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How To Love Yourself More In 8 Simple Steps

We all think that we do love and are kind to ourselves, and yet our actions and lives say otherwise. We’re so busy waiting for someone to love us that it seems like we have forgotten about that one person that we need to love first – ourselves.

Self-love is essential to your mental health, to your personal and professional growth, to the achievement of your dreams, and to establishing and maintaining healthy, meaningful, happy relationships with other people.

Self-love means accepting and cherishing yourself with all your shortcomings, weaknesses, and imperfections. It means respecting yourself and thinking of yourself in positive ways.

Self-love means taking care of yourself – your mind, body, and spirit. It means being willing and strong enough to take the actions required for your happiness and peace of mind.

It means being willing and determined to set high standards for your relationships and cut all toxic people out of your life. It means being willing to forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on with your life.

So, if you want to practice self-love and be kind to yourself, make sure you start following these 8 simple steps:

1. Embrace your past.

We have all made mistakes and bad decisions. We have all experienced heartbreaks, losses, and emotional pain. We all carry burdens from our past. But what you should remember is that you mustn’t let those burdens weigh you down and prevent you from fully enjoying the beauty of the present moment.

You mustn’t let your unpleasant, negative past experiences define you and stand in the way to your happiness and success. You mustn’t let your past define and affect your future and prevent you from living life to the fullest.

Therefore, instead of dwelling on your past or running away from it, you need to embrace it.

2. Focus on the positive things about yourself.

Most of us tend to focus on what we don’t like about ourselves, such as our flaws, insecurities, and fears. But the truth is that the more you focus on these things, and the more you think of yourself in negative ways, the more these thoughts and negative feelings intensify and turn into beliefs and unavoidably begin to shape your reality.

If you want to avoid creating a negative self-image and feeling bad about yourself, you need to make sure you put all your focus on the things you like about yourself – your strengths, virtues, and successes. Once you start thinking about yourself in a positive and compassionate way, you’ll realize how wonderful you already are.

3. Eliminate the negative influences from your life.

Anyone who says they love you and truly care about you, but they make you feel neglected or ignored, or are not there when you need them the most, or often upset you and hurt your feelings, deserves no place in your life.

Such people are only draining your energy and eating away at your happiness and confidence. They’re not worthy of your time and love and they don’t bring any value to your life.  So, if you already have such people in your life, make sure you distance yourself from them as soon as you can.

4. Take more time to do the things you enjoy doing.

Regardless of whether it’s listening to music, watching movies, riding a bicycle, or hanging out with your friends, make sure you set aside more time for it.

Living life at a hectic pace, it’s easy for you to forget about doing the things that fill you with peace, happiness, and positive energy. Therefore, you need to make sure you devote more time to doing the things you want to do, even if that sometimes means declining your friends’ invitation to go to the movies or a party.

5. Take care of your physical health.

Your body always knows what it needs and “informs” you about it by sending you signals. But when you ignore your body’s whispers for rest, healthy diet, and love, you’re sending yourself the message that you are not worth taking care of and loving.

On the other hand, when you take care of your body, i.e. eat healthy food, get enough sleep, and do physical exercises regularly, you send yourself the message that you love and value yourself and that you’re worth everybody’s love and appreciation.

6. Get out of your comfort zone.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong about living your life in your comfort zone – the state where worry, stress, and fear are minimal. But this can turn into a serious problem if you become too comfortable and begin holding yourself back instead of trying new things and allowing yourself to learn and grow.

So, if there’s something you have always wanted to do or a place you have always wanted to visit, but haven’t because you lacked confidence or strength, make sure you get out there and do it. Experiencing new things will boost your confidence and create a sense of adventure, and it can also help you achieve things you never believed you could.

7. Practice acts of kindness towards others.

Be kind, compassionate, and considerate toward other people. Be always willing to do small and great tasks to help those who live in your house, your neighborhood, or your community. Let others know that there’s someone who truly cares about their feelings, needs, and problems.

Treating others with kindness and compassion and sharing your love with them will give you a sense of fulfillment and bring more love into your life.  

8. Appreciate and be grateful for your life.

As the well-known American author and motivational speaker Susan Orman says: “When you are grateful – when you can see what you have – you unlock blessings to flow in your life.”

The problem is that we all tend to focus our attention on the things we want to change about ourselves, our career, and our relationships with others as well as the things we’re missing in our lives.

But if you stop focusing on all this and, instead, focus on and embrace the things you already have in your life as well as all the people who truly love and care about you, you’ll open the road for many more of those things to come.

When you’re grateful for everything that you already have in your life, loving yourself more is unavoidable.

I Rely On My F*ck-Off Fund, And This Is Why It Is Important For All Of You To Have It

Like it or not, money makes the world go round. So, naturally, finances play a huge role in our lives. That includes our romantic relationships as well.

We’ve all heard the unfortunate life story of a close relative who struggled with an abusive husband and couldn’t find a way to get out of the toxic relationship because everything she owned was seized and controlled by him.

The person I personally knew found a way to save herself from the wicked claws of her toxic partner. But, unfortunately, not all of the people are lucky and strong enough to do that. Some succumb to the pressure and surrender. Others fight, but eventually, they give up.

That is exactly what inspired me to write this.

And that is why you need a f*ck-off fund.

Now, I know that some of you are probably rolling your eyes and wondering what that is. So, to all of you who have never heard of this word before, a f*ck-off fund is literally your way of existence. Your own savings. Your own money account.

When you think about it, it shouldn’t be called that way, because every single person should understand how important it is to be completely independent. But, regardless of how you like to call it, this is something that every woman should have. And I hope you know why I am specifically referring to women in this article.

We live in a society that is fighting hard to promote gender equality. But, despite the efforts to stop women oppression, there are women who are still going through that hell.

As I said earlier, we all know a friend, a relative or a college who struggled or still struggles with an abusive, controlling partner. So, this goes to all of you ladies. I know that it is difficult for you, but you can do it. Just remember that when you finally find the courage to speak up, we will be there to support you!

For now, please hear me out!

You should never expect anyone to support you. It is good to have kind, honest friends and family that loves you, but these people will not always be around. Things change. Tomorrow doesn’t always come for all of us. You are the only one you can truly rely on.

No matter how loving your relationship is now, you can never predict what the future has in store for you. There are a thousand examples of people who have lost everything they ever owned to their husband. Having your own fund of money is having your own back.

Finances are a powerful asset and all of the manipulators know this. When you are not dependent on anyone else but yourself, no one can take advantage of you or harm you. Self-care is not only treating yourself to a spa session on a weekday. Self-care is protecting yourself by working hard on yourself and relying on who you are as a person.

Following your own interests, developing your own career, working hard on your goals and creating a fund on which you can depend on is not only a smart thing to do – it is the most essential rule for a good and happy life.

Don’t ever allow to be treated less just because of your gender. The fact that you are a woman does not make you unable to work, chase your dreams and earn your own goddamn money. You are a strong human being.

I rely on my f*ck-off fund and so should all of the women out there.

Being able to stand on both your feet and have total control over your life is not a privilege, it is a natural right for equality.

7 Cycling Gadgets You Need to Check Out Now

Cycling is the perfect activity to get fit, save money, and help the environment. It’s been proven to have several health benefits, including boosting cardiovascular fitness, building muscles, strengthening the bones, and improving mental health. This is why biking has increasingly become more popular over the years.

And this is apparent in the many advances in technology in biking gadgets that are now available to riders. Whether you’re a new biker or a longtime rider, these must-try gadgets will improve your overall cycling experience as well as keep you safe on the road.

Laser Bicycle Light

High visibility is a priority when riding a bike, especially at night, during bad weather, or in the dark. A laser bicycle light uses LED lights to project a bicycle symbol on the road, about six meters ahead, to let other commuters know that a rider is incoming. This can help avoid collisions with other vehicles and pedestrians especially when turning at a blind spot.

Bike Lighting System

A lot of advancements in biking technology center on increasing the rider’s visibility, and the bike lighting system is one of those that are taking the biking community by storm. This technology uses responsive LED rings mounted on the bicycle wheels to provide 360-degree illumination and high visibility when you’re riding. Some systems also integrate turn signals and smart brake lights that notify other commuters when you intend to slow down. 

Cycling Power Meter

For those who are aiming to improve their biking performance, a cycling power meter is the perfect tool to track progress and help your training. The device provides insight into your performance by allowing you to monitor how much power you use on the bike. More advanced designs use an accelerometer, a wind pressure sensor, an elevation sensor, and a speed sensor to get an accurate measurement of power.

Battery-Powered Biking Bell

Another way you can make yourself noticeable on the road is to use a biking bell. Modern biking bells are battery-powered, so they produce sound intensity over 90 decibels to warn other road users better. The small device can be attached to the bike’s handlebar and is weather resistant. Most modern biking bells also come with several sound options to choose from. 

Smart Lock

Safeguard your bike with a smart lock system that connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth, letting unlock your bike without a key, and check in on it from time to time. The smart lock sends an alarm to your phone whenever your bike is disturbed or if it senses someone trying to remove it by force.

And in case a thieving attempt succeeds, it also a geolocator to help you track its location and get it back. Some models also come with mounted solar panels so the device can charge by itself.

Turn Signal Gloves

One of the rules of safe cycling is to clearly communicate your intention—whether you’re turning, stopping, or overtaking—to other road users. Cyclers typically use gestures and body language to signal other drivers. But sometimes, other road users don’t notice these warnings, especially in high-traffic areas.

This is where turn signal gloves come in handy. The LED lights mounted on the gloves makes the biker’s hand easier to see, especially at night or in the dark, when they signal a turn. Most drivers instinctively look out for light signals, so it helps when cyclers make themselves noticeable this way.

Bicycle Dynamo 

Use a bicycle dynamo to harness the energy on your wheel to charge your smartphone and store energy for future charges. A bicycle dynamo is typically mounted on the rear hub of the bike where it collects the rotational energy of the wheels, converts it to power, and charges your phone, power bank, and low-power devices. Nowadays, you find a range of dynamo hubs, from the most high-efficiency ones to basic chargers, in the market.

Stay Safe and Fit

If you’re planning to take up a new hobby soon, cycling is one of the best activities you can start. It offers good exercise for your mind and body, without straining your muscles and bones. Plus, it’s environmentally friendly and cost-effective. You can equip your bike with the modern gadgets to have a safer and improved biking experience.

How to Stay Safe and Healthy in 2019

Every year, we make New Year health resolutions that most of us forget about by the end of January. Let this year be different and let us progress towards a safer, healthier lifestyle with these health and safety tips for 2019.

Eating Better

Not that much has changed in regard to what can be considered healthy in 2019, but awareness is more widespread now, especially thanks to the fact that there is so much information available about it on the internet. Adopt a diet to lose those pounds that you had been wanting to lose for the last few years now! In general, spend some time to understand how each of the nutrients affect our body and what a healthy diet actually means.

See the Doctor

Thousands of people all around the country suffer and even pass away from illnesses and injuries that could have been treated successfully if they went to the doctor in time. Therefore, if you have been ignoring a health issue for a long time, get it checked out this year to get relief and mental peace. Even if you do not have any unattended physical or mental problems at the moment, getting a full body checkup at least once or twice a year is highly recommended.

Get a Medical Alert System

As people get older, or when they suffer from debilitating injuries and life-threatening conditions, it is important for them to have access to a medical alert system. Generally, it consists of a single button, worn at all times by the person. When the distressed individual presses the button, it sends a signal to the base station, which then alerts the medical emergency team associated with the service.

On getting the distress signal, the call center communicates with the patient and/or calls the necessary emergency services for immediate medical attention. In order to get a good medical alert system, you will need to compare your available options on a site like Medical Alert Buyers Guide first, because not all of them have the same features. Once you do find a decent product, it offers unmatched mental peace to know that everyone in your home is safe, even when you are not there.

Find an Exercise that You Like

An alarming number of people leave the gym after just a few months or even weeks, and the reasons vary from excuses such as not having enough time, to downright boredom. Boredom is a real problem though, and coupled with the aches and pains that are associated with traditional exercises, staying in the gym becomes a much harder task than it should be.

This is the reason why you need to find an exercise that you actually like enough to continue. It could be anything from taking up a new sport to learning martial arts; as long as you are regularly attending and enjoying it, it’s going to be your key to staying fit in 2019 and beyond.

Wear Pollution Masks

It is more prevalent in the big cities than anywhere else, but air pollution in 2019 is on the rise in general. Try to avoid going out in smoggy conditions without a face mask to keep the carcinogenic particles out of your lungs, and always check your local pollution index before leaving home in the morning. Children and seniors are the most susceptible to respiratory infections, so extra caution is advised.

The world is changing and adaptation is essential in order to stay safe and healthy in 2019. Much of what we considered safe even five years ago isn’t considered so safe anymore, so in addition to what we just discussed, it is also imperative to stay updated with the latest happenings in the world of health and safety.

This Is Why Being In A Relationship Is Too Hard For Someone Who Overthinks

Life is hard and challenging enough as it is. But, if you add a loud and anxious mind to that combination, it becomes completely unbearable to keep moving forward.

This is something that most of you might not understand, but it is also something that I believe will speak to some of you.

The ones who are usually misunderstood by the crowd. The people who are afraid to freely express their fears and unreasonable emotions. The ones who have a white noise inside their heads. The people who’ve spent their lives fighting battles with their thoughts.

The overthinkers.

Overthinking is a serious condition. And it is one of the most common reasons why some relationships collapse. But the people who struggle with their chaotic minds and confusing thoughts cannot really help themselves, no matter how hard they try. If you could somehow put yourself into their shoes for a while, you would immediately realize that anxiety is not a joke.

Overthinking is setting yourself on fire, but also being the only person who owns a fire extinguisher.

Overthinking is like drowning in the ocean without having someone around to help us.

Overthinking is avoiding the STOP signs and running in a dark opposite direction.

It is your mind playing a trick on you. Your senses manipulating you. Your logic abandoning you. Your self-confidence fading away. Your gut instinct failing you.

Having a loud, anxious and chaotic mind means paying attention to every little thing, every move, every change, every eye-roll and every tap on the floor. It is picking up things that we shouldn’t. It is perceiving something through a completely different perspective, one that is not even realistic most of the time.

In a nutshell, overthinking is holding on to what-ifs instead of living freely.

Naturally, if you haven’t dealt with this, you probably cannot even imagine what it feels like inside the minds of these people.

Life as a completely unpredictable experience is already too much for them to handle. But the greatest challenge these people face is being in a relationship.

It is not that they cannot love another person. It’s not that they have no feelings inside their hearts. These people love from the bottom of their hearts, but at the same time, they are terrified. They are afraid that their love might push you away. They are afraid that their unconditional devotion will be too much for you. They are afraid that their vulnerability will show you their weaknesses.

And so, they overthink. The second these thoughts cross their mind, they completely lose themselves. Suddenly they cannot think straight, they cannot focus on the big picture and they simply cannot get a hold of themselves. They no longer have control over their minds. Their thoughts are holding them as hostages.

They cannot find a way to their hearts. They can’t seem to remember that their mind is only playing tricks on them. That nothing they actually feared is real.

But that’s when you come into the picture. That’s why it is so important for you to understand their peculiar nature and their paranoia. Because there will be times when they will feel so weak that they won’t be able to pick themselves from the ground and move on. They will need you to be there for them and wake them up from their nightmarish dream.

I know that this sound like a lot of effort. And I know that these people are really difficult to love. But, underneath that confusing and paranoid exterior, lies a fragile heart that loves and wants to be loved fiercely. Believe me.

At the end of the day, overthinking means overloving.

To The Man I Truly Loved – You’ll Regret Pushing Me Away

You broke my heart.

I don’t think you’re aware of what you did to me. I don’t think you understand how bad you hurt me. But now you’re going to hear it.

I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. I fell in love with your green eyes and disarming smile. I fell in love with your charm, kindness, generosity, and sense of humor.

But time showed that I’d fallen in love not with the actual you, but the person I thought you were. The person you wanted me to think you were.

I fell madly and hopelessly in love with the perfect image of you I created in my mind.

Because you were never the kind, compassionate, and honest man I thought you were. You were a manipulative, lying, inconsiderate man. A hunter. A hunter of innocent souls.

You knew everything about the heartbreaks and pains I’d been through before I met you. You knew how hard it was for me to let you into my life.

But you used my weaknesses and vulnerability to lure me into your toxic trap and make me fall in love with you. You made me let my guard down.

You told me to believe you. You promised you’d never walk away like the men I was in a relationship with did. You promised that you’d always protect my heart. You promised that you’d show me what true happiness and love felt like.

You convinced me I was safe with you.

You made me believe that you truly loved me. That you were The One.

But you weren’t in love with me. You were in love with the way I treated you. The way I looked at you. The attention I gave you.

You were in love with the fact that I made you the center of my world.

You broke all your promises.

Instead of showing me what genuine happiness and love feel like, as you promised, you showed me what sadness and pain feel like. And I have to admit – you were really good at it. You were the best teacher – you taught me that they hurt to the bone.

How could you hurt me that way? How could you be so heartless and cruel?

How could you be so cruel towards the one person who loved you wholeheartedly and unconditionally? The person that was there for you through thick and thin. The person who loved you with all your flaws, whims, and weaknesses.

You used your own problems and insecurities against me. Instead of focusing on my qualities and the love I felt for you, you focused on my faults and never missed a chance to point them out and make me feel bad about them.

You made me feel weak. You made me doubt my strength and self-worth.

You made me feel lonely. You made me feel like a ghost. Like I was just a second option to you. It never occurred to you to think about how your actions and cruel words made me feel.

And what did I do to deserve this?

Did I deserve this because I gave you all of me? Or because I tried hard to be the person you wanted me to be? Or because I cared about your feelings, needs, wishes, and problems more than about mine? Or because I loved and fought for you like no other woman ever has?

How could you change so quickly from the man I fell in love with into the man you’re now?  How could you turn so fast from a warm, tender, and loving person into a cold, emotionless, and inconsiderate one?

How could you “kill” the man who stole my heart and whom I believed loved me the way I loved him?

I have so many questions and the only answer I can think of is that the sweet, compassionate, loving man I thought you were actually never existed. Because when you truly love someone, you don’t make them suffer. You don’t make them feel sad and cry. You don’t ruin their hopes.

And this is exactly what you did to me – you broke me and shattered my hopes.

But you know how they say – we all have limits.

I could no longer let you have control over me. I could no longer continue falling for your empty promises, blatant lies, and sweet words.

I gathered enough strength and walked away.

But I didn’t walk away because I gave up, but because you pushed me away. Because you didn’t bother to keep me.

I walked away because I gave so much of myself to you and it was still never enough. Because I’ve had enough of the torture.

Because it hurts to the bone when you realize you were never as important to someone as they pretended you were.

Because I could no longer stay in a relationship that was dragging me down more and more with each new day.

So, yes, I walked away, but I walked away knowing I gave it my all.

And I want you to know that, yes, you broke my heart, but it wasn’t me who lost this game. Because I may have lost someone who didn’t love me, but you lost someone who loved you truly and wholeheartedly. Someone who was willing to do everything for you.

And one day, you’ll realize I truly cared about you. You’ll realize what you had. And you’re going to miss me. You’ll regret everything you’ve done to me and all the emotional damage you’ve caused me. You’ll regret letting me walk away.

One day, we’ll be neither friends nor enemies. We’ll be just two strangers with some common memories.

And one day, you’ll wish I was by your side, but I won’t be there. I won’t be waiting for you. And then you’ll feel lonely and empty. Then, you’ll experience the pain that I went through.

Then I’ll be with someone to whom I’ll mean everything. Someone who won’t have to make me walk away to know what he has lost.

The People Who Are Often Labeled As Loners Possess These 10 Amazing Characteristics

Loners. The most misunderstood and judged people. They are usually labeled as shy, arrogant, antisocial, weird, unfriendly, mysterious and sometimes even as rude. According to the average person, these people hate being around other people. They have an inflated sense of self and on top of that, no friends.

But the reality is far from that.

The people who have met these remarkable human beings will agree with me. You see, loners have a different mindset. It is true that their unique personality is often a result of certain traumatic experiences in their past, but that doesn’t mean that loners despise human beings.

According to professor Jonathan M. Cheek, a psychologist at Wellesley College, “Some people simply have a low need for affiliation”.

So, if you’ve recognized yourself in these descriptions, keep reading. These are 10 remarkable personality traits most loners possess:


Loners have respect for other people, and they value time more than anything else. If there’s anything that is truly important to them, that is being on time and being surrounded by people who respect their time as well.


People who prefer to spend their time alone might sound like people who are very closeted and judgmental. But believe it or not, the reality is quite the opposite. These amazing human beings have an open mind and an adventurous spirit that are always open to learning and experiencing new things.


Their strong will and wisdom combined with their pragmatic personality are also one of their best traits. They allow them to overcome every obstacle along their way.

These people never waste their time worrying about a problem. Whatever happens to them, loners are always 100% focused on finding a creative and innovative solution.


Loners are not afraid to embrace their innermost feelings and their vulnerability. They know their strengths and they know their weaknesses. These people are fully aware of who they are and what they carry inside their soul. Loners know and understand themselves better than anyone else. That is why the only person they usually confide in is themselves.


They might not crave the presence of other people in their lives, but that doesn’t mean that loners have no friends. In fact, it is quite the opposite. These people are known as the most loyal partners a person could ever ask for. Loners have a close circle of friends whom they respect and love more than words can say.


People who prefer to spend their time on their own know their worth. Life has shown them that the only person they can truly rely on will always be themselves. That is why when it comes to taking care of themselves, they are very protective. They have strong and clear boundaries that cannot be easily crossed.


The biggest strength loners possess is their realistic point of view. They are not one of those people who would cover their imperfections and do their best to expose their best sides. No. Loners are aware of their strengths as well as their flaws. And they’re proud of them.


This usually sounds very contradictive to some people, but the ones who are in love with a loner or know someone who prefers to live their life on their own will always understand this.

These human beings are some of the most pure-hearted, kind and compassionate people. They have a big heart who cares for every living soul out there.


Not all of us possess this incredible gift of Clair-knowing. Loners are among those special people who have been blessed with this ability. Their gut instinct is the only guide that leads them in life.


Loners don’t need to be surrounded by people to feel happy. They don’t need to be in relationships to be fulfilled. They don’t need to be accepted by others to feel good. they don’t need to be completed by another human being.

Loners are independent human beings who like to do things at their own pace and in their own way. They are whole on their own.

5 Most Popular Massage Techniques and Their Benefits

The popularity of massage therapy is growing; each year, the number of performed massages increases by 20% from the previous year. What’s more, there are over 250 different massage therapy techniques! It’s crazy!

While the popularity of massage techniques varies year to year, the overall massage benefits are taking hard to ignore.

Forget about the amateur massage taps on the back; the ancient tradition claims to cure it all: stiff joints, anxiety, and even diabetes!

And if you are ready to jump on the old wellness wagon and unwind, let’s have a look at the popular five massage techniques and benefits.

 But, let’s look first on what is massage therapy?

What is massage therapy?

Northwestern Health Sciences University explains that massage therapy is “manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are dozens of types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities).”

There are two categories in which you can divide the majority of massages based on what are their primary functions:

1.Rehabilitative massage (practiced in clinics, hospitals)

2. Relaxation massage (practiced in spas, resorts, and wellness centers)

The massage therapists regularly use accessories and massage devices such as massage chairs and tables, to improve the quality of their work and adapt each massage to their client’s needs.

While visiting a massage therapist is beneficial, there are many other ways to get your required massage from the comfort of your own home.

You can choose between a wide variety of massage therapy devices, all depending on your needs and preferences. A few are growing quite popular lately. Also, home massage devices are becoming more common. Many companies now started to develop various massage chair, so people can benefit from massage therapy right from home. Johnson wellness massage chair brand is one of the market leaders.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe an actual machine could substitute real human hands, but these machines are quite practical to keep at hand. They can improve your workouts, soothe sore muscles, and even reduce stress!

Massage Techniques

Massage therapy dates all the way to Ancient China. While we may go for a simple aromatherapy massage at home to achieve relaxation in combination with essential oils, there are, in fact, many more massage therapy benefits than just a romantic knead and stroke on the back.

While there some different therapies, we prepared a list of 5 different massage techniques and their benefits.

Myofascial Release

This is a type of massage therapy that is used to treat myofascial pain syndrome. The massage soothes the tense and tight trigger points, trying to reduce pain. These points are the centers where the pain usually comes from.

Overall, the point of this therapy is to relax the muscles, break down scar tissue, and improve good posture. It used for low back pain, sports injuries, arthritic conditions, stiff neck, arthritic conditions, and headaches.

The benefits of myofascial massage include reduced facial tension, pain relief and improved mobility.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are knots, the sensitive spots in soft tissue. Trigger point therapy focuses on these points, providing relief to the painful area.

This type of massage therapy consists of rubbing and pressing on knots. By applying pressure, it can also be painful or uncomfortable. This massage uses different techniques, including dry needling, a popular and effective method.

Overall, this therapy provides users with relief of headaches, joint, and muscle pain, back and neck pain, and sciatica.

Swedish Massage Therapy

The Swedish massage is along with Shiatsu probably one of the most popular massage techniques, and there’s a good reason for that. It’s recommended for beginners, amateurs, and athletes alike.

Swedish massage technique involves using massage oil or lotion. It is a combination of long, soft, kneading, circular motions, and relaxing, light strokes. This technique is both energizing and relaxing.

When it comes to benefits of Swedish massage, this technique is efficient for people who struggle  wth sore, stiff muscles. It also helps to boost the recovery from injuries, manage pain, and boost circulation.

Deep Tissue Massage

This type of massage technique is for those who suffer from pain. Deep tissue massage is a more therapeutic technique and can also be slightly painful at times.

This massage technique involves slow but long strokes, very similar to a Swedish massage. It focuses on the deep muscle layers.

The benefits of deep tissue massage involve the healing of scar tissue, removing knots, tension relief, and even the release of toxins from the muscles. Usually, this technique is used to treat chronic pain and to reduce inflammation.

Shiatsu Massage Therapy

As an Ancient Japanese massage technique, Shiatsu is very similar to acupressure. It works to balance the life energy and restore the balance in the body’s channels.

Shiatsu means finger pressure in Japanese. This is applied with fingers, elbows, knees, feet, thumbs, and hands. It stretches limbs, joints, and most importantly, pressure points. Pressure applied to the specific point on the body helps to restore your energy flow.

Overall, shiatsu helps to boost the body’s ability to heal itself and benefits your wellbeing. Shiatsu is a relaxing massage that relieves stress, but it also treats pain and illness. What’s more, it also boosts blood and lymph circulation among others.

Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage aims to soothe tired muscles, relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and promote relaxation by eliminating stress from the environment.

Apart from that, other massage therapy benefits include:

1.Can help to lower blood pressure

Massage may help to reduce high blood pressure, according to this report:

“massage therapy was a safe, effective, applicable and cost-effective intervention in controlling BP of the pre-hypertension women and it can be used in the healthcare centers and even at home.”

2. Soothes anxiety stress, and depression

For people who suffer from high-stress levels, fatigue, and even anxiety, massage therapy has been shown to lower these feelings.

Some research shows links between depression and chronic pain to changes in cognitive functioning. By using a different kind of massage therapies, it would be possible to improve chronic pain, low energy, and even depression.

3. Improves athletic performance

A sports massage is a common practice for many athletes. It improves the healing process, boosts their overall performance, and prevents injuries or problems (ligament tears).

What’s more, it helps them to promote the circulation and warm up the muscles before a workout.

4. Treats and relieves back pain

Back pain, especially chronic low back pain can be incredibly challenging to suffer on a daily basis. According to this study, massage has been proven to relieve that pain, minimize it, and even eliminate it.

5. Reduces joint pain, helps with fibromyalgia

Massage therapy can be hugely beneficial for those with stiff joints and muscles, as well as those who experience symptoms of fibromyalgia. Myofascial release therapy is especially helpful for those who have fibromyalgia.

Strong And Smart Women Would Rather Be Single Than Spend Their Time In The Company Of Immature, Selfish As*holes

Let’s get one thing straight: Dating can be fun and amazing. However, in many cases, it’s just a waste of time.

I’m sure you’ve had a few failed relationships in your life, and I’m also sure that most of them failed because you dated as*holes who didn’t know how to behave like  mature, responsible grown-ups. They didn’t know how to treat a lady.

My point is – you don’t need that! You’re better than this.

Because no strong, smart, and self-respecting woman should waste her time with immature, fickle, selfish guys. She deserves better than that.

Strong, smart, and confident ladies know their worth. They know exactly who they are and what they want to achieve in life, and they make sure they get it. They don’t sit around waiting for some miracle to happen that will get them where they want to be in life.

They’re determined and relentless in the pursuit of their goals and dreams.

They fight for their happiness and success with everything they’ve got.

But, most importantly, intelligent, tough, and self-respecting women don’t allow to be defined or controlled by men.

Hell no!

They’ll never allow some guy out there to act like he’s superior to them and like he owns them.

No, they’ll never be submissive.

And the reason for this is not that they consider themselves smarter, better, or more important than everyone else or because they believe no one is worthy of their attention and love.

The reason why strong and smart women would never bow down to a man is that they’re not afraid of being alone.

They’ve already been in toxic relationships and they’ve wasted so much energy dealing with immature, selfish, inconsiderate men to finally realize that sometimes the only person they need to fight for, focus on, and trust is themselves.

They’ve been through so many things in life to finally understand that their happiness and peace of mind depend only on themselves.

Any smart and strong woman whose heart has already been broken knows that the time you spend being single is more valuable and meaningful than the time you spend dating someone who doesn’t treat you right and appreciate you.

They understand that the freedom you enjoy and the benefits you reap when being alone outweigh everything you get when you’re in a one-sided, poor relationship.

Undoubtedly, it’s way easier to think or talk about being a strong woman than to actually be one.


Because it takes strong will and courage to stand up for yourself and fight for what you deserve.

It takes a lot of inner strength and determination not to settle for being someone’s second best.

It takes absolute integrity to say NO when you don’t want to do something.

It takes great integrity, determination, and strength to live your life the way you want, and not the way others want and expect you to.

It takes real courage to be able to resist the dating world and swim in the opposite direction.

Strong, smart women are those who understand that relationships that are not based on mutual trust, respect, loyalty, and love are just a waste of time.

Strong and smart women are those who never settle in a relationship out of fear of staying single forever. They never enter a relationship with someone unless the other person has proved worthy of their trust and love.

Strong and intelligent women are those that are able to tell when a guy is truly interested in them and when he’s just looking for someone to get laid.

Strong and smart women are those who live life in accordance with their own beliefs, principles, convictions, and values.

Strong and smart women are those who value their time and refuse to waste it on people who don’t respect it.

Strong and smart women are those who have strict boundaries and who don’t let anyone cross them.

And above all, strong, smart, and self-respecting women are those who know that their relationship status doesn’t determine and shape their self-worth and happiness.

They don’t feel the need to settle down because they’re focused on their self-development.

So, this is why tough and intelligent women would rather be single than spend their time in the company of immature, selfish, inconsiderate douchebags.

They’d rather spend their time in solitude, working on their growth and their dreams, than spend it running after someone who doesn’t even deserve a tiny bit of their attention.

They’d rather devote their time and energy to finding greater happiness and a deeper meaning in their lives than looking for a partner.

They’d rather be alone than with someone who makes them feel lonely.

To these women, being single doesn’t mean being lonely or miserable.

To them, being single is how the journey of self-love, self-care, and self-improvement starts.

6 Signs That You Have A Strong Personality And Strong Aura That Are Intimidating Others

signs you have a strong presence

We live in a society that is based on first impressions. People constantly judge other people. They love focusing on the cover of the book, rather than its content. If you ask me, I believe they are terrified of the things that are not familiar to them.

They are afraid of what they might discover deep into the unknown. But you should always remember that regardless of what you do, people will always have something to say. The most important thing is how you see yourself.

Have you ever been told that your presence is intimidating?

If the answer is yes, then this article will speak to you on many levels. You have to remember that you don’t owe anything to anyone. Accept yourself. Be proud of who you are. (1)

Here are 6 signs signs you have a strong personality and strong aura  and it is intimidating the people around you: 


You have a big heart, a brilliant mind, and a sharp tongue. You simply cannot stand lies. As an alpha, you feel the responsibility to always tell the truth, regardless of how bad or good it is.

You would rather be broken by the truth than comforted by a sweet, convenient lie. But that is you. Other people don’t always agree with this theory. That is exactly why most of them perceive you as a heartless human being.


You don’t go with the flow and you don’t believe in destiny. To you, everything that happens is just a consequence of your actions.

As a result, you never waste your time on the problems. Instead, you focus on finding, new, creative and innovative solutions. That is the only way to get things done.


You have a different way of thinking. You know exactly who you are because you’ve spent your whole life reflecting on yourself and working hard on your spirituality. Your brain doesn’t function the same way as everyone else. You have a wise mind that surpasses your years. That is exactly why most people often find you arrogant.


Your open mind, alpha personality and intense aura could never survive around ignorant people. Many people say that you have a very short temper, but the truth is… You are just allergic to stupidity and immaturity. 

Judgmental, short-sighted and envious people make you lose your patience. Simple as that.


Alphas are always open to new things. Whether it’s a new fun experience, a trip to the unknown, a fresh new idea, a life lesson wrapped up in a challenge that changes them to their core, they enjoy learning new things.

The only food their soul needs is knowledge. The only food their heart wants is true, all-consuming love.


The one thing that alpha people could never stand is small talk. If you are someone who recognized themselves in the article, you would probably admit that as an alpha person you spend a lot of your energy on moving forward in life.

That means that your whole life is pretty much based on doing the things that make your soul flourish and mind expand. You have no time for meaningless, small talk. It is just who you are.