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Living With Depression And Anxiety At The Same Time

30 Things People With Anxiety Tend To Do

There are so many habits that are related to anxiety, and yet so many others that are driven by that person’s personality. So, how...

8 Seemingly Well-Meaning Comments Which Actually Hurt People Struggling With Anxiety

We all feel uneasy, worried, and afraid occasionally, usually before a first date or when waiting for our medical test results. However, people who...

Understanding The Person Living With An Anxiety Disorder – This Is What Their Life...

Most people know the definition of anxiety disorders, but still, they don’t understand what it is really like to suffer from one. Because the...
children anxiety

Anxiety Symptoms In Children – 10 Things Children Say That Could Mean They Have...

As all the children line up to get on the bus to go to school, your kid turns to you and says, “Please, don’t...

6 Superpowers People Who Suffer From Anxiety Hide From Others

We all feel anxious, i.e. worried and nervous from time to time, like when we have problems, be that at home or at work,...

5 Things To Know If You Love A Person Who Suffers From Anxiety

The worst thing in the world is when someone you love is in pain. You see your partner irritable, restless, surrounded by stress, isolated,...
my story

Can Positive Affirmations Help Overcome Anxiety?

If you’ve ever read self-help guides or watched webinars dedicated to personal growth and success, then the chances are that you’ve heard of positive...

Dear Friends, Please Be More Patient With My Anxiety

Dear friends, I know I said I was going to go out with you tonight, as I did so many times before. And I know...

How to Deal With Anxiety as an Introvert

Introverts love their alone time, but what happens when anxiety interrupts solitude? Anxiety is an isolating experience as it causes you to withdraw from...

This Guy Has The Most Amazing Way Of Dealing With His Girlfriend’s Anxiety

Anxiety is something that many of us have experienced or will experience in their lives. It is not easy, and someone who has never...