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God Knows What You Hold In Your Heart Even If You Don’t Say It...

Image:@zapoe2 via Twenty20 Last night I found myself feeling lost and like God was not listening to my prayers. I have been asking for the same...

How to Strengthen Your Relationships Easily?

Relationships are truly magical and wondrous in their own ways. They are important and something that we cannot live without. Our relationships are often...

How Does Stress Affect Your Relationship?

Being in a relationship with your partner is one of the most beautiful feelings that one can have. It is blissful to have a...

12 Signs You Have Mind-Blowing Chemistry With Your Partner

When it comes to chemistry, there is no middle ground. Either you have chemistry, or you don’t. And chemistry really works in strange and...

8 Things You Need To Know About Loving An Empath

Ah, empaths - those highly sensitive, magical, mysterious creatures! You get never bored loving them! They place themselves so easily under your skin and...


Alpha females are strong, independent, and self-sufficient ladies with big hearts. They can love hard, so they are very careful about who they choose...

Should You Get a Job Under Someone You’re Dating?

Sometimes you’re lucky enough to have the upper hand over other candidates when applying for a job; especially if the interviewer is a friend...

5 Amazing Things That Will Happen To You Once You Enter An Honest Relationship

Mutual understanding and respect are the pillars of a good relationship. But let’s face it. Without honesty and openness, none of that will be...

Do You Feel Lonely In The Presence Of Your Partner? Here’s What You Can...

Feeling lonely is not an emotion reserved only for those that are rolling solo.  Rather it’s an emotion that those who are in a...

If Two Lovers Are Meant To Spend Their Lives Together, Fate Will Find A...

People often wonder about the course of their lives. They question their actions, they worry about their decisions, but the thing that they are...