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Cow Cuddling: The Latest Wellness Trend Which Does Wonders For Your Mental Health

Does the idea of hugging a big animal on the farm sound scary to you? Well, in case it does, perhaps this article will make you change your mind.

Cow cuddling is the new trend now which can do wonders for your mental health. Yeah, you read it right. Cuddling a cow can lower your stress levels and help you relax.

Mountain Horse Farm in upstate New York offers a really pleasant and rewarding experience. It offers you the opportunity to try the “Horse & Cow Experience.” More precisely, it gives you the opportunity to spend some time playing with cows and horses, and you can brush them too.

These lovely animals are able to sense your feelings and energy. They can sense your happiness, anxiety, or sadness and respond to it appropriately.

Spending time with them can fill you with positive energy and help you reduce your stress levels and relax.

So, if you want to spend some time cuddling and playing with cows, know that this rewarding experience costs $300 for a 90-minute session. You can also get an hour-session for $75.

And guess what? You are welcome to bring along a friend too.

A Mushroom Extract Could Save Honeybees From The Ongoing Phenomenon “Colony Collapse Disorder”

We’re sure you’ve heard that honeybees are dying in significant numbers. Scientists believe that there are various causes for this, from habitat loss, climate change, pollution, and herbicides to viruses that are provoking a group of symptoms known as “colony collapse disorder.”

For example, there’s one virus known as “deformed wing virus” that causes bees to develop disfigured wings. Until now, scientists have not developed any antiviral treatment that could protect the bees from this virus.

But, fortunately, one study published in the journal Scientific Reports has shown that a mushroom extract might help save honeybees and it could even boost up the population of bees globally. More precisely, it is mycelia—cobweb-like fungal membranes which can be found in and on soil from 2 species, Red Reishi and “tinder fungus” mushrooms.

Years ago, Paul Stamets, a Washington mycologist, noticed that bees appeared drawn to water droplets on mushrooms in his yard. But at the time, what he spotted remained only an observation.

However, later, one day he was reading about the antiviral properties of fungi for people. And this propelled him to wonder if the mushroom water actually benefited the bees in his garden.

So, in order to test his theory that mushrooms could save honeybees, Stamets conducted a study together with colleagues at Washington State University.

The team fed sugary mushroom broth to one group of bees and only sugar water to another group. What they found was that the “mycelial broth” helped the bees fight off two viruses associated with colony collapse disorder. On the other hand, the bees that drank just sugar water kept on struggling with both viruses.

Stamets thinks that nutrients in the mushrooms give the immune systems of the bees a boost – contrary to a vaccine, which immunizes the body against a particular disease.

Although there’s still much more work to be done and additional tests to be done, the results of this study have undoubtedly offered hope for the future of honeybees.

Loneliness Can Lead To Health Problems And Premature Death In Older People, Study Finds

When was the last time you visited your parents? Has it been too long since you last talked to them?

Well, sadly, as many of us grow up and become more independent, we tend to neglect our parents a little bit. We begin visiting and talking to them less often, we stop asking their wise pieces of advice and relying on their support when we’re in need of help, and in the worst case – we break off our relationship with them completely.   

As it turns out, neglecting or drifting apart from our parents can have greater consequences for them than we previously thought.

One study has shown that loneliness could lead to health problems and, in some cases, even premature death among older people.

Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, conducted a study which followed 1,600 grown-ups with an average age of 71. Among the older subjects, 43 percent reported feeling lonely.

The study indicated that almost 23 percent of the participants who reported feeling lonely died within 6 years of the study, compared to just 14.2 percent of the participants who reported adequate companionship.  

The researchers concluded that loneliness is a common source of impaired quality of life in older people and that it could lead to serious health issues, such as diabetes, dementia, loss of function, cardiac diseases, and premature death.

So, let all this be a reminder to you to spend more time with your parents, laugh with them more, talk to them more, and do the things they enjoy doing together. Not only will these moments help your parents live a healthier, longer, and more fulfilling life, but they’ll also become precious, lasting memories that you’ll carry in your heart all your life.  

Women That Live Near Nature Live Longer, Science Says

Women, if you want to live a longer and healthier life, move to the woods. One study has shown that living in or near nature may help you better your health and live longer.

Yes, you read it right. Living in areas surrounded by nature may extend your life and help you improve your overall health.

Researchers carried out a study in which they followed 108,630 women and analyzed 8,604 deaths between 2000 and 2008. They made a comparison between the risks of death and the amount of vegetation surrounding the women’s homes.

What they found was that women that lived in greener surroundings had a 34 percent lower rate of respiratory disease-related mortality, a 41 percent lower rate of kidney disease mortality, and a 13 percent lower rate of cancer mortality than the women living in areas with less vegetation.

According to the study, the reason why high levels of vegetation are associated with decreased mortality is that people who live in or near nature aren’t exposed to the dangerous effects of air pollution, heat, chemicals, and noise as people living in urban areas are.

Additionally, areas that have high levels of vegetation provide opportunities for physical activity, mitigate the effects of climate change, and improve mental health.

Researchers believe that results would be similar if the study included men.

How to Care For Your Skin Before And After a Bikini Wax

Bikini waxes are downright terrifying. Yes, they leave your skin soft and smooth but that doesn’t change the fact that hurt a lot. The good news is that it’s possible to minimize the pain and discomfort associated with bikini waxing and make the results last much longer. So if you want to learn some pro tips and tricks on how to prepare and take care of your skin for a seamless waxing experience, keep on reading.

Before The Wax

A lot can be predicted about your upcoming waxing experience by the time and efforts you invest in preparing for it. Here’s what you can do to ensure that your future biking waxing sessions are as comfortable and smoother as ever.

Go Pro

The first and perhaps the best thing you can do is to ensure that you’re booking a professional bikini waxing service. Doing it yourself at home is, of course, an option, but nobody can wax better than experienced professionals who have been trained about the right techniques of applying and pulling the wax in the correct direction to remove hair more efficiently. You can also seek referrals from friends or family to find the best bikini waxing services in Johns Creek or your area.

Avoid Waxing When on or Near Periods

Your skin is the most sensitive towards the start and end of your menstrual cycle, or in other words, near and during your period. During this time, waxing is generally more painful than it would normally be so avoid going for a bikini wax at this time of the month. Also, some salons don’t offer biking wax services if you’re on periods so it’s better to check that beforehand.

Exfoliate The Waxing Area

Lightly exfoliate the waxing area at least 24 to 48 hours before your appointment to remove dead skin and prepare it for waxing. Gentle exfoliation the bikini line area once a week will also allow the skin the remain soft and smooth between waxing sessions and prevent the development of ingrown hair post-waxing.

Keep The Skin Clean

Taking a shower on the day of your waxing sessions opens up the hair follicle, allowing for easier hair removal. Moreover, make sure not to layer the skin with any additional product like lotion, oil, deodorant or powders. They prevent the wax from sticking properly to the hair, hindering the waxing process and making it more painful.

Make Sure The Hair Are of the Right Length

The perfect length for hair to be waxed properly is between 1/8 to 1/4 inch. This ensures that the wax adheres to each hair properly and pulls them out from the root without breaking. If the hair is too short, they might not come out entirely and grow back soon. Likewise, longer hair is more painful to remove with wax so trim them to an appropriate length before your waxing appointment. 

Take a Pain Reliever

If you find the waxing process extremely painful, you can take a suitable painkiller like paracetamol 30 minutes before the appointment to reduce the discomfort. Numbing creams are also an option but they’re not recommended since the wax can’t adhere well to the hair.

After The Wax

After you’re done with bikini waxing, you may experience some redness which is nothing to worry about and will naturally go away in the next 24 hours. However, keep in mind that the skin is highly sensitive so you may want to engross in some aftercare activities to prevent skin irritation and enjoy long-lasting results. Here are some of the things that you should do:

Use Skin Soothing Agents

It’s normal to notice redness and small bumps on your skin for a day or so after the appointment due to inflamed follicles. To sooth away the skin and reduce irritation, you can apply soothing lotion or Aloe Vera gel on the waxed skin. This will also prevent ingrown hair from appearing on the bikini line.

Avoid Exfoliation

Exfoliation is only recommended before the wax, not after it. This is because wax itself exfoliates the skin and doing so again with a physical scrub may irritate the skin even more and result in the appearance of tiny bumps.

Don’t Step Into The Shower or Pool

It’s recommended to avoid showering, swimming or being submerged in water for at least 48 hours after biking waxing. This is because after waxing, your skin is more susceptible to catch bacteria and infections from the surroundings which may add up to post-waxing discomfort that you want to avoid in the first place.

Avoid Sexual Activity

Skip having sex for 24 to 48 hours after a bikini wax. You already know that waxing makes the skin sensitive and delicate and unnecessary friction from sex can further irritate the skin.

Wear Loose Clothing

The minerals in sweat can actually irritate waxed skin and make it more susceptible to infections. So avoid getting sweaty by wearing loose clothes that let air pass through them easily. Moreover, tight clothing doesn’t really allow the skin to breathe and can actually increase friction which is something you don’t want for your freshly-waxed skin.

Moreover, don’t forget to exfoliate your skin 3 t 10 days after you’ve had your bikini wax. This will reduce the chances of ingrown hair and make your next waxing appointment less painful.



We are what we eat

Food obviously affects our overall physical and even mental health so a proper wholesome diet can help with a lot of issues. Making better choices and establishing healthy habits is a great way to live a long and happy life! So here’re a few tips to help you with that.

To help build and support strong bones it’s important to have enough vitamin D and calcium. Dairy products like cheese, milk or yogurt are great sources of these nutrients especially if they have a lower fat content. For example, a cup of granola with Greek yogurt and berries makes for a balanced and delicious breakfast.

Choose to eat more brightly colored vegetables like tomatoes, spinach and sweet potatoes. And it’s very easy to incorporate these foods into your diet with barilla lasagna recipe, for example. Simply add the veggies to the sauce or between the layers. You can also assemble the dish and bake right away or freeze it for later.

Start by making the meat sauce. Cook together ground beef, sausage, onion and spices. Then add crushed tomatoes, tomato paste,  and let the sauce simmer for up to 2 hours. Assemble the lasagna with cooked noodles, mozzarella slices and grated parmesan. Cover the dish with aluminum foil and cook for 1 hour and 10 minutes. You can broil for the last 2-3 minutes for a golden cheese crust.

Reducing the amount of sugar you consume is very important if you want to be healthier. Some of us like to choose sugary drinks during the summer but just one can of soda has up to 10 teaspoons of sugar! Drinking water instead will make a big difference for your body because it will actually satisfy your thirst. And if you miss the flavors of soda, try infusing your water with fruits such as lemon, strawberry, orange and others. There are so many options to choose from!

Switch out your regular wheat products like pasta, bread and flour with their healthier whole wheat counterparts. They have a lot more nutrients and take more time to digest which means you will feel fuller for longer periods of time. Other whole grain foods like brown rice and quinoa have a similar affect on the gut. So changing your diet even in a small way can make a big difference!

Influence other people with your new healthy choices and show how you work through the challenges of becoming a better person. Choose something with less calories and fat if you have to go out with friends and maybe they will also start changing their diets in some ways! But don’t be judgmental – it’s not like you’ve been perfect at this all your life. And also making a dish like filipino spaghetti once in a while won’t kill you. The hardest part is getting back on track again after it.

Start the recipe by cooking spaghetti in salted boiling water. Cook some hot dogs on a pan, add onions, garlic, ground beef and cook until lightly browned. Add tomato sauce, tomato paste and simmer for about an hour. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with melted cheese.

It’s important not to forget that we all have different needs, both nutrition and taste wise. So while tracking your macros is a great idea that can keep you accountable for your choices, sometimes a dessert is what you actually need.

Start making these quaker oatmeal cookies by creaming butter with sugar. Add ground oats, raisins and flour and mix well. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes and let cool so that the cookies don’t fall apart. Enjoy with coffee or tea!

Well-groomed hands

Maintaining your hands and nails in a perfect condition may seem close to impossible unless you really don’t do anything by hand most of the time. But there’s still hope for all of us, regular humans, who have to wash dishes and can’t afford expensive manicures. These simple tips can help you keep your hand beautiful at all times without much effort. Plus there’re some recipes that you can try out even while doing some nail care!

Stealing some moments here and there to take care of your hands can be a great substitute for full-on treatments at the salon. Filing or painting your nails during commercial breaks can save a lot of time and fill in these time gaps with something actually useful. Special moisturizing gloves are also an interesting option to try even while doing household activities, like cooking! Making this barilla lasagna recipe, for example, doesn’t require much hand work, except maybe during the assembly part. But you can always ask someone else to do this simple task for you. The rest can be done using a big wooden spoon or a spatula. And this dish is very comforting and delicious as well!

First cook a béchamel sauce using butter, flour and hot milk. Make the meat filling with onions, lean ground beef, tomato paste and spices. Cook the ziti pasta according to the package instructions and mix in beaten eggs. Assemble the dish with pasta, grated cheese, meat, more pasta and béchamel sauce on top. Bake for 45 minutes and allow the lasagna to set before serving.

Painting your nails at home using a fast drying nail polish is a good option that will keep your hands looking nice but won’t cost much money. Simple hardening treatment is great as well because your nails can look shiny and beautiful with additional care! Both of these things only take 5 minutes but the result is really noticeable.

Experiment with different nail shapes, varnishes and manicure techniques and find what works best for you. It will definitely make your everyday maintenance routine easier and quicker while benefiting your nails at the same time. There’s no need to follow trends when you already know all the methods suitable for you.

Keeping moisture in the hands and nails is extremely important if you want them to look nice. But not many people have time for constant cream application during the day. And some of us have the habit of often washing our hands which sucks the moisture right out of the skin. The solution to all of this? 2 in 1 night creams that work both for the hands and nails. Generously apply it right before bed and look forward to swift results!

The best way to actually keep your hands and nails in good condition is to make a routine out of all the tips listed. Turning them into a habit will certainly help your skin and bring you a few compliments! And do not forget about nutrition. It is proved that some products, such as coconut oil, almonds, oats and protein are very useful for the skin, nails and hair. So try making a galaxy cake made from coconut flour or bone in chicken breast to increase the amount of nutrients.

For the first option simply mix the dry ingredients in one bowl, the wet in the other and combine them together. For the second do the same steps but add oats and chopped apples in the end. And then refrigerate for about 30 minutes so the dough can set.

Curly Eyelashes Are Trending On Social Media

You thought overgrown nostril hair trend was weird? Well, wait until you see the makeup look which has recently hit social media. The curly eyelashes. Visit Paris Lash Academy online if you are looking for a new pair of eyelash extensions

When a photo of this peculiar beauty trend was first shared on social media, it went viral in no time.

When makeup artist Sofie Peterseen posted a photo of her curly eyelashes on her profile on Instagram, the photo attracted the attention of a great number of social media users and sparked different reactions. Some people liked the way her eyelashes looked and others just laughed at her makeup look.

So, what about you? Do you think this makeup look is super cool or do you find it creepy?


Washing Dishes Mindfully Can Benefit Your Mind And Reduce Your Stress Levels, According To Science

Different people manage stress in different ways. Some listen to music, read a book, or watch a movie, and others do physical exercises or hang out with their family and/or friends. And one study shows that even the most ordinary and most tedious of tasks can reduce your stress levels, such as washing the dishes.

If it has never occurred to you that dishwashing can be an effective way to calm your mind and relax, there’s now scientific proof that washing the dishes mindfully might be beneficial to your mind and reduce your stress levels.

So, the question is: What does “washing the dishes mindfully” actually mean?

Here’s what the authors of the study wrote:

“While washing the dishes one should only be washing the dishes. This means that while washing the dishes one should be completely aware of the fact that one is washing the dishes. At first glance, that might seem a little silly. Why put so much stress on a simple thing?

“But that’s precisely the point. The fact that I am standing there and washing is a wondrous reality. I’m being completely myself, following my breath, conscious of my presence, and conscious of my thoughts and actions. There’s no way I can be tossed around mindlessly like a bottle slapped here and there on the waves.”

Co-author Adam W. Hanley and colleagues recruited 51 undergraduate students for the study. Half of the students were assigned to read a short mindfulness dishwashing passage and the other half were assigned to read a short descriptive dishwashing passage.

What the authors of the study found was that participants that did the dishes mindfully, i.e. they focused on feeling the temperature of the water, smelling the soap, and touching the dishes, increased their feeling of inspiration by 25 percent and reduced their stress levels by 27 percent. And participants that did not do the dishes mindfully didn’t derive any benefits from the task.

The researchers also wrote: “Implications for these findings are diverse and suggest that mindfulness as well as positive affect could be cultivated through intentionally engaging in a broad range of activities.”

So, it turns out that your tedious, everyday household chores could, in fact, be a lot more beneficial than you thought.

Rich Couple Bill And Melinda Gates Say They Still Do The Dishes Together Every Night

Yeah, life must be extremely easy when you are married to one of the wealthiest men in the world, am I right?

Indeed, you’ll probably think that doing mundane household chores should never be a part of your daily schedule because you can easily afford to take on people to carry out day-to-day, tedious tasks.

And yet, rich couple and founders of one of the largest charities in the world Bill and Melinda Gates still make time to wash the dishes together every night.

Doing the dishes together every night is a tradition that this billionaire couple, who have been married for 25 years,  has maintained throughout the years.

According to Melinda Gates, a billionaire philanthropist and a mother of three, sharing household responsibilities in a marriage is a prerequisite for establishing a balanced and strong relationship.

In her book, she explains that she felt alone in her marriage when she was pregnant with her first child since Bill had a really busy schedule as the CEO of Microsoft. But, as time passed, she and Bill found a way to become more balanced. In one interview, Melinda says:

“One night I realized I was still in the kitchen a good 10, 15 minutes after everybody else doing the last-minute things.

“Sometimes in the moment my frustration or anger just comes out. So one night we stood up after dinner and people in the family started to melt away, like, off they go upstairs. So hand on my hips, I’m, like, ‘Nobody leaves the kitchen until I leave the kitchen!’”

Since that night, this family washes the dishes together  every night.