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Why Weight Training Can Improve Fitness?

Contrary to popular belief, weight training (or resistance training) isn’t just for building muscle! There are five main types of physical fitness and weight training that can actually be used to develop all five of these areas. This article takes a look at each type of fitness category as well as how two of these – muscular and cardiovascular fitness – can be improved through regular weight training. (1)

Types of Physical Fitness

1. Muscular strength

This type of fitness is concerned with the amount of force a muscle (or groups of muscles) can produce. When you pack on another few kilograms to your bench-press sets or have to move up to a heavier dumbbell for your arm curls, you’re improving your muscular strength fitness.

2. Muscular endurance

The fitness of this nature is determined by looking at how long your muscles can perform continuously until they are fatigued. This type of physical fitness can be improved through cycling or by using rowing machines and step machines. How you know your muscular endurance fitness is growing is when you can see that you’re able to cycle further, step length and row harder for longer periods of time.

3. Cardiovascular endurance

Cardiovascular fitness is concerned with how well your heart and lungs can work in tandem to provide the body with oxygen and fuel while performing the sustained exercise. Ways to build this type of fitness include speed walking, running, swimming and cycling.

4. Flexibility

Can you touch your toes? If not, your flexibility fitness might be lacking! Flexibility fitness is how efficiently your joints can move through their intended ranges of motion. If you can’t touch your toes, it means there are joints in your body that are unable to stretch to their full potential. To help you increase your flexibility try going to a Yoga class. The different positions – or asanas as these are termed in Sanskrit – will help you increase your flexibility levels in your entire body.

5. Body composition

This fifth and final type of physical fitness is concerned with how much body fat you have as compared to bone, muscle, and organs. Most gyms now have tools you can use to test your body fat percentage. The biokinetics will help you measure this. The higher the percentage, the more body fat you are carrying and the lower your body composition fitness.

How Weight Training Improves Muscular Fitness

Weight training is all about resistance. When you perform a bicep curl without weight, the only resistance there is to your bicep is gravity and the weight of your forearm. When you add weight to the equation, the resistance increases dramatically and this places more strain on the muscle, making it harder to perform the movement. This resistance training through the use of weights, over time, improves both your muscular strength fitness as well as your flexibility fitness (when proper form is followed throughout the resistance training). – a Personal Trainer can help you understand the proper form for weight training.

If you’re looking for a weight training regime that works on all five types of physical at once, consider participating in high-intensity interval training (HIIT). These workouts are fast-paced and feature repetitive bodily movements using dumbbells, kettlebells, and other weights.

How Weight Training Improves Cardiovascular Fitness

There are two ways weight training can actually improve your cardiovascular fitness. The first involves blood: when you lift weights, receptors on blood vessels in your muscles get bigger to allow more blood to flow to the muscle being worked. Simultaneously, these muscles push blood back towards the heart, increasing the amount of blood your heart pumps per beat. This improves cardio fitness.

The second way weight training improves cardiovascular fitness is through the production of a molecule known as pyruvate. This molecule is a by-product of your body processing glucose for energy. It is one of the main sources of energy the body draws on while performing cardiovascular exercises. Through weight training, your body learns how to produce and effectively utilize pyruvate.

As you can see, weight training is a fantastic way of improving overall fitness. Always be on the lookout for ways you can vary your workouts as this will ensure that your body is subjected to new forms of exercise that it won’t get used to and cause you to plateau.

Healthy and Tasty Foods for a Kid That Bikes

As a parent, you need to consider it as one of your responsibilities in order to teach good habits to your child. That’s the main reason why most of the parents prefer to go ahead and purchase bicycles for their little ones. For example, if you have a little child, you can purchase the best bike for 3-year-old on CuteLittleDarling. In addition to that, you need to think about providing appropriate foods for the child who is engaged with cycling as well. This can contribute a lot towards the physical capabilities of the child to engage with cycling without any issue.

You also know how difficult it is for you to introduce new foods to your child. As a result, you will come across the need to introduce only healthy and tasty foods for the little one who is engaged with biking. Here is a list of a few such healthy and tasty foods that you can consider. Any parent who has a child involved with cycling will be able to give these healthy and tasty foods.

  1. Whole-grain muffins

You will be able to prepare whole grain muffins at the comfort of your home. When you prepare the vegetable-filled option, you will be able to keep that for a week as well. Your child would also love to eat them and they can heavily contribute towards their needs of his, especially when he is engaged with cycling. You can think about adding fresh fruits, sweet potatoes, carrots, zucchini and other veggies to the muffins. You can give these whole-grain muffins to the child along with his favourite nut butter as well. (1)

  1. Hummus

Hummus, which are also known as veggie sticks is another healthy and tasty food that you can think about giving to your child. They are made with broccoli or pita bread. People in all age categories prefer to enjoy hummus. This is a food that is rich in vitamins. As a result, your child will be provided with the opportunity to fight against a variety of diseases. In addition, it can also contribute to the overall wellbeing of the child. When he is engaged with cycling, he will come across the need to get all the energy requirements catered. That’s where hummus would play a crucial role.

  1. Whole-grain cereal

Cereal is not just another food that you can give to your child for breakfast. You will be able to give it to the child in order to activate the muscles and fuel them. This is done by providing complex carbohydrates to the muscles. It can also fuel up the brain. Hence, your child can easily enhance performance while he is cycling. However, it is important for you to go ahead and select an iron-fortified cereal, which comes with a lower amount of sugar. The sugar content should be under 7g per serving. Then the child will be able to receive the best possible results without any hassle. To make it tastier, you can mix it along with homemade granola bars. Or else, you can sprinkle it over a smoothie. Your little one would love to enjoy it while cycling. (2)

  1. Cheese

Cheese cubes and string cheese are excellent foods that come along with protein. Therefore, you can give it to your child without thinking twice. In addition to protein, you can also find an excellent amount of calcium within the cheese. In other words, cheese can provide the key nutrients, which can help the bones and muscles to grow. That’s exactly what your child would need when he is engaged with cycling. Your child would love to enjoy cheese before he gets on his bike as well. However, it is recommended for you to go ahead and purchase full-fat cheese or 2% cheese, which can help the little one to feel more satisfied.

  1. Smoothies

Smoothies are one of the most popular foods among children. Hence, you can think about giving it to your little one as well. He will love to drink smoothies without making any fuss. Your child will be riding the bike when it is hot outside. Therefore, you will come across the need to provide something refreshing to him. That’s where smoothies come into play.

When you are giving things for your child to drink, it is important to go ahead with the food choices that don’t contain sugar. That’s where smoothies come into play. Otherwise, your child will be subjected to a variety of health conditions in the future. You will be able to prepare a power smoothie with vegetables and fruits. You can also add yoghurt and kefir to enhance the taste. You will also be able to go ahead and add whole grains to the mix. This can provide an extra layer of nutrition to the child. The smoothies will not just assist your child to stay filled when he is cycling. It can also provide energy and cater to the nutritional requirements of the body. Therefore, you will be able to provide excellent assistance to the cycling activities of the child.

These are 5 of the healthiest and tastiest foods that you can give to your child as a parent. When your little one is engaged with cycling, you don’t need to think twice before you give these foods. That’s because they are in a position to aid cycling by providing the appropriate nutrients needed by the body. It can also improve cycling performance in the long run. The best thing about these foods is that you can easily make them at home or purchase them from the local store.

Botox for Beauty – All You Need to Know

Botox is becoming a popular phenomenon especially in this age of celebrities and popular magazines. Despite the fact that Botox is a popular trend amongst women in the modern world, there are still multiple misconceptions associated with this treatment and how it might be used.

The history of Botox injections dates back to many years in the past. In the United States, Botox cosmetic treatment was officially approved by the FDA in 2002. The primary use of Botox injections was for medical purposes such as controlling uncontrolled muscle spasms. Over the course of many years, more research was done on Botox injections to discover more uses for this procedure.

What is Botox?

Botox, or Botulinum Toxin, is a substance that has been around for over a century and has been widely used for its medicinal uses. Initial uses of Botox were treatments for conditions such as a lazy eye, inability to control eyelids or a wry neck.

Today, patients should realize that Botox was not discovered to prevent them from being themselves, but only to put them at ease by removing unwanted facial grimaces and frowns from their lives. When the procedure of Botox has performed accurately, other individuals will not be able to notice that a procedure has been done but will only report that the patient has started to appear more relaxed and happier. (1)

About the Botox Procedure

According to NewSkin Laser, a Northridge botox centre, when a patient comes in for their Botox treatment, they are instructed to lay down on the exam table and relax their muscles as much as they can. The areas that are to be injected are then cleaned with a nonalcoholic wipe and an anaesthetic in the form of a cream is applied to ease any painful sensation that might be felt.

The Botox injection is then inserted in four to five areas on both sides of the forehead and two to three areas around the eye. Highly skilled professionals are more careful in where they inject the Botox and are able to eradicate the appearance of wrinkles more effectively. Although bleeding is common, pressure and ice may be applied by the doctor if the injected area begins to bleed during the Botox procedure.

After Getting Botox Injections

Once the procedure is completed, patients are instructed to lay upright for the first five minutes and then to avoid this position for the next four hours. Measures are taken to ensure that there are no signs of bruising or pain felt by the patient. If there are any complaints made by the patient, some doctors may advise them to take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain or inflammation relief.

Life After Botox

Results may not be evident immediately after receiving Botox injections but will begin to appear three to five days after treatment. In most cases, photographs are taken on a regular basis to track the results of the procedure and compare the facial wrinkles before and after the treatment. Patients must know that getting Botox injections do not literally remove wrinkles or facial lines but relax them enough to remove their apparent appearance.

Stay Alone Until You Find Someone Who Makes Love Feel Effortless

One day you’ll meet someone who will change the way you look at love. Someone who will teach you what true, honest, deep, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love really feels like. Someone who will make love feel effortless.

The love that you’ll feel for them will feel easy because you both will be willing to work together to make your relationship succeed. You both will be willing to keep the passion between you always alive.

With this person, you’ll never have to feel like you’re sacrificing your own happiness, needs, and wishes for them because both of you will be equal partners and ensure that you’re both feeling supported and comfortable. Because both of you will equally contribute to your relationship. Because everything you two will do for each other will come directly from your hearts.

The love that you’ll feel for this person will make your life feel easier, happier, and more fulfilled. It’ll make you feel like the world has suddenly become a better place. It’ll make you feel safe and protected.

Being with this person, you’ll never have to wonder where you stand with them. You’ll never have to question their feelings for and intentions with you. Instead, you’ll always know how much they love and appreciate you because they’ll proudly wear their heart on their sleeve. You’ll always know how much you mean to them because they’ll prove that through their actions every day.

You’ll never have to beg for their attention and love since they’ll give you all that and more. They’ll treat you with kindness, compassion, dignity, and affection because they’ll know what they have. They’ll be aware of your worth. Your qualities. Your individuality. Your craziness. Your uniqueness.

Being with this person, you’ll never have to feel neglected or ignored because they’ll stay by your side on both your good and bad days. They’ll be there to celebrate with you your successes and motivate you to pursue higher goals and wilder dreams. They’ll be there, too, to comfort you and lift you up when you’re feeling down in the dumps or struggling with problems. They’ll stick with you through thick and thin.

And just like every other couple, you’ll have to face many relationship problems and challenges as well. But instead of arguing with each other and creating drama in the relationship or sweeping your problems under the carpet, both of you will be willing to talk out your relationship problems in a civilized, mature manner and work together to solve them.

Being with this person won’t be difficult or painful at all. Yet, this person will teach you that genuine, profound love requires hard work. They’ll teach you that this kind of love requires patience, mutual understanding, trust, and respect. That it requires commitment.

This person will teach you that when two people love each other wholeheartedly and unconditionally, they’re together in everything, no matter how hard times get for them or how many obstacles they have to overcome. They’ll teach you that true love can truly conquer anything.

Therefore, stay alone until you find someone who will make love feel effortless. Someone who will love and appreciate you for who you are. Someone who won’t make you feel ashamed of your insecurities and fears. Someone who will inspire you to work on yourself and grow in every aspect of life. Someone whose love for you will feel profound. Fulfilling. Empowering. Effortless.

Someone who will feel privileged for having you in their life.


Two men high on Mephedrone called 911 and said they were attacked by assailant in Tesquesta, Florida

Michelle Mishcon called 911 and told the operator that they need a help with struggling with assailant. Together with John Stevens they were just sitting in front of their garage and watching TV. They left the door open as usual and assailant attacked him. 

Law enforcement in LA have seen a expanding bunch of wild and not controlled manner connected with a popular street bath salt labeled Mephedrone. Mephedrone can be found both in American streets and in the internet as the unique designer drug in the booming category of synthetic chems.

Mephedrone is a bath salt which could be used in few contrasting ways: swallowing, injecting, snorting, smoking. It’s a chemical which was uncovered to be at the bottom of a wide range of alarming casualties. RC users repeatedly bound with separate not so strong drugs to obtain more powerful stimulant desirable effects. Mary Collos, a medical practitioner from LA University, acknowledges that the substance is synthesized with the result to release dopamine which goal is to provide severe pleasure of extreme happiness.

What are research chemicals?

Research chems are human-made bulks that were discovered with the goal to achieve hallucinatory positive effects like when consuming psychotropic drugs. The predominant purpose in their production process is to discover inexpensive chems so that it was simple to synthesize and retail. To mass-produce research chemicals China researchers make them fierce high consequently to assure recognition. It is intensely effortful to lead new hallucinogenic substances and for this reason legit status of numerous brand-new chems remains undetermined. As a rule such chems aren’t thought-outas controlled or included into the list of prohibited substances. Research chemicals can activate obsession and death cases. Lots of research chemical substitute a synthetic version of popular prohibited drugs.

During the time research chems have this name they planned to be used in legal and recreational goals only. The tag “research chemicals” is just used to avoid their categorizing as scheduled drugs. There is a shortage of information connected with chemicals and how they transform addicts. Chemicals formulas are often changed and it’s one more reason why it’s effortful to identify their withdrawal symptoms.

Positive and negative effects and obsession

Mephedrone dependence capability has a power of differ based on the Mephedrone formula. As a consequence of incorrect labeling Mephedrone overdosing takes place more often. Users don’t understand how to consume Mephedrone and often take threatening mass of Mephedrone dose. The hazard increases when Mephedrone is blended with alcohol or additional designer drugs.

Even though Mephedrone is considered prohibited, the Dark Web is ready to highlight vendors on the chems marketplace like BuyResearchChemicalsUSA and RC-Chemical that works in granting Mephedrone for sale and offers to buy mdpv for sale Vendor also provides an extensive choice of other synthetic psychedelics freely online.

RC-Chemical is US-based designer drugs supplier that collaborates directly with Chinese Mephedrone manufacturers. On their website clients have a chance to get Mephedrone for sale online for the inexpensive cost and it won’t be difficult to order Mephedrone with the next day delivery and worldwide shipping. Why all this happens? Chinese law doesn’t prohibit bath salts and their process of producing is low-cost and legit in the country. It’s paradoxical that consumers have a perfect opportunity to buy mephedrone for sale online when dosing counts the price of a meal in McDonald’s.

There’s a huge amount of Mephedrone laboratories that operate with ingredients necessary for creating various research chems. To tell the truth, research chemical Chinese labs have become a source for drug cartels in the United States.

It’s not recommended to purchase research chems on the Dark Web. Clients can face intelligence lawmen who move stealthily in the shadows as well as lose their money as a lot of marketplaces close down as fast as they are opened. After all unlike rare bath salts that consumers can purchase only online, Mephedrone will show up once again in the streets of US cities and will be found by hungry and poor addicts. Anything stops the death toll from lasting to rise. It’s hard to pass up inexpensive research chems created uniquely to get you high on rc.

Never Make The Mistake Of Taking A Woman With A Heart Of Gold For Granted

Over the course of your life, you meet all kinds of people. Some are honest, good, compassionate, and loving. Others are selfish, jealous, and manipulative. But there’s one kind of people that’s unique – people with a heart of gold.

A woman with a heart of gold doesn’t pretend to be good. Because the goodness and compassion are in her heart. It’s in her nature to be kind, selfless, and caring.

This woman’s heart is big enough to contain all the kindness and love in the world.

The woman with a heart of gold is special. Unique. Precious.

She is the kind of person who always looks for the good in others. She believes that every person in this world is as kind and honest as she is. Regardless of how many times you disappoint her, she’ll never give up on you.

Because this woman believes that everyone deserves a second chance. And that’s exactly what she’ll do. She’ll give you a second, and maybe even a third chance, but not because she’s naïve or weak, but because she believes that you can change. She believes that you’re worthy of her trust.

But know that just as every other person, the woman with a heart of gold has limits and she doesn’t let anyone disrespect them. When she realizes that her trust is broken and her kindness abused, she won’t hesitate to let go of you or anyone else that is taking her for granted.

The woman with a heart of gold knows her worth. She knows her qualities and strengths. And she’ll never let anyone make her feel bad about herself.

No matter how much she loves you, she won’t think twice about walking away from you if she realizes that you’re playing with her feelings and trying to manipulate her. She won’t hesitate to let go of you if she realizes that you’re not the honest, kind, loving man you’re pretending to be.

The woman with a heart of gold can give you many chances, but once she’s done – she’s really done.

So, if you ever get the privilege to meet or be loved by this kind of woman, make sure you respect and appreciate her. Make sure you keep her in your life forever because having such a person in your life is priceless. And most importantly, make sure you never take her for granted.


Don’t Take Him Back – You Are Better Off Without Him

I know you miss him. You miss him every moment you’re awake. You miss his touch. His smile. His warmth. You miss looking into his eyes.

I know you’re still thinking of him. Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, he’s always on your mind. Every corner in your house and every place in your town remind you of him. The places where you used to walk past every day. The restaurants you went to for lunch. The bars you went to with your friends.

And I know that his face is all you see in your dreams and his voice is all you hear in the songs you used to devote to each other.

I know you want so bad to get him back.

You want to get back with him. You want to feel that he’s yours again. You want to hear him say: “I’m sorry for everything. I love you.”

I know you’re tired of trying to be and look tough and happy. You’re tired of pretending that you’ve finished the ‘you-and-him’ chapter of your life and that you’re over him.

I know that every time you’re out with your friends, you’re trying hard to convince them that your smile is real. But when you go home, you take off your “happy face” and you start thinking about him and trying to figure out what went wrong and what made your relationship fall apart.

I know the disappointment, pain, and emptiness you feel is too overwhelming. You feel like you’re not yourself anymore. You feel like you’re not in control of your thoughts and actions. You feel like a stranger to yourself.

You’re constantly staring at your phone, waiting for him to call you or text you. You’re typing out lengthy messages only to delete them. You’re checking his status updates on social media. You’re asking people how he is and what he’s doing.

You’re trying to figure out how he could so easily turn from a sweet, caring, devoted man into a selfish and cruel one. How someone’s behavior can change so quickly. How someone can have two faces.

You wish he saw that the way he treated you was wrong. You wish he realized that his problems, mistakes, and frequent angry outbursts were not your fault. You wish he realized how bad he hurt you. You wish he realized that your only fault was loving him too much.

But let me tell you something: Men like him don’t deserve to be with women like you. Men like him don’t deserve to be loved and appreciated by women like you.

Because this man pretended to be nice, compassionate and loving just to lure you into his trap and make you fall in love with him. He used to shower you with affection, compliments, and sweet words just to get under your skin. He fed your hopes with his “white” lies, grandiose promises, and convincing excuses. He managed to convince you that your life was a fairytale.

And one day it all stopped. He stopped being the sweet, kind, and patient man you fell in love with. He became distant. Indifferent.

He stopped seeing and appreciating you for who you were. He stopped seeing the good in you. All he could see was your imperfections. Your weaknesses. Your insecurities. Your fears. Your mistakes. Your failures.

He made you feel responsible for every single thing that went wrong in your relationship. He made you feel irresponsible, clingy, and weak.

He made you feel the bitter taste of love. He made your life a nightmare.

You realized that your relationship wasn’t the way you thought it was – meaningful, deep, strong, happy. Instead, it was troubled. Poor. One-sided.

You were aware of this, but you couldn’t gather the strength to let go of him. You couldn’t walk away without fighting for him. Without trying to fix things between you and giving your best to save the relationship.

But you know how they say: Enough is enough.

You gave him many chances and he squandered them all. You tried to convince yourself that he’d change many times. You let him break your heart time and time again.

But this time – it’s over.

This time you have to tell yourself that he’s not better than you. That he doesn’t deserve you.

This time you have to accept the fact that moving forward without him is going to be hard, but that getting back with him is going to be even harder and more painful.

This time you have to realize your worth and raise your standards.

This time you have to gather the strength to let go of him.

Here’s Why Intelligent Women Have An Overthinking Mind

Regardless of whether they’re busy doing something or relaxing, intelligent women always have millions of thoughts running through their minds. Their minds simply never stop working.

That’s the reason why they always end up overanalyzing everything. When making decisions, both small and big, it’s necessary for intelligent women to contemplate all the potential consequences.

And no matter how simple or unimportant an issue may seem to other people, intelligent women tend to spend large amounts of time and energy analyzing it from every aspect.

Their overthinking minds make them worry all the time, even in situations in which there’s no reason for it. For example, if their partner gets home from work late, they can create all kinds of worst-case scenarios for the reason.

Intelligent women tend to overthink even banal things. Preparing to go out for dinner can be like a nightmare for them. Choosing the restaurant and figuring out what they should wear or order can take them a lot of time.

Smart women tend to overthink everything because they don’t like to be taken by surprise. They want to plan everything in advance and be prepared for everything.

Whether it’s their personal or professional life, they want to be in control of every situation.

Feeling unprepared and not knowing what their next move is is what they hate the most.

That’s why they overanalyze every situation and every person around them. They overanalyze the way others look at and talk to them. They overanalyze the text messages other people send them.

Intelligent women are perceptive and insightful. They’re able to notice everything a person says and does.

These women even try to read the minds of those around them because they want to ensure they don’t get manipulated and deceived. They want to make sure no one crosses their boundaries and disrespects them.

Intelligent women want to ensure no one takes advantage of their kindness and sensitivity. They want to make sure the people they choose to trust and give their love to are worthy of it.

Potty-Mouthed People Make Better Friends, Studies Show

Do you remember the friend you stopped hanging out with because she/he cursed a lot? Well, guess what? Science says that they may be a better and more honest friend than your other non-foul-mouthed friends.

When we were kids, we were often told to refrain from cursing because it’s rude and offensive. Many people think that individuals who regularly use bad language only do it since they have a limited vocabulary and are unable to engage in proper communication.

However, science doesn’t agree with this. Timothy Jay, Professor of Psychology at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts and psychologist Kristin Joy of Marist College conducted a study and found that the ability to generate cuss words is not a sign of verbal deficits or lack of manners. On the contrary, this ability is closely associated with having a wide vocabulary and high fluency.   

“People who use taboo words understand their general expressive content as well as nuanced distinctions that must be drawn to use slurs appropriately. The ability to make nuanced distinction indicates the presence of more rather than less linguistic knowledge,” the researchers wrote.

Another reason why potty-mouthed people make better friends is that they’re more sincere. In one study, published by researchers from Maastricht University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Stanford, and the University of Cambridge, it was found that “a higher rate of profanity use was associated with more honesty.”

The researchers examined the relationship between honesty and profanity in three studies. Firstly,  participants were asked to list their most favorite and most commonly used cuss words as well as to tell how often and why they say them. Secondly, researchers scanned 73,789 participants’ Facebook profiles based on the use of profane words and the honesty of the status updates written by the participants. Finally, researchers used previous data to assess the use of curse words and levels of integrity in each U.S. state.

The researchers concluded that there was a positive relationship between honesty and profanity use. “Profanity was associated with less lying and deception at the individual level and with higher integrity at the society level.”

Last but not least, psychologists also say that people who tend to curse a lot are more comfortable expressing their feelings and opinions as opposed to those who tend to beat around the bush and avoid swearing.

So, next time, you want to accuse a friend of yours of swearing like a sailor, remember that science says these people are not rude, but smart and honest.

I Promise – One Day You’ll Find A Man Who Will Love You Just The Way You Are

Don’t despair.

I know you’ve dated guys who didn’t accept and cherish you for who you were. Guys who made you pretend to be someone you were not. Guys who always found something bad about the way you talked, laughed, dressed, and behaved, and criticized you for it. Guys who never tried to see your good qualities. Your strength. Your soul. Both your outer and inner beauty.

But don’t despair. Because I promise you – one day you’ll find a man who will love you just the way you are.

One day you won’t have to ask yourself whether you should text him or whether he’ll like your new haircut. You won’t have to wonder if he thinks you’re too sensitive, needy, or clingy. You won’t have to doubt your every move. Your feelings. Your thoughts. Your decisions. Your actions.

One day you’ll just be yourself.

Because this man will love you just the way you are.

This man will see and cherish you for who you are. He will understand you. He’ll be genuinely interested in your opinions. In your likes and dislikes.

He will know all your annoying habits, quirks, insecurities, and fears, but he’ll never criticize and belittle you because of them.

He’ll never call you “too emotional,” “crazy,” or “paranoid” when your anxiety or sadness reaches its peak.

He’ll never call you “overly sensitive” or “jealous” when you want to complain to him about your new co-worker.

This man will know all your dark secrets, mistakes, and failures, but he’ll never use them against you. He’ll know all your imperfections, but he’ll never make you feel like you’re less smart, less beautiful, less desirable, or less important because of them.

He won’t expect you to change who you are and pretend to be someone you are not. He won’t make you feel ashamed of your flaws.

To this man, you’ll be perfect just the way you are.

One day you’ll find a man who will love and respect you no matter how different your opinions, likes, interests, and goals are from his.

He won’t bother that you don’t like watching football or that you snooze your alarm 5 times in the morning.

He won’t mind that you like spending Saturday nights at home watching movies on Netflix rather than going out to clubs.

One day you’ll find a man who won’t make you feel like you have to compare yourself with other women. Because he’ll make his love for you known. He won’t make you question his feelings for you or where you stand with him.

He’ll let you know that you mean the world to him.

One day you’ll find a man who will make you feel free and comfortable to be yourself. A man who will recognize and value your individuality and genuineness. A man who will adore your craziness. A man you won’t have to impress because he’ll know how amazing you are.

One day you’ll find a man who will love you just the way you are!