
Home Anxiety

Dear Friends, Please Be More Patient With My Anxiety

Dear friends, I know I said I was going to go out with you tonight, as I did so many times before. And I know...

30 Things That Only People With Anxiety Issues Will Understand

Everyone can get nervous or frightened about life from time to time. While some people dread public speaking or close encounters with unknown people,...

How To Relax Your Body and Mind From Anxiety

Having anxiety is a normal part of life that can be brought on by stress or worrying, but it can be manageable. Over time,...

My Anxiety Sometimes Makes Me Feel Like I’m Losing My Sense Of Self

The well-known American author Arthur Somers Roche said: “Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a...

To The Man Whose Wife Or Partner Is Struggling With Anxiety – She Is...

You might have first found out that your wife or girlfriend is struggling with anxiety when she was diagnosed with it by her doctor....

Habits That Say A Lot About Your Life With High-Functioning Anxiety

It gets really hard when anxiety kicks in… and I’m not talking about that regular, healthy kind of anxiety we are all set to...

4 ways Cannabis Products Help Reduce Anxiety

Are you experiencing anxiety symptoms and not sure if cannabis products may offer you any relief? We shall highlight how cannabis products may help...

I’m Not An As*hole But Anxiety Makes Me Look Like One

I am aware that my anxiety makes me look like I think I'm better than everyone else. But, the truth is that I don't. I...
Student Anxiety

Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Student Academic Performance

The most significant impact of anxiety or depression on students and the ways through which it impacts their academic performance, especially in cases where...

6 Superpowers People Who Suffer From Anxiety Hide From Others

We all feel anxious, i.e. worried and nervous from time to time, like when we have problems, be that at home or at work,...