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Sudden Vision Changes and Other Concerning Eye Problems

Have you recently experienced sudden vision changes? If so, you may need to seek professional care. Learn about other vision issues, too.

Did you know humans can’t see a full range of color and clear details until they’re about two years old?

For the first two years of our lives, our vision improves, but after that, it’s mostly downhill.

It’s normal for your eyesight to get worse with age, but it should happen gradually over time.

If you ever have sudden vision changes, like the ones below, get medical attention.

  1. Retinal Detachment

The retina or the reflective lens of your eye is located right next to the optic nerve. It helps the light you see be reflected back into your brain as an image.

Sometimes the retina can become detached, causing you to feel like there’s a curtain across your vision – almost like you’re living with a strong Instagram filter.

Other signs include having floaters in your vision or seeing flashing lights – and this can happen suddenly.

If you suspect a retinal detachment and have the above symptoms, go to your local emergency room. Waiting it out will not make it better and can lead to blindness.

  1. Pink Eye

While not permanently damaging (in most cases), pink eye is very contagious to those around you. It’s more common than you’d like to think, and you need to know what to look out for.

If you ever wake up with your eye(s) feeling crusty and hard to open, it’s likely pink eye. Other signs include your eye itching, gooey discharge, and of course – a pink bloodshot looking eye.

If you wake up with these symptoms, stay home, and wash your hands any time you touch your face. Do not touch your other eye, as the infection can spread from one eye to another.

There’s not much you can do for pink-eye, other than put in eye drops if you want to go to your ophthalmologist. Otherwise, you’ll need to keep clean and wait it out.

  1. Cloudy Vision and Eye Appearance

It’s unlikely you’re going to wake up one day with cornea issues, as it’s a gradual process. But if your eyesight is already bad and you haven’t been paying attention, it could feel like that happened.

Most people have cornea problems in their 60-70s. They’re common enough to be considered an age-related issue.

You can treat the problem with drops, but at one point, you’ll need a cornea transplant or an artificial lense put in.

This is something your ophthalmologist can see coming, so there’s another reason to see them yearly!

  1. Sudden Blindness in One Eye

Were you ever to have sudden blurriness or blindness in one eye, go to the emergency room immediately.

It could be a sign you’re having (or about to have) a stroke, and something in your brain is blocking the artery that goes to your eyes.

  1. Sudden Discomfort in Contact Lenses

Are you just tired of wearing contact lenses all of a sudden, or it feels like your prescription changed overnight?

This could be any number of things – including the very common “dry eye.” But if it persists or you’re tired of putting contacts in every day, talk to your doctor about LASIK eye surgery.

Sudden Vision Changes

Your vision changes gradually throughout your life, from age or biological factors. It should never change in the blink of an eye, or overnight.

If it does, please go straight to the emergency room, or have someone take you if your sudden vision changes stop you from driving.

For other articles about your health and wellbeing, continue browsing our site.


What Are the Requirements for a Guaranteed Approval Payday Loan?

Are you in need of borrowing for a lender but wonder if you qualify? Explore the basic requirements for a guaranteed approval payday loan.

$38,000 is how much the average American is in debt. While the reasons why individuals and family’s carry debt vary, there are times when you need money immediately. 

And if you’re in debt, you don’t have extra cash laying around. That’s when a guaranteed approval payday loan can come in handy. 

Before you rush to get that loan, you need to know if you even qualify. Not everyone is a good candidate. 

You also need to know what information you need to supply in order to get approved. We can help. 

Keep reading to learn how to get approved for a payday loan. 

What a Guaranteed Approval Payday Loan Is

Payday loans are also known as cash advances. This type of loan got its name because many people borrow the funds by providing the lender with a post-dated check that gets cashed on the borrower’s payday. 

Payday loans are also:

  • Short-term
  • Low-balance
  • High-interest

These loans are good for people who need to borrow a small amount of money quickly especially if they don’t have access to a credit card or savings account. 

Payday Loan Requirements

Every lender has its own set of requirements. However, there are several requirements that each lender will ask the borrower to qualify for such as:

  • Valid identification
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have proof or verification of income from a job or other source
  • Have an active account with a bank, prepard card or credit union 

However, even if you do qualify, they aren’t for everyone. You may opt to learn how to get out of debt

What You Need to Know About Payday Loans

How much of a loan you qualify for depends on your income and the lender. Most states have laws that establish the maximum amount you can borrow from a payday loan. 

Your state may also limit your ability to have more than one outstanding payday loan at the same time. Most loan amounts vary between $50 and $1,000. 

If you do live in a state where you can have multiple payday loans, you may be eligible to be put on a payment plan with your current lender. 

Read and Understand Your Contract

Always read your repayment schedule carefully and make sure you understand it before you agree to anything. 

Payday loans are not designed to help you rebuild your credit so don’t take one out if that’s your only reason. Make sure you can pay back your loan entirely when it’s due. 

Expect Interest Rates to Be High

Remember that it’s not just the loan amount you’ll owe. Very high-interest rates are also tacked on. 

It’s not uncommon for a payday loan to be as high as 500% or even 1,000% in terms of annual percentage rates (APR). While the industry is regulated, payday loans have high fees tacked on to small loans. 

Check Your State Laws

Check with your state to see if there are laws on how much a payday loan lender can charge for loans. Some states such as New York have banned them altogether. 

You should also be aware of the myths that are associated with payday loans. The more you understand, the smarter decision you’ll make as to whether this type of loan is a good choice for you. 

Keep Educating Yourself

 The more you understand about subject matters such as how to get a guaranteed approval payday loan, the easier you can manage your life.

We want to help you keep learning to make life better. Keep coming back to learn about subjects ranging from self-improvement to love and relationships. 

From Joint to Vape: Here are the Common Mistakes to Avoid for Beginners

Electronic Cigarette

Are you thinking of switching from blunt to vape? Hold on there. It is not as easy as rolling and lighting up a blunt. Some hard-core vapers will tell you that it is an art form. You need to go slow and internalize the basic rules so that you can experiment with all the different flavors and hit later on.

But first, what is vaping?

When you use a vaporizer, that process is called vaping.

Vaping is also used for e-cigarettes. The study from the Massachusetts General Hospital concluded that switching to e-cigarettes can help cigarette smokers quit smoking.

Las Vegas does not make a distinction between vaping and smoking cigarettes. As such, you are not allowed to use your vaporizer in public areas or places of employment. However, you can be permitted to vape in some casinos provided that you stay in places where children are prohibited. You can also vape in private establishments, as long as it is allowed by the owner.

A typical vaporizer has the following main components:

  1. The device itself, which can be a tube, pen, or box
  2. The atomizer
  3. The battery
  4. Coil or coils
  5. Wicks
  6. E-liquid or juice

When you are looking to switch from a blunt to a vaporizer, here are the common mistakes you should avoid:

  1. Finding the right temperature

It is a common mistake for beginners to burn off their herb because they want a quicker hit. However, there is a science to getting the right temperature to experience the right effect you want.

For instance:

  • You stay at 160-180°C if you want cleaner flavor from your herbs.
  • You go up to 180-200°C if you need an immediate high but still retain the character of the weed.
  • You crank the device up to 200-230°C for some mind-blowing effects. Make sure also that you are not doing anything for the rest of the day.

However, the recommended temperature is somewhere between 180°C to 200°C since you maximize the effects of terpenes and cannabinoids at this level. 

  1. Buying a cheap vaporizer kit

If you are going to switch to vaping, you might as well invest in a high-quality device. The cheap product would not deliver the experience that you deserve. If you think about it, the device is your introduction to the world of vaping. You might swear off vaping altogether if you have a negative experience because of the mediocre quality of the tube or pen. You want to look for a heat-resistant container, auto shut, USB charging capability, and smart control settings, particularly for the temperature.

  1. Improperly grinding the herb

The quality of the vaping experience will depend on your ability to ground the herb. You need a high-quality grinder for the task. You also need to root the herb into a consistently excellent quality. For instance, the stems and seeds in the buds will result in inconsistent heating. Also, make sure you avoid throwing the stems into the grinder except, of course, you want a headache later on.

If you are new to the world of vaping, you can purchase starter kits, which already contain all the components that you need. You start with low-output devices with internal batteries. For convenience and safety, you can pair your device with a Clearomizer, which features a resistance up more than 1.0 ohms.

Some of the Proposed Benefits of Consuming CBD

Although research on CBD is still ongoing, there is much anecdotal evidence for effectiveness as a treatment for a wide variety of conditions. All over the world doctors are prescribing CBD in greater numbers for an ever increasing number of complaints. It is also becoming increasingly easier to buy over the counter without prescription and many are users are taking advantage of this and extolling its many virtues.

Some of the common advantages of CBD consumption are:


One of the major benefits of taking CBD is that it reduces psychotic symptoms. Various studies have shown that psychotic patients suffer less psychotic episodes when they are given higher doses of CBD oil than those not given CBD at all or given it in smaller quantities. It is effective in the treatment of schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder and is even considered as a safer and healthier treatment option.

Apart from psychotic patients, CBD has also proved to help limit short term psychotic episodes in healthy individuals.

Heart Diseases

CBD oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it helpful for maintaining cardiac health. It reduces the chances of a heart attack due to damage from cerebral ischemia and also protects the heart from developing disease by protecting the cardiac tracts. You may also be able to lower blood pressure by CBD vaping. Find more about it at https://hotjuice.com/cbd-info/cbd-lower-blood-pressure/.


Diabetes is one of the fastest increasing ailments of modern times and the debate is still out on how it can be treated with CBD. There have been limited studies on mice and no human clinical trials and there is nothing to say it helps in anyway with the production of insulin. However, CBD may help with the myriad of secondary symptoms and therefore with the management of the overall condition.

Reduces Side Effects of Chemotherapy

CBD is also assumed to help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Medicinal CBD has been used for treating nausea and vomiting for decades and these are often the major side effects of chemotherapy. This is the reason CBD is recommended to patients undergoing chemotherapy.

Effects on Neurological Disorders

CBD is rich in antioxidant properties which helps reduce the damage caused by induced oxidation in the brain. This is the reason it is considered as a neuroprotective drug and is assumed to be effective in the treatment of various neurological disorders. It is recommended for Alzheimer patients and patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease as it has the strength to minimize the symptoms of these neurological disorders.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

CBD is rich in anti-inflammatory properties which makes it an effective drug for treating various ailments such as painful sciatic nerve conditions. It also has immunosuppressive properties and is often recommended to patients suffering from arthritis.

CBD is fast becoming recognized as a wonder drug suitable for old and young alike. Perhaps in the near future we’ll all have a few drops ready in the medicine cabinet alongside aspirin or paracetamol. For many, the jury is still out. They struggle to get past its traditional perception as a hippy drug sold illicitly by pushers on street corners. It’s a perception that was always more suited to the heavier drugs, despite many of those being used daily by millions as sedatives or pick me ups. Although times are changing, many people who could be using CBD and feeling its positive benefits today are preferring to wait for research and regulation to catch up and continue taking medications that can cause long term damage and addiction. Hopefully, with the world wide crisis in opiate use reaching catastrophic proportions, it won’t be long now before the truth about CBD is out.  



Facts about Vaping That You Never Knew


“Smoking is injurious to health”, you may have grown up hearing this, but still many fall prey to smoking.  Smoking is addictive and can cause adverse effects on health. Vaping is something new that is coming up as a replacement with comparatively lesser risks and can lend a helping hand in quitting smoking who wants to quit. 

Here are a few facts about vaping that you may not have known before:

Vaping Is Not As Harmful As Smoking

Yes, you heard it right making use of blazed vapes is not as risky as traditional cigarettes. The nicotine that is present inside is heated up and mixed along with flavors and other things to generate water vapor that is inhaled by the user. The standard cigarettes contain tobacco content and other chemicals in high quantity which prove to be toxic. But in the case of blazed vapes, you are not exposed to a higher content of chemicals, and thus it proves to be comparatively less harmful than its traditional counterpart.

Vaping Is Not a Sure Shot Method to Quit Smoking

Vaping is undoubtedly an alternative to smoking and can be used as a replacement to the general cigarettes but quitting smoking is something that comes from within. If a person is determined enough to drop their idea of smoking, then blazed vapes can surely help. But for people who do not have any such plans can be seen using blazed and cigarettes both.

It May Renormalize Smoking Habits

Smoking has become a common trend amongst the youth, and it is not a good habit that youngsters should adopt. The usage of blazed vapes is increasing day by day and is gaining popularity. It is thought to reverse the advancement of traditional cigarettes. These blazed vapes are readily available nowadays and thus claims to reduce the smoking habits of people globally, especially targeting youngsters.

They Are Reusable

One is not required to buy a blazed vape every time they feel like having a puff as in the case of traditional cigarettes. Blazed Vapes are reusable and can be used until the battery of the vape is full. Also, these blazed vapes come with a charger that can be used to charge the vape whenever you find it running low on battery. Also, there are other kinds of vapes that can be refilled by embedding a new cartridge.


If you are a chain smoker, then you might know well about the cigarette bills. The cost may keep adding up day by day to show off a considerable amount in your monthly bills as cigarettes do not come for free. Picking on vaping over smoking can satisfy your nicotine instincts at a cheaper price in comparison to the cigarettes proving to be a cost-effective affair.

Bottom line

If you are someone who is trying to quit smoking, then blazed vapes can surely help you to some extent.  If you are keen on quitting smoking and are not able to do so by opting for other cessation methods, blazed vapes can stand as an alternative to reduce your nicotine consumption.

Know the Best iMac Mockup for Your Digital Product

If you want clients to choose your digital product, you have to showcase your project as if it was already the real deal. One way to do that is through the iMac mockup. While the iPhone is like the Apple sweetheart, the iMac is really like the hardworking big papa in the Apple world.

The Apple iMac is an important device because it is what most offices—whether in the corporate world or the home office. The iMac screen is large and that is one of the great things about it. One thing about the large screen is that it is great for working—everything is clear and any mistakes can be spotted easily. The large screen also enriches content.

This year, the iMac also got an update with up to eight-core Intel processor. This means that graphics and computing performances are now in a whole new level. This is important because as mentioned, the iMac is usually used in offices, meaning, it is an important canvas for functional tasks.

The right iMac mockup

So the internet is like a haven for free mockups. There are so many designs available that it would seem that presenting a digital product would be so much easier. That is true. It is better to have so many options than only a few. However, if you really want to impress clients, it is best that you have the appropriate iMac Pro mockup to show off your output.

For web designs, you want to showcase the actual page and even the user interface. One of the better mockup PSD is the clay mockups from Ramotion. The digital store has iMac clay mockup in PSD file and Sketch file. There are also the iMac and MacBook clay mockups that are also in PSD and Sketch. This is a minimalist kind of mockup, which is why the web page that you design will really shine through. It is also very classy with its black background.

If you are designing music or art products, then you need a mockup that will showcase photorealistic iMac. When its art, you want to make sure that they look real. The point of the mockup is that it is close to the real output as possible. Complement this with a mockup that provides photorealism and you are sold. The same goes to music, particularly if you are selling music with accompanying images or videos. They should be as realistic as possible. The photorealism is needed when you are designing videos, short films or films for online, too.

If you are designing for educational courses, the flat design might work for you. The mockup template will be quite boring because as the name implies, it is going to be flat. There will be no effects to provide stylistic elements. But that is okay because your digital product is the most important part here. You don’t need the stylistic elements to clash with the design of your educational or online seminar courses. This way, the star will be the content and that will be the focus of the buyers.

The workplace

As earlier mentioned, the iMac is more popularly used in the office—whether that is in the corporate world or just one’s personal office at home. So if you are designing a product that will most likely be used in the office, then you are in luck because there are so many kinds of workspace mockup in line. Some of these mockups are minimalist in nature so that the web page will be the central focus. There are also those that provide a physical setup to show how your design will look in a real setup.

There are various websites that provide free mockup that will look great with workspace-designed digital products. One such website is freepik.com. One of its workspace mockup shows the iMac in between a closed MacBook and an iPad that says, “Work hard or go home.” The Apple devices are on a white desk paired with a white chair. The background is predominantly white. What this does is emphasize a colorful web page. So if your digital product is full of colors, then this kind of workspace mockup will definitely highlight your work.

The above workspace mockup is available in smart objects. This is important because you will have to drag and drop your design in the iMac on the middle of the desk. Smart objects mean that you will be working with smart layers. This is significant because you won’t want to lose the original identity of your product. Every editing you make will stay with the layer and the original content will remain with the original layer.

Another iMac mockup from freepik.com is simply an iMac with speakers, a lamp and a shadow of the natural elements outside the window. This obviously indicates that the setting is a home office. Setting is definitely important when you are trying to sell a product. If your digital design is meant for home-based workers then this is a great opportunity to show your product off. You just need to incorporate your actual design on the iMac screen.

Presentation is everything

Creativity should not be left al on the digital product. There should be some left for the presentation. You have to know that your creativity in designing a product is not a guarantee that it will get the attention of the client you are eyeing. The presentation, though, could do that. There is this saying: Presentation is everything. While you cannot put everything on the presentation, this quote just emphasizes why presentation is very important.

Your creativity will be important, but it is the presentation that could give you the dough. If you want to lock in a deal, you have to create a presentation that says: This is the product you need! Sometimes, you can seal the deal with your presentation even if your design is not the best from a bunch.

Here are some general presentation tips from the most successful people in the world.

Future of Education: What the Education Industry Will Look Like In the Future

Like other industries, the education sector is rapidly evolving. We expect more institutions to adopt technologies that can lecture students and administer tasks in the next few years to come. Notably, most colleges have already begun offering online courses to students.

It is no secret that technologies like virtual reality and computer-based learning are the future of education. According to a poll by the American University, 75 per cent of teachers argue that digital learning content will replace textbooks (printed) by 2026.

How the Education Industry Is Expected to Evolve

As years pass by, more teachers and lecturers continue to rely on technology to train their students. Technology will soon replace all the traditional teaching methods. Here are some of the things that will change in the education sector.

1.    Online Education

Today, online education is growing in popularity, and almost every institution offers online courses to students across the world. This method of training allows students to access digital learning content and resources at anytime from any place in the world.

What makes online education more interesting is that it’s convenient. Students can go through lessons anytime, anywhere. Moreover, there is no restriction when it comes to the time of the study. They can take lessons at a time that best suits their study plans.

2.    Personalized Education

In a few years to come, students will use modern study tools to take lessons and complete tasks based on their capabilities. In other words, top-performing students will get asked more difficult questions than low-performing students.

If a student finds it hard to understand a particular subject, the digital education system will give the student more time to practice until they accomplish the task. The personalized learning system will also improve confidence in students with poor academic capabilities.

3.    Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is a trending method of education, and we expect many institutions to implement it soon. This learning technique is presumed to be more engaging, personalized, tech-ready, and collaborative.

Project-based education allows students to gain useful skills that can be helpful in various situations. It will advance the students’ core skills to solve problems in the future. They include creativity, leadership, initiative, entrepreneurial, and collaboration skills.

4.    Exam Administration

Evaluating the students’ competencies through a question and answer format might become less effective in the future. That’s because this method of examination doesn’t reflect the actual capabilities of a student. Most students cram answers and write them on paper.

Most institutions are worried about the unprecedented increase in the number of graduates with quality academic papers but no skill-sets for jobs. In the future, educators will focus on training students on how to apply their factual knowledge in the field.

5.    Tech-Based Learning

The incorporation of the latest technologies in e-learning is currently underway. Innovations like virtual reality and mobile technologies are already finding their way into classrooms as most educators have started implementing them.

Virtual reality is a vital training tool that puts learners in a virtual space to visualize things in 3-dimension. It is mainly used to train people working in potentially hazardous environments like construction sites. It familiarizes learners with what they learn in classrooms. In fact, there are companies and specialist agencies like “Arborxr” that provide highly professional VR training to teachers and faculty members for helping them deliver the best tuition and virtual classroom experiences to all aspiring students that want to learn in an engaging and effective way.

Final Words

As technology revolutionizes the education industry, the demand for skilled graduates is also increasing. That necessitates a personalized education system that can prepare students for emerging job opportunities.

Educators should adopt modern teaching techniques that can help students of these ages to interact actively with the real world. Considering that this type of learning will be costly, parents should start saving for their children’s future education as early as now. Heritage RESP Reviews can help parents understand how to do that.

What to Do in Vegas

Dubbed as the “Entertainment Capital of the World,” Las Vegas is a haven for thrill-seekers and adventurers. It is one of the go-to party places where you can tick things off your bucket list because of the many activities to do and sites to visit.

Las Vegas is where people host lavish parties like bridal showers or bachelor parties. So, if you are planning on a visit to Las Vegas buckle up because here are the fun things you can do and the fantastic places you can visit.

Party through the night

Las vegas clubs provide the wildest and grandest parties in the USA. Famous DJ’s can be found playing around the Strip at different night clubs. Las Vegas clubs are perfect for every party fanatic because of its flashy LED lights, overflowing drinks, and a plethora of people who want to dance the night away. 

Play with your luck

A Las Vegas experience is never complete without going to any of the hundreds of casinos around the city. These big gambling houses with their beautiful golden structures are a sight for tourists to see. Dominant names such as the Ceasar’s Palace, Bellagio, MGM, and the Mandalay Bay, are the popular hotspots for those who like to play with their luck. 

Have a romantic evening at the Venetian

For couples and honeymooners, the Venetian is one of the most beautiful places to have a romantic dinner. The gondola ride is a perfect place to woo your lady and makes you feel like you are in the Grand Canals of Venice. Gondoliers can even take it up a notch and serenade you with romantic songs. 

Take a walk down the Strip

The Strip, or most commonly known as the Las Vegas Boulevard, is home to massive replicas of different iconic tourists’ spots across the world. It houses replicas of the Eiffel Tower, the Trevi Fountain, and Egyptian Pyramids. Visiting the Strip feels like having a quick tour around the world.

Visit the Red Rock Canyon

Aside from having parties in the city, Las Vegas also has one of the best canyons around the country. The Red Rock Canyon State Park offers tourists a chance to see beautiful red rock formations across a 13-mile scenic drive. For those who are in for an adventure, the Red Rock Canyon is also a popular hiking spot where you can also see a mix of plant and animal diversity.

Eat at Michelin-starred restaurants

Vegas is a haven for food lovers, and there are many restaurants owned by renowned chefs. From the iconic Gordon Ramsay to the legendary Wolfgang Puck, you can have a taste of Michelin-star food. Just make sure to have a reservation beforehand since these restaurants are usually fully packed. 

Catch iconic shows and plays

The city of Las Vegas is home to the legendary Cirque du’ Soleil, which presents their appearances at the Bellagio. Magic shows by Mat Franco, performances by Celine Dion, and the comedy show Absinthe can also be witnessed in the area. 

Las Vegas has become an icon of its own. The city houses some of the best shows, experiences, and food in the world. There are genuinely so many things to do in Las Vegas that it is impossible to run a day without experiencing the excitement and glamour the city brings. 

Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis of Wrist Pain-Get Specialized Care Now!

Did you know how your hands and wrists are structured? Thirty-plus muscles control the movement of your hand and wrist and 27 small bones (8 of those bones are in your wrist) that make up each hand and wrist. Muscles are attached to bones by tiny but tough pieces of connective tissue called tendons that pass in your wrist, through a bony passage known as the carpal tunnel.

Have you suffered hand and wrist injury?

Hand and wrist injuries are widespread and can take many forms, such as open fractures, a laceration, crushed fingers, or loss of fingers or the whole hand. Most cases of pain or injury will not be a sign of long-term or a severe problem and will settle in a few days or weeks- most probably with some simple self-care at home. However, if you have severe pain, numbness, deformity, or are unable to move your wrist, call a specialist for an immediate appointment–urgent care could save you from a major problem.

 What Causes Wrist Pain?

Pain, whether simple fatigue, may occur for many reasons. The most common causes include:

Carpal tunnel syndrome

A Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain, tingling, and numbness in the hand and arm, and this happens when one of the major nerves to the hand is compressed or squeezed as it travels through the wrist. It is a condition that develops when a ligament puts pressure on a nerve, and here you need urgent care! Visit your nearest hand and wrist specialist as soon as possible.  

People who have diabetes or arthritis or who have obese are at an increased risk of developing CTS. Moreover, the condition is also linked with repetitive work like typing, lifting, or using a device that vibrates the hand.

Rheumatoid arthritis

It is a long-term and disabling autoimmune disease that can occur in any joint. RA occurs where tissues are broken down into pieces by the body’s immune system and can cause severe wrist pain, swelling, and inflammation if the joints in the area are affected.


Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage (smooth elastic tissue) that covers the bones wears away. It causes inflammation of the joints, including the wrist. Wrist Osteoarthritis tends to occur most often in middle age or older people, and those with a family history of this condition.

De Quervain’s disease

De Quervain’s is a painful condition in which tendons of your wrist become inflamed and swell. It is often associated with repetitive thumb movement, however; the exact cause is not known. Symptoms include swelling, and weakness along the forearm, thumb, and wrist, or a grating feeling inside the wrist.

Wrist sprain

As per the research conducted by an American Society for Surgery of the Hand (oldest and most prestigious medical society), a wrist sprain is usually caused by bending or twisting the wrist backward forcefully when the hand hits the ground.

Ganglion cyst

A ganglion cyst hurts a lot. It is a small sac of fluid that builds over a joint or tendon. Inside the cyst is a sticky, thick, transparent, colorless, jellylike material that causes wrist pain, sometimes quite hard, depending on the size of the cysts.

Symptoms of Wrist Pain

Swelling, Heat/warmth, Discoloration, Deformity, Pain, and Limited ability to move the joint are some of the common symptoms of wrist pain. Whereas, some people may develop;

  • Stiffness in the wrist and fingers.
  • A clicking sound while moving the wrist– can become more severe after periods of rest.
  • Trouble gripping objects– holding or grasping may be painful or uncomfortable.

Depending on the cause, symptoms of the wrist pain may be mild to start and become worse as time goes on.

When to Seek Medical Care?

At first, pain may not occur too frequently but during certain activities only.  Later, as the condition worsens, pain or numbness can also progress to the point where you cannot feel cold or heat and may unable to hold things, you should call your hand and wrist specialist for an immediate appointment, or go to an urgent care clinic/hospital emergency department.

If there is severe swelling or a visible deformity, there may be a broken bone, or there also can be a dislocation of bones, although they are not broken.


The doctor may:

  • Check your wrist for swelling, tenderness, or deformity
  • Check for a decrease in range of motion by asking you to move your wrist in different directions.
  • Assess your forearm and grip strength

In some cases, your hand and wrist specialist may suggest imaging tests, nerve tests, or arthroscopy.

Imaging tests

  • X-rays.It is the most commonly used test for hand and wrist pain. This test can reveal signs of osteoarthritis or bone fractures.
  • For a more detailed view of the bones, your doctor may go for CT scans to spot fractures that didn’t show up on X-rays.
  • This simple noninvasive test can help visualize cysts, tendons, and ligaments.
  • This test uses radio waves to produce detailed images of your soft tissues and bones. For a wrist MRI, the patient may be asked to insert their arm into a smaller device and not in a whole-body MRI machine.

Nerve tests

If carpal tunnel syndrome is suspected, your doctor might order an electromyogram (EMG) to test the extent of tiny electrical discharges produced in muscles. The nerve test is performed by inserting a needle-thin electrode into the tissue to record its electrical activity when the muscle is contracted and at rest.

Arthroscopy/ arthroscopic surgery

Arthroscopy (aka keyhole surgery) is a procedure in which a pencil-sized instrument ‘arthroscope’ is inserted into the joint of your wrist through a small incision in your skin. The instrument contains a tiny camera, which projects the test images onto a television monitor. This treatment is known as the gold standard for evaluating wrist pain. And, in some cases, the doctor may repair your long-term wrist problems through the arthroscope.

 Last words

If you’re experiencing long-term hand or wrist pain, do not delay treatment. Although you may initially visit your family physician, who may refer you to a Chiropractors or even an orthopedic surgeon. Take it seriously!

Trouble Losing Weight? Try These Four At-Home Tricks

With over two-thirds of the American population weighing-in as overweight or obese, weight loss is a big industry. There are hundreds of programs and products that promise a quick fix, but most people know that these “miracle pills” won’t produce sustainable, healthy weight loss. So, if you’ve been dieting and exercising but are still struggling to lose weight, you have two reasonable options: (1) ask your doctor for help, or (2) adjust your at-home strategy. 

If you have been struggling to lose weight for a long time, it may be worthwhile to talk with your doctor. He or she can screen you for conditions that make weight loss harder (e.g. hypothyroidism or polycystic ovary syndrome), or prescribe medications to help you lose weight. Prescription weight loss medications, like Adipex (phentermine) or Belviq, are effective for some patients, but they also come with a long list of contraindications and potential side effects. If you think you may have a condition that makes weight loss harder, or could benefit from a pharmaceutical boost, make an appointment with your doctor.

Otherwise, try these four at-home tricks to lose more weight, faster!

1. Track Intake and Activity

Research repeatedly shows that dieters who track what they eat and drink, as well as their daily activity, lose more weight than those who don’t. Tracking is far from a perfect science, and even experts are prone to underestimate portions by up to 20% (especially when eating out), but it helps keeps you accountable. Commit to at least two weeks of consistent tracking to reap the benefits of this “trick”.

You can either write everything down in a notebook and then Google & record calories at the end of the day, or use a mobile tracking app (like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt or MyPlate). Apps are easier for most people since they automatically calculate calories and macros, plus set daily calorie goals, but some people still prefer pencil & paper for simplicity.

For this method to be effective, it’s important that you:

  • Track all seven days a week (not just weekdays)
  • Record all of your nibbles and snacks, as well as your main meals
  • Measure your portions of food, or find a reliable way to eyeball it
  • Accurately calculate calories burned by activity

2. Eat More Protein, Especially at Breakfast

Eating more protein helps increase satiety, which means you won’t be rummaging for snacks by 10am. In one study, researchers found that people who doubled their protein intake (from 15% to 30% of their daily calories) experienced a marked decrease in appetite, which means they naturally ate fewer calories throughout the day and lost more weight as a result.

More, another study reported that dieters who ate an egg breakfast lost 65% more weight in eight weeks than did a similar group who ate bagels for breakfast. This indicates that protein at breakfast is especially important for weight loss.

Looking for some high-protein breakfast ideas? Try an omelette, cottage cheese with berries, a protein shake, or whole-wheat toast with smoked salmon.

3. Drink Enough Water

Proper hydration is vital to successful weight loss. In fact, a 2016 study found a noteworthy correlation between hydration status and body mass index (BMI); US adults with inadequate hydration were significantly more likely to be overweight or obese.

Drinking enough water helps people lose weight faster for two reasons:

  • Decreased appetite (intake)
  • Increased lipolysis (breakdown of fat cells)

Hydration needs vary from person-to-person, but most adults need at least 64 ounces (8 glasses) of water per day. Needs are higher for men, athletes, individuals living in hot or cold climates and bigger people (whether taller or heavier).

If you’re not sure how much water you should be drinking, look at your pee. It should be light yellow – if it’s darker it means you need to drink more, while clear urine indicates you may be over-hydrating. Even among the medical community, urine color is considered the best indicator of hydration status.

4. Combine Cardio and Strength Training

Many dieters focus almost-exclusively on cardio, usually because cardio burns more calories in the moment. This tends to be especially important to people who are tracking intake & activity and love that big negative number in the daily calorie report. However, while the standard 30-60 minutes of daily cardio are important to promote both weight loss and aerobic fitness, strength training is also vitally important since it helps maintain & build lean muscle mass.

Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat, plus people with more muscle mass are less prone to injury and tend to stay more physically-active as they age. Using boxing resistance bands is also ideal for training exercises in upper body strength, it helps tone the arms and create lean muscle mass in these areas.

These are all important factors in weight loss given that we spend the majority of our time not exercising, injuries undoubtedly hinder weight loss efforts and becoming sedentary promotes weight gain.

Common strength training exercises include lifting weights, climbing stairs, yoga, Pilates, bodyweight exercises (lunges, squats, push-ups, crunches, etc.) and working with resistance bands.