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6 Things That You’ll Experience Once You Meet The Right Person After A Toxic Relationship

Living with a narcissistic partner is hard but breaking free from a narcissistic relationship is even harder. The thing is, not all of the people who are stuck in an abusive relationship are aware of the severity of their situation.

In the beginning, you accept their ‘little’ flaws convincing yourself that it is just the way they are. You tell yourself that every person has its own dark sides and that if you really love them you would accept them for who they are.

After a while, you get used to their behavior, but the sad truth is… you feel like you cannot do anything about it. You are already trapped in a maze and you cannot find the light that will guide you home.

However, it is really important to realize that there is a way out of that dark scenario. Regardless of the pain, the traumas and the struggle, there are people who somehow find the courage to break free from the chains of the abusive relationship and start all over again.

And, I am lucky to be one of them. I met someone who completely changed my life.

So, here are 6 things that you will experience once you meet a kind, loving person after ending a toxic, narcissistic relationship:


For the first time in your life, you will feel what it is like to be loved. You will feel those tingly, colorful butterflies in your stomach, and you will know. This is the person you’ve been waiting for your entire life.

They will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. They will offer their loving embrace as a shelter for your broken soul. They will heal your wounds and carry your heavy emotional baggage. More importantly, they will give you time to come to your senses and overcome the trauma of your previous relationship.


Knowing that you’ve been through hell and back, they will do everything in their power to show you that all of that is in the past. They will be patient and careful with you.

It will take time and a lot of effort for them to get to you, but they won’t give up. Because this person will love you more than words can say.


Your last relationship was a prison. It wasn’t enough that you were physically trapped, but you were also deprived of your right to freely express yourself. You had no voice. You had no strength to get up and defend yourself.

But that is over now. This new person that you’ve met will pay attention to everything. They will be interested in learning everything about you. They will help you pick up your broken pieces, get up on your feet and scream as loud as you can.   


It is simple. They will give you everything you ever craved for. They will treat you with the respect that you deserve. They will help you appreciate your new-found freedom. They will do the simplest things that a person should do in a relationship, but to you, their actions will mean the world.


This will be new to you. And it will feel strange at the beginning. But, very soon you will understand that you’ve finally found the right person.

Your previous relationship forced you to apologize for things that were never your fault. Your previous partner abused you and always put the blame on you. But now everything is different. Now, you’ve finally found your freedom.


This person will give you everything that you needed. They will give you a home. They will share their life with you. They will give you their heart. They will show you what mutual understanding is. They will teach you what respect is. They will go out of their way to simply see you smile.

You will finally realize that true love is not possessing someone, but rather helping them open their wings and evolve on their own.

This Is How Strong And Confident People Handle Narcissists

We all know how manipulative and draining narcissists are. We are all aware of the chaos they can create in our lives if they set their mind to it.

Being faced with a narcissistic person is undoubtedly one of the most difficult challenges you can ever come across in your life.

These self-absorbed, inconsiderate, selfish, conceited people are incapable of establishing healthy and meaningful relationships with others. They see other people just as pawns that they can move whatever way they want so as to meet their needs.

With their delusional sense of self-worth, an array of manipulation tactics, and lack of empathy, they can easily gain control over you and turn you into their victim. And the sad thing is that you might not even be aware of it.

These people really know how to push your buttons, and if you don’t know how to deal with them, they can make your life a living hell.

So, if you want to know how you can avoid falling under their pressure, know that you’re in the right place.

This is how strong and confident people handle narcissists:

1. They don’t give the narcissist a chance to manipulate them.

Narcissists surround themselves with nice, kind-hearted people because they need them to boost their fragile ego. To lure their victim into their toxic trap and hide their true colors, narcissists pretend that they’re kind and honest and they shower their victim with compliments and sweet words.

But strong, confident people don’t fall for these tricks so easily. They’ve been through a lot in their lives and they’ve dealt with all kinds of people. So, the last thing that comes to their mind is to believe someone’s words, promises, and compliments. What they care about and believe in is actions.

So, unless a person proves that they deserve their trust, any strong and self-respecting person would never make friends with them or let them be a part of their life.

2. They don’t let the narcissist put the blame on them.

A narcissist can do you wrong and hurt you many times, but they’ll never own up to their bad behavior and accept responsibility for it. They know exactly what to say and do to put the blame on someone else and make themselves look innocent and trustworthy.

However, strong and confident people don’t allow anyone to fool them. If they’ve done something wrong, they don’t feel ashamed to admit it and apologize for it. But they would never take the blame for something that’s not their fault.

3. They don’t let the narcissist control them.

To take advantage of their victim and meet their needs, narcissists do everything in their power to gain absolute control over their victim’s emotions and actions.

But strong, self-respecting, confident people live their lives in accordance with their own beliefs and principles, and they don’t allow anyone to affect their opinions, decisions, and actions.

They’re well aware of their own feelings, habits, and attitudes and they’d never allow, not even the best manipulators out there, to make them change the way they feel about and treat other people.

4. They don’t let the narcissist put them down.

In order to satisfy their insatiable need to feel more important than and superior to everyone else, narcissists often criticize and put down those around them.

They don’t care whether their words and sarcastic, snide comments will hurt other people’s feelings. All they care about is to make themselves look smarter and more beautiful, successful, and important than everyone else.  

However, tough and confident people don’t allow anyone to put them down and weaken their self-esteem. They know exactly who they are and they know their worth. They’re well aware of their abilities and strength and they embrace their flaws. That’s why narcissists never manage to undermine strong, confident people and use their weaknesses against them.

5. They don’t let the narcissist play the victim role.

When a narcissist’s real face is finally revealed, they’re left with no other option than to play the victim role. Thus, the narcissist will act as if they’re deeply disappointed and hurt, and they’ll try to provoke empathy in you and justify their bad actions by blaming them on their “abusive” past.

But strong, confident people are able to recognize whether a person’s feelings and pain are genuine or not. They’d never let someone’s fake sad and repenting face cloud their judgments. They’d never allow to be tricked into feeling compassion and pity for someone they should be mad at.

6. They don’t let the narcissist put them on the defensive.

When a narcissist feels that you’ve discovered their lies and true colors, they’ll do their best to change the topic of discussion.

They’ll try to shift the focus towards something wrong you’ve done in the past, (that you probably don’t even remember anymore), just to put you on the defensive, and, of course, prevent you from accusing them of their own mistakes and wrongdoings.

However, confident, tough people don’t allow to be manipulated this way. The moment they notice, the narcissist is trying to change the subject of discussion, they make sure they cut them in the roots and that the narcissist sticks to the main topic of the conversation.

7. They confront the narcissist.

Narcissists are people that have many faces. They can be super nice and compassionate and agree with everything you say when you two are alone, and then behave in a completely opposite way when you are out with other people.

But, strong, self-respecting people never put up with this kind of behavior. Such people can’t stand when someone is fickle and disrespectful. Therefore, they never hesitate to call the narcissist out on their bullsh*t and expose their real face in public – something that narcissists are not used to.

4 Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Our period is a time of the month that a lot of us dread. It can bring with it cramping pains and constant throbbing. Different women can experience different levels of menstrual discomfort with some cramps being more extreme than others. It is always a good idea to have a couple of remedies that you know work for you when that dreaded time comes. Birth control, hormonal treatments,and pharmacy bought medications like ibuprofen can help with those pesky pains, but there are also natural remedies available. Here are a few natural remedies that you may find help sooth your menstrual cramps and make your time of the month more bearable.

Drink Some Tea

It has been suggested that some women find drinking the right herbs in their tea can help to alleviate menstrual cramps. Ginger tea is particularly popular, as the ginger plant has anti-inflammatory properties that can be soothing to cramps. It could be a good idea to keep some ginger tea in your desk at work or at home so that you are prepared if you start to feel any menstrual pain. Similarly, chamomile tea is sometimes an effective way to soothe cramps,as it increases glycine levels, which acts a nerve relaxant and can help relieve muscle spasms. Trying some herbs in your tea can be an easy and natural way to improve your menstrual pains.


CBD oil has become an increasingly popular method for trying to remedy menstrual cramps. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which can dramatically improve painful periods. Even though some people area little nervous about using this form of natural remedy, it has been found to be very effective for many women. If you are considering trying CBD oil for your discomfort, make sure to find a reputable brand to purchase.


As much as this can feel like the last thing you want to do when you are in pain, it can be one of the most effective. By breaking a sweat and releasing some endorphins, you can boost your mood and decrease your perception of how bad the pain is. But don’t feel like you must go to the gym and run on the treadmill for hours. You can do any exercise you will enjoy. Some women find that yoga is helpful for them during their menstrual cycle, as it can help them to relax and stretch out their bodies. Often, when you aren’t relaxed, the tension in your body can make the pain worse. Though a Zumba dance class may be more your sort of exercise! Whatever it is, give it a go and decrease your discomfort while feeling great about yourself.

Drink water

It is important that you try to stay hydrated all the time, but especially during your period. By drinking plenty of water you can prevent your body from retaining the liquid and avoid the painful bloating that comes with it. Whether you want to drink hot or cold water, just make sure you are staying hydrated.

As painful and inconvenientas your menstrual period can be, with a few of these natural remedies, you should be able to soothe your pains and carry on with your normal daily lifestyle. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you are suffering from menstrual cramps. It is a natural stage of your body every month and, therefore, out of your control. So, if you want to get in bed and watch your favorite film then feel free! But don’t forget that if your menstrual cramps become unbearable, you can always see your doctor or pharmacist for extra support.

9 Negative Effects Of Unhealthy Lifestyle To Your Health

effects of unhealthy lifestyle

Everyone loves the modern lifestyle of the fast-paced world. That tasty fast food, long hours of work, and being consumed on the phone all signify the contemporary lifestyle, but that’s not a healthy one. You must take care before adopting such habits, and here we are telling you how this type of lifestyle can give you negative results to suffer. There are many negative effects of an unhealthy lifestyle and technology on your health and consequences and may lead to many psychological and physical issues.

However, it is crucial to pay attention to our emotional issues such as tiredness, overexertion, and to mention but a few. And one of the easiest ways to relax and have a rest is through facial masks. It’s important to buy Wholesale Facial Masks as that way you can use them frequently without thinking that they will end. This is the easiest way to lighten the pain of an unhealthy lifestyle and get relaxed. 

Let’s see how living a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle can impact your health and what it means to live in 21 century when technology shapes our lives and our future. 

What Is A Healthy Lifestyle And How Does It Affect Our Health?

To live a healthy lifestyle, you need to make useful daily choices related to your daily activity, food and drink, and the people you spend time with. There are some aspects of living like a balanced diet, regular exercise, no smoking, and alcohol consumption that are part of living a healthy lifestyle. 

4 Benefits Of Living A Healthy Lifestyle

Living a healthy lifestyle can have numerous benefits for your mental and physical health. Let’s see how it can affect your life and health: 

1. Living a healthy lifestyle makes you happier and relaxed 

When you are physically active, which is one of the crucial choices you make when you want to live a healthy lifestyle, your brain triggers some brain chemicals that can enhance your mood and calm your mind. This can lead to improved self–confidence and better appearance. 

2. Living a healthy lifestyle can prolong your life 

The main 4 behaviors of living a healthy living style are: 

  • Eating well
  • Not smoking 
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Limit alcohol consumption

According to one study, practicing one or a few of these healthy lifestyle behaviors will prolong your life and lower your risk of getting some serious diseases like cancer. (1

In addition to this, you should always avoid eating saturated fats, sugary foods, processed grains, and food rich in sodium and exercise at least 1 hour and 15 minutes weekly. 

You should try not to sit too long as sitting too long may lead to obesity, cancer, metabolic syndrome, and many cardiovascular diseases.  

3. Living a healthy lifestyle can improve your appearance

Living a healthy lifestyle can help you shed a few pounds, and as a plus, if you limit your alcohol consumption, it will rejuvenate your skin and stop the aging process. Food rich in vitamins and nutrients will also improve the appearance of your skin, hair, and overall glow. 

4. Living a healthy lifestyle boosts your immune system 

Eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and nutrients will protect your immune system and help you fight against all germs and viruses. It will also help you to maintain your body weight and boost the number of healthy cells in your body. So, if you think that you do not take enough vitamins or minerals through food, you may consider taking vitamin supplements, but be extra careful as taking megadose may do more harm than good. 

How Do Modern Life And Unhealthy Lifestyle Affect Our Physical And Mental Health?

If you are excessively dependent on modern technological equipment and the newest technologies, it can lead you to serious phycological problems such as depression and increased stress levels, which are one of the main side effects of living an unhealthy lifestyle. 

The level of stress is higher

Actually, the level of stress is much higher among people who constantly check emails and social media compared to people who do not check emails regularly. In addition, they constantly worry about the impact of technology on their physical and mental health, but to a general surprise, they rarely take a break and disconnect from technology. 

You become a constant email checker 

An average person checks the email inbox to see if there are any new emails up to 15 times per day, according to a research conducted by the University of British Colombia, and 15 % of them the first thing they do in the morning is to check the email. (2

Many studies show that this interrupts your work and you cannot concentrate enough and be in control of your productivity. 

Besides email check-ups, there are other social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitch, and LinkedIn that you can use for interaction with social groups and constant messaging.

So, you are slightly turning yourself into a constant checker and becoming obsessed with your social accounts. Unfortunately, this raises the stress level and you will soon start to feel disconnected from your family and outer world. 

 The new technology seems to cause problems with new parents who seem to struggle to manage their children’s time passed on the internet and with the new technology devices. Almost half of the families (48%) of American families confirm that they feel detached and isolated from their loved ones due to technology. 

But, many Americans state periodical “digital detox” can help you manage stress more efficiently and improve your mental health. 

If you are concerned about your mental health and need some health advice, you can consult your health provider or take some time off social media and relax. 

Social media are responsible for the Friendship Paradox – you may become less happy

According to a study, social media may lower your level of happiness and feeling of contentment. The conducted study shows that people who are popular on social media are happier than those who are not. This may lead to unfavorable comparisons between friends and may alter the nature of relationships in time and limit human sociality. In addition, social media can relatively weaken the quality of friendships, and they will be maintained without face-to-face interaction. (3

You may be depressed 

In one study, participants, young adults, who spent more time on social media, had significantly increased odds of depression compared with those who didn’t use it. The assessment was made with the help of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Depression Scale Short Form. (4)

Another study confirmed that Facebook limitations should be considered because quitting Facebook for some time may lead to a higher level of both cognitive and affective well–being. But, this doesn’t mean that you should quit Facebook permanently, but reduce it, change your type of behavior and use it in a positive way to impact your health positively and make you happy. (5)

Video games and social media can make you less compassionate

Although in our modern societies, we try to link playing video games with aggression and violence, conducted studies showed mixed results and the newest study conducted in 2020 showed that the relationship between the two is insignificant, and it is more linked to desensitization that may make us less sympathetic and compassionate with others. 

In addition, social media make us more “self-centered “and careless about other people’s lives. When you care for someone from a distance, it is regarded as care at all. It will mean so much more for a friend to meet them in a person than a simple message sent via social media. 

Being extremely popular on social media makes you feel less compassionate and you tend to forget that other people are real and suffer and need help from the community. 

That is why we should use social media for sharing positive news only and do not forget to keep and meet our friends because social media cannot replace our relationships. 

Excessive Internet Use Can Be Linked To Increased Heart Rate And Blood Pressure 

Although additional research is needed, one study found that people with problematic internet use (addictive behavior) had increased heart rate and a higher level of blood pressure as well worsened mood and increased anxiety. These changes are similar to those with people who used drugs or opiates, and it deserves additional research. (6

How Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle Can Lead To Aching Your Body?

The human body is meant for physical activities, not only for doing internet browsing and working in an office. There are many irregularities that happen in case of not doing the exercise properly and in being a comfort seeker, especially different types of body pain. Adopting new technology is not wrong by any means, but we should limit it in order to save ourselves from terrible results. What type of pain such a lifestyle can give.

Back pain

Among all other types of strains, this one is becoming a more and more common issue nowadays. The spinal cord or backbone is meant to keep our body straight and give it a posture. But nowadays, every other person is coping with back pain just due to an unhealthy lifestyle. Here an unhealthy lifestyle doesn’t symbolize the food or such habits. This is mainly used for unhealthy sitting positions and using a smartphone. In such cases, people tend to keep themselves a little bend toward the screen. (7)

Bone pain

Such a lifestyle can’t only affect your spinal cord but also other bones and can make them give you pain. This is not enough sometimes, and it can provide even worst results like bending in bones in case you keep your food a lower quality. Quality is only referring to the number of minerals, vitamins, and other ingredients in your diet, not the price or some special dish from any hotel. Along with your way of sitting and using your phone and laptop, also take care of your food. And this kind of bone pain no have any solid treatments, but I can get chiropractic treatment and get 100% guaranteed relief. (8)

Joint pain

Regardless of age, this type of pain became more common than any other kind of body pain. Now not only the aged people but adults and children are suffering from this pain. In some cases, it is just because of this lifestyle, and in other cases, there are several other issues that are resulting in such pain in your body. In most cases, this is the result of lifestyle. 

What Are The Advantages Of A Modern Lifestyle?

Although modern life and technology can have a negative impact on your lifestyle and health, they may also have some positive effects as well, such as you have more freedom and more accessibility to information, which leads to more communication in everyday life. 

So, let’s see how technology and modern life can help you to gain some advantages in your life. 

Social media Facebook is linked to lower mortality 

One big study that included 12 million Facebook users investigated how this social media impacts longevity. It was found that people who accept more friendships live longer, while for those who initiated friendship, there was no association with a lower level of mortality. 

But, mortality is lowest for those who do not use social media at all or use it moderately. (9

Modern technology saves your time 

There are so many examples of how modern technology can save your time and although it seems that you are saving some seconds, you accumulate hours and sometimes even days after a certain period of time that you can use for other activities.

For example, PowerPoint presentations, flowcharts, and calculators help a lot of students and teachers, and many education centers use these types of documents to present information effectively, and this shortens time while giving easy access to all needed information. 

Constant transport development

Technology makes constant improvements in planes, cars, and trains. They are not newly invented but improved with new features that can make them safer and faster. Some expensive models include features like an auto–pilot, pedestrian warning, collision warning, and road lane track which makes them safer in terms of collision and crash avoidance. 

Modern technology gives you so much convenience 

Imagine yourself living 100 years ago when washing machines and dish washes did not exist and you needed so much time to wash your clothes. Imagine the entertainment we have today thanks to the newest technologies such as playing video games and movies in 3D dimensions, television shows, and much more…

Modern technology means better communication 

With the power of videoconferencing, vast distances are eliminated and people from different parts of the world can easily communicate and sometimes even free of charge. 

Modern technology means better access to knowledge

In the 21 century, we have access to more knowledge than in any other period in the history of humanity. The content we can find on the Internet is almost unbelievable and if you are just a little bit curious, you can find anything you like and learn so many things on various subjects and even download new books if you want to read. 

Modern technology means the availability of medicines 

There were many deadly diseases like typhoid and dysentery that are cured easily today thanks to antibiotics. In addition, many serious injuries can be healed thanks to modern surgery, and people can be recovered and live normal lives. 

Modern technology means clean water and food 

In Antient times, access to clean water was limited, and people consumed alcohol as it was considered safer and healthier. Also, access to some food was limited because there were no refrigerators, so this invention altered our lives in the most tasteful way, improved the nourishment of poor people, and less food waste. 

Modern technology means air quality monitoring 

Air pollution is one of the hazardous consequences of industrial development and can cause serious health issues. Air quality monitoring technologies are crucial resources for improving the air quality and changing our habits, and reforming the policies to make our lives more convenient and healthy. 


You must take care of your habits because it’s your habit that can make you or can destroy you in every term, whether it comes to having sound health or a better career, or achieving success in any area. Always use your smartphone and social media for a limited period. Keep your position straight while working on the computer or if your work makes you sit for hours in a day. Make exercise your priority, whether it rain or shine, as it is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

If you are one of those suffering from pain, you don’t have to worry or panic. Sydney Chiropractic and Massage Clinic Australia can help you in coping with such illnesses and take them over. The expert physician of this clinic uses SLM and several other massage techniques, which can give you positive results just in no time. Without being concerned too much about other things, you should try their message. We hope it will be life-changing for you because of the expertise of doctors and the effect of their proven techniques.

One final thought is that you should always find time for some physical activity, limit or avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption, eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep and maintain a healthy body weight. 

Top 10 Educations App That Will Improve Your Knowledge

Studying is not always a path of roses. The need to mix the free time with the study can lead to headaches, and the content of the notes can be difficult to access at times. Luckily, technology makes our student life more bearable.

In view of these advantages offered by the new programs, we have created a list of the most recommended applications for university students. anonymous-essay.com is one of best website where one can get help.

Apps for students that will make things easier


It is one of the most popular alternatives among teachers for their students to review and test curricular knowledge. With it, questionnaires are created that simulate a question and answer contest, thus adding the gamification component in the classroom. Each of the students accesses the exercise from their tablet, mobile phone or computer and, once the game is over, everyone can see the results of the class.


It is a platform designed for teachers to manage their classes and their student groups, thus creating a community. To reinforce a positive environment, they include a gamification component that also stimulates participation and good behaviour in the classroom. In this way, a communication channel is created between teachers, parents and students to know the performance of the latter in the classroom, which is reflected in the form of points and badges. Thus, parents and teachers can be in tune when it comes to educating students and encouraging them to reach their maximum potential.


It consists of various mini-games through which it analyzes the cognitive patterns of the student to create a report in which to discover both their strengths and weaknesses that should be enhanced. With these data, he develops a brain training program to test the students’ critical thinking, memory and problem solving skills.


The student’s life is linked to books. Kindle offers you the possibility of reading eBooks on a wide variety of devices, which is very useful if you find it difficult to find a title in libraries and do not want to spend a lot of money on a paper book.


CamScanner transforms virtually any Android or iOS device into a scanner ready instantly. It is enough to take a photograph of the document so that a digitized version of it is ready that can be shared and sent to other platforms in a matter of seconds. If you are a student, I think that this tool should be part of your day to day.

Khan Academy

Collect hundreds of courses so that students of all levels work different subjects at their own pace through explanatory videos and practical exercises. Teachers can act as tutors of a virtual classroom and set goals of mastery to all equally or to each student separately. The objective? That they reach the necessary level on the studied matter.

Google Classroom

The organization of classes, tasks and even individual and collective work can be carried out with this application. Thus, teachers have more control over everything that happens in the classroom while students can communicate with him or his classmates to organize study sessions.


One of the most popular alternatives for learning languages (English, French or Portuguese), is free and has no advertising. In it you will be working by units in the form of games: for example, you lose lives with the wrong answers, and you gain points and you increase the level when you succeed.


iWork is Apple’s alternative to Microsoft Office. It is relatively easy to use and allows you to edit texts and graphics comfortably.


Actually, this option is useful for anyone, but deserves a priority in the list of applications for students for its versatility. Evernote serves to manage digital annotations in an agile and simple way.

This Is The Way You Will Lose Her

People speak different love languages because we all give and receive love in unique ways. We express our love the best way we know and we show love to our partners in ways we personally most like to receive it.

And it’s not a problem when you and your partner speak different love languages, but when you fail to understand hers.

If you don’t understand the special ways in which she expresses her love and affection for you and how she wants you to treat her, know that she won’t waste her time with you.

You will lose her.

You will lose her for being ignorant and inconsiderate. You will lose her for taking her for granted.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel neglected.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel like she’s just one of your daily responsibilities you need to take care of.

Because she doesn’t want to feel like a burden.

She wants to know that you’ll always be there for her when she needs you. She wants to know that she can always count on your help and support.

She wants to know that you’ll be happy for and celebrate with her on the days she achieves success, and that you’ll hold her hand and stay by her side on her bad days.

She wants to know that you won’t take advantage of her and her kindness as some as*holes did in the past. She wants to know that you’re different and that you truly care about her.

This woman does not expect you to spend every second of your time with her or forget about your friends. But she wants to know that when you and she are together, you’re actually present.

She wants to know that you listen carefully to her when she tells you how her day was or when she complains about her envious co-worker.

She wants to know that you’re interested in what she has to say and that her words have a meaning for you.

She wants to know she stands high on your list of priorities.

You’ll lose her if you withhold your love.

You’ll lose her if you act distant and cold around her. If you withhold your feelings. If you don’t wear your heart on your sleeve. If you don’t show her how much you love her and how much she means to you. If you don’t show her where she stands in your life.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel like she’s needy, clingy, or too emotional. If you make her miss your attention. If you give her crumbs of your love.

You’ll lose her if you always take everything she has to give you and you  never give her anything in return.

You’ll lose her if you make her feel that she’s the only one fighting for the relationship.

Because this woman wants to know that she’s not alone. That both of you are together in this.

She wants to know you feel about her the way she feels about you. That you love her as much as she loves you.

She needs to know you’re invested in the relationship the way she is and that you’re willing to commit to her. She wants to know she occupies the most special place in your heart just like you do in hers.

You’ll lose her if you’re not thoughtful.

You’ll lose her if you don’t show interest into who she is and what she wants. You’ll lose her if you don’t pay attention to the seemingly unimportant things that actually mean a lot to her.

And no. I’m not talking about buying her lavish gifts or taking her on dates to expensive restaurants. Instead, I’m talking about all those things that she tells you she likes and that make her feel cherished, like when she tells you what her favorite type of music or film is or that she always has her coffee with milk.

So, if you don’t want to lose her, make sure you get to know her well, find out what her likes and interests are, and surprise her from time to time.

You’ll lose her if you’re not true to your word.

You’ll lose her if you are constantly forgetting to keep your promises.

This woman has no time to waste on playing some stupid mind games and listening to your pathetic excuses.

So, don’t think that you can fool her for as long as you want by promising her things that you have no intention whatsoever of fulfilling. Don’t think that every time you make a mistake or fail to fulfill a promise, you can just apologize to her and she’ll forgive you right away.

Promises and apologies don’t mean anything to her unless they’re followed by an appropriate action.

So, if you’ve promised her that you’ll spend the Saturday evening together, do that. If you’ve said that you’ll take her out to dinner, make sure you do that. Stay true to your word and show her that you’re a man of high integrity.

You’ll lose her if you stop being affectionate with her.

You’ll lose her if you stop hugging, kissing, and touching her. If you stop making her feel desirable.

Because she needs to feel your touch. She needs to feel your warmth. She needs to feel that you still find her attractive and irresistible, whether you’ve been together for 6 months or 6 years.

She needs to know that you love and want her as much as she loves and wants you.

I Am Done Falling In Love With You Because I Already Love You

A few days ago, I overheard a conversation of two colleagues of mine. They were talking about love, the meaning of that word, the purpose that we humans have on earth and the fact that the word love is easily tossed around like it’s nothing.

But what piqued my interest was their talk about the most common types of love. One of them said that there’s a huge difference between being in love and loving someone. And that was the moment when I had to interfere to ask them for an explanation.

At first, I laughed at them and said, “I’m sorry, but I don’t quite agree with you. It is the same thing. The person you love is the person you are in love with, right?”

“Well in a way, yes,” said one of my colleagues. And then she started explaining her theory to me.

Suddenly, in that exact moment, everything came back to me.

It was like I had a déjà vu.

I smiled because I remembered.

I remembered how gently those big, green eyes of yours caressed my face when we first met.

I remembered the smell of your skin combined with the scent of your cologne when hugged.

I remembered your palm softly touching mine as you said, “Nice to meet you”.

I remembered what it felt like to have those crazy butterflies in your tummy.

I remembered our first official date and how passionate our kiss was.

I remembered that it was exactly those moments that made me fall in love with you. Those midnight calls, those sweet kisses, the suspenseful wait until our next date, your arms wrapped around my body, your skin against my body, the idea of us, the endless meaningful conversations…everything.

But, then… the closer we got and the more we fell in love with each other…

I saw how fragile your heart is. I learned how much you’ve been hurt in the past, so I wanted to be the one person who would take your emotional baggage and carry it until you feel better. Your personal guardian.

When you told me that you love me, but you are scared of getting hurt, I felt the need to show you just how much I love you. I felt the need to comfort you by letting you know that I am here to stay forever.

And when your whole life, everything that you’ve built, collapsed in front of you, I wanted to be the shelter that you so desperately needed. I just wanted to hold you in my arms and let you know that no matter what happens, you are always safe with me.

That was the moment when I realized that I genuinely love you.

I stopped falling for you because finally, I was sure that I already love you.

So, eventually, I understood what my colleague was saying.

Falling in love with someone and loving them are two completely different things. They may sound like it is the same feeling, but it is the intensity and the depth of those emotions that make them so distinctive.

The temporary effect that those tingly, colorful butterflies in your stomach give you is inevitable. It is a sign that we truly like the person standing next to us. It marks the moment of falling head over heels in love with another person. It is the initial attraction.

But, loving another person is making a decision that you are going to devote both your heart and soul to them. It is holding their hand and standing next to them in the pouring rain. It is sticking with them through thick and thin. It is fighting together against every obstacle that is trying to pull you apart. It is sacrificing.

That is why I am done falling for you. I just love you.

8 Ways To Strengthen Your Relationship And Be A Better Partner

Harmonious, happy, successful relationships don’t just happen. Romantic relationships of this kind are those that are worked on. Those that both partners put an equal amount of time, energy, and effort in.

Relationships are dynamic and they reflect everything that both partners experience. Due to all the changes and struggles couples are faced with, relationships need to be based on a firm foundation. Otherwise, they might not withstand the pressure and easily fall apart.

So, how can you ensure your relationship is built on a solid foundation?

Well, there are two things you need to remember. The first one is that relationships require constant attention and care in order to thrive. And the second one is that the healthiest and happiest relationships have partners who regularly evaluate their contributions to their relationship.

They make sure they make a change when their relationship hits a rough patch, and they try to identify how their beliefs, habits, and behaviors affect the quality of not only their everyday communication but their relationship as well.

And most importantly, they’re willing to change parts of their personalities if they know this will benefit the health of the relationship and promote its growth.

Here are 8 ways to strengthen your relationship and be a better partner:

1. Focus on your annoying habits, not your partner’s.

We all have quirks and irritating habits. So, your partner probably does a lot of things that get on your nerves: leaving wet towels on the floor, making a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, or snoring.

But have you ever thought about the things that you do that annoy your partner? Well, if you haven’t, know that you should often do this. Because it is these seemingly unimportant annoying things that can create tension and bring about conflict in the relationship.

2. Leave your baggage out of the relationship.

We all carry burdens of our past. We’ve all made mistakes, failed, and experienced heartbreak. We’ve all been through problems and pain. In one word, we have all suffered.

However, the burden you carry can sometimes prevent you from maintaining and strengthening your present and future relationships. 

Therefore, you need to make sure you leave your baggage in the past and start afresh.

3. Give your partner your undivided attention.

No matter how busy your day is and how many daily responsibilities you need to take care of, make sure you spend good quality time with your partner. And when they’re sharing their worries and problems with you, or just telling you how their day was, make sure you’re really present there and that you’re actively listening to them.

Let them know you care about them and about what they have to say. Let them know that spending time with them is not just one of your daily obligations, but it’s something you enjoy doing.

4. Don’t complain, solve your problems instead.

Complaining about your personal or relationship problems won’t make them go away or make you feel better. So, instead of always whining and creating stress in the relationship, try to recognize and better understand the thing you’re complaining about and then think of ways you can change it.

Whether you’ll ask for someone’s help or repeat positive statements, just make sure you do something about the things that bother you and avoid creating stress in your own and your partner’s life.

5. Control your reactions.

Yes, you have the right to be sad, frustrated, angry, or mad when you argue with your partner. And you have the right to express your emotions. But you need to make sure that you don’t let your strong, negative emotions affect your actions or decisions and that you don’t take your anger and frustration out on your partner.

You need to control your reactions because no matter how sad or angry you feel, no one should put up with your emotional outbursts, yelling, or drama.

6. Try to understand your partner’s side of the story.

When we disagree with our partner, it’s a natural reaction to stick to our side of the story and search for enough evidence to support our point of view as well as prove that the other person is wrong.

But have you ever tried to switch sides and support your partner’s side of the story? You might be surprised, but this is how couples often solve their disagreements. The thing is that the more you concentrate on and try to understand your partner’s point of view, the more validity you find in their opinion.

And when you approach the disagreements in your relationship this way, you get to see how selfish, stubborn, and inconsiderate we can sometimes be.

7. Provide favors.

Do not only ask for them. Of course, you shouldn’t feel ashamed or hesitant to ask your partner for a favor, but if you’re never willing to provide one yourself, you can be sure that this will only create negative feelings in the relationship and prevent you from establishing a good rapport.

So, make sure you do something nice for your partner every day. And it doesn’t have to be anything big. Make them breakfast in bed, give them a 5-minute back massage, or just tell them ‘thank you’ when they do something nice for you.

This will certainly make you the best partner, you can take my word for it.

8. Last but not least, get enough sleep.

We all know how edgy, grumpy and sensitive we get when we don’t get enough sleep. We can’t act properly, we make unwise decisions, and we overreact – yes, we do all the things that can cause tension and conflict in a relationship.

On the other hand, when you’re rested, you’re able to think straight and you have better control over both your emotions and reactions.

I Don’t Care About Your Past As Long As I Know That I Am Your Future

Dear soulmate,

I know that you already know this about me, but I have to say it once again. I feel like I have to get it off my chest.

I DO NOT trust people. It is really difficult for me to open up to someone. I hope that even though it’s confusing, you can still somehow understand what I am saying, because this… This is hard for me as well.

The truth is, I have been hurt too many times. I’ve been disappointed by people I once swore that they could never betray me. I’ve been mistreated by people whom I loved very much. My heart has been broken in thousands of pieces and glued up all over again, too many times to even keep track.

So, as a result, I am condemned to live in fear. I am cursed. Every time a person approaches me, I get the feeling that if I don’t put my shield up and protect myself, I will most likely end up down the same rabbit hole of utter disappointment and misery.

I cannot help myself. Everyone around me is a potential threat to me. Every person around me can crush my heart at every given moment. Everyone has the power to hurt me if I’m not careful enough.

That is exactly why I need you to know this.

I will trust you and commit to you, only if you make sure to reveal your true intentions to me.

I don’t want to be the needy, overly-attached girlfriend who stalks her boyfriend. I don’t want to be the paranoid girlfriend who doesn’t know where her boyfriend is. I don’t want to become the insecure girlfriend who is wondering whether her man loves her as much as he says he did. I simply don’t want to commit to someone who is not ready to be with me. I don’t want to give myself away to someone who is afraid to love me the way I deserve to be loved.

That is why I need you to know how I feel. I need to understand the songs of your heart. I need to read the poems your soul wrote. I need to come face to face with the real you.

Trust me when I say this… I don’t give a damn about your past or your previous relationships as long as you let me know that I am your present and your future.

Your past is not something that interests me. I know that you’ve had a few failed relationships. And I know that you haven’t been the world’s best partner. But that is fine. We’ve all made mistakes. And as I said, I don’t really care about anyone else besides us.

I don’t care about your partners, I don’t care about your previous relationships and I don’t care about your past mistakes. The only thing I care about is the person you are today. What you’ve learned from those mistakes. And how much you’ve matured throughout the years. The only thing I care about is how you treat me.

Because, if you are open about your innermost feelings with me and love me with all of your heart, I will love you back. I will show you what real love feels like and you will make me the happiest person alive. But that is only if you let me know that I am the only one.

If you betray me, you won’t get a second chance. And if you break your promise, I swear to you… You will never see me again. 

My heart has already endured too much pain as it is.

You only get one chance. Use it wisely.

Reasons On Why To Stop Thinking Obsessive Patterns

You are the one who has the power and ability to know when it’s time to quit using it. It does not matter how much other people want you to stop using substances, the final decision of seeking treatment and embracing society will entirely depend on you. Your personal decisions will propel the desire to stop ruining your life. The choice you make is the one that will sustain you through the ups and downs when undergoing your recovery process. Here are some of the main reasons why it is a good idea to stay away from this “evil from the 20th century”.

  1. You will become healthier and well once again.

Your survival is the first and the most important reason as to why you should do it. Your life entirely depends on you in getting sober. Over usage of substances is not a small issue. Many people die from this every day. You will gain will for life, and start again experiencing the beauty of life. See all the things as once were, before this “disease”. You will be reborn.

  1. Your family and children will not suffer and they will become your support.

It is not easy taking care of your children if you are not in the right place in your mind. When one is an addict, the relationship between you and your loved ones will be broken because of your unstable condition. It will take time and perseverance for you to heal the broken relationships between yourself and your children and also the other family members. If you want to be back in your children’s lives and raise them well the first step towards your goal is to seek treatment.

  1. You will have freedom

Many of the problems in this modern society start with this problem. Using and abusing is illegal, and if you get caught, and surely you will, there will be very bad consequences. Drinking alcohol in large quantities is also part of this problem. Driving under the influence of alcohol can also be a threat to your freedom and safety and so is being intoxicated in public places. If you are addicted to alcohol you should seek alcohol exploitation treatment. There are many things that a person that is under the influence can do, such as theft and assault. If you have committed many offences, even a judge will not be able to prevent you from going to prison.

  1. You will save more money

Although in the begging everything will be nice, and easy, and you will feel like you are in heaven, believe me, this will become worse with every day that goes by. The financial status will be more and more damaged as time comes. Soon you will be out of money, broke, begging, and willing to do anything just to get a small amount of money, and “feel alive” again for a small period of time.

  1. People will like you more

This is true when a person is drunk or is under the influence of illegal substances they tend to be more aggressive. A person can also have a personality change which will affect how you interact with your friends. If you happen to overdose and faint your friends will have to carry you and rush you to the nearby hospital, and this is not a good way to keep friends. No one will want to have a friend who is always angry, paranoid and gets aggressive. If you stop, your life will become whole again, and you will have once again many friends and people that support you.

  1. Keep your job

You will be unable to keep a job. A person that is suffering from a form of addiction will mostly blame it on other people if he loses his job. The true reason why all of this will happen is that of the constant mistakes in the workplace and not being able to perform during work, and inability to keep focused.

There are numerous reasons as to why a person should stay away as far as possible from this evil and start leading a healthy lifestyle. However, the most important thing that you need to stay focused on, is the ability and will to stop, and start once again enjoying life.