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Do You Lose Friends As You Get Older?-5 Reasons Why Losing Friends As You Get Older Is Actually A Good Thing

losing friends as you get older

If you are at a point of life where you are losing friends as you are getting older, and feel scared about it, there is no need to worry. In fact, losing friends with age is quite normal and happens to everyone.

Let me tell you the good news first. The positive aspect in this is that you will become a completely different individual with entirely new way of living. Changing anything can be a chance for a fresh start. You will meet new friends and travel to new destinations that you will grow fond of.

Of course, there is bad news, as well. That’s the letting go of some things. The hardest thing is letting go of close friendships, especially best friends. But sometimes, this is necessary for new positive changes to take place. Changes often bring new opportunities for you and you should try to get a hold of them.  At the end, it is a good thing to be an opportunist. 

Why do we lose friends as we get older? 

1. Safe zone

The older we get the more we realize how protective we are over things that hold value for us. You will start building a safe zone and protect your standards and principles you set.

You will notice that you will respect more new friends you will make with time as you grow older and more mature and never take for granted the things you say and the things you do.

You will find new people that have similar interests and you will develop meaningful relationships with these people. At the end you choose these friends at a more mature age, therefore they will probably be a better choice than before.

2. See the world

As you grow older you also become more experienced with the world around you. You start to rely on the things you’ve learnt and also you begin to cherish the friends that you can really rely on for important things.

With time you will learn to recognize that some things and people aren’t really needed in your life and you may have to let those people go in order to move on with things that matter in your life. 

3. Relationships that matter

With time, you may lose some of the oldest and best friends as you gain age, but that doesn’t mean that you will never have good friends and close relationships that matter again.

That is completely opposite of the truth. In fact, now you make friends who know themselves better and have discovered their passions, which makes them happier.

As time goes on and on, you will find new things that attract you and new things that you want to talk about, new places that you want to visit.  You will find friends with similar interests and you will enjoy spending time talking about these new stuff. 

4. Less and less Time

The older we get the more obligations we have. Therefore, we realize we have less and less time to spare on things that does not matter to us.

The time line in our life will move faster, and eventually it will become a race track. We no longer have time for everyone. But we also need more time for ourselves.

You will learn to cherish time and preserve it for your own needs. You will see that the only option is the wise use of time. Therefore you will learn to give priority to some things and avoid other.

This goes to people in our life too. Soon you will have to decide who is worth spending your time with and who is not. Do not let unimportant people waste your time, because we all know that time moves in one direction only.

5. Dishonesty detector

When we are younger we have a habit of being a bit of dishonest at some times. Let’s be honest here, we have all lied to our parents and teachers, even friends at least couple of times, right? The bad thing is that lies are getting bigger and worse over time and age. So we grow to dislike them.

As we grow older we grow to have no tolerance for dishonesty. We no longer tolerate this and therefore we want to be the voice of reason when it comes to arguing with a dishonest person.

You will find yourself willing for an honest conversation, often trying to avoid conversations which have no real value or purpose. The good thing is that over time we learn how to detect people who are dishonest and we start to avoid them.

Hopefully this article helped you come over your fears of becoming older. Just remember every part of life has its own beauty, so don’t try to resist time, but embrace it.


Being Awkward Can Lead You To A Likelier Success -THIS Is Why

Have you been tagged as being awkward by those who know you? Do you sometimes feel awkward when in company with people out of your closest circles? Do you know someone who is awkward?

Well, good news, your awkwardness. It turns out that you shouldn’t really care too much about it (if you ever have). As psychologist Ty Tashiro explains, people who are socially awkward are more likely to demonstrate what psychologists refer to as ‘striking talent’.

Striking talent’ refers to the immense ability a person can have in a specific area. This ability is what socially awkward people are most likely to exhibit, due to their peculiar nature. As Tashiro explains, it all comes down to their tendency to focus on a specific topic very narrowly and intensely.

He explains that these people may not be smart about everything. It is because they focus their intellect on one or two very specific areas, and will often be average, or even under-average, in other areas. This characteristic is what exactly makes them seem so awkward.

The fact is, when one focuses all their attention on a certain area, they are prone to be less socially skilled, or to be good communicators. Their intense focus on that certain area does not only inhibit their other potentials, but it can also mean that they may feel irritated when their routines are broken.

However, this same focus is of course a real strength too. Being able to stay true to the ideal they have set allows them to persist, even through hard times, when the task can become frustrating or boring to others.

This persistence is what psychologists refer to as ‘deliberate practice’. Deliberate practice, or the repetitive practice of the same thing until you reach mastery over it, is the key to achieving success in things you may be worst at.

It is exactly this kind of persistence that awkward people seem to enjoy the most. They won’t feel bothered with the long hours that take to master a certain topic or area. And it is exactly this characteristic which can lead these people to success.

As Tashiro puts it quite correctly, it is exactly this kind of focus and energy that can result in reaching groundbreaking innovation or redefining the way a field operates or thinks. It’s no wonder that all the greatest minds have shown great social awkwardness.

Ty Tashiro is the author of the book Awkward: n his book, he refers to decades of psychological research in human intelligence, neuroscience, personality, and sociology, in order to unravel the awkwardness behind being awkward.

His conclusion is simple: “The same characteristics that make people socially clumsy can be harnessed to produce remarkable achievements.”

So, stay awkward and don’t feel too concerned about it! Instead, focus on what you’re doing and keep doing it as you already know how. The world needs awkward people to help it to improve.


Dad Of 3 Ariana Grande Fans Posts Powerful Open Letter To “Set Her Straight.”

The recent Manchester suicide attack, which killed 22 and left 59 injured, left everyone utterly shocked and devastated. It not only shook Manchester, but the whole world.

This did not leave Ariana Grande intact. Even though she was unharmed, the weight of so many people’s lives utterly changed for the worse has become hers too.

Except for a single heartfelt tweet, Ariana has avoided both social media and the spotlight since the attack.

Patrick Millsaps, a father of 3 girls and a film producer, touched by Ariana’s devastated reaction, felt compelled to write an open letter to Ariana.

In his letter, Millsaps decides to “set her straight”, and help her cope with the aftermath of the event in the best way possible.

It’s a worthwhile and powerful letter:


The Goo That’s Good For Teeth

We all try to do our best to take care of our oral hygiene. We brush and floss daily (okay, some of us), we visit our dentist twice a year and we undertake the pain that comes with that visit: all that tools that buzz I think only exist to torture us.

So, we’re sorry to inform you that your effort and diligence along with fluoride treatments and fillings may not be the best defense against cavities. The best medicine is moist, warm, and a little slimy. Dare to guess? Yes, you’re right – snot.

According to one study published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology journal, mucus, along with tears and skin, forms a defense barrier against germs. It turns out that mucus contains proteins called salivary mucins, which are essential for protecting our teeth from a type of bacteria called Streptococcus cavities, responsible for causing cavities.

Mucins prevent bacteria from sticking onto teeth and releasing acid that makes holes in tooth’s surface, unlike mouthwash and toothpaste that only kill bacteria. Researches who carried out the study, are working on synthetic mucus that could be added to toothpaste or a chewing gum. Is anyone up for a booger bubble gum?

However gross it may sound to you right now, this synthetic mucus will not only prevent bacteria, but it might also defend you against stomach ulcer, infections on the respiratory system, or even HIV.

They are definitely a better choice than antibiotics since mucins don’t kill bacteria – they only prevent bacteria for causing damage. Antibiotics, on the other hand, kill not only harmful bacteria, but also some helpful bacteria which could probably result in more dangerous viruses and infections taking place.

In other words, as Katharina Ribbeck, an assistant professor of biological engineering at MIT department, points out that this synthetic alternative is used “not necessarily to resolve infections but to stabilize or prevent infection.”

When bacteria S.mutans cling to our teeth, it forms a biofilm. Then it feeds on sugars we consume daily through food, thus producing acid that dissolves the tooth enamel.

This is how cavities are formed. Ribbeck’s group of research investigated the mucin known as MUC5B (the most common one) on a molecular level, in order to find out how it guards our teeth from cavities.

They first isolated MUC5B from the saliva they took from volunteers. Then on a different plate that was made from a plastic used often to resemble a tooth’s enamel, they grew S.mutans bacteria with sugar.

But, some of the plates contained MUC5B also. Finally, they discovered that there were more S.mutans bacteria floating around the plates that contained MUC5B than attached to them. This confirms our theory that mucin does prevent S.mutans bacteria, thus preventing cavities.

How can this happen? The researchers are not sure yet, but they think that it may be that MUC5B forms “a 3-D spider web” and catches S.mutans in it along with the secreted acid.

Moreover, it might be that MUC5B forms a coat that repels bacteria from the tooth thus preventing to form a biofilm. Ribbeck and Frenkel go deeper in the subject by saying that it is very possible that mucins not only keep S.mutans alive, but also neutralize the toxins that other bacteria produce.

Of course more research needs to be done since Ribbeck and Frenkel conducted their study in plastic wells – not on real teeth. Also, many other bacteria can cause cavities, not just S.mutans.

As William Bowen, a professor at the University of Rochester’s School of Medicine and Dentistry says that bacteria that cause cavities don’t stick directly to the tooth surface, but rather form a gluey film over the tooth that is known as plaque.

So, what can we conclude from all this? The fact is that the benefits of synthetic mucus are enormous since it can be used to prevent food spoilage or accumulation of bacteria on other surfaces as well. This process is called biofouling. “The applications are enormous”, Ribbeck adds.

All that being said, it is still important to have consistent dental check-ups to keep your teeth healthy. You may visit this family dentist in lancaster for all your dental needs.

12 Amazing Facts About Farting You Didn’t Know!

A few of the most embarrassing thing you can do in front of others would have to be farting, burping and letting out amusing sounds.

However, these are normal body functions that we need to release in order to be healthy and in normal condition. If we had to choose the most humiliating one of all, it would have to be farting. Apart from the funny noise it makes when releasing gases, it also gives off am awful odor.

Although we are all aware of the fact that farting is part of the digestive process and must take place, no matter how disturbing, it is still a mockery. We know about the farting process these things; but are there hidden facts we are unaware?

1.In comparison to women, men tend to fart a lot more and seem to be more comfortable with it. It is a known fact that men do not find it as awkward as women to fart when they are not alone.

2. Did you know that the word ‘fart’ was coined in 1962 and is defined as wind emerging from the anus? Funny, right?

3. We fart most while we are asleep. Thank goodness!

4. Farts travel at 10 feet per second.

5. They are made up of hydrogen sulfide that decreases mitochondrial harm. This fact you might have known. However, did you know that smelling the odor could actually be healthy? The next time you or someone around you farts, be grateful.

6. A healthy, typical person farts around 14 times a day.

7. The 14 farts that we let out are just enough to fill a whole balloon. How about that?

8. If you are someone who farts around 14 times a day, then consider yourself healthy. However, if you are farting a lot less than this or not at all, you should visit a doctor.

9. The difference between those who fart quieter and let you horrible loud noises is the size of their sphincter. The tighter the sphincter, the louder the fart!

10. Out of all the animals and such, termites harvest the most fart. After that, follow sheep, camels, zebras, elephants, dogs and cows.

11. The next time your chew gum or drink soda, think twice. They increase your chances of farting.

12. Compared to men, women contain more concentration of hydrogen sulfide, and therefore have smellier farts. However, they are healthier to smell than men’s are.


7 Mindful Habits That May Be Hard To Adopt, But Will Benefit You For A Lifetime

You must have heard of this term at least once, if not more, and it is touted as the next big revolution in psychology. However, mindfulness is not something new to the world. In fact, it’s been present for centuries in the Eastern cultures.

It has emerged just recently as an idea throughout the Western world, and it’s being praised for its remarkable ability to help those practicing it to cope with any kind of situation in life.

While imagination exaggerates, and reason undermines, mindfulness is there to bring a balance between the two by introducing sense. Achieving mindfulness doesn’t take a lot, but it may seem difficult at first.

The main challenge that you may find is diverting your attention from everywhere and everywhen to the present moment, with a compassionate and non-judgmental attitude. Mindfulness takes practice and attention.

So, here are 7 habits that will help you practice mindfulness. Although they may look simple, practicing them will turn out to be challenging at first, but if you keep it up, these techniques will benefit you for a lifetime.

  1. Practicing gratitude

Many people take the gifts in life for granted. However, all the joys of the life you live are blessings you shouldn’t overlook. Instead of desiring what you don’t have, practicing gratitude reminds you to enjoy you already have.

This technique is simple, and it takes just 15 minutes. The first thing to do when you wake up is to write down 3 things you are grateful for. You need to be as specific as possible, as this is the key to fostering gratitude.

The purpose of this exercise is to remind yourself of a good experience, event, person, or thing in life and to enjoy the good emotions that come with it. It serves to remind you that even if there are so many things that you don’t have in life, there are as many things that you already have.

  1. Feeling your palms and feet

This technique will anchor you to the present moment, by focusing on your body. As Buddha once said, “The past is already gone, the future is not yet here. There’s only one moment for you to live.” And that’s the present.

To practice this technique (and you can do it practically anywhere), simply direct your attention to your palms and feet. Notice how your feet touch the ground, feel the temperature of your palms, notice your state of comfort, and really anything else you can notice.

Once you have achieved awareness of your palms and feet, clench your hands tightly into fists and release. Do this repeatedly for some time. Don’t worry if your attention wanders away, just gently return it to the process and don’t judge yourself over it.

  1. Noticing the environment

Staying in the present moment doesn’t require you to try manipulating your feelings and emotions. All you need to do is simply let go of whatever’s on your mind and start paying attention on what’s around you – and there are so many beautiful things you will notice.

Quickly take your attention away from this text and notice what’s around you. Start small, if you’re reading from your phone, look at the phone, then your hand holding it. As you go further, start noticing where you are, the things and the objects around you – expand your awareness.

Become aware of the objects around you, the colors, the shapes and textures, the sounds… everything. And don’t make any comments in your head on what you’re looking at – just take a moment to become acquainted with your surroundings.

  1. Breathing deeply

The breath is our natural clock. The faster we breathe, the more tense we feel. It comes with shallow breaths that don’t bring a lot of oxygen, and your focus functions the way you breathe.

Every meditative technique requires you to breathe deeply, and for a good reason. Deep breaths increase awareness, calm the mind down, help you focus more clearly, and bring more oxygen to the body.

For beginning, start practicing by breathing in for 3 seconds and breathing out for the same amount of time. You can later increase the time, but don’t rush, as you may start feeling dizzy.

  1. Listening, not just hearing

Many times, we are so obsessed with our pre-determined thought patterns that we don’t listen to what others are saying. We quickly develop bias toward the topic and start creating judgements about the person speaking to us.

Next time when you speak to someone, quickly catch those thought patterns and leave them aside. Let the person say whatever they are talking about and listen before you make a default judgement about it.

This focus will let you really notice the things they are saying and will help you achieve a better understanding of the person and the things they talk about.

  1. Mindful eating

This kind of eating doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to change your diet – that’s another topic. It simply means that you need to experience the whole process mindfully.

When your meal is in front of you, notice the smells, colors, textures, temperature, flavor, and even the sound of your food (crunch!). Pay attention to the whole experience. If it’s a warm meal, feel the way your body warms up when you ingest it.

Feeling your body and experiencing all the senses while you eat will not only let you enjoy the food you eat more, but you will also learn to recognize what food is good for you, and what food you should avoid.

  1. Mindful showers

Water has a cleansing effect, both physically and psychologically. However, many people forget to really experience the psychological effect of taking a shower. This is a pleasure nobody should miss out on, and it lets you focus on the present.

Next time you take a shower, pay attention to the pleasant warmth of the water gently caressing your skin. Inhale the beautiful smell of your shower gel, and enjoy the sensation of your hands passing over your skin.

With this, not only will your body be refreshed and clean, but you will also refresh and clean up your mind from the negativity it may have gathered up. All in all, a mindful shower is a blissful experience that will last for the rest of the day.

Keep on practicing these techniques and you will see how beautiful the present moment is.

With your awareness of the present, you will soon start to take control of the past and the future – things that not many know how to navigate through.

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Source: The power of ideas

How to Take Care of Old People in Our Communities

Taking care of elderly people requires special planning and preparation. There’re a lot of things that one should keep in mind to keep the old people fit and happy. In this article we’ll take a look on a few of those things. Let’s begin:

Caring Physically

First of all let’s take a look on things that you should do to take care of elderly people’s physical health:

#1. Keep an eye on their physical health: If an old man/woman has pain or any other physical issue, take him/her to the doctor and don’t overlook the issue. Besides pain weakness, extra drowsiness and fatigue are other critical health cues you should watch out for while taking care of old people.

#2. Instilling the importance of exercise in them: Exercise has its own place in our fitness, no matter how young/old we get. In fact, as we get old, the importance of exercise only increases. So for the sake of mobility, bone strength and various other benefits it’s critically important for elders to exercise regularly. You should try to install the importance of exercise in them. Given below are the exercise requirements for elderly people:

  1. 30 minutes of moderately intense (i.e. swimming, biking, running, walking etc.) exercise per day;
  2. If you’re going to indulge in intense exercises (the ones that elevate heart rate and increase the rate of breathing), 20 minutes per day will be enough. And that too on alternate days (i.e. 3 days in a week).
  3. Flexibility exercise (i.e. stretching, yoga etc.) for 10 minutes per day.

Also keep in mind that weight strengthening exercises (I.e. free weights, resistance bands and body weight) should not be done on consecutive days in old age. There must be a gap of at least one day between them.

Those who don’t exercise can also benefit from being physically active in other ways. For example, Range of Motion exercises can help them maintain the mobility of their joints.

#3. Homemade food: Consumption of fast and junk food is well known to have adverse effects on the health of anyone. And when it comes to health of old people, the effects can be very disturbing. So stick to homemade food for diet of old age people. Less oily and nutrition rich homemade food is critically important for old people to keep them healthy.

Caring Mentally

Along with physical health the mental health of old people also requires extensive care. Here’re a few things that you should do to keep the mental health of old people in check:

#1. Dealing with resistance: The first mental issue that you will have to tackle while taking care of an old person is resistance. Changes that are good for us usually require some work first, which leads to procrastination. And as we get old, that procrastination also turns into resistance. So be prepared to deal with that resistance. Speak to them when you and they both are in a relaxed and cheerful mood. Suggest them the necessary lifestyle changes that they need to stay healthy, and listen to what they say carefully. Even though you may not like to hear what they say, listen patiently. If needed, take help of other family members also. Sometimes friends can help in convincing better than anyone else.

#2. Respect them: This is also a very important thing. Respect is one of those things that all of us crave in life. And when we don’t get that, it hurts a lot. If this happens in old age then it can also lead to psychological trauma and some other medical complication (i.e. depression). So respect the old people.

#3. Help them cope with loneliness: As people get old, they realize that they can’t go wherever they want to meet their relatives and friends. They also realize that other people of their age have also got old, and after retirement settled somewhere else. This loneliness and lack of independence also leads to constant tension and hopelessness. So do everything that you can to reverse these experiences. Take them to friends and relatives wherever you can take them comfortably. Also visit them yourself as frequently as possible.


Doing these things will help a lot in keeping old people happy and healthy. Follow these tips and also share your own tips in the comments.

How To Keep The Romance Alive After Baby Comes Along

Once upon a time, it was just the two of you, holding hands whilst out taking a romantic stroll, gazing lovingly at one another over dinner at an exclusive restaurant. You enjoyed making love all over the house and regularly indulged in it. Then a squirming, loud and demanding little bundle of joy arrived at your home. Your new roommate and head of the household for the foreseeable future – your newborn baby.

No matter how much you think you are prepared for the arrival of your baby, when he or she actually arrives it hits like a ton of bricks. Life as you know it will never be the same again. You no longer hold hands when you go for a romantic stroll, your hands are otherwise engaged pushing a pram, or fishing around the oversize changing bag searching for wipes, a dummy, or Ragtag the button-eyed bunny.

Never mind gazing lovingly over at one another over dinner, just having time to re-heat that stew and eat your food while it’s still lukewarm is an achievement. And as for making love all over the house, that’s been replaced by cat naps. You lean languidly against the wall while the kettle boils, (coffee is your friend when your baby decides 3am is the perfect time for a play), closing your eyes for a moment of respite.

Romance and making love might be the last things on your mind as you try and adjust to life with a baby in tow, but finding time for one another is essential too. Your health and active life are important – keeping the spark alive is hard, but worth the effort.

Don’t Get Hung Up on Your Looks

Post-baby weight can make you feel a little unattractive, and lack of sleep can leave you feeling like you are not looking your best. While you might feel very self-conscious about your body, your partner will be more interested in celebrating the amazing things your body has just managed to do – giving birth is an incredible feat!

Although you feel you might not look the part, try and embrace your inner goddess and fuller, softer figure. You will regain your shape, just don’t put too much pressure on yourself. It would be a shame to shy away from intimacy just because you have a stretch mark or two!

Take a Break

When a baby has a nap, it’s tempting to feel like you should be catching up on chores. There are romper suits to wash, a floor that needs a hoover and potatoes that need peeling for tonight’s dinner. Although you can’t just abstain from all the house stuff (someone has to do it) don’t get caught up in a cycle of being busy every minute. Remember your baby is going to be waking up for milk regularly day and night.

That’s going to equal a lot of lost sleep. When a baby takes a nap, put down the dishcloth and get some shut-eye yourself. You need work, rest and play in your life – your baby is a delight but will certainly add to the workload, get your rest with regular naps and the play part? Well if you manage to conserve some energy you can use it up having some nocturnal fun with your significant other!

Use Your Imagination

Making love isn’t just about intercourse, penetration isn’t the be all and end all. There are plenty of other things you can do to demonstrate how much you love one another. How about a full kiss on the lips (go mad and use tongues)! How often have you walked up to your partner and passionately kissed them for no other reason than you want to?

Love letters may be a little outdated but how about a racy text or e-mail? Tell your partner what you would like to do to them (when you get a moment) and let them know what you would like them to do to you.

Make Time

Grandparents, aunties, and uncles, best friends ­– they all want to play a part in baby’s first year – so let them! You might not be ready to leave your little one in the early days, but you could set the table, light some candles and order a takeout. Let Grandma cover the night shift and enjoy some much-needed alone time with your partner. It doesn’t matter what you talk about, just relish being together and remember that you are a couple as well as parents.

Five Simple Ways to Boost Brain Function and Concentration

When was the last time you woke up full of energy, focused, and ready to jumpstart your day? How often do get distracted when you’re in the middle of a project or when a deadline is looming over you at work? How often does your mind fantasize in other directions when you should actually be concentrating on work?

There are tons of daily lifestyle habits that make it difficult to concentrate throughout the day: lack of physical activity, poor diet, lack of adequate nutrients, sleepless nights, or everyday stressors at work and at home. We all suffer from at least a few of these problems, and in the end we all have to stay focused, stop procrastinating, and complete our work. Here’s a list of five simple but effective strategies that will boost brain function and increase your concentration.

  1. Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Dozens of scientific studies have shown that mindfulness meditation can help increase concentration, even if practiced for only ten minutes a day. Meditation offers dozens of benefits that go far beyond improving brain function and concentration, yet this is one of the most tangible benefits of mindfulness. This practice boost memory and concentration through relaxation techniques that help the brain think more clearly. In addition, this practice is an effective remedy against anxiety and depression.

  1. Memory & Concentration Supplements

A balanced diet is essential for a good brain function but is not always easy to achieve. Fortunately, it’s easier to fight against nutritional deficiencies with supplements. Most people know that gingko biloba is an important memory stimulant, but there are many other supplements that can boost your brain function and concentration. One of the most important yet often neglected dietary supplement is folic acid. Folic acid is a group B vitamin necessary for good brain health. It also helps fighting depression and reduces inflammation. The vitamin is present in a wide range of foods, such as asparagus, Romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, and other green vegetables and is also easy to find as dietary integrators.

  1. Switch Off Electronic Devices

It’s impossible to boost concentration if the brain is tired. And without a good night’s sleep, your brain will be tired at all times. To help your brain rest, switch off all your electronic devices before going to sleep. Don’t put your phone on silent – switch it off or leave it in another room. The light emitted by the sensors of the electronic devices slow down the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for the regulation of the circadian rhythm with consequent effects on your concentration, brain function, and productivity.

  1. Maintain Constant Blood Sugar Levels

Our brain feeds on glucose and for a proper function, it needs constant blood sugar levels. The best way to do maintain them is through a balanced diet that is low in high glycemic carbohydrates, such as white bread and rice, pasta, biscuits, or pies. These foods can be replaced with foods containing complex carbohydrates such as whole wheat bread, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. By eating complex carbs you will be able to maintain a constant level of sugar in your blood, with consequent benefits on your memory and concentration capacity.

  1. Stimulate The Brain

It’s difficult to increase the brain function or boost concentration if the brain is not stimulated properly. As any other muscle, our brain needs training to stay in shape. There are many activities that keep the brain entertained, such as reading or doing crossword puzzles. Positive thinking and socializing are other two ways of improving memory and concentration. The most important is to avoid monotony by engaging in activities that involve all five senses, allowing your brain to receive the right amounts of stimuli.


According To The World Health Organization Being Single Is Now a Disability!

Bad news or good news? The World Health Organization has put being single in the definition of infertility, making it a disability to reproduce.

Even if the WHO didn’t intend to put this in the literal sense, people without a sexual partner are now classified as ‘infertile’ for a simple reason.

The reason behind this is not to discriminate or insult single people out there, but a much nobler cause. This new classification will allow single people to receive the same priority as couples when it comes to in vitro fertilization.

Under these updated terms, single people (heterosexual and homosexual) who wish to have children will receive the same priority for IVF as couples have so far.

Single people who wish to be parents can search for sperm and egg banks like Cryos International for a wide range of fertility treatment options such as IVF, intrauterine insemination, home insemination, and Embryo Creation.

This means that those who want to remain single, or can’t find a suitable partner, can have a child of their own, and they will be given funds for IVF just as regular couples are.

The explanation behind this lies in the fact that the inability to find a suitable sexual partner in order to achieve conception can be considered as an equal disability as infertility, and these people should not be left out on this issue.

This idea has come to strong criticism, justified by the fact that medical fertility problems should not be equated with the social inability to find a partner.

However, the doctors who stand behind the study believe that even though it’s socially conditioned, the single status is nevertheless a cause for not being able to conceive a child.

Until now, the World Health Organization defined ‘infertility’ as the inability to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.

This new change in the definition binds all countries to revise their IVF treatment priorities and provide funds for single persons too.

One of the authors of the new definition, Dr. David Adamson, tells the Telegraph that the new definition of infertility now includes the rights of all individuals to have a family, including both heterosexual and homosexual single men and women.

The WHO international committee will send the new definition of infertility to every health minister for consideration this year.

Regarding IVF, it has reported that since the first IVF birth in 1978, 6.5 million children had been born using this technique by 2013.

Now the American Society for Reproductive Medicine estimated that another 10 million IVF babies would be born by the end of 2020.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think that the new ‘infertility’ definition is justified? The opinions are strongly divided when it comes to this question. Does being single mean being infertile by default?

Via The Telegraph