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Enrich your home and family lifestyle with Curious Mind Magazine. From inspirational stories and spiritual wisdom to hygge, astrology, and meditation, broaden your perspective on various spheres of life.
cycle of happiness

Confusion And Sadness Are As Much Part Of Life As Clarity And Happiness Are

I sometimes feel like I’ve conquered the entire world and other times I feel lost. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got everything under control...

Love And Friendship Aren’t What You Say, They Are What You Do

Love isn’t what you say, it’s what you do. Actions speak louder than words. Yes, you’ve heard this. It’s possibly a cliche. But it’s...

To All Of You Exhausted And Fragile Souls Who Feel Like You Are...

Listen to me. I know that you feel like you are not doing much, I get that. I am familiar with that feeling. I know...

Grateful Dog Cannot Stop Cuddling With The Woman Who Rescued Him From A Shelther

Animals have feelings. You can deny that fact for as much as you want, but the truth is, they do. They know what love...

Life Is Too Short: Don’t Ever Tolerate These 6 Toxic Behaviors From People

People will always do what they want. That’s a fact. Sometimes their actions and behaviors will be harmless and won’t have anything to do...

10 Sure Signs You’ve Found Yourself A True Friend

Genuine friendships make our lives more interesting and fulfilling. They add value to our lives. But the truth is that finding a true friend...

Top Ways You Can Care For Your Car & Beat Road Anxiety

Everyone likes having a trouble-free journey. No one likes facing miscalculated road uncertainties like car breakdown, tyre flattening or even fuel problems. These hurdles...

This Is What Holding Space And Being There For Someone Else Really Means

Have you ever sat by a loved one who was in pain and simply existed at that moment without saying a word to them?...

Mommy Tiger Gives Birth To A Lifeless Cub But Her Motherly Instincts Help It...

There are many miracles on this Earth, but there’s nothing more heartwarming and beautiful than the miracle of birth. The unshakable connection between the mother...

10 Things You Should Never Ever Apologize For

This world will always find a way to put you down. People will always criticize you. No matter what you do or how perfect...