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Here’s Why Outspoken People Make The Best Friends

Irritating and rude as they may be, but blunt people actually make the best friends, according to many psychologists.

I’m sure we all know that one person, be it a family member, a friend, or co-worker, who has absolutely no filter. Outspoken people say exactly what they think and what they want from you without beating around the bush and sugarcoating their words.

With blunt people, it’s simple – if you want to hear their opinion, you’ll get it.

And yes, they can sometimes appear rude and insensitive, but isn’t a sincere opinion, answer, and advice what we all crave and deserve to hear, especially when we’re struggling to make an important decision or going through problems?

So, if you already have a brutally honest friend, you can consider yourself lucky.

Here’s why outspoken people make the best friends:

1. They’re always sincere and direct.

Someone who fits into the category of outspoken people is always going to be straightforward and direct with you. They’re always going to tell you the truth no matter how harsh or painful it may be and regardless of whether you want to hear it or not.

However, this doesn’t mean that they’re going to be inconsiderate and cruel. It simply means that they’ll tell you exactly what you need and deserve to hear so as to better deal with a problem, make an important decision, or get through a difficult or painful time in your life.

2. They are not ashamed to apologize.

Admitting when you’ve said or done something wrong can be hard for some people, but never for blunt people. In fact, admitting when they’re wrong is very easy for them. Why?

Because they can’t stand to beat around the bush or shift the blame onto someone else and act like they’re innocent. Additionally, they don’t find it hard at all pointing other people’s mistakes and bad actions, so why should they have difficulty admitting their own?

3. They always have your back.

Blunt people don’t tolerate injustice and other people’s bullsh*t. When they notice someone is trying to put them down, they’re quick to defend themselves and let the other person know that they’re not going to put up with their behavior.

Having a blunt friend means having someone who is always going to stand up for you and protect you from any person who’d try to belittle you or hurt your feelings. Someone who is always going to stand by your side and unselfishly offer you their help and support. Someone who will never allow you to make stupid mistakes.

4. They have high moral standards and they will never compromise them.

Outspoken people can sometimes appear insensitive and harsh due to the fact that they always tell it like it is, whether you like to hear it or not. But the truth is that it’s not their intention to hurt anyone’s feelings or make themselves look smarter than everyone else.

The thing is that they have high moral standards that they refuse to compromise for anyone. They understand what’s morally right and wrong and with their sincere comments, answers, and advice, they make sure they keep everyone else on the track.

And their brutal honesty and genuine intentions are what make them special and certainly the best friends.

5. You will always know how they feel about you.

A blunt person doesn’t have a problem expressing their feelings and intentions. This means you’ll never have to wonder how they feel about you and what kind of intentions they have with you.

It’s simple – if they don’t like you, they’ll let you know it. And if they want to be your friends, they’ll make sure they build and maintain a meaningful, deep, and lasting friendship with you.

6. They help you grow into the best possible version of yourself.

Most people find it difficult to tell their friends what things they need to change or improve about themselves. But blunt people find no problem in this. An outspoken person is going to point out all your flaws, weaknesses, and fears. They’ll honestly and, most importantly, objectively tell you what aspects of your life need improvement.

So, if you’re really willing and prepared to grow, make sure you carefully listen to what your blunt friend is sharing with you.


Intelligent People Tend To Stay Awake Longer, Leave A Mess Everywhere, And Swear More, Studies Confirm

Do you often stay up late? Does your family or partner often criticize you for leaving a mess everywhere around you? Do you swear like a sailor? Well, if you answered all the questions with a yes, let me tell you that these things might seem to you like they’re just bad habits, but there’s much more to it.

Studies show that people who have these habits are actually highly intelligent.

Here’s why:

Intelligent people are night owls.

People who possess high levels of intelligence tend to be active at night and stay awake longer. One scientific study that was carried out on a large number of young Americans has shown that “more intelligent children grow up to be more nocturnal as adults than less intelligent children.”

The results showed that individuals with an IQ of over 125 go to bed at around 00:29 on both weeknights and weekends.

And it might interest you that some very well-known people from all walks of life are also famous for being night owls, such as Charles Darwin, Elvis Presley, Keith Richards, Winston Churchill, and President Barack Obama.

Intelligent people tend to be messy.

Next time someone reprimands you for the big pile of dirty dishes in the sink or the scattered clothes and books in your bedroom, remember not to take this to heart. Remind yourself that messiness is a trait of highly intelligent people.

Because it really is. Studies conducted at the University of Minnesota have shown that a messy desk is linked to a higher IQ. If you don’t spend a lot of time cleaning, clearing things up, and organizing everything around you, be it in your office, your home, or even your car, your mind is evidently occupied with more important things.

The studies went on to show that a messy setting promotes creative thinking and stimulates new ideas.

Psychological scientist Kathleen Vohs concludes: “Disorderly environments seem to inspire breaking free of tradition, which can produce fresh insights. Orderly environments, in contrast, encourage convention and playing it safe.”

Intelligent people use bad language more.

You go to bed late and you leave a mess behind? Well, if you also tend to swear like a sailor, let us congratulate you – you truly are highly intelligent.

Swearing is usually considered a trait of people who are ill-mannered and unable to engage in proper communication because they have a “limited vocabulary.” However, if you think about this more carefully, you’ll see that it’s those who don’t use cuss words that limit their own vocabulary, simply because they deliberately use fewer words than other people.  

One study has linked people who swear more with higher IQ scores. The study has shown that the ability to generate swear words is a sign of wide vocabulary and high fluency rather than a sign of verbal deficits.

Smoking Statistics Released by NHS – What is The Number of Smokers in the UK?

Of late, the results were published by the National Statistics on Smoking and they are quite encouraging for continuing the fight against tobacco-related illnesses and deaths. ASH or Action on Smoking and Health has been constantly campaigning for several years now with the goal of creating a country free of smoke. Hence the reports revealed will provide them with enough reason for a positive approach. The report includes topics like smoking patterns among children and adults, the recommended items which can help people in quitting smoking and the smoker’s attitude towards smoking.

A few of the key findings of this report are:

  • 16% of adults who are of 18 years of age or more than that, presently smoke, which is down from 20% in 2014.
  • The total number of hospital admissions due to smoke-related disorders was 5% in 2016, down from 8% in 2005-2006.
  • 12% of the mothers smoked cigarettes during the time of their delivery in 2017 and this has been down from 16% in 2008.
  • Tobacco cigarettes were 28% less affordable in 2017 than what it was in 2007.
  • More than 6% of adults in England presently use electronic cigarettes. E-liquids have multiple flavours like some of the ones listed here.

Smoking cessation aids that are prescribed

The NHS has pumped enough money into the industry to help them in quitting smoking. When we say ‘prescription items’, we mean those which are basically made of NRTs or Nicotine Replacement Therapies and Varenicline. Nevertheless, the success of such items have been constantly tested for the last few years and there are many who believe that they play the role of a second option to electronic cigarettes.

This has led to a decrease in popularity of such products with 1.2 million being recommended and used in 2016-2017 as compared to 2.6 million which were dispensed in 2011-2012 with a net cost of $35. This figure is equal to half of what was spent in the year 2010-2011.

What about electronic cigarettes?

With the general result of prescription items being trumped by electronic cigarettes, what do the figure and statistics tell us? As per the Office of National Statistics, 2.5 million people in England use electronic cigarettes in the year 2016 and 50% of these people started vaping electronic cigarettes just because they wanted to quit smoking. Among the other reasons, one more was because they’re touted to be much less harmful than tobacco cigarettes.

As the present statistics are motivating and encouraging enough, still now there are concerns regarding tobacco control and a rather long way to go in helping the fight against tobacco smoking.

Stop Wasting Your Love On Those Who Aren’t Ready To Love You

I know you think this is hard. I know you think that it’s impossible to stop loving someone whom you’ve loved and cared about all your life.

But the truth is – yes, this is hard and painful too, but it’s not impossible.

I know that you’re someone who truly cares about your personal relationships. You’re someone who makes sure you’re always there for others. You’re someone who enjoys making your loved ones happy.

And I also know that you always try to please others because you feel good about yourself when you feel accepted and approved by others.

But let me tell you something: It’s exactly this need to please everyone and be there for others no matter what that steals your time, your energy, and your happiness.

Giving your time, attention, and love to someone who never bothers to make time for you is nothing else but a sign of lack of self-respect.

What’s the point in investing all your energy and love in someone who neglects and ignores you? Someone who takes you for granted.

People who treat you these ways only bring sadness and pain into your life. They make you feel lonely and disregarded.

The truth is that you can’t make someone love you, be it a friend, family member, co-worker, or romantic partner. Love always happens naturally. Love can never be forced.

Therefore, stop wasting your love on those who have no time for you. Those who stand high on your list of priorities but never bother to squeeze you into their “busy schedule.”

Stop giving your love to those who only see you as an option. Those who call you or are good to you only when they need something from you. Those who are kind to and loving toward you only when they want to take advantage of you.

Stop wasting your time on those who don’t even deserve a tiny bit of your attention and energy. Those who are indifferent to you and have no interest in your feelings, opinions, needs, and wishes.

Stop having conversations with people who don’t listen to you. People who don’t care about your opinions or about how you’re feeling. People who pretend like they’re listening to you when you’re sharing your problems with them or complaining because they don’t want to lose the only person who always helps and supports them unselfishly.

Stop sacrificing yourself for people who only care about their own feelings, opinions, needs, and problems. People who don’t care about what’s going on in your life or what you’re going through.

Stop sacrificing your happiness and needs for people who would never do the same for you.

The truth is that no matter how good you are to others or how much you love them, not everyone will love you. And that is what makes it so special and valuable when you find the few people with whom you’re able to create a deep, meaningful connection. The people with whom you can have a true friendship or relationship.

But the more you try to make someone love you when they’re simply incapable of doing that, the more you rob yourself of that genuine connection.

There are billions of people in the world, and there’re so many of them who can connect with you on a deep mental, emotional, and spiritual level, keep up with you, and vibrate with you to the same frequency.

But the more you give your time and love to people who use you only as a second option, a punching bag, or a therapist, the more you keep yourself away from the genuine people you crave.

And if you think that you might ruin your relationships, whether romantic or otherwise, if you stop communicating or hanging out with someone, or stop trying to make your relationship with someone work, know that you’re awfully wrong.

Because if any of your relationships fails, that will mean that the only thing that sustained it was the time and effort you and you alone were investing in it.

And that, my friend, is not love. That’s called attachment.

What you need to understand is that the two most precious things you have in your life are your time and your energy. How you spend them and whom you devote them to are what define your existence.

Once you realize this, you’ll start to understand why you feel so anxious, stressed out, frustrated, and drained when you spend your time with people who are wrong for you and who don’t deserve a place in your life.

You’ll realize that the most important and reasonable thing you can do for yourself is to protect and preserve your energy.

And you can do that by allowing into your life only people that truly care about you. People who will prove worthy of your attention, respect, and love. People who bring out the best in you. People who bring happiness and joy into your life and give you a sense of fulfillment.

You need to understand that it’s not your duty to save and fix everyone. It’s not your duty to always be there for others and take care of other people’s needs, wishes, and problems at the expense of your own.

It’s not your duty to give your time and love to others because you want to please them, or because you feel sorry for them, or because you want them to like you.

But it is your duty to realize that you’re the only one who determines the course of your own life and that you accept the love and respect you think you are worthy of.

It’s your duty to realize that you deserve to be surrounded by honest, kind, compassionate, and positive people.

And when you start implementing these things in your life, you’ll see how everything will start to change. Change for the better.

9 Reasons Why Creative People Sometimes Make No Sense To Others

Are you a creative person? Do you often feel misunderstood by others? Well, if you answered both questions with a yes, i.e. if you often feel like your opinions and words are confusing and unclear to other people although your thoughts make perfect sense to you, then chances are you belong to the category of creatives.

Creative people have personalities that are different from others because their mind works in special ways. Their mind makes countless combinations and it produces constant, different, conflicting thoughts.

The way a creative person’s mind works is probably best explained by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Management and also the founder and co-director of the Quality of Life Research Center.  

In his book Creativity: The Work and Lives of 91 Eminent People, he writes:

“I have devoted 30 years of research to how creative people live and work, to make more understandable the mysterious process by which they come up with new ideas and new things.

If I had to express in one word what makes their personalities different from others, it’s complexity. They show tendencies of thought and action that in most people are segregated. They contain contradictory extremes; instead of being an individual, each of them is a multitude.”

Mihaly also explains the traits that creative people possess and that sometimes make them confusing and unclear to others.

Here they are:

1. Most creatives have a lot of physical energy, but they’re often calm and quiet. Their high energy levels do not affect their productivity because they can work long hours with great concentration and enthusiasm.

2. Most creatives tend to be smart but also naïve at the same time.

Mihaly writes: “It involves fluency, or the ability to generate a great quantity of ideas; flexibility, or the ability to switch from one perspective to another; and originality in picking unusual associations of ideas.”

3. Most creatives combine discipline and playfulness or responsibility and irresponsibility.

However, their playfulness doesn’t outweigh their qualities of endurance and perseverance because most creatives work late into the night and persevere when less determined people wouldn’t.

4. Most creatives alternate between fantasy and imagination, and a strong sense of reality.

Both science and art involve a leap of imagination, which is a leap into a world that differs from the present world. It’s an interesting fact that while creative people use their visionary imagination, they stay aware of reality and pay attention to the details around them.

5. Most creatives are both introverted and extroverted. While we usually belong to one end or the other, highly creative individuals show both traits simultaneously.

6. Most creatives are truly humble and proud at the same time. It’s really unusual and surprising to meet a famous person whom you expect to be haughty, only to encounter a person who is shy and self-critical.  

7. Most creatives are both rebellious and traditional. A person can hardly be creative unless they’re both conservative and traditional and nonconformist and rebellious at the same time.

8. Creatives put a lot of passion and enthusiasm into their work. However, they’re not ashamed or afraid to admit when their work is not very good and credible. When it comes to their work, they’re always objective.

9. The sensitivity and openness of creative people often exposes them to pain and suffering, but also to a great deal of enjoyment. In reference to this, Mihaly writes:

“Perhaps the most important quality, the one that is most consistently present in all creative individuals, is the ability to enjoy the process of creation for its own sake.

Without this trait, poets would give up striving for perfection and would write commercial jingles, economists would work for banks where they would earn at least twice as much as they do at universities, and physicists would stop doing basic research and join industrial laboratories where the conditions are better and the expectations more predictable.”

Exploring the Health Benefits of E-Liquids & Electronic Cigarettes

Smoking tobacco has many negative effects on human health—for example, addiction, lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke. Also, the number of deaths from tobacco and tobacco-related products have been on the rise over the years, and have reached millions per year. Due to these reasons and the great awareness of the ills of tobacco, people have been looking for healthier alternatives to smoking and for ways to give up smoking altogether. E-cigarettes and e-liquids came as a timely answer to this quest for a better substitute for smoking. The beauty of e-liquids is that they come in hundreds of various flavors and varying nicotine strengths for the user to choose what best suits them.

Why are e-liquids and e-cigs considered healthier than traditional cigarettes?

E-liquids contain far fewer toxins 

Smoking puts so many toxins into the body—lead, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and more. These toxic substances are the cause of the illnesses and deaths that come about as a result of smoking cigarettes. Some studies have shown that e-cigs and e-liquids are safer than the traditional cigarette by 95%, since all the poisonous substances associated with smoking do not find their way into the body from using them. For this reason, it is advisable, if you have to puff something, to switch from smoking cigarettes to e-cigs for a healthier way of enjoying it.

E-liquids do not have an irritating smell 

Smoking produces a very unpleasant odor that one can smell several feet away—even like 100 feet away. On the contrary, e-liquids produce a pleasant smell, or one that is far less displeasing, which depends on the flavor of the e-liquid.

E-liquids come in a hundred different flavors 

Do you think users will be limited by choice? Well, e-liquids come in different flavors, allowing the users to pick whatever appeals to them or expresses their personality. The whole vaping experience is fun due to these flavors, which leave one with a pleasant taste. You may choose from fruity flavors or even go for one that tastes like tobacco if you are an ex-smoker who recently switched. It is crucial to buy the e-liquids and e-cigarette devices and accessories from reliable manufacturers, like ePuffer, a global leader in the e-cigarettes industry that offers a first-class vaping experience.

E-cigarettes do not stain your fingers 

Smoking rarely leaves the users without evidence that they are smokers, be they brownish stains from nicotine on the fingers, to stains on the teeth and mouth. However, when it comes to e-cigs, your fingers are left clean and the only thing remaining in your mouth is a pleasant taste of your choice flavor.

E-liquids have varying nicotine strengths and help quit smoking 

Nicotine is the addictive substance in tobacco, and e-liquids have different amounts for those who are addicted to getting their dose. The users can choose e-liquids with a weaker nicotine content to gradually be able to quit nicotine altogether and can choose to continue enjoying nicotine-free e-liquids. The major ingredients of e-liquids are flavorings, base, and nicotine in different strengths, so one can choose either the nicotine strength that is good for them or the nicotine-free e-liquids.


 E-cigarettes and e-liquids are healthier in all aspects than ordinary cigarettes, so those who want to have a puffing experience should go for the former. They are also cheaper and are more socially acceptable than smoking.

What’s the Best Way to Build Endurance?

Most of the exercises we do require endurance. Whether you are swimming, running, cycling, doing aerobic exercises, or even soccer, you must show some endurance for better performance. Endurance will enable you to exercise for longer and to work out or play your sport at the required intensity. Endurance is mostly determined by the rate at which your body can consume oxygen.

Although some factors, like genetics, can influence the volume of oxygen an athlete’s body consumes at a given time, you can improve your oxygen intake by doing target training. For instance, doing high-intensity interval training exercises has been proven to boost the endurance of athletes. When you build your endurance, it means you have more slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are usually responsible for powering activities like running. Below are some of the ways you can boost your endurance and some ways to help you get stronger and work out for longer.

Eat correctly

For you to obtain optimal results from your exercises, it is important to have good nutrition. For endurance, your body must have sufficient carbs, as the body will break down glycogen for energy when the exercises get tougher. The body will only turn to other energy sources like fats once glycogen runs out. It is therefore crucial to eat an average of 30-60 grams of carbs per hour, and this largely depends on the weight of your body. Some steroids have also been proven to boost the endurance of athletes a great deal. You can buy such steroids from Valkyrie, a reliable online steroid vendor, and have them conveniently delivered to you. Research also shows that a proper mix of carbs and proteins will not only prevent muscle damage, but it will also build endurance.

Work on your strength

Variations are crucial if you are working out to boost endurance. It is recommended you do some resistance training, which in turn can strengthen your muscles, bones, and ligaments. This will improve your overall fitness, thus enabling you to do that last sprint towards the finish line. You can do some bodyweight and aerobic exercises to boost your strength.

Do high-intensity interval workouts

High-intensity training can help you boost your endurance when combined with other forms of training. Remember, the idea is doing whatever exercises you do for a longer  period of time and with little strain. The quick bouts of exercises can be good when it comes to increasing how long you can last while exercising. You can run some stairs or do a track workout at a specific speed. It is important to take adequate rest time after doing these exercises due to their intensity.

Work on improving what is weak

Most people create a fitness routine that they tend to stick to. While it is not bad to adhere to your normal routine, it is also important to incorporate more and more variations in your routine, as this will be crucial in boosting your endurance. For instance, if you do a marathon, you can work on improving your speed. If you want to be the best at what you do, then it means you have to improve what seems to be most challenging to you. 

From a Small Town to New York City: 4 Tips for a Smooth Transition

Are you one of the thousands of people who are moving to New York City from a small town? You definitely have many stories to get inspired by and you should read those to learn how others handled the challenges of this change. It’s not easy to transition into big city life, but you can do this if you set your priorities right. And have a plan, because every major change in life needs to be well-planned to be less stressful.

Top 4 Tips for Transitioning from a Small Town to New York City

1. Make personal connections before you move

One of the most overwhelming changes that you’ll need to adjust to when moving to NYC (or any big city for that matter) is that everyone is a stranger. A strong sense of community is one of the ever-present features of a small town. And even if you don’t like all your neighbors there, you most definitely know the majority of them.

In a big city, it’s the total opposite. It might be a relief in some cases, however this change will definitely catch up with you and make adjusting to the new circumstances more difficult. Establishing new relationships is a great way to make the transition less stressful. It’s also a great help as your new friends will help you learn about the city. It will be best to make new friends before you actually move so you already have some social support net to rely on. Use the Internet to meet new people and establish those connections.

2. Join a community you identify with

Friends are good, but your move to New York City will go much more smooth if you have a supportive community to rely on. The good news is that NYC has a great variety of those, so you will definitely find a place to fit in. You can attend NYC events organized by the Jewish community or meetups of the Muslim community. You can find New York City branches or nonprofit organizations which you support, like TIME’S UP or Women’s March Alliance. In case you don’t have any religious or cultural affiliations or a cause to identify with yet, you can look for various hobby groups.

Joining a community should be the first thing you do as this will provide you with an instant support system. Most importantly, this will give you a bit of familiarity, which will help to deal with the transition on the days when everything seems too much. In some cases, the community might even provide assistance with setting up your new life in NYC, like finding a job or an apartment.

3. Learn your way around the public transport system

You won’t be needing your car in New York City. The traffic here is so bad, it’s easier to get anywhere using public transport. The city’s infrastructure is very good, but also rather complicated.

Therefore, it’s essential that you learn your way around the routes you’ll need to take regularly. You also need to become adept at using Google Maps or other similar apps that will help you navigate New York.

4. Take some time to adjust

If you want to reduce the stress of transitioning from small-town life to being an NYC resident, you shouldn’t rush it. Give both your body and mind some time to adjust to the new rhythm and circumstances.

Plan this adjustment period into your budget and try to make it as long as you can afford it. If it’s impossible for you not to start working right away, you should try to use your weekends to the max. Let yourself wander around the neighbourhood familiarizing yourself with your new place on these days.

The Guy Who Knows Your Worth Will Treat You Just Like This

When it comes to men and love, it’s true that most of them tend to voice their feelings and utter those three magical words I love you less than women do. However, it’s also true that when a man knows your worth and he’s truly and deeply in love with you, he’ll make sure you know it.

When a man is aware of who you are and how much you mean to him, he’ll never let you question his feelings for you and where you stand in his life. Instead, he’ll make sure he treats you the way you deserve and makes you feel like you’re the happiest and most important person in the world.

When a man knows your worth and how amazing you are, he’ll treat you just like this:

1. First things first, he’ll make sure he catches you once you fall for him.

When a man is aware of your worth, he won’t make you fall in love with him without having any intention of reciprocating your feelings. He won’t string you along or play mind games with you.

Instead, he’ll make sure you know you occupy a special place in his heart and he’ll do his best to prove to you that you didn’t make a mistake choosing him.

2. He’ll make sure you know you can always rely on him.

When you’re in a relationship with a man who loves you honestly and knows your worth, you’ll never have to think twice before asking for his help. You won’t need to worry about whether it’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon or 2 o’clock in the morning because he’ll always be available for you.

When a man is truly in love with you, he’ll never make you feel like you’re a burden to him. Instead, through his kindness, compassion, unselfishness, and willingness to always be there to help and support you, he will prove to you that you stand high on his list of priorities and that he’s always willing to squeeze you into his schedule.

3. He’ll never make you worry that he might disappear out of the blue.

When a guy is aware of your worth and how important you’re to him, he’ll never do an immature, inconsiderate, disrespectful thing, such as giving you the brush-off or disappearing out of the blue.

Instead, he’ll make sure you know how much he loves you and how much you mean to him. And if his feelings for you change, he won’t disrespect you by ghosting you or acting like he doesn’t give a damn about you, but he’ll be open and direct with you.

4. He’ll never make you doubt his love for you.

You might have often had to struggle with this kind of doubts in your previous relationships, but when you’re with a man who is genuinely and deeply in love with you, these doubts will never cross your mind. Why?

Because he’ll wear his heart on his sleeve. You’ll feel his love by the way he treats you. By the way he looks at you and touches you.

He’ll make sure you know that he only has eyes for you and that you don’t have to worry about whether you’re just one of his girls. He’ll make sure you know that you’re the only woman who holds the key to his heart.

5. He’ll ensure you feel comfortable expressing your feelings around him.

When you’re in a relationship with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, you can be sure that you’ll feel free and comfortable to do the same. You’ll feel comfortable to show him your weaknesses, insecurities, and fears. You’ll feel comfortable to express everything you feel, whether about him, your relationship, your family or friends, or your job.

He’ll never make you feel like you’re too sensitive or too dramatic or like you’re suffocating him with your worries and problems. He’ll make sure you let all your feelings out of you because he wants the two of  you to enjoy a relationship that is healthy, meaningful, and harmonious.

6. He’ll let you know he’s proud of you.

When a man is aware of the worth of the woman he loves the most, he’s not ashamed to show how proud of her he is. He lets his friends and family know how amazing she is.

When your man is proud of everything you are and everything you do, you can be sure that his loved ones will know everything about you and admire you as well even before they meet you thanks to the great words and stories he will tell them about you.

Additionally, he’ll be willing and more than thrilled to meet your family and friends and he’ll make sure he gets along well with them because he knows how important they are to you.

7. He’ll include you in his plans for his future.

You’ll know that you’re with a man who truly loves you and knows your worth if he imagines his future with you. He’ll be thrilled to talk about the things you’ll be doing together, or about the house you two will be living in, or the places you’ll visit in the future.

When a man truly knows your worth, his greatest wish is to spend his future with you, and his greatest fear is losing you.

An Honest Letter To Every Judgmental And Hypocritical Person In My Hometown

Dear judgmental, small-minded and hypocritical people from my neighborhood,

I never really met your level of perfection and righteousness, did I?

It seems like whatever I do, you always have something to say about me.

I know how things are. We’re all living in a small town, people know each other and behave like they are practically a family. You believe that you have the right to judge everyone and everything that is different. So, the majority of people are too afraid of what you might say about them and they accept this way of life.

But, unlike them, I am different. And I am not afraid to show that.

True, my stubbornness and peculiarity have brought me a lot of pain, disappointments, and questions in my mind, but they’ve never forced me to change. I am who I am. What you have to say about it is your problem, not mine.

Still, I cannot understand why your entire lives revolve around gossiping and ruining other people’s lives. I cannot find a logical reason for your actions.  

For every move I make, every step I take, every word I say, there’s always a person who tries to put me down or harm me in any other way. I don’t really know how you do it, but I’ve noticed that there is always someone lurking around the corner, waiting for me to make the next mistake.

You are constantly there to point the finger at me. You are constantly there to share your side of the story and spread lies about me. You are sweeping my trash without realizing how dirty you are yourself. You are completely obsessed with me.

And you know what the funniest thing is?

You don’t know me. At all. You just think that you’ve seen every version of me. But the person I am is simply the version I am choosing to share with you. Nothing more.

So, listen.

You can hate me, disrespect me, mock me and judge me all you want, but I will never change who I am. I am perfectly aware that I could never please everyone on this planet. And I am okay with that. The people who mean to me love me for exactly who I am. The ones who have no part in my life have no power over me.

I just hope that there will come a time when all of you will learn that you have to be more accepting and kinder to people. For the sake of your and our children. For the sake of the next generations that will learn from all of us.

If you’d only put that much effort and time into loving people and accepting their differences, the world would have been a better place.

Only dead fish go with the flow. So, I’d rather struggle and swim against the current than try to fit in just so you would accept me. My differences make me who I truly am.

Yours truly,

The woman you love to criticize.