeling lost and a bit confused at times. Even though you seem strong and certain, the insecurities inside of you are weighing you down and making you feel a bit anxious about where you are headed in life.

6. You regret your past mistakes. You are in fact, completely aware of your bad decisions. But the fact that you are not in the corner, pitying yourself, but instead you’re accepting your mistakes as your lessons show that you’re indeed growing up and becoming a more mature person.

7. You know how sadness feels like. You’ve been through many heartbreaking life experiences that that made you too familiar with the feeling of sorrow. But even though you’ve struggled, and even though you still feel the pain, you are strong enough to embrace those experiences as a part of you and let them teach you a lesson.

8. You get easily bored with life. You are addicted to a certain dynamic. You are always on the go. That is why it feels strange and boring when you stop for a second. Life gets easily boring to you because you no longer deal with people and things that are not worthy of your attention.

9. You can feel that you are growing up fast and that makes you miss your careless childhood. You live independently on your own, you enjoy working on your future and chasing your goals, but somehow there is a part of you that still misses those days when you were close to your family and loved ones. It’s not that you don’t see them anymore. This new phase of your life reminds you that you are slowly growing and becoming a completely different person.

Woman Shares Stunning Pictures Of Her Maine Coon Cat, And It’s Insane How Big It Is

Regardless of whether you are a cat person or a dog person, the distinctive physical appearance and size of the Maine Coon cat leave no one indifferent.

Besides having great hunting skills, the Maine Coon cat also happens to be one of the largest domestic cat breeds. It’s also interesting to mention that these amazing cats are known for breaking many records in length thanks to their fairly long, fluffy tails.

Unsurprisingly, those who own these wonderful cats love to show them off on social media. One such Maine Coon owner has created an account on Instagram which features her furry friend Lotus. So far the adorable cat has 245k followers and this is not surprising at all as her photos are truly stunning.

Following are some of her photos. Enjoy.

Unbelievable Moment: Seal Hurls Big Octopus At Kayaker’s Face

Kyle Mulinder was kayaking off the coast of Kaikoura in New Zealand with some friends that were testing out a new GoProHero7 camera. And while the unsuspecting kayakers were sitting out in the middle of the ocean, Taiyo Masuda captured an unusual, unforgettable sight: a seal hurling a big octopus at a fellow kayaker’s face.

It’s important to note that the extraordinary incident was preceded by what appeared to be a fight between the seal and the octopus. However, while none of the kayakers thought that they could get involved in the fight, that was exactly what happened.

Mulinder said: “We were just sitting out in the middle of the ocean and then this huge male seal appeared with an octopus and he was thrashing him about for ages. He thrashed it in mid fight and my face happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

“I was like ‘mate, what just happened?’  It was weird because it happened so fast but I could feel all the hard parts of the octopus on my face like ‘dum dum dum’.”

After the seal slapped Mulinder in the face, the fight wasn’t finished as the octopus clutched onto the end of his kayak. However, he quickly managed to get the octopus off with the help of his fellow kayakers.

So, whether Mulinder just happened to be “in the wrong place at the wrong time” or not, one thing is for sure – this is an experience he’ll never forget.


10 Ways To Salvage Your Relationship When It Feels Like It’s Going To Fall Apart

Listen to me.

We’re all going through the same difficulties in life.

But if you are not happy with where your relationship is headed, that doesn’t mean that it is all over. You shouldn’t give up that easily.

I know that every connection is a different story, but as a true fighter for love, I like to believe that there is no issue that cannot be resolved if the two sides work together.

That said, I would like to share with you what worked for me and my partner. I hope that this helps you find some common ground and salvage your relationship:

1. Be open with each other and communicate. Communication is the key to a successful and thriving relationship. And one of the worst possible things you can do is leave your partner without actually talking about the issues you are going through.

2. Try therapy for a change. If you cannot find a way to meet each other halfway and openly talk about your relationship, there’s always counseling. You may not believe in therapy, but once you try you will be surprised at how helpful it is to talk to someone who is completely objective on the subject.

3. Start saying YES more often. If things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be, try being a bit more positive about the whole situation. Change your routine. Get out of your comfort zone. Say yes to adventures and things that you’ve never imagined yourself doing.

4. Release yourself from all the negative memories. Promise each other that you will let go of everything that is weighing you down and then do that. Start with a clean slate and allow yourself to feel those amazing butterflies in your stomach. Forget the negativity and try to work things out.

5. Have patience. It’s one thing to talk about the issues with your partner and a completely another to actually see the changes happening. You cannot expect your partner to immediately transform into a different person. You have to be patient with them. Allow them to reflect on themselves, analyze their own actions and start making the initial steps.

6. Set goals for your relationship. Communication is important indeed, but it is not the only thing that a relationship requires. Instead of only talking about it, try setting certain goals for your future. Start doing more things together. Whether it’s exercising, dancing, hiking or any other activity you enjoy, spending more time together will help you reconnect faster.

7. Stop trying to plan everything and do something spontaneous and unpredictable for once. Remember how fun life was when you weren’t so obsessed with planning your entire weeks and months beforehand? Well, why don’t you do that more often? We are all following certain routines in life. Knowing how to maintain a balance and live life at the moment is what matters the most.

8. Leave your phones aside when you are together. When you are spending time together, be together. Don’t let technology distract you. Disconnect yourself from the virtual life and pay attention to your partner.

9. Book a trip somewhere new and get lost. We are always busy, tired or broke. Making excuses is our strongest suit. Well, to hell with it. You only get one life. Why would you let it pass away just like that?

Make time for yourself and book a trip to a place that you’ve never been to. Get lost and find yourself. Surrender yourself to the adventure and reignite the fire in your souls.

10. Work on yourself. Whatever you do, don’t ever forget to look at yourself in the mirror. For it is only when we become the best versions of ourselves that we can start to create better relationships as well.

Why Being Near Water Really Does Make Us Happier

Have you ever wondered why the most popular holiday destinations are on the beach, near the ocean? Do you ever get this sense of complete calm when you are near a mass of water?  Even think about it, some of the most romantic places to take stroll are by the seaside or along the beach.

There is a scientific explanation as to why people like to be around water; it is because it has a calming effect on our brains.  We lead busy lifestyles, and sometimes the brain overloads.  But, if you take a minute and look at large masses of water and listen to the soothing sounds, your mind will enter a relaxed, almost hypnotic stage, instantly giving you a sense of calm.

The blue color of the ocean or sea also has a role to play.  Many people associate the color blue with openness, calmness, wisdom, and depth.  This could explain why it is a favorite color for many people.

Why does water have such a positive effect?

Being around water allows us to go back to our ‘blue mind,’ a place where you can escape the over stimulation that comes with modern life. You give your mind the chance to restore and rejuvenate itself. The use of nature in promoting a sense of calmness is not an entirely new concept. For a long time, the focus has been on the benefits of nature, but now there is more interest in water and its effects on humans.

One of the theories that try to answer the question above has to do with the acoustics of water. Auditory neuroscientists say that a pleasurable sound has a predictive pattern.  The patterns are volumes that are soft, low pitches and harmonic frequencies which occur at predictable intervals.  Much like what you would observe if you were to take a look at the rhythm of the ocean.

More disruptive sounds like traffic result in the body releasing cortisol, a stress hormone, which leads to tension, increased heart rate, and anxiety. Exposure to the sounds of the ocean will immediately lead to lower stress levels and a more calm state for the individual.

Studies have shown that the pleasure that an individual achieves by being near water is better than the satisfaction they would get if they had gone for a shopping trip. Even when looking at pictures taken during a vacation, the individual will get a better feeling when going through pictures taken at the beach, than those taken during a spending spree. 

Water and Meditation 

Hearing and seeing water in motion will induce a meditative state. There is a direct link between the sound of waves and brain patterns. The benefit is lower depression, less anxiety, mental clarity, and better sleep patterns.

Ask anyone who lives by the ocean if they have a problem sleeping, and we can bet that the answer will be a resounding no! You will even find alarm clocks that have the sound of waves; the white noise they generate is a great way to put yourself to sleep.  Do the same in the toddler’s room, and your days of singing lullabies will be long gone.

Even if you do not have access to the ocean or seaside, how about getting an aquarium or small water fountain for your house.  The auditory and visual cues will give you the same level of peace as you would get if you were by the seaside.

 Water and Inspiration

It is not an uncommon sight to find an artist sitting on the beach. Poets, painters, writers to name a few, say that being around water gives them a feeling of peace and wellness.  Water has a calming effect on the mind and will allow you to focus better while getting rid of anything that can lead to stress or anxiety. You’ll find that you are more creative because your mind is open enough to get inspiration from everywhere else. How about a kayak excursion to relieve the stress of the week? Choose a good quality kayak and see the positive effects of paddling and being around water.

Water and Exercise

Imagine trying to jog along a sidewalk or within an enclosed gym environment. Now imagine jogging at the beach, which one has a more calming effect?  The blue space will help you enjoy the exercise better, thereby significantly adding to your sense of well-being.

If you prefer not to jog, you can take a dip in the ocean, not only is it extremely pleasurable, but it is a great form of physical exercise.

Hydrate well after exercising, even if you are near a large mass of water. It will help you reduce joint and muscle tension and keep your skin smooth.

Water and Awe

If you stand near a large body of water, you will get a feeling of Awe. You suddenly realize how ‘small’ you are in comparison to the universe. The Awe will temper your ego, expand your sense of wonderment, make you more generous, and generally allow you to be more content with your lot in life.

Water and Negative Ions

The air around water has minerals that can help us reduce stress. The Negative ions help with oxygen flow to the brain, thereby giving us more energy and increasing levels of alertness.  Saltwater is especially helpful because it elevates the levels of serotonin, melatonin, and tryptamine, which help with keeping away depression.

Final Thoughts

Humans naturally gravitate towards water anytime they feel a need to relax or are thinking up of a holiday destination.  Think about the number of times you have come home from work, and all you want to do is soak in a hot bathtub, or go for a swim.  Water has a calming effect, and there is science to back it up.  The sounds will induce a feeling of calmness; the negative ions will lead to the release of hormones that lower stress, among others.

The best thing about it is that even if you do not have access to the ocean or sea, just staring at the fish happily swimming away in the aquarium will have the same effect.

Retirement: How to manage yours and stay happy

It’s a funny old period. At one stage of our lives, we think that it will never happen to us. Then, we’re counting down to the day. As you have probably gathered, today’s post is all about retirement. It’s an age that a lot of people simply can’t wait to get to but don’t for a minute think that it’s going to be a walk in the park.

On the contrary, a lot of retirees are shocked at the change in lifestyle as soon as they leave the world of work. Everything turns on its head, and it even causes bouts of depression amongst some. To help you ease into this period, we have put together today’s guide. Let’s now take a look at just what you can do to make the retirement process a little easier, and make yourself happier as well.

Expect turbulent emotions

First and foremost, this is a turbulent period of your life. If you have retired at the standard age, you will have probably been working for decades. In other words, work is pretty much all you know.

Suddenly, you have been thrust out of something which has almost become a comfort zone. You will be asking yourself what you will do through the days but fear not, over time this rollercoaster of emotions will slow down, and retirement will eventually feel “normal”.

Get your finances into shape

As you try and comprehend your new situation, the last thing you need is for your finances to be all over the place. Now is the time to establish your financial position and calculate your true income and expenses.

This might mean factoring in new costs, like how much it costs to pay for your funeral, future care or anything else you haven’t had to have considered in the past. Once you have established this, your mind can at least function a little more calmly. You can compare funeral plan quotes for free at Reassured.

Start with a structure

One of the biggest reasons why so many people struggle to adapt to retirement is because of the lack of structure. Let’s not forget that for the last few years, your job has forced you into a regular routine. Now that you are retired, you are left to your own devices.

Bearing this in mind, one of the easiest ways to cope with this phase is to create a new structure. It might be setting an alarm clock each and every day, having specific times to visit the shops or the gym, and so on. By subscribing to this model, you’ll find things a lot easier to adapt to.

You’re not too old to make friends (or keep existing ones)

Another potential pitfall of retirement is that you can start to lose friends. This is where you have to make an extra effort to either make them or keep them. You can no longer rely on colleagues that you have been used to seeing every day – you need additional stimulation.

This is another method that can fill up your days, and add that elusive structure that we have just been referring to.

Church Lets Homeless People Sleep Inside Every Night

church lets homeless people

Homelessness is a grave issue that exists all over the world and one that can’t be ignored. What’s even worse, in some cities, the problem of homelessness is almost an epidemic. Considering the staggering number of over 7,000 homeless people that are wandering the streets in San Francisco, this puts the city in the national top 10 for homeless population.

Luckily, not everyone ignores this problem as some good Samaritans are giving their best to help solve this grave issue.

St. Boniface Church in San Francisco is the place where approximately 225 homeless people seek rest and safety in every night, thanks to The Gubbio Project. The Gubbio Project was founded in 2004 to address the issue of homelessness, i.e. help provide homeless people with locations where they can find safety, sleep, and eat.

St. Boniface Church opens its doors for the homeless every night so that they can find a safe, warm, peaceful place to sleep. The homeless are also provided with blankets and hygiene kits and some who are experiencing discomfort or physical pain are even offered massages.

The kindness, care, and love that are constantly offered to the homeless in this church are truly boundless.

If you want to learn more about this amazing project, make sure you watch the video below.