
Home Health
Health entails more than just the absence of disease; it is a state of physical and mental well-being. Stay up to date with health and wellness trends with Curious Mind Magazine.

6 Reasons For Hair Loss In Women And Ways To Prevent It

There is nothing more important to a woman than her hair. And besides the fact that it serves to express yourself and your concept...

Richard Branson: Killing Animals For Food Will Soon Become “Archaic”

Richard Branson, along with Bill Gates, Kimball Musk, former McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson, and others, have invested in a cruelty-free, environmentally-friendly, and healthier alternative...
Living A Long And Happy Life

A Japanese Doctor Who Studied Longevity — And Lived To 105 — Reveals His...

Dr. Hinohara, who worked tirelessly until his death at the age of 105, explains that the secret to longevity lies in a life filled...

This Exercise Burns 6 Times More Calories Than Running

“Retro Running” is an exercise that is proven to burn 6 times more calories than regular running. Plus, it is fun and has many...

Fibromyalgia Mystery Finally Solved! Researchers Find Main Source Of Pain In Blood Vessels

If you are exploring treatment options, learn more about the effectiveness of gabapentin for fibromyalgia. Scientists find that fibromyalgia is not “all in the patient’s head,”...

9 Types Of Pain That Are Directly Connected To Emotional States

Today, many experts believe that physical pain is the body’s response to different emotions within us. When life gets hard, it can lead us to...

The Easiest Way to Get Rid of Face Fat

Just as body varies according to shapes and sizes, faces also display the same morphological diversity. Double chin or fat cheeks may lead to...
healthy eating women

10 Healthy Eating Tips For Busy Women

Your health is one of the most important aspects of a happy, satisfying life, but if you’re trying to hold down a career, and...

Scientists Say: Children Need Microbes — Not Antibiotics — To Develop Immunity

You can never be too careful when you want to provide your child with a good quality of life. And perhaps this is why...

This Is What Happens When You Place Some Ice At This Point On Your...

While ice therapy doesn’t necessarily cure ailments, it does relieve symptoms and make you feel better. So, head to the freezer and get an...