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Stop Making Everything Perfect For Your Kid

Back in the day, when children did not obey the rules, they were “spanked”, if you will. Children are now being awarded for “standing up for themselves” when questioned by authority, even when they are not necessarily doing the right thing. However, times have changed drastically.

Present day parenting seems to be all about showing off whose child is the most independent, smart-mouthed, perfectly dressed whiz kid. How times have shifted.  

In today’s tech-induced environment, parents act as if they are running a marathon to the “Perfect Parent” finish line.

Of course, all parents want the best for their children, but when it comes to actually doing the best thing, it seems to be backfiring. Parents seem to think they have it all figured out with their day care apps, infant formulas and Do-It-Yourself Guide Books.

When we observe the issue from an objective point of view, it is clear that today’s toddlers are much more spoiled than they ought to be and all fault fingers point to methods of parenting.Have you ever asked yourself why that is? Well, for one thing, there were no guidebooks to assist parents on how to do their job.

Correspondingly, the roles of males and females have also shifted since our parents were children themselves. Just a few decades back, men were the major breadwinners in the families and a woman’s role was quite clear.

However, today when women have shifted from stay at home moms to equal breadwinners, it can be quite difficult to manage who does what.

There seems to be a fuzzy line between who handles the finances and who takes care of the kids, which is evidently causing collisions in parenting techniques.

Jennifer Senior, a contributing editor at New York Magazine explains the parenting phenomenon in her Ted Talks about the “Crisis of Parenting.” She states that, “the goal of raising happy children is so elusive it has put modern, middle-class parents into a panic.”

Long before the shelves of bookstores were stacked with teachings of the countless ways on how to properly raise children, Dr. Benjamin Spock, who wrote “The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care”.

In today’s world, Senior states that when you walk into a Barnes and Noble, you see “a candy colored monument to our collective panic.”

This goes back to the original thought on how parents are raising children differently than our parents and grandparents were brought up. Being raised strict may have frustrated us as children, but we reap these rewards as adults, when we are able to function independently, without the help of our parents.

In today’s world, we see children being raised gluten-free, sugar-free and homes that are built “child proof”. Parenting that goes along these lines would inflict the idea that centuries of parenting have been proven wrong and buying your child an iPad is a lot better than buying them a puzzle for Christmas.

However, fairly recently, children were viewed as economic assets, as they worked on farms and even in factories.

This went on until the progressive era, where this was seen as unjust and child labor was banned. Moreover, to quote the sociologist William Doherty, “kids have become economically worthless, but emotionally priceless.” More work is being put into the education and well-being of children than ever before.

By all means, this is not to say that those parents did not care about their children or that parents are not doing the best they can. On the contrary, they are trying excessively hard and it is going in the wrong direction.

Children are born into a world where they feel entitled to do anything they please and feel the world should simply accept this approach. Automatically, this sets them up for disaster once they enter the real world, where you are supposed to earn everything you want to achieve.

Although the bar is set higher for children, paradox ally, they are expected to do less.

If we take a closer look at how today parents treat their children, the picture will become clear as day.

Nowadays, everything children do is rewarded, from potty training to making their own breakfast. Where this phenomenon has stemmed from is beyond most of our knowledge. However, most of it has to do with the way the world has shifted from self-reliance to technology-based activities.

We live in a world where food and apparel can be delivered to our door with the touch of a button, a process that does not involve much work. Everything seems to be “automatic” and nothing is done with much thought or effort.

In turn, this plays a domino effect on children, making them spoiled and entitled. They do not feel the sense of authority from any other adult apart from their parent or guardian and they do not sense the need to follow certain rules.

All of these changes going on have wreaked havoc on the ways in which parents are raising their children, making them breathe and force panic in their day-to-day activities.

What they fail to realize is that there is no one way or right way to raise a child. Parenting is a trial and error process that is perfected in every individual’s own way. No manual can teach you the right way to bring up your children and loosing up now and then might be the only way to stay sane.

Instead of trying to raise a perfect child, maybe we should try to raise more empathic, ethically correct and loving offspring.

Who says we have live by some standards, anyway? The more mistakes we make, the more we learn. If we are always trying to avoid making an error, we will be forever living in misery, and our biggest failure will be trying to raise a perfect child.

Relax breath and let them be, for all we know, they will turn out to be a lot better than we anticipated.


The Dirtiest Thing You Are Willing To Do In Bed, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

Having an Aries as a partner means experimenting with new things. They want to explore and discover what works for them and they expect the same from their partner, too. Everything is accepted except monotony in bed for the Aries, so be ready to take risks and explore.

Taurus (April 20th to May 21st)

The Taurus is never boring, but they can be complicated if you don’t know their expectations. They can do surprising things, but only if they proposed them. Being in charge is what every Taurus wants and needs in bed. As long as you allow them have the control, both of you will be satisfied. 

Gemini (May 22nd to June 21st)

Geminis are full of fun and love and they are always ready for new adventures in bed. You can initiate new things or wait for their initiative, but you can be sure that you will have a great time in bed with them. Be careful, though – they like everything, but in moderation. 

Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)

If they are sure they have the right person next to them, Cancers will do anything just to make their partner happy. But, they will not be the first one to suggest something new. They would do the things that you want and be satisfied as long as you are pleased, even if that means they have to experiment.

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Leo is the star of the zodiac signs. They enjoy being the center of attention and that is especially true when it comes to bed. The attention gives them greater confidence, which makes them open for lots of different things.

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Virgos are perfectionists, so you can be sure that they have worked hard to get everything in life. However, that makes them less experimental and unadventurous lovers. In bed, Virgos usually like to play it safe and prefer the conventional acts.

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Just as in everyday life, Libras don’t have to try to be the center of attention. That comes naturally to them because they are really good in the communication with others. In bed, they don’t experiment and stick to the things that work for them.

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 22nd)

You can get everything with a Scorpio as a partner as long as you allow them to stay in charge. Dominating a Scorpio is not the way to get them do the things you want. Some Scorpios don’t control their huge ego in bed, which can have negative effect. But, if they manage to control it, Scorpios are the perfect lovers.

Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st)

You can be sure about one thing when it comes to Sagittarius – they won’t say no to ideas including butts. In bed, they like to experiment and they expect their partners to be up to new things. Be prepare to implement their ideas if you want to make them happy.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)

Capricorns can be complicated in bed. They accept initiatives to try new things, but don’t be surprised if they brag about it afterwards. You can always talk about your past sex experiences to make them try harder. Capricorns are competitive, so they will do anything to be the best, even in bed.

Aquarius (January 21st to February 18th)

As a partner, the Aquarius is someone who takes care about the other half and would anything to make the other person happy. In bed, they prefer to keep it traditional, but they will respect your willingness to compromise for them and won’t forget to return the favor.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Pisces transfer their everyday creativity even to bed. They are sensual lovers and great kissers, and being emotionally connected to the partner is important for them. However, they are far from boring because they always add their special ingredient in everything they do, no matter how conventional the act is.

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Scientists Find That Taking a Hot Bath Burns As Many Calories As a 30-Minute Walk

How relaxing is taking a nice hot bath after a hard day of work and stress? What if somebody told you that besides the relaxation, an hour-long soak can burn as many calories as when you take a 30-minute walk?

To spice things up, this activity can also help you improve the function of insulin, lower blood pressure, boost your immune system, and reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke!

If you thought for a second that taking a hot bath can’t be that good, the scientists behind these studies will prove you otherwise.

In fact, taking a hot bath or going to the sauna is a lot more beneficial than you may have previously thought.

Steve Faulkner, a research associate at Loughborough University, has compiled some very intriguing information in an article in The Conversation, which shows just how useful some increase in the core temperature of the body can be.

In a study done by scientists at Loughborough University, 14 men were recruited to do three different activities: soaking for an hour in a 40˚C hot bath, walking, and cycling for the same amount of time.

They wanted to find out how passive heating affected the blood sugar levels and the energy expended during each of them.

It turns out that although cycling burned more calories away from the participants, soaking in hot water burned as many calories as a 30-minute walk. The bath soak also lowered the peak blood sugar levels by 10% more, compared to physical exercise and it showed a similar anti-inflammatory response to that which follows physical exercise.

The anti-inflammatory response protects us against inflection and illness and the study showed that repeated passive heating (such as taking a hot bath or going to the sauna) can reduce chronic inflammation, which often occurs with long-term diseases, such as type 2 diabetes.

This is not the first study which points to the fact that passive heating has some very positive effects on human health. In 2015, researchers in Finland found that going to the sauna often can reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke.

This was later supported by the University of Oregon, where researchers confirmed the fact that regular hot baths can improve the cardiovascular function by lowering blood pressure.

When it comes to diabetes, the same research team from the University of Oregon found that passive heating contributed to the raise of the levels of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that dilates the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.

This same molecule has been found to be present in smaller quantities among people with type 2 diabetes, and activities which passively increase the body heat can contribute to the reduction of blood pressure among these people, thanks to the same molecule.

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New French Law Makes It Illegal To Email Employees After Work Hours

Starting from the beginning of this year, France took a bold step and implemented its new “right to disconnect” law. The law is implemented for one purpose only- work must be left at the workplace.

How many of you have had perfect plans for the weekend or even for the rest of the day and found yourself in front of the computer, reading a bunch of e-mails from the office and ended up working from home, just to lower your responsibilities in the office or catch that dreadful deadline?

Probably, 90% of you reading this article will relate. Sometimes our working hours are simply not enough to finish all the obligations that have been piling up. At the end, you start to lose control over what’re your working hours and your free-time.

However, France decided to put an end to this. We are familiar with France’s practice to threat its workers good by giving them 30 days off per year as well as 16 weeks of paid family leave.

It seems that France is planning to level up its awesomeness with its latest “right to disconnect” law.

So, if you are working in France in a company of 50 or more employees, you’ll be receiving e-mails within your working hours.

So employers wanting to remind their employees about some work-related obligations, won’t be able to do that after working hours, but wait until working hours start.

This new law is especially important in the 21st century, because it seems that it becomes more and more difficult to distance yourself from the workplace and focus on your personal life.

It’s true that the fast-developing technology makes our lives easier and simpler, however it comes with an enormous price. People have no longer time for themselves or their families.

We are becoming and creating generations where staring at our phones for hours and working from our homes is completely normal, even though we are not particularly paid for that.

We just want to finish faster so we can spend more time with our families and all that pressure triggers an enormous amount of stress, which later on affects our health and well-being. This law will allow all employees to take some time off or even take their minds off the workplace and the office.

All the stress which mainly originates from our workplaces will start to decrease as soon as we allow ourselves to have some personal time. It’s true that no one can force you to work overtime, however reading all of those e-mails during a relaxing weekend can surely spoil all the fun and it’s only in our nature not to ignore e-mails from the office, even though they may refer to obligations for Monday or even the next day.

So, you may not be physically at work, however you take the same stress as if you were working. All that stress accumulates over the time, to the point until it breaks.

This law is about to solve that and in that manner overworking and stress will hopefully be diminished.

Even though there are not yet penalties for companies which will disobey the law or violate the amendment, it will give the employees the freedom to distance themselves from the office and take full advantage of their own, personal, free time.

This should definitely be a practice in every company, because overwork often means underperformance and thousands of dollars spent on healthcare. It seems that both employees and companies can benefit from such law, because the more relaxed workers are, the greater the possibility that he/she will perform better in the office.

There have been similar attempts in major European corporations such as Volkswagen, where there was a case when e-mails were deleted when on vacations.

Germany had also implemented similar law in order to reduce the stress and establish fixed working hours, however the difference between the French law and the German law is that in Germany, when an emergency happens, employers or managers are allowed to contact their employees.

So, even though this law came across some criticism, about French people not being able to keep up with the rest of the world, where such law doesn’t exist, the truth is that we can all benefit from such law as soon as all the countries realize the importance of distancing yourself from the workplace and start to follow France’s footsteps. Happy employees mean greater performance and better results.

 Source: https://www.good.is

Being Happy In Love Makes You Gain Weight, According To Science

Have you gained weight recently? Do you find it hard to fit in your clothes? Don’t be alarmed! It just might be an ample sign that you are in a happy relationship.

According to scientists if a pair is head over heels in love they tend to put on some extra pounds. Take it as a blessing but watch for your health.

A recent study published on the American Psychological Association shows that if spouses are happy in their marriage, they are prone to gaining weight. There is nothing wrong to feel comfortable with your partner and enjoy cooking together, it can only bring you joy and a good appetite.

In the study, 169 newly-wed couples were monitored by scientists over the span of four years. Their weight was measured twice each year and they provided a brief rating on their satisfactory level in their relationship.

The results showed that the couples who were happy and in love gained weight. On the other hand, those couples who went through periods of stress, which often resulted in divorce, stayed slim. 

The scientist explain that the happy couples are satisfied and aren’t under stress so they don’t have the urge to search for a different mate.

This makes them feel comfortable and confident with their loved ones so they feel like they don’t have to be impressive anymore in order to attract them.

On the other side of the story, the slim couples are constantly under alert due to the pressure in their relationship so they stay fit in order to attract any potential mates. 

Being in love is good, but staying healthy is important too. Andrea L. Meltzer, a researcher behind the study warns that married couples should be aware of their increasing weight, as it can have negative consequences on their health such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.  

She suggests that couples should focus more on their weight not because of appearance but solely as a preventive measure for future health issues.

What does your weight say? Are you happy in love? Keep in mind that health is as important as finding your perfect match. Eat healthy, do some sports and keep your love and happiness eternal.

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How To Move To Canada And Get A Canadian Citizenship

Things around here may not be going toward a good direction. Perhaps you have already found yourself imagining a move up North. Unlike the USA, Canada is one of the countries that receives the most immigrants per capita in any given year, and Canadians don’t mind that at all.

Canada seems detached enough from the negativity that seems to obsess many other countries, healthcare is free, people are friendly and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau explains quantum computing, instead of ‘alternative facts’.

However, getting a Canadian citizenship is tough: you need to live there for at least 6 years, be on your best behavior and get to know a thing or two about Canadian culture and history.

If you still want to pursue this yet achievable dream, here is some information that can help you out.

Before anything else: Check if you’re not already a Canadian citizen

There are chances that you already may be a Canadian. The Government of Canada has created a short quiz which may tell you if you are Canadian by blood.

It outlines several caveats for being a citizen even if you weren’t born in Canada and many of them depend on your parents’ citizenship. Perhaps you’ve secretly inherited their status, so using this reference tool may save you the time you will otherwise need to get the citizenship. 

Be older than 18

If you’re a minor, the path to a Canadian citizenship may be a bit of an uphill climb for you.

Minors need to have their parent or legal guardian to fill out the application for them only if at least one of the parents or the legal guardian has already got a Canadian citizenship, or is applying for one at the same time.

Enter the Express Entry pool for skilled immigrants

Canada has a fast-track immigration system for skilled workers. It’s called Express Entry and it offers permanent residence for people who apply for managerial jobs, professional jobs, and technical and skilled trades.

The potential candidates can create an Express Entry profile, through which they need to provide information about their skills, work experience, language ability, education, and other details.

All of this information is weighed with specific scores and the candidates are then put in a pool of candidates. The highest-ranking candidates are invited to apply for a permanent residence in Canada.

To apply, you need to have at least 12 months of full-time (or an equal amount of part time) skilled work experience. Full time work equals at least 30 hours of paid work per week. You can check your eligibility here and, if eligible, proceed with the steps that you need to take.

Have a permanent residence in Canada

By becoming a permanent resident, you become entitled to healthcare coverage and you can work, study and travel anywhere in Canada. Voting, running for office and holding jobs with high security clearance are reserved for Canadian citizens.

Besides the Skilled Worker Class Immigration, or Express Entry, there are several other ways you can obtain permanent residence in Canada. Investors, entrepreneurs, and self-employed persons can pursue permanent residence by fulfilling certain criteria.

Another way to apply, if you have a specific province in mind that you’d like to settle in, is to get in touch with the representative immigration office in within the province of your choice and apply for nomination to that province. The provinces can nominate individuals they wish to include in their selection for immigration and settlement.

You can also get help from a family member who lives in Canada or go through the Québec-Selected Immigration, which comes with special immigration requirements.

Declare your intent to reside

Once you’ve been invited to become a permanent resident, you need to declare your intent to reside in Canada. Permanent residence is considered living within the borders of Canada for at least 2 years in a 5-year period. Falling below this time frame will automatically revoke your permanent residence status.

If you don’t live in Canada, you must work outside as a public official (termed Crown servant) or live abroad with family members who are Crown servants.

Spend six years living in Canada

Getting permanent residence doesn’t make you a Canadian citizen, but it is required.

In order to apply for a citizenship, you need to have lived within the borders of Canada as a permanent resident for at least 1460 days within the six years before the date of your application.

In other words, you need to have lived in Canada for 4 years within a frame of 6 years. Within this period, you need to be physically present for at least 183 days in each of four calendar years within the 6-year period before the application date.

The time frame is shorter for Crown servants, and current and past Canadian Armed Forces members.

More or less, your time in Canada needs to stay relatively consistent.

Provide income tax filing

The same four out of six years of time before the application date need to backed with your personal income tax filing.

Basically, they want to see if you have worked a legitimate job during your stay.

Possess “adequate knowledge” of English or French

To become a Canadian citizen, you need to know at least one of the two official languages – English and French. The criterium for determining “adequate knowledge” of any of the two languages relies on the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien (NCLC).

Your speaking and listening will be under scope, where you will need to be able to:

  • Talk about common topics in short, everyday conversations;
  • Understand some simple formal and informal instructions, questions and directions;
  • Use basic grammar, simple structures and tenses, and connect your ideas
  • Answer questions and engage in communication by using enough common words and phrases.

Learn something more about Canada

To become a citizen, you also need to know to write, or say, something about the rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship (such as voting and obeying the law). What is more, you will need to know more about Canada’s history, values, institutions and symbols.

You will be given a Citizenship test, which will evaluate your knowledge in the following topics:

  • the right to vote and right to run for elected office
  • elections procedures
  • the rights and responsibilities of a citizen
  • Canadian social and cultural history and symbols
  • Canadian political history (including the political system and institutions)
  • Canadian physical and political geography

The test is usually written, but a citizenship officer may also have you answer these questions orally. Everything you’d need to know can be found in Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.

Know why your application might be denied

There is a number of different reasons why your citizenship application might get denied, and they all have one thing in common: not staying on your best behavior.

More or less, committing a crime within four years of submitting your application or being on a trial for a crime will numb your chances of getting a citizenship. It is also specified that people in prison can’t use their time spent in prison within the permanent residence time frame.

The formal requirements are only the start. Once you have left your home country behind (and if you’re an American, abandoned the circus of warmongering, immigrant bans and ‘alternative facts’), it’s time for you to embrace the Canadian ways.

Eager to get away as soon as you can? Perhaps you could take some friends with you too!

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Wi-Fi Passwords From Airports Around The World In One Brilliant Map

Oh no, there is a two hour gap between this and the next flight. Or there’s a delay of your flight and you have to spend another two or three hours waiting on an airport without free internet connection.

How much will your next phone bill cost if you use the mobile data? Are you sick and tired of all this?

Well so many people are too. Therefore travel blogger and computer security engineer, Anil Polat created a useful interactive map so passengers, who spend a lot of time on an airport, could easily find free Wi-Fi connections.

The map, which is updated on a regular basis by Polat, contains the Wi-Fi locations and passwords of dozens of airports around the world.

When a passenger is on a certain airport first they have to click the name of the airport. Then they’ll receive specific directions where they should sit in order to receive better Wi-Fi connection and instructions for logging in.

Finally, you can get rid of those unreliable hot spot connections and expensive mobile data charges thanks to this free airport Wi-Fi.


7 Reasons The Best Employees Quit, Even When They Like Their Job

The best employees are not the ones that brag about how irreplaceable or hard-working they are, but the ones that stand out from the crowd and every single person working in that company is aware of the fact that if that person leaves the company, their absence will be felt.

However, if you see it that way there’s absolutely no reason why an employer or a company would want to miss out on that type of employee, but the reality is different.

The best employees are the ones who always thrive for perfection, new challenges, bigger markets and even better working conditions. So, if a good employee wants to leave your company, then you have no one else to blame but yourself.

Sometimes, depending on the circumstances, the best employees have no other option but to leave a certain company or a work place.

Here are the top seven reason why a good employee will leave a company:

  1. Lack of motivation

Normally it happens for every one of us to get bored from our jobs or feel monotonous in one work place. Coming every Monday and doing all the same things that you’ve been doing for the past 10 years.

The best employees don’t settle for mediocre working environments, they are looking for new challenges.

However, if you feel that you’ve been doing the “same old same” job for as far as you can remember, then the motivation for working that job is gone. So, the only option is to look for a working environment where an employer motivates their workers with new challenges.

  1. Financial reason

Let’s not pretend that money don’t rule the world. The bigger the salary, the greater the motivation and the desire to continue working in a particular company.

Sometimes, employers don’t appreciate their best workers to the point when they lose them and realize that they’ve lost so much more than a simple worker.

Giving your best worker a raise or a bonus once in a while, will only trigger a better working environment and a more dynamic atmosphere in your workplace. Who wouldn’t want to put an extra effort, for a really good financial cause?

  1. Money-oriented companies

These types of companies are the ones who are losing great employees constantly. In such companies, a worker doesn’t feel appreciated enough simply because the company is only taking into consideration the money factor or the profit without realizing that most of the profit is being done by the employees themselves.

As a matter of fact, money- oriented companies have discipline problems, lack of respect and underperformance. So, best workers tend to avoid such companies in search of more prosperous and respectable working environment.

  1. Praising is good

Even the ones who are claiming that praising is for children, like to get a little ego boost once in a while. Of course nobody wants to be patted on the shoulder in front of the whole team, but a little bonus or kind words once in a while will deliver the proper message.

In chaotic companies where the work is too dynamic or the company is meeting rigorous deadlines, employers expect just to get the job done and they often lack to emphasize that those deadlines wouldn’t be reached without the effort of the employees.

So, best workers are giving their all, investing 100% in their performance and at the end of the day, nobody acknowledges their hard work or investment in the job they do. Those workers will be the first ones to leave the company as soon as a better offer or opportunity happens.

  1. Stress, stress and more stress

Usually an employer spots the best employees on the very first day. Those are the ones that stand out from the crowd and the ones who are going to get the job done and deliver best results.

Normally employers tend to rely mostly on those people, the ones who are going to finish whatever he/she throws at them and of course, the ones who are going to end up finishing all the responsibilities.

Having too much work or responsibilities at work means a lot to take in and a great stress. The greater the stress, the bigger the possibility that your best employees will leave you as soon as the best moment arrives.

  1. All that talk, no results

Once you get to a company, you immediately get a rush from excitement and you can’t wait to start working on projects and all of those big plans that your employer promised to fulfil.

However, years passed and there is still no sign nor even the slightest chance to see a project being done. In those cases, the best workers realize that they’ve been trapped in an unhealthy working environment where the phrase “DREAM BIG” is just a notion without any particular meaning.

Moreover, you immediately start questioning the reliability or your employer and his ability to provide you with everything he/she had promised once. After a while, the best workers tend to leave that job and search for a place where they can truly fulfil their dreams.

  1. Shady or untrustworthy means of working

The best employees are the ones that get all the trust from every member of the team and of course, the trust from the employer.

However, if this type of relationship is not the other way around, then the best employees tend to leave this toxic environment.

If a company doesn’t deliver on time, is lying to their clients, steps over people to get the job done or it’s simply doing shady businesses with their clients, then the most honest, trustworthy and reliable workers tend to leave that job and search for a better one.

However, we can’t just blame it on the employer and assume that we are irreplaceable, because the truth is that everyone is replaceable. If you have the real values, fulfil your responsibilities properly and meet your employer’s expectations, then why not settling in your current job.


According To Science, Kids Born With Huge Heads Are More Likely To Succeed

If your baby is born with a big head, don’t freak out, celebrate instead. Because according to a research conducted by UK Biobank, children who are born with big heads will be brilliant and successful in life.

The research showed that the larger the head, the bigger the volume of the brain, the more intelligent the child is.

The charity research has been monitoring half a million young British people from their birth in order to establish a connection between their mental health, their genes, their physical health and their pathway through life.

The UK Biobank, which began in 2007, is a long-term investigation which takes into consideration the contributions of environmental exposure and genetic predispositions in the development of certain diseases.

The Nature journal Molecular Psychiatry published an article in which researchers said:The lead scientist of the research was Professor Ian Deary from Edinburgh University. Youngsters who participated in the study were asked to provide saliva, blood, urine samples, background information and details about their lifestyles. 

They were tested according to their verbal and numerical reasoning, memory, reaction time and educational realization.

According to the research, children born with big heads have more chances of getting a degree and achieving higher scores on verbal-numerical reasoning tests.

17 genes which affect brain function, physical and mental state were taken into consideration by the researchers.

The results acquired by the research were so precise that they could predict whether the baby would go to university according to their DNA.

This study relies on a previous study the same team have done before, which showed that people with better overall health are more clever. 

If you are not sure whether your baby’s head is big or small take some time to go through the data World Health Organization provides, according to which the average size of a newborn’s baby head is 35cm for girls and 36cm for boys.


5 Common Breastfeeding Problems First-Time Moms Encounter

Holding your child for the first time is a priceless experience. For some, the overwhelming changes of being a first-time mom are indeed frightening. However, all these fears and worries disappear as soon as you lay your eyes on your little bundle of joy.

You may have read a lot of information about being a first-time mom on the internet. In fact, one of the most common advice you read is to breastfeed your baby no matter what. Breastfeeding has many benefits, both for you and your little one.

Breast milk contains antibodies to protect your baby from bacteria and viruses that cause diseases. Moreover, it lowers the risk of asthma and allergies. Infants who are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life have fewer chances of having respiratory diseases, ear infections and diarrhea.

Some mothers, however, face some breastfeeding problems, especially if it’s their first time. Here are the most common breastfeeding problems first-time moms encounter.

  1. Latching Pain

Latching pain is one of the most common problems new moms face when breastfeeding. It’s normal for your nipples to feel sore and painful during the first few hours after delivery and during breastfeeding. However, if the pain continues for more than a minute, check your latching position.

  1. Cracked Nipples

Cracked nipples happen as a result of the wrong position when nursing. There are cracks or wounds around the nipples, and this is extremely painful. After each feeding, air dry your nipples and do not use soap on them when you’re taking a bath. Lastly, make sure you use an ointment to protect the nipples from dryness.

  1. Overfeeding

Overfeeding happens when your baby needs to soothe herself, and she uses your nipples. It is important to prevent this because it may lead to your baby spitting up due to overfeeding.

  1. Not Enough Breast Milk

During the first weeks of life, you need to establish your milk supply. Make sure you drink ample amounts of water, eat a well-balanced diet and nurse on demand.

Breastfeeding regularly on both sides of your breasts will help increase your milk supply. There are foods you can consume to increase milk supply such as oatmeal, moringa, green leafy vegetables, fennel seeds and spinach.

Moreover, you can express milk from your breasts in between feedings to increase supply. Make sure you put it in clean and sterile breast milk storage bags.

  1. Nipple Thrush

Nipple thrush is a painful condition wherein the nipples become infected with yeast. Yeast infection often comes from your baby’s oral thrush. If you had a history of vaginal yeast infection when you’re pregnant, there is a higher risk of your baby having oral thrush. This is a hard-to-treat condition because the infection goes back and forth from the baby to your nipples.

Breastfeeding is an important way to make sure your child is healthy, and she receives the adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals. There are many benefits of breastfeeding: it’s free, always ready, promotes weight loss and protects your baby from infections.


I am Stacy Belk, owner of Mom Woot. I am a mom-of-two and a nurse. My experiences as a mom and a nurse allowed me to discuss various topics concerning your baby and his health.