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Weight Loss That Works: 7 Innovative Weight Loss Methods To Safely Try

Weight loss and innovation go hand in hand in the 21st century, as high-tech solutions are helping people shed pounds. Here’s some new weight loss that works.

According to data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of Americans are trying to lose weight. To match this, there are thousands of products, programs, and tips available that promise miracle results.

If you are one of many that would like to shed a few unwanted pounds, figuring which of these methods will actually work is no easy task. Of course, most of us know that to achieve weight loss that works you must eat a healthy diet and do regular exercise.

But what if there were a couple of tricks that you could implement that would speed up the results of all your weight-loss efforts? Ones that are proven to work?

Well, there are, and we are about to share these proven hacks with you. Read on to find out what they are and start speeding up your weight-loss program!

  1. Make Simpler Meals

One of the easiest ways to unconsciously consume fewer calories at each sitting is to make and eat simper meals. 

A published study revealed that participants who were served meals that had a greater variety of foods, flavors and textures were likely to consume a considerably higher amount of calories than when served a simpler meal. The findings showed that participants served a four-course meal consumed up to 60% more calories than usual. 

  1. Count Your Chews

There is a good reason your parents used to tell you to chew your food slowly. Not only is it better for digestion, but it can also curb the number of calories that you consume at each meal. 

According to a meta-analysis of 22 published studies on the subject, chewing your food slowly can result in a marked decrease in the number of calories that you end up taking in during a meal. 

It can be easy to forget your resolution to eat slower, so to train yourself to be a diligent chewer, count the number of times that you chew each mouthful. A popular number of chews to aim for per mouthful is 32. 

  1. Hang a Mirror Opposite Your Dining Room Chair

Another great way to monitor the way you are eating is by hanging a mirror opposite where you usually sit when having a meal. Not only will you notice if you are chewing too little, but you will probably also eat less.

According to a published study, participants who were able to see themselves in a mirror while eating consumed less food, and demonstrated modifications in their eating behavior such as increased chewing.

  1. Keep a Photographic Food Diary

The concept of a food diary is nothing new. Food diaries help to keep one accountable for the foods and portion sizes that one eats. But what is even better than a regular food diary is a photographic one. 

Simply snap a pic of each meal or snack that you eat during the day. This visual documentation allows no room for error and is super easy to do. 

  1. Turn down the Heat

While central heating might be keeping you cozy in winter, it could also be secretly keeping you from dropping those extra pounds. 

Research has shown that exposure to cool temperatures can not only causes the body to burn fat at a revved up rate, but it also causes any new fat cells to be created in a form that is cued to be burnt off.

The way this works is that when new fat stem cells are created under colder conditions, they are predisposed to be brown fat cells as opposed to white fat cells. White fat cells are designed for long term storage of fat (no!) while brown fat cells are built to be burnt off readily.

If you want any further evidence of this chilly weight-loss hack, Lewis Pugh, the man who swims in some of the coldest waters on earth, has to maintain a diet of 10 000 calories per day, over triple that of a normal athlete’s diet during competitions.

So turn down the heating and ramp up the fat burning!

  1. Get NEAT

No, organizing your desk won’t necessarily make you lose weight… But the movements that you make while doing so might!

NEAT, which stands for nonexercise activity thermogenesis, is the energy that you expend doing movements through your day that are not designed to be exercise. For example, walking around your house, standing, and even fidgeting fall into this category of movements. 

According to research done by Mayo Clinic, nonexercise activities like these can burn up to 2000 calories per day. They can also increase other health metrics and can help to prevent cardiovascular events. This makes nonexercise activities a valuable form of fat burning.

To maximize the effects of nonexercise activity try to increase the number of movements that you make in a day. When possible, stand rather than sit, and do things like choosing the stairs over an elevator. 

  1. Try Orbera

Another innovative weight-loss method that is now on the scene is a procedure called Orbera which can be undergone in the Tampa Bay area and Orlando surrounds. During the procedure, a soft deflated weight-loss balloon is inserted through the esophagus into the stomach. Once there it is filled with a safe saline solution and inflates to roughly the size of a grapefruit. 

Once filled the balloon acts to reduce the available volume of the stomach and to stimulate feelings of fullness. This, in turn, can result in effortlessly reduced food intake. 

The balloon stays in place for six months, during which time the treatment includes diet and exercise coaching. The procedure is non-invasive and patients can leave the same day.

If you are curious about this unusual weight-loss method, you can check out some orbera reviews to learn more. 

Now You Have Some of the Best Tips for Weight Loss That Works

Hitting on a method of weight loss that works can feel incredibly daunting with the plethora of unverified claims and products floating around. But with a healthy lifestyle, and a few tricks up your sleeve you may just find yourself crushing those weight-loss goals.

If you are not only looking to slim down but also to increase your overall well-being and vitality, then check out our health section for more articles like this one. 


Loose Skin Who? 5 Easy (and Legitimate) Home Remedies for Sagging Skin

You don’t need to get surgery to have perfect skin. Discover the most effective home remedies for sagging skin here.

Did you just lose a bunch of weight? If so, you might have a new problem on your hands—sagging skin!

Roughly 70% of people who lose a lot of weight over a relatively short period of time are left with sagging skin. People can also suffer from sagging skin as a result of aging.

If you have sagging skin, there are some steps you can take to make the problem a thing of the past. Here are five home remedies for sagging skin that you should try.

  1. Start Drinking as Much Water as You Can

Are you taking in enough water on a daily basis? Studies have shown that most Americans aren’t, and it can take a huge toll on just about every part of your body.

Your skin, in particular, will often dry out and sag when it’s not getting access to enough water day in and day out. It’s why you should make drinking water part of your everyday routine.

This is one of the simplest home remedies for sagging skin. You’ll notice a real change in the appearance of your skin when you increase your water intake.

  1. Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Exercise

Exercising at least a few times every week is great for your heart. It’s also good for all of the different muscle groups throughout your body. But did you know that it can work wonders for your skin, too?

When you break a sweat while you’re exercising, your body will eliminate a lot of the toxins that sit right beneath your skin. Exercising will also improve the elasticity of your skin and stop it from sagging over time.

  1. Apply Egg Whites to Your Sagging Skin

When you first start putting egg whites on your sagging skin, you might feel a little bit silly. But you won’t be laughing once you see how effective egg whites can be when it comes to tightening up your skin.

Egg whites are a natural astringent that will provide your skin with the nourishment it needs. When you apply them to your face, your neck, and other parts of your body regularly, you’ll see your skin start to tighten up within just a few weeks.

  1. Give Green Tea a Try

There are so many health benefits that come along with drinking green tea. One of the biggest benefits is that it provides you with valuable antioxidants that will leave you with healthier skin.

Try substituting your second cup of coffee every day with green tea instead. It’s an easy way to remove toxins from your body while giving your skin a boost.

  1. Invest in Proven Skin Care Solutions

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of skincare products marketed to those suffering from sagging skin. But many of them won’t work once you get them home.

Dr. Bill Andrews from Siorai explains that using too many skincare products can do more harm than good. He recommends not believing all the claims that different beauty products make and sticking to what you know works for your skin.

Do your research to track down the right products for sagging skin.

Put These Home Remedies for Sagging Skin to the Test

If you have sagging skin at the moment, you might think you’re doomed to live with it for the rest of your life. But this couldn’t be further from the truth!

By using home remedies for sagging skin like the ones listed here, you can transform your skin in no time. You can make it tight again and improve your overall appearance in the process.

Check out our other articles to find more information on taking better care of your skin.


10 Key Things You Should Always Do On a First Date

There’s more to a first date than just getting to know someone. Keep reading for 10 key things you should always do on a first date.

Do you want to know the secrets to the first date? Are you hoping to learn a bit more about your potential partner? 

Preparing for the first date can be scary and exciting at the same time. Even if you’re confident everything will end well, it’s good to know some tips for having a good time. 

If you’re someone ready to go on a date and need some preparation tips, keep reading for the answers you’ve been waiting for.  

  1. Use Active Listening

Active listening allows you to take in and retain more information per conversation. This proves useful once you’re on the first date and each party starts sharing the small parts of their lives. Your date will have a life full of personal reflections and minutia. It’s important that you listen intently if you wish to form an accurate idea of their lifestyle. 

Deep listening involves thoughtful responses as well. If you prove that you understand what you’ve heard you’re likely to build a rapport with your date. In fact, one of the quickest ways to building trust in any relationship is through active listening. 

Since active listening is so important it’s essential that you limit your distractions. The fewer distractions you have around you the more capable you are of listening. This is why picking the right location for your date is a top priority. 

  1. Pick the Right Spot 

Your location does a couple of things when you’re on a first date. 

  1. It influences everyone’s behavior 
  2. It affects how you prepare for a date

Before you pick a location understand that most people have nuanced relationships with different kinds of venues. Your date might be someone who could care less where you eat. Regardless, the easiest way for you to pick a location is by knowing the ways different venues will change your behavior. 

Moreover, you can better prepare for your date by maintaining awareness around the previous fact. For example, if you plan to take your date into a crowded situation it might prove difficult for you to hold composure. Conversely, you might feel it’s necessary to find a venue with enough going on to keep things interesting. 

Either way, picking the right location is one of the first steps toward mental preparedness. 

  1. Be Mentally Prepared  

Many first date tips will advise against holding unrealistic expectations. In fact, being mentally prepared means more than being composed, it requires you to be aware of the expectations surrounding your date.

Planning out the whole date in your head can lead to a lot of nerves and tension. Before you go out on your date try taking a big pause. There is nothing to be afraid of on the other side of your experience. In reality, your date is likely to feel just as nervous.  

Instead of forming expectations, try being present for the experience. This may be hard if you’re nervous, so try looking up meditations or calming exercises before going out. 

  1. Hold Off On Big Gifts 

Many people bring large gifts or make public displays of affection to earn the approval of their date. Rather than pulling out all the stops, try showing small acts that reflect the kind of person you are. 

On the first date, we all want to put our best foot forward, but in reality, all we need to do is demonstrate who we really are. If you’re thinking about setting a good impression you can try giving a gift that is subtle and nice. 

Choosing a large gift on the first date could make your partner feel pressured or even guilty for not bringing one. Instead of letting this happen, think about the kind of gift you would feel comfortable receiving on your first date. If you can’t think of a good example, try checking out BloomsyBox for a simple yet alluring gift. 

  1. Smile and Make Eye Contact

When learning how to date it’s important to start with basic gestures. Smiling makes others feel more safe and comfortable. If you pair steady eye contact with an honest smile you’re likely to make a good first impression. 

In fact, making eye contact is proven to keep others engaged. Furthermore, doing this can raise your personal confidence level. 

If it’s challenging for you to hold eye contact you can do simple exercises to get better at this. You can try watching videos that specifically engage eye contact or practice with yourself. 

The upshot? Facial cues conceal and reveal meaning. If you keep looking away or frowning then it appears you’re disinterested or anxious. 

The easiest way to fix this is through practice. You will have plenty of time to practice simple facial cues with everyone from loved ones to other first dates. 

  1. Body Language

One of the first things anyone notices on the first date is the other person’s presentation and body language. Once you’re closer you take in the smaller details of the face, hair, and eyes. Therefore, you can make a positive first impression simply by paying awareness of the way you stand, walk, and use your hands. 

One tip is to stand straight but not uncomfortably so. You want to stand straight enough to show confidence and readiness to talk at eye level, however, you don’t want to seem overly composed. 

Another tip is to use your hands when you speak. It’s possible to convey emotion and thought with your hands. You can do this most easily by studying hand gestures and body language. 

  1. Empathy  

Empathy is the number one tool at your disposal when the big night finally comes. This emotional toolbox lets you identify with your date and gives them the confidence to do the same. 

More than anything you want to establish trust and show compassion. Don’t just mirror your date, but ask them questions that you’ve given some thought. Do your best to identify with their interests and lives. 

These tips will take you much closer to emotional intimacy and honest communication. 

  1. Mindfulness 

Mindfulness means being aware of how you feel, how your date might feel, and of the details of your shared situation. This one is more abstract than others and requires that you think over the reasons why you’re going on a date in the first place. 

This doesn’t mean that you should give up on your date, instead, you should address what needs going a date takes care of. Do you want this more than you want your own approval? 

In other words, mindfulness is holding awareness for your reasons and your actions before going on a date. Do this and you won’t be as nervous or worried beforehand. 

  1. Transparency 

Be open and honest. Transparency raises trust between people. If you start your night being completely open about how you feel then your chances of having a good time level up. 

You don’t have to pour out all of your feelings. However, you can open up about your deeper interests, desires, and goals you have for your life. These facts bring people closer together and make insecurities move further apart. 

Furthermore, transparency gives you the chance to see if you’re on a date with the right person. If they accept you for who you are then things are likely to be positive. 

  1. Establish A Second Date

The goal of a first date is almost always to establish a second. If after following the steps listed above you think a second date is in order, follow these steps: 

  1. Express as openly as you can your thoughts of the date
  2. Ask out of honesty, not out of obligation 
  3. Use confident body language and make eye contact 

This might seem like the quickest way to get your heart hurt. Yet, being open about your internal state is the way to reaching closure and a second date. 

Make Your First Date Count 

The moments leading up to the first date can be daunting or uplifting. The promise of a second can cause some of us to feel accepted and joyful. It’s preparing for the moment in between that cause many of us to shiver with doubt. 

In truth, as long as you are honest with yourself and your date you will be fine. After reading this post you have a larger toolkit for presenting yourself and asking for a second date. What else is there to do?

For starters, dating advice is relevant across all areas of romance, relationships, and psychology. You can become a better-prepared partner by knowing more about your brain and the secrets to relationship success. So, what’s stopping you?

Your next step is to read across topics to gain a better sense for what it takes to be a healthier person. Go out and grow to your heart’s content! 

Don’t forget to bookmark our site to never miss any of our latest posts! 


Steps To Choosing The Right Canopy Tent For Any Event

One of the wisest decisions that anyone can ever make is to purchase canopy tent printing, which always plays a significant role in outdoor events. The use of canopy tents is not limited to corporate events but equally, come handy for private occasions that are held in an open environment. Since there are numerous ways that the temporary shelters can be used, they are a favorite choice for lots of occasions, including home parties, business fairs & exhibitions, promotional ventures, and family camps.

The short of it is that anytime one thinks about being outdoors, the most practical solution one can ever go for when it comes to a temporary shelter is canopy tents. These practical solutions have conveniently replaced the use of large umbrellas that for long, was the suitable way of being protected from extreme weather conditions.

The only challenge that comes with settling for canopy tents is that the market is flooded with lots of options, and it takes careful evaluation to find a premium quality model. Nonetheless, it does not take rocket science to settle for cool tent canopy options from the lots of options in the market. It is very simple to narrow down on the options that will give you the desired satisfaction as all it takes is focusing on the vital aspects of these tents. As such, before rushing to go for the next available canopy tent, it is important that you take to account the following factors;

  1. The brand superiority

The power of market reviews can never be under-looked when expecting to make a purchase in the market today. Leading canopy tent manufacturers will have excellent ratings from their past clients, and this is the first giveaway sign of quality-guaranteed solutions. An investment in ensuring that all clients have satisfactory solutions is not an aspect that can be easily faded, and only top brand companies can achieve this. A quick scan through the independent reviews by past clients is an efficient way of avoiding future regrets as it provides an overview of what to expect from the manufacturer.

  1. The frame materials

One of the most important features of a canopy tent that dictates its performance is the materials used to build its frame. It is the frame that supports the entire structure and consequently dictates how well the tent will function under varied conditions. There is always a tough balance to make when thinking about the frames as on the one hand it needs to be strong, and on the other hand, it should be lightweight. Leading manufacturers have found the perfect balance by providing their clients with a canopy tent made of either steel frames or aluminum frames. These materials support the much-needed functionality without making the entire tent too heavy to be carried from one location to the other.

  1. The materials used to make the canopy fabric

A canopy tent is not meant to be used once before it can be disposed and must have fabric that will not be easily damaged. Commercial grade canopy tents are made of stronger fabric that is weatherproof and can withstand continuous usage. The fabric should be UV-resistant as well as have great waterproofness since there is never determining when it could rain when outdoors. For uncompromising performance in all conditions, it is vital to focus on the canopy fabric as it influences how well the tent will be in its use.

  1. How the canopy tent will be set up

It is important to master how to tie down a canopy tent, and while this is never complicated, it is vital to take into account extreme conditions. Strong winds are the greatest worry for anyone who gets to use a canopy tent as they can easily be blown away. However, leading manufacturers have taken to account this factor and have extra accessories for their clients. The inclusion of sandbags and steel weight plates is practical in ensuring that the tent can be firmly set up and withstand strong winds or heavy rains.

In the end, choosing the right canopy tent is the first step to ensuring that the outdoor event goes down successfully. No compromises should ever be made when making the selection as the last thing anyone wants is to make a purchase that will not give you maximum return for your money. The best part is leading manufacturers are ever a few clicks away from making all those requirements a reality.

How to Create a Wonderful Morning Coffee Easily

Not many things can compare to a cup of freshly brewed coffee in the morning. Both the taste and the smell reinvigorate the senses and help you get ready for a productive day. Don’t forget that coffee pairs well with almost any kind of breakfast. A simple croissant, bacon and eggs, or ham sandwich – you name it, and coffee is an excellent companion.

One question still remains, though. How do you brew that perfect cup every morning without too much work? There are a few tips and tricks to ensure a wonderfully brewed cup, and they can be divided into two categories – coffee-making methods and general guidelines. In this article, we’ll discuss both.

Coffee-Making Methods

According to a survey and info from Home Grounds, almost 80% of Americans have their first coffee at home. Traditionally, drip brewing is the most popular coffee-making method. However, French press and pour over brewers are becoming increasingly popular, especially with millennials. Here’s a quick rundown of some tried and tested brewing techniques for each method.

Drip Brewing

With drip brewing as well as any other method, it all starts with the beans. In fact, it’s best to get whole beans and grind them yourself. For drip coffee, the ground beans should feel and look the same as table salt (granulated). Of course, you need to aim for uniformity.

You should turn off the drip brewer as soon as it’s done, which is the moment the coffee/machine stops bubbling. This way, your coffee won’t have a foul burnt taste. And don’t forget to give the machine a thorough clean-up every two or three weeks.

Pour Over

This time, you need to bring water to a boil and get your beans ready. Again, you are aiming for table salt-like consistency.

It is crucial to prepare the brewer as well. Place the filter and then pour hot water to get rid of paper residue and get the brewer nice and warm. Of course, make sure to remove the excess water before brewing.

With grounds inside the filter (nice and level), start pouring hot water from the center and slowly work your way towards the edges. They should soak well, and you can stop as soon as coffee starts dripping, then repeat until you’ve used a sufficient amount of water.

It’s also important to get the temperature right. The optimal brewing temperature is between 195°F and 205°F because it allows the grind to release all the aromas and flavors.

French Press

In a way, French press is similar to pour over brewing. To be exact, you can get the brewer warm and the water temperature is again between 195°F and 205°F. However, the grounds need to have a breadcrumb-like consistency with as little fine grit as possible.

The optimal brewing time for a French press is about four minutes. You should then gently press onto the plunger to squeeze out the grind. After brewing, you should never leave the coffee in the press. Otherwise, the taste might become bitter.

General Guidelines

Coffee Selection and Preparation

The importance of choosing great coffee cannot be overstated. Some might consider this as a bit of snobbery, but once you taste the final result, you’ll understand why people obsess about it. There are two main types of coffee – Arabica and Robusta.

Robusta usually has more caffeine and Arabica has a broad flavor range. In addition, Arabica is thought to be a superior bean, but this doesn’t mean you cannot get a great Robusta. Ideally, you should get the beans fresh and do your own roasting, regardless of the type.

Of course, this takes time and is not something you can do every morning. With that in mind, aim to get the freshest possible roast at your local shop and focus on proper storage and grinding. In general, it’s enough to have a week’s supply of coffee and keep it in an airtight container at room temperature.

When it comes to grinding, it all depends on the type of coffee you like to drink. Also, it won’t hurt to invest in a good grinder to ensure proper consistency.


For a great morning coffee, regular tap water just won’t cut it because it can be full or chlorine and impurities. If you are a true aficionado, it is best to use something natural like spring water or, at least, install a filter on your tap.

This way, you retain all the desirable minerals that can improve the coffee flavor and remove the water contaminants that could hurt the taste.

Rise and Shine to a Wonderful Cup

There is no such thing as a difficult way to make the morning coffee. That said, it does take some preparation and know-how to make a wonderful cup of coffee without much extra work. The brewing routine that delivers excellent results is half the fun. So go on, make your own cup and enjoy the day ahead.

Having A Shoulder To Cry On Is One Of The Most Important Things In Life

a shoulder to cry on

Crying on someone’s shoulder is not a weakness. Calling someone when you feel sad and alone is not a flaw. It does not mean that you are an emotionally and mentally weak person. It just means that you need help. And that is fine.

Having a shoulder to cry on is a really valuable feeling.

Just look at how we, humans develop emotionally. As babies, we crave our mother’s hug. We are helpless, little human beings who have no idea how this world functions. The only two people that we know are our mother and father. They are our shelter, our comfort zones, our protectors. So, every time something happens to us, we sound the alarm. We cry. That basically means that we are out of that comfort zone, so we need our protectors to save us. We get used to the physical and emotional connection with them that we find it hard to separate ourselves from them.

This dynamic continues to play out pretty much our whole life. As we grow up, we seek friends to whom we can confide. We search for that best friend who will be able to accept us for who we are and always be there for us. And then, as we become more and more emotionally and physically mature, we start to search for a partner. A soulmate. The other half of us.

Bottom line, our whole lives are based on creating connections.

Because we are programmed to be connected to human beings. We are emotional creatures. We feel deeply and we love from the heart. That is something that makes us different from the other mammals.

That is why we turn to another human being for help when we feel week. That is why we seek comfort in someone’s hug. That is why we need to feel accepted and loved when our emotions make us feel overwhelmed.  Because without that unconditional support, without that shoulder to cry on, without that empathic response that we sometimes crave, life would be much more difficult than it is.

Unfortunately, there are people who’ve done this and got their hearts broken. As a result, they’ve decided that they will never again rely on someone else but themselves. So, they’ve isolated themselves and stopped trusting people. But what they didn’t realize is that rejecting support from people who care about them will eventually make them overwhelmed by their emotions.

If you are one of these people, I feel you. I really do. But don’t you think that rejecting help and pretending that you can do all by yourself will only do you more harm than good?

You are a human being and you have emotions. You have blood running through your veins. And a fragile, beating heart between your chest. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging this and letting people know that you are vulnerable, after all.

Having the need to call someone when you are feeling low is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of strength. It shows that you are brave enough to let people know that you are just a fragile, human being who sometimes needs help.

Always remember, the need to feel comforted and supported by others is wired into you since birth. You are a creature that has been brought here to make a connection with other living beings. Don’t hesitate to turn to someone when you are going through a tough time.

Bottling up emotions should never be a choice. Whatever you feel inside, you should be able to share it with the ones you love. Believe it or not, your loved ones can be the most amazing source of motivation and strength when you are feeling miserable.

Have You Met A Serial Dater? Here Is How To Easily Recognize One

Serial daters. If you google the definition for this term, the first thing that will come up is an explanation that a serial dater is a person who refuses to play by those, good, old-fashioned, unwritten rules when it comes to dating. You know, the ones like exclusivity, respect, honesty, communication, compromise, trust, loyalty and so on and so on…

According to the general opinion, serial dater is someone who loves the chase. A person who prefers to play the game of hot and cold. A player who enjoys a relationship until he gets bored and another potential candidate comes along…

Want my personal opinion?

Serial daters are the people who destroyed romantic love. They are the ones who first discarded the core values of life. The ones who forced people to give up on love. I may sound a bit harsh, but that is the truth…

These people avoid:

1. Getting to know you. Serial daters don’t care much about your background, your feelings, your thoughts or who you are as a person. The only thing that they are interested in is having fun with you. Preferably in the bedroom.

2. Talking about where the relationship is going. People who date for fun don’t really think much about relationships. In fact, a serious partner who wants to talk about a possible future and their personal feelings is a deal-breaker to these people. Yes, you read it right. Serial daters live in the moment. They don’t talk about how they feel, or what they are planning to do tomorrow. Mostly because they are not interested in making this a thing. Serial daters are into casual flings, not serious relationships

3. Sharing personal details about themselves and their feelings. Oh no. A serial dater would never reveal his innermost feelings or thoughts to you. Whatever they say, know that they are saying it on purpose. No one really knows what these people carry inside of them. They don’t like to be vulnerable in front of others. They keep everything to themselves.

But they prioritize:

1. Having fun. This is at the top of their priority list. Having fun means keeping the relationship light, or in other words, open. In a nutshell, having fun means dating without any emotional commitment. That’s what their whole life is about.

2. Being a bachelor their whole life. They send the message that they enjoy being single. As a result, they have a history of short relationships. Their longest relationship is often not more than one year. Their failed relationships are usually the result of their ex-partner complaining about their commitment. Their ideal relationship is a short, casual fling that doesn’t require them to be an open, loving and devoted partner. Simple as that. Serial daters are bachelors for life.

3. Social validation and material goods. Most importantly, they care about their careers and their personal needs. Nothing is more important than their work, their plans, and their success. These are their top three priorities that no relationship could ever outrank them.

If you recognized someone in these traits, be advised. You are dating a serial dater.

If you don’t mind game and you are up for some fun, go for it. Date them, go out with them, make love to them, it’s on you. But if you are looking for a serious and loving relationship with a person that would love you just the way you deserve to be loved, this person is not for you. Leave before you get your heart broken. That’s the only thing you will ever get from them anyway.

3 Telltale Signs That Your Friendship Is Turning Into An Emotional Affair

Friendships are an important part of life. If you ask me, probably the most important part. I don’t know, I guess that is how I was raised to believe. Nurturing your friendships and taking care of your friends should be on your priority list, regardless of your relationship status.

In other words, it is important to have friends. Even when you are married. Just think about it. Relying on only one person, your spouse for every emotional need that you have can sometimes be too much for them. That is where friendships come in. Platonic relationships always provide that extra support that we sometimes need.

However, sometimes, in some cases, the line between a friendship and an emotional affair is very thin. You start to feel a bit closer to your friend, you feel like you can open yourself in front of them, but you fail to notice that you are sliding down the proverbial slippery slope. All of a sudden, you’ve crossed the line. You feel closer to them than you are with your partner.

This is where the problems start to arise.

Some people don’t realize they’re actually cheating on their partners with their friends until it is too late. That is why, it is important to know the difference between emotional affairs and healthy, platonic relationships.

Here are three telltale signs that you are getting more emotionally involved in your friendship:

1. You rely on them for emotional support more than you rely on your husband. You share every bit of personal information with them because you feel like they are the only person that really listens to you. There is no one more loving, caring and attentive than them. They would do anything for you and you would do even more for them.

2. You don’t like the share much about your relationship. Especially not in front of your friends or your partner. Every time he asks you more about your friend, you try to subtly change the subject and talk about something else. It’s a bit obvious, but you like to think that your partner doesn’t actually know what’s happening between the two of you.

3. There is a great sexual energy between the two of you. You can feel the tension every time you two see each other. It’s not like you are doing something. You are just sitting next to each other. Their touch, no matter how simple it is, electrifies your whole body. Their look makes you go crazy. It makes you want them more and more.

These signs are clear indicators that you have something more than just a friendship. However, it is important to also note that a relationship can be destructive to your marriage even without this full trinity. If your attention and your affection are generally focused on your platonic friendship than on your marriage, that is a clear sign that you are having an emotional affair with your friend.

Be brave, accept your feelings, be honest with yourself and others and make a wise, grown decision without destroying your partner’s life. Have in mind that marriages are one of the most important relationships that we have in our life.

The rest is up to you to decide.

This Is Why It’s Truly Important To Express Gratitude In Your Relationship

Saying thank you is one of the simplest and easiest things that we can do. Yet, for some reason, we often forget to say it. Sometimes we think it’s not that important and sometimes we believe that the person next to us already know that we appreciate all their efforts.

But this kind of thinking is what usually gets us in troubles.

Expressing gratitude to people who’ve done something to you is something we must always do.

But let’s talk about romantic relationships, shall we? Saying thank you to your partner regardless of the fact that they know how much you appreciate them helping you or being there for you is essential if you want to keep your relationship happy.

Still, the question remains. How much is too much and how much is enough?

Let’s be clear, by saying that expressing gratitude to your partner is essential and healthy for the relationship, I don’t mean that you should do that every time he gets up and pick up his mess. NO.

I am saying that thanking your partner in a form of a smile, warm, loving hug, a look in the eyes or a simple note on the fridge every once in a while, can make a big difference in their life and your relationship overall. It doesn’t matter if they know how appreciated and loved they are by you. One simple ‘thank you’, ‘you are the best’ on a daily basis can not only brighten their day but also brighten their life.

Believe it or not, this has been confirmed by a study. A research done by Cameron, Amette, & Smith (2011) supported this idea, but also added a very interesting insight. Their findings proved that a spouse’s feeling and expressing gratitude in their relationship is tightly associated with their marital satisfaction. However, while a person’s feeling of gratitude predicted the spouse’s marital satisfaction, their expressed gratitude did not, which pointed out one important thing.

Expressing gratitude does not only mean saying thank you. If you want to truly express your gratitude towards someone, words aren’t going to cut it. You need to feel the things that you are saying.

I admit, it is not always that easy as it seems, but in the end, it is worth it. To be that open and to have such great gratitude towards your partner, you must see your partner in a positive light. That means that you must first free yourself from all the grudges, all of your anger in your heart, at least for a moment. You must be ready to accept the fact that this offering of gratitude may actually be used against you. You must take everything into consideration.

Because there is nothing more wonderful than that intimate and beautiful moment when your partner accepts and graciously welcomes your gift. Those are the things that make one relationship stronger and generally happier.

Showing each other how much you appreciate one another and how much you care for each other is the key to a long-lasting and loving connection!

Do You Feel Lonely In The Presence Of Your Partner? Here’s What You Can Do About It

Feeling lonely is not an emotion reserved only for those that are rolling solo.  Rather it’s an emotion that those who are in a relationship can feel too.

Romantic relationships are supposed to bring a sense of fulfillment and peace into your life. They’re supposed to make you feel complete and whole.

But, if you feel lonely and estranged when hanging out with, or just looking at, the person who you share a bed with, then the fact that you’re in a relationship isn’t much of a consolation.

So, the question is: What can make you feel lonely in a relationship?

You can feel this way in the presence of your partner since something is not working the way it should in the relationship itself. 

You can also feel lonely in your relationship because you look to your significant other to fill the emptiness that you’ve been carrying within yourself.

And last but not least, you can feel lonely around your partner because they’re failing to provide you with the closeness and sense of connectedness you need.

When you’re in a relationship in which you and your significant other no longer share the mutual connection you once had, you might be tempted to sweep the problem under the carpet, hoping it’ll solve itself. But, know that this is not a good idea. Because chances are that you’ll continue to feel lonely and your relationship will become even more unbearable.

So, instead of waiting for the problem to solve itself, try looking for ways in which you could better the situation, and then take action.

In what follows, we’ve offered three ways you can do that:

1. Talk to your partner openly about how you feel.

Tell your significant other how you feel and maybe you’ll find out that they feel lonely too. At the very least, if they truly love you, they’ll naturally want to relieve your loneliness.

Both of you try to find out what’s causing the emotional distance in your relationship. Are your schedules so tight that you can’t find time to connect? Or, is your partner so impatient with your personal problems that you talk to anyone but them about your worries and deepest insecurities and fears?

No matter what the reason is, being aware of it and then discussing it with your significant other may help you close the emotional distance between you.

2. Overcome your loneliness with the help of outside support.

If you don’t feel that your partner can lessen your loneliness, then don’t hesitate to turn to your family and friends. Let them give you advice and suggest ways you can work through the problem with your partner. Who knows? Maybe their advice will help you and your beloved feel close again.

3. Walk away.

If you know you’ve done everything in your power to overcome your loneliness in your relationship, and yet, nothing has worked, perhaps you should consider leaving.

It’s hard and painful to let go of someone whom you were in a relationship with for a long time and whom you were deeply connected with once. But, if that connection no longer exists, if the spark between you is gone, and if your relationship no longer brings happiness, excitement, and a sense of fulfillment into your life, then what’s the point of staying in it?

Remember – you deserve to be in a healthy, harmonious, deep, fulfilling relationship, and you should never settle for anything less than that.