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Anti-Aging Secrets From Around The World

The search for immortality is traceable in every culture since time immemorial. And though many of these secrets have been lost to time or have never really had any tangible effect, we will share with you some of the best that the world has to offer, starting from B.C.E to today, and now available through any online beauty store. The great part is, due to the universal nature of this discussion, there are so many options out there you won’t likely have the time to try them all.

The Orient

If you’ve ever been to India, Indonesia or south east asia—any tropical atmosphere really—you’ve most assuredly seen a coconut. These plants are perfect for skin care, they eat wrinkles up like nothing and their fats make them an ideal moisturizer. They grow naturally along the entire equatorial coastline, so they are fairly inexpensive for your continued use. More-so, they are incredibly universal. So not only does coconut help you fight the results of aging, but you can put it in any cosmetic application and still find benefits.

The Fertile Crescent (The Middle East)

It’s healthy for you; it can produce anti-aging retinoids at extremely fast rates; and combined with rosehip berries, it makes for a top-notch oil purpose-built for cheating skin cell death. The Iranian Carrot is that plant, and the magic lies in its juice. Carrot oil, paired with rosehip oil, make for some serious anti-aging power due to the high retinoid production of both plants. Another popular alternative in the same vein are pomegranates.

I Bless The Rains Down In Africa

In a continent as large as Africa, there’s quite a few sources we can draw from when it comes to age-old secrets about beauty. What’s really catching on in beauty circles around the world is Argan oil, native to the argan tree in Morocco. It’s catching on because It works, and has been working for hundreds of years in Morocco. Argan oil has equivalency to many modern brands of skin care with compound pharma formulas!

Tell us what tricks or products we didn’t cover or try some yourselves and tell us about it. That’s all for this edition, thanks for reading!

5 Things You Need to Know About Vitiligo

Chantelle Brown-Young, also known as Winnie Harlow, is a girl who had been called names such as “cow and zebra” when she was a little girl. Today, however, she is a standout in the runway and she wears the white patches in her skin, with pride.

Along with an estimated one percent of the population who suffer from a skin condition known as vitiligo, more patients like Chantelle are coming out to tell their stories to raise public awareness on this debilitating pigmentary disorder. If you are among the curious minds who are interested in knowing what this disease is, here are a few facts to get you started:

  • It is also called leukoderma. From the word “leuko” which means white, and “derma”, pertaining to the skin, having vitiligo turns parts of your skin white, as the cells (called melanocytes) responsible for producing melanin (brown pigments responsible for skin color) die and stop functioning, leaving the affected skin areas literally without color.
  • Melanocytes transplantation can treat Vitiligo. Maybe one of the most successful therapy methods in vitiligo treatment, melanocyte transplantation is showing increased rates of success. There are four methods, each of those being based on collecting healthy epidermis from other healthy areas of the patient’s body and reattaching those to the affected areas to catch and re-pigmentate those.
  • Its cause is unknown. While the exact cause of this chronic skin disorder has not yet been identified, scientific studies associate vitiligo with autoimmunity and genetic disorders. The immune system mistakenly destroys the melanocytes, thinking they are some kind of infection. The involvement of genetics, on the other hand, raises the possibility that some people are susceptible to having this disease if one or more family members have it.
  • It is non-contagious. Being around or having physical contact with someone who has vitiligo will not make you “catch” the disease. In fact, connection, empathy, and understanding towards people who suffer from this emotionally-devastating disease are encouraged, to help them heal psychologically and cope with the painful social stigma it entails.
  • Although it has no known cure, certain treatment options are available. Currently, a known cure to totally eliminate vitiligo has yet to be discovered. There are, however, various treatment options which patients may choose from, to improve their quality of living. Some of the noted effective methods taken are vitiligo transplantation, use of topical creams and steroids, and phototherapy, to name a few.

Having a skin disorder such as vitiligo can be a life-altering event for anyone. While in the physical sense, the white patches seem painless and harmless, the extent of this disease is more than just a cosmetic matter. Enduring looks of disdain and judgment, suffering from emotional distress, and resorting to isolation, are among the few unfortunate consequences of the social stigma surrounding vitiligo patients.

Gathering accurate information about this skin condition is one crucial step in helping vitiligo patients. Your keen interest can very well make a difference in raising awareness about this disease and can aid in breaking the walls that isolate those who suffer from it. As the spread of information powered by social media plays a pivotal role in putting the spotlight on people like Chantelle Young Brown, society can be one step closer to embracing vitiligo patients with open arms.

Author Bio: Rana Tarakji is an entrepreneur and a contributing writer at One SEO, a digital marketing company in Lebanon, Beirut. Rana is passionate about digital marketing, startups, helping entrepreneurs grow, and empowering them to live their dreams. She has worked as a marketer, a technology co-founder and business developer, and a writer.

I Don’t Know How To Explain To You That You Should Care About Other People

This discussion is not only political but it’s also a perspective on what is like to live in our society today. Many Americans are tired of talking and arguing about politics, even me. This political fatigue has spread all around the country in the last period, but I want to bring it back to the table for a good cause.

I haven’t run out of facts why my political views are right, but there is a group of people that I constantly run in to that make me explain myself over and over again, and often without a result.

In my opinion there is nothing wrong in paying little extra for our everyday meals, not if it means that these extra money will provide a better life for underpaid workers. What I mean is, if you are not willing to spend couple of cents more on your meal in order to save someone from a miserable life than you are nothing like me.

I pay taxes. The money I give for taxes go to many public organizations, like schools hospitals and so on. I am willing to pay my taxes and contribute for quality education for children despite the fact I don’t have or plan to have children.

You need to be extremely selfish to see this as unfair. It is common benefit if kids have better education. They simply deserve that!

The same goes for health care. I don’t mind paying that bit extra if it means that my neighbors, friends and family can access free and quality healthcare. We all know that not everyone can be rich, and there will be some people that are less fortune and poor. This shouldn’t mean that they deserve to die if they happen to need hospital treatment.

It is like you sentence them to death only because they are poor. If you are willing to let these people die just to save couple of cents per month than you have a strange and very different view on life than me! No one should be sent back from the hospital simply because of lack of money.

Empathy is one of the most humane emotions one can have. I really don’t know how to teach you to feel this emotion. To me, it is not understandable how someone can be willing to let thousands of people die and suffer every day only so that he can pay less in taxes.

The thing is that this small amount of money you’ll be giving away won’t make a difference to the quality of your life, but it might save someone else’s life.

A political debate with these people is simply not possible for me. This debate wouldn’t be a simple political discussion, but a more fundamental discussion for the struggles of life that people have every day.

It would be a discussion of how mean the society we have created is. I would have to teach the other person what is right and what is wrong, what it means to be a good person and what it means to be a bad person. Here, discussion is simply not possible.

If you ask me there are many ways to increase the minimum wage, to make access to healthcare possible for every American, and to make education less expensive and better for every kid in America. The only thing we need is the will to do it.

If you don’t mind that all this necessary things are out of reach to your fellow citizens than you can stop reading this article right here and right now. I have nothing more to say to you.

I can debate all day long about why you should care about your fellow human beings! At the end the single fact that many political parties consider this normal is terrifying!

The problem is the attitude that is more and more popular in the American society. “I have good life that is what is important, who cares about others”. This is the attitude I am talking about, and it is so wrong. You need to be in the less fortune to see why this is so bad.

It seems to me that it was not always like this. But I am young, so maybe I am just facing reality now. Maybe the social media just showed the problems of others more clearly.

Anyway, regardless of this attitude being new or old, it is not good and changes needed to be done! The first change needs to happen in your heads! We all need to be more considerate of other people!

I know that this article won’t impact the selfish and mean people. But at least I tried.  I can only hope that the good people are still the majority in this country and that changes will happen.

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Image Copyright: markgraff / 123RF Stock Photo
Source: Huffingtonpost.com

How to Start Eating Meat Again After Being a Vegetarian

With so many great vegetarian restaurants and an abundance of delicious vegetarian recipes available on food blogs, it’s no wonder that so many people want to cut off meat from their diet and try a different approach to nutrition like a Morning Complete review for your balanced diet. 

For many, this is a great decision that changes their lives for the better: without processed meat and other animal-derived products, not only do they lose weight, but also feel healthier and more energetic.

However, the vegetarian diet doesn’t always work for everyone. In many cases, people who report excellent progress within the first three months of going vegan discover that it doesn’t work for them in the long run. This may be because they don’t get enough protein, they feel more depressed than meat eating friends, because they have iron or vitamin B12 deficiency, or simply because this lifestyle does not suit them. If you recognize yourself in this scenario, you’re probably wondering how you can get back to eating meat without shocking your body and dealing with nasty side effects such as bloating, stomach pain or indigestion.

Here are some tips that will help you introduce meat back into your diet gradually.

1. Start Slow

No matter why you’ve become a vegetarian when you want to get back to eating meat, you should always take it slow. Even if you used to love steak and cheeseburgers and you had to switch to a plant-based diet for medical reasons and now you can’t wait to have these foods again. Once your body has gotten used to a certain kind of food and you change that food suddenly, you could feel sick. Don’t go straight to eating three meat-based meals after being a vegetarian for a year. Take things slow, introduce small quantities of meat in your regular meals (for example, you can add small chicken strips in your salad), and make adjustments based on how you feel.

2. Take Probiotics

In order for your body to digest meat properly, it needs to be filled with healthy gut bacteria, so, before you start eating meat again, take probiotics for a couple of weeks. Whether you take them from foods like yogurt or from supplements, they will make the transition easier and you will have fewer digestive issues.

3. Choose Poultry

If you haven’t eaten meat in years, going straight to lamb, pork and beef won’t be a pleasant experience. These meats are hard to digest, so choose chicken and turkey instead. These are easier on the stomach and, if you consume them without the skin, they have less fat and no bad cholesterol. If you’re worried that the main chicken course would be too much, start by adding a little bit of white meat in your salad, stir-fries, and sandwiches.

4. Eat High Quality, Organic Meat

When eaten in moderation and combined with the right type of food, meat can actually be good for you. There’s even an extreme carnivore diet that actually helps with weight loss. However, you can’t get all the health benefits of meat if you don’t consume the high-quality kind. Unfortunately, the average supermarket meat is terrible for your health: either it comes from unethical factory farms where animals are injected with growth hormones to make them larger or it’s heavily processed with carcinogenic ingredients. Until legislation imposes more transparent product labeling, the best thing to do is purchase meat from your local butcher shop.

5. Bacon – The Gateway Meat

If you ask vegetarians about the one meat they miss or that they’d want to try again, chances are they will mention bacon. Often called a gateway meat for vegetarians, bacon is quite tempting even for people who have sworn not to touch animal-derived foods again. Sure, it’s not the healthiest meat you can find and you’ll have to adjust your serving because it’s packed with salt and fat, but a few strips of bacon will help you readjust to eating meat regularly again.

6. Have Someone Else Cook the Food for You

Although many meat-based meals are easy to cook, you might not enjoy doing that if you’ve been a vegetarian for years and don’t like the sight of raw meat. During the transition period, ask a friend or relative to cook the food for you or eat meat at the restaurant so it looks more appetizing.

7. Choose Certified Humane Food

Many people choose to go vegan because they love animals and can’t stand the thought of them being killed for food. If you are in this situation and do not eat food for ethical reasons, but your doctor recommended you to change your diet, it’s understandable that you might be feeling frustrated and confused. One way you can make the transition easier is to only opt for meat that has the Certified Humane food label. This label ensures that animals were treated ethically, had access to pastures, and did not live in overcrowded factories with no access to sunlight.

8. Listen to Your Body

Whenever we make drastic meal changes, our bodies react, so it’s perfectly normal to see some changes after introducing meat into your diet. Make sure you track how you feel after eating meat, from obvious digestive effects to mood changes, energy levels, acne flare-ups, or changes in your menstrual cycle. Some people see positive changes after starting to eat meat again, others not so much, so if you are worried, talk to your doctor to schedule some blood tests.

Which sleep position is healthiest

Turning and tossing up until the morning should be a cause of concern for any individual. Simply put, this means that your body does not have the appropriate requirements for optimal sleep. While it might be easy to blame your sleeping regime for your compromised sleep, the real complication might be related to your sleeping position.

In fact, for most individuals, choosing the correct sleeping position plays an important role in the overall health and well-being. There are various types of sleeping positions, each with its unique drawbacks and benefits. One might ask, which sleep position is healthiest?

Broadly speaking, it all boils down to body mechanics, which play an important role in sleep. You have to ensure the spine is in alignment just in the same way as the chassis of an automobile. If you come across a bump on the ride, you can still drive though you know it’s not good for the structure of your care. Additionally, bad sleep positions are not good for your overall health and they might compromise the natural alignment of your spine.

Achieving optimal sleep is important for our overall health, body, mood, and mind. This particularly is true since we spend as much as one-third of our lives asleep. Although it is important to choose the correct sleep position, not many people have sufficient insight into the best sleeping positions for their rest needs.

Back sleeping

This by far one of the best sleeping positions and it is perfect for almost any type of individual. Sleeping on your back might help you to wake up feeling more refreshed than normal, In fact, this one of the healthiest sleep positions for adults and children. It’s the only sleep position that you can sleep all night without having to re-adjust the body. When you sleep on your back, the body weight is well distributed across the skeletal and spine.

This reduces the effects of tossing and turning, which are often due to poor sleep positions. More so, if you suffer from back complications, sleeping on your back with a pillow on your keens might be ideal for your back and spine complications. Only if you are pregnant it matters whether you sleep on the left or the right side. These two positions support the neck and the spine, which leads to more relaxed night’s sleep and helps to prevent injuries in the long term. It doesn’t matter if you are pregnant and you sleep on the left or right side. Sleeping in both these positions supports the neck, which leads to health sleep results.

Side sleeping

This is one of the most popular sleeping positions, and it has various health benefits. For those who snore or suffer from breathing complications, this sleeping position is ideal. To be specific, sleeping on the side helps to open up the airways for improved breathing, especially at night. More so, this sleep position is also perfect for the spine, and it might help to mitigate back complications. In this case, you will need to own one of the best pillows and mattresses for comfortable sleeping.

It helps to provide a slightly curled in the fetal position that promotes that natural structure of the spine. It helps to provide your spine with some relief as well. It is preferred by most individuals since it provides more comfort than the conventional sleeping positions. Side sleeping has been shown to be a much better sleep technique as when compared to stomach sleeping. It allows the individual to place the spine and neck in alignment. With that being said, the individual might have to turn at one point to avoid compromising the functionality of one side of the body.

Stomach sleeping

This is one of the most controversial sleeping positions. This is because it is a popular sleep technique though its drawbacks are often significant. With that being said, for those who are back sleepers and suffer from snoring, switching to the stomach might help to improve the functionalities of the airways. However, there are no other benefits of this type of sleep position.

In fact, it is one of the leading causes of neck pain. Various medical experts consider this position to be the worst due to various reasons. It causes the neck to sit at a 90-degree angle from the body while also raising the head and neck up to the pillow. Sleeping on your stomach might also lead to increased digestion and breathing complications.


Taking all things into perspective, choosing the appropriate sleep position plays a vital role in our quality of sleep. If you have been tossing and turning in bed, then you should consider trying out the healthiest sleeping positions for your needs. Ensure that you also have the appropriate sleeping regime including the best pillows and mattresses for improved comfort.


Psychology Says: You Might Be Better Off Single

Regardless of what society tells you, being single is not a bad thing. In fact, more and more people are choosing to remain single consciously, because they are truly happy being on their own. Anyway, not all people are destined for married life – some are better off single.

So, is the idea of blissful marriage a myth? One psychologist claims so, and also states that single life offers people an opportunity to “live their best, most authentic and most meaningful life.”

At the annual convention of the American Psychological Association in Denver, professor Bella DePaullo, who studied single life almost twenty years, stated that the conventional view of single people is wrong.

This conventional view praises and supports marriage, while single people are often criticized, judged, and targeted as being selfish and isolated. Contrary to this belief, single people are not isolated. In fact, they are more attached to their families, friends, and colleagues than married people are.

According to DePaullo, this is because when people get married, they no longer have time or interest to connect and take part in other people’s lives. 

Moreover, the studies that compare married people with those who stayed single show that single life gives single people a more heightened sense of self-worth and self-determination.

Also, it enables them to experience self-growth and development as a person at the same time.  Another study noted that singles were less likely to experience negative emotions than married people.

In a marriage, if one person or both choose to deal with things on their own, could increase the likeability of them bringing negativity, or even frustration, into the marriage.

On the other hand, married people have over 1 000 federal laws on their side, many of which financial. And while single people do not have this type of advantages over married people, it is shocking the fact that single people are doing as well as they are.

DePaullo is now carrying out her own research in this matter. She hopes she’ll be able to break this stereotype that singles are less worthy than their married counterparts.

She also hopes that more and more people will recognize that the common belief that marriage is the main reason for happiness and health is both inaccurate and narrow-minded.  

It is not that being single is a piece of cake. Along with the advantages come the challenges that every single person faces.

For example, are they staying single by choice or other factors are included. And in addition to facing the clichés that come with choosing this kind of a lifestyle, they also miss out great government benefits.

Finally it is 21st century. At the end of the day it is really your choice. So, choose wisely, and do what makes you happy and fulfilled.


10 Reasons The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With A Girl Who Likes To ‘Fix’ People

Everyone has been broken and many of us are still broken. We learn that sooner or later. For us that have learned that early on, we know that although everyone has a weak spot, people are continuously changing.

Everyone can heal a broken heart and have a happy ending after a bad relationship. Everyone can be successful even if they’ve had thousands of failures. Every scar can be mended and everything can be improved. Girls who like to “fix” people know this better than anyone else.

The girl that likes to “fix” people shows how much she cares. She wants to see the people around her happy and she likes to inspire them to grow and heal when needed. This girl is braver than any other girl you would meet because she has the courage to take action. Keep her in your life because that will be the best relationship of your life. Why?

This girl is braver than any other girl you would meet because she has the courage to take action. Keep her in your life because that will be the best relationship of your life. Why?

1.This girl is everything but a quitter.

She will not give up at the first obstacle you face. For her, every problem has a solution and it’s up to her to find it, no matter what it takes. She will never stop trying. She doesn’t panic when she faces a difficult situation. No matter what difficulty you face in the relationship, she won’t stop until she fixes it.

2. She has a positive approach to everyday life which helps her fix the problems more easily.

In the relationship, she will always try hard to focus on the positive rather than the negative things. She will believe in you and the connection you have. Sometimes, she will see the potential in you before you do.

3. If she is not successful at the moment, she probably will achieve success soon just because of her perseverance.

Just as she will inspire you to be better, in the same matter she will be persistent with her own endeavors. In the same way she wants to fix the others, she is also constantly trying to fix herself and be the best version of herself.

4. She is a believer.

Many people have told her that she cannot fix everyone, but she doesn’t quit. She realizes that some people need a little help to succeed and she can be that helping hand for people around her.

5. In her past, she had failures and she knows how it feels to lose motivation and be broken.

She has healed from that and she will help you heal, too, even you feel ashamed to admit that you need help. She is brave enough to act even if she hasn’t been asked to. And she will fix your broken heart.

6. She is aware that everybody has a dark side.

But instead of criticism, she will offer support and help for your failures. Your dark side is familiar to her, so she will use it to show you the positive part of it. She will not judge you, but she will be by your side no matter what.

7. She is also aware that nobody is perfect.

She has embraced her flaws and learned how to live with them. In the same way, she will hold your hand while you embrace yours. She will support you and encourage you to use your imperfections for your benefit.

8. She forgives and forgets.

Only the strongest people are able to forgive and for her, forgiveness comes with seeing people for what they truly are. She is aware that everyone makes mistakes, even her. She believes in second chances.

9. She will do her best to fix you, but she will not leave afterward.

Don’t think that you are just another challenge or that she is with you because you need fixing. She is trying to fix people that she loves. If she wants to help you, it means that she wants to see you happy and she knows that you can do better.

10.She is a fighter and wants to see the world become a better place.

By fixing the others, she wants to fix the world and be part of the change. Instead of being idle and staying passive, she takes action to help the world. This determination to make positive changes will motivate you to do the same.


You’ll Be Much WISER Once You Learn These 10 BRUTAL TRUTHS About LIFE

“It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more manhood (or womanhood) to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind.” – Alex Karras

Sometimes life gets heavy and it may look like we can’t endure those hard times, but this is not true. Not only that we will endure them, but these hardships of life actually make us stronger. That is the course of life. Sometimes you have it all figured out, other times you feel like you can’t go through the day. We’ve all been there.

Here are 10 life truths that you need to know and accept that will give you more wisdom and broader perspective:

  1. Life is hard

Yes, life is hard, and suffering is inevitable indeed. However, by accepting this fact and by learning how to be okay with it – we liberate ourselves. We can finally understand that every emotion we have is there for a reason. There is no point in faking and trying to be positive and smiling all the time. Accepting other emotions, like sadness or anger, is crucial for our well-being. When we learn this, we will deal better with our emotions. In fact, being able to show vulnerability is a sign of strength.

  1. Sometimes you will fail

How many of us didn’t have the guts to do something because we were afraid of failure? However ‘safe’ we think we are in our comfort zones, life happens outside of the comfort zone. We cannot grow and learn important life lessons if we constantly avoid situations because of our fear. So, get out there and live your life!

  1. There are lot things we don’t know

People learn new things as long as they live. Every person out there has something he or she doesn’t know, and has something new to teach you. We should embrace this fact and try to soak up knowledge from every person we meet because knowledge is power.

  1. We may not have a tomorrow

This is the cold harsh truth. We may not think very much about it, but we are aware deep down of this fact. Someone, somewhere on Earth, right now is planning something for the following day not knowing that there won’t be a tomorrow for him/her. So, embrace and enjoy each day as if it is your last, no matter how much cliché this sounds to you right now.

  1. We are not very much in control

We usually tend to become anxious by our desire to control everything in our life. But the fact is – we can’t. Even our body knows this – our hair and nails grow by themselves, our heart beats by itself too. We have to accept this truth and let things happen in their natural flow, not worrying, but trusting that everything will work out just fine. We must stop focusing on things that are out of our control, and instead focus our energy on things we can control.

  1. Success doesn’t come before value

If you want to be successful in life, your main concern should not be money or fame, but rather how much value you add to the world. When you’ll have something valuable to offer – success will definitely come.

  1. Someone will always have more than you

It is important to always appreciate the things we do have right now than lamenting about those we wish we had. There will always be someone who we think has it all, but our perception is wrong. If a person has the things we want, does not mean he or she is not wishing for something we have. Comparing ourselves to others is never a good idea.

  1. You and only YOU can make yourself happy

Your happiness depends on your relationship with yourself. We can’t find happiness outside of ourselves. If we are not ‘full’ with love and serenity from within, we can never have any meaningful connection to anything in the world.

  1. There will always be someone who doesn’t like you

We can’t get everyone to like us. No matter how much we try to impress everyone, there will always be someone who won’t be impressed by anything we say or do. People are different. They want different things and if someone doesn’t like you – it is okay. They have that right, just like you have the right to not care about it.

  1. In life, you reap what you sow

Basically, if you give love – you’ll receive love. If you want money and success – you’ll need to give value first. If you want respect, you should respect people also. If you want someone to believe in you – you have to believe in people too. It is as simple and complicated as that.

Source: hackspirit.com

Here Is Why Are Old Souls Generally Not Accepted By Family And Friends

Time is a concept invented by humans, measured with tools and technology, which are also invented by humans. I think that time doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t matter if a person is 80 years old if they feel young.

Also, I know people who are 18, but have figured out what’s important in life and don’t spend their time experimenting and wondering around waiting to grow up.

No wonder that we all had problems growing up. We are not keen to that change because deep inside we know that our time is passing by. We all want to stay young forever and become resilient to time.

Also, it’s safe to say that in our lifetime, we are all going to face lots of challenges. First, we face challenges with education, then with work and career. Through learning and working we analyze ourselves. Often, after years of work we realize that we are not the person we thought we are.

Some of us see that the job they have is not the best for them and they decide to change careers. Some face challenges in their relationships if they hadn’t received what they wished for.

What I find unbelievable is that these decisions and life changes are often considered as immature by the society. But you have to realize that sometimes, our perception of life changes and we have to act in order to start living again.

Accordingly, we have to respect the opinions and decisions of the so called “old souls” who have different perspective than the general young population.

Old souls trapped in young bodies are hard to understand by many. They have different beliefs from their peers, which makes them seem detached from the real world. Old souls have different opinion on owning great wealth or focusing on the material instead of spiritual. In today’s world, where the material defines the lifestyle for great part of the population, this non-materialistic lifestyle might seem odd and old fashioned.

Old souls have difficulties with being understood by the others. Their different point of view on things makes them “the weirdos”. In order to change this, we have to understand them first. Why are they usually not accepted by the others?

The first thing that makes them different is the freedom of choice. The problem arises whenever they have more options. Instead of using this freedom to choose what is best for their future they get stuck in the decision making. However, they always rely on their intuition. They want to believe in what their body is telling them and usually, they end up choosing the option that they feel is right.

Using the gut instinct is a good thing. People in general often use this type of intuition to bring a decision about their relationship or professional carrier, but old souls excel in this. Old souls rely on this type of decision making because they have seen its effect. But, they are often misunderstood when they don’t have explanation for something and just reply “I have a feeling about this.”

Another characteristic of an old soul is that they never feel like home, regardless of how long they lived somewhere. They simply find it difficult to blend in. This is a problem for them, and makes them feel like they don’t belong anywhere. Therefore they are always searching for a new place where they can feel like home.

Old souls often want to be alone, they can feel exhausted and want to get away from everyone. This can be very upsetting for their friends and family because they want to be with them. The alone time represents something sacred for them. It is time where they can enjoy the peace and reflect. It doesn’t mean that they are introverted just because they want to escape the world for a while.

They might seem isolated at times, but they love people and want to be around them. They just need to be understood and accepted as they are.

Image Copyright: rozum / 123RF Stock Photo

What Happens When An Empath Gets Angry?

why you should never mess with an empath

Empaths are truly gifted people in many ways. They are masters of reading body language and have no trouble reading your mind too. They innately know what you are thinking, but you are not telling, even if you are not aware of it. (1)

It is a rare gift that makes them what they are – empaths. They sense the feelings of others as if they were their own, which makes them great listeners and trouble-solvers.

Because empaths have a calm and collected nature, people tend to think empaths don’t experience strong emotions, such as anger, frustration, or rage. But this is just one of the many misconceptions about empaths. 

Empathic individuals are not immune to negative emotions. They can get angry. They can sense and absorb other people’s negative emotions, including anger. In addition, when someone has hidden or negative intentions, this can also trigger their anger.

Another instance when empaths can get angry is when they feel like they’re not being heard or their feelings aren’t being validated or acknowledged. 

An empathic individual can also get angry when something is happening which is out of their control. For example, their anger can be triggered when talking to someone who is rude to them or angry. They will try to reason with the person who is making them feel upset or treating them with disrespect while trying to understand their perspective and be supportive of their feelings.

If they manage to find a solution to the situation, the empath will be satisfied and able to move on. If not, they’ll begin getting annoyed and angry. Empaths simply can’t stand when someone isn’t reciprocating what they’re giving, such as understanding, honesty, and support.

The way empaths react when they’re angry may be more intense than the way other non-empathic people do, and their anger can manifest itself in various ways.

So, in this article, we’ll explain how empaths react when they get angry and present 10 reasons why you should never mess with this type of person. We’ll also answer the questions of whether empaths have low self-esteem and why some people, especially narcissists, hate empaths.

What Happens When An Empath Gets Angry?

8 Manifestations Of Empaths’ Anger

1. Isolation

When an empath gets overwhelmed by anger, they’d rather distance themselves from the person who caused them to be angry than feed the fire, i.e., making the situation worse. They’d try to do other things that can be done and enjoyed alone, such as reading a book, listening to music, cooking, walking in nature, or working out.

2. Giving The Silent Treatment

Giving silent treatment is another way empaths may react when they’re angry with someone. For example, they won’t talk to the person they got angry with so as to prevent the situation from escalating and inconveniencing the person involved or other people. They’d rather keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves than pick a fight with the other person and cause a bigger fuss.

3. Angry Outburst

It may be hard to imagine a person with a calm, collected, and compassionate nature to start yelling at someone and clench their fists as if they want to hit someone, but even this can happen with empaths when they’re triggered enough.

The thing is that empaths can sense and absorb the emotions and energy of other people, which can intensify their own emotions, making things more difficult for them. And these angry outbursts may be the only way they can vent their anger and frustration and let things out.

4. Emphasizing The Other Person’s Faults

It may be difficult to imagine a kind, compassionate, and caring person, as empaths are, to point out someone’s mistakes, but it’s not uncommon for empaths to do this. It’s hard to understand why an empath would do such a thing, but one possible explanation could be that this is their dark side.

When an empath has suffered enough and can no longer allow others to hurt them, they can call you out on your behavior and point out all of your mistakes and bad things you’ve said or done to them that hurt their feelings.

5. Crying Out

Although empathic individuals are great at keeping themselves in check and keeping their emotions to themselves, allowing themselves to cry their eyes out is an easy and effective way to let things out without inconveniencing or hurting others in the process.

Sometimes, there isn’t a better way of venting one’s anger than just crying out. In addition, some emotions can’t be expressed through words. We can’t always show how we feel through words. So, when we can’t use language to express our feelings, we let our tears fall to show how we’re feeling and what we’re going through.

6. Appearing Snob 

It may be rare to find an individual with a calm and compassionate nature turn into a cold, snobbish person, but, in certain situations, such as when they need to protect themselves from emotional pain, empaths can become harsh, cold, and intimidating. 

Like other people, empaths might have been embarrassed or hurt, so they’ll try to prevent that from happening again by acting cold and harsh around negative people. They can even turn into snobs to show the person involved that they are annoyed and have no intention of engaging in a conversation with them.

7. Exhaustion

When an empath becomes angry, this can make them feel emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. Remember that in addition to feeling the emotions from within themselves, empaths feel and absorb the emotions and energy of others. Try adding anger to this mix, and it’ll become clear to you why empaths can get exhausted when feeling angry.

8. Walking Out

This may not be very empath-like, but if an empath gets overwhelmed by anger, to prevent the situation from escalating and avoid inconveniencing the person involved or hurting their feelings, they may leave the room without saying a word.

10 Reasons Why You Should Never Mess With An Empath

1. They Are Natural Lie-Detectors

You may have read somewhere by now about ways to detect lies. There are many signs that can reveal when someone is lying to you: from looking you straight into your eyes and giving way more unnecessary details to the story – to their bodily subconscious movements. You can learn all these tactics. However, empaths don’t need them because they are born with this gift to spot liars and lies immediately. They can’t tell how, they just feel it in their gut. Therefore, don’t you ever lie to an empath.

2. They Can Sense Jealousy

Empaths know when you are jealous, even if you try your best to hide it. They may act like they don’t see your jealousy, but they do. Empaths sense when you are jealous of them, but they won’t confront you because they don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. They may even be more humble around you in order not to trigger your jealousy. 

3. You Cannot Fool Them

As we said before, empaths can sense other people’s feelings, so there is no way you can fool them. They know a faker once they see it. When they sense that something is wrong with a person, they just distance themselves as prevention.

4. They Can Sense Hatred

One of the most powerful emotions that an empath can sense is hatred. This emotion transmits such intense negative energy that empaths can’t stand it. So, to avoid being affected by negativity, they will just distance themselves. However, they will not be hurt by your hatred because they are comfortable in their own skin.

5. They See Your Prejudices

If you have any hidden prejudice towards people with different skin color or sexual orientation, empaths can see this even if you, yourself, are not aware of it. Empaths don’t like shallow people full of prejudices and hatred toward people who are different from them.

6. They Know When You Are Not Okay

I believe you’ve had a conversation when someone asked you if you were okay, and you said you were okay, even if deep down you were not. Maybe you said that because you wanted to hide your emotions and avoid explaining why you were distressed. But an empath will know when you’re lying. And they will ask why you are feeling that way, offer you a listening ear, and try everything they can to help you.

7. They Hate Insincere Flattery

Empaths can sense when someone gives them false compliments and affection to gain something from them. Even if they don’t react to this, empaths can see what you are trying to do. They also hate small talk, and nothing annoys them more than flatterers.

8. They Know When Someone Is On The Wrong Path

If you are lucky to have an empath as a friend, and they are trying to warn you about something you are doing – listen to them. If they feel that something doesn’t add up or feels strange to them – believe them. Their intuition is so developed that they usually get this feeling when something is wrong.

9. They Know When You Pretend To Be Someone You Are Not

Empaths know when someone is acting around them, trying hard to be someone they are not. Empaths hate this. They hate split personalities. If you want to have an empath in your life, you should always be yourself. They will accept your flaws without doubt as long as you are not pretending.

10. They Can Identify Exploitation

Empaths are not naïve. They can see when someone is using them. They don’t tolerate any form of exploitation. If they see they are being used – they remove themselves quickly from the situation.

Do Empaths Have Low Self-Esteem?

Yes, they do. Most empathic individuals have low self-esteem since they feel and take on other people’s energy and emotions, both positive and negative. While doing that, they can’t know who they are. They can’t tell what their emotions and energy are and what emotions and energy belong to other people. They simply have trouble finding themselves and their worth.

One of the main reasons why empaths tend to have low self-esteem is that they’re natural healers. They invest a lot of energy in helping others heal their emotional wounds.

To be able to assist other people in healing their wounds, empathic individuals are sensitive to any negative emotion, weakness, or pain that others may have. They feel and absorb these things and then process and create a balance between them, and in this way, they help the person that these emotions, weaknesses, or pain belongs to overcome them.

The thing is that empathic individuals don’t have boundaries when it comes to their own energy. As a result, their energy merges with that of other people, which makes them think all the messy energy surrounding them is their own.

By focusing too much on other people and absorbing others’ energy, emotions, and pain, empaths also develop deep wounds that make it harder for them to believe in themselves and find their worth.

The best way empaths can raise their low self-esteem is to stop focusing on how other people see them and how they feel about them. There will always be those who perceive empaths in a way that’s different from the way they perceive themselves and who don’t accept them, and there’s no way for empaths to control that. That’s why empaths have to focus their attention on themselves and their well-being.

They can do this by spending quality time with themselves. In silence and alone. This will allow them to find their true self and reconnect with themselves.

Why Do People Hate Empaths?

Most probably, the main reason why some people appear to hate empaths is the mirror effect of the empath.

Empaths have the ability to sense and absorb other people’s feelings and energy. When they sense negative energy, they mirror this negativity back to its owner. Sometimes they’re not even aware that they’re doing this.

Another thing that empaths can reflect on is the things you don’t like about yourself. For example,  all have aspects of our personality or physical appearance that we don’t like. But, when you’re around an empath, there’s no point in trying to hide these things. Because not only will the empath sense them, they’ll also reflect them back to you. They’ll wave them right in your face.

Empaths can also sense when someone doesn’t like them. You may try to pretend that you like them, but they’ll sense your jealousy, hatred, or animosity towards them.

Another reason why some people instantly dislike or hate empaths is that they misinterpret their stillness. They may think the empath is unsociable, reserved, distant, or aloof when, in fact, this is only the empath’s calm and collected nature.

One more reason why some people can’t stand being around empaths is the empaths’ high-level vibrations. Some people hate being around people who ooze calmness and positivity. They simply feel more comfortable being around negative people – people with low-level vibrations.

And last but not least, one more reason why some people hate empaths is that empaths are extremely honest individuals. If there’s something they don’t like about you or the way you treat them, they’ll tell you about it. They’ll tell you the truth, even when they know that this can cost them a friendship. However, the problem is that some people don’t like to be told the truth.

Why Do Narcissists Hate Empaths?

Narcissists are self-centered, selfish, and demanding individuals who believe that they deserve special treatment, attention, and validation. In their view, they’re the ones who are special and who possess unique traits and abilities, not someone else.

Narcissists are incapable of feeling empathy, and they have no consideration for other people’s feelings and needs. They’re manipulative and envious. They enjoy controlling, sabotaging, and abusing others, and they envy other people’s happiness, kindness, individuality, and success.

Narcissists hate everyone who possesses the emotions, qualities, and abilities they don’t possess, nor will they ever possess. This is the reason why they hate empaths the most.

Narcissists hate empaths’ good, calm, and collected nature. They hate their genuine kindness, maturity, individuality, and compassion for other people’s suffering and pain.

Empaths possess the ability to heal from any psychological abuse. They can strengthen their boundaries and become happy and emotionally healthy again. And narcissists hate this. They envy this ability of empaths because they know they can never heal themselves. So they live in denial and a constant state of deep insecurity. They convince themselves that it’s not them who are the problem, but others are. (2)

Narcissists hate empaths because, unlike them, narcissists they’re not afraid to accept accountability or responsibility for their actions. They’re not afraid or ashamed to admit their mistakes and learn from them.

The narcissist is incapable of taking responsibility for anything they do. Instead, they blame others for their own mistakes and wrongdoings. Why? Because in their view, they’re always right. They’d never allow anything or anyone to make them look less smart or less successful or tarnish their reputation.

Another reason why narcissists hate empaths is that unlike empaths, who have a calm, collected nature and are positive, narcissists have dysfunctional thoughts and negative emotions and experiences all the time. They can’t find joy and fulfillment in their relationships, careers, achievements, or the simple things in life. They envy the empath their calmness, contentment, and happiness and wish they, the empath, lived in the same misery they live.

One more reason why narcissists hate empaths is that they can’t stand the fact that empaths love when other people are happy. On the other hand, when the narcissist is around cheerful and content people, they’re feeling down in the dumps. When others are feeling down in the dumps, they are beaming with happiness.

The empath is nothing like this. They like when others are joyful and emotionally fulfilled. So they take on these feelings and feel the same way.

The empath is nothing like this. They like when others are joyful and emotionally fulfilled. So they take on these feelings and feel the same way. This connection bothers the narcissist. It bothers them that they can’t enjoy other people’s happiness, and therefore they do everything in their power to destroy it.

The narcissist can’t stand being around happy people because this causes them to reflect on how unhappy they are and what a miserable life they lead. It makes them want to verbally abuse the empath, gaslight them, or pay them double-edged compliments to sabotage their happiness and contentment.

The narcissist would rather focus on hating the empath than focus on their own feelings, thoughts, and experiences because when they’re manipulating the empath, this allows them to escape from reality, and their reality is painful. So, when they are manipulating or belittling the empath, it’s like all of their misery disappears, at least for that moment.

One more reason why narcissists hate empaths is that they can’t stand the fact that empaths are genuinely good and kind and always willing to help and support others.

The only person, the narcissist, cares about is themselves. They are well aware that if they treated and felt about other people the way empaths do, this would create more opportunities for them to receive approval and attention.

Probably, the most important reason why narcissists hate empaths is that they see them as better people than they are. They envy their unique qualities and abilities. They envy their ability to build strong, deep, and meaningful relationships with others. They envy their ability to sense other people’s feelings and detect manipulators, fakers, and liars. And, in their view, they’re the ones who are special and deserving of everyone’s attention, approval, and praise, not anyone else. Not the empath. And being around the empath causes them to think that they might not be as perfect, gifted, and talented as they believe they are – something that terrifies them the most.