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5 Ideas for sailors on how to spend their spare time if on a vessel

Being a sailor is totally different from other jobs. Working at the office means you should take a ride to work and then back when you’re free, while with sailors it’s the exact opposite. They spend all of their free and working hours on a vessel, which means they should also find ways to entertain themselves there. It’s not always easy though. That’s why we decided to create a list of activities and help those, who might feel a little desperate when it comes to choosing new and preferable interesting things at spare time.

Even though it might seem like sailors don’t have much to do while on the vessel, their ship is running 24/7. And, it wouldn’t be possible without their constant control. Apart from this, sailors also have to take care of some maintenance in their work space.

So, what would normally be 8 hours of free time often comes down to one or two on some days. Particularly if there is some sort of military operation going on, like refueling another ship, launching/recovering aircraft, etc. So, here are some tips on how you can make the best out of your free time, no matter how much of it you got.

Watch football matches / sports highlights

With special apps and Livescore section on Buaksib you can read hot news and receive latest updates on matches and leagues, follow fresh statistics and teams’ performance – this is to say the least. Such apps are great assistants and will provide you with all the necessary information as well as allow you to stream matches straight from the app.

However, internet connection in the sea may be pretty unstable sometimes. Don’t worry, this is what VPNs are here for. A good VPN will speed up your connection and also unblock any geo-restricted content that you may run on.

Play Video Games

This might not sound like the most unexpected thing to do. However, if you have a plenty of free time and just want to disconnect from reality, playing video games would be a good choice.

Stay Active

Physical exercises are highly important to maintain healthy lifestyle and simply keep your body and mind in good condition. What’s great is that you can do sports at pretty much any time and place. If you don’t have any equipment, body weight exercises are equally effective.


Some sailors study for another degree or learn something they’ve never had time to learn before. Just imagine, with all the free time you have on a ship and not being able to go anywhere else, you have the best opportunity to fully concentrate on something important.

Have Extra Sleep

Due to many factors, your sleep on the ship may not be of a good quality. Taking some extra breaks and naps will help you feel fine throughout the day. Also make sure you elaborate a sleeping schedule.



Because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, more people have gone online to shop than at any other point in recent memory. From skills and gadgets to food supplies, goods and services that many shoppers may have purchased in a store are still looked for on the internet. However, the rapid expansion of the internet shopping trend carries with it a few challenges. For a certain something, the loss of an up close and personal encounter with a salesperson makes wheeling and dealing even more difficult. Don’t be concerned if you are a frugal buyer who is learning how to find the best deal for your money on the internet. We asked a few smart shoppers to share some of their best tips for saving big while shopping online. Here are their tricks and tips to help ensure your money is well invested. 

1.Make a list of ways to limit your purchases ahead of time. 

As compared to traditional shopping, the possible outcomes of online shopping are enormous. Going on a virtual shopping spree will put a dent in your pocket faster than rushing from one store to the next. Making a list of desired items before signing up to make a purchase. This way, you know exactly what you’re going to buy and are less likely to get distracted by a promotion. When you’ve determined how much you want to pay, try buying a discount coupon for the precise amount rather than just placing your purchase on a credit card. This eliminates the need to overspending when you have a set amount to work with. You can buy a store-specific gift card or one from a credit card provider, for example, Visa or American Express, that can be used at a variety of stores.

2. Start investigating online reward schemes. 

Dedication is rewarded. A few websites have reward ventures that allow you to obtain focus on your purchases in order to acquire limits later on. If there are particular products you will often order from similar destinations (for example, a specific cleanser or tea), it is worth testing to see if they have a reward scheme you can access.  It’s a good idea to use a different email address here as well, so you can keep displaying emails apart from your other mail. You’re already familiar with the reward services provided by airlines and credit cards, but you may be surprised to learn how many stores are now participating in the program. Check the app stores to see if your favorite stores and brands have apps that allow you to collect information about your purchases. 

3. Purchases in large quantities 

There are certain retail stores like Quicklotz.com  that were founded on the principle of bulk buying of liquidation pallets and have thrived in their serious business, which is as it should be. Buying everyday goods like food, paper products, and toiletries in bulk will save you between 20 and 80 percent on your regular budget, depending on how many (and which) items you buy. Regardless of if you’re shopping with a one- or two-man family and buying a day and a half at a time doesn’t sound practical, you can also find ways to save at large stores by ordering non-perishables. This may not be well-organized in terms of delivering and storing any of those items, but it will save you money. When there are numerous varieties to browse at some grocery stores, the large capacity isn’t really the least expensive by unit, so you will have to do a little math (now and then done for you specifically on the price mark) to guarantee you’re supplementing your reserve funds.

4. Create an Automatic Transfer 

If getting the money into your bank account is a problem, you should try having it auto drafted from your account every month. You should go to your bank and set up a monthly automatic transfer. Many banks even allow you to do this online.

5. Leave items in your shopping cart 

This excellent trick works admirably with stuff you don’t need urgently. Go through your shopping list and choose the nice-to-haves and other items that can be stored. When you see something on the internet, open an account on the merchant’s website and add the item to your shopping basket. Now is an excellent time to play the cat-and-mouse puzzle. Online retailers frequently have mechanisms in place to encourage you to complete your purchase. You will get email notifications, and ads for the item will most likely begin to appear on various websites you visit (this is called retargeting). Maintain your patience and don’t be fooled by attempts to create a need to move quickly, such as the last option or just one item left in stock. Many stores will eventually sell you a discount coupon for the item in your cart so they can close the sale.

6. Reduce the spending 

You can also choose one indulgence item to give up or reduce and place the money in the bank. This may be a small fine item that quickly adds up, such as regular espresso trips. Alternatively, it could be a more expensive indulgence, such as the weekly spa. If you scale down or quit completely, you will find that the savings do add up. You may want to think about getting rid of one of these money-suckers to increase the amount you save.

7. Utilize direct deposit 

You should also try directing a portion of your savings account to your investment fund. If your boss gives you this choice, take advantage of it. If you never see the money, you are less likely to lose it or see it leave your savings account. This is one of the simplest ways to save money.


It’s really easy to fill your virtual shopping cart even quicker than you can normally. If, when you go to look, the request is far higher than what you intended to pay, there is a shopping trick that will help you get down the cost depending on the store. Complete the checkout process before you are prompted to type your email address in the contact data section. Once you’ve accessed it, leave your belongings in the cart and exit the application you were using to view the site. When you buy something on the internet, simply pass the appropriate amount into your primary account with a couple of clicks. 

5 Types of Hybrid Transportation to Explore

Looking to lower your carbon footprint? One of the best ways to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle is to explore hybrid transportation. Since carbon emissions are one of the environment’s biggest threats, hybrid vehicles are one of the most effective ways consumers can make an impact.

Along with saving the planet comes great savings for your bank account. Gas prices have risen recently, and hybrid options offer a lot of promise when it comes to reducing driver costs. These five modes of hybrid transportation are worth considering if you want to make the switch:

1. Electric Bicycles

Riding your bike to work will definitely help the environment, but for many, the distance is too great for this to be practical. Then along came the electric bicycle to change commuting forever. An electric bike is like your average pedal bike, only equipped with a small motor besides the gears and chain.

You can ride your electric bike just as you would any other, even without the motor running. This way you can get some needed exercise. When you need to climb a hill or simply want to coast, turn on the electric-only mode. Then your bike will be taking you for a ride.

The key feature of an electric bike is the simultaneous use of both the pedals and the motor to make the bike go. As you pedal, the motor gives you a boost to provide effortless gliding down the street. Biking longer distances won’t take as long or be nearly as taxing, enabling longer commutes.

2. Standard Hybrid Vehicles

Hybrid vehicles are much more expensive than electric bicycles, but they can be a great long-term buy for those who do a lot of driving. As a comparison, Toyota’s hybrid RAV4 averages 40 miles per gallon, a considerable jump over the traditional RAV4’s 28 mpg.

A standard internal combustion engine is part of every hybrid automobile, just as you’d find in a gas-powered vehicle. What sets it apart are all the different electrical components that enable the car to partially run on electricity. A hybrid vehicle will contain an auxiliary battery, an electric generator, and a converter alongside the traditional engine.

In a regular car, the kinetic energy you generate from braking is converted to heat and then lost. With the electrical components mentioned above, some of that kinetic energy can be transferred to the battery. This gives the car a charge and a boost to make it more sustainable. Being able to coast for some time on battery power is why hybrid vehicles get such great gas mileage.

A quick note about hybrid vehicles: a full hybrid can run on either the combustion engine on its own or just the battery. A mild hybrid lacks this flexibility and will use both simultaneously. Both are viable options, but you may be drawn to one type more than the other.

3. Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles

The next step after a standard hybrid vehicle is a plug-in. Plug-in hybrid vehicles have longer battery life, but they need to be plugged in to charge. Because the availability of charging ports is still spotty in many areas, the traditional hybrid may be more feasible for many drivers.

However, it’s important to note that the speed at which electric carports are being installed is increasing rapidly. As more people buy into the concept, car companies such as Tesla are working diligently to make charging ports more accessible. Once they become more widespread, more people will start purchasing plug-in hybrid vehicles for energy savings.

You can also charge your plug-in vehicle’s battery at home with an adaptor kit. However, you might not get the charge you need this way if you have to drive long distances. Plus, your electric bill will ratchet up considerably. Be sure to take all the necessary safety precautions before attempting this at home.

4. All-Electric Vehicles

Ditching the gas can for good, all-electric vehicles are the epitome of the energy-efficient lifestyle. While less of a hybrid and more of a full switch, electric cars are still worth considering. That’s especially true if you’re looking to help the environment and cut out spending on gas along the way.

The key difference between electric cars and their gas counterparts is their range. Running on nothing but batteries, electric cars currently have a much shorter range than gas-powered and hybrid vehicles. An all-electric vehicle won’t be ideal if you lack access to charging stations, can’t charge from home, or have to travel a lot for work.

If you can reliably charge your electric vehicle and only make short daily commutes, an electric car is worth looking into. On average you can save $800 in fuel costs by switching to electric today. Electric cars are also easier and cheaper to maintain, as they don’t require oil changes or have as many parts to keep up.

5. Self-Driving Cars

There’s still a lot of uncertainty surrounding the self-driving vehicle industry, but the future shows a lot of promise. For starters, research has suggested that energy consumption from vehicles could drop by up to 200% thanks to automated cars. That’s a big step toward global sustainability.

The reason self-driving cars are so energy efficient is that they remove a lot of the variables from driving. Human drivers will stop, start, and idle sporadically, which burns a lot of unnecessary fuel. Autonomous cars will follow the flow of traffic, analyzing the most efficient way to get from point A to point B.

The biggest roadblock in the way of autonomous cars is easing them into society. It’s difficult for a machine to survive in such an unpredictable world. Other drivers and pedestrians are prone to making split-second decisions that can’t always be tracked with an algorithm. As the technology improves and infrastructures adapt, though, self-driving cars will become a lot more viable.

By switching to hybrid transportation, you’re becoming part of a movement to make the world a better and more efficient place. Look at your local options in these categories and make the decision that fits you and your needs the best.

Best meditation exercise for students

In today’s competitive world, students can barely find time for themselves. Nowadays, student’s life is caught in attending schools and back to back tuitions. They get fed up with completing homework and assignments to preparing for exams. It is likely for students to feel that they get no time for themselves. It also has a negative effect on their grades, performance, health, and behaviour. Because of this negative impact, students suffer from stress, depression, and lack of sleep.


Studies have confirmed that there are various advantages of meditation, including a study done at Harvard University. Research shows that meditation can boost the working of our brain, reduce blood pressure, and fight stress and anxiety. In this article, you will learn many types of meditation exercises that you can perform on your own. Our easy-to-follow meditation exercises offer students to relieve their stress, tension, and anxiety.


Best Meditation Techniques for Students


There are hundreds of meditation techniques that provide various health benefits. It includes improving in brain’s function, decreasing stress levels, decreasing blood pressure and slowing your aging process, boosting your immune system and breathing. Students mind is restless with thoughts that don’t let them focus on their studies sometimes.


There is where meditation helps to calm their mind and enhance their ability to concentrate on their studies, says Karla who works as a content editor at EduWorldUSA. You can get good grades without any stress or pressure and calm your mind by doing meditation. Meditation will also help you get peace in your life so that you can concentrate on your future goals and work hard.


1. Sohum Technique

Practice this technique for 5 -10 minutes a day to achieve mindfulness. For this technique, inhale slowly in a count of ten. Hold your breath for about 10 seconds and exhale. Repeat it about five to 10 times. You can vary your count according to your capacity. When inhaling, mentally say Sooooo and while exhaling, mentally say Hammmmmm. Don’t get distracted while practicing this technique. Concentration is the key when you meditate. 


2. Vipassana (Sensations) Technique

Concentrations on your physical senses of breathing are called Vipassana Meditation. All you have to do is try to focus on the physical sensations of your body. It’s a beginner’s technique that brings true wisdom and clarity. When you exhale, you feel your breath on your upper lips, or the flow of breath when you inhale and exhale are some of the sensations that you can feel when meditating. Remember meditation also helps students to concentrate and in turn, you can achieve a good grade without spending hours stressing for your studies.


3. Tratak Technique (Candle Flame)

It is one of the excellent meditation techniques. It helps to improve your focus and concentration and also enhances your memory. Practice the Tratak technique by placing a candle 2-3 feet away. Focus on the flame of the candle for some time and close your eyes. Now try to imagine the flame’s position in your mind. This technique is effective in controlling distracting thoughts, says John, who provides do my programming homework services. It will also help you to increase your concentration power. Continue for about ten to twelve minutes focusing on the candle flame and stay relaxed during this time.


4. Selecting an object and Concentrate

Choose any object and focus on that object to meditate. Like the way, we used our senses or a candle flame to focus our attention upon it. Do it with any object and make sure all your attention should be on that object. Whenever any thoughts arise in your mind in between meditation, brush away those thoughts or feelings and return your focus to the same object. Repeat this process for about ten minutes and concentrate on that object without any distraction.


5. Meditate while you walk

Meditate while you walk is a kind of meditation you can practice while walking. Take a walk for about ten to fifteen minutes and walk only to meditate. Find a suitable place and safe environment to walk. Breathe slowly and walk straight by keeping your back straight. Focus on your body sensations and take steps slowly. Pay attention to how your foot is moving, how your hands are moving, how you are breathing. Repeat this process and pay attention to your body. You can also find a comfortable spot and try to keep your focus in that place.


Meditation helps to quiet your mind and soul. You can meditate just by sitting idle and watching birds chirping or repeating any mantra, and also by simply taking deep breaths, says Mark, an essay writing expert who provides pay to write essay service. Remember – Practice makes a man perfect. Surely you can’t achieve mindfulness just by meditating for a day. Have fun and develop a habit to practice meditation. Meditating for five to ten minutes on daily basis will help you gain concentration, calm your mind, increase awareness, and you can focus on your studies more efficiently. Stay healthy and meditate daily.

FIFA 21 Guide : Team of the Season(TOTS ) Squad and Cards

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With the European football season coming to an end, EA Sports and FIFA 21 teams paid tribute to some of the best football players from all over the world through this year’s Team of the Season(TOTS) promotion. The 2021 TOTS promotion has been launched on April 23, including a group of players, which can now be packed and obtained in the form of SBC and Objectives. This group includes EFL’s top stars and community TOTS winners.

Now, the iconic end-of-the-year ultimate team promotion is here: six harvest weeks of coveted FUT upgrades, player SBC, lightning strikes, and fans’ striving goals. There is no doubt that TOTS is the biggest promotion every year, and it will remain unchanged in 2021.

TOTS can also reduce the price of almost all other cards in the game, but there are some exceptions, such as top icons and special cards for valuable players that are not included in TOTS (Virgil Van Dijk’s Team of the Season) The team card is likely to be the exception this year. If you need free fifa coins, please check here.

What is TOTS? 

FIFA 21 TOTS (Team of the Season) is a highly anticipated annual tradition that celebrates the best players in the world during the 2020-21 season. Overall, it added dozens of new cards to the Ultimate Team in April and May, with the first two teams landing on Friday, April 23. They are Community TOTS and EFL TOTS.

Community TOTS is voted by fans and includes three Premier League cards, what are guaranteed to stay hot through the campaign.

It pays tribute to the best performers in all major leagues and the best performers in other parts of the world. These players received upgraded cards in FIFA Ultimate Team, which included huge attribute improvements, and even added some players’ total score to a maximum of 99 points. For more information about fut coins, click here. Every Friday during the team game by this season, a new league will be released, and some minor leagues also have their own lineups on Mondays.

TOTS: Which leagues and players will get the cards

Every of Europe’s top five leagues will get their own Team of the Season squad. At the end of this season’s team competition, the ultimate TOTS lineup will be released and all the highest-rated players in this promotion will be released again.

Many members of the FIFA community have begun to predict which players will get team upgrades this season, and some of them can almost guarantee to get TOTS items.

The highest-scoring players in the top five leagues, such as Harry Kane, Mohamed Salah, Karim Benzema, Andre Silva, Cristiano Ronaldo, Kylian Mbappe, and Memphis Depay, should all be upgraded to TOTS.

The cards cost in FIFA 21 

The answer to this question will definitely fluctuate throughout the movement. Now, the demand for cards such as Wan-Bissaka and Barnes is incredible, but as more and more cards of similar caliber appear, their prices should drop slightly.

The statistics on these cards far exceed the basic scores awarded to players by FUT at the beginning of the year, so they paid a high price.

TOTS is released in small groups, and EA classifies players according to domestic leagues. BuyFifaCoins is the best site to buy fifa coins.

Also beware of buying immediately after the product goes on sale. In 2020, TOTS Lionel Messi transferred more than 6 million coins within the first hour of listing, but it quickly stabilized at 2.5 million coins. Similarly, if you want to sell Ronaldo within the first hour of starting, Ronaldo’s worth is as high as 10 million, and eventually fell to 4.9 million. In the few hours before the start of the game, this is a problem in many games.

Wan-Bissaka started campaign costing about 750,000 coins, and the early value of Barnes was set at 595,000. One night, two players are more expensive: Federico Valverde (Real Madrid, active, 92 years old) and David Alaba (FC Bayern, CB, 92 years old). On the other hand, a pair of Hull City players-George Honeyman (CAM, 85) and Callum Elder (LB, 85)-can be used for 13,750 coins sell at a low price. 

FIFA 21 New cards

Goals and squad-building challenges have always been the way to get exclusive cards in FIFA 21 matches, and this trend continues. If you want to know how to buy fifa coins, please check BUYFIFACOINS.

Federico Chiesa (LM, 89) of Juventus is the first TOTS player to obtain the FIFA 21 SBC puzzle combination. It needs to complete the two challenges surrounding Piemonte Calcio (Juventus) and Serie A. There will inevitably be more SBCs throughout the movement.

At the same time, two more items popped up. As a goal-based reward. Completing five in-game tasks around the “Live FUT Friendly Community Challenge” can attract the Argentine wide-legged player Angel Correa (RM, 90) of Atletico Madrid. If you want to focus on offline bonuses, turn your attention to Nick Powell (CAM, 88). The Stoke midfielder is your task after completing four missions related to squad battles.

The preparation for TOTS 

We have a complete guide to prepare your club for TOTS in FIFA 21, but the short version is that you want to have a lot of coins, a pile of feed, and a strong, untradeable team for you. Consider the weekend league, and at the same time you need to accumulate these TOTS cards in order to fill the position of the first team again.

We also need to be careful not to buy fresh TOTS players. During the promotion period, TOTS prices usually fluctuate sharply, especially for upper-middle-level enterprises, because the supply will rise and fall rapidly. If you want to get our suggestions based on experience, please choose some of the suggestions you want to get, get them when they seem low, and enjoy them as much as possible.

Now that we have entered the commercial end of a very unique season of world football, the last “big” promotion has finally arrived-TOTS is an opportunity, you can spend coins and FIFA points to get the best team possible.

5 Important Factors to Consider when Feeding Your Family Pet

Pets are vital members of our families. Their love for people is unconditional, and they rely on us to take care of them the best way we know how. 

In simple terms, we have a responsibility to choose the right food for our fur babies and develop feeding schedules that best favor their unique needs. Unfortunately, that’s not always easy, especially if you’re a first-time pet owner. 

But there’s no need to panic. Here’s are several factors that can help you choose the right food for your pet:

1. The Age of Your Pet

Your pet’s age plays a big role when picking the right pet food. Little kittens and growing puppies, for instance, have very different nutritional requirements compared to adult pets. They need a lot of fat and high-quality protein to boost their rapid muscle development. 

However, for older pets, you’ll want to choose a senior generic formula or come up with personalized senior pet food. This will help your fur baby maintain a healthy weight while also supporting his activity level. 

2. Pet’s Activity Level

A pet that works or plays will burn more calories compared to a pet whose only exercise is a natural walk. If your cat or dog is an athlete, he may benefit from a nutrient-rich pet food designed for athletic pets. However, if your pet does not exercise much, you may need to consider a pet for weight management to maintain his absolute body condition. The good news is that there are some really great pet food delivery options out there to help you get what you want when you need it. 

3. Its Lifestyle and Size 

Lifestyle and size can also play a major role when deciding what to feed your pet. Feeding a smaller breed, lower-activity dog, such as a French Bulldog, a feed meant for a big, high-energy breed could lead to obesity. For such small or toy breeds, you may want to get them food with small, bite-sized kibble.

Similarly, feeding a large-sized pet food meant for smaller breeds might not have benefited them as much. You’ll need to get your large pet food specifically formulated for their lifestyle and size, such as those with glucosamine, which supports healthy joints.

4. Whether or Not Your Has Food Allergies

Allergies also determine which meal is best for your family pet. Some pets are allergic to the pet food’s primary ingredients; hence, pets with food intolerances or allergies might need a special diet.

While there are various pet feeds particularly made for pets with allergies, finding out what your food is allergic to can be tricky. You need to closely monitor your pet’s behavior to determine what food works and what doesn’t. If you don’t have enough time to do that, you may want to schedule a checkup with your veterinarian to discuss your pet’s food allergy situation.

5. What You Can Afford

Every pet owner has a budget. As such, the amount of money you intend to spend will determine the pet food you choose for your dog or cat. The good news is that there are many pet foods on the market that suit different budgets. These run the gamut from cheap supermarket brands to freshly made organic free-range foods.

Final Thoughts

Pets are man’s best friends, and there’s certainly no doubt about that. That’s why it’s crucial that you appropriately take care of your furry friends. Whether you are feeding your pet with canned or homemade feeds, you must know the right amount of proteins and carbohydrates, and other nutrients needed based on their specific needs.

What Is Low-Level Laser Therapy?

Hair loss affects around 35 million men and 21 million women, so it’s no surprise that science is hard at work to discover new ways to help restore hair loss. If you are balding or experience hair thinning, you have probably spent some time trying to find ways to grow back your hair. While a quick Google search for hair loss products can bring up millions of results, one in particular that has grown in popularity is low-level laser therapy or LLLT.

So What Exactly is LLLT?

Get ready for a mini science lesson (no quiz at the end, so relax). LLLT is essentially a cold laser technology that stimulates blood circulation in the scalp to help restore hair loss. Low-level laser technology was originally developed to help combat the effects of cancer, but scientists soon discovered that the test mice were growing back their shaved hair at a rapid pace, while using the laser technology. This discovery led to clinical studies and product development that brought the power of laser light to those suffering from hair loss.

Today, LLLT technology is used in a laser cap design, which allows for optimal scalp coverage and better results. To get more in-depth, here are some of the ways that low-level laser therapy can help restore hair loss:

  1. Increase blood flow
  2. Boosts the delivery of oxygen to your scalp
  3. Reduces the production of DHT
  4. Boosts stem cell growth in your hair follicles

Low-level laser therapy has also undergone several clinical studies and was found to be both safe and effective for use, though you should do your research when determining what laser cap is right for you. (1)

How to Find the Right Laser Cap

Not all laser caps are created equal, so there are some things you should look out for when deciding which laser cap is best for you. Since this technology is popular, there are a lot of options on the market, and not all of them are of the best quality. It’s best to find a laser hair growth cap that is FDA cleared and third-party tested so you know the product is regulated and safe. You should also pay attention to the number of laser diodes the product offers. The more laser diodes, the more scalp coverage you get- which ensures even application of the laser light. Look for 272 laser diodes, if possible, and skip LED lights as they do not work in the same way.

There are several different models available, so finding one that is lightweight and portable should be added to your search list. Some laser caps require that you use the technology while sitting and connected to a wall charger, so be sure to look for options that fit your lifestyle.

Does LLLT Actually Work?

This is a great question. Sure LLLT sounds good in retrospect but does it actually serve up results as promised? Each laser cap is different, but for most, results are typically seen within 6-9 months (and sometimes as early as 4 months). The truth is that hair loss takes time, so anyone who promises faster hair growth than that is probably not completely honest.

Most hair growth products take 6-9 months to work based on the hair growth cycle. Your hair grows in different phases; a growth phase, resting phase, and a shedding phase. Each of these phases takes months, weeks, and even years to go through, so hair growth moves with your hair cycle. What hair loss therapies like LLLT help with is stimulating a healthier scalp and hair follicles, so your hair moves from the shedding phase and is more efficient in the hair growth phase.

Can you use Other Hair Growth Methods with LLLT?

Absolutely, in fact, it is recommended. Hair growth is a holistic process that requires lifestyle changes along with hair growth therapy. Since LLLT is non-invasive, you can easily use hair growth vitamins, minoxidil, and other methods of hair growth with your laser cap to increase results.

What are Other Ways to Grow Back Your Hair?

If you are not ready to invest in laser hair growth therapy, there are some other ways you can work to restore hair growth, like getting exercise, reducing stress, and eating healthier foods.

Some of the best foods for hair growth are:

  • Eggs
  • Avocados
  • Berries
  • Peppers
  • Fatty fish
  • Legumes
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Greek yoghurt

Along with these healthy foods, work to add in daily exercise promotes positive mood and increases blood circulation. You can also focus on stress management, as excessive stress can lead to a hair loss condition known as telogen effluvium. Try meditation or yoga to relieve stress and create a healthy internal environment for sustainable hair growth.

Regardless of what hair loss protocol you choose to use, just focus on being consistent and patient. Hair loss can be really hard to deal with, but it doesn’t have to be permanent. Just know that it takes some time to see results, so don’t get discouraged and keep moving forward on your hair loss journey.

About the Author

Tiffany Fuller is a writer with a passion for holistic wellness, working for illumiflow, a revolutionary brand dedicated to helping you fight hair loss.

Simple Habits That Can Improve Your Life

Most people are in a constant state of growth and reinvention. Failing to level up your life as you age can lead to the development of serious mental and physical health issues, making it essential to embrace personal development continuously. If you feel like your journey of growth is at a standstill, you aren’t alone. In fact, more than 75% of adults in the United States claim they want to level up their personal well-being in the next year, striving to enhance various aspects of their lives to ensure a fulfilling and enriching future.

Try learning challenging skills that can come in handy in emergencies, something like lock picking or woodcrafting. You can easily get lock picking tools or wood crafting supplies online or at your local hardware store. Learning these skills will not only keep you mentally active but also help exercise your fine motor skills.

Self-help books and self-awareness podcasts such as The Re-engineered You have grown in popularity because they provide individuals with the tools and information they need to thrive in their personal and professional lives.

Do you want to get on the right track and make noticeable improvements to your life? If so, consider adopting some of the simple habits below.  

Create a Morning and Bedtime Routine

If you want to have the energy and motivation needed to make changes in your life, you need to get plenty of rest at night. There are millions of people in the United States who struggle to get quality sleep. These sleep problems can be caused by a number of factors.

Removing electronic devices from your bedside table is one of the first habits you should try to implement. In many cases, the allure of the smartphone and all the entertainment it has to offer is too much for a restless person to avoid.

Not only do you need to create a bedtime routine to improve your life, you should also create a detailed routine for your mornings. This could include eating a healthy breakfast, getting some exercise, practicing meditation or spending time with your family before the day begins.

Ideally, you want to get up early and attack your day head-on. With a healthy and productive morning routine in place, you will get more done and have a greater sense of accomplishment.

Plan for a Healthy Diet and Exercise

The biggest mistake you can make when trying to improve your life is leaving a healthy diet out of the equation. If you are surviving on a consistent diet of processed foods and sugar-filled drinks, it is only a matter of time before you are in the midst of a health crisis.

Once you start adding healthy and nutritious foods to your diet, you will feel the benefits in terms of your mood, energy levels and sleep. Next, think of ways to increase the amount of exercise you get each day. If you work at a desk all day, it is important that you get up and get moving whenever possible.

Taking a walk after your lunch each day not only helps you burn off calories, it also aids in food digestion. People who work in a building with multiple floors should opt to take the stairs to increase the amount of cardio exercise they get daily. Making these simple changes can help you improve your heart health and shed unwanted pounds over time.

Take Time To Learn New Things

As you age, you need to focus on giving your brain a regular workout as well as your body. Studies have shown that older people who focus on stimulating their brains on a daily basis are at a lower risk of developing memory diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s.

One of the best ways to test your mental power is by learning a new skill or taking on a new hobby. Learning something new also helps you expand your knowledge of the world around you, which is never a bad thing. Try learning challenging skills that can come handy in emergencies, something like lock picking or woodcrafting. You can easily get lock picking tools or wood crafting supplies online or at your local hardware store. Learning these skills will not only keep you mentally active but also help exercise your fine motor skills.

Start Making Changes Today!

The road to becoming a better you will have challenges along the way. But being persistent and positive can help you overcome them, as you try to improve yourself for a longer, healthier life.

Four Ways to Fund Your Startup

You’ve got a great idea and are sure it’ll be successful. But as with any type of startup, you need money to get things up and running. Financial choices you make at these early stages can significantly impact your success. For this reason, it’s important to have financing in place from day one. If you’re ready to make your dreams a reality, here are four ways to fund your startup.

Determine How You Need

The first step to funding your startup is determining how much you need. The exact figure will depend on the type of business, how much money you have on hand and your financial projections. You should factor in any additional costs that you think could come up at every stage of your business. This can include start-up costs of building website, marketing and paying manufacturers.

You should also have an idea about how you’re going to run your business. You should draw up a business plan, which should include an executive summary, market analysis and your financial projections. Think about your business goals and where you want to be in five years. This will come in handy if you are applying for a loan.

Bootstrap Your Business

If you want to go it alone, you can fund your business yourself. Bootstrapping means you pay out of pocket to get your startup up and running. This option work well if you are building your empire on the side while working your regular job. It’s also a viable option if you’ve been saving specifically for your business and have the money to spare.

Sell Your Life Insurance Policy

If you’ve been paying into a life insurance plan, you can also cash it in for a lump sum. Depending on which type of policy you have, you can borrow against it or cash it out completely. This not only can eliminate costly premiums, but also provides you with the money you need to launch your business. It’s important to note that you usually need to have whole life to cash it in. Term insurance usually doesn’t allow this type of transaction.


If self-funding is out of the question, you should look into crowdfunding. Crowdfunding involves people who are interested in your idea and help you pay for it. In exchange, you either provide them with free products and services or they become a shareholder. Most startups choose to give people who crowdfund freebies as opposed to offering them a portion of their business. There are a few ways to go about this. You can ask your friends and family, or you can go on a crowdfunding app, like Kickstarter.

Apply for a Small Business Loan

The Small Business Administration also offers startups a chance to build their dream. They offer a variety of loan products to help you get started. On their website, they lay out what you need to provide to apply and how the process works. They also offer free resources about building your business and calculating how much you will need.

Meals Ready-to-Eat 101: All You Need to Know

Source: https://72hours.ca/collections/mres/products/mre-standard-complete-12-meal-case-with-heaters

MRE is an acronym for Meals Ready-to-Eat, and they are a special type of operational food rations that are normally used for military purposes due to their durability and high nutrition content. The type of food that is easy to pack and eat for a soldier who is always on the move and needs to be alert.

MRE has been around for ages, being heavily relied upon by the United States Army in particular. The food rations were first introduced during the second world war and later evolved into MCI (Meal Combat Individual) in the Korean and Vietnam wars. This further evolved into the current MRE that is still being used to this day.

Nutritional Value

The composition of an MRE varies, but they are made with great consideration for nutritional value while keeping their weight to a minimum. Basically, what this means is that every ingredient found inside a single pack of MRE has everything the body needs, with nothing going to waste. You bet to be full, and at the same time, your body gets the energy it needs. So what are some of the components of an MRE pack? 

  • Entree: This is the main course and contains food like spaghetti or beef stew.
  • Side Dish: This ranges from corn, rice, mashed potatoes, or fruit, among other options.
  • Bread: This could be the normal bread or other variations of it, including energy biscuits or crackers.
  • Spread: This ranges from peanut butter, cheese spread, fruit jams to jelly.
  • Dessert: This includes cookies, pound cakes, biscuits, and other small snacks that are both delicious and sources of energy.
  • Candy: Sugar is equally important in the body, and this comes in the form of skittles, M&Ms, tootsie rolls, among many others.
  • Beverages: Keeping the body hydrated is vital when on the move. MRE beverages usually range from cocoa, coffee, tea, dairy shakes, and Gatorade-based drinks.
  • Seasoning: Some MREs come with hot sauces, although they are rare
  • Flameless Heater: This is a special device that one can use to heat the entree if they happen to be in a very cold place.
  • Accessories: This includes spoons, creamers, sugar, matches, toilet rolls, chewing gum, among many other things depending on the individual preferences.

On average, each MRE pack is able to provide a single person with 1250 calories which can be broken down into 13% protein, 36% fat, and about 51% carbs which form the bulk of energy giving foods that can be broken down easily.

Eating an MRE

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/322500023309199792/ 

Just as the name suggests, MRE are the type of meals that are ready to eat on the fly. Although the kit comes with heating devices, you may find yourself in a situation where the time for heating the food up is not there, but you still have to eat. The entrees taste much better when heated, but they are still palpable even when cold. An MRE pack can be eaten on the go without stopping, and this is what makes them the ideal meal for a soldier. There is no need for plates as the packets themselves double up as the eating containers, and once you are done, they can be thrown away. In a nutshell, MRE is a very convenient food for the most difficult of situations. Another option to get your daily nutrition is to consider a supplement like Balance of Nature.

How Long Do They Last?

Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/1000502873437514106/ 

Like most food rations, MRE is built to last since soldiers tend to find themselves in remote places where contact with civilization may be impossible. On average, MREs have a shelf life of about three years when stored in the right conditions, in this case, 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The lifespan can be lengthened or shortened depending on how they are handled. There are cases where some well-stored MREs can even hit 15 years without losing their taste or nutritional value; this is proof enough of how innovative this food concept is.

When Would I Need MRE?

When you consider their shelf life and how nutritional they are, MREs can come in handy for a number of extreme conditions that are briefly discussed below.

  • Natural Disasters: Things like earthquakes, tsunamis, wildfires, and other big catastrophic events that have happened in the past have always resorted to MREs to keep the survivors well-fed quickly as there’s never any time for cooking.
  • Quarantines: In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, stocking up on MREs is the best way to keep yourself isolated from the world as the food doesn’t go bad and has all the nutrients you need. You also don’t have to go through the hustle of cooking; some simple heating in the microwave could do the trick.
  • Camping: When you go out camping. It doesn’t harm to go prepared with good MRE stocks. Although hunting is all about learning to be self-sustaining, carrying an emergency MRE pack will save you from the nightmare that may befall you if things go wrong while you are in the wild.
  • Civil Unrests: the world has seen its fair share of riots in major cities around the world, and there are times when they can escalate to an all-out war that can make movements very hard. Venturing out to buy food may not be the best move in such a situation, and resorting to MRE stocks is the only way to sit this kind of situation out.
  • Change in Diet: There is no written rule that forces people to eat a particular type of food every day. Switching the diet once in a while is a good thing, and MREs are not meant for emergencies only. You can set aside a few days in the week where you treat yourself to some MRE for a change.


There’s a lot about MREs that people don’t know about, and the most common misconception that’s prevalent is that it is food meant only for the military, and it doesn’t pack the same taste as normal fresh food. That’s not entirely accurate. If you are interested in knowing more about MRE and  the many ways you can use them, check out 72hours.ca when you find some time.