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Factors to Think About When Purchasing a New Mattress

Each day is only 24 hours long. When you consider that 8 of those hours are spent sleeping, it is easy to see why it is so important to buy a well-made mattress that will help you get the sleep that you need. Luckily, finding the ideal mattress is easier than you might think.

The key is to focus on quality. If you choose a poorly made mattress, you can wind up experiencing countless problems ranging from back pain to poor sleep quality. These factors can have a negative impact on your life, leaving you feeling exhausted, sore, and unmotivated.

Although there is no cut-and-dry formula that works for everyone when it comes to choosing a mattress, the tips in the following section can help make the process of choosing the right mattress easier. 

  1. Do Research Ahead Of Time

One of the best ways to make sure that you are buying a high-quality mattress is by doing research ahead of time. This includes reading reviews from other people who have already purchased any of the mattresses that you are interested in.

Try to find reviews that are written by people who are dealing with similar issues to your own. For instance, if you experience back pain on a regular basis, you should try to find reviews from other back pain sufferers. This can give you a better idea of how well the mattress will suit your unique needs.

Of course, nothing compares to being able to try out a mattress in person before you buy it. Once you have an idea of which mattresses you are interested in, you can visit stores in your area to view them in person. Because you educated yourself ahead of time, you don’t have to worry about falling victim to a slick salesman.

  1. Choose How Firm You Want Your Mattress to Be

There is a common misconception that firm mattresses are the best choice for back pain sufferers. In fact, however, that isn’t always true. Many people who suffer from back pain do best with a mattress that has a medium firmness. These mattresses are soft enough to be comfortable yet firm enough to provide support.

When testing mattresses in the store, don’t just get on them and get right back off again. Instead, lay on them for a minimum of 10 minutes. Although you may feel a bit self-conscious about doing this, it really is the best way to get a feel for whether or not a mattress is right for you. If you spend any less time than that, you won’t really be able to get a sense of how comfortable the mattress is.

  1. Consider Getting Input from a Chiropractor

If you regularly experience back pain, a chiropractor may be able to advise you on which type of mattress is best. If you already have been seeing chiropractor for your pain, try bringing up at your next appointment.

Chances are, your doctor will be more than happy to help you find a mattress that will give you the support that you need. Some people need a specific mattress for side sleepers and others for sleeping on their back. 

  1. Think about Getting an Adjustable Mattress

Today’s most innovative adjustable mattresses allow you to not only adjust the angle of the mattress but also its firmness. This can provide you with a lot more flexibility in terms of your sleeping arrangements. You can experiment with different levels of firmness or bed positions until you find the settings that provide you with the best night’s sleep. 

  1. Invest Your Money Wisely

Be prepared to pay a relatively large amount of money for a high-quality mattress. Cheaper mattresses may seem like a good deal. In fact, however, they rarely provide enough support for a good night’s sleep.

Make sure that the mattress you choose has a warranty available. Most reputable manufacturers guarantee their products for a minimum of 10 years. Some companies even provide a guarantee where you can get your money back if the mattress doesn’t live up to your expectations.

At the very least, the company that you buy the mattress from should be willing to give you your money back within a 30-day window of your purchase if the mattress fails to meet your needs.

Today, 200 Years Ago, The World’s First Bicycle Ride Took Place – Here Are Some Interesting Facts:

On June 12, 1817, the first bike ride took place in Germany, when a German inventor took a 14km (8.7 miles) trip around Mannheim on his running machine, which took him less than an hour.

Little is known that the first bike was invented 200 years ago, by German aristocrat Baron Karl von Drais. On this day, 200 years ago, Baron von Drais appeared in public presenting his invention:

A wooden frame with two wheels, a saddle, and an upholstered armrest. There were no wheels, and the ‘running machine’ was to be operated by sitting and gliding with your feet on the ground. The wheels accelerated the movement and made it easier for a person to ‘run’ long distances without getting tired.

Following the Year Without a Summer, caused by a volcanic eruption of Tambora in 1815, many of the horses starved to death due to the lack of crops.

This calamity inspired the baron to think of a way that would allow people to get from one place to another faster, just like with a horse. He named his invention ‘laufmaschine’ (running machine) and translated it as ‘velocipede’ in French. (Fun fact: Many languages still use the term ‘velocipede’ for bicycle).

His new bicycle, and the only of its kind recorded by then, was soon known as Draisine, hobby-horse, or dandy horse. Baron von Drais described the benefits of his “laufmaschine” as similar to those of a horse, and it gained instant popularity.

In fact, several thousand copies were made and used since it was patented in 1818 by the baron, but its popularity faded quickly when some authorities prohibited its use. The drop in popularity may have been partly because of the accidents involved around its use.

However, Baron von Drais set the foundation for the bicycle we all know and love today. In fact, it was the Draisine which inspired a French metalworker to create the first pedal-operated bicycle, by adding cranks and pedals to the front wheel hub, some 50 years later.

It may not be the best idea to run with two wheels accelerating, but the idea soon became the bicycle and it now celebrates 200 years of riding those 2 wheels that were to replace people’s need for horses.

The Irish Times

The Best Marriage Advice From A Divorced Man

Divorce. It happens for tough reasons and it is one of the toughest things many people will go through. And really, choosing to share your life with someone is, in most cases, done out of pure love. Leaving that person hurts, no matter the reason for doing so.

Of course, no happily married couple would like to think of going through such tough times. Losing the love of your life is a separation which will invariably take a part of you away. However, things can get so bad, that sometimes divorce is a thing you have to go through.

Gerald Rogers, a psychologist who went through such though divorce, shared some beautiful advice every married couple needs to read. “After losing a woman that I loved, and a marriage of almost 16 years, here’s the advice I wish I could have had…” he starts.

Although the post is originally intended for men, this message should go to both partners, as these are things that both partners need to nurture in their relationship – a relationship is a mutual thing.


Your relationship started with courting, dating, doing everything to show your loved one that you are the person who they need in your life. Why get lazy once you get married? The romance should continue, and remain permanent.

Don’t forget that when you made the vows, you promised each other that you would own each other’s hearts and fiercely protect them. As Rogers says, “This is the most important and sacred treasure you will ever be entrusted with.”


If you can’t love yourself fully, it will be even harder to love your partner wholly. Rogers puts it beautifully when he says, “Love yourself fully, love the world openly.” But never forget that your heart holds a special place for your partner nobody should get even close to.

Keep that place reserved for that one person you share your life with, “ready to receive” and invite him/her in, “and refuse anyone or anything else enter there.” Loving yourself means you should never betray your heart and with that the love of your life.


Change is the only constant. Your personality will change drastically in the years to come, and it’s natural. “You’re not the same people you were when you got married, and in five years you will not be the same person you are today,” explains Rogers.

In that change, you will need to re-choose your love every day. Note that your partner isn’t obliged to stay with you at all costs – you should fight for their love and deserve it with every new day. If you don’t keep on winning your love’s heart back, you might eventually lose their love.


Nobody is perfect. Focusing on the best in your partner will only make those qualities grow and become even more beautiful. “If you focus on what you love, you can’t help but be consumed by love.”

The opposite will happen if you keep on focusing on what bugs you, and you can always find things like that. If you focus on this kind of things, all you will see is reasons to be irritated.

“Focus to the point where you can no longer see anything but love, and you will know without a doubt that you are the luckiest [person] on earth” to have such a partner for your spouse.


It’s not your job to do that. If you try to fix or change your partner, they will notice that you don’t love them for who they are. How would you feel if your partner wants to ‘fix’ you?

Your job is to love your partner the way they are, with no expectations of what they would or should become. If they change, love what they become, no matter if that’s what you wanted or not.


You should know that happiness is an attitude and that no partner can make you happy or sad. Your outlook on life will define what makes you happy or sad, and that same outlook will eventually start categorizing your partner’s behavior as one that ‘makes’ you happy or sad.

The truth is that, as Rogers puts it, “you are responsible for finding your own happiness, and through that, your joy will spill over into your relationship and your love.”


If you get frustrated or angry at your partner, it’s only because it’s triggering something inside of YOU. These are your emotions, and thus your responsibility. The interesting thing about choosing your life partner is that they will be here to heal your past.

So, when you feel those feelings, “take time to get present and to look within and understand what it is inside of YOU that is asking to be healed,” says Rogers. “You were attracted to this [person] because [he/she] was the person best suited to trigger all of your childhood wounds in the most painful way so that you could heal them.”


When your love is sad or upset, your job is to hold him/her and let them know it’s ok – it’s not your job to try to fix it. Everybody goes through such periods, and this is an internal process that requires their own reasoning and strength to go through it.

Your job as their life partner is to help them gather the strength they need. Don’t run away when he/she is upset. In fact, you need to let them know that you aren’t going anywhere and that you will be here to listen and give your supporting love and emotions.


Who told you that you must be serious all the time? That ‘grown-up’ trait is the key to monotony and dullness. Be silly, laugh, make your partner laugh. “Laughter makes everything else easier.”


Learn what makes them feel loved and make sure you do those things every day. You are the one who can make those things, and nobody else can or should. Ergo, it should be your priority to make your partner feel like the center of your universe – every day.


Don’t give your partner only your time – give them your focus, attention, and your soul. Whatever you do during the day, when you are with your spouse, clear your head and be fully with him/her.


Men, carry your woman away with your masculinity, “let her melt into her feminine softness, as she knows she can trust you fully.”

Women, be the gentle and soft presence in his life, as your gentleness and mild temper will encourage him to feel the way a man wants to feel next to a woman.


“And don’t be afraid of being one either.” Just as Robert explains, mistakes are natural, and you will make them. The thing is that you should try “not to make too big of mistakes, and learn from the ones you do make.”

“You’re not supposed to be perfect, just try not to be too stupid.”


If you love someone, and they love you back, you will do everything for them. One of those things is giving your partner some space for themselves. You and your partner need your personal space to “renew and get re-centered,” especially after you have kids.


You can never have it all together, and you don’t have to. In fact, you should allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of your partner and acknowledge your mistakes.


Mutual trust is based on sharing everything, “especially those things you don’t want to share.” You need to fully open your heart and let the other person in, even if you’re unsure if they will like what they find there.

It does take courage, as we all have something we are afraid to show about ourselves. But if you feel like you’re wearing a mask around your partner, you will never experience love completely.


“Find common goals, dreams, and visions to work towards.” Otherwise, stagnation breeds destruction and entropy. Just as Rogers puts it, “The stagnant pond breeds malaria, the flowing stream is always fresh and cool.”


Instead of fighting over the lack of money, you should work together to find ways to win it. “It never helps when teammates fight,” so figure some ways out to leverage each other’s strength to win.


Instead of holding the grudge over trivial things, be aware that there is something greater than any of those silly quarrels that want to ruin it – it’s love. Focus on the future and don’t drag the weight of the past behind you.

“Forgiveness is freedom.” So, let go of the things that are already in the past, and focus on how to learn from that history and create a brighter future.


Whatever you do, do it out of love and for love. “This is the guiding principle through which all your choices are governed.” Whatever happens, know that you are together for a greater feeling, a stronger purpose than anything else combined. That feeling and purpose are love.

“Marriage is life, and it will bring ups and downs. Embracing all of the cycles and learning to learn from and love each experience will bring the strength and perspective to keep building, one brick at a time.”

You can read Rogers advice in his Facebook post here.

This Is The Best Marriage Advice From a Divorced Woman

You can take this seriously or with a dose of humor, but your relationship afterwards will be better than ever. This has been a learning experience for me and now, I’m sharing it with you. This is what I learned about marriage from a divorced woman.

This woman got divorced after 7 years of married life.

In her experience she has come to see a lot of key points in the concept of marriage. This is what she said to me:

The responsibility of making a relationship work is shared by men and women. For all the things I’ve said about husbands there is a point for wives too.

1.Try to see the best in him all the time. Don’t look only the negative things in him, but instead try to ignore them and focus on the things you like about him.

2. Have sexual relations on a regular basis. It’s simple – have sex with your husband as much as possible. Once, an older women gave me this advice to make love with my husband even when I’m not in the mood.

Making love is like a drug that heals the wounds we cause to each other during marriage. If you feel distanced from your partner that indicates it is a time for some romance. And let me tell you Janice was right when she gave me this advice!

3. Don’t be ashamed to ask help from someone experienced. Sometimes when we are emotional, it is not possible for us to make the right choice. The best thing to do is to ask for advice from someone that has experience. You could ask for an opinion from someone your own age, but the advice from an older woman is much better.

4. Let him rest sometimes. Don’t be afraid, he is not ignoring you, man sometimes have timeouts in their head. Let them have that time out and chill a bit. It is healthy for your relationship.

5. Do not try to change him, it is not your responsibility to make him a better person. We are all living our own life the way our mindset is set to do, and no one can change that. If you do try to change him you will only cause a conflict. He simply has a different mindset, so let it go.

6. Support him all the time by giving him compliments about how strong and smart he is. Man often forget these things, and there is no better person to remind them of this than their wives. Remind them of this and they will appreciate it.

7. Don’t ever think that your man did not choose you. Never forget that this man chose you. He picked you for a reason, don’t take it for granted.

8. Laugh when he makes a joke. It is very positive to laugh at his jokes, even if they are not funny. Man want to be funny and interesting for their girl. Sometimes they aren’t, but since they were interesting enough for you to marry them, the least you can do is laugh on the rare occasions when their joke is dumb.

9. Nobody else but us is responsible for our own actions. We are responsible for our actions regardless of our emotional state. Emotions can’t be an excuse for the actions we take. Count to ten before you do anything.

10. Make him his favorite meal. It won’t hurt you to surprise him with his favorite meal!

11. Support him when he needs it. Give him support when he needs it, be gentle and give him comfort in his hard times.

13. Love him the way he wants to be loved. Don’t just love him, find out which way he wants to be loved and love him that way. He only understands this kind of love.

14. Be pretty for him. Find the time to be as feminine as you can, this way you will remind him that he is a man.

15. Be there for him. Men also need attention, not only women. Give him your time when he needs it and listen to him.

16. Worst mistake women make: talking about other men. Never talk about other men. Even if it is a fictional character from a movie or TV show. Never talk about other men even if you compare him with someone else. Most of the times, men are already thinking they are better than anyone else. By comparing them with someone else you will only confuse them. Men simply don’t like hearing you talk about other men.

17. Give him room to breathe. Do not pressure him, let him have some time of his own. We all need that!

18. Don’t bring up old mistakes he did! Do not bring up old fights and mistakes he did. This is simply not cool. If you are still together after he did you wrong it means you have resolved the issue and you are over that. If you are not over it, find the time to talk about it calmly. Don’t wait for another fight to bring it up!


VIDEO: A Priest, Rabbi And Atheist Smoke Weed Together

“Why don’t we light a joint together, priest? Rabbi, are you in?” said the gay atheist. In a Cut video, this is exactly what happens, and the results are fabulous and eye-opening. The video features Jim More, a rabbi; Chris Schuler, an Episcopal priest; and Carlos Diller, a “conservative homosexual atheist”.

It answers some very important questions regarding the negative bias toward Marijuana and religion, while at the same time allowing three members of different belief groups to connect and discuss some very deep topics.

Regarding religion and Marijuana, Schuler says that “there’s no Biblical precedent” that goes against smoking Marijuana – and that’s where the party starts. Watching two men of religion sitting next to a gay atheist, and all getting baked from some serious smoking, is really something.

The effects? The priest gets really stoned, and won’t talk too much; the atheist takes over and starts discussing some deep thoughts regarding God, religion, and the people; and the rabbi starts blessing everyone and praying for them.

At a point, the priest and the atheist even draw each other weed-ash crosses on their foreheads!

“This is kind of cool. I’m smoking with some priests… and a rabbi,” says Diller. “Check off my bucket list.”


Better living: Living with your disability for a better tomorrow  

Everyone in society wants to feel like they have a purpose or that they belong. Yet it is extremely difficult to feel like this when there are still countless barriers preventing someone with a disability to feel accepted and be given opportunities similar to that of their able bodied peers.

Not only does the society in which we live create barriers for someone with a disability but more often than not, a person with a disability struggles with their own barriers to better and simple life.

I am an Occupational Therapist and I have worked with high school students with physical/functional disabilities for over 10 years.  Many of my students feel stuck in their disability. In other words, they feel stuck by their body’s own limitations.

They think themselves as of less value and unworthy. In reality, the value or worth does not decrease in case of any disability or lack in material considerations. Their own reflections of who they think they are becomes tied to their disability which determines their own sense of happiness and level of independence they achieve – which is usually less then what they are capable of. It’s really important to note.

No matter what the disability, everyone can do something for themselves.

Everyday goals should be made in order to increase one’s independence and not only personal independence but also as an equal contributor in the home.

I am speaking in very general terms since I would like to address everyone with a disability whether it’s cerebral palsy, spina bifida, autism etc…And don’t think, “yeah I already do that.” Actually form a list of the things you are going to work on towards your own independence (i.e. make bed, do up coat zippers) along with a list of what you would like to do to contribute to the general care of the household i.e. set the table.

And do these things everyday pushing yourself to achieve the items on your list and once those items have been accomplished. Make More! You may be wondering, how this mundane stuff will actually contribute to my overall wellbeing and happiness.

The answer is: The more you do for yourself, the happier you will feel in your body. It is proven. This is not a philosophy. This a proven fact.

Secondly, it is important to become skilled in self-advocating. Know your disability and know your limitations.

For example, this is necessary when going for a job interview or when directing caregivers. Many of my students go for job interviews and they practice their interview skills with me before they interview with a potential employer.

I always try to help them in many ways. The number one thing they stumble on all the time is being able to say what their disability is, how they can be accommodated and what they are skilled at. Here is an example of someone interviewing for an office job.  “I have muscular dystrophy, I am good at typing but have a hard time raising my arms so I will need an adjustable desk so I can rest my arms on the table top while I type.” Or “I have Autism. I work better when presented with a list of things to do for my work day.”

This is the type of information the employer needs to know and it is all about communicating and self advocating. The more you can self advocate in every aspect of your life the more you will feel understood and heard. You will also be seen as someone who is knowledgeable, confident and independent.

And finally, despite how you may feel, YOU, the person living inside your body, are separate from the disabled body in which you habituate.

There is a unique and individual spirit inside that body. Don’t get stuck in your disability and don’t let your disability define who you are. For example, I am in a wheelchair because I have Muscular Dystrophy.

No, don’t let the fact that you have muscular dystrophy and in a wheel chair define who you are. Think about your interests, talents, and take into consideration your physical abilities to start building your life goals, dreams, and activities around them.

I had a student that had difficulty with speech, stuttering and word pronunciation. She felt so robbed by this and felt so hard done by, she couldn’t see what other possibilities or avenues were available to her if she just worked at them.

It wasn’t until I told her of countless people who also had a disability who went on to do amazing things that she finally was encouraged to not only see herself as the woman with no voice but to figure out what she was going to do despite her odds. While many people would generally think they are disadvantaged because of the lack of body parts like strong legs or great physique and as a result of that they cannot achieve their purpose or goal in life and they cannot to pursue a sport or become a waitress, it is still imperative to create a passion.

Here it is essential to know the real purpose in this case, after knowing which you can be comforted and not get disturbed anymore and consider your disability as a great shortcoming.

The way to do this is to look at what your physical body is capable of then build your passions, dreams, and interests around the abilities of your body. Everyone has limitations to what their physical body is capable of. Some people’s bodies can do amazing and successful things such as win Olympic medals and other people’s bodies have poor memory or bad arthritis.

The main thing, is to work your body towards accomplishing goals each day to build a better tomorrow not only for your body but for the person or self that resides inside that body.

About the Author

Emily lives in a quaint small house in the booming city of Toronto with her 3 legged husky, Niko. She has earned her degree in Occupational Therapy and works full time supporting students with special needs.  She spends her free time exercising, cooking delicious, vegetarian food and regularly attending Kirtan. Emily enjoys a regular, daily practice of mantra meditation and seeks to inform others of its benefits.  She is grateful for the good will and support of her readers.

The 3 Best Female Zodiac Signs To Marry

best female zodiac sign to marry

There are no wonder zodiac signs can reveal a lot about your personality. You can learn about a person just by knowing the month in which they were born.

This article is for all future husbands out there. If you are thinking to pop the question, read on and find out if your woman zodiac sign is one of the three below – these three signs make the best wives!

1. The Cancer Queen

Have you ever heard of the term ‘unconditional love’? This is the kind of love that this woman will give you.

When in love, she loves unconditionally and forever. You will always know where you stand with her because she is not ashamed of showing her emotions.

She never lets important dates and details skip from her memory. She remembers everything – from your birth date to the kind of salad you had last Thursday.

She uses wisely all this information, so you can be sure that she will always find new ways to cherish you and make you happy every day.

However, there is one (small) downside to all this “perfection” of a woman: She tends to get overly dramatic at times, even for trivial things.

Still, this will not be important when you see all the other benefits you will get from marrying this (drama) Queen.

This is a woman who will do everything in her power to keep the family together. She will make your house the coziest home for you.

And, have you heard of the saying: “love comes from the mouth first?” If you did, you will adore your cancer woman because she loves to cook. You can enjoy delicious meals every day if you decide to marry her.

This Cancer Queen is a very loving and caring mother. She always puts her children first because they are really the most important thing in her life.

In a husband, she looks only for true love and sincerity.

2. The Empress Aries

The women born in this sign are the ones for whom men fall on their knees. The Aries woman is fiercely strong and independent, and she will stop at nothing when it comes to achieving her goals.

She is stubborn, determined, and passion-driven. You must be a very brave man if you decide you want her in your life – for you must at all times keep her interested and also keep the fire burning between you two. Nothing can make her fall out of love like boredom.

She expects your loyalty and support while winning her battles. This Empress will give you high social status and soon you will be enjoying respect from everyone.

Because of her, you will become stronger, more determined, and admirable. And, although the Aries woman is very down-to-earth, you won’t be able to attract her easily.

As a mother, she is strict – but fair. She gives birth to and raises only winners and leaders.

In a partner, she wants determination and strong character – just like she is.

3. The Ruler Leo

This is a woman who has a sword instead of a tongue. She is the ‘warrior’ of the Zodiac indeed!

She is strong and powerful and doesn’t accept ‘no’ as an answer. This woman doesn’t like anything ordinary – including men.

 It takes a superman to win her heart. Besides, she doesn’t have trouble seducing men – her charming personality and charisma do it for her.

This is a very dedicated and faithful woman who will do everything for the man she loves. She will cherish and protect him while at the same time loving him intensely.

There is no love like that of a Leo woman. She ‘rules’ the love world of the Zodiac!

Finally, no one messes with her loved ones. She fights like a lioness for her family. So, there is no doubt that the Leo woman is indeed a woman with an enormous ‘lion’ heart.

She has also inner strength and depth of character.

She likes a man who is equally if not stronger as her. He must respect her very much and never try to change her or (God forbid!) ‘overrule’ her.  


A lot of people are unaware of the fact that their body has a high level of acidity. Maybe you are one of those people too. Acidic body is a result of our everyday diet of refined sugars, processed foods and GMOs.

Bad news is that such acidic body is a perfect ground for developing cancer, becoming overweight, feeling chronic pain and other health problems.

Good news, on the other hand, is that making your body more alkaline is something you can achieve easily.

Practice these 10 natural ways daily and have an alkaline body. As a plus you’ll be more vital and have more energy as well.

1.Wake up happy and energized each morning and be prepared to go through the day.

Start your day by drinking a big glass of water mixed with freshly-squeezed lemon juice. Although acidic, the lemons have just the opposite effect to your body. They make it more alkaline. Drink this mixture every morning on an empty stomach in order to flush acids from your system.

Or you can also add one or two tablespoons of vinegar into eight ounces of water and drink that. You’ll have the same effect.

2. Include a portion of green salad seasoned with some olive oil and lemon juice in your everyday menu.

Fruits and vegetables are rich in alkaline minerals, like calcium. So you should try and eat as much fruit and vegetables as you can because they help maintain the pH level of your body and maintain balance in the organism.

3. Eat raw, unsalted almonds for your snack.

Almonds are rich in minerals, like magnesium and calcium. These minerals alkalize your organism and balance the blood sugar.

4. Drinking cow’s milk is fine but drinking almond milk is a better option.

You can also prepare yourself a delicious berry smoothie spiced with some green powder like spirulina or similar green powder.

5. Be more active and exercise every day.

If you are not a very sporty person, a walk to the park or shopping will be enough too. Exercising helps your body digest acidic products more quickly so your body could eliminate them faster.

6. You need more clean air.

Find a place which has clean and oxygen-rich air and spend a lot of time there whenever you can. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water, while spending time there and during the whole day too. That way your body will flush out waste and become alkaline.

7. In order to alkalize your body you shouldn’t eat meat every day because meat leaves acidic residue in the organism. Opt for more fruit and vegetables as we have said before.

8.Start avoiding sweets and soda because they are rich in sugar and there’s no worse acidic food than sugar.

You need to be aware of the fact that if you drink only a can of soda, you’ll have to drink more than thirty glasses of neutral water to balance the level of acidity in your organism.

9. While adding more vegetables in your everyday diet in order to alkalize your organism is necessary, you should avoid eating potatoes. Sweet potatoes are fine but only if you bake them with olive oil and Himalayan salt not butter.

However, aubergines, asparagus, peppers, squash, and other vegetables are great choices which you should consume on a daily basis.

10. Sprouts should be your daily choice too because they are very alkalizing and packed with nutrients and enzymes which will boost your energy.



28-Year-Old Model Born with Rare Condition Is Breaking Fashion Stereotypes

Fashion has long imposed strict appearance standards that were used to define beauty. However, it seems that these unrealistic standards of beauty are being challenged with every new day. The new trend in fashion is breaking its stereotypes.

Melanie Gaydos is one of the growing number of models who challenge and transform the fashion industry. She was born with ectodermal dysplasia, a condition which makes her pores, teeth, nails and small bones form abnormally.

Melanie also has alopecia, lacking hair in areas where it normally grows, and is partially blind as a result of eyelash growth that scratched her eyes as a child. She has lived a very challenging life, with people treating her as if she was contagious.

However, despite all the odd looks and restrictions she has lived through because of the people’s lack of understanding and knowledge, Melanie persisted with her self-confidence and bright outlook on life.

An art graduate based in NYC, Melanie has worked with renowned photographers, including Eugenio Recuenco. It all started when she responded to a Craigslist advert looking for “unique people” for fashion photographers to shoot.

Just as the initial response, her pictures still inspire surprise for some and shock for others and come with an array of positive and negative responses.

However, not only does her career have an overwhelmingly positive impact on her self-confidence, it also heralds change within the modeling industry.


Pastor Claims To Be Innocent After Beating Gay Man For Two Hours – Because He Never Asked Her To Stop

If you thought beating therapy is just a thing of the past, think again. This method is what Pastor Brooke Covington used to beat the ‘gay’ out of Matthew Fenner, after a typical Sunday prayer service at the Word of Faith Fellowship in Spindale.

The attack happened in January 2013, when more than 20 people, including the church leader, surrounded Fenner and started beating him for nearly two hours. To chase the gay demons away from him, someone even grabbed him by the throat and shook him.

And this comes as no joke when we say ‘gay demons’. Fenner says that the attack was a calculated effort by the church members to break him free of the “homosexual demons” they so viciously despised.

The Pastor who orchestrated the attack, Brooke Covington, 58, is now on trial, facing charges of kidnapping and assault. If convicted, she will face up to two years behind bars, reports Queerty.

Fenner recalls the experience as truly horrifying, testifying that he thought he was “going to die” as one of the church members was choking him while Covington screamed, “God said there is something wrong in your life!” Which was worse, Fenner had been recovering from a biopsy at the time of the attack.

And if you thought that the absurdity of the whole act cannot become bigger than it already is, now Covington’s lawyer claims that his client is innocent because “Fenner never explicitly asked her to stop beating him.”

Of course, should we only ask for whoever is assaulting us to stop doing it… and as if most of them would? Fenner feared that doing so would only enrage them even more, and well, being choked can’t really contribute to the whole ‘asking to stop’.

Which is even more contradictory, while the lawyer used the defense of ‘not being asked to stop’, the Word of Faith church came out with a version where “no one ever physically harmed Mr. Fenner,” and that “the church does NOT target members who are gay.”

Fenner’s coming forward has encouraged more to emerge with similar stories where the Word of Faith church would beat the sins out of the sinners.

Indeed, the church comes with some strict and bizarre rules for its members, such as the church deciding which congregates can marry or have children, while forbidding them from watching TV, going to movies, eating in restaurants that play music or serve alcohol, or reading the newspaper.