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10 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re An Alpha Personality

The Alpha personality type goes to the people who are strong, ambitious, and majestic and intimidating at the same time. They aim high and aim to succeed. If you have an Alpha personality, you will know that this is not flattery, but rather the reality you always prefer.

And if you are unsure if you have what it takes to be called an Alpha male or female, here are 10 things that show just what it means to be an Alpha personality.

  1. You talk straightforward and to the point

If you have an alpha personality, you usually know what you want from other people, and you don’t like to mince words. Instead, you’ll go straight to the message, avoiding any vagueness and leaving no space for a second interpretation.

If you are unsure about something, you will prefer to discuss it and evaluate the other person’s opinion before making any final decisions. And lying is not a part of your communication style. You see no reason in lying and it’s definitely not part of your core values.

  1. You prefer actions to words

Words are obsolete when compared to actions. You know this and you know that bullshit comes from words, which you don’t buy. This is why you don’t overanalyze people’s texts, words, and promises.

On the contrary, you prefer observing their behavior, gestures, and reactions face to face. Because of this, you don’t build high expectations out of people’s promises and thought-through verbal expressions.

  1. You don’t suffer from the fear of missing out

You are led by what you actually care about, and this doesn’t include people’s drama, gossip, or their need to be a part of the herd. Missing out on a party, or skipping the latest online fad are not things that concern you at all.

When you are genuinely interested in something, you will be the first to know about it and you will engage yourself in learning everything you need to. It’s because you simply follow up on the things you actually care about.

  1. You talk the talk and walk the walk

You always practice what you preach and will always remain consistent with your behavior. It’s because you don’t see a reason good enough to fake your attitudes and shift your opinions because of the circumstances.

If you disagree, you will be brave enough to speak out and show your disagreement. There are always good reasons behind your actions and you won’t tolerate peer pressure. This makes you honest toward yourself and the others, regardless of their preference.

  1. You don’t count friends in numbers

Although you are good at communicating with people and you have a lot of acquaintances, you know too well that the ones you can truly trust are only in a small number. You can make a clear difference between friends and acquaintances, the first being only one or two people in your life.

This gives you great strength in disengaging from toxic relationships, fake friendships, and false flattery. You simply know that everyone has their own weakness and that they will not think twice before double crossing you, or trying to use you. That’s why you know how to keep your safe distance and still remain friendly and in a good mood.

  1. You enjoy being on your own

Your independent personality allows you to be able to handle things by yourself and you don’t mind being alone. You can do well without other people’s help and if you do partner with someone to achieve something, you will only do that if the other person shares your values and ideas.

This includes going to places and doing things that others wouldn’t do on their own. You have no problem with this, as you know that you are perfectly fine with doing things with and without other people.

  1. You are low-key at its finest

The social media accounts are not a place where you will go and share everything you see because of a need of approval and ‘likes’. Instead, if you do share anything, it will be something you find very special – and will appreciate those who understood your message.

You respect your privacy and you prefer to draw a line between your personal life and that of the other people. That’s why you will often be missing in action, as this kind of action is not something you find as relevant.

  1. You’re always busy doing the things you love

You don’t like pointless activities, and whatever you do is directed toward what you love. You spend your time pursuing your goals and dreams and you always choose to do the things you love.

Your love to be productive is not inspired by the need to gain compliments and appraisal from others, but rather by your love for the things you do. Your fulfillment comes before the positive reactions.

  1. You don’t care about what others say

You follow your own standards and you evolve your worldview through your own experiences. This is why you don’t base your life on society’s standards and how others feel about your decisions, although you always listen and consider the opinions of those that you love and respect.

You are well aware that you can’t please everyone, so you just go with what you believe is morally correct and which doesn’t harm your self-worth. This doesn’t make you disregardful of other people’s feelings, as you will always treat people the way you’d want to be treated.

  1. You’d rather stay single than be with someone who doesn’t get your values

You don’t suffer from the need to be in a relationship at any cost. Instead, you will wait for that person who shares your dreams and values. You’ll be most attracted to the person who has dreams as big as yours and who will challenge you and teach you new things.

You like your partner to see you as an equal, not a competitor. It’s simple: you don’t need anyone, but when you want someone, then there’s the chemistry you need to get things started.


How to Get Shredded Abs

For men, and women too for that matter, a physique cannot truly be deemed perfect, unless it comes complete with a set of shredded six pack abs. For those of you wondering how to get shredded abs, by the time you finish reading this article all will become clear.

If you look at some of the truly great physiques of our generation, including say, Simeon Panda, you’ll notice that they have abs that are so lean and so defined, that you could literally use them as a washboard for your clothes.

Simeon Panda is fast-approaching 50, and although 50 is considered nothing in terms of age these days, when you consider the fact that there are so many young up and coming bodybuilders, surely, you’d think that Simeon would struggle to hold his own? Well, you’d be wrong, as he puts many of them to shame. This is thanks, in part at least, to his ripped and shredded abs.

Wondering how to get shredded abs like Simoen? Then take a look at the following:

Stop doing 1000 crunches per day

Forget what you read in cheesy gossip magazines or “Fitness DVDs” brought out by Z-list nobodies, the way to lean and shredded abs is not as many crunches per day as possible. People genuinely believed that they had to perform 1000 crunches per day if they wanted a six pack, and therefore that is what they did.

If that was true, then surely to build big biceps you should do 1000 curls per day instead?

Of course not, if you did the biceps muscle would atrophy and suffer because it didn’t have enough time to recover, so your biceps would suck. The abs is no different. 3 sets of 30 crunches a couple of times per week are fine, but 1000 crunches per day? That’s just plain stupid!

Remember that there are other core exercises out there

 As great as crunches are for targeting the abs, there are other exercises out there that work just as well, if not better. When you train chest, you probably perform several chest exercises, rather than just bench presses, to help get the best results.

For the same reason, when you train abs, make sure you do plenty of other ab exercises.

Leg raises, wood cutters, plank, Spiderman crunches, bicycle crunches, and more, all work very well when training abs, so be sure to mix things up.

Create a caloric deficit

To reveal the abs, you need to drop down to around 12% body fat, or below.

This is very low for the human body and in order to do so, you need to burn off a lot of fat.

To burn fat, a caloric deficit must be created, whereby you consume fewer calories than your body requires.

To make up for the missing calories, the body taps into your body fat reserves.

Eat a clean, healthy, and  , and aim for a deficit of around 300 – 400 calories below maintenance, as this will give you a slow and sustained fat loss, without you feeling tired and lethargic.

Finally Mystery Solved! This Is How The Pyramids Of Egypt Were Built

One of the greatest puzzles in history are the pyramids in Egypt. Actually, the mystery is centered around the way they were built. Even in the ancient times, people have been amazed of their size and construction.

There have been many conspiracies and theories about the way they were actually built. And it is interesting how scientists get more confused the deeper they investigate.

Giza represents the place with the most developed ancient constructions on Earth. That’s the only place in the world were pyramids with eight sides have been found. Regarding the construction process itself, it is an enigma because one piece of block weights 2-30 tones.

When you consider that one pyramid is made of 2,300,000 blocks, the mystery further increases. There are many questions surrounding the pyramids:  Did the ancient man had the tools and technology to craft the block?

Where did they craft them? Most of all, how did they transport them? Lifting such heavy weight and placing it so precisely is a difficult operation even today with all the modern technologies and advancements made in the field.

Not puzzled yet? Researchers have calculated that the pyramids in Giza are located precisely in the center of the land mass of the Earth. This might indicate that the accident Egyptians knew or were able to calculate this position so many years ahead.

But how? Even today, calculating this would require help by computer software and technology.

So far, there were no scientists that could explain all of this. But now, they have started to put the puzzles together in an attempt to reconstruct the construction of the pyramids. Of course this is only a theory, there is no proof of this yet.

According to this theory, the journey started in the harbor positioned near the great pyramid. Each block was prepared for transport to the construction site by attaching platform on top of them. These platform were probably made out of animal skin and were securely tied with ropes.

When water season arrived, the water in the harbor would rise until the block would start to float. The rise of the Nile made this possible.

From here, the groups of three or four blocks were guided through a canal towards the construction site harbor pulled by cattle. From here, the unique system of lifting heavy weights comes into play.

There was a pipeline leading from the harbor to the pyramid construction site. The water was kept in the pipeline using two latches – one located in the harbor and the other somewhere in the middle of the pipeline.

After the block went into the canal, the first gate closed behind it. As it floated through the gate located at the midpoint of the canal, the second gate closed. This way the block arrived at the pyramid construction site.

Then people guided the blocks into water shafts on each side of the pyramid and then up to the working area. Take into consideration that the blocks were floating in the water.

When they entered the shaft the outer door was closed and the inner door was opened. Slowly, the blocks were floating upwards towards the top of the pyramid. Water canals on the top of the pyramid were used to transport the block to their resting place. Waterproof latches were used to drain these canals when needed.

After the blocks were placed to their approximate position these waterproof latches were closed and the water was drained, and the blocks would just sink to their resting position.

Using mud as a lubricant these block positions was corrected by workers if needed. Then, the canal would be filled with water again and the next set of block would be placed in the same way.

One big mystery this theory solves is the navigation of the block in the corners. The floating block could be easily manipulated in the water and placed precisely.

The floating devices made by animal skin were removed one by one enabling slow sinking of the block. Therefore, workers were able to place the block with great control and precision. This process was repeated around the pyramid and at each level.

If the theory proves to be right, we can be sure that the Egyptians managed to build these massive structures without the need of vast work force using this technique. They used something they had in abundance – water.

Another mystery remains, though. It is a fact that pyramids were built across the world with a similar architecture in a time where there was no long distance communication. Were they all built with the same technique? This question remains to be answered.


Top 10 Air Purifiers for 2017

Are you having a tough time breathing in your own home or office? With all of the air pollution and dirty contaminants in the air, one has to wonder if an air purifier is just the right thing to live in a clean environment. This is especially true for those who suffer from asthma or allergies, whether it be from pollen, food or pets.

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, indoor pollution can be more harmful to your health than the air outside, as discovered and confirmed by scientific evidence. The biggest groups targeted by this finding are young children and the elderly suffering from cardiovascular disease. However bad this may sound, there is a solution to this very issue.

Most people nowadays are reaching out to the air purifier, especially if they have newborn babies in the house. It removes impurities and pollutants from the air and replaces it with fresher, more breathable air. Now, breathe easier with an air purifier in your home, not worrying about the air you are breathing and what it contains.

However, when it comes to choosing the right model and type, they all have their own benefits and disadvantages. Taking time to choose the right one may be time consuming, as it is an investment for the long term.

Who has enough hours in the day to work full-time, do the laundry, cook, clean and choose right air purifier? Hardly anyone, really. This is why we have come to the rescue and researched the top air purifiers for this year. Take a look and choose the one of your liking.

Now, the most important thing to keep in mind when making this decision is that most of these air purifiers are with similar characteristics and only vary in outer appearance.

Of course, the prices also vary. Nevertheless, this is an investment that will pay for itself in the long term, so choose wisely. When choosing the perfect one, the main feature is the filters and a HEPA is crucial.

OION B-1000 Permanent Filter Ionic Air Purifier Pro Ionizer

If you are looking for a cost-effective, strong air purifier, the OION B-1000 Permanent Filter Ionic Air Purifier Pro Ionizer is the perfect choice. This is exactly why it was rated as number one.

It has a rating of 4 stars and comes at only $59.

Not only does the OION B-1000 eliminate allergens and dust from your home or office, it also diminishes germs and bad smells. On top of that, it can cover up to 400 sq. feet in perimeter.

The main technologies it covers are the UV-C light that kills bacteria and viruses, cleaning the air and plummeting illness, contains a carbon filter that captures and eliminates bad smells throughout the home that come from smoke, cooking and household pets, and finally the ionizer that produces  ions in the air around you to remove detrimental contaminants.

The only thing to watch out for is if you have someone in your home with respiratory problems, since it gives off O3 <0.05 ppm to help in eliminating germs. Otherwise, it is the best one out there.

GermGuardian AC5000E 3-in-1 Air Cleaner

When searching for the second best air purifier in line, you might want to look into the GermGuardian AC5000E. This magic air purifier uses a 3-in-1 system for cleaning that eradicates contaminants from the air and making the environment germ-free.

It has a rating of 4.3 stars and ranges around $120.

Regarding the technologies it uses, this magic air purifier includes a UV-C Light that gets rid of illness and bacteria in an instant that would contaminate the air otherwise, while using a carbon filter that minimizes bad smells coming from household pets, cooking and smoke. Of course, saving the best for last – it has a true HEPA filter that apprehends almost all of the allergens in the air, mold and dust, eliminating them to 0.3 microns.

The GermGuardian AC5000E is the perfect air cleaner for those who have trouble with allergens or asthma, eliminating the germs in the air while aiding them in the breathing process.

When it comes to the actual square footage it can cover, it is perfect for medium or small rooms or offices up to 193 square ft. The fact that it can basically be carried around makes it extra convenient, while its vertical shape is perfect to sick anywhere in the room.

The only thing to watch out for may be the scent it gives off, smelling like plastic, which is common for most air purifiers. However, it is one of the top choices when it comes to everything else.

Honeywell HPA300

If you are looking for the perfect air purifier for the elimination of allergens, then you have come to the right place. Honeywell is the best-recommended brand when it comes to sufferers of allergies. Although it is a bit most costly than other air purifiers, it pays off in the long run.

It has a rating of 4.5 stars and costs approximately $220.

The best feature is probably the fact that it uses a strong True HEPA and Carbon filter that clean the air from allergens, smoke, dust and household pet smells. As being one of the best, it can cover up to 265 square footage, which cannot be said for more air cleaners.

Unlike most air purifiers, the Honeywell HPA300 has an automatic timer with 2, 4 and 8-hour interludes, contains a turbo fan mode and is user-friendly. The only down side to choosing this is the price and filter substitutes. However, if you want quality, this is your pick.

Rabbit Air MinusA2

When one plan on really investing in the absolute best air purifier there is on the market currently, then the Rabbit Air MinusA2 would definitely be the smartest choice. Investing in such a product is not an easy choice, but when it comes to the best, this is it.

It has a star rate of 4.8 and costs $499. Unlike the others, this air purifier has unmatched qualities that you cannot find in any other.

It uses an Ion Generator that produces an ionic field to defuse pollutants in the air, minus the ozone, while containing a pre-filter to grab the biggest particles in size. In addition to the pre-filter, it also has a medium filter that ploys allergens and dust. The best characteristic would probably have to be the extremely long life type of a True HEPA Filter, which has the role of seizing even the smallest dust particles, allergens and mold, enduring up to three whole years. Talk about an investment.

Apart from these spectacular characteristics, it also has a Carbon Filter that gets rid of chemical vapors and bad smells, along with a Customized Filter that allows the customization of the air purifier according to your wants and needs. You can pick from the elimination of allergens of all kinds, germ resistance, enthrallment of toxins or anything that harms you contained in the air.

Finally, if you are a tech-savvy person with a flair for color and design, this air purifier comes with the choice of customization according to your tastes. It can even be set up on the wall to save space. What a convenience!

Winix PlasmaWave 5500

As someone who enjoys top rated quality, the Winix PlasmaWave might be right for you. It contains a patented PlasmaWave special technology that cannot be discovered in any other air purifier. Unlike the ionizer, that creates ozone, this amazing technology and groundbreaking attribute cleans the same way without the damaging outcome.  

The star rate for the Winix is 4.8 with a cost of $179.

If you are looking for a cost-effective solution that best purifies the air, this is your pick. Like all the other air purifiers, it contains a True HEPA Filter. However, unlike the others, the PlasmaWave technology it contains eliminates almost 100% of the allergens and dust mites in the air, along with a smart sensor that oversees the quality of air that maximizes its cleaning effect.

The square footage it can cover is quite impressive, with 350 square ft., perfect for big rooms and offices.

Winix WAC9500

When looking into air purifiers that are always on the top list of choices, you are guaranteed to find the Winix WAC9500 on every one.

It comes with a rating of an amazing 4.8 stars and ranges around $250.

Although it may seem similar to the Winix 5500, it contains more attributes. 

The Winix WAC9500 contains two smart sensors, which oversee the room when it has an amplified amount of dust, dirt and bad smells and removes them right away. In addition, it has a 5-stage system for cleaning that has a Pre-filter, True HEPA Filter and Carbon Filter, a Clean-Cell Anti-bacterial conduct and best of all, a PlasmaWave.

Apart from the filters, it has a built-in generator that catches all contaminants and eliminates them. As for those suffering from allergies, this is a great choice since it is specifically produces to eradicate pet hair as well for those who own pets.

If you are worried that you will forget it on before going to sleep, rest assured. It has a light sensor, which helps it go into sleep mode once you are asleep yourself. As for the foot coverage, it envelops space around 283 square ft.

Individuals who find it hard to breathe due to allergies or pets inside the house usually take this air purifier to their liking. For the exclusive price, you will not be able to find a better cleaning system.

Best Choice Living Fresh SKY1057 Ionic  

As far as ionic air purifiers go, this may be your best bet. The Best Choice Living Fresh SKY1057 Ionic air purifier comes at $130 with a 4.3 star rating, which is tough to beat.

When it comes to cleaning and refreshing large spaces, this air purifier is number one on the list. It can clean room space up to a whole 3,500 square ft., which can clean a whole building or large house. In addition, if you are a fan of cherry wood, this is definitely your Que. It not only looks great, it is extremely robust.

According to its characteristics and main qualities, it contains a ceramic electrostatic collection plates that grasp the pollutants in the air and best of all, they are washable and can be reused. What does this mean? It means you are not obliged to pay the extra amount for the substitution of filters. We cannot say the same thing about the HEPA-type filters.

If these qualities are not enough, then it also contains an adaptable ozone generator that boosts the power for air cleaning. A note of advice would be to set it on a lower setting, especially those who have respiratory problems.

Holmes HAP242-NUC Desktop Air Purifier

For travel lovers everywhere looking for a convenient air purifier, your prayers have been answered. If you are looking for a lightweight, compact and expedient air cleaner, the Holmes HAP2424-NUC is the perfect choice. It comes with a star rating of 4.3 and only goes for an amazing price of $39.

The most popular feature of this air purifier is exactly that – its lightweight and convenient character. You can easily place it on your office desk, living room table or even your nightstand in the bedroom. As if that were not enough, it is also a great carry-on for travelers of all kinds. Whether you are planning a winter or summer getaway, this is the perfect thing to have on you.

Although the Holmes does not contain a True HEPA filter, it does still have a HEPA-type filter. This type of filter is able to grab almost 100% of the pollutants in the air, even those that are 2 microns small. If you are one of those who only need the purifier for cleaning the air and do not suffer from any illness or allergies, this may be the ultimate choice.

If you are still skeptical when it comes to the filters, it does come with an optional ionizer to help in capturing the dust and pollutants, since it contains a carbon filter. While it covers only 109 square ft. in perimeter, it is perfect for cleaning small areas.

Honeywell HEPAClean Compact Air Purifier

Now, if you are looking for an air purifier that is very similar to the Holmes desktop one previously mentioned, but would rather it be Honeywell brand, you have come to the right place. The Honeywell HEPAClean comes with a 3.8 star rating and costs only $45.

For those who love all convenient things, this is the perfect choice. It is small and sleek in size, which is perfect for cleaning your own space, your office or home space as well. Of course, it is the best choice for travelers as well.

As far as pros and cons when compares to the Holmes air purifier, the Honeywell has a permanent HEPA-type filter that is non-replaceable. That’s right – you are not compelled into buying the expensive replacement filters. What a relief! The best way to clean it is by using a vacuum and you are set.

 The same goes for the Honeywell in regards to the concern for the True HEPA filters. If needed, it contains a non-compulsory ionizer for more cleaning capacity.

Although this cannot be used to clean big spaces, the coverage is 85 square ft. and perfect for personal use.

Hamilton Beach TrueAir Compact Air Purifier

If you are a pet owner skeptical of all air purifiers that are not custom-made for pet hair, then you have found your air-purifying match. The Hamilton Beach TrueAir comes at only $59 with an amazing star rating of 4.5.

One has to wonder if a regular air purifier is enough for pet owners. For those who have been searching for the right one, your quest is over – search no more. As one of the top rated air cleaners, customers who continue to boost its rating and purchase it have reviewed the Hamilton over 2,800 times.

As for the filter, it contains a permanent HEPA-type filter, just like the Honeywell. Also like the Honeywell, it comes with the option to clean it with a vacuum, eliminating the need to buy the replacement filters. This is one of its best features for those looking to save.

When compared to other compact air purifiers of its type, it comes in first place due to its strong power and coverage of 160 square ft., which is far more than the other choices. You can still place it anywhere you like or carry it with you when traveling.

If you are out for a cost-effective and convenient air purifier for your home that includes a pet, this is the perfect choice.

Whether you are looking to purchase an air purifier at a fair price for everyday use, or are interested in making a long-term investment, you have come to the right place. We have chosen the best air purifiers recently reviewed by the best in the industry. It does not matter if you are a pet owner, lover of travel or someone working in an office, we have the best choices for your air cleaning needs.

Air purifiers are most convenient for parents of newborn babies, sufferers from allergies and those who have respiratory problems. They clean the air and eliminate all harmful pollutants, which can be caused by various factors.

Prices vary from time to time, but quality remains. Air purifiers are one of the smartest investments one can make, especially those who suffer from asthma or allergies. Happy shopping!

5 Phrases Manipulators Use Say To Make You Feel Crazy

By clear-cut definition, manipulators are people who lie for a living in order to get what they want, either this way or that. They are ruthless, lack normal human empathic emotions, and best of all, they are great at it.

Manipulators can be creative at heart

Obviously, it takes a clever and creative person to endure such a character. They need the intelligence, wittiness and artful skill of manipulation to succeed in their dirty deeds. However bad it may be, it is a skillful character trait and not everyone can pull it off.

They can also be biased

Manipulators do not have a soft heart. They can be conniving and biased, not thinking twice about the mess they make trying to get what they are after. They will go at all lengths to achieve their goals, regardless of anything. In fact, this is one of their main characteristics.

Sinister, you say.

Yes, indeed they are. They are the type of individuals who do not care of even give thought to other people’s feelings and emotions; therefore, they will do what is necessary to get their way.

They will use an inceptive method and try to make subtle suggestions in order to get the outcome they want. Manipulators will try to make you think it was “your idea” to begin this. Yes, this is how good they can be.

They can, however be spotted in their pallet of lies, if you only listen. Manipulators use certain phrases to achieve their objectives, which can be recognized.

You are too soft-hearted”.

Manipulators often use this adjective to try to make you believe you are too soft at heart, which is why your feelings are hurt. Even if that is the case and you are a softhearted person that does not give them, the right to make it seem like this is a negative trait to encompass. 

Furthermore, how else are you supposed to respond to someone that is mistreating you? Do they expect you to simply let it slide all the time? If that if the case, it shouldn’t be. Soft people have the right to raise their voice and tell manipulators what they are doing wrong, why and how it makes them feel.

“You overthink everything”.

As individuals with strong emotions and a rational mind, we often do tend to overthink things. We even tend to overthink and sweat the small stuff, which may not be the healthiest thing to for take. However, when speaking to and about manipulators, the story is a different one.

No one can and should blame you if you are overthinking and analyzing things that a deceptive person has said to you. They are always onto something, to trying to rationalize their behavior and words by really looking into what they say may be a smart idea.

Manipulators are always lurking, scheming and deceiving. Being alert and cautious is the only way to say yourself and everyone around you from the deceitful mind of a true manipulator.

Therefore, the next time you are told to stop overanalyzing a manipulator’s words and actions, be reminded that this is the only way to find the underlying cause in their sea of lies.

“I dislike making a scene”.

This could not be more wrong. Manipulators love making scenes, even if it wreaks havoc on everyone around them. They love attention more than anyone so putting on a performance or even participating in one to complicate things is one of their favorite tasks they pretend to hate.

However, do not be fooled by this. Making a scene is where they thrive, but in the dark. They do not shout or make it obvious that they are making a scene. They do it in very sneaky, manipulative ways that can hardly go noticed.

One other thing they master is throwing you under the bus. Deceitful individuals will make you think you are in the wrong and should be the one to apologize and fix it. You are left feeling down and frankly, clueless and confused.

“You do not comprehend what I am saying.”

Blaming others for not comprehending what they are saying is the most common thing manipulators do and quite well, really. When they are caught red-handed in their web of lies, their best bet is to make you feel incompetent and plain out stupid by telling you that you do not understand where they are coming from.

The best way to recognize a phony is by this exact phrase. If you hear this far too often from the same person, be sure to investigate further and try to get to the bottom of their deceptions.

These type of people thrive on the hurt of others, so when they see you are confused and hurt because you do not understand what is being said, they are winning.

“Your actions are quite unreasonable”.

Making others confused and lost by what they are saying is a masterful skill of a typical manipulator. They also tend to try to make people think they are being ridiculous when contradicting what they are saying. When they persist on doing this, it gives you a feeling of uncertainty and you start to question yourself.

The next time you are faced with any of these phrases and recognize the manipulator in action, take nothing to heart. It is always them, and never you. They can be very persuasive, conniving and witty. Manipulators are very skilled at what they do and can easily fool anyone. If you do not have any experience with such a deceitful person, be cautious.

Even smart individuals can find themselves tangled in the web of lies crafted by manipulators. Never take anything they say too seriously and feel bad about it. Most of the time, if not all the time, manipulators are the ones in the wrong, no matter what they say.

They can make you feel confused and that your behavior and reactions are irrational, but do not fall prey to their lies. Simply smile, nod and ignore.

Image Copyright : 123rf.com tohey 

If You Have Experienced Emotional Abuse In Your Childhood Then You Are Probably Doing These Things As An Adult

Experiencing emotional abuse as a child can lead to serious issues in adulthood. The pain may wane with time, but its effects stay long with the abused person and they can affect his/her personality and the relationships with other people.

Emotional abuse is a serious problem. It can scar the child for life. So, parents, be careful! No child deserves to be abused in any way. No one has the right to shape someone’s life in such an abusive way with horrible consequences.

Below are some things that experience only adults who have been emotionally abused in their childhood. The Mighty had a discussion with its community on this subject and their testimonies were heartbreaking:


If you have been a victim of emotional abuse in the past, you got used to your parents’ constant fighting and shouting. It left you feeling scared then, and it leaves you scared every time you get into a confrontation. This is because, for you, shouting triggers a painful memory from your childhood.


When you’ve spent your whole childhood with abusive parents who were constantly pointing out your mistakes, and were making you feel like nothing you do is enough for them – you can sure feel awkward when someone tells your worth because you are not used to it.

You are not used to someone admiring and supporting you because you’ve spent the majority of your life feeling unsupported and without a shoulder to cry on – and this is one of the worst feelings in the world.


You are driven by your need for perfection because as a kid you were constantly trying to impress your parents. And your parents were not satisfied with anything you did. You were probably overachiever as a kid, and you were constantly proving yourself to others. This need for perfection stays with you and it can be a negative thing for you and those around you.


The lack of belief in yourself is deeply integrated within you from your childhood. During that time you were probably doing everything you can to please your parents and make them proud of you.

However, little did you know that this can lead you to doubt your every move later on. You seek validation in others, and you feel like you are doing the wrong thing every time.


Having always been accused of something in your childhood, you are now always taking the blame for everything that happens. You say “I am sorry” way too often and you apologize for things that are not even your fault.


Emotional abuse has led you to fear any kind of social situation. Places like school, work, or social gatherings scare you because you feel awkward when being around many people. Nothing compares with the safety of your home.


If you have experienced emotional trauma as a kid, it is very possible that you have severe trust issues as an adult. You don’t feel comfortable, or close enough, to someone to reveal your deepest fears and secrets. You think that people are selfish and they will betray you if you give them the chance. So, your solution is to avoid them.

ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION Because you have been bottling up your feelings every time, you are now experiencing clinical depression. Your anxiety attacks are also a result from that. You cannot handle stressful situations because as a kid you were taught that it is not okay to become emotional.


In order to not be hurt again, you learned how to hold your walls high enough, not allowing anyone to get close to you. Your negativity and rudeness can be parts of this barrier that you have built to keep you safe from people hurting you.


Your parents were your ‘authority’ as you were growing up. They taught you to always respect and (fear) them. So now, you have become a people pleaser. You are afraid of authorities and you are trying hard to please them because you fear that you will somehow get into trouble.


If you have experienced an emotional abuse, you can definitely relate to this. You are so self-conscious and insecure in your interaction with others that you feel constant need to always explain your every move. You do this because you don’t want them to judge you or misinterpret your actions.


You tend to get overly shy around people. You constantly struggle with having a voice to speak up for yourself. This is because you tend to think that no one is interested in hearing what you have to say.


You are scared of speaking up. You are scared of taking action and standing up for yourself because you have never done that. You have run away from conflicts your entire life. You have become so passive that you let others walk over you and make decisions for you.


You have lived your whole life with everyone telling you what to do and how are you supposed to feel, that you lost your identity in the process. You don’t know who you are deep down, and you don’t know what you want from life either.


When you haven’t learned how to deal with anger when you were young, it is so much harder to deal with it as an adult. This anger inside of you that you were bottling up inside of you for years, can burst out in the most unpleasant way possible.

So, it is essential to learn how to control and deal with your emotions from the young age, so you don’t have problems like this in the future.

Have you ever experienced emotional abuse in your childhood? Do you have any of these things happening to you right now? You must tackle the problem first in order to find a solution.

Then you must accept the problem and if it is one because of emotional abuse, my advice is to seek professional help because there is not much that you can do about it yourself.

Image Copyright: altanaka / 123RF Stock Photo

11 Habits Of People With Concealed Depression

Depression is a difficult mental disease that most of the time stays hidden within the affected person. These individuals have inner struggles and no one is able to help them deal with them.

Most of the time, this is the case simply because these individuals are not keen on sharing problems and difficulties with others and prefer hiding their feelings.

This article is all about making these people more visible to you, in order to try to help them or simply address a professional for that matter.

Here are 11 habits of people with concealed depression:

1.Talented and expressive

Mental diseases are quite common among celebrities. When dealing with this condition people become more emotional and being emotional often contributes to one’s success.

Most of us cannot see the difficulties they have, but they play a big role in their work. In a manner of speaking, it is like they have the ability to create a masterpiece out of the struggles they battle every day.

2. They search for a purpose

Every individual wants to know their reason for existing. And it is quite normal to seek the answer to this question.  The difference between a normal individual and a person who is suffering from depression is that depressive people are never satisfied with their reason for existing.

They feel that they are not good enough to do something meaningful for the society. It’s like they have set the bar too high, and therefore they can never achieve what they think is enough to be worth living for.

3. Sometimes, they silently ask for help

Often we don’t see the need for help in someone. The reason is that most of the people are not expressing their emotions in a way we can see it. If you notice that someone is down and is trying to ask for help not knowing how to really ask that means they trust you and they needs help.

He or she simply doesn’t know how to express their struggle. If you feel their need for help, do anything you can to help them.

4. They look differently on drugs and food

People dealing with depression know which substances can make them feel better. They understand that coffee or chocolate can make them feel better. The truth is that simply consuming this won’t help them much.

The main effort in feeling better is up to them to make, and it takes a big effort to do it. But of course, medications and food are important to them and play a big factor in dealing with their condition.

5. They often think about life and death

Individuals suffering from depression often think about their life and its end. They have the tendency to think of dark scenarios for their life. Sometimes they even have suicidal thoughts. Be aware, not all depressive people are thinking of taking their life.

However, when that’s the case, a professional help is needed. A nonprofessional can cause more damage than good, so be careful if you feel that someone has suicidal thoughts.

6. Strange eating habits

This habit is different on an individual level. Some people dealing with depression have the need to eat more when they feel bad since they replace sadness with food. Others have lack of appetite when feeling down.

7. Irregular sleep

People struggling with depression might have trouble sleeping, and often are facing insomnia. On the other hand, the same individual can sometimes oversleep and stay in bed all day. Most of the time, when they sleep abnormally long, it is because they are emotionally exhausted and there is nothing else to do about it.

8. Feeling abandoned

Often, people who were left by a loved one can feel abandoned. This is quite normal after ending a relationship. But people who are suffering from depression have this feeling constantly, even when they are surrounded with the people they love.

The fear of being left behind causes them to hide the problems they have simply because they fear that those problems will be the reason for being left behind.

9. They are extremely good in hiding stories and coming up with cover ups

They have the ability to cover up their bad emotional state very fast. They easily construct a story when they need to find an excuse for actions caused by their feelings.

10. Lifestyle changes

Most of the time, people are trying physical activities to feel better. You can often see people who are dealing with depression jogging or walking.

Other things they do often except exercising is listening to music. They do these things as often as possible simply to feel the relief they get from doing it.

11. They are trying to seem happy

People who are suffering from depression don’t want to upset other people with their problems. Therefore, they will try to fake that they are feeling great.

They want everyone to think that they are fine, and they deal with their demons alone. They are afraid that they might drag you into their problems and transfer it to you.


Tips on How to travel the World on a Budget

Traveling the world is a dream that so many of us have, but never get the opportunity to satisfy. The reason that makes several people never accomplish this dream is that it doesn’t fit into society’s arrangement. Some are too scared to travel and others think that they just cannot bear to travel.

What they fail to know is that traveling does not need to be such costly as they think. If you take time and do the research you will find how to travel the world on a budget. You will know that some places cost more than others. The good thing is it doesn’t make any difference where you go, there is mostly an approach to save a lot of money to make your dream come true. Below are some tips to help you.

Have a budget and avoid impulse buying

One thing you need to do is work out your worth. Avoid being like most people living in western culture will presumably be in some kind of debt for spending your money on buying unnecessary things. It is these things that cause you to venture to be expensive.

The truth of the matter is that avoid things that cannot make you glad. Instead of buying such things, put your money towards fulfilling your dreams of traveling the world, encountering new societies, meeting new people, and just truly loving and adoring life. So stop spending money on things that you don’t need, pay off your debts, and then keep some money.

Avoid costly destinations

Well, everything depends on where you are going. For those of you who want to take a one-year-long trip, then many people have done it and you can spend up to $20000. It looks like too much money, but think about it. That is all you need to use and travel around the world for one full year!

How much money do you spend each year living the life that you do not like to live? Some people spend more than that, while others use significantly less. Everything depends on what you spend your money on. If you want to travel on budget carry your bag with a couple of clothes and things like a camera.

Avoid complex things

You do not have to carry your whole house, nor do you need to purchase unlimited amounts of trinkets. Just make it simple take some photos and recollections which will act as gifts. Research for cheap flights in advance, there are always a lot of them competing at the best cost.

Avoid just picking the first one you find. Compare until you find the cheapest one. Avoid taxes where ever you can, and walk whenever possible because you see more things! Take lodgings because these are the cheapest places to stay compared to guesthouses.

Go to dorm rooms

Most places around the world have dorm rooms that are cheap and you get the chance to meet travelers and have some great experiences. In places like Asia, you can get private rooms in guesthouses to a great degree cheap. If you want to eat, you should avoid touristy areas and instead eat where all the local people eat. Most streets have the cheapest meals you can find and are regularly sweet and indigenous.


Always try to visit places that are free to enter, and avoid booking costly tours. Many urban areas have free walking places this place can act as walking tours. Obviously, you can’t do this everywhere, some places will cost money, and despite everything you want to have fun and see what you want to see.

So budget some of your money for exercise. how to travel the world on a budget is possible. It’s not only for wealthy people. Anybody can do it! You should simply put the exertion in to make it a reality. Make your dreams come real, get up and explore the world!

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A Psychologist Who Has Coached Over 1000 Couples Reveals The Most Important Factor In A Relationship

If I were to ask you: Which factor do you think is the most important one when it comes to relationships, what would you say?

Some of you may think that the key factor for a healthy relationship is connection and sexual chemistry; others will say it is honesty and communication. Well, neither is right, according to one psychologist.

John Kim, an expert in his field, he said that the most important factor in a relationship is respect.

He says that without respect a relationship could not survive. If you’ve ever been in a relationship which lacked respect, you know why respect is so important. Simply put: You can’t have a healthy relationship without respect because respect creates trust, and trust is the foundation of every great relationship.

Simply put: You can’t have a healthy relationship without respect because respect creates trust, and trust is the foundation of every great relationship.

So, let’s define respect.

Oxford dictionary defines respect as “a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.”

John Kim doesn’t agree entirely with this definition. In his opinion, respect means something else in relationships. He says:

So, first, you have to ask yourself: Is there respect in your relationship? And if there is not, the most important question to ask yourself is: Have all your relationships lacked respect? Has this become a pattern in your life? If your answer is ‘yes’ then you should ask yourself – Why?  

Why would you stay in a relationship without respect? You should look for the answer within yourself. Don’t blame your partner. Maybe there was respect at first, but then it slowly diminished.

Anyway, the following question arises:

How can you stop this from happening in the future?

The first and most important step is: Don’t ever compromise yourself.

If your partner doesn’t respect you and doesn’t meet your needs – it is time to call it quits. If you lower your standards and accept any kind of bullshit behavior out of love, chances are you’ll become less worthy in your partner’s eyes.

Respect yourself enough to be able to walk away from someone who doesn’t respect you.

Psychologists Warn: NEVER Use These Phrases When Talking To Your Children

Parents are the most important people in children’s life. They are their children’s guardians towards adulthood. They are the ones children look up to. Parents are there to support and teach their children important life lessons.

Children think that their parents are not just ordinary people. In their eyes, their parents become some sort of superheroes – there is nothing that mom and dad can’t do.

That is why it is essential for parents to be aware of how they talk to their children because every word and action from their parents can get stuck in their psyche for life.

These are phrases that you should NEVER utter to your children no matter what:


You should not say this phrase to your child even if you feel that there is not a reason for crying. They are kids; they don’t know how to control their emotions yet. However, by saying this to your children, you teach them that it is not okay to have emotions and be emotional, which can be dangerous because they will suppress their emotions in the future and that is not a good thing.

Try saying something like this instead: “It is okay to cry, but you must understand that the thing you did was wrong.”


This is a phrase that parents usually say to their children when they did something wrong. Your children already know that what they did was wrong and are feeling guilty about that, so you telling them they have disappointed you will only worsen the situation. You must support them in their hard times – not make them feel like a disappointment.

Say this instead: “What you did was really wrong. Let’s talk about that, okay?”


You will hurt your children deeply if you tell them that they lack something; be it externally or internally. These words will stay with them and can make them insecure when they grow up.

You should try saying: “You are (something]) enough, but if you want we can work harder on it.”


This is not true. Everyone gets scared. It is human. Telling your kids to not be afraid doesn’t make their fears to magically disappear. You should teach your children how to face their fears instead of escaping from them.

You should say something like: “Everyone gets scared. It is okay to feel scared sometimes, but I’ll try to help you to overcome your fear.”


You should never ever say this phrase to your children. They see you as someone who they can trust and admire, and when they hear you say this phrase guess what?  – They will believe you. They will think that they are worthless indeed, and this feeling will stay with them even when they are grownups. They will constantly seek approval from others.

Try saying this instead: “No one is perfect honey, you will do better next time.”


We all make mistakes. As adults and as children everyone has made some, and will still make in the future. You should never let one mistake from your kid to speak for his/her overall personality. Mistakes don’t define a person, but telling your children this phrase will make them feel like they are innately bad.

Try using this phrase instead: “I hope you understand that what you did was wrong.”


Well, if you don’t do everything for your children, who will? You are their parent, you are supposed to do everything for your children and never make them feel like they owe you something by saying this phrase to them. They didn’t choose to be born in the first place.


If your kid is really fat, he/she probably knows this. They have heard this insult probably from the other kids. You should not ever insult and tear down your kids this way. This leads them to feel self-conscious and to have a negative image of their body in the future. You should make them feel loved and appreciated – not bullied.

You should instead motivate them to lose weight by saying something like: “I am thinking about starting to eat healthy and getting into shape. Do you want to join me? I don’t want to do it alone.”

Love your children for who they are, and try to motivate them instead of insulting them by using these words.  

