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Top Teas You Can Drink to Improve Health and Wellbeing

When it comes to the list of the most popular drinks in the world, the second-most popular beverage (after water) is tea. It’s enjoyed by people around the world throughout the day and at all times of year and is more than just a yummy alternative to fruit juice, coffee and soda. Tea can also provide numerous health benefits for both the mind and body.

If this early part of the year has you thinking about ways to become healthier in 2019, drinking more tea is something you should consider. Whether you like to consume it when you first get up in the morning, as a break during the busy work day or to help you get ready to relax and go to sleep, you’ll find that this drink can have many positive effects. Read on for some of the top teas you should stock up on in your home and office, to help improve health and wellbeing.

Black Tea

It’s one of the most commonly imbibed drinks about the world, but black tea also happens to be a healthy beverage. It’s made from the leaves of Camellia sinensis plants and possesses good levels of antioxidant compounds like theaflavins and thearubigins. These are disease-fighting flavonoids which work to help stop stem cellular damage in the body. The compounds have also been linked to lower levels of cholesterol.

In addition, if you drink three cups or more of black tea per day, you could potentially cut your risk of stroke by more than 20 percent. It pays to steep your tea for a longer amount of time rather than shorter, though, as doing so increases the level of antioxidants you’ll end up with, you can read more for Velvet Foam’s review and benefit of black tea. 

Green Tea

Green tea is another healthy beverage to drink regularly. It’s quite similar to black tea, but it differs in that the leaves of the plants are dried out and heat-treated soon after being picked, which stops the fermentation process. This provides the tea with a more delicate flavor.

Like black tea, green varieties are full of antioxidants. However, in this drink you’ll find antioxidants called catechin polyphenols. These compounds have been linked with helping to prevent numerous medical conditions such as heart disease, high cholesterol and cancer. It’s believed that drinking just a single cup of green tea each day can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, too.

Peppermint Tea

It’s often consumed to refresh the palate after a meal, but peppermint tea offers more than just a cleanse for taste buds. In fact, the tea often helps people who are dealing with bloating, abdominal gas and muscle spasms, and it is seen as an aid for treating numerous cold and flu symptoms.

Whether you’re suffering from just a head cold or a full-on flu (for more details check out this article on how to tell the difference between cold and flu), the menthol in peppermint tea can act as a decongestant. Made from the dried leaves of peppermint plants, this drink can help to thin mucus, sooth sore throats and break up coughs.

Reishi Mushroom Tea

If you’re looking for a tea that will help you ward off a wide variety of health issues, start drinking reishi mushroom tea. Known as the “mushroom of immortality” in ancient Eastern medicine, this tea is created from a specific type of fungus that seems to help people improve their immunity levels, reduce inflammation and allergy issues and steer clear of heart disease and cancer.

Since reishi mushrooms work as an immunostimulant, they can help to balance out threats to the body’s equilibrium. As such, this means drinking a tea made from the fungus can help with problems such as leaky-gut syndrome, high cholesterol, arthritis, muscle aches, chronic bronchitis and other infections, water retention, AIDS, constipation and Epstein-Barr. This tea is also said to help improve focus, memory and concentration and be useful as a natural antihistamine for people with allergies.

In recent years, scientists around the world have been looking into the potential medical applications of reishi and have found rather amazing results. In fact, the anti-cancer properties of the mushroom have been officially recognized in Japan, where the government has condoned it as a cancer treatment.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is another beverage you want to have on hand all the time. It is particularly helpful if you suffer from travel or motion sickness. It’s a digestive aid that can help to curb vomiting and sooth upset stomachs. Furthermore, if you’re suffering from chills during a flu or other virus, it can help to warm up the body.

I’m Sorry To Break It To You – But If He Really Loved You, He’d Make Sure You Know It

The brutal truth is that if he really loved you, he’d make sure you know it.

Therefore, stop making excuses for him and justifying his behavior.

If he felt about you the way you feel about him, he wouldn’t make you doubt his love for you. He wouldn’t leave you waiting for the little crumbs of love he throws your way.

If he truly cared about you, he’d act like it.

You need to stop spending all your time and energy on a man who doesn’t give you anything in return. A man who doesn’t even deserve a tiny bit of your attention.

You need to stop giving your heart and soul to a man who doesn’t know what to do with them. A man who doesn’t know your worth. A man who doesn’t know how to love.

You need to stop fighting for a man who has given up on you a long time ago. A man who has never truly loved you.


Because you always do this and every time, you end up feeling more hurt, more desperate, and more lost.

Every time, you wonder why he doesn’t feel about you the way you feel about him. Why he doesn’t love you the way you love him.

You wonder how he can’t feel butterflies in his stomach as you do when he’s around.

You try hard to get the answers and, still, nothing makes sense to you.

It’s hard. I know it’s hard.

It’s hard to admit to yourself that the person you thought you were going to be with forever has never been interested in you the way you thought he was.

It’s hard to accept the fact that the person you planned to spend your life with has never imagined you as a part of his future.

But you know, it’s always better to accept the truth, no matter how harsh and painful it is, than to lie to yourself. Or even worse – let another person lie to you and make a fool of you.

It’s better to let go of someone who doesn’t deserve you than fool yourself believing in a love that doesn’t exist.  

So, stop!

Stop hoping that he’ll change.

Stop allowing him to treat you like you don’t exist. Like you’re a ghost.

Stop begging for his attention and love – he’s not worth it.

A man who doesn’t appreciate the amazing things he has in life and who doesn’t know the meaning of love is not worth your time, efforts, and sacrifice.

He’s not worth your tears.

He’s not worth your love.

You deserve someone way better than him.

So, stop chasing after him.

Stop settling for less than what you deserve.

Stop focusing on him and look deep down into your soul. There, you’ll find your strength and all the good things you have in your life that are truly worth fighting for.

There, you’ll find your worth.

Stop waiting for him to start loving you.

I know it’s easier to fantasize and believe in miracles than look truth in the face and accept your pain, but this does you no good. It just prevents you from growing and reaching your happiness.

It prevents you from living the life you deserve.

It turns you into a slave of someone who doesn’t deserve you.

I know you’re tired of getting your heart broken time and time again. You’re tired of torturing yourself over someone who doesn’t love and will never love you.

So, stop it. You don’t have to do this.

Pluck up enough strength and walk away. You owe this to yourself.

You deserve someone better …

And you will find him.

8 Smart Steps To Successfully Eliminate Toxic People From Your Life

The type of people you spend time with has a big influence on the quality of your life. Some people contribute to your happiness and success and some drag you down. Some help you grow and lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life and some suck all the energy and happiness out of you.

Yes … you guessed it, the second part of the two sentences refers to toxic people.

Toxic people can be found everywhere around you and they come in all shapes and sizes: The Complainers. The Debbie Downers.  The Manipulators. The Liars. The Gossipmongers. The Selfish. The Envious. The Judgmental – you get the point.

And they all share the same characteristics – they are draining, highly negative, and insufferable.

The main problem regarding toxic people is that they know how to get under your skin and gain your trust. And once they do this, once they lure you into their trap, they manipulate you in whatever way they want. They make you act in ways that suit them and they take advantage of you and your kindness.

To save yourself from their toxicity and sick mind games, you need to make sure that you stay away from them.

Yes, this can be extremely difficult, especially when the toxic person is a family member. But when someone has a damaging influence on your overall well-being and happiness, then cutting all ties with them is the best and most reasonable thing you can do to save yourself.

Here are 8 smart steps to successfully eliminate toxic people from your life:

1. Set and maintain boundaries.

Toxic people thrive on violating other people’s boundaries. They have no consideration for your feelings, needs, and time.

A person who uses you as a means of satisfying their own needs will take advantage of your kindness and weaknesses to make you please them. With their manipulation tactics, they can make you compromise your own happiness, needs, and priorities so as to take care of theirs.

Therefore, you need to set and enforce firm boundaries and seriously think about what things you’ll tolerate and what things you won’t from family members, friends, co-workers, and partners.

2. Admit and accept your weaknesses.

When you’re in a toxic relationship, be that romantic or otherwise, the toxic person will always capitalize on your insecurities and fears and use them against you.

However, you can prevent them from exploiting your weaknesses by simply understanding yourself better and recognizing and embracing your flaws.

Work on your self-improvement and balance your weaknesses against your good qualities. In this way, you won’t let the toxic person intimidate and manipulate you when they try to point out and exploit your flaws.

3. Never get pulled into their crises.

In order to make it easier for themselves to get your attention and manipulate you, a toxic person will often create drama and act like they’re in crisis. They’ll act like they’re disappointed or oppressed and they’ll ask for an ear for you to lend.

But remember that they’re not really in crisis. Or maybe they are, but in one that exists only in their twisted, wicked mind. All they want to do is get your time and attention. So make sure you don’t give in to them.

4. Focus on the solution, not the problem.

A toxic person can stress you out and make you feel angry or sad in many ways. But if you focus on the negative effect they have on you or try to understand their behavior, you’ll start feeling even more frustrated and helpless.

Therefore, instead of focusing all your energy and attention on the way their toxicity affects you, focus on finding a solution that will help you clear up the mental and emotional chaos crippling your life.

5. Limit their influence on your emotions.

The more power over your feelings a toxic person has, the easier it is for them to control you. They can make you feel like you’re a weak, incapable, fearful, or unworthy person, but don’t fall for their sick mind games.

Whenever you feel this way when around a toxic person, remember that this has nothing to do with you, but them. This is just their tactic to project onto you the bad parts of themselves that they don’t want to admit and accept.

6. Don’t engage in every argument they try to pick with you.

You’ll need plenty of time and energy to solve conflicts with toxic people. You don’t have to engage in every argument a toxic friend, family member, co-worker, or you name it, might try to get you involved in.  

Instead, use that energy to nurture your relationships with people that are genuine, trustworthy, kind-hearted, and take care of yourself.

7. Surround yourself with kind and honest people.

Surround yourself with sincere, compassionate, caring, and positive people. People that genuinely love and care about you and want the best for you. People that have proven that they deserve your trust and respect.

By surrounding yourself with people that make you feel happy, fulfilled, safe, and cherished, you’ll deal with any problem, sadness, and, of course, difficult person more easily and effectively.

8. Know that they may throw tantrums.

Always keep in mind that if a toxic person feels ignored, they can have temper tantrums. This is just one of the many tactics they use when they notice that you are preventing them from controlling and manipulating you.

However, never give in to such people when their behavior gets worse. Instead, remind yourself that you’re showing these insufferable people that you’ll no longer tolerate their bullsh*t.

The Straight Smile: Invisalign Basics for New Patients 

Orthodontic braces have been around for generations with patients wearing metal brackets and wires for months or years at a time. There are other options, however. Invisalign is an alternative to metal brackets in the form of flexible aligners. Get familiar with this orthodontic option because it might be a perfect fit for you.

Why Choose Invisalign? 

There’s a lot of information out there about Invisalign. Reading articles explaining Invisalign might be a good place to start. Another place to research will be your own dentist’s website. On a dental site like the Glenlake Dental Care website, you will be able to find information on the process, how it works and most likely some photos. Check out the video from Dr. Lim on the site to see him explain Invisalign aligners. He talks about the benefits and ways it can help.

Aligners allow you to skip the brackets and wires. Although they’ve been perfected over the years, the fact remains that metal is still in your mouth. Aligners don’t have any sharp edges or metallic taste. You slide them on and off with ease. Traditional braces don’t let you take a break from treatment unlike Invisalign.

Are you a Good Candidate? 

Patients who match well with aligners don’t have any extenuating circumstances, such as impacted teeth. Most candidates simply have gapped or crowded teeth. You might struggle with flossing or brushing.

Your orthodontist might start out with other treatments first. Moving an impacted tooth into place requires surgical interventions. With your teeth roughly in place, aligners may be a good choice at that point. Remember that everyone is different. Your case will be unique to you. Aligners are relevant to more and more cases every day. You can be one of those patients.

What to Expect 

Your orthodontist customizes your aligners to your oral cavity. The process begins with many x-rays of your teeth. Professionals use these images to create aligners. You’ll start out with an aligner that’s shaped slightly off from your smile’s current position. The shape places pressure on your teeth, which moves them in small fractions over the course of two weeks.

You’ll receive another aligner set at this point. The aligners must be swapped out every two weeks so that your teeth are continually moving. Straightening your teeth takes time, but you will see a difference in a few months.

Your Commitment to the Process 

The aligners require some work on your part. Remember that they cannot be effective unless you’re wearing them. Ideally, wear the aligners for about 20 to 22 hours a day. They’re safe to sleep in. Take them out to eat or brush your teeth. Because they’re virtually invisible, most people don’t mind the time commitment. Metal braces cannot be removed, so your commitment to aligners must be a conscious effort.

Keeping up Appearances 

After your orthodontist verifies that your smile is straight, the aligner use is no longer needed. This process can take around a year, depending on your oral health. Your teeth can still move, however. This fact is especially true for teenagers who’re still developing. You must wear a retainer after Invisalign treatment. It looks just like the aligners. Wear the retainer 24 hours a day at first. Your orthodontist will slowly wean you off of the retainer so that your smile is perfect from here on out.

Your orthodontist is the only person who can really decide if aligners are right for you. Visit your chosen professional today. A straight smile builds confidence in everyone at any age.

A Precise Guide to Wedding Invitation Wording

One of the things that stump a wedding couple is the wedding invitation wording. Sometimes it can get stressful while attempting to strike the right tone and not to overlook any critical details that must be included. Nowadays people are opting for a more laid land, casual ceremonies.

But now that you want to create an invitation with the best style and tone, here is a guide purposely meant to make the invite part the simplest. Think about the following before you begin crafting your invitation.

The type of wedding you are planning to have

If you would host a formal black tie event, you are supposed to strike a formal tone in your invite. But if it is a backyard garden party, feel free to use a casual and informal tone.

Here are the basics of a wedding invitation

In a wedding invitation, you can include the following;

  • Those that are extending the invite, for example; you and your parent or your parents
  • The event; for instance wedding ceremony, reception and even include any after ceremony meet ups.
  • The location- make sure you state where the wedding will take place or the reception.
  • Reveal the date and the time of the wedding
  • RSVP details- provide a reply date plus as many RSVP options as possible such ads text, email etc. to make it easy for guest to reach you faster.
  • Who you are inviting- in case you want to invite their kids or not, include a note detailing that part well

You can also add this information if you think it is necessary;

  • Accommodation choices
  • Menu and any dietary options
  • Directions; to the venue for wedding and reception
  • Dress code
  • Gift list ideas
  • Personal contact information

However, if you wouldn’t wish to have children in your wedding, don’t hesitate to state that clearly in your invitation. And so if it is an adult thing, here are great ways to put that forward;

  • Clearly print the names of the particular guests invited
  • You can add “Adult Reception to Follow”
  • Clear those ONLY children of close family are allowed to the wedding

Would you like to go formal?

Look: using ‘cordially invite you to’ makes it formal. In case, you would want to create a more relaxed tone, try some of these; begin with invite you…

  • ‘To share in the festivities’
  • ‘To the wedding celebration of’
  • ‘To celebrate the marriage of’
  • ‘To the occasion of so and so joining in marriage’
  • ‘To celebrate the wedding of’
  • Or, ‘would like to invite you to celebrate the wedding of’


Up to this far, you are equipment with the details on how you can create a nice wedding invitation. Every details is as critical as the wedding itself, so do not underestimate any of the above information and guidelines. They are all worthy getting absorbed.


Marine oils that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids have been studied, recommended and approved for use as preventative medications in individuals at risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and strokes. This is especially so in individuals with abnormal lipid profile test such as men and women with hypertriglyceridemia i.e. persistent triglyceride levels, 200-499 mg/dl.

What is Lovaza?

LOVAZA is an oral administration, liquid-filled gel capsule containing lipid-regulating agent. Each capsule of LOVAZA generic contains approximately 465 mg of eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and 375 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Lovaza also contains other non-active ingredients such α-tocopherol (Vitamin E), glycerol, gelatin, vegetable oils (including soybean oil), and purified water. The inactive ingredients mainly make up the capsule shell.

What is Lovaza used to treat?

As a lipid lowering agent, Lovaza is used in the management of high blood fats (high blood triglyceride level and high LDL-cholesterol or what is called bad cholesterol). Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester generic helps to prevent the development of strokes and heart attacks associated with high triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

In individuals with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, the first step of management is lifestyle adjustment. This typically includes a diet with low fat and cholesterol levels and rich in fruits and vegetables.

More physical activity and less alcohol intake are emphasized for weight loss. Blood sugar control in diabetic individuals and normalization of basal thyroid hormones in individuals with thyroid disease must also be achieved. If triglyceride levels still remain high (200->500mg/dl) despite the above lifestyle interventions, formulations containing omega 3 acid ethyl esters, such as Lovaza capsules, may be added on to achieve better outcomes.

How does Lovaza work?

Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester generic work by increasing HDL- cholesterol (good cholesterol), which promotes clearance of cholesterol from the body. It aids in the inhibition of acyl-CoA 1, 2 diacylglycerol acetyltransferase and thus reduces production of fats by the liver. They also increase plasma lipoprotein lipase activity which helps to breakdown lipids. This activity enhances clearance of fats from the blood.

Lovaza reduces esterification reactions and thus reduces the liver’s production of fats and their subsequent release into the blood. All these actions work synergistically to lower blood fat levels and thus prevent formation of fat plaques on blood vessels known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is where a streak of fat accumulates on vessel walls especially of the abdominal aorta, heart vessels and brain vessels. The streak can develop into a plaque that occludes your blood vessels and increase the chances of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

In the abdominal aorta, as the plaque grows it erodes the vessel wall and may lead to formation of an aneurysm. Lowering blood fat levels prevents further development of this cascade and thus reduces the risk of disability and death.

Other benefits of Lovaza

Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester generic has docosahexaenoic acid which is a core fat among other polyunsaturated fats. These fats form the phospholipid layer of many cells including nerves and are also part of the myelin sheath that covers nerves and enhances nerve impulses conduction. Lovaza capsule also contains Vitamin E, albeit in minimal amounts, which is a powerful antioxidant and has great effects on skin and hair growth.

Lovaza dosage and precautions

Before starting to use Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester generic should be taken after careful consultation with your physician or pharmacist. Any allergies to fish, soy beans or shellfish could be a contraindication to taking Lovaza. Thyroid hormone levels, liver function and baseline lipid levels should be considered before commencing treatment.

Lovaza dosage is usually 4g/day taken either as 4 capsules once daily or two doses of 2 capsules taken twice daily. Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester dosage may be increased if you can tolerate it and if there isn’t optimum fat blood level control while on 4g/day, but this should be under a physician’s recommendation. The dosage may go up to 8-12 g/day. If you forget to take Lovaza, take as soon as you remember but don’t take beyond the prescribed amount. Review after 3 months may be necessary to judge response to the treatment.

 What are the side-effects of Lovaza?

Side effects of Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester may include stomach upset, burping, strange taste, easy bleeding, vomit that looks like ground coffee, and black/tarry stool. Allergic reactions may be serious and may manifest as itchiness, redness and inability to breath. Lovaza may deter some blood test such as liver function test. This is not a complete list of side effects. In case of any undesirable reaction to the drug, contact your pharmacist or physician immediately. In the event of overdose, call emergency medical services, but if not too acute, visit your nearest emergency room or poison center.

How should I store Lovaza?

Lovaza omega-3 acid ethyl ester should be stored in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight at a temperature of approximately 15-30 degrees Celsius.


A Woman Can Give You Many Chances, But Once She’s Done – She’s Really Done

A woman can put up with your false promises, lame excuses, and lies for a long time, but when she’s had enough of your bullsh*t, she won’t give you a second chance.

A woman who loves from the bottom of her heart is willing and prepared to sacrifice her own happiness, needs, and priorities for those who mean the world to her.

A woman who loves honestly, deeply, and unselfishly is willing to do everything for the special people in her life.

Because it’s in women’s nature to love this way. It’s in women’s nature to be compassionate, generous, and loving. It’s in their nature to be tender, but also strong and resilient.

Therefore, remember this: Once a woman recognizes that she’s being taken for granted, she won’t think twice about walking away.

When she’s done with you, nothing you do will change her mind.

When she’s finally done giving you chances, the only option you’ll be left with will be to accept the harsh reality and repent for your mistakes.

Because you see, we all have boundaries. And when someone keeps disrespecting them, they don’t deserve forgiveness.

Maybe you think that if you notice that she wants to leave you, you’ll manage to convince her to stay with you by showering her with compliments and sweet words.  

Well, not so easy, pal.

Because she has self-respect. She has dignity.

She will not allow you to walk all over her. She will not allow you to take her for granted and play with her feelings.

As I said, she can give you many chances. She can forgive your mistakes time and time again.

And know that she won’t do this because she is naïve or stupid. She’ll do this because she loves you from the bottom of her heart. She loves you with every part of her and she believes you are worth it.

She believes that you will change.

But as I said, everyone has limits, and once these limits are crossed, there’s no turning back.

When you break a woman’s heart, she won’t give you a second chance.

And, of course, letting go of someone she thought she was going to spend her life with, and someone who she believed loved her as much as she loved him will not be easy.

Her heart may ache and her soul may weep to let go of you, but she’ll do it because she knows her worth and respects her own boundaries.

She won’t allow you to drag her down or force her to live a life she doesn’t deserve. She won’t allow your toxicity to ruin her happiness and wreck her hopes anymore.

She loves and respects herself enough to admit to herself that her life is so much better without you.

She is strong and loves herself enough to put you in her past and move on with her life.

Therefore, she’ll let go of you and concentrate on her future. A future in which there’s no place for you. A future in which she’ll feel happy, fulfilled, and whole again.

A future in which she’ll be with someone who will know how to treat and love her right. Someone who will know how to cherish and appreciate her. Someone who will know her soul and her worth.

Someone who won’t need a second chance to be with her.

She’ll find someone who will know that you have to appreciate the amazing people in your life before it’s too late. Before you lose them forever.

How Do You Tell If A Woman Is Done With You?

It is for your best to realize when a woman has done with you. But, women can be subtle and never get to the point about the relationship, hoping that you will understand her signs, but you fail! As most of the men do!

And we are not talking here about small signs that can notice easily like she pretends to be interested in who won the cricket game you played with your friends, but bigger signs you can see and can tell you she is not happy, and she already packed her bags.

But, there are things you can still do and save your relationship. Here are ten signs that can show you for real that a woman is done with you, so start noticing them, maybe you can still do something about it!

1. She is a different version of herself

She is completely changed and reinvented everything about her, her hobbies, her hairstyle, has music taste, and you feel you are not part of it. She doesn’t want to share anything with you and all of sudden you see her change.

It is some sort of detachment from you. But, she is still not ready to break up. So, the chances to keep her, are still here.

2. She is not active in the relationship

We all know, that women are pillars of the house. They always care for the housework, the relationship maintenance, and even for the whole planning ahead. But, suddenly she is not so interested, becomes lazy and passive, she will do nothing for your relationship and if in marriage, for your household. She is probably done with you.

3. She can hurt you easily

A woman in love would do anything to protect you and would never say harmful things to you. But when she is done with you, she doesn’t care much.

She probably feels you did not protect her enough and she has done so much for you. She has given all her love, but she sees that it wasn’t worth it, she won’t be that nice anymore and will start to show signs of leaving.

She will be concentrating on her own happiness, not on your mutual one. She will probably not cook you that delicious dinner with love when you come home, not even give you a nice massage after a long day at work. She is probably done with you.

4. She sets emotional boundaries

She clearly states what is hers and what is yours. She has her own privacy. She wants to rebuild her past sense of self, that self that existed before you got together.

Your relationship is no longer close, you are separate persons. This separation is some sort of preparation for you, before the final break up.

5. She built a metal shell around her

When a woman built a wall around her, she shuts down inside herself and she doesn’t talk much. She knows that whatever she says, things won’t change. She has already tried. She doesn’t want her anger to get slower, she wants to remain angry because she decided to leave you.

6. She is not clingy anymore

She used to be clingy and wanted to spend any moment with you, but now, she wants to get out from you any chance she has. She would not even spend time with family and friends she doesn’t feel close to, just to get away from you.

7. She doesn’t impress you anymore

 When she is done with you, she thinks that she has not to change to impress you, because she is good enough for you. She can see that you do not put enough effort as well and she will stop doing the things that make you happy, and she would not care what you think about her anymore.

9 Signs Woman Shows When She Is Not In Love With You Anymore

Love is a magical experience. It can turn your life into a fairytale when she is blooming, but in withered autumn when she fades away.

Your girlfriend starts acting bizarre and you are not sure how to act, you can just wonder if this is the same girlfriend you are with and she doesn’t love you anymore.

That could be the worst possible scenario, and here are some signs that you are not making things up:

1. She spends her time with her friends rather than with you

She takes any opportunity she has to hang out with friends and they are not always super–positive. They might even influence her to go in a bad direction and the time spent with her friends gives her a fantasy superpower for leaving you behind even more and for real.

2. She criticizes you all the time

This is not a healthy relationship, nor a constructive way to build it and it is not constructive criticism. There are things your partner should never criticize you, like your feelings and aspirations, but your girlfriend does. Sometimes, being silent is not the only way to tell someone your love faded away.

3. You are not part of her plans

She might go out without telling you she would. She needs time more time for herself, and more space and she doesn’t communicate with you her plans and you are no longer part of them.

4. She flirts with other guys

She talks with other guys, and is not just a conversation, there is real affection in her gaze and voice. And probably your friends will tell you the same, your romantic relationship is over.

Before the whole situation doesn’t just go into a totally different situation, you can take things into your hands and step in in a respectful way.

5. Your intuition tells you something is wrong

You may be an empath that can sense easily things around and it will be easy for you to see that your girlfriend is fallen out of love.

So, you already know that something unusual happens, so you should be vigilant. Still, sometimes you can decide to let things go. You cannot imprison someone in a relationship.

6. She doesn’t fight and talk with you anymore

She no longer responds if she is hurt, she doesn’t have that loving feeling anymore. She doesn’t struggle to stay in the relationship, not anymore.

She doesn’t respond to some of your questions and you know communication is the basis of any relationship. In this case, you must put the card on the table and see what is wrong with your relationship. No one wants to live in a lie.

7. She acts seductively around other men

It is usually the men that chase around other partners and sex ( which doesn’t justify them), but when a woman starts to stray it is often that she has big reasons to do it. That means that she is really angry with you and she is not satisfied with your relationship. Or, it is just simple, she is no longer in love with you…

8. You feel insecure in your relationship

You have probably started doubting your feelings, you love someone and you ask yourself where your relationship is going, and you probably feel insecure about your relationship. You feel helpless and frustrated.

If you feel that your relationship is toxic and you trick yourself that your relationship is the real one, you should try something new. Do not get stuck in a relationship, trying to fix your partner, but try finding someone that “completes” you.

9. She avoids physical touch and the intimacy dies off

When you try to touch her and she pushes you away, it is a clear sign that your relationship comes to an end. She probably lost her interest in you and the intimacy had died off. This is an evident sign that she no longer loves you.

5 Remarkable And Secret Powers Of Eye Contact

They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and I couldn’t agree more. Eyes are the most sincere part of the face. They can tell a lot about a person’s emotional state, and if you’re really good at understanding nonverbal cues, then you can even judge a person’s character.

When it comes to understanding a person’s emotions, or even thoughts, and creating a strong, meaningful, inextricable bond with someone, eye contact is way more powerful and intimate than words.

Eye contact simply has the power to tighten a relationship, and even establish one with someone you meet for the first time, be it a new girl or a guy or a prospective employer.

To better understand the importance and power of eye contact, just think about how wonderful and magical it is when you gaze into the eyes of another person and you feel like you’re losing yourself in their eyes and like time stops existing. Or think about how romantic it is when you’re caressed by your partner’s gaze.

Yes, eye contact is one of the easiest ways to connect with someone and undoubtedly there’s much more to it than, well, meets the eye.

Here are 5 remarkable and secret powers of eye contact:

1. Eye contact can tell if a smile is genuine or not.

As I said, the eyes are the window to the soul. When a person smiles their eyes can reveal whether their smile is real or they’re just trying to mask some other emotion, such as sadness, anger, or surprise.

So, if you want to find out whether someone’s smile represents true, pure happiness or fake one, remember that the eyes are the giveaway. Namely, when a person is genuinely happy, they crinkle the corners of their eyes.

2. Dilated pupils indicate interest.

If so far, you’ve only thought that when you meet an attractive person and you get interested in them, only your heart beats faster and your breathing rate increases, know that you’ve been wrong. In situations like this one, the pupils of your eyes change too.

Namely, when you’re interested in someone or something, your pupils dilate (become wider). And believe it or not, dilated eyes make you look more attractive.

3. Direct, prolonged eye contact causes arousal.

The way that arousal is understood depends primarily on the circumstances and the people involved. For example, if a stranger stares at you, this can signalize danger and make you feel pretty uncomfortable, confused, scared, or even threatened.

However, a direct, prolonged, intense gaze between two partners can arouse passion between them, and cause arousal that can be interpreted as a sexual invitation.

4. Holding a person’s gaze is a sign of love.

It’s incredible how a mutual, intense eye contact can reveal so much more information about someone’s feelings than a simple conversation. It can reveal the deepest feelings and desires of the soul.

As Paulo Coelho says: The eyes are the mirror of the soul and reflect everything that seems to be hidden.” When two people stare at each other’s eyes, this is a sure sign of deep emotional and spiritual connection, trust, and true love.

5. Eye contact can reveal when someone is lying.

You probably think that a liar will avoid looking you directly in the eye, but research has shown that manipulators and liars tend to make more eye contact than truthful people.

Liars look you directly in the eye because that’s how they try to make themselves appear honest and trustworthy and make you believe in their fake integrity.

10 Good Habits for Students

Studying is hard, and sometimes it is even harder when you see someone successes where you cannot. It makes you question your abilities. However, studying is a skill, and you can learn how to do it better just like with any other skill. It is not a question of genetics or any other factor that you cannot control. It is just a matter of practice and building healthy habits.

If you want to increase your potential and get better grades, you need to form several students’ habits. Here are 10 tips that will make it easier and reveal the secrets on how to get motivated:

1.Create a Study Plan

It is the basis of any productive work – smart planning and time management help you manage deadlines and your time. You need to define what tasks you need to accomplish and the time it will take. Try to put a little more time than it is necessary so that you have a backup plan. The secret is simple – when everything is organized and planned, it doesn’t feel like there is too much work. Do one thing at a time and don’t try to accomplish everything at once.

2. Take Breaks

Your mind is not a machine and even the smartest computer needs to be reset and have a rest sometimes. That’s why you need to plan breaks. Studies show that the most successful strategy for developing your learning ability is having 15 minutes rest after every hour of studying. Listen to music, watch a YouTube vlog, and reset your mind. The key is switching to the completely other activity; a physical exercise is a great option too. It will boost your cognitive abilities and make the time you spend behind the books more productive.

3. Make Study Notes

It is hard to remember everything by heart, that is why the good idea is to make notes. There are lots of ways to organize them, you can use mind maps or other techniques. Make a plan for a lecture to write in all key points. Create a scheme with main terms to the seminar and write them out. You may also put some crucial definitions on stickers and put all over your board.

4. Get Good Sleep

Our well-being and cognitive functioning are directly dependant on our sleep habits. Do not pull all-nighters too often; try to avoid them if you can. Do not study in your bed because then you may experience troubles when trying to sleep. Get a good rest is a key to a productive day. Caring about your body is crucial at any times, especially if you experience a lot of stress.

5. Ask for Help

If there is something you don’t understand clearly, do not be afraid of asking the professor about it. Asking for help is probably the most underestimated academic skill today. But this action will prove that you are interested in learning and want to know more. If you are not sure about where to start with your writing task, ask for a consultation with a tutor. There is also another solution – you can seek online assignment assistance from professionals. They can inspire you with examples or help with editing.

6. Revise what you’ve learned

Another cool trick you can do is to test yourself and revise information. It is easy and takes a small amount of time. For example, before the lecture, you can go through your previous notes on the subject. Or you can make a habit of reading your notes every day, during breakfast or in a lunchtime. You just read it through and it will be memorized soon.

7. Analyze your mistakes

The best thing to do is to start where you are now. Look through your grades, tests, and written tasks and analyze where there were mistakes. Check them out carefully and find out the weak places in your knowledge. Maybe you are reckless when it comes to formatting or have some grammar mistakes. Or maybe there are knowledge gaps that need to be filled. These mistakes are your starting points; use them to make your weakness your strong point.

8. Create test conditions

Lots of students have troubles when it comes to performance under stress conditions. The amazing thing – you can prepare for it at home by creating resembling conditions. Take your books away and set a timer, after that start working on your answers. Do not use any notes or the internet, this way you can see how much do you actually remember and can explain in limited time. There are also lots of online tests on various subjects, you can take them to see what questions might appear and what else you should learn.

9. Use real-life situations

This tip depends directly on the nature of the subject you are studying, however, the secret is the same – use your knowledge in real life. We don’t just study to acquire knowledge as the number of facts that will be used on the test. We learn skills and information that can be practically implemented in life, so do it. Maybe you can find an internship or conduct an experiment, do what you like.

10. Do what you love

When we are passionate about something, working on it doesn’t feel like work at all. We are generally so engaged that are ready to spend hours and weeks on the project. Apply this idea to the study – follow the classes that are actually interesting for you and create projects that fascinate you.


Education might be not only challenging but also fun. What you need it to have a clear strategy and great habits. After all, doing what you love is what it takes to be successful.

Author’s Bio Crystal Roman

Crystal Roman is an educational, motivational speaker and advocate. The main focus of her works is to train people to learn better and improve their skills. She believes that any activity can be fun and useful.

Common Mistakes People Do While Filing 3rd-Party Bike Insurance Claim

You might be under the impression that filing a two-wheeler insurance claim is as easy as a car insurance claim. However, it could be a little more complex. You might get something or the other wrong and your claim could be rejected by the insurance company. It is important to understand what a third-party claim is and the mistakes to avoid while filing for the same. 

What is a third-party insurance claim? 

Third party insurance for two wheelers is made mandatory in India. Any owner of a two-wheeler, which caused an accident is liable for the injury or damage caused to the third party. This is a claim, which is designed to protect the owner of a two-wheeler from untoward incidents.

Issues with third-party insurance claims 

Most of us are not happy about filing a claim when a two-wheeler is hit by another vehicle. This is mainly because of the chance of mistakes that we could make while filing for the claim. However, the process is simple. An FIR is a mandatory document, which will support the claim. Hence, contact the police first and file an FIR. You then need to inform the insurance company at the earliest. Take photographs at the scene of the accident as it will work as evidence in a great way. Try to note down the numbers and names of the witnesses who can help prove the claim. Always be honest with the company and register the case with the special Motor Accident Claims Tribunal Court. Most importantly, keep detailed notes of the conversation and save all the receipts about the claim.

Mistakes to avoid while filing 

You should avoid these mistakes in order to ensure that you abide by the motor insurance claim process. 

Running away from the scene of the accident

Let your vehicle be where it is. Do not move it from the scene, and instead, check for medical aid nearby.

Avoid skipping to call the police

It is important to call the police if there is an accident. An FIR will help you file the claim and it is an important step.

Avoid getting stressed

This is easier said than done but you need to stop being stressed or aggressive. Do not accept the blame or the liability of the accident.

Do not ride the two-wheeler under the influence of alcohol 

If it is found out that you had been riding the two-wheeler under the influence of intoxicants or alcohol, it will cost you the claim. Also, do not employ the two-wheeler for commercial use.

Do not sign any release to the company

Do not take this step until you gain legal advice and believe that the estimated value given by the company is ultimate.

Do not miss out on any post-accident formalities

You need to adhere to the claim-filing process and the time limits. You should collect the documents and file a claim as early as possible.

Lastly, never accept a check which reads ‘final payment’ until you are ready to. As you can see, the process is tedious, but it is worth it. If you have recently purchased a new two-wheeler, you can get two-wheeler insurance online with minimal documentation requirement. It is a simple and straightforward process.