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Scientists Say: Children Need Microbes — Not Antibiotics — To Develop Immunity

You can never be too careful when you want to provide your child with a good quality of life. And perhaps this is why parents nowadays tend to freak around every possible nuisance that could potentially harm their child.

The question is, how careful should we really be and what does it mean to be careful? Most parents would agree that caring for the safety of their child means keeping them out of harm’s way in every possible way.

And this includes what has become our obsession to hyper-sanitize everything they touch – from the floors they walk on, to the playgrounds we bring them to. It seems that our obsession with germs has finally got the best of us.

In fact, parents are ready to go to such extents as to pay extra money for germ-free entertainment centers and deny them from playing in the dirt like kids used to do since forever. They buy expensive sterilizers, sanitizers, antibacterial soaps, and even give their children liberal doses of antibiotics (just to be on the safe side?).

However, microbiologists suggest that this is, in fact, the worst we can do for their health. Marie-Claire Arrieta, an assistant professor at the University of Calgary, and esteemed microbiologist Brett Finlay are the authors of a book called Let Them Eat Dirt: Saving Our Children from an Oversanitized World.

Concerned about the negative effects over-sanitization can have on the child’s health, the authors explain that microbes are essential to the creation of our immune system and that they shouldn’t be eliminated.

In an interview with The Star, Arietta explains that microbes kick-start the immune system of the newborn’s otherwise germ-free body. By producing molecules and substances that interact with the cells in our guts and with the immune cells on the other side of the lining, the germs “literally train them” to respond adequately to the presence of germs.

In the absence of these very necessary germs, our immune system cells wouldn’t have the necessary information to do their job, and would thus be unprepared when more harmful germs enter the body.

Research shows that our efforts to eliminate the germs from our children’s lives have been correlated with the rise of allergies, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease, and even autism. And this is simply due to the lack of training our immune system receives because of the elimination of germs early in life.

Arietta notes that some studies have even found that by cleaning everything that goes into your baby’s mouth, you increase their chances of asthma. “The incidence of developing asthma is decreased if the pacifier is cleaned in the parent’s mouth.”

All this, of course, doesn’t mean that you should put a spoonful of mud in their breakfast. Regular hygiene is essential: “We should not stop washing our hands, but we should do it at a time when it is effective at preventing disease spread — before we eat and after using the restroom. Any other time it is not necessary,” Arietta explains.

Don’t be too afraid to let your baby play with your dog, or your child to play in the dirt and get all muddy. In fact, encourage them to spend more time outside and be in touch with the natural ecosystem that they need to create in their bodies.

Our bodies need germs to function properly, and eliminating the same means eliminating an essential part of our natural way of functioning. Don’t give your child antibiotics unless prescribed by their GP; don’t buy antibacterial soaps (a regular one will do); and remember that dirt can be healthy!

Spread the awareness!

Source: The Star

13 Things You Can Learn From People With True Integrity

Integrity is perhaps the most important trait that one could possess. It’s a set of habits and moral values that make for the most successful and strongest people in the world. Unfortunately, it seems that integrity has become a rare trait in a world of people who are trying to be liked by others at the cost of their true identity and values.

Although some people are born with this trait, it doesn’t necessarily mean that one cannot learn to practice it. It’s because doing these things means following your truest nature and goodness inside and respecting that of those around you.

So, here are 13 things that people with true integrity possess:

  1. Valuing other people’s time

People with true integrity value their own time, and they value that of those around them. They are aware that everybody has a lot of things on their hands and that nobody will do them for them.

They respect the time you have dedicated to them and they will never hold you up. On the contrary, if they see that you are beginning to sacrifice your time for them, they will urge you to go on with whatever you must do and thank you for the precious time you have spent with them.

  1. Giving credit where it’s due

They will never think of taking credit for the things they haven’t done. Instead, they will not only be very grateful if you have helped them and will do everything that you take credit for that.

They don’t like bragging with other people’s successes and attributing them as if they are theirs. They consider this as a very low move and will lose all respect for people who tend to do it.

  1. Being authentic – always

People with true integrity will never try to be someone else for the sake of people liking them. If you like them, you will like them for who they really are, and if you don’t – well they don’t think that they have to be liked by everyone.

You will find it very hard to catch them being fake or insincere about themselves, simply because they never are.

  1. Seeing honesty as strength

Sure, you can easily get by with lies when they are necessary, but a person with true integrity will never be satisfied with such results. That’s why they choose to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, no matter the circumstances.

This doesn’t mean that they are blunt and inconsiderate, as they don’t blurt out things because they came to their mind. They know when to say what, and it will always be sincere.

  1. Never taking advantage of others

These people believe in their capabilities and they find taking advantage of others as something very degrading to their personality. Instead of using the weakness of others to their own ends, they would try to help these people to grow and become stronger.

  1. Accepting disagreements

You will not see a person with integrity arguing over disagreements. They accept people’s different points of view and they will try to talk things through instead of arguing over them. If it can’t be done in a civil manner, they will back down and go on their way.

  1. Giving people the benefit of the doubt

They are always aware of the good that lies in everybody, and they will allow themselves to believe in this good. It’s not that they trust people blindly, but they know that everybody has their own temptations and that they can be overcome.

But try and take advantage of them too much and they will quickly leave you with yourself and they will leave you for good.

  1. Being aware of other people’s state of mind

Their excellent intuition allows them to tell if something is happening. They will easily notice your state of mind and will act accordingly. For example, if it’s not your day, they will notice without you saying anything about it and will try to cheer you up.

  1. Choosing to believe others

People with integrity will allow you to tell your version of reality and will believe you until the truth comes to the surface. Even if you lie to them, you can’t fool them with that. If something really matters to them, they will eventually understand the truth about it.

  1. Always ready to apologize

Everybody can make a mistake and true integrity doesn’t grant you immunity to this. But it does come with the ability to see your error and own it up. These people may even become aware of their mistake before you do, and they will always apologize and try to make things right.

  1. Being humble

They do things as they do because it’s in their nature to function in this way. That said, they are not always aware of their true worth and just how much good they really do. And they don’t feel like they need to know this – they are true to themselves and they don’t feel the need for such approval.

  1. Doing good whenever possible

Doing good is what they believe in the most. If they can, they will always help people out, and do whatever is in their power to see them happy and safe. They believe in the power of goodness, and this gives them a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives.

  1. Always being kind

It’s not that they can’t be harsh, but it’s that they prefer being kind to everyone around them. They know that people need kindness and that only through kindness can you inspire people to become greater.

If you possess these traits, you should know that you are very true to yourself and this makes you true to everyone around you. Integrity is something which deserves a lot of respect and admiration, so thank you for being you and for all that you do.

Only through true integrity can we make a difference in this world which is becoming faker and more insincere with every passing day. Truth is beauty, and being true to oneself and to the good inside is the greatest truth in the world.

Source: Awareness Act
Image Copyright: kho / 123RF Stock Photo

Scientists Found That Labradors May Be Genetically Hungry

If you ever wondered why there are so many chubby Labradors, science has the answer. It turns out that one of the most popular and human-friendly dogs carry genetics that makes them feel hungry all the time.

Labradors are loyal and energetic dogs and they are also known for their intelligence. Namely, they were ranked 7 in Stanley Coren’s The Intelligence of Dogs. They have an advanced ability to learn and they’re used for detection and therapy work. They like humans and we love them because they’re easy to train, they’re playful, but also because of the way they look, of course.

They have an advanced ability to learn and they’re used for detection and therapy work. They like humans and we love them because they’re easy to train, they’re playful, but also because of the way they look, of course.

If you’ve ever had a Labrador, you know how greedy they are for food. Whenever you come home, they will welcome you at the door just for the food, even if they just ate. But, there is a scientific reason why they’re always hungry.

A new study claims that Labradors carry a special gene which makes them feel hungry all the time. The obsession with food is a result of a genetic variation, scientists discover. Not all Labradors carry this genetic variation, but a significant number does.

The research that was conducted at the University of Cambridge suggests that this genetic variation might be the only reason why Labradors always want more food and it doesn’t have to do with them being spoiled or the quality of the food they eat.

The study included more than 300 Labradors and their owners. The owners had to fill in a questionnaire about the exercise and food routines of their dogs. It was discovered that owners don’t have anything to do with their dogs being overweight.

The main researcher, Dr. Eleanor Raffan, said that the genetic variation is a common occurrence and the dogs who carry it are impacted significantly. As a result, Labradors are more often overweight compared to other breeds. But, one special type of Labradors has even higher chances to carry this genetic variation.

“It’s not a straightforward picture as the variant is even more common among flat coat retrievers, a breed not previously flagged as being prone to obesity,” Dr. Raffan adds.

The scientists discovered that almost 25% of Labradors have this genetic variation. The so-called POMC made dogs weigh approximately 2 kg more than their counterparts without the genetic variation.

Interestingly, researchers suggest that the exact gene that makes Labradors feel hungry also makes them so friendly and compliant. So, it seems that Labradors are perfect since they’re both cute and chubby and loveable.

However, having an overweight dog might not be only fun and games. It can put the animal to many different health risks, so it might be difficult to make sure your Labrador is both happy and healthy.

A research that’s being carried out at the University of Liverpool has the aim to suggest treatments for ligament damage in Labradors, which is a common condition of overweight dogs.

Researchers are analyzing the bone structure of the breed using advanced technology to learn more about the condition and find a way to overcome the problem. Some future treatments might include specialized implants that would help overweight dogs in their walking.

In any case, owners of overweight Labradors can be sure that it’s not their fault that their dog is fat and most probably, their dog is in the one-quarter that has the genetic variation.


According To Science, Starting Work Before 10AM Equals Torture

Have you been feeling tired and stressed throughout the day for no apparent reason? If you have, the reason could be your working hours – or more precisely, the time you start work.

New research suggests that starting work early in the morning leads to problems even more serious than just that. 

Even if you can manage to wake up easily, the physical act of having to get out of bed is where it gets tricky. And the reason why it is hard is that our bodies are not synchronized to the way modern society is functioning. Meaning, our natural sleeping patterns differ from society’s set working hours.

Some researchers have even compared starting work before 10 am to torture. This is because our bodies work on biological timers, called the Circadian Rhythm. The Circadian Rhythm, or our body clock if you will, is a genetically programmed cycle that controls the main activity of our brain, our energy, the production of hormones, and our perception of time.

The Circadian Rhythm, or our body clock if you will, is a genetically programmed cycle that controls the main activity of our brain, our energy, the production of hormones, and our perception of time.

Dr. Paul Kelley is a neuroscientist at Oxford University who has recently delved into this topic and has come up with several discoveries that can greatly affect us. He looked into various kinds of modern day torture and found that waking up and going to work before 10 am is one form of torture as well.

According to his findings, forcing the body to wake up earlier than our brain and organs are ready is damaging to our health because it interferes with our body clock. This body clock cannot be changed because it is pre-programmed in the brain.

If we, however, fight against our natural sleeping patterns, it can cause several health issues like sleep deprivation, physical and emotional stress, and this can further lead to more severe health risks.   

He says: “We cannot change our 24-hour rhythms. You cannot learn to get up at a certain time…your liver and your heart have different patterns and you’re asking them to shift two or three hours.”

As a part of an experiment held by Oxford University, Dr. Kelley worked in a school in the UK where he shifted the school’s start time from 8:30 am to 10 am. His findings were that after the adaptation period, students’ attendance levels were raised and their productivity was drastically improved. Their grades also raised by 19%.

His findings were that after the adaptation period, students’ attendance levels were raised and their productivity was drastically improved. Their grades also raised by 19%.

So, the question arises: Why do we keep on torturing ourselves?

The principle of working 8 hours a day was created back at the beginning of the 20th century in order for the manufacturers to get the maximum they can from the workers’ productivity. They did not take into account the Circadian Rhythm, the functioning of which is coordinated with sunlight.

Unfortunately, things have not changed since then. We are still mired in that system which is not in tune with our bodies’ natural functions.

Finally, if we get enough sleep – we would be more focused and productive at work. Because, if we were to listen to our body and if we wake up naturally, it would raise our overall happiness levels. Besides, we all know that happy people make the best workers!  

Image Copyright: holohololand / 123RF Stock Photo

ADHD Could Have Been The Secret Behind Da Vinci’s Genius

Although it’s not as common as the U.S. medical system tends to portray it, ADHD is an existing condition which affects people around the world. It is characterized by a restless behavior and a tendency to lose interest in finishing whatever the person has started.

Astrophysicist Mario Livio thinks that it is exactly this kind of behavior which has stood behind Leonardo da Vinci’s many started and unfinished projects.

He notes that people with ADHD have the habit of seeking for various things to ward off boredom, but are unable to maintain their focus for a longer period. To put this into perspective, Da Vinci’s collection of all the available knowledge could be a strong indicator of this habit, as well as his inability to finish what he started.

Here’s what Mario Livio says about this:

What do you think? Could Leonardo da Vinci really have had ADHD?

Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share!

Source: Business Insider

10 Quick And Easy Morning Routines Which Will Greatly Improve Your Day

Do you often feel like things are getting out of your control? Do you have way too many days in which nothing seems to go according to your plan? Maybe, you have even noticed that you started reacting on the things happening around you instead of acting on them.

Whatever your problem might be, there is one simple solution to never having to say again “Today is not my day”. And it all starts with changing your morning rituals.

One might ask: Why do mornings play such a crucial role throughout the course of the day?

And the answer is simply because our brain tends to take our first experiences that we’ve had in the morning, confirm them, and then repeat them during the day. This is called confirmation bias. Have you spilled your coffee on your new jeans? Your brain will try to spoil the rest of your day too.

On the positive side, if you start your day in a positive manner – it will end on a positive note also. This is why starting your day in the right way is essential. Below is a list of 10 things you can do to help you become more positive, relaxed, and stress-free during the day. 

1.     Don’t forget to drink water

Bearing in mind that we lose fluids while sleeping, it becomes so much more important to start our day with a glass of water. It is only when our body is dehydrated that our brain makes us feel sleepy, dizzy, and confused.

By drinking a simple glass of water in the morning, you’ll start your digestive system and help it clean itself before your first meal and you’ll keep your mind active and sharp during the whole day.   

2.     Make your bed

Try to start every day with an easy task – like making your bed. This seemingly simple task will give you a sense of accomplishment that will stay with you during the whole day.

The best-selling author, William McRaven, in an interview with the Business Insider, said that ‘making your bed’ does not stand for you throwing covers over the pillows. Instead, you need to do it right before you can proudly walk out of your bedroom and say “This looks good.”

3.     Drink coffee

All fellow caffeine addicts already know that coffee is a must for normal functioning. Also, caffeine makes you more alert in your interactions during the day.

But, what is interesting is that its effects last and even extend as the day passes. It takes approximately 6 hours for the half of the caffeine you consumed to wear-off. Only be careful to not drink more than 400 milligrams caffeine per day.

4.     Take a short walk

According to the National Sleep Foundation, going for a quick walk in the morning can give you the necessary energy boost that you need during the day. Moreover, exposing to natural light raises awareness and memory which is one of the most important things in having a productive day.

One study from Harvard Medical School also proved that walking is good for your health. The study included approximately 72,000 women who lowered the risk of heart attack by 35% only by walking 3 hours a week.

Plus, it’s free and fun!

5.     Write down three positive things

Practice this simple exercise called the “Three Good Things” every day. Write down three good things that have happened to you throughout the day. They can vary from something small, like: “My colleague made me coffee”, to bigger things, like: “I got a big promotion at work.”

The psychologist behind this exercise said that practicing it for only a week can reduce your depression levels and increase the production of serotonin – the “happy” hormone.  

Many people prefer to do this exercise before sleep, but you can do it in the morning also – as a positive reflection on your previous day.

6.     Do the most dreaded task first

Just imagine how more relaxed you would feel when you come home and there are no dishes for washing, or clothes for folding, and everything is neat and clean. You are in for a very relaxed and cozy evening.

7.     Read a book

It doesn’t matter if it is a book or a newspaper. Studies suggest that reading reduces stress and increases empathy – a quality that makes you likable to be around with and which helps in all your social interactions with friends, coworkers, and family during the day.

Moreover, the most successful people in the world are bookworms. They have strict reading habits that they follow. Bill Gates, for instance, has said that he reads one book per week.

8.     Meditate

There are many studies which prove the many benefits that meditation has, such as: improving focus, reducing anxiety and stress, and lowering blood pressure.

Those who meditate regularly are also reported to tire less easily, and get sick more rarely than those who don’t meditate.

9.     Plan your day goals

The psychologist Travis Bradberry suggests starting every morning by creating a plan of all the things you need to accomplish during the day and the time frame in which you will get them done.

This will drastically increase your chances of getting them done. Just keep in mind to write them down, to set realistic goals, and to start by finishing the hardest task first.

10.     Talk to a person you love

 Talking to your loved one is not only an amazing thing to start your day, but it also benefits your body.

Many studies have shown that social interactions are essential for our well-being. Moreover, people who have more social connections are reported to live longer, as opposed to those who tend to isolate themselves.

Plus, loneliness is directly associated with higher stress levels.

If you don’t have enough time in the morning to do all these things, choose those which suits you most and stick to them. It’s better to do at least one, rather than none.

Source: Insider

This Is Why Sleeping With Your Dog Can Actually Be Good For You

Who could ask for a better best friend than a dog? Dog lovers know this, and they are emotionally and physically connected to their furry friends. Moreover, dogs are one of the most loyal friends that a person could have because they form a special bond with their owner that is almost impossible to break.  Besides, this unconditional love between you and your dog is not the only benefit you can enjoy.   

On an emotional level, owning a dog is proved to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Moreover, the mere presence of your furry friend eases pain, reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels, improves your overall mood and increases happiness. On a physical level, having a dog around you can prevent allergies, will inspire you to exercise more, and help children to develop physically and emotionally.

 And, if you need an excuse to let your dog sleep with you – now, you have a valid one. Namely, it has been proven that having your dog in your bedroom can help you sleep better.

There is a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings which tested the sleeping habits of 40 adult dog owners who let their dog sleep either in the same bed with them or elsewhere in the bedroom. In the experiment, both dogs and their owners were given to wear motion-tracking devices during the 7 nights of the study, and then they answered questions related to the quality of their sleep and the location in which their dog spent the night.dog

The study proved that having your dog in your bedroom when you sleep does not reduce your sleep quality. In fact, it can even make you sleep better. The results showed that on average, people who had their dog in the bedroom had 83% sleep efficiency which counts for a good night sleep bearing in mind that 80% is considered to be a sufficient amount of sleep.

However, the before mentioned results are for those people whose dogs slept in their bedroom but not in their bed. Those who slept with their dog in their bed had a slightly lowered sleep efficiency of 80% – which is still considered satisfactory, but the difference is that they woke up more during the night as opposed to others whose dog slept elsewhere in the bedroom.

What is interesting is that sleeping with your partner, on the other hand, will not cause you such sleep interruptions. If anything, according to the authors of the study your partner can make you sleep even better than you would if you slept alone. This is because human beings are more flexible to accommodate to the needs of their bed partner than a dog could ever be.

The lead author of the study and also a sleep specialist at Mayo Clinic, Dr. Louis Krahn, said that many dog owners find it comforting and relaxing to have their pet in the bedroom with them.

However, she cautioned that this does not apply when people have multiple pets because instead of raising their sleep efficiency, having multiple pets around you can increase sleep disruptions which cause you to wake up several times during the night. This can happen more often if the dogs snore and move in their sleep.

She conducted another study on this problem, but this study was rather small and it included mostly middle-aged women, so it is difficult to relate it to the whole population. Also, the study did not have a control group, and because it was a small study it is difficult for the researchers to conclude if the size and the breed of the dog can make any difference to the sleep quality.

All in all, these findings, however small, are still great news for all dog lovers! You can now welcome your dog into your bedroom without worrying if it will affect your sleep. Finally, if you wonder if your dog likes sleeping in the same room with you – don’t worry. They sleep well regardless of the location or having you as a bed partner.  

Therefore, let your furry four-legged friend into your bedroom tonight. In addition to increasing your comfort and the feeling of safety – it can deepen your bond and love for one another.     

Source: Time

Scientists Recommend This Simple Trick That Will Help You To Conquer Insomnia And Anxiety

Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that a significant number of people have to live with. Many treatments are simply ineffective after a while. But, there is one method that proves to be efficient without undesired side effects.

Insomnia can become dangerous if it’s constant. Sleep deprivation throws the person off the normal daily schedule and can cause conditions such as lowered concentration, lack of productivity and it can even increase the risk of heart attack. That’s why it’s important to treat insomnia on time.

Doctors recommend one treatment that can be effective long-term and it doesn’t include taking medications or any going through expensive therapy. It’s a completely natural way to treat insomnia and it has been used as a treatment for other disorders, too.

Deep pressure stimulation

Before falling asleep, many people have the habit to swaddle in the blanket like a baby. This habit is so common because babies are usually swaddled before sleeping.

Baby swaddling leaves the infant with a feeling of comfort, which is why it’s practiced. It all has to do with pressure stimulation.

Actually, doctors prescribe this slightly unexpected therapy to patients with insomnia. The so-called Deep pressure touch stimulation has been used as therapy for the physical and psychological benefits the pressure has over the body. Namely, deep pressure touch relaxes and calms, according to Temple Grandin, Ph. D, Lifehack reports.

Similarly to baby swaddling, sleeping with a weighted blanket creates pressure on the body which is stimulating. The pressure of the weight relaxes the nervous system before sleep and helps you fall asleep faster.

The pressure encourages serotonin production, which then converts to melatonin. That’s a sign to the body that it needs some rest. Same as swaddling relaxes the baby, the pressure of the weighted blanked calms and relaxes the body and mind of the adult.

It also helps anxiety

Therapy with pressure stimulation doesn’t help only insomnia sufferers, but anxiety patients, as well.

In the same way, the weight relaxes the body and helps the person rest, the pressure also activates pressure points across the whole body, thus relaxing the body and leaving you with a feeling of comfort and relief. 

The pressure stimulates the body to release serotonin, and that’s exactly what the body needs when dealing with anxiety because this disorder has been linked to low levels of serotonin.

And scientists agree with doctors here. A research from 2008 proved that weighted blankets are really effective in treating anxiety. Another study from 2012 published in Australasian Psychiatry, supported the same results.

Depression, Alzheimer’s, autism

Doctors have been using deep pressure stimulation as therapy for other disorders and diseases which are linked to low levels of serotonin, including depression, aggression, OCD, and bipolar disorder.

Many doctors add many other disorders to the list: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral palsy, Tourette’s syndrome, and ADHD. It has been reported that people living with these diseases and disorders have benefited from the therapy with pressure stimulation.

What do you have to know about the therapy?

Many doctors recommend this therapy because it has been proven as effective, but also because it’s completely natural. However, there are some things that you need to know beforehand.

The weighted blanket shouldn’t be too heavy. Instead, it needs to feel comfortably weighted. The weight depends on every person, but usually, the size of around 15-30 pounds is recommended. Generally, the weight of the blanket needs to be around 10% of your own body weight.

If you’re not sure this is the right therapy for you because of some other condition you have, make sure you ask your doctor first. It’s important to know that weighted blankets are not recommended for people with respiratory, circulatory or temperature regulation problems. Also, if you’re recuperating from a surgery, it’s better not to use the therapy without your doctor’s approval.

It’s important to know that weighted blankets are not recommended for people with respiratory, circulatory or temperature regulation problems. Also, if you’re recuperating from a surgery, it’s better not to use the therapy without your doctor’s approval.

The weighted blanket can be on top of the person or you can wrap yourself in it. Everyone has different preferences, so it’s good to try several positions in order to find your own style.



Know the Dos and Don’ts to Get Rid Of Unhealthy Skin Plights

We live in a world where the environmental conditions are deteriorating day by day and it’s increasing the woes of human health. Although the overall health is affected due to the adverse weather conditions, it is the skin that gets affected majorly through it. The rise in pollution and degraded quality of foods has made the scenario worse in the recent past and continues to do so in the near future.

That is why it is necessary to take care of the skin and gets adapted to natural means as much as possible so that we can rest assured that we won’t face any brutal consequences related to our skin in the long run. But if you choose the best cosmetic surgery abroad for getting the skin treatments right then it can give you an attractive look that you would cherish for long. The busier lives that we lead has made it difficult to follow every rule by its edges but some few dos and don’ts can prove to be very beneficial for our skin health if we stick by them.

Read on to know more:

  • Try to maintain a healthy diet plan as the food we eat contributes majorly to what our skin looks like. We should eat more of vitamin a and c, fruits, avocados, carrots, and other such food items which contain high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • There are so many cosmetic companies in the market which promises to increase your beauty with their products but fail miserably in doing so and makes your skin more harmful. That is why it is recommended that you always choose skin products which are genuinely natural and are effective in healing your skin rather than damaging it purposely.
  • Whenever you put makeup, always make sure you remove it after you are done with the purpose of putting it. A face full of makeup clogs the pores making it prone to blemishes or acne and thus you should clean your skin properly with makeup remover or in case you don’t have it, you can use olive oil and cotton for the same.
  • As for the skin health, a healthy lifestyle is very essential in bringing out the best from it. When you eat and sleep healthy, stay away from addictions like alcohol and tobacco and a lead stress-free free life, the odds of having a clearer and better skin health increases by ten-folds as compared to an unhealthy lifestyle.
  • Try to hydrate and exfoliate your skin as much as possible. Allow your skin to repair from the damages made by donning heavy makeup and adverse environmental effects. Drink lots of water to heal your skin naturally as it not only helps in improving a better metabolism but also helps to reduce the dark circles, dull looking skin and acne from your face.


  • Too much of cosmetic surgeries and enhancements must be a strict no-no as they can go wrong in diversified ways making your skin more damaged than you imagine.
  • Never go out without a sunscreen as direct contact with the harmful UV sun rays can really damage your skin to an unimaginable extent. It can range from minor skin burns to even cancerous when exposed to direct sun rays consistently for a longer period.Don’t get addicted to irregular sleeping habits. When you get a good amount of sleep, it automatically shows up on your skin which glows amazingly due to the long resting period. So, having fewer hours of sleep is a clear ‘no’ if you want to possess a healthy skin.
  • Never neglect your skin health whether you are going to the gym or going to a party. Use toners, exfoliators, and moisturizers to make your skin look healthy and glowing even after a long tiring day out.
  • Lastly, do not take too much of stress, it literally harms the skin cells and makes it vulnerable to more damages than what a normal relaxed people would experience.

Human skin is very sensitive and it needs regular pampering and care to be healthy and naturally attractive even after such drastic environmental conditions that we live in. It has become more of a task nowadays to look for organic ways to heal our skin as the rise in adulterated and chemical products have increased ten-fold in recent times. People prefer to rely on ‘quicker effects’ to don a healthier look but later on, it harms the skin cells and makes it prone to damages and dead cells. So, it is necessary that we adapt to the natural ways and follow the above-mentioned dos and don’ts to get the type of healthy skin we crave for; It is never too late to get connected to mother nature for better results!

5 Signs You Are Dealing With A Complete Psychopath: If You Notice No 4, Run!

As much as you may try to imagine what a psychopath would look like, the truth is that they don’t tend to stand out in the crowd. In fact, you may be surrounded by some even right now, without being aware of their dark side.

This is because their specialty is mind games, and they play them well. Even if you feel something odd in the way they manage to dominate, manipulate, and even abuse you emotionally, they have a way of covering everything up so that you forget that hunch.

How do you know if you are dealing with a psychopath?

Psychopaths have the ability to wrap themselves in a very charming illusion, which will make you think that they are one of the nicest people you’ve met. By creating an image of themselves that you would prefer to see, they manage to make you think very highly of them.

However, beneath the fair façade, psychopaths are usually very insecure and they carefully plan their moves 100 steps ahead. They are great at pretending, which will make you think that they enjoy every bit of your conversations.

However, they use their excellent manipulative skills for a personal gain, be it money, sex, fame, you name it. And you while you won’t be able to notice their dark side when they are nice, some common habits that can be noticed usually pop out while they are engaged in an argument, or a negative setting.

If you notice these 5 signs, there is a very high chance that you are dealing with a psychopath.

  1. Excuses, half-truths, and lies

It’s not that people don’t lie – we all do from time to time. What makes a psychopath different is the intensity and the frequency of the lies they tell. It’s not uncommon for them to make fake promises, or gossip others and make up lies about their behavior.

Bearing in mind that the psychopath will serve their own interests, all these lies should serve to their own end. If you notice that someone is overly engaged in this kind of behavior, the chances are that they are far from OK.

  1. They like patronizing and looking down on you and others

Due to their low self-esteem and insecurity, the psychopath will do everything to make you feel less than them, so that they feel bigger than you and dominate you. They will do this by pushing the right buttons to make you feel insecure.

In the end, you will find yourself apologizing and feeling sorry about things that may be far from the reality you’ve been certain of.

  1. They are typical hypocrites

Trying to charm everyone, even those that they have so eagerly gossiped just a minute ago, they will do their best to put on a pleasant and friendly show. They aren’t led by the ‘moral compass’ they are trying to portray, and this allows them to stay on good terms even with those they have hated moments before they appeared.

If they feel that they are dominating you enough, they will even make a fool out of you in front of others and judge you for any mistake that is rather natural to make.

  1. They have many sides to them

The psychopath is never consistent in their behavior and mood. Instead, they use a variety of personae depending on what the situation requires. They can turn from a meek and lovable lamb to a complete bitch next time they see you.

While it can happen to everybody, the difference with psychopaths is that their swings are contradictory to each other and don’t fit into one personality frame. They can be obsessive and play the victim at the same time, or they could be most affectionate toward you and then turn their back on you the moment someone else is around.

  1. They are drama queens and like playing the victim

Psychopaths don’t like to take responsibility for their own behavior. Instead, they tend to toss the blame to others and avoid admitting their fault at all costs. They will do everything to convince you of their filtered part of the story and will deny every fault they may have in it.


Psychopaths are very good at making you feel low and unworthy. You need to be aware that this is something stronger than them and that you shouldn’t take it personally – they don’t choose the targets, as everybody is their target.

You need to be very aware of the fact that they will do everything to manipulate you to get out of the situation and have you take all the blame for their mistakes. And they are very good at manipulating others, so don’t underestimate them.

Their toxicity is something that will eventually drain you out and make you feel worthless and insecure. It’s best that you try to avoid them and keep them out of your life. Otherwise, they will bring you nothing but unnecessary drama, negativity, and trouble in your life.

Did you manage to recognize this behavior in someone you know?

Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share!

Source: Peace Quarters