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They Put Pre-School Children In A Nursing Home! Here’s What Happened!

Nursing homes can be very lonely places for elderly people, contrary to popular belief. In fact, elderly people sometimes face severe isolation and some of them suffer even from depression and loneliness.

In the east, when people get old, their children take care of them or they are taken care of in some other way. But in the western world, it is common for people to go to a nursing home when they reach a certain age.

An Inter-Generational Learning Center in Providence Mount St. Vincent, Seattle, WA has done something AMAZING in order to ensure that the elderly people in their nursing home are happy.

They put some pre-school children in the nursing home. The family members of both the children and the elderly people and the staff were very pleasantly surprised when they saw the difference and the impact that the children had on the elderly people.

Evan Briggs, was so impressed by the positive outcome of this idea that he decided to make a documentary film called “Present Perfect”, in order to raise the awareness about this innovative project.

You can watch the trailer of the movie in this video below:


Psychologists give a detailed explanation about this phenomenon. Elderly people are known to be very calm and patient and they provide a somewhat comforting environment. Young children on the other hand,  are very lively, cheerful, naive, curious and full of energy which is exactly the type of energy that is lacking in elderly people. 

While people which are between the ages of 20 to 60 are in a constant rush and even stress, elderly people do not have this problem, so they have endless patience to deal with children’s curiosity and naughtiness. 

As you can see from the video, the joy that these children bring in the nursery home with their very presence is huge and the elderly are really having a blast and enjoy interacting with the young.


10 Reasons Why People With Anxiety Have Difficulties Finding Love?

Many people are struggling to find love in today’s world. Those few who have found their perfect partner don’t realize how lucky they are. But, imagine living with anxiety and finding love.

Anxiety as a disorder is so present in the Western world today, but many people still have difficulties living with it. The condition is very specific and can be different from one individual to the other.

Dealing with it makes many things harder for the person, mostly those connected to socialization, but it also influences the emotional state of the individual, thus affecting every aspect of life.

From here, finding love gets more difficult and becomes a real problem for many. Here is why people with anxiety have difficulties finding love.

Criticizing themselves

People dealing with anxiety usually think of themselves less than they really are. This becomes a bigger issue when they start dating because they are overly critical to their actions and choices. This also lowers their confidence. Instead of focusing on the good things at the beginning, they obsess over small details about themselves and their partner.

Fear of panic attack

Fearing over your own life is part of the daily life for great part of these people. If they have lived through a panic attack, it is worse because they’re constantly waiting for another one to happen. This makes them live in a constant fear, not being able to relax and enjoy the time.

Not being comfortable with small talk

First dates are the worst for them because they hate small talk. It makes them more anxious. If they get to a second date, they will probably be completely different compared to the first date. Moreover, first dates are personal hell for them because they are constantly expecting the worst to happen and they tend to worry a lot about every minor detail that might mean something more.

They are looking for someone who understands them

It’s more difficult to find the perfect match when you have a mental condition such as anxiety. When looking for a partner, people with anxiety seek for someone who will understand their condition. They need a companion who will support them and not leave them after the first panic attack. They often doubt that they can find support like this in another person.

Feeling of loneliness

They have felt lonely for a long time and they don’t want to feel lonely anymore. However, the fear of ending and disappointment is even scarier. This step out of their comfort zone is gigantic for them. They fear that they will be left alone again and sometimes, it’s safer for them not to get into a relationship in the first place.

They’re not feeling comfortable in public

People with anxiety need to spend time alone occasionally. They’re used to this feeling and they would like to have some time for themselves even if they’re dating. No matter how much they try, they can’t feel comfortable enough when they are in front of others.

They’re afraid their relationship will end

Once they’re dating, people with anxiety overthink about every little detail that might affect the relationship just because they’re afraid it might end. Sometimes, the things they worry about don’t make sense, but they still affect their view of the relationship.

They’re afraid their partner will leave them

In the relationship, they will always think they’re not good enough for their partner. They will always think that their partner deserves someone better. This fear of losing their significant other makes them feel depressed at times.

They don’t want to argue

They will do anything but confront or argue with their partner. This might seem like a good thing, but it’s not. It’s normal to argue over some things in every relationship and not doing it can cause tension between the partners, which can consequently affect the whole relationship and cause additional problems.

They might become addicted to their partner

In solving their anxiety issues, they might become addicted to their partner who will provide support for them. Although they have dealt with anxiety alone in the past, they can change and start relying on their partner’s help for everything. Addiction can never be positive in a relationship.

Photo by María Victoria Heredia Reyes

Psychologists List 5 Things That Make Us Feel Happy And Fulfilled!

Being stressed, tired, anxious and depressed are mental states that are somewhat considered as “normal” nowadays. However, it can be extremely tiring waking up everyday feeling unfulfilled and purposeless. That is why the 21st century in an era of extreme obesity, depression, ADHD, people alienation and many other negative mental conditions.

FORTUNATELY, THERE IS somethings that we can do to help ourselves. 

Namely, psychologists have discovered that these 5 things are activities that we can do on a daily basis in order to feel happier and more fulfilled.

1. Laughter

Yup, that’s right, the old fashioned medicine is always first on the “happy list”. That is so because laughter triggers the release of endorphins which are feel-good chemicals that increase feelings of well-being.

Happy couple embracing and laughing on the beach
Happy couple embracing and laughing on the beach

When I dealt with depression for an example and thought I had nothing to laugh about, I watched some of my favorite comic series, such as Friends or just played some comedians. Sure, the first laughs come “artificially” (by playing something funny), but it is essential that you start laughing, cause after not more then a few days you WILL feel better and get started. 

So LAUGHTER people, laughter! 🙂

2. Singing or dancing

Psychologist claim that singing is a natural catalyst of negative feelings, negative energy and so on. It doesn’t matter if you are singing like Celine Dion (or someone that you like) or you are completely tone deaf. It just matters that you sing, out loud, relaxed and shamelessly of course. point-10

Dancing or playing a musical instrument have the same effect. Research show that playing an instrument can decrease feelings of loneliness and increase feelings of well-being, plus it’s an excellent social activity and a conversation starter. 

3. Exercising

This one has been forced on people for too long now. But, I’m here to tell you that psychologist state that exercising in order to have the “perfect” body, has nothing to do with feelings of happiness, on the contrary, it can sometimes lead even to frustration and again over-eating.

Exercising is on this list because the simple process of movement triggers releasing a list of hormones that are associated with feeling happy, breezy and joyful. Think of children, they don’t run around all day in order to be “fit”, but because it’s fun!

It’s enough to take a walk in the park, go to the swimming pool or take a hike on the nearest hill to turn your day around in a positive way. Choose an activity that YOU like, that’s the most important thing!

4. Giving to others

Donating food, old clothes, money, old furniture or anything that you have lying around in your home and that you don’t use can be EXTREMELY fulfilling!

Psychologist and sociologists claim that sometimes giving to others and thinking less about ourselves can even have a bigger effect in making us happier, than constantly trying to make OUR lives better. 

Being a hard-worker in order to become a better person, being better at out jobs and creating better life conditions is of course something that we must do, everyday, tirelessly. But, giving and thinking about others will also give us feelings of selflessness, generosity of spirit and joy!

5. Meditation

This activity is the last one, but certainly not least! 

Meditation is simply the best medicine ever! You might feel that you are “doing nothing”, sitting there with your eyes closed, silently, but you are in fact doing more than you could ever imagine!

Psychologists and neurologists list hundreds of things as benefits from meditating on a regular basis (a half an hour a day should be enough for a beginner) and here are just some of them:

  • Bigger self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • Less worry, anxiety, impulsivity and stress
  • Less feelings of loneliness, fear and depression
  • Increases optimism and relaxation
  • Improves mood and emotional intelligence
  • Better concentration and information processing
  • Increases mental strength and focus
  • Increases memory retention and recall
  • Better cognitive skills overall

So there you go, a simple 5 ingredient recipe for a better and happier tomorrow. You don’t have to start doing all 5 of them at the same time, but make sure that you at least try all 5 activities. If you like them all, great, and if you don’t, stick to at least 2 of them. That’s my challenge for you today and I PROMISE that you’ll have results!

Hope I helped you and I wish you a WONDERFUL day!

Everything You Need To Know On Chakra No. 5 + How To Heal It – Vishuddha!

Affirmative Statement: I Speak

Sanskrit name: Vishuddha (especially pure)

Color: Blue

Frequency: 741 Hz (Solfeggio), 384 Hz (Carrier Wave)

Musical Note: G

Element: Ether

Organs: Lungs, larynx, alimentary canal, speech organs

Endocrine Glands: Thyroid

Identity: Creative identity

Rights: To speak

Challenge: Lies

The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha (which in Sanskrit means “Especially Pure”) is the chakra of expression. It is located in the pit of the throat. This chakra is connected to all the other chakras in such a way that it helps oneself to achieve balance through expression.

Expression is connected to all the aspects of our being, to all the chakras that cover them, which means that this center serves as a means of manifesting our inner nature to the world. It is the center of dynamic creativity and communication.

This chakra is known as the center of purification, as all the energy from our body becomes manifested in the physical world through it. It serves as a way to bring all our emotions and thoughts out in the open, which means it doesn’t allow them to become suppressed.

It is also our inner voice, which allows communication with ourselves. The throat chakra is the chakra of truth, and it requires that truth be nurtured at all times. In order for it to function properly, one must achieve balance in the lower chakras.

Which organs is the throat chakra responsible for?

As we mentioned in Part I, this chakra governs over the lungs, larynx, alimentary canal and the speech organs as well as the thyroid. Sore throat is the most common symptom of an imbalanced throat chakra.

Other conditions that may occur due to an imbalance are tonsillitis, teeth problems, jaw problems, ear problems, sinus infections, problems in the shoulder and neck area as well as drug or alcohol dependency.

So, what are the characteristics of a balanced throat chakra?

A person with a balanced throat chakra has no problems expressing himself/herself in the world. They achieve freedom by honesty, as they are not afraid to express both their strengths and weaknesses, for which people appreciate them greatly.

They are very creative, helpful and can always give a good and sound advice when being asked for. They know what they want and they are not afraid to ask for it. They have a resonant, full voice, they can communicate clearly with others and themselves and they are very good listeners.

What are the characteristics of a throat chakra out of balance?

There are two scenarios for an imbalanced throat chakra: it can be underactive or overactive. Both cases are unhealthy, as they bring many negative aspects to one’s being.

Underactive throat chakra:

People with an underactive throat chakra have difficulties at expressing themselves, feeling unable to put things in words. This is why they are often misinterpreted or misunderstood by others. People may consider them unreliable, as they find it difficult to tell the truth and be honest with themselves and others. They are secretive, excessively shy and they usually speak with a small weak voice.

Overactive throat chakra:

People with an overactive throat chakra can’t help being loud and too talkative. They tend to talk too much or inappropriately, finding themselves in to a lot of gossiping. They are not the best secret keepers. They like to be dominant in expression and usually don’t allow space for others to express themselves. This may make them seem verbally abusive to others and they don’t usually like people talking back or dominate in communication.

How to balance the throat chakra?

If you find yourself in one of the scenarios of an imbalanced throat chakra, you might want to help yourself by trying to balance it. While energy healing (such as Reiki or Crystal Therapy) is a very good step, you will need to work on yourself even afterwards, since your body is your temple and you have to keep it healthy, nourished and clean all the time.

There are several ways of balancing this energetic center. Below you will find some useful ways of balancing it, but be careful as these techniques are only good for an underactive throat chakra! If your chakra is overactive, try balancing the neighboring chakras, and the energy will adjust itself.

Color therapy (or chromo therapy)

Blue is the color of the throat chakra, which means wearing something blue will instantly boost the chakra as it vibrates with the same frequency. However, if your throat chakra is overactive, we recommend that you stop wearing blue for some time. You can also place a blue poster in your bedroom if your throat chakra is underactive.

Sound therapy (audio therapy)

You can play solfeggio harmonics at 741 Hz on YouTube. You can also chant HAM as a mantra, since its sound frequencies stimulate the throat chakra. 

Nutrition for the throat chakra

Blue foods, such as blueberries and food with a lot of water that helps you lubricate the mouth and throat. You can juice fruits and drink them, or just eat fruits with high water content.

Physical activity

Besides yoga, a simple neck rolling goes a long way. Just relax your neck and jaw and start rolling your head from shoulder to shoulder. A neck massage can help as well.

Also, expression is the key to a healthy throat chakra, so engage yourself into writing, drawing, singing, public speaking, sharing your thoughts or creating something new.


Sitting comfortably while focusing your attention in your throat area and visualizing a blue light emanating from that spot will stimulate the energy of the throat chakra. You can chant HAM while meditating on the throat chakra.

Meditation in nature is always the best one there is, but if you can’t find the time, just tidy your room and meditate facing a window.

Everything You Need To Know On Chakra No. 4 + How To Heal It – Anahata!

Affirmative Statement: I Love

Sanskrit name: Anahata (unstruck)

Color: Green

Frequency: 639 Hz (Solfeggio), 341.3 Hz (Carrier Wave)

Musical Note: F

Element: Air

Organs: heart, vagus nerve, circulatory system

Endocrine Glands: thymus

Identity: Social identity

Rights: To love

Challenge: Grief

The heart chakra, also known as Anahata (which in Sanskrit means “Unstruck”) is the bridge between our physical self and spiritual self. It is situated in the middle of the chest area. This energy center emanates with love, joy and compassion, but it also allows us to feel sorrow, lust and anger in order to understand ourselves and overcome those feelings in order to grow.

Once all our physical aspects are met, our being gradually evolves to its higher potentials which start with love. The heart chakra is the seat of unconditional love.

This term is very hard to explain and naming it causes a lot of misconceptions, but one thing you should know is that by giving love a frame (I love you because of this or that; love in relationships; love in family etc.) makes it conditioned to that circumstance. Unconditional love embraces all and does not require a prerequisite to exist.

Of course to achieve this we must go through all the stages of love as we know it, and the heart chakra is responsible for this feeling and for its nurturing in a healthy direction.

This chakra is in the middle of the 7 chakra system and it connects the lower physical chakras to the higher, non-physical ones.

Having this chakra functioning properly will help you open the final three chakras that are attached to our body. Just as the element of air, it encompasses both physical and non-physical aspects and connects them into one creating a sense of unity.

Which organs is the heart chakra responsible for?

As we mentioned in Part I, this chakra governs over the heart, vagus nerve and circulatory system. If you have chest pain, heart problems, high or low blood pressure or any other problems connected to the circulatory system, you should check on your heart chakra.

So, what are the characteristics of a balanced heart chakra?

A person with a balanced heart chakra feels compassion for all living things. They are centered, peaceful and content. They find it easy to emotionally connect to people and understand their situation, state and feelings.

Not only do they understand, but they accept all around them as it with love. Spending time alone is not a problem for these people and they do not rush into new relationships one after another. They would rather wait for the ‘right one’ as they know he/she is out there waiting for them as well and will come when the time is right.

They are aware of their emotional state and they can healthily overcome grief and anger. They know when to let go and they know how to create a healthy balance in their relationships. Most of all, they know how to love themselves.

What are the characteristics of a heart chakra out of balance?

There are two scenarios for an imbalanced heart chakra: it can be underactive or overactive. Both cases are unhealthy, as they bring many negative aspects to one’s being.

Underactive heart chakra:

People with an underactive heart chakra find it difficult to keep a positive outlook in their lives. They are usually withdrawn and antisocial, feeling lonely and isolated.

They feel unloved, unwanted and unappreciated and this energy manifests itself in such a way that people ‘confirm’ those beliefs. This is why these people have a hard time trusting and letting others in. They lack empathy and they fear intimacy and are usually critical and intolerant of others.

Overactive heart chakra:

People with an overactive heart chakra are ruled by their emotions too much. They become martyrs and they want to please others in every way possible, afraid that they may not be liked or accepted by them.

Because of their broken boundaries, they become too codependent and this leads to jealousy. The codependency leads to such an extent that they are willing to always give without getting anything in return.

They always forgive their partners and they always clean up after them, be it emotionally or physically. This usually leads them into toxic relationships of which they cannot let go.

How to balance the heart chakra?

If you find yourself in one of the scenarios of an imbalanced heart chakra, you might want to help yourself by trying to balance it.

While energy healing (such as Reiki or Crystal Therapy) is a very good step, you will need to work on yourself even afterwards, since your body is your temple and you have to keep it healthy, nourished and clean all the time. There are several ways of balancing this energetic center.

Below you will find some useful ways of balancing it, but be careful as these techniques are only good for an underactive heart chakra! If your chakra is overactive, try balancing the neighboring chakras, and the energy will adjust itself.

 Color therapy (or chromo therapy)

Green is the color of the heart chakra, which means wearing something green will instantly boost the chakra as it vibrates with the same frequency.

However, if your heart chakra is overactive, we recommend that you stop wearing green for some time. You can also place a green poster in your bedroom if your heart chakra is underactive.

Sound therapy (audio therapy)

You can play solfeggio harmonics at 639 Hz on YouTube. You can also chant YAM as a mantra, since its sound frequencies stimulate the heart chakra.

Nutrition for the heart chakra

 Green foods, really all green vegetables, especially spinach, will boost your heart chakra.

 Physical activity

Besides yoga, breathing exercises can help the healing process of the heart chakra. Just lie down and place your hand on your chest. Start breathing deeply and let the air remove all impurities from your chest. Chest opening exercises are also good for the heart chakra.


 Sitting comfortably while focusing your attention in your chest area and visualizing a green light emanating from that spot will stimulate the energy of the heart chakra. You can chant YAM while meditating on the heart chakra.

Meditation in nature is always the best one there is, but if you can’t find the time, just tidy your room and meditate facing a window.

The Amazing Power Of Our Mind!

Choosing our thoughts wisely is a MUST, as we are what we think!

Our mind is so powerful and most of us don’t even know how much. For an example, our brain can perform an estimated 10 quadrillion operations per second (WOW!) without us even knowing it.

However, there is only one thing our mind can’t do, thus making our subconscious in charge of our present life and the outcomes we get, regardless if they are good or bad.

What is that one thing our mind can’t do? Watch the video to find out and learn how to take control over your life!


What Happens To Your Body When You DON’T EAT FOR 16 HOURS!

what happens when you don't eat for 16 hours

There is a good reason why intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular issues all over the internet for the past 2-3 years. 

Niraj Naik, who runs a blog called The Renegade Pharmacist, outlined various health benefits that fasting can have on our body. Scientists call this intermittent fasting, where you eat healthy in an 7-8 hour time window and then fast for the rest of the time. For an example, you eat from 12 o’clock in the afternoon till 20:00 and fast for the next 16 hours, meaning you don’t eat or drink anything that has a nutritional value, until the next day in 12:00 o’clock. You can of course drink water or tea if you prefer.

Furthermore, recent research has shown that fasting protects and regenerates the immune system and shifts stem-cells from a dormant state to a state of self renewal. 

Fasting is also used as a way to cure cancer and other deadly diseases as it triggers the production of some of the most powerful anti-oxidants in our body. 

Having a 16 hour time frame of not eating can also help us reduce weight fast and safe!

What happens when you don’t eat for 16 hours?

First of all, try eating healthy during the 8 hour time frame. Fruits, vegetables, seeds, lean protein, fish and so on. However, if you had some junk food, don’t give up either. Do the fast anyway, as it WILL give positive results either way.

During the fast, try not to binge on anything, not even a fruit or a veggie as fiber is what makes us crave food and what boosts our appetites, and fruits and vegetables are loaded with it. Not only will you still be hungry but you will crave food even more than before. So just try not to eat anything for the period of 16 hours. The first time is the toughest, but it gets easier over time!

How often can you do it?

Doctors recommend doing it at least once a month as a body-cleansing ritual, but it can also be done twice or even three times a week. There are some people who live like this, as it doesn’t harm our health, quite the contrary. It just takes some time getting used to!


It is very easy to get away in solitude and isolate yourself from all the annoying people, from all the negativity and evil in the world. Some of us have the opportunity and means to do this, if not regularly, but couple of times in the year.

Oh, those lucky ones who can get away in a beautiful resort and forget all about their problems and just relax….or are they lucky? Are these people really on a vacation or this is just a temporary, but conscious blindness that problems and negativity don’t exist? Well I suppose it is the second one.

The lucky ones are those who can remain in their inner peace while fighting on the first battle line in a war called “life”! And it is very possible to work, to deal with all that life serves you and to stay calm in the same time.

You see, we all have someone in our lives who loves to complain all the time and suck the life force out of everyone in the room. But this is not the reason for you also to become negative as they are or to embrace the situation as an unchangeable one.

And here are some pointers of what you could do when you are surrounded with such people that totally drain you or after speaking to them you feel like a firecracker ready to explode.

1.State your limits

A person is much like a house, if you don’t have a fence around your land all kind of animals shall come and eat the beautiful grass you have tended for years. Then they will destroy the walls and eventually walk right into your living room and dine with you. So it is of utmost importance for you and your health to put around you a big stop sign.

And if needed, be very open and loud when the other person persists in crossing over your limits, your fence. Protect your inner peace, because no one will do it for you.

2. Don’t lose your intelligence

In anger people very often lose their intelligence. They lower themselves so much that they start only to respond to all the negativity coming up their way. And this kind of resolving a problem is very wrong.

Only responding and not reacting, not defending is never the right choice. When someone starts their sad song recital, you should very politely distant yourself from that person and don’t react at all. Simply leave. If this is not possible, do tell that person that you don’t want to hear that same old story and try to change the subject.

3. Stay away from the “trigger subject”

If we analyze all those negative people, we shall come to an understanding that they complain or burst in anger only about one particular thing. If you find the source of the problem that keeps this person to talk 24/7, try to avoid that particular subject.

And if someone else touches that trigger, you should quickly change the conversation to a lighter topic or find something that involves deeper thinking so you can keep their mind busy.

4. Focus on finding solution 

If the negative person is someone close to you or someone you work with it’s not that easy to walk away and leave them standing. So this negative situation is inevitable and the best way to survive is to think about all the solutions that can actually help that person to solve their problem.

If they are willing to listen, stay and talk, try to find some happy conclusion to this whole negativity. But if you see that they are not interested in resolving their situation, why should you be their savior? Remember you cannot save someone who doesn’t want to be saved. They’ll only drain you while you are helping them.

5. Maintain emotional detachment 

Every time you are surrounded with negative people or you are in a negative situation that isn’t yours, you must emotionally distance yourself from everything that is negative.

Try remembering that you are not your friend or that negative person, you are not this situation, the situation doesn’t involve you, it is just happening around you. So don’t let yourself be pulled down, stay as a spectator and just observe, use this experience as a lesson from which you can learn something for future times if you find yourself again in such situation.

6. Don’t try to change others 

Trying to change the attitude of others is our biggest mistake. People in essence are egoistic and they think that they are always right. And you can never ever try to discuss a change of character with someone who enjoys being in the center of every drama, and makes drama when they are not in the center!

Remember that not everyone is like you and even if they were, they’ll probably need some time to come to their senses. So say what you have to say, detached yourself from all the negativity they want to transfer to you and let them be. If they want to be miserable it’s their right, they’ll be unhappy, not you.

7. Find time to recuperate 

If you live or work with a negative person and you can see that there will be no change in their attitude for the time being, you should find a way to keep your energy level high on daily basis.

It’s not a world’s end if you are stuck with a negative person, you just need to find a practice that equalizes the energy they take, with the new energy that you shall bring into yourself. There are plenty of such beautiful techniques you can use: meditation, yoga, tai-chi or any spiritual practice that you find yourself connected with.

Remember always to charge yourself with enough positivity, so even if they take some, you will stay happily calm and perfectly all right.

25 Beautiful Bible Verses For Every Woman In Need Of Love, Reassurance And Strength


“God is within her, she will not fall.”

— Psalm 46:5


“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

— Joshua 1:9


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.”

— Proverbs 3:5-6


“Let all that you do be done in love.”

— 1 Corinthians 16:14


“Be strong. Be Brave. Be fearless. You are never alone.”

— Joshua 1:9


“And in Christ you have been brought to fullness.”

— Colossians 2:10


“Declare over yourself: ‘God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.’”

— 2 Tim 1:7


“I will never leave you or forsake you.”

— Joshua 1:5


“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”

— Proverbs 31:25


“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

— Romans 5:8


“Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”

— Philippians 4:6-8


“Mightier than the waves of the sea is His love for you.”

— Psalm 93:4


“Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

— Proverbs 31:30


“You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you.”

— Romans 5:6


“Blessed is she who believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.”

— Luke 1:45


“It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from inside you –the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear and it is worth very much to God.”

— 1 Peter 3:3-4


“The Lord is my strength and my shield.”

— Psalm 28:7


“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

— Proverbs 31:26


“Under His wings you will find refuge.”

— Psalm 9:1


“By the grace of God, I am what I am.”

— 1 Corinthians 15:10


“You are beautiful for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

— Pslam 139:14


“Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love.”

— Psalm 143:8


“For I know the plans I have for you.”

— Jeremiah 29:11


“You are altogether beautiful, my darling, beautiful in every way.”

— Song of Solomon 4:7


“Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong.”

— Ephesians 2:19-22 TC mark





Here Are 7 Tips Your Feedback To A Conflict Be An Effective One

The main reason for almost all break-ups or broken relationships of any kind is missed feedback. Say you are about to face a potential conflict because you and the person you are talking to are not on the same page, you continuously misunderstood each other and what do you do, how do you proceed?

                Since this is a very important question, there a lot of books and articles, suggesting the answer and some say the sooner you tell the truth how you feel about the whole situation, the better, this applied to all sorts of conflicts, whether they are professional or private.

But is this always the right way to work out a conflict? Sincerely, most of the times – it is not! Why? Because people do not want to hear the truth about themselves, especially from others, and because sometimes we have a whole lot more to lose if we speak the truth, then to find some other way to make peace with the other.

Thought one should always know that speaking the truth is good and moral, but never forget that this truth you speak is only “your truth”, only your side of the story.

Many times, since we do not understand that there are many truths, our feedback to the situation resembles a lot more as a harsh criticism and this very seldom brings solution to the problem.

People do not like to be criticized and as a very wise writer and the developer of self-development course, Dale Carnegie, said: “Any fool can criticize, complain, and condemn— and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” 

So now the question remaining is how to switch you feedback that resembles like criticism, to a feedback that gives positive effects and leads to good solution? You can try using these 7 steps:

1. Create a neutral space 

if you like to be heard and still stay friends with the person you are in a momentary conflict, you must calm yourself and try to show the other that your feedback to their statement is not ill-willed and you have their best interest at heart, not just yours.

2. Ask for permission

Before introducing your feedback to the other person, you must be sure that they are willing to hear it. Never argue with one who doesn’t want to listen, that is a one-way conversation. But if you do recognize that the other wants the relationship to survive you should say how much you appreciate them and you too want this to work out.

3. Start the feedback with: ”I thought I heard”

Doing this you show that you didn’t assume anything and you respected them enough to ask again if they meant what you thought they did. You should never assume anything, because one of the main reasons the quarrel is started is because of making hasty assumptions. In our speech most of the time we are driven by our own emotions and if we are angry we hear things that feed our anger, if we are in-love we hear only the good stuff.

4. Describe how their words made you feel

Always describe how you felt when the words were spoken and most important never begin the sentence with – “you made me feel this or that way”, always say – ”I felt this or that”. If you try to reconcile, do not put oil into the fire. Also do not mix to the present conflict any past experiences, because you should remember that as much as this situation resembles to a past one, they are separate problems arisen in different times and circumstances.

5. Know how to listen 

After you have given your feedback, it is time to start to listen. This means that you should really listen, do not interrupt, do not defend yourself, just listen the other side of the story. Doing this the other will know that you are trying to find a solution good for both of you and you respect what he has to say.

6. Suggest solutions

Now after carefully listening, the time has come to speak, softly, how you wish to be treated in the future so none of this could happen ever again. Here you can also add some good and positive pointer what both of you should avoid doing, so that there will be no next time for such a conflict.

7. End in a positive way

Thank the other for the chance to speak your side of the story, give acknowledgement that you took their side of the story into consideration, and be grateful that all has ended well.

I hope this few steps shall help you to resolve most of your conflict in a way that no negative consequences shall arise for you or the others.