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How to Have a Relaxing Weekend at Home

You are at home on a Friday night wondering how you are going to spend your weekend. Why not take this valuable time to relax? Or if hobbies are relaxing to you, do that too. Self-love is important and rest and relaxation are a huge part of that. 

Dimming the lights in all the rooms will help put your mind at ease. Turning the lights low has been proven to show an increase in cognitive output. It can also help to improve memory and focus. Light a few candles, if you do not have a manual light dimmer. If you don’t have any candles, maybe try just having one or two lights on. 

Set the mood right by using an oil diffuser. There is an abundance of benefits from aromatherapy and essential oils. Certain oils can help reduce pain and inflammation in certain areas. Oils like lavender and chamomile can help maintain sleep. With anxiety, the more common oils to use are rose, bergamot, and lavender. Oils for depression are seen more with the increase of serotonin and cortisol, jasmine, basil, and agarwood help. There are even oils that help with attention and concentration. Aromatherapy helps to create a more calm and relaxing environment around you. 

You can use essential oils in many different ways. The main use of them is by inhalation. You can simply carry around the bottle with you if you would like. Though these methods are more predictable. Using an oil diffuser, a fragrance ring, candles, or even a spritzing spray. Some people use essential oils in a diluted form during massages. Bubbly Belle essential oils have so many options to choose from. You can treat yourself to their wonderful selection today.

Meditation whether inside or outdoors is beneficial for relaxing. You can calm both your mind and body while meditating. It allows you to focus on things that need reflection. You can meditate to feel more at peace. Meditation can help relieve anxiety too. It’s something that everyone should try at least once in their life. Try meditating while having your oil diffuser on, you would be surprised how much it helps.

Another great way to relax is to grab your Luna blanket and snuggle up in your oversized bean bag chair. Luna is a blanket that is made to help improve the quality of sleep and relaxation. Weighted blankets like these have been proven to reduce anxiety and stress by providing a simple weight.

 If you do not feel like laying on your bed or your couch, you can easily lounge around in the awesome oversized bean bag chair. With many different choices of material, you are sure to find one that is the perfect match for you. Materials like plush fur, faux fur, micro fur, khaki cargo, and faux leather. They even make bean bags for your pets!

Perhaps you do not want to be inside. You would much rather be outside soaking up the sunlight. Do not worry, we have got you covered. You can still relax and enjoy vitamin D. Staying cool while outdoors in the sunlight is vital to your skin. You can easily layout with one of these FUNBOY floats. Coasting on the water, at the beach, or in the pool has never been so calming. But, be careful to not get too much sun. It can dehydrate you and your skin, on top of leaving a painful sunburn. 

You can’t forget to stay hydrated, and if you are in need of hydration fast, Cure Hydration might be just the perfect reminder. With no added sugar and a huge variety of flavors, you can not go wrong with it. Cure Hydration has flavors like berry pomegranate, watermelon, lemon, grapefruit, and matcha green tea. They offer a variety of packs and bundles too. Staying well hydrated helps the body to function properly. 

The best way to end your weekend is with a nice dinner and a tasty drink. Let’s face it, you earned it. You can have an amazing dinner with some Imperia Caviar and Bev canned wine. Luxury does not always have to be expensive. Imperia Caviar is a salty decadent food that is packed with tons of vitamins. Low calorie and many flavors to choose from, if you have always wanted to try something new, this is the way to go. Bev canned wine may sound simple but it has a robust taste. With an assortment of flavors, Bev canned wine is changing the game. Pinot grigio and sauvignon blanc are delightful choices that will have you coming back for more. 

If you want to spend your weekend with friends, why not have it at your place for karaoke or drinks? Having fun with others and making memories is what we are here for. You could set up a get-together where you and your friends all come over. Play games, catch up, make food together, paint, laugh or even cry if you need to. Having a fun night with friends does not mean you have to go out. Plus, it’s probably way more comfortable in your own home.

But don’t feel bad if your friends are all busy, having a night or two to yourself is just as fun. Plus, having alone time to do whatever you want without judgment is awesome. Sing your favorite songs, dance, cook something you’ve never made before. If you feel like you need to vent or cry, you can. You can write down your feelings in a journal or notebook.  Enjoy yourself with whatever you feel is best. 

Let yourself be comfortable, walk around in loungewear all day. Comfortable clothes mean comfort all around. If you want to spend your weekend doing absolutely nothing, that is completely okay too. Loungewear is clothing that can be essential worn at any time, not just at night. Something that fits loosely but is not too big. 

Everyone needs a break, so why not make yourself comfortable and indulge in your favorite show or movie on TV? Catch up on that last season of that show you have been meaning to watch but have not had the chance to. Some TV’s allow you to play music as well, you could just put on music and relax your eyes.

Use this time to catch up on sleep. Sleep helps the body to heal and rejuvenate itself. More rest can be beneficial in many ways. It can help improve your heart health and blood pressure. Lack of sleep can cause fatigue, which in some cases can be extremely dangerous. So, if you needed a good reason to sleep, these are a few.

In the end, how you spend your weekend is up to you. Making it enjoyable is what is best for you. So if that looks like floating in a pool with a canned wine in your hand or watching tv on a giant bean bag, you go on ahead. If you want to sleep the weekend away, that’s awesome too. Do not let anyone take away a relaxing weekend for yourself. Including yourself, we like to often deny ourselves nice things thinking that we don’t need them, but that could not be farther from the truth. Relax because you want to, you deserve it.

3 Main Types of Protein: Concentrate, Isolate, Hydrolysate

Protein powder keeps getting more popular for its amazing health benefits—both in the fitness world and for anyone looking to improve their diet. People are becoming conscious of their nutritional habits, and they’re ready to increase protein intake while decreasing overconsumption of other food types.

So they’re turning to whey, which has become the protein powder on everybody’s lips. It offers a low-carb, low-fat alternative to other forms of protein intake. Still, the nutritional powerhouse isn’t just one simple substance. There are a few types of whey protein, which leaves beginners confused about which type they should try.

This comprehensive guide details everything you should know about whey protein vs isolate vs hydrolysate, so you can compare all your options and determine which is best for you. 

Where Does Whey Protein Come From?

To make supplements, enzymes are used to separate milk into casein and whey proteins. This is the same process used to make cheese since cheese is made of casein. Despite its origins, there are safe variations for lactose-intolerant people.

Whey by itself is not as fatty as whole milk or cheese, and your body absorbs it faster than casein. Though some people mix whole milk with their supplements, the natural lower fat content has boosted its popularity as a healthy protein option.

What are the Types of Whey Protein?

The three primary forms of whey protein are concentrate, isolate, and hydrolysate. There’s a huge debate in the health and wellness community over which is the superior option, particularly over the concentrate of whey protein vs isolate.

Here are the highlights of each.

1) Whey Concentrate

Whey concentrate is also known as whey protein. Concentrate is processed the least, but this also means it has the most fat and carbs. Since it is derived from milk, the higher levels of fat and carbs could potentially cause digestion troubles for lactose-intolerant people.

Concentrate supplements should have at least 11 grams of protein per 100 grams of concentrate. Most supplements will have more, but it’s in your best interest to check that third-party facilities test the product’s purity. Since protein supplements are unregulated in the U.S, this is the best way to ensure you’re buying a quality product.

2) Whey Isolate

When looking at whey protein vs isolate, the main thing to remember is that isolate is processed more. More processing results in a higher ratio of protein to fats and carbs. This makes isolate more popular with lactose-intolerant people, people on diets, and those who already get enough fats and carbs from other foods.

As with concentrate, it’s important to check that your chosen product has been verified by third-party testing. Some sellers will make false or dramatized claims—such as their untested product having no fat or carb content—which can lead to you ingesting something that you wouldn’t otherwise. Only trust claims that are backed by facts and outside verification.

3) Whey Hydrolysate

With hydrolysate, enzymes are added to the whey to break it down and make it easier to digest. As a result, it has the highest protein ratio out of all the supplement variations.

Hydrolysate is popular with athletes and those who experience indigestion with other supplements.

Comparing Whey Protein vs Isolate vs Hydrolysate

Each powder has different costs, tastes, and benefits for your body. Read more below to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of whey protein vs isolate and hydrolysate.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Whey Concentrate

You’ll see a good range of whey concentrate when looking for a supplement. Concentrate is the most popular whey supplement type and is also the most affordable form. In addition, many concentrate supplements have a high amount of protein, making it great for most who want to improve their nutrition.

Due to the higher amounts of fats and carbs, concentrate potentially exacerbates indigestion. It also doesn’t provide quite as much protein compared to isolate or hydrolysate.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Whey Isolate

Isolate provides a higher ratio of protein than concentrate. Its reduced fat and carbohydrates content makes it great for people with dietary restrictions. Even with these benefits, most isolate supplement products will still be at a budget-friendly price.

Isolate does not offer the highest protein concentration possible, so it may not be the best for athletes with intense training. Additionally, sellers may falsely advertise their isolate product, so buyers should research supplements before purchasing.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Whey Hydrolysate

Out of all varieties, hydrolysate offers the highest ratio of protein in one serving. The pre-added enzymes make hydrolysate supplements easier on your digestive system when compared to concentrate or isolate. Higher levels of protein also mean more energy and faster recovery for athletes.

Because of the increased amount of processing, hydrolysate is on the more expensive side. The added enzymes also give hydrolysate powder supplements an unpleasant flavor.

Choosing Whey Protein vs Isolate vs Hydrolysate

When deciding between whey protein vs isolate vs hydrolysate, the most important factor is which type will give your body what it needs: 

  • Whey concentrate is a great choice for anyone without restrictions or someone that’s just looking for a simple protein supplement.
  • Isolate may be a better choice for those who are on dietary restrictions or have intolerances—such as lactose intolerance.
  • Those who wish to reduce their fat or carb intake may also want to opt for isolate. For serious athletes looking in on the whey protein vs isolate debate, you may actually want to purchase whey hydrolysate instead.

No matter what whey type you’re interested in, make sure to research the average cost of your chosen form. Hydrolysate will be the most expensive, while whey concentrate will be the most affordable.

The Bottom Line

Use our breakdown above to decide on whey powder vs isolate or hydrolysate based on your body and fitness goals. Concentrate is an amazing choice for most people, but those with stricter dietary plans may prefer isolate or hydrolysate instead. 

We recommend testing each form to see and jot down your experiences. Once you’ve tried all three, you’ll have a visual table of pros and cons to make picking one protein product easier. 

Learn more about whey protein vs isolate.  

3 Things You Can Do Before Hiring An App Developer

Hiring App Developer

You have a great mobile app idea, and you know that it’s going to turn you into a millionaire! So what should you do? Well, hire react native developers and get your mobile app done, right?

Not really. You need to do a couple of things before you contact your app developer, and we’ll cover them all in this blog post.

3 things you can do before hiring an app developer

1) Talk with your future buyers

The first thing you need to understand before making your mobile app is who will use it. Talking with your future buyers is a crucial step that you necessarily should do before you start developing your app. It will help you create an app that will be the best seller from the very start.

Here’s why this step matters. Let’s say you’re developing an app for cooking that suggests fun recipes to the users each day. However, it turns out that your potential users want to get also the calories and the nutritional values of all the ingredients. Moreover, they would love an app that would suggest recipes from the ingredients that they already have at their home.

When you know all these details, you start to change your app accordingly to match your users’ needs better. So instead of learning it the hard way, by designing an app and then changing it according to users’ feedback, you can learn the feedback right from the very beginning.

2) Start sketching your app

Another thing you should do before you contact your developer is sketching your app. Having merely an idea of an app is one thing, and having a sketch and a plan of it is completely different.

It’s great that you want to develop a cooking app, but how will it look? Have you already imagined what types of functions it will have? Do you have a preferred design in mind?

Try to sketch your mobile app and understand what you want to include before you hire react native developers. You can also skim through Pinterest or other platforms to find inspiration and download the styles you’d want your app design to have.

And when we say sketching, we don’t mean that you should get a pen and paper and draw your app from scratch. No, you could also create a mood board or simply a presentation where you would have all your ideas and inspirations in one place.

3) Skim through the developers’ portfolio

Once you’ve talked with your future buyers and already have sketched the idea of your mobile app, it is time to find the right app developer. This is not an easy task because there are hundreds of mobile app developers offering their freelance services, and it is hard to understand who is better.

So firstly, start to look for developers on freelance platforms. Of course, if your friend or acquaintance has referred to you as a good developer, your job is way easier because you merely need to talk to that person and explain your project.

However, not everyone is that lucky. If you have no freelance developers in your circle, the next logical step is to look for them on the online platforms. Scroll through the list of app developers, and when you find someone who seems to have enough work experience and a reasonable pay rate, visit his profile.

The next thing to do is to skim through their portfolios. Look at the works he has completed. First, try to figure out what is the level of difficulty of those projects. Were they easy ones or comparatively complicated ones? If you think your mobile app is a pretty hard task, try to hire only those who already have experience working with such projects.

When you’ve figured that out too, try to understand whether his style matches the one you have in mind. You don’t want, for instance, to hire a developer who has only worked on game apps before and has no idea how the cooking app would work.

And finally, find a developer who has good reviews. You want to be sure that others before you have already been satisfied with his work.

When all of these steps are done, you are ready to hire react native developers and finally turn your brilliant app idea into reality.

What is Today’s Best Facelift Procedure?

Aging is anyone’s worst nightmare: wrinkly skin, drooping jowls, and the increasing awareness that the clock is always running. For decades, if not centuries, there has been heated debate about the best way to preserve youth, but few remedies are as effective as the facelift, which has been around since 1916 and, since then, has advanced to a point that results are impressive and natural-looking. The facelift, professionally known as a “rhytidectomy,” is in fact the 3rd most popular plastic surgical procedure; in 2020, over 234,000 Americans opted for one.

However, with so many kinds of facelifting techniques out there, it can be tough to determine which is the best for your particular needs.

The Traditional Facelift

Originally, the facelift consisted of cutting the skin along the hairline and down to the front of the ears. The facial skin was then lifted and pulled tightly to smooth wrinkles and lines before the incisions were closed. The problem, however, was that this process resulted in an overly “done” or “plastic” look that was not only obvious but could leave the patient dissatisfied.

This method, now called the “traditional facelift,” does not provide long-lasting results and is largely considered obsolete, as today, there are far more reliable and altogether exceptional approaches that provide safer and better results.

The SMAS Lift

The SMAS Lift is a major improvement on the traditional facelift. Rather than cutting and pulling the skin, surgeons manipulate the SMAS (Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic System), a region of musculature and fibrous tissue that begins around the ears and stretches down the neck. The SMAS is a thin but sturdy layer of facial architecture that connects the facial muscles and is responsible for facial expression, and by tweaking it, surgeons are able to give patients strong, natural-looking results.

Still, the SMAS Lift is not as successful a procedure as the Deep Plane Facelift.

The Deep Plane Facelift

The Deep Plane Facelift has been around since 1990. Similarly to the SMAS Lift, it does not cut and pull the skin, but focuses on deeper layers of facial anatomy. The Deep Plane approach, however, actually dives into a more complex anatomical space, called “the deep plane,” which is between the SMAS and deeper muscles. By releasing key ligaments and layers of muscle and fat, surgeons reposition the deep plane and lift the face to a more desirable position. Because everyone’s anatomy is different, this method is unique for each patient.

One of America’s leading plastic surgeons, Dr. Andrew Jacono, is renowned for his role in pioneering and improving the Deep Plane Facelift. Currently, he operates out of his New York City office to provide stunning results for anyone who is hungry for the gold standard of cosmetic surgery, including celebrities like Sonja Morgan, star of ‘The Real Housewives of New York City,’ and Dr. Paul Nassif, star of ‘Botched.”

Dr. Jacono’s Deep Plane Facelift is highly regarded for its results, which appear subtler and more natural than any other facelifting procedure. His expertise in facial anatomy also allows him to hide incisions in the natural folds and creases of the skin to minimize any scarring.

The MADE Lift

Dr. Jacono has also pioneered the MADE (Minimal Access Deep-Plane Extended) Lift, a hybrid procedure that combines the technique of the Deep Plane Facelift with the less-invasive Mini Facelift. Although the MADE Lift focuses on the lower half of the face rather than the face as a whole, its results are just as dramatic as those of a complete Deep Plane Facelift.

As the MADE Lift focuses on a smaller facial area, the incisions are also smaller and more difficult to detect. This procedure is therefore a great option for those who do not want a complete makeover, but still crave a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

You do not have to be uncomfortable in front of the mirror. Consider the reliability and consistency of top New York facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Andrew Jacono, whose attention to detail and dedication to science are proof that anyone can place their total trust in his hands. Schedule a one-on-one consultation today by calling (212) 570-2500 and start on the path to improving your self-image with the best facelift in New York City.

A Comprehensive Guide on Hemp Seed Oil

Hemp oil is a shortened term for Hemp seed oil. It is extracted from the seeds of the Hemp CBD plant. Hemp oil extraction is done through cold pressing similar to the process of extraction of olive oil. Hemp seeds are a great source of nutrients and proteins and are very healthy for the body. The hemp seed oil has a light or dark green color and is of many uses. It is beneficial for the overall health of our body. Here is a complete guide on Hemp seed oil. 

Benefits of Hemp seed oil 

Hemp CBD oil is associated with various skin benefits. The Hemp seeds have an abundance of fatty acids that improve the skin texture and alleviates dry skin. It is also well known for treating eczema and many other skin conditions. Other skin benefits offered by Hemp seed oil are:

  • Moisturization 
  • Treats acne (Hemp floweris anti-inflammatory)
  • Balances oil production
  • Slows down the aging process

Apart from the skin benefits, Hemp oil also offers heart health and many immune system benefits. Omega3 and Omega 6 fatty acids are present in the Hemp seeds. These fatty acids are still present in the Hemp oil even after the cold pressing process. It helps in: –

  • Reducing blood pressure
  • Improves the heart rate 
  • Decreases the chances of heart attacks

Hemp flower oil provides strength to the body as it consists of many nutrients. The human body requires certain fatty acids to remain healthy. The human body does not produce some of these fatty acids. Therefore, they ingest them in other ways. Hemp oil consumption is one of those ways. 

How to use Hemp seed oil?

There are several benefits of Hemp seed oil. But the real question is how to use it and enjoy its qualities to the fullest. Here’s how.

For skin – As we mentioned above, Hemp has a wide variety of benefits for the skin. Using Hemp oil on your skin will make your skin glow and improve skin conditions like dryness and flakiness. It is better to use either unrefined Hemp flower oil or skincare products infused with Hemp oil. Refined Hemp oil does not have the nutrients good for the skin. Therefore, it will do nothing for your skin. It also acts as a diluting agent. You can mix it with the essential oils and use the mixture on your skin for extra nourishment. 

For cooking – Just like Hemp buds flowers, Hemp seed oil is also used for various cooking purposes. Its flavor is similar to olive oil. You can use Hemp oil for salad dressing, smoothies, pesto sauce, and some beverages too. We would suggest preventing heating of the Hemp oil and use it where there is little to no heating requires. Heating can take away the nutrients off the Hemp oil, can change its consistency and also flavor. 

Hemp oil can be consumed orally as a supplement too. You can consume one teaspoon of Hemp oil every day. But it is always advised to take the guidance of your doctor before you start it consuming in this way. 

For hair – Just like Hemp oil provides moisture to the skin, it also moisturizes the hair follicles, makes them healthier, and provides a beautiful shine. It prevents the hair from future breakage, split-ends, flakiness, and dryness. You can mix it with other oils or can use it alone to oil your hair.

How to choose the best quality Hemp seed oil?

  • Most of the best quality Hemp oils are produced by cold pressing using the modern steel press. Cold pressing helps in maintaining all the nutrients, aroma, and flavor of the Hemp seeds.
  • When looking for Hemp oil, go for only the reputed manufacturers that are transparent about their production standards and practices.
  • Feel free to ask them questions about the Hemp products and make sure to check the appropriate documentation in support of their claims.


It is not only about the Hemp oil but also Hemp buds, flowers, and all other Hemp related products. Whatever Hemp products you buy, quality must be the main priority. Otherwise, the true potential of Hemp seeds, buds, and flowers will not come out. If you are looking for a trustworthy Hemp seller, contact Dr. Strains CBD.

What Is A Good Muzzle Brake For A Creedmoor?

 A recoil compensator, better known as a muzzle brake, is an essential attachment to a gun or rifle. It is attached to the barrel to trap and divert the expanding gas and decrease the recoil. Muzzle brakes are designed to evade recoil and unwanted muzzle increase by redirecting a propellant gas. 

If you have a 6.5 Creedmoor AR, you know that it has high energy retention, flat trajectory, and excellent long-range accuracy. However, it would help if you had a recoil reducer for much better accuracy and a more stabilized shooter’s hand. You can do this by adding the best muzzle brake for 6.5 Creedmoor you can find. Here are three of the best ones you can consider investing in.

First choice: VG6 Precision – Gamma 65

This is a muzzle brake manufactured to achieve the highest quality standards and ensure optimal efficiency. Quite the best of the best muzzle brakes out there, the VG6 Precision is lightweight but powerful. It can significantly reduce friction while simultaneously minimizing motions. It also allows quicker follow-up shots. 

The VG6 Precision is produced from stainless steel, and you can choose from a black nitride or stainless steel blasted bead finishing. It is also the only muzzle brake that comes with a crush washer, so it is definitely perfect for your muzzle brake needs.

Second choice: Precision Armament – M11

If you are looking for a muzzle brake ideal for tactical use, you are destined to have the Precision Armament. It is precisely designed for tactical usage and allows excellent recoil control. The Precision Armament has a massive symmetrical blast baffle partnered with two baffles in front. 

Along with minimizing particle trace, it also decreases the muzzle increase and field noise. Lastly, the Precision Armament guarantees maximum focus because it is equipped with class-3 threads that ensure high tolerance.

Third choice: Vais 6.5

If you want an efficient muzzle brake but you are on a tight budget, the Vais 6.5 is for you. It is the strongest muzzle brake option that you can get for an affordable price. It has one of the best gas dispersion systems. The Vais 6.5 can efficiently regulate recoil and decrease the blasting impact. 

It does well on restricting the rise of muzzles without letting the muzzle blast increase. You can also choose from Parkerized finished steel or matte finished steel, it all really depends on your rifle and your preferences. 

There are a lot more muzzle brake options to choose from. You can opt to choose from the three options above or explore more. You must go into detail when looking for a muzzle brake to ensure that it suits your needs and taste. Take their distinctions and your use case into account. Be particular about the muzzle brake you will invest in–do not just pick up the cheapest you can find. Almost every piece on the market can be used with your gun or rifle, but not all of them guarantee good quality.

How to Get More Photography Clients

If you want to make a living as a photographer then the ability to attract new clients is incredibly important. Your existing clients may be great, but there will be a limit to the number of photographs that they will need. Therefore, it will be necessary to attract new people and convince them that you are the photographer for the job.

So how exactly do you go about attracting these all-important new clients? Here we look at Photo Studio Calgary that you can use to help you market your photography business successful and get those new clients.

Show people your work

If you want to attract new clients, you need to be able to impress them with your work and this means being able to show them what you can do. Having your own website or social media page is all very well but your reach will be relatively limited. If you want to show your work to the largest audience possible then it can be a good idea to sign up for a photo sharing platform. Signing up is a really simple process that will allow you to post your photos, and sell them if you wish, to a very big audience. This is one of the best ways out there that will allow you to showcase your work to the largest audience possible.

Someone who sees, and likes, your photos may not need the services of a photographer, but they may suggest you to someone who is looking for one. The audience that you reach may be bigger than the people who view your photographs directly.

Build your portfolio

It isn’t enough to have just a few great photos. You need to ensure that you have a range of photographs that showcase a range of different subject matters and photography skills. The more skills you are able to display in your portfolio, the better. This will show potential clients how versatile you are and also the range of skills that you have. It’s all very well being able to show them a good number of fantastic photos of the same type of subject but this risks you being labelled as someone who only photographs that subject.

Build a website

It can be worth investing some money to have a company build a great website for your photography business. A professional looking website with clear information and plenty of examples of your work will create a very positive impression on any future clients. When you opt for a professional web developing company instead of doing the work on a website yourself, you are taking advantage of their expertise. This means your website will include all of the important information that you need and could help you rank better in the search engines.

Make sure you are targeting the right market

A photographer who specialises in wedding photography will attend wedding fayres and advertise in wedding magazines. They may even form mutually beneficial professional relationships with other wedding service providers in order to ensure that they are reaching the people who may want to engage their services. Whilst it may not be quite as easy for photographers who specialise in other forms of photography to do quite the same thing it is still important to ensure that where possible you are targeting the right people. This means advertising in any appropriate magazines, creating marketing campaigns that will showcase your work to the right companies who may use you for corporate shoots or if you specialise in portraits perhaps contacting the types of local groups and schools that may be looking for a photographer.

Reasons Why Undertaking Business Energy Comparison Is a Must for Your Business

You might have heard a lot about business energy comparison, but do you know why it is essential for your business aura? Do you know why businessmen consider taking up this comparison? 

There are multiple reasons why they tend to do so, but here we list down the essential ones to get you acquainted with the reasons as to why you should essentially opt for business energy comparison:

Getting aware of factors that show up on the energy bills

As a layman, you might only glance at the bottom of the energy bill where the total amount to be paid is written. You may hardly think of factors affecting the total energy bill causing it to hike up with every passing year.

Conducting an online business energy comparison will help you gain a better insight into the factors that influence energy prices. Energy professionals can be of great help in such a case as they can get you aware of almost everything that shows up on your energy bills. 

May it be the available tariffs and plans, energy contracts, payment platforms, offers, etc., they get you a clear picture about every aspect of the energy bill. Seeking their assistance can help the business owners quickly compare the available energy providers and their services to get their business streamlined and organized in terms of business energy.

It shows a way to be an energy savior

Who doesn’t want to save energy, saving the huge expenses on the bills in return? Everyone does; the same is the case when you talk about businesses. 

Cutting down on energy expenses can considerably lower down business expenditures and help them save money for other important aspects of the business. Hence getting a quick business energy comparison done by the professionals can help get a detailed picture of the prices that govern your energy bills and ways to save on them. 

Further, these professionals can also help you fetch the best energy suppliers and their deals to get your energy budget in place.

It gets you a brief detail about plans and tariffs

What is an energy comparison for you- Simply inviting quotes and picking on a supplier that offers you the cheapest deals for energy consumption? If you have the same notion, then you have developed the wrong one. 

Yes, energy comparison does fledge you with the various plans and tariffs offered but picking the cheapest available offer is not something wise.

Availability of the services of an expert professional for the same can help you in significant ways as they not always suggest you the cheapest deals but get you a clarified and detailed frame of the top energy providers and their services offered. 

They get you a comparison table not just in terms of prices but also the package, special deals, etc., which can help you determine the most suitable plans for your business as per the requisite of your business. So when you are aware of the most appropriate plans, you reduce your energy consumption significantly.


We hope we have given you an idea as to why energy comparison and hiring professionals for doing the same is important. 

Business energy comparisons can make your life a lot easier and can help you pursue your own bit towards going green and clean. Such an initiative not only helps in reducing the carbon footprint but helps you stay at the top of the money-saving and power backup plans.

6 Marketing Tips for Realtors

The real estate industry is a competitive and volatile space. It’s not enough to be good at your job, you also need to know how to market yourself to be noticed above the noise. 

We’ve put together a list of simple measures you can take to reach new audiences and get people lining up to have you help them sell their property or buy their dream home.  

  • Get personal(ized)

Everyone likes to get something for nothing. Getting your name and branding on things like Personalized Real Estate Notepads, drink koozies or pens and handing these out to clients can really make you stand out from the crowd. 

  • Build a great website

Having an online presence is crucial for any business these days. However, an old-fashioned or tacky website can actually harm your brand, so make sure you create a sleek and professional page. If you don’t have the skill set to do this yourself, pay someone else to – it’s money well spent.

  • Make yourself searchable

It’s not enough to have a killer website if no one can find it. The first thing most people do when they are searching for something is ask Google. This is why you should use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools, like relevant keywords and interlinking, to make your site appear at the top of the search results page. You should also make sure you create a Google My Business page, as this will help you rank higher. Away from Google, get yourself on Zillow – the yelp of the real estate world, as it’s a major traffic source for real estate searches on the web.

  • Leverage social media

If you’re not on social media, do you even exist? For many people, the answer is no. Get yourself on Facebook, Instagram and even Pinterest. Provide inspirational content, as well as practical guides and property listings, to position yourself as the go-to realtor for your local area.

  • Become an expert

Obviously you know what you’re doing, but you need to make sure your customers are aware of that too. Dedicate a portion of your time to creating market guides, like “10 things you have to know before selling your home” or “How to get ahead of the house buying game”. Post these to your website and your social media sites. You can also set up a newsletter to send to existing customers. This will also help with your SEO, as Google will recognize you as a trusted authority in your field. 

  • Tell a story

People love a good story and it sticks better in their minds. Whether it’s your own story, the story of the properties you’re selling, or a success story from a former client, get it out there (with permission, of course). One way to achieve this is to ask for customer testimonials for your webpage, social media or Zillow profile.

It might seem like a lot to get on with, but doing these things can mean taking your career, and your earning potential, to the next level. It will likely be worth your time to take a course in digital marketing, if this is not something you’re already familiar with, or pay someone to do it for you. If you get it right, your investment will totally pay off. 

Effectiveness of Cognitive Therapy and Meditation for PTSD Treatment


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric health condition typically triggered by a past event witnessed or experienced. People living with PTSD are frequently overwhelmed by intense feelings of fear, horror, sadness, and helplessness. Traumatic events like losing a loved one, physical or sexual abuse, war, accidents, and natural disasters are some of the most common PTSD triggers.

PTSD patients may also have to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, and shock that may become increasingly stronger until they can no longer go about their normal activities. Symptoms of PTSD can last for years and will typically become more severe if left untreated.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a relatively prevalent condition. About 7 to 8% of Americans will experience PTSD at some point in their lives, according to the National Center for PTSD.

How Is PTSD Diagnosed?

The signs and symptoms of PTSD vary among individuals. The condition is not diagnosed until a month after the traumatic event. Mental health professionals group PTSD symptoms into four categories:

Intrusive Thoughts

Intrusive thoughts are marked by recurring, unwanted memories of the traumatic event. The sufferer may have flashbacks and nightmares about the event. There may also be emotional and physical reactions to things or other occurrences that remind the individual of the traumatic episodes.


A patient with avoidance symptoms of PTSD will try to avoid thinking or speaking about their traumatic experience. They may also want to avoid activities, places, and people who bring memories of the traumatic episodes.

Increased Arousal and Reactivity

Arousal and reactivity symptoms are marked by irritability, a constant edgy feeling, bursts of anger, and an exaggerated response to startling stimuli. Other symptoms like elevated blood pressure, tense muscles, rapid heart rate, and nausea may also accompany this arousal and reactivity.

Negative Cognitions and Mood

PTSD patients may have negative feelings about themselves and others around them. They may also experience depression and panic attacks related to the traumatic event. 

Treatment of PTSD

Mental health professionals treat PTSD using one or a combination of therapy and medications. The FDA approves antidepressants like Paroxetine (Paxil) and Sertraline (Zoloft) to manage and treat PTSD-related symptoms.

Psychotherapeutic approaches to dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder involve helping patients develop coping mechanisms and skills for dealing with the condition. There are several psychotherapeutic management approaches to dealing with PTSD with varying degrees of effectiveness.

We will examine the effectiveness of cognitive therapy and meditation as methods of PTSD treatment.

Cognitive Therapy for PTSD

Cognitive therapy is a treatment method based on the premise that faulty thinking is responsible for unhealthy behavior and unstable emotions. Thus, the cognitive therapist tries to get the patients to change their unhelpful ways of thinking and feeling, to help alleviate the symptoms of the ailment. Cognitive therapy focuses on the connection between thoughts, feelings, and behavior and how an adjustment can improve the other.

The patient learns self-help skills that help reorder their thinking, feeling, and behavior. Cognitive therapy for PTSD typically starts with an initial assessment. The therapist evaluates the patient’s symptoms based on standardized guidelines covering anxiety, depression, emotions, personality, and other issues. The answers from the initial assessment allow the therapist to evaluate the severity of the PTSD and decide the best course of action.

Patients may also have to undergo periodic assessments to help the therapist evaluate progress and see what part of the treatment requires adjustments. The cognitive therapist works with the patient to develop personalized techniques and interventions that will be most effective.

According to StuffThatWorks.health, which uses AI and crowdsourcing to identify effective medical treatments, cognitive therapy ranks as the fourth most effective treatment method for PTSD from a list of 50 treatment options. It’s worth noting that this value was collated using data from 28,000+ PTSD patients.

That said, cognitive therapy typically takes about 12 to 16 sessions to deliver for an individual or group.

Meditation for PTSD

Meditation has been touted as a treatment or management mechanism for a broad range of ailments. There is not enough research to accurately determine the effectiveness of meditative practices for PTSD management. However, several PTSD patients have found meditation to help deal with their symptoms. Unpleasant thoughts and memories trigger PTSD and practicing meditation can help patients take their minds away from those unwanted thoughts.

Meditation is a practice that attempts to get you to focus your attention on the present moment and nothing else. The idea behind meditation is that developing the ability to concentrate your thoughts into a single moment alone helps eliminate stress, improve calmness, sharpen your focus, and enhance your overall well-being.

There is a rising interest in the subject of meditation as therapy or as an aid to therapy. There are several meditative techniques for patients who want to explore meditation as an option for dealing with PTSD.

According to AI-generated data from StuffThatWorks.health, meditation ranks as the 20th most effective PTSD treatment mode. This ranking comes from a list of over 50 alternatives that cut across therapy and medication.

Other Psychotherapeutic Methods of Treating PTSD

There are other therapeutic interventions for PTSD with varying degrees of effectiveness.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PET)

Prolonged exposure therapy lets the patient confront the events or activities that trigger the disorder. The patient may learn to breathe while relieving or talking about the traumatic events. They may also make a list of the things they’ve been avoiding and why. Continuous exposure to the source of trauma can reduce or even eliminate PTSD symptoms.

Present-Centered Therapy (PCT)

Present-centered therapy focuses on the patient’s present issues rather than the event that caused the trauma. The idea of PCT is to enlighten the patient on the effects of trauma and their quality of life and equip them with skills and strategies for dealing with the present stressors they may be facing.


Stress reactions are normal after witnessing or going through trauma. Most people who experience these events get over it and do not have to battle post-traumatic stress disorder. In addition, quick intervention can prevent trauma from becoming full-blown PTSD.

Therapy combined with medication is often the best course of action for most PTSD sufferers. It is advisable to seek professional help for accurate diagnosis and help you develop a treatment method most suited to your experiences and needs.