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Should You Hire An Immigration Lawyer When Applying For Australian Immigration

Moving to Australia is definitely a dream. Whether you are moving as a family, or by yourself, Australia tops the list of one of the best places for you to migrate to. Just like how it is when migrating to other countries, the process can also be a long and tedious one, with numerous documents for you to prepare. One of the complex decisions that will put you on the threshold is as to whether or not you should hire an immigration lawyer to help you out. Here’s the verdict:

1.No, hiring an immigration lawyer isn’t necessarily required.

As you start your immigration process to Australia, there might be others who will trick you into believing that you need an immigration lawyer for you to be sure that your process will end up positively. However, the truth is that, no, hiring an immigration lawyer in Australia is not necessarily required for most cases. You can process your immigration papers and move to Australia with a high possibility of success even without an immigration lawyer helping you out.

2. Yes, some immigration lawyers are also migration agents.

As you prepare for your move, migration agents are professionals who can help you out. Remember that these migration agents provide the following services, among others:

  • Assist with your visa requirements
  • Deal with and contact the Department of Home Affairs, on your behalf, while you still aren’t in Australia
  • Provide advice on the completion of your visa requirements

With the above-mentioned list, you can safely say that, yes, you need a migration agent to help you out with your move. However, the good news is also that some immigration lawyers are also migration agents. Hence, you immediately have the best of both worlds, just in case somewhere along your application, you might need an immigration lawyer. For example, if your migration case needs an appeal, it is your immigration lawyer, who is also a migration agent, who can appeal your case to the Federal Court or High Court.

3. Yes, immigration lawyers can provide you with sound advice.

Yes, most people do not use the services of an immigration lawyer and they still have a high chance of completing their migration process. However, for you to get the best start with your immigration process, you will need to have strategic and sound advice. This fact is especially true when you have no friends or relatives in Australia to help you out. Do not try to jump right into the journey, or flying miles ahead, without crystal-clear advice on the proper legal process that you will be going through, or without advice on any of your concerns regarding your immigration process. The last thing that you would ever want is to find out later on that there are possible errors or difficulties throughout your immigration journey.

4. Yes, sometimes, hiring an immigration lawyer is the more cost-effective way.

The Australian Embassy has to go through numerous visa applications regularly. With these applications, there are over 100 subclasses for you to choose from as well. As a beginner in this application process, it can sometimes be difficult for you to have the best decision in ascertaining which subclass is best for you. Remember that visa applications are costly, and if you get denied, you will have to pay the same sum all over again to re-apply. Added to this cost is the possible expense that you might incur in court fees if it goes to this extent. Had you hired an immigration lawyer, you will no longer have to go through all these hassles and added costs, as the lawyer can help ensure with higher certainty that your visa immigration process will get approved.

5. Yes, your immigration lawyer can help avoid any unnecessary delays.

Many delays in the immigration process can happen simply because the applicant isn’t fully aware of the entire ins and outs of the process. Your immigration lawyer can help prepare all your documents and requirements, such that these are already fully presentable to the proper immigration officers. If you have any documents that are lacking, this can lead to long and costly delays in your whole migration process.

When there are delays or there is a denial of your initial documents, it can often become overwhelming for you to think about how to restart your process, or how to formally reply to these letters. Your immigration lawyer can help you out with this.


Although hiring an immigration lawyer can be an added expense to your big move, it is clear that you will need one if you want to have an advantage. Remember that moving is a significant part of your life, and you will want to ensure that every step of it is as smooth and perfect as it should be. With a major thing such as immigration, you should leave no room for mistakes. However, since hiring an immigration lawyer isn’t required, the end decision really falls upon the specific needs and circumstances of your immigration process.

Being Single Is Better Than Being With Someone Who Isn’t Planning To Keep You Around Long Term

Being single is better than being with someone who only wants to keep things casual.

Being single is better than being with someone who doesn’t bother to answer your calls and respond to your messages right away. Instead, they keep you waiting for them for ages.

Sitting at home and watching movies all by yourself on a Saturday night is better than spending hours choosing what to wear, just to have your bae cancel on you last minute.

It’s better to feel free to flirt with other guys/girls than stay loyal to only one person, even though you know that they’ve been flirting with other women/guys behind your back.

Not daydreaming about anyone is better than daydreaming about someone who plays hard to get while exploring “other options.”

It’s better to have no one to touch you than be with someone who is only interested in your body. Someone who is not able to see beyond your outward beauty. Someone who can’t see the beauty of your soul.

Focusing on your family, friends, and career is better than focusing on someone who puts you last on their list of priorities. Someone who doesn’t take care of your feelings, needs, and desires. Someone who doesn’t choose you every single day.

Being single is better than settling for someone who is only stringing you along. Someone who doesn’t imagine you as a part of their future.

Guarding your heart is better than giving it to someone who doesn’t know how to protect and take care of it. Someone who couldn’t care less whether they’ll break it or not.

Being single is better than being with someone who doesn’t reciprocate your love. Someone who doesn’t care about you the way you care about them. Someone to whom you don’t mean as much as they mean to you.

Admitting that you still haven’t found ‘The One’ is better than convincing yourself that the person you’re with now is the right one for you.

Spending time on your own is better than spending time with someone who doesn’t even deserve a minute of your attention.

It’s better to invest time in improving yourself, both personally and professionally, and in your future happiness and success than waste it on someone who only wants to see you fail. Someone to whom your happiness means nothing.

Treating yourself with respect and dignity is better than respecting someone who has no problem playing with your feelings and cheating on you.

Loving yourself is better than loving someone who makes you question their love for you. Someone who doesn’t let you know where you stand in their life.

Feeling lonely alone is better than feeling lonely with someone else.

And last but not least, nurturing the relationship you have with yourself is better than nurturing and fighting for a relationship with someone who isn’t planning to keep you around. Someone who has stopped fighting for you a long time ago.

8 Red Flags It’s Time To Put An End To Your Relationship

Most of us have dated someone for a little bit longer than we should have. If we take into consideration the fact that breakups are quite unpleasant and difficult, and in some cases even traumatic, no one can blame us for wanting to dodge the breakup bullet, right?

However, staying in a poor, unhealthy, unhappy relationship longer than necessary can be even more damaging to you than ending it.  

Of course, saying goodbye to someone who was very important to you is hard and painful. But it’s even more difficult and hurtful staying in a relationship which isn’t meeting your needs. A relationship that doesn’t make you happy and fulfilled.

Yes, breakups suck, but staying with someone who is a constant source of negative feelings, stress, and resentment is even worse.

So, how do you know that your relationship is past its expiration date and that you should get out of it? Well, if most or all of the following 8 things look familiar to you, then you can take this as a huge red flag that it’s time for you to put an end to your relationship.

Here they are:

1. You feel like you’re being pressured to do things that you don’t want to.

Healthy and happy relationships are those where both partners feel free and comfortable being themselves and doing the things they like doing. However, when you’re with a person who is constantly putting you under pressure to do things that are not in accordance with your own beliefs, principles, and values, your relationship begins to become toxic.

Remember – no one has the right to tell you how to behave, control your actions, and try to change you, which brings us to the following point …

2. You feel like you’re not yourself around your partner.

If you don’t feel free and comfortable to show your true self around the person you love, then what’s the point of dating them? When you’re in a healthy, happy, and committed relationship, you’re always yourself. You feel free to show your partner your insecurities and fears. You don’t feel ashamed or afraid to show them your vulnerabilities.

However, if you’re in a relationship with someone who is constantly judging you, criticizing you, and making you feel ashamed of your weaknesses and imperfections, then know that you’re with someone who doesn’t truly love you and care about you.

3. Your partner is constantly making you question their feelings.

What’s the point of being in a relationship in which you’re never sure how your partner feels about you?  What’s the point of being with someone who doesn’t wear their heart on their sleeve and who hides their vulnerable sides and refuses to open up to you? Yes, exactly – there’s no point in staying with this kind of person.

4. Your partner makes you feel unattractive and undesirable.

Being with the right person means being with someone who boosts your confidence. Someone who makes sure you’re always aware of your qualities and strength. Someone who makes sure you never doubt your worth.

So, if you can’t remember when the last time was your partner made you feel pretty and desirable and gave you compliments about the way you look, well, you might want to ask yourself: “Is he/she really into you?”

5. You’re being cruel to your partner.

Okay, we’re all guilty of this. We can be someone’s selfish, mean, horrible ex too.

If you’re already in a relationship with someone and you’re aware that you’re being cruel and inconsiderate to them, then, my dear, this is a huge red flag that you don’t like them as much as you or everyone around you think you do.

So, let go of them and put an end to this agony. Allow them to find someone that will treat them with kindness and compassion and that will love them the way they deserve.

6. Your loved ones don’t like your partner.

If your family and friends don’t like and approve of your partner, then you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to this. After all, your family and friends are the people who truly love and care about you and who want the best for you. So, if you notice that they bear animosity towards your partner, take this as a sign that there’s something wrong with your relationship.

7. You often find yourself apologizing to others for your partner’s behavior.

Do you feel ashamed to talk to your family and friends about your relationship problems? Do you often find yourself justifying your partner’s actions to your loved ones and people you meet for the first time? Do you often find yourself apologizing to other people for your bae’s bullsh*t?

Well, if you answered all of the questions with a yes, then that’s most likely a red flag. You’re in a relationship with the wrong person.

8. Your partner calls you names.

Well, this is certainly not cool. No one has the right to insult you, let alone the person who claims that they truly love you.

So, if your partner has no problem calling you “overly sensitive,” “needy,” “paranoid,” or “crazy” every time you get jealous, emotional, or worried about something, do you really think that they “truly love you and care about your feelings?”

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]  

What It’s Like To Be Strong And Tired To The Bone At The Same Time

“You have to be strong.” “ No matter how many times others betray your trust and hurt your feelings, you’ve got to stay strong.” “Regardless of how many times life knocks you down, you have to find the strength to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on.”

Oh, I’ve heard these pieces of advice so many times. And no matter how cliched they sound, I’ve always followed them.

The truth is that I can proudly say that I am strong. And I’ve proved this time and time again.

I am the one my loved ones rely on when they need help and support. I am the one my family and friends go to when they need someone to patiently listen to their problems or be their crying shoulder and their wall to lean on.

I am the one people surrounding me go to when they need someone to share their secrets with. When they need someone to talk to about their insecurities and fears. When they need someone to lift them up and make them feel strong and worthy.

Indeed, I know what being strong is.

Being strong is crying silently late at night because someone you loved with every fiber of your being broke your heart.

Being strong is never stop believing in love although heartbreak is the only thing you’ve known.

Being strong is being kind to and forgiving those who betrayed you and broke your heart and who never apologized to you.

Being strong is not flying off the handle and giving someone a taste of their own medicine when they insult you and belittle you because you know that their actions speak about them, not you.

Being strong is respecting people to whom ‘respect’ is only an abstract term.

Being strong is doing your best to help other people even when it is you that needs to be helped and supported.

Being strong is leaving your comfort zone and venturing into the unknown even when you’re scared because you don’t know what’s on the other side.

Being strong is overcoming your own insecurities, vices, fears, and demons.

Being strong is believing in yourself even when everyone around you tells you that you’re weak, stupid, weird, and unimportant.

Being strong is setting and pursuing high goals when everyone else tells you that you don’t have what it takes to accomplish them. When everyone else tries to make you feel like a failure.

Being strong is believing that there’s light at the end of the tunnel when your whole world is wrapped in darkness.

So, yes, I am strong, but I am also tired to the bone.

I am tired of always being there for others.

I am tired of being betrayed and disappointed by people to whom I’ve always been good.

I am tired of people not accepting me for who I am. I’m tired of being told that I need to change. That I need to change the way I talk, smile, move, and act. That I need to become someone else.

I am tired of giving my respect and love to people who don’t even deserve a minute of my attention.

I am tired of making plans for every little thing because I want to control and keep everything organized in my life.

I am tired of second-guessing every decision that I make because I fear that it might negatively influence someone or hurt their feelings.

I am tired of always being the one who looks for solutions to problems that are not even mine.

I am tired of thinking about my past mistakes, failed relationships, losses, and pains. I am tired of carrying the burden of my past on my shoulders.

I am tired of being tough for everyone around me.

I am tired of listening to excuses and explanations that I know are not real and honest.

I am tired of people walking away from me for no reason.

Yes, I am strong, but I am also tired to the bone.

I am tired because I’ve experienced loneliness, sadness, and pain that no one ever has. Because I’ve been abandoned in ways no one ever has. Because my hope has been broken so many times. Because I’ve had to heal my wounds and mend my broken heart time and time again.

Yet, although I could easily let myself dwell in my disappointment and problems and torment myself with the idea that no one is ever going to be there for me the way I’m always there for others – I won’t.

I won’t give up. You will never see me defeated.


Because I am strong, resilient, and wise. Because strength is in my blood.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]

A Kind-Hearted, Honest Woman Doesn’t Want Your Money: She Wants Your Time, Attention, And Love

A kind-hearted, honest woman doesn’t want your money. She doesn’t want you to shower her with lavish gifts. She doesn’t want you to be the richest man alive.

This kind of woman wants your time, attention, respect, and most importantly, love.

You could give her all of the expensive gifts and luxurious jewelry which every woman out there wants to have. You could buy her the biggest, the prettiest, and the poshest house that an architect can ever build. You could buy her a mansion. You could buy her the fanciest cars and the most modern gadgets that exist on the market. You could take her to the most luxurious places on this planet.

You could do all of the above-mentioned things so as to show her only how important she is to you, but this woman is not going to like and value them as much as when you choose to give her your attention and love.

A kind-hearted, honest woman won’t care about material things like these as long as she has your attention. She’s the type of woman that would give up all of the lavish gifts if this meant that you could have more free time to spend with her. She wouldn’t accept any of the fancy cars if this meant that you’d have to work all day long only to clear your debts.

Yes, having money and standing high on the social ladder is great, no doubt, but money doesn’t stay forever. They come and go.

On the other hand, time is something that you can’t buy or sell. It’s something that you have to use wisely. Time has value and a kind-hearted, honest woman knows that it’s the most valuable gift that one can give you.

Therefore, she is always going to choose time over money. Since it’s not money that binds two people together, but the time they choose to commit both to each other and the relationship to make it happy, fulfilling, and long-lasting.

You could open her hundreds of bank accounts. You could promise her that she’ll never have to chase financial stability. That she’ll never have to worry about whether she’ll have enough money to pay her bills. You could even promise the brightest future for the kids you might have together one day.

However, in the end, nothing of this will matter to her as your time and attention.

A kind-hearted, honest woman wants you to be the type of man that is able to devote to her the attention she needs, craves, and deserves.

She wants you to be the type of man that is going to stay by her side through both good times and bad times. The type of man who’s never going to leave her to deal with her worries and problems on her own. The type of man who’s going to stick with her through thick and thin.

She is the type of woman that’s going to expect you to offer her a shoulder to cry on and a warm, comforting hug whenever life gets tough for her. She’s the type of woman that’s going to ask for your support and help whenever she is feeling down in the dumps or struggling with problems or low self-esteem.

Because no amount of money and expensive gifts will ever be able to replace the attention, help, and support you can offer her. Nothing will be as valuable to her as your undivided attention, unconditional support, and kind, comforting words. No material thing will ever be as able to make her heart melt as your affection and love.

Because the only thing that matters to her is whether you feel about her the way she feels about you. Whether you love her the way she loves you. Whether she means to you as much as you mean to her.

As long as this kind of woman is with you, it won’t matter to her whether she lives with you in a mansion or in a regular, modest, single-storey house, or whether or not she owns a huge box of expensive jewelry, or how many and what car brands she has.

As long as this type of woman has your time, attention, and love, nothing else will matter to her.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]

This Is The Type Of Man You Should Be With After A Troubled, Toxic Relationship

If you have been in an unhealthy, troubled relationship, then you know exactly what kind of person doesn’t deserve a place in your heart.

If you’ve had this kind of experience, don’t blame yourself. Don’t feel sorry for yourself. Don’t regret wasting your time and feelings on the wrong person. Because you didn’t waste anything. Rather, you were taught a valuable lesson.

The troubled, toxic relationship was a valuable lesson – a lesson that you had to learn the hard way. It was a lesson that taught you what kind of people you need to stay away from in your life. It was a lesson which taught you that not everyone who swears that loves you and cares about you truly means it.

It was a lesson which taught you that your love won’t always be reciprocated. That there are people who don’t deserve your attention and feelings. That there are people who are not worth your sadness and tears. That love can sometimes be hard and painful.

You see, when you end a toxic relationship, you are left doubting your self-worth. You are left thinking that you don’t deserve to love and be loved. You are left thinking that love was never meant for you.

As time passes, you start reconnecting with friends who you may have distanced yourself from or who your ex-partner didn’t think were good enough for you or simply wanted to isolate you from.

So, by reconnecting with your friends, you’re also reconnecting with your old self. You begin to feel livelier and more enthusiastic. You even begin to date again, yet nothing serious. It is a great feeling when you change your hairstyle or just change anything about your appearance and for once,  some guy out there notices that. It is an amazing feeling when a man gives you his attention, tries to flirt with you, and makes you feel desirable.

The attention you are receiving is helping you rebuild your confidence. It’s helping you see all those things about yourself that you forgot even existed in your last relationship.

Yet, you still don’t feel like you’re the person you were before the toxic man entered your life. You feel like your past is still haunting you and like you’ll never manage to liberate yourself from the heavy baggage you’re carrying on your shoulders.

And all this prevents you from seeing one important truth – the truth that a man is going to enter your life and accept you and cherish you the way you are. He won’t judge you for your past choices and mistakes. Instead, he’ll understand your pain.

He’ll know that it won’t be easy for him to gain your trust. He’ll know that it’ll take you time before you feel free and comfortable to open up to him. But, he won’t rush you. He’ll give you all the time you need to start trusting him.

This man will show you that you’re more than good enough. He’ll try to erase all the hurtful words you were told in your last relationship. He’ll try to heal all your wounds.

This man will make you feel safe and protected. You won’t have to worry whether he’ll fly off the handle if you say or do something wrong. You won’t have to feel like you’re walking on eggshells around him.

This man will remind you of your strength and qualities. He’ll remind you of your worth and grandeur.

This man will wear his heart on his sleeve. He’ll never make you doubt his love for you or where you stand in his life. He’ll never feed your hope with lies, excuses, and grandiose promises. Instead, he’ll always be honest with you.

This man will love you and care about you in ways no one ever has. He’ll love you deeply, immensely, wholeheartedly, and unconditionally.

This man won’t have to promise that he’ll protect and take care of your heart forever because you’ll already know that – you’ll feel it in the depths of your being.

Should you have any questions regarding this topic or one of your own interest, feel free to email me at [email protected]                     

Three ways to take care of your general health before getting pregnant

Pregnancy and childbirth used to be incredibly dangerous for both the mother and child. Women regularly died during childbirth from blood loss or infection. Today we’re extremely lucky to have the facilities and medical support that we do. But miscarriages, stillbirths, premature births and complications still exist today. This is why it remains important to take care of your general health before getting pregnant, to minimise if not eliminate these risks. Here are three ways you can do that.

Shift to a Healthy Lifestyle Now

You’ve probably heard the advice to quit smoking and stop drinking when you’re pregnant. But you may be unaware that these habits can actually hurt the baby before you know for certain that you’re pregnant. Shift to a healthy lifestyle now to minimise the potential problems. Stop drinking alcohol, quit smoking and stay clear of any drugs. This includes cannabis and legal herbal products.

Get into a regular routine where you get enough sleep and do a form of low-impact exercise every day. This will get you fit in preparation for your pregnancy and help you fight excessive weight gain during. It’s also much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle once you become pregnant than try to change your habits after you find out. While you’ll be advised to start taking prenatal vitamins, this is also the time to start eating healthy. Cut back on the sweets, the sugary drinks and fatty foods. Start loading your plate with vegetables, fruits and high fibre foods. This will reduce the odds of putting on excess kilos that could lead to a big baby and a difficult delivery. It will also lower your chances of becoming diabetic during pregnancy. As a side benefit, the healthy diet could minimise your morning sickness and the heartburn many women suffer in the second half of their pregnancy.

We do need to say that you shouldn’t use pregnancy as an excuse to over-eat. You’re not eating for two. The baby at the most will weigh five kilos. It’s more like you’re eating for one point one. Try not to use your pregnancy as an excuse to pig out on ice cream. When you do have these cravings, have small servings and look for healthy alternatives. For example, have a fruit smoothie or yogurt instead of sugary ice cream.

Invest in Prenatal Care

One way to enjoy the best prenatal care is to secure private pregnancy health insurance now, before you’re pregnant. This will ensure that you have the best doctors at your disposal to treat existing health problems that could adversely impact your pregnancy. They could also help you in the case of infertility and transition you to high risk pregnancy obstetricians so that you have the best possible care. This will minimise the chance of unnecessary complications or health problems while giving your baby the best overall chance of a smooth, healthy start in life.

Plan for the Future

If you’re reading this, it’s obvious you’re already planning to give yourself and your child the best possible future. However, there are things you can do to reduce your stress over the next few years. Develop a relationship with a doctor you trust so that you’re comfortable in reporting any symptoms that may occur when you’re pregnant. Take steps to get control of your finances so you can afford to look after your baby without stressing about it. A solid health insurance policy is a good step in this direction, as is a large emergency fund so you can pay for any unexpected bills.


Arthritis is one of the most painful conditions that can cause inflammation and difficulty in mobility in the joints. There are different types of arthritis based on where it affects a person. While arthritis is quite common in human beings, sadly, even dogs at that age are vulnerable to developing this condition. It’s estimated that 1 out of 4 dogs may have the chances of developing arthritis. In fact, so many older dogs suffer from arthritis but are never diagnosed. Moreover, the worst thing is, arthritis may even progress, getting worse as time passes.

This makes it very important to manage pain in dogs so that the quality of their life can be made better if they are diagnosed with arthritis. While there are a number of medicines that a veterinarian may prescribe for your dog’s condition, all these might bring along some side-effects, like vomiting, nausea, dizziness- which is not good news.

Fortunately, research suggests that CBD can be helpful in reducing the pain that dogs or even human beings for that matter experience due to arthritis. Let’s take a look at what CBD is and how exactly is it useful in reducing pain and swelling from arthritis.


CBD is a plant-based compound that is found in the plants belonging to the cannabis family. It’s known as a cannabinoid, and there are about a hundred other types of cannabinoids found in these plants. However, CBD is found in large quantities in the hemp plant and has various health benefits, out of which, one is its painkilling property.


One of the most frequently asked questions in terms of CBD is whether it’s safe and whether it can cause your dog to be high. The question is a valid one since marijuana is popular for its psychoactive properties and is also highly associated with the cannabis plant. However, the compound that causes this feeling of high is called THC. CBD oil for pain for sale or any other CBD product for that matter that is concerned with treating health conditions does not contain THC.

Even if a CBD product does contain THC, the percentage should be less than 0.3% to be legally sold. So you should buy a CBD product from a trusted manufacturer who sells legal products.


Dogs, pretty much like human beings, naturally produce cannabinoids known as endocannabinoids and have an endocannabinoid system in their bodies. The endocannabinoid system has a number of receptors with different functions. One of the receptors, known as the CB2 cannabinoid receptor, is responsible for managing pain perception. Check out cbdoilgeek for the best CBD oil options for dogs.

When you administer CBD oil for pain for sale to your dog, the CBD attaches itself to the CB2 cannabinoid receptor, which in turn significantly reduces the pain associated with arthritis. Furthermore, you can also reduce the pain in your dog that results from various other health ailments, like multiple sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome, or cancer and cancer treatment. Basically, it can be said that CBD products help in reducing chronic pain resulting from a variety of health conditions in dogs.


You can even use CBD product for various other health conditions in your dog, like separation anxiety, epilepsy, cancer, strengthening the immune system, or even as a regular daily supplement for an overall balanced physical and mental health. Further research in the field would make the application of CBD for pets and dogs clearer.


When you look for CBD oil for pain for sale to use on your dog, the first and foremost thing to make sure is that it’s a CBD product that is exclusively made for pets or dogs. This is because CBD for human beings and CBD for pets may vary in concentration with respect to CBD. In addition, when administering CBD for whatever reason, the dosage plays an important role.

Besides that, make sure you buy the CBD product from a trusted manufacturer. Many sellers sell adulterated products since the CBD industry is still not that popular and people find it hard to differentiate between good quality and bad quality CBD products. This is why you should make sure to request for lab tests and results that can help you find out if the CBD product contains any undesirable agents, like pathogens, chemicals, pesticides, or residual solvents. Given you choose the right CBD product, your dog would be greatly benefitted from it.

Everything you need to know about slip ring

A slip ring is an electromechanical device that is used in rotating objects to build a connection between the stationary phase and the rotary phase. The slip ring is used to transmit the signals to the rotating object. The slip ring is normally considered as a band of electric conductive material and it is mounted on a shaft. The shaft is insulated. A slip ring is connected through electrical connections. The slip ring transmits the electrical signals at the 360-degree rotating surface. Normally slip rings are designed for air or vacuum or the passage of liquids like water, steam or oil. (1)

  • Other names:

Slip rings are also called rotary electrical joints, electric swivels, and collector ring. Slip rings are coated with a conductive material. Normally they are coated with silver, copper, gold or coin silver. The material used between shaft and ring is an insulating material. It is normally made from nylon, phenolic or plastic.

  • Factors that rate the slip ring:

A slip ring is rated by many factors. Some of these are:

  • Speed
  • Current
  • Voltage
  • Insulation material
  • Temperature
  • Moisture

Speed of slip ring is usually measured in rotation per minute, but the estimated life of slip ring length of use and speed of the device.

  • Composition of slip ring:

The slip ring consists of metal contact which is called a brush; it rubs on the outer diameter of the rotating slip ring. The outer most part of the slip ring is connected with stationary brushes. It supports the device and allows an unbroken connection between the external circuit and a rotating unit. Brushes are normal blocks of graphite or carbon material. Brushes are mounted with carbon material and connect the system with a rotating object. Precious slip rings are made up of platinum or palladium alloys. Rings are still they do not move, other parts of the slip ring rotate and transmit the electric signals.

  • How to slip ring works:

As we know the slip ring is made up of two basic parts. The first is a metal ring and the other is brush contact. The number of rings and brushes in the slip ring depends on the type and area of operation as well as the need for the device.  There is no difference if the ring rotates and the brush is stationary or brushes rotate and the ring is stationary either on low speed of 10RPM.

 Brushes are connected in the form of pairs and these rubs on the outside of contact material. Slip rings maintain a balance electric connection and transmit electronic signals from stationary phase to the rotary phase. In a single circuit, four or more than four pairs of brushes are used.

As we have discussed earlier, the ring is made up of conductive material like brass, copper or gold but it is insulated from a center shaft. The central insulating material is made up of nylon o plastic. When the ring is turned, an electric current is conducted and the connection is build up in a slip ring.

  • How to choose an appropriate slip ring:

When you are going to choose a slip ring, many factors are involved in it. The first thing that must be kept in mind is the voltage and level of current. If you are dealing with a low level of the signal circuit then other factors are also involved. Electrical noise is considered a bad thing because it originates from the induced circuit. The main reason for noise in the slip ring is the difference in resistance of brush to ring. Due to different conductivity material, resistance is also a difference. The less expensive circuit has higher resistance as compared to the circuit made from silver. When the ring rotates, current flows from the resistance which leads to high voltage variation.

  • Standard circuits:

The standard slip ring is made up of pairs of metal copper or graphite brushes. The less expensive slip ring which is mostly used includes low-level audio and video networks.

  • Extended pressure circuits:

In extended pressure circuit radius of a brush can be changed in the contact area. In this way, it provides the best cleaning action than standard circuits. It is used in that’s areas where low voltage signal circuits are required, mostly in outdoor areas.

  • Silver brush circuits:

Silver brush circuit consists of graphite brushes on the brass ring. It provides electrical signals at a low cost. It is used for sensitive low-level circuits in a hostile environment and non- use a long period,

  • Full Silver circuits:

Full silver circuits consist pair of silver graphite brushes on silver plated ring. An expensive metal ring is used in this slip ring that’s why it is considered as a precious circuit. It is used in many critical areas, where signal integrity is considered as the most important factor. It is also applied in corrosive environments, where surface corrosion leads to losing signal integrity. Full silver circuits are normally applied in a wet environment.

  • Types of Slip Ring:

There are many types of slip ring, there are variations in size and composition depending on the operation area or required rotating speed. Some of the most used slip rings are the following:

  1. bore slip rings
  2. capsule slip rings
  3. pancake slip ring
  4. USB slip ring
  5. Fiber optic slip ring
  6. Mercury slip ring
  7. Separate slip rings
  8. Winch slip ring
  9. Electric combination slip ring
  10. Thermocouple slip ring
  11. Wind turbine slip ring
  12. High current slip ring

Uses of slip ring:

The slip ring is used in many types of devices like in electrical generators, gyroscopes or in many alternators. Many slip rings are also used in houses in order to prevent it from dust and moisture. It is also used in electric motors, rotating turrets. In wet areas or seas, the slip ring is used to mix the transmission of gas and high-tech equipment.

Main features of slip ring:

  • A slip ring is available in both categories like bore or solid.
  • Slip rings are durable, that’s why these can also be applied in harsh environments like seas.
  • Pipes for liquids and gases can be easily customized according to desire or need.
  • They rotate with the angle of 360 degrees with a high level of torque as output.
  • The medium of liquid in slip ring air normally air, water, steam or oil.

How to become more resilient at work

We’ve all seen the signs that say ‘keep calm and carry on’ – but many people don’t know that this motto originated from the second world war and was fundamentally for households across the world (especially in the UK) to keep and remain positive.

This was a message of resilience and now this message has been translated and modernized to help people cope with the stresses of their everyday lives.

Stress has been named by the World health organisation (WHO) as the ‘health epidemic of the 21st century and this has meant that employers are now taking stress, anxiety, and depression in the workplace a lot more seriously.

Employers are concerned with easing stress in the workplace and are using various methods such as offering flexible work hours, changing workplace culture and reviewing workloads.

However, one of the best ways that companies are finding to support workers if to implement measures and techniques to help them boost their resilience. (1)

What is resilience?

Glad you asked – resilience is the ability or trait of a person who can:

  • Maintain their equilibrium
  • Have a positive outlook and sustain it
  • Adjust easily to adversity
  • Hold some sense of control over their working environment

As a fact of life, some people cope with stressful situations better than others – and this is almost always down to them being more resilient. These people absolutely thrive when others crumble under pressure – there is more good news too – resilience can be learned.

How employers can boost resilience in the workplace

 There is a plethora of techniques employers can adapt to bolster resilience in the workplace. Here I’ll go through some with you

Encourage physical well-being

 Physical health is a fundamental catalyst in mental health and creating a working environment that promotes healthy living can work wonders to your employee’s mental health.

These include:

  • Encouraging employees to eat healthily
  • Urge them to quit smoking
  • The promotion of sensible drinking
  • Urging them to exercise or introducing gym memberships as a staff bonus

Promote a psychologically healthy environment

Make the workplace a pleasant and happy experience for your employees – you can do this by:

  • Rewarding great work
  • Offer flexible working arrangements to employees
  • Train staff in new skills
  • Vary your employee’s jobs and responsibilities – variance is always great for resilience
  • Coach them on how to deal with stress
  • Train managers to consider the mental well-being of staff at all times
  • Make sure treatment among staff is fair

Promote open communication policy and strong social networks/support networks

Everyone thrives on friendships and relationships and this can work wonders for people’s mental health in general. People who have positive relationships in the workplace often leads to better productivity and group resilience.

  • Encourage teamwork to employees
  • Organize team day outs and events
  • Being sympathetic were required to your employees

How you can guide employees to help themselves

Along with any help that you directly give your employees, you can also give them tips on how they can help themselves become more resilience.

These would include:

  • Building and maintaining good friendships and family relationships. Good quality social connections with positive people
  • PMA – positive mental attitude – seeing problems as a learning process rather than another mountain to ascend
  • Taking time out to recharge – take regular breaks, leave work on time and take holidays – everyone needs ‘me’ time
  • Practice meditation and mindfulness – this can help deal with stress and confrontation.