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A Company From Tennessee Fires 18 Employees Who Have Joined “A Day Without Immigrant”

What was known to be a peaceful and national protest “A Day without Immigrant” has turned out to be “A Day without A Job”. In Nashville, Tennessee, the company Bradly Coatings seemed to make a massive statement after firing 18 people who didn’t show up for work because they wanted to be a part of the nation-wide protest “A day without immigrant”.

The purpose of the protest itself, was to emphasize the contribution that immigrants made to this country, however the company seems to have a completely different point of view regarding this topic.

People who have participated in this peaceful protest, lost their jobs the very next day.

Despite the fact that many companies and businesses were supporting this protest or at least gave the green light to employees who wanted to join the protest, Bradly Coatings, Incorporated in Nolensville, Tennessee had a different policy towards this protest.

Their 18 employees announced their absence on Wednesday, due to the upcoming protest, supporting the contribution of immigrants worldwide, however instead of an understanding, they came across a day without a job.

Normally, this decision caused dissatisfaction and a shock at all those people, but also the situation provoked massive comments and amazement in the public.

Employees state that this decision is firstly not fair for the people who gave their best for this company and secondly, it’s unfair for the short notice or one day notice, in other words they didn’t have an opportunity to justify themselves, and neither did they have other choice except accepting the fact that they are terminated.

When the decision was made, some employees decided to quit their job in this company right after hearing about what has happened to their colleagues.

A former employee who wanted to stay anonymous stated that the whole situation and the handling of the problem was unfair.

In the massage for the company, the anonymous employee emphasized that all the people who’ve been fired didn’t deserve such treatment.

He also added that all the employees tended to make up for the day, or working on a Sunday, however the company didn’t want to listen and they did not even give the opportunity to the employees. Their only option was to fire people, right after the movement.

After this happened, a spokesman from the Department of Labor and Workforce Development stated that even though Tennessee is a state where an employer has the right to terminate people whenever he/she wants or for whichever reason or cause that is, there are other civil rights issues or other stipulations which can put an end to this.

There are a lot of speculations about why this company decided to act in this manner, however their attorney said that the termination of people had nothing to do with the national protest.

In his statement, the attorney elaborated the nature of the company or commercial painting services and the dynamics at which the company is functioning.

He also emphasizes that the company supports immigrants as well as diversity since the beginning, however he also states that the company warned their employees that if they choose to join the protest, they put their job position in jeopardy.

So, despite being warned about the time-sensitive nature of their jobs, the people still chose to join the protest and the following day the leadership informed them that they’ve been fired.

So, the company’s attorney states that all of those who have fulfilled their job obligations kept their job position, sadly the unfortunate 18 employees were terminated the very next day.

The attorney also emphasizes that the company didn’t have a choice in this situation because the company matters to maintain its stability and most importantly to keep the dynamics at which the client expect for the job to be finished.

As the attorney stated, the company will continue to support immigrants, but also will provide services on time to his clients as well as review some procedures in order to prevent such issues in the future.


Here’s How Clothing Can Affect Your Behavior

A recent study by Mark & Roberts shows that women wearing a dress are much happier and in better mood that women wearing pants. However it is also unclear if it’s the dress that affects the mood or the mood inspiring women to wear a dress.

Decade of behavioral research also shows that people who spent less time thinking about style and clothing are less confident and feel less attractive that the ones who do.

This doesn’t indicates that shopaholics and fashion victims are the happiest people on earth but at least they realize their power to affect and charm the people around them.

Truth is that life is about people and social interactions. The more we are liked, desired, loved, respected and complimented the better we feel and the more we enjoy life.

Looking better both physically and esthetically affects our mood and self-confidence and these two characteristics only can be enough to make huge differences in our life.

When people fail to obtain external beauty they often focus on career and financial success; believing that’s the right alternative for obtaining more attention, appreciation and respect.

Even though this approach have shown to be a successful one for obtaining a respectful social presence it’s the very wrong one because all your new relationships will be driven by interest.

The one thing that we can all learn from this post is that wearing better clothing, looking better and spending a little extra time on improving our style is the right thing to do.

I know that we all hate emptying our credit cards in shopping malls but look at this as an investment in creating a better version of you, or even better; in discovering the real you.

Summer is knocking at our doors already, there is not better season than spring to reinvent yourself. Go and buy yourself a nice maxi dress from here to look astonishing and let us know if the dress case study mentioned above is true or false.

An Introduction To Spirituality, Our Chakras – How To Open And Heal Them!

Chakras - How To Open And Heal Them

We are made up out of three aspects: the mental body,the physical body and the energetic body – what some would refer to as mind, body and spirit.

Science has explored the physical and mental body to a large extent, but it hasn’t been until now that scientists are starting to understand the energetic body in terms of frequency and vibration.

Energy is the primary element that keeps matter together. In other words, we cannot exist without the energy that helps our body to be a whole, and our organs to function properly – and which is more, our thoughts and emotions are interrelated with that same energy.

This is why it is very important that we understand the energetic part of ourselves and start nurturing it to function as a whole.

Our bodies are full of energy centers or vortexes which come in many sizes and frequencies, but the main ones are the 7 vortexes that govern the primary aspects of our being. The Hindus called these vortexes chakras.

The word chakra translates as wheel, and these centers are exactly that – wheels of spinning energy. They are represented by the seven primary colors of the rainbow, as they vibrate at different frequencies.

Here we will go through the main characteristics of the chakras, their colors and roles and in the following articles we will delve deeper into all the aspects connected to them and the ways of activating them to their full potential. 

1.What Colors are the Chakras? 

Colors as we see them are nothing more than light vibrating at a certain frequency. For example, red vibrates at the lowest frequency and has a long wavelength. The chakras vibrate at different frequencies, which correlate to the same colors we are aware of.

These frequencies are too subtle to be seen by the naked eye, but there is a way of seeing them – and one of the chakras can help you start seeing those subtle frequencies, but we will go through that in another article.

The chakra vibrating at the lowest frequency is the first chakra. Its color is red. Then we’ve got the second chakra vibrating at the frequency of orange and the third at the frequency of yellow. As we move up to the fourth chakra, we get green, then blue at the fifth chakra, indigo at the sixth and violet at the seventh chakra.

There are cameras and programs where you can see your vibratory levels of around the body. This sphere of frequencies around our bodies is what some would refer to as the aura and according to the colors present in the aura, one can read all the health problems you may have, your strengths and weaknesses and much more.

There is nothing mystical about this – it’s just a piece of the puzzle scientists have been missing so far and they are now starting to implement it in their research, healthcare and other areas.

2. Where Are The Chakras Seated in Our Bodies? 

The chakras are positioned throughout the length of the body at an approximate distance of 7.23 cm from each other, starting at the base of the spine and ending at the top of the head.

  • The first chakra (also called the root chakra) is at the lower end of the spinal column, at the perineum.
  • The second chakra (also known as the sacral chakra) is located near the tailbone and its front point is at the pubic bone.
  • The third chakra (the solar plexus chakra) is located at the navel, or just above the celiac plexus.
  • The fourth chakra (the heart chakra) is located at the central channel in the spine at the heart, with its front point between the breasts.
  • The fifth chakra (or the throat chakra) is positioned at the neck region with its front point in the pit of the throat.
  • The sixth chakra (or the brow chakra) is located directly behind the center of the forehead with its front point between the eyebrows.
  • The seventh chakra (or the crown chakra) is located at the top of the head (or slightly above it).

The chakras (except the 1st and 7th ) have a front and back side

3. How Important Are the Chakras?

The chakras are not just an interesting fact about our body. They are vital energy without which we cannot live and function properly. Each chakra governs a whole energetic field responsible for the respective physical regions of our bodies and also our mental and emotional state.

Here we’ll go through the main aspects the chakras stand for, the organs and glands they cover and we will elaborate much more in greater detail about them in the following articles.

1.Root chakra: Physical manifestation, vitality, survival gland: adrenal glandsorgans: skeletal structure, base of spine, kidneys.

2. Sacral chakra: Emotions, creativity, sensations, pleasure, sex, social interactiongland: ovaries, testicles, organs: reproductive system, spleen.

3. Solar plexus chakra: Sense of self, ego, will, powergland: pancreas,organs: stomach, gall bladder, liver

4. Heart chakra: Love, acceptance, compassion, empathy gland: thymus organs: heart, vagus nerve, circulatory system.

5. Throat chakra: Speech, expression, communication, dynamic creativity,gland: thyroid, parathyroid organs: lungs, larynx, alimentary canal, speech organs.

6. Eyebrow chakra: Intuition, understanding, thought, visualization gland: pineal gland organs: ears, nose, lower brain, nervous system, left eye.

7. Crown chakra: Spirit will, wisdom, openness gland: pituitary gland organs: upper brain, right eye.

  1. How to open the chakras?

 The process of opening and balancing the chakras is an intense process that starts at the root chakra.

We will post a series of articles about each chakra and all its attributes, as well as simple ways of opening them, but you should not work on the upper chakras if the lower ones are not functioning properly!

Balancing starts at the root chakra and goes all the way up to the crown chakra and this is a life-changing process.


Elijah Wood Just Exposed Hollywood’s Organized Pedophilia Ring

Core Scott Feldman, known for his appearances in children movies during the 80s, was accused of pedophilic abuse on child actors.

According to him, the children movie industry is a very gloomy and scary place – the complete opposite of what it looks like on the outside. Being abused himself, Feldman stated that pedophilia is one of the biggest issues in Hollywood.

Feldman’s words were not taken seriously because of his troubled past, and his constant quest for attention now that his career is almost entirely dead. 

However, when the dearly loved Hollywood actor, Elijah Wood, supported him, that changed the whole turn of the events.

Wood also started his acting career as a child during the 80s and was able to see what happens behind the scenes during the filming of children movies.

So, when Wood recently during an interview for Sunday Times said that the Hollywood children movie’s industry is a dark and abusive place, was shocking to many.

He also said that there is a very organized “underground world” that has repetitive patterns of child actors being sexually abused. He remained safe, however, and said that he thanks his parents for this because they were very protective of him. His mother never let him attend those Hollywood parties where those abuses were taking place. But not all children were that lucky.

According to Elijah, the biggest problem is that the kids are too confused to understand what is happening to them, and once they become aware – they are afraid to say anything.

They are constantly threatened and usually, the truth comes out too late. The results of this abuse are devastating: teenagers with destroyed lives and serious psychological problems.

What is more terrifying is the fact that the people involved in the crimes are some of the most powerful people in Hollywood.

In many cases, if a child decides to speak up about his/her tragedy, there is a whole system that won’t allow the story to come out in public and cause any damage to the reputation of the abuser.

The fact that there are only a few companies that produce Hollywood movies and own all related media is what makes it difficult for any information like this to be revealed publicly. When few people are in charge, it is easy to hide incriminating information in order to save the big “picture” of Hollywood’s movie industry.

Innocent children and their parents come to Hollywood to show their talent and succeed. They are not aware that they become a part of a pattern that is very difficult to break.

One would say, what about the police? Well, surprisingly, Wood accuses them that not only they are not doing anything, but they are part of it. In fact, the police make sexual abuse easy to reoccur because they collaborate with the abusers and hide their acts.

Yet another Hollywood teen idol, Corey Haim, who was molested when he was 14, supported the claims of his colleagues. He and Feldman filmed a reality show about their experiences called “The two Cories”. In the reality show, Haim accuses Feldman of not doing anything to protect him although he knew that Haim was molested.

The list of Hollywood actors with similar statements does not end up here. A while ago, the public had a chance to hear the terrifying story of Jessa Dilon Crisp – a sex trafficking survivor.

She was sexually abused by members of her family and later sold to different abusers and repeatedly raped. As a teenager, she was forced to take pornographic pictures. There was no one to protect her as the police were involved in the process too.

Furthermore, there is the story of Esther Maker, who revealed that as a child she was raped by prominent figures and politicians in front of the police. And she was not the only child involved in the scandal.

Finally, there are many people with similar testimonials. There are hundreds of powerful people who find their victims and destroy their lives. It is about time that something is done.

Why People Need To Stop Saying “Everything Happens For A Reason”

Most people get stuck in an endless loop searching for answers that would put an end to their pain. They think pinpointing the cause of their grief is their gateway to salvation. 

Surely there was a time in your life when you felt unimaginable pain and suffering, wondering if you have the strength to make it to the next day. The world as you know it has collapsed, leaving you with nothing other than heartache and despair, filled with a sense of hopelessness and emptiness.

It is in situations like these that you get to hear the unavoidable “Everything happens for a reason” line, which never helps and only serves to annoy people.

Perhaps Faith it columnist Christine Suhan is right when she says one can’t possibly imagine a reason for what just happened, that trying to make sense of a situation that won’t ever make sense will amount to nothing in the end.

She says what we need to do is embrace pain, grief, heartache, disease, loss, and death as inevitable part of human existence and ditch the notion that we are somehow entitled to a pain-free journey through life.

The fact is we cannot blame life and say we were dealt a bad hand; we need to embrace suffering as an unavoidable part of human existence and make our peace with it. 

When people are faced with the loss of a loved one, they struggle to make peace with “God’s plan” for their life, wondering if it was all part of God’s grand plan.

According to Ms Suhan, how you walk the path is what matters; not the path itself.

She says it is never God’s will for someone to have cancer, it is never his plan for an innocent child to die a brutal death, it is not part of his divine design for you to suffer from terrible pain and die.

She says that we need to accept whatever calamity life throws at us and use it to get closer to God, to walk Him through our pain and through it to carry His message of grace, forgiveness, hope and mercy.

According to her, He never intended for us to suffer in our lives, but rather to live our lives in harmony and peace with Him. And when we hurt, so does He. Illness, pain and suffering became part of the human experience through sin, and it is what we do with our suffering and how we handle tragedy that really matters.

Life just doesn’t offer justifiable explanations for all the bad things that befall us. People keep saying that there is something good in every situation but the truth is that is hard to find a positive in your darkest hours.

Where is the bright side in getting raped or killed? Perhaps Suhan put it best when she said that it is up to us to create the good in life so that our suffering can have some purpose.

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The TRUTH Why White People Say ‘All Lives Matter’

Have you noticed how people started using the expression “All Lives Matter” only after the phrase “Black Lives Matter” was coined?

It is almost as if it was ‘designed’ as an automatic response to the “Black Lives Matter” statement, which suggests that the uttering of these words makes us feel a bit uncomfortable. But why?

Some white folks may argue that the phrase is a bit racist, implying that white lives do not matter as much. That is clearly not the case.

Let us put it this way. If you attended a colon cancer conference, you wouldn’t think for a moment that they were discarding other types of cancer as irrelevant or not as important, would you?

According to a recent article by John Halstead, published on the Huffington Post,  if someone turned up with a banner saying “Lung Cancer Matters” or on a T-shirt saying “All Cancer Victims Matter?” it would certainly appear that there is something else that compels people to say “All Lives Matter” in response to the “Black Lives Matter” statement.

Mr. Halstead writes that that people saying “All Lives Matter” also tend to use the expression “Blue Lives Matter”.

For those of you who find the expression “Black Lives Matter” to be offensive but have no problem with “Blue Lives Matter”, it is clear that there is something about the word “Black” that makes you feel uncomfortable. This is clearly indicative of something.

The Issue of Colorblindness

According to Mr. Halstead, the reason why the word “Black” bother us is the fact that by using it, we acknowledge the fact that we do see color and we are actually not “colorblind” as most of us would like to think.

Mr. Halstead claims that colorblindness simply doesn’t exist. Moreover, it can also be said that ignoring race is a white man’s privilege. In other words, white people are “blessed” with not having to pay attention to race because society is largely run by whites and for whites.

It is clear that the phrase “All Lives Matter” serves the purpose of shifting the focus from the systematic racism out there leveled at black people. It is only a substitute phrase for “White Lives Matter” as when white people say “all lives” they largely think “all white lives”.

Mr. Halstead says that we need to start saying “Black Lives Matter” much more than we do because it is clear that our society doesn’t think so. It is a well established fact that more than two-thirds of all people shot by law enforcement agencies in America are black, and that the country’s judiciary system sentences black people more severely than whites who committed the exact same crime.

And by throwing around phrases like “All Lives Matter” and failing to respond appropriately to unjustified killings of black people we certainly act as if we truly believe that black lives do not matter as much.

And yet we keep saying “All Lives Matter”, not wanting to get out of our comfort zone. “Black Lives Matter” makes us feel uncomfortable, Mr. Halstead claims, because it reminds us that racial segregation is very much alive in America.

While open racism is no longer culturally acceptable for most white folks, modern-day racism has “evolved” and has now taken a more subtle, covert form instead.

A modern-day racist is not a member of the infamous KKK and does not use the N-word, but he unwittingly supports the “institutionalized racism” nevertheless. Failing to see and to respond to racism can be considered as a form of passive participation, as can the use of the statement “All lives matter”.

Embracing the Discomfort

Recognizing the problem is part of the solution, according to Mr. Halstead, and white people should drop the notion that we are colorblind.

How many of us are prepared to admit to giving ourselves a pat on the back for treating a black man the same as we would treat a white man in any given situation? It only goes to show that we are indeed not colorblind.

Racism comes in all kinds of subtle ways, and if you fancy yourself as a non-racist, try and spend some time to interact with black people.

Even if you feel comfortable in the company of a black man or a woman, chances are you will feel pretty uncomfortable in a room full of black people. You would probably start feeling unwelcome. Well, that’s how black people feel most of the time.

Feeling guilty about white privilege will not do much good. Using that privilege against racial abuse and talking to white people about institutional racism will.

According to Mr. Halstead, we must overcome the issue of saying the world “Black” and challenge our unconscious bias by start saying “Black Lives Matter”.

Side With the Second Civil Rights Movement

Mr. Halstead writes that as much as we (white people) like to think that we would have chosen Martin Luther King Junior’s side during the Civil Rights era, the fact remains that the vast majority of white people were opposed to the Civil Rights movement when it was happening.

There is no denying the facts. We are living the second Civil Rights Movement and it seems to have a similar, albeit more subtle effect on white people.

Decades from now, we will reflect on the Second Civil Rights Movement and see if we sided with the right or the wrong side of history. Choosing the former means embracing discomfort, it means saying “Black  Lives Matter ”.



Staying on top of the testosterone game in 6 ways

What is the first word that comes to your mind when you hear the word Testosterone? If it’s something to do with manliness, well that’s fine.

There are all kinds of notions that men have about their testosterone levels, why they should be high, and how to keep them up and stay on top of the game. So, let’s jump right into it:

1.Steroids: If you’ve never heard of the word steroide anabolisant, we don’t blame you. Firstly, it’s French for Anabolic steroid, and secondly, it’s something that there’s a lot of discussion about.

So, what’s all the big deal?

Anabolic steroids quite simply result in anabolism through higher synthesis of protein in the body, which leads to a person putting on more muscle.

It’s quite often used to impart a higher degree of manliness by inducing puberty, hair growth, deepening of voice, et cetera.

There’s an extensive use of these steroids in bodybuilding and sports as well, with results visible within a short period of time.

However, we recommend that you consult a physician before starting out on courses of any such steroids, to ensure that your body is ready to benefit from these.

2. Cut the extra cigarettes & beers: While we would recommend entirely cutting them out of your daily life, it’s not something that happens overnight. So, if you’re a regular consumer, lay these down.

It’s been proven time and again that smoking messes up your body and negates all the hard work you put into your workout, and impairs your stamina and lung capacity.

Beer, on the other hand, contains hops which causes Estrogen formation. For those of you who don’t know, more Estrogen means your testosterone levels go for a toss.

3. Avoid Soy: While soy is an exemplary source of protein, it’s known to produce a great deal of Estrogen. Throwback to the previous point.

Rely less on soy for your protein supply, and avoid taking any supplements based on it. Always check the constituents of your box of WHEY.

4. Amp up your workout: Well, working out is known to promote testosterone formation. So, if you’re worried about getting your testosterone levels high, just blaze your workout schedule.

But remember one quick rule: keep your workouts short (~45 minutes) and intense. Beyond that, cortisol levels will spike, and counter your intended result.

5. Rest: Further to the above, it’s good to go for a good workout. But it’s so much important to take proper rest.

Little/no rest leads to overtraining and perpetual fatigue, which shifts your hormonal balance to grey areas where one thing that doesn’t dwell is testosterone.

6. Sleep: No matter what anyone tells you, pulling across more workout isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t get proper sleep.

Less sleep = more stress. More stress = decreased testosterone. Get the maths?

While the above tips work for sure, we still advise consulting a physician if you’re feeling low on testosterone and put a lid to that sooner. Keep training, stay fit and healthy, and enjoy life.


21 Things Only People Who Were Raised By Really Strict Parents Understand

For many, asking for permission to go out and see a friend was unimaginable. But for those with strict parents, it was something inevitable. In fact, you know you had to create a detailed plan for asking permission for anything, right? And not only that…

1. For others, sleepovers were not a big deal because they were common, but not for you. There was whole procedure involved: planning a speech to explain why you should go, presenting the family of your friend in details and praying for a positive result. Of course, you would have to swear that you will stay away from alcohol and go to bed early.

2. Then, even if you already got the permission, things could still go wrong. For example, remember what happened when someone was changing the plans when you already got the permission? You had to explain everything, justify the actions of your friends and then explain why you’re friends with them to get the “yes”.

3. Spontaneous dates were science fiction because your parents needed time to think whether you should go out or stay home.

4 Going out once a week is more than enough, they would say. So, you had to choose one day to have a fun time out.

5. The party is just starting, everyone is arriving and you have to leave. Sounds familiar?

6. The clothes were another problem. It seemed that everything that you liked was inappropriate to wear for them. You are thinking about the “appropriateness” of your clothes even now.

7. Piercing, tattoos and unusual hairstyles were something you never even tried to get because you knew that they wouldn’t allow it.

8. Even your name was conventional and “usual” – not an experiment.

9. Cursing was forbidden in your house.

10. You were too afraid to watch TV-shows where the characters may kiss, so you turned the TV off or you acted like you’re doing something else and the show was on accidentally.

11. Every casual conversation with them could become their monologue about your behavior, so you were choosing your words carefully.

12. It was usual for them to call you while you were out, but whenever you took more time to answer, they would immediately conclude that you are doing something suspicious with “that friend” who they never liked.

13. Proper behavior was expected. Bad and non-decent behavior was considered a ticket to hell.

14. Talking about sex was also forbidden and avoided as much as possible. Everything you know you have learned from your friends, movies and books.

15. Everything that was important for your parents were your achievements at school and university. All the rest was not important and “not for you”.

16. They were always trying to be involved in every school activity they could. They couldn’t just leave you be independent, could they?

17. All the time, the rebel in you was fantasizing about spontaneous adventures around the city or doing something independently. But, all of that remained just a fantasy until you moved out.

18. Often, you knew their answers even before you ask them to go out although you have practiced the dialogue for hours in your head.

19. Of course, asking for permission when they’re tired or angry equals to suicide.

20. You have tried to use tricks to get them on board with an “adorable look”, trying to get to their emotions and make them feel sorry for you before you ask for something really big.

21. Everyone lies, but you had to lie more: sometimes to your parents and more often to your friends who couldn’t understand.


How the Intensive care is provided for the inpatient mental health?

All the diseases start from the mental health of a person. If a patient is mentally strong enough to fight with major diseases he will be a healthy person in no time but if a person is mentally and emotionally weak and he is not able to deal with minor incidents or illness, it will be near to impossible for him to get better.

Mental health of a person totally depends on the resistance and strength residing in him. Some people’ mental health may easily get affected by the daily life issues and incidents whereas the mental health of some people is not even affected by severe traumatic events.

A person suffering from any disease in the hospital may remain ill for a longer time not because of the side effects of that disease but due to the depressing and negative effects of the surroundings on his mental health.

Physicians try a lot to keep the environment lively around the patient and to not let him think pessimistic regarding his disease and life. Family pressure, career difficulties, sudden deaths, failures can easily be a cause for a person’s depression, anxiety, thought disturbances, loss of wealth etc.

There are many therapies introduced to treat the mental health of a person depending on the cause of its occurrence. The most adopted mental health therapies are:

  1. Individual and group psychotherapy
  2. Milieu therapy
  3. Occupational therapy
  4. Family sessions
  5. Medication management

Inpatient mental health treatments of patients is required to be performed by highly qualified physicians and professionals who have years of experience in treating patients suffering from any emotional or mental disorder.

As per the suggestions and directions of the psychiatrist, the patient is thoroughly assessed and observed for his every activity and thinking which is used to stabilize him among his family and friends. The team of inpatient mental health treatment might include:

  • Board-certified general psychiatrists
  • Registered nurses
  • Licensed clinical social workers or psychiatric therapists
  • Board-certified child and adolescent psychiatrists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Occupational and/or recreational therapists
  • Behavioral health advisors

The team is subjected to provide intensive care an attention to the inpatient mental health. The patient is overly cared and observed till he reacts better. There are also adult acute inpatient units that are focused on treating the people over age 18 and suffering from mental health issues.

Younger than 18 years of age might get admitted to the adult acute inpatient care unit depending on the severity of his condition. Physicians make sure if the adult acute inpatient unit is safe and secure for the patient or not.

The duration of treatment is not specified by the physicians as it may take days, months or even years depending on the improvement in the mental health condition of the patient. The time is provided for the treatment with the suggestions of the families provided and the condition discussed with the consultants.

The Isolated Indian Ocean Island Is The Home To A Community Who Have Lived There For 60,000 Years

What is more fulfilling and still hold a place in your bucket list for as long as you can remember? Is it having enough money to travel the world?

Is it visiting secluded places which has been untouched by humans or the fast-developing technology? Or maybe you have a small black notes keeping down all the places you want to see and experience like no other? Yes, yes and yes!

No matter how adventurous or not adventurous you are, everyone wants to see as many places as possible before their lives come to an end.

The North Sentinel Island sounds just the right place that everyone should put on their bucket list, or is it?

One on One with the North Sentinel Island

It’s located in the Bay of Bengal and it belongs to India. It’s dreamy, it’s isolated, it’s untouched by humans or technology and that sounds like a real vacation for us.

Exploring nature all day long, meeting the tribe that inhabited this marvelous island and take advantage of all the natural sources that this island provides for you.

Well, so far it sounds perfect, however nothing is perfect on this world and there’s something on this island that gives people from all around the world chills and fear.

Ok, now I’m interested. Why is this island so mysterious and so untouchable?

Meet the Sentinelese People

The tribe that ruled this island exclusively for over 60, 000 years and one thing’s for sure- you don’t want to mess with these people.

They have been so hostile to outsiders that we can easily say that no man alive have lived enough or reached even the bays of this island to tell a story about it.

Yes, these people are hostile, they defend this island with all the weapons, force and people they have in order to keep foreigners away from them. It’s no wonder this island has been a mystery for such a long time, the Sentinelese allow no access to what’s known as their OWN island.

So, the North Sentinel Island is about the size of Manhattan and yet there hasn’t been a man to lay foot on it or tell us how it really looks. This tribe is often referred as the “Stone Age Tribe”, probably due to their lifestyle because from the few photos and videos that appeared so far, we can notice that they still use tools and weapons like the ones they used in the Stone Age.

In fact, the Indian government had made several attempts to establish contact or communication with them, however they firmly indicate that they want no contact or mingling with other people.

So, the Indian government has decided to let these people live as they please and even prohibited people to come near the island or make attempts to establish contact with the Sentinelese people.

What we know?

First of all, we see photos from afar and we instantly notice the dazzling beaches, the amazing greenery, and the astonishing forest secluding this island.

However, the tribe left a lot to our imagination. The notorious reputation of this tribe left curious people away from this island and if you even get the chance to get close even by a helicopter, then you will notice a representative of the tribe holding an arrow in his hand and aiming towards you.

Even people wandering the ocean and coming close to it, have faced difficulties approaching this island because they may put their lives in danger or they may not even come alive from this adventure.

The tribe has zero tolerance for curious outsiders, in fact there was an incident in 2006 when the tribe killed two fishermen just because they were fishing too close to their island.

They also use filing rocks and fire arrows as a defense mechanism and not even a helicopter can come near them. However, it’s more about what we don’t know rather than what we know.

It’s the 21st century and we still have no clue about the tribe, what their habits are, the language they speak, their rituals, but one thing is for sure, they don’t want us there and they still want to keep their island away from outsiders or modern civilization.

There are some photos or videos with a very poor quality, because people are trying to take a glimpse of them from afar, however no one dares to approach them or put their lives into jeopardy. 

So, long story short, if you ever do have the chance to wander the ocean, try to avoid this mysterious island and save yourself from all the troubles you may encounter on the way. I’m sure deleting this island from my bucket list.
