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Lovely Bridesmaids Decide To Replace Their Flowers With Rescued Puppies And Help Them Find Homes

I can’t help but notice that wedding traditions are slowly changing. People refuse to fall into the same planning patterns as the rest of the world and they actually dare to do something different. They let their creative overflow them and shift their ideas into new directions.

And eventually, something wonderful happens. You get to witness an unusual wedding, planned exactly the way the bride and the groom have always wanted.

The perfect example of fun and unusual weddings is this girl’s wedding day!

Samantha Clark didn’t want to have a traditional wedding. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, but she knew that she must have her dogs as a part of the official ceremony. And of course, what pet lover wouldn’t want their furry friends to sit beside them on their wedding day.

Well, here’s where the whole story gets more interesting.

She didn’t want to have a usual, flowery wedding so she decided that her bridesmaids would not carry the usual beautiful bouquets. Instead, they would carry cute rescued puppies.

I am literally speechless. What an amazing idea, right?


Luckily for her, AHeinz57 Pet Rescue and Transport decided to help her dreams come true. The organization had plenty of rescued animals that desperately needed to be adopted and they were very happy that someone would actually consider doing something so generous and help those poor creatures.

Samantha was 100% sure, she only wondered whether her bridesmaids would accept her genius idea. But surprisingly, they were all on board with her. So, they chose 6 small puppies which were a cross breed between chihuahua, and dachshund, also known as Chiweenies and they were the cutest little fellas.

They were all escorted by their foster mother and the ceremony was perfect. And don’t get me started on the photos. They are unbearably cute. I doubt you could look at them without screaming.

All in all, I must say that Samantha is my hero. People like her are rare and they are precious. I just know that this is exactly what I have in mind for my wedding. Except I may include cats, as well!

If you want to know more about their wedding day, check this link below. And of course, don’t hesitate to share this amazing story with your friends. You might inspire them to do something even more incredible!

You Broke Her, So Don’t Be Surprised When You Realize That She’s Not The Same Person Anymore

You came into her life when she least expected it. You gave her hopes. You made her fall for you. You were there for her. You gave her a reason to believe in a possible future with you. You were her everything. But she was only a small, insignificant part of your life.

You seemed like someone who loved her more than anything in the world, but in the end, it turned out that you were only pretending. Your words were based on lies. One big web of lies.

Just when she felt comfortable enough to open her soul and surrender her body, mind, and heart to you, you crushed her. You took her heart and you broke it. You broke it to millions of pieces. You left her with a heartbreak that destroyed her entire world.

For what?

All she ever desired was to find a person who would love her the way she deserves. All she ever wanted was to experience true love. The one that people write novels about. The one that changes you from the very core and makes you forget about everything else.

She wanted the kind of love that leaves you speechless, feeds your soul and nourishes your heart. All you ever gave her was false hope, sorrow, and pain.

This woman gave you her heart on a golden platter thinking that you would know what to do with it, but you destroyed it. She treated you with respect. She took care of you. She was there when you needed her. She loved you more than anyone else in your life.

She never deserved that kind of cruel treatment. She never deserved to be punished for loving hard. But you couldn’t care less about what she wants. You were too busy taking care of your needs.

Well, let me tell you something.

You may not realize how much you’ve lost now, but there will come a day when you realize what you’ve done. And you will regret your actions.  You will feel the loneliness before you fall asleep when you wake up in the morning and even when you are surrounded with people. You will miss the love that she desperately tried to give you.

And so, you will try to get back to her. But guess why?

It will all be too late. Your efforts will be for nothing. Because she will be a completely different person. A brand-new individual.

She will no longer be the person that she used to be. No. She will no longer that naive woman who believed in your empty promises. She has burnt herself once on you. There will be no second time around.

She will be guarded. She will be very cautious. She won’t be desperate for your love. She won’t be the naïve woman she once was. And she will take care of herself and herself only. She won’t trust a word you say. She won’t care about your stupid excuses or apologies.

She won’t let herself get caught in your web of manipulation. She won’t let you fool her with your kind words. She won’t let you back into her life. Because she will be a changed person.

It will be hard for you to accept that, but the woman who once loved you will be gone. The only things left will be your guilt and the emptiness in your soul.

They will stay to haunt you forever.

South Korea Closes Its Biggest Canine Meat Slaughterhouse

You don’t have to be a vegetarian so that the idea of eating dog meat makes you cringe. While to most people, eating canine meat is unimaginable, considering how lovely, good, and loyal dogs are and what a great, deep bond they create with people, in some countries, such as South Korea, this practice is not uncommon at all.

In South Korea, there’s a great number of dog meat slaughterhouses. However, its biggest slaughterhouse, Taepyeong-dong, has been closed by local authorities – a move which has been described as a landmark moment in the downfall of the country’s canine meat trade.

In this slaughterhouse, thousands of dogs were electrocuted each year and then their remains were sold for meat.

Hyunji Kim, an activist at Korea Animal Rights Advocates, said:

“As Korea’s biggest, brutal, illegal dog slaughterhouse, Taepyeong-dong is notorious for supplying huge amounts of dog bodies to nearby Seongnam Moran traditional market. Its closure is an historical event, and hopefully may trigger the closure of other illegal dog slaughterhouses throughout the country.”


The Taepyeong-dong complex is said to have comprised 6 slaughterhouses and each one of them had the capacity to hold hundreds of animals at a time. The complex was one of the biggest suppliers of canine meat for restaurants all over the country.

Activists have reported seeing terrifying conditions at the facility, including a de-hairing machine, knives, electrocution equipment, and wire cages where hundreds of dogs have been kept.


It’s important to note that although closing the slaughterhouse wasn’t an easy process at all, thanks to campaign groups and local authorities, it has been shut down successfully.

It’s great to know that there’re individuals out there who truly love and look after animals and try to ensure that their rights are always protected, no matter where they are.


10 Unmistakable Signs That You Have A Connection That Is Built To Last A Lifetime

We’ve all felt that remarkable, out-of-this-world feeling at the beginning of a relationship. We’ve all felt the butterflies in our stomach. It’s something that cannot be explained, only experienced. It is commonly known as the honeymoon phase which only lasts a few months.

But if you are one of those few ones whose relationship never ever got out of that honeymoon phase; I salute you. I hope you know how blessed and lucky you are.

Here are 10 unmistakable signs that you have a connection that is built to last a lifetime:

1. You have fun doing absolutely nothing. You don’t feel like you always need to do something interesting together to have fun. You enjoy each other’s company by simply sitting next to each other and doing nothing.

2. You always support one another. Whatever happens, you are always there to lend a helping hand and help them go through the issue. You have each other’s back. You stick together through thick and then. It’s clear that you are more than just a couple. You are a team.

3. You fight, but you also talk about your issues and find a way to resolve them. Communication is a very important part of your relationship. Whatever is happening between you two, you don’t go to bed until you resolve it.

4. You have many mutual friendships. So, basically, you are more than just a couple. You are friends who love each other more than anyone else. You have many mutual friends and you enjoy spending time with them.

5. You make each other laugh. Everything is funny when you are together. Your humor is one of the things that connect you the most. You vibrate on the same frequency level.

6. You are very grateful that you have each other, and you are not afraid to show that. They are your entire life, and you are theirs. There is no place in the universe that you’d rather be than in each other’s arms. You love each other more than anything else and you are not afraid to show one another how strong your emotions are.

7. You respect one another. This is one of the most important things that people should focus on if they want their relationships to thrive. Luckily, you already know that. You respect each other’s opinions, work, ideas, preferences and time. That is a sign that your connection is based on genuine love. Something that is meant to last a lifetime.

8. They inspire you to grow. They make you a better person. It is them and their love that gives you the strength to be who you are and reach your potential. Thanks to the connection you have, you are the person you were always meant to be.

9. You trust each other unconditionally. Your honesty is what helps your relationship overcome any obstacle along the way.

10. You are completely honest with each other. You don’t resort to childish games such as manipulating or gaslighting. Everything you feel or you wish to say, you say it to their face. That is one of the biggest reasons why your love flourishes. Your connection is built on sincerity. That is something that is meant to last forever.

6 Best Relationship Advice On How To Build Love That Stands The Test Of Time


Whether we’ve been in a relationship with someone for 6 years or married to the same person for 20 or 30 years, we all have the same wish – our love to last a lifetime.

There are many couples to whom this wish has become a reality. These are the couples who’ve been together for over 30 years and who are looking forward to many more years together.

So, the question is: How have these couples managed to build love that stands the test of time?

Well, on May 23, my family and I celebrated my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. Yes, their 40th wedding anniversary. As we were enjoying the family dinner, I couldn’t resist but ask my parents what their secret was – how they’ve managed to keep the spark alive throughout all these years.

Here’s what they told me, and I sincerely hope that you’ll find the following pieces of advice as valuable as I have.

1. Accept each other exactly the way you are.

Disagreements and fights are an inseparable part of every healthy, strong, successful relationship. Because no matter how much you and your partner love each other and no matter how long you’ve been together, nothing can change the fact that you two are separate individuals. You have different likes, dislikes, needs, goals, interests, dreams, and problems as well.

So, thinking that if you manage to change your partner, i.e. make them fit your own selfish, unrealistic idea of who they should be, this will limit the number of disagreements, misunderstandings, and problems you have in your relationship is not only wrong but absurd as well.

The reason why some couples enjoy healthy, meaningful, happy, long relationships is not that they don’t argue or that they agree on everything, but that they deal with their disagreements in a mature, kind manner. More importantly, they accept and cherish each other the way they are. They embrace each other’s qualities as well as insecurities, fears, and problems.

2. Never base your happiness on your partner’s constant approval and validation.

While it’s a part of our nature to want to be validated, admired, and loved, you need to understand that if you always have to beg for this, it becomes harmful to your self-esteem.

Unless you practice self-love and self-respect, you can’t expect that your partner will give you the validation and love you need. You also need to understand that you’re the one who decides how you’ll spend your energy and life in general. It’s your responsibility to say NO when others, even your partner, expect you to act or live in ways they want you to – ways that are not in accordance with your own values and principles.

Therefore, forget about pleasing everyone around you and remember that you don’t have to justify your actions to anyone, not even your significant other. Because your happiness, sense of fulfillment, and self-worth don’t depend on anyone. Only when you learn how to be more independent and self-reliant, will you be free and ready to give as well as receive genuine, pure, deep love.


3. Give each other space to deal with your negative feelings in your own way.

We all have mood swings once in a while. And there’s nothing wrong with that. But what you should remember is that when you notice that your partner is feeling upset, having a bad day, or being cranky, you shouldn’t take this personally or make them feel like they’re an insecure or weak person.

Instead, give them enough space and time to process what they’re going through and face their negative emotions. In this way, not only will you avoid undermining their worth, but you’ll also help them preserve their dignity.

4. Make sure you always have open communication.

Relationships in which one of the partners thinks that the other person can read their mind are bound to fail. The reason is simple: Things such as sweeping problems under the carpet, sugarcoating the harsh truths, and regarding only your own opinions, ideas, and decisions as right only create more problems.

If you want the love and respect in your relationship to grow as time passes, you need to always honestly and clearly express your thoughts and feelings. Additionally, you need to give up the habit of listening to your partner so as to reply and actually start listening to them so that you can understand what they have to say. You need to listen to them without criticizing or judging them regardless of how different their opinions are from your own.

5. Support and encourage each other to grow, both personally and professionally.

Happy and successful couples are those that show eagerness to learn from each other and from the world around them. They’re committed to encouraging each other to set and pursue high goals and develop both as individuals and partners.

Instead of trying to change each other or being jealous of each other’s accomplishments and successes, such couples invest time and energy in motivating each other to become the best version of themselves.

6. Last but not least, practice love every day.

In order for you to build a loving relationship which stands the test of time, you need to practice love every day. So, what does that mean?

It means treating each other with kindness, compassion, patience, and understanding. It means treating each other with respect and dignity. It means being willing to make compromises and sacrifice your own needs, wishes, and even happiness for the sake of your partner.

It means investing time and energy in your relationship and always being there for your significant other. It means being entirely loyal to your partner and fully committing to them. It means choosing your partner every day.

Road Safety Tips for Children: All You Need to Know

safety road

Parents have a responsibility to make sure their children know all about road and car safety.

Let’s take a look at the data. In the U.S. alone, more than 1,600 kids under 15 years old die in road crashes. One in every five of those kids were pedestrians. These numbers are shocking, and should not be happening in the first place.

Importance of Road Safety Rules and Regulations for Kids

The statistics on child deaths underscore the importance of teaching children road safety. Parents and educators should teach road rules to kids at the earliest age possible. Why? Because our towns and cities are chock full of streets, roads, and freeways.

Your child is bound to end up walking on the sidewalk or riding a bike around the neighborhood. Can you imagine if there weren’t any road safety rules? There would be chaos in the streets and a lot of people, children included, can get injured or worse.

Plastic highway barriers are one of the most important safety devices to prevent injury and death from potential crashes on highways and can be filled with water or sand for more powerful stability.

There are rules for pedestrians and drivers in place for a reason – to prevent avoidable accidents from happening.

Guidelines to Teach Road Safety for Children

Teaching a child how to stay safe on the road isn’t difficult, provided you use the correct approach.

  • You have to make it fun, memorable, and easy to understand.
  • Do your first practice by setting-up a simulated road scenario at home.
  • Use props and games to make the experience enjoyable for them.
  • Never shout or get angry at your child if they don’t get it or do something wrong.

Remember, you are only practicing, and practice makes perfect. When you feel that your child grasps all the rules, go for a short walk around the block and show her/him the real thing.

When teaching your kids about road safety, you can start with these lessons:

·         How to Use Crosswalks

Begin your road rules lesson by explaining to your child why crosswalks or zebra crossings are essential. Let them know that pedestrians rule the crosswalks, and all drivers should stop. Also, teach them that not all drivers follow the rules.

They have to make eye contact with the driver when crossing the road and pay attention to what’s happening. When a car is too close to the crosswalk, they shouldn’t cross the way and let the vehicles pass first.

·         Stop, Look and Listen

Teach your child that before crossing the street, he/she should stop, look around for any signs of danger, and listen for oncoming cars. This rule is critical for ensuring the safety of children, even when using crosswalks.

The “stop, look and listen” rule has been a component of school safety regulations for many years, and is very useful.

·         Signals and Colors

When driving, tell your kids all about traffic lights, what they mean, and why they’re essential. This lesson is more effective when children can see it firsthand.

  • When the light turns RED, the car stops
  • When the light turns YELLOW, the car slows down
  • When the light turns GREEN, the car moves

Alternatively, you can highlight what the colors mean:

  • RED = STOP
  • GREEN = GO

When walking, explain that the colors are the same for pedestrians, and these appear as symbols at intersections. Also explain to your child that even when the symbols turn green, he/she should look left and right before crossing the street. Read means stay on the sidewalk.

·         Sidewalk and Street Rules

Teach your child always to use the sidewalk when walking at all times. Tell them they should never step down from the street unless they are ready to cross the road using the crosswalk. Explain to your kids that sidewalks are only for walking, not for playing.

Even the streets are off limits for playing, also though the volume of vehicles is low. Teach your child to never run across the street, wait for the right signals, and walk to another side. Children should wear bright colored outfits so they can be easily seen by drivers.

Kids should also know all about not crossing at bends and only using straightaways where they’re visible. Teach your kid not to cross the street when a car is approaching and never to pass between two stationary vehicles.

Car Safety

Children are precious cargo. Here are a few tips to help keep your child safe during a car trip.

  • Your child should always wear a seat belt. If you have a toddler, make sure to use a car seat.
  • If you’re buying a used car, make sure to check the Vin number and check the vehicle history report.
  • Always use the child lock feature on the doors to prevent kids from opening it.
  • Stay calm and patient while driving to set a good example.
  • Don’t use cell phones or other gadgets when driving.
  • Try, so you won’t rush where you’re going.
  • Never leave your children alone in the car.


Lilly Myers’ Bio

Lilly Myers is a freelance content writer and social worker at Beverly Hills Speech Therapy. She has just recently received Master’s in Medical Sciences. Besides her occupancy she tries to find a spare time for volunteering and helping the people with disorders.

Financial Assistance for Cancer Patients

One of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and worldwide is cancer. Currently, the top leading cancer types are colorectal cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), about 1.7 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed in 2017 and more than 15 million Americans today have had a history of cancer.

Yearly, cancer ends the lives of more than 500,000 Americans and about 1 in 4 deaths in the US is due to cancer-related illness. Some people survive cancer while some live with it for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, not only does cancer take an immense impact on the  health and well-being of patients, it also drains them financially—even those with insurance.

Cancer represents a huge financial burden in the US. A 2017 report from the Cancer Action Network, the advocacy arm of the American Cancer Society, found that “in 2014, cancer patients paid nearly $4 billion out-of-pocket for cancer treatments,” and that according to U.S. Newsroughly $87.8 billion was spent in 2014 in the US on cancer-related health care. These costs were paid by employers, insurance companies and taxpayer-funded public programs like Medicare and Medicaid, as well as by cancer patients and their families.

Sadly, based on the continued growth and aging of the US population, and the costs of new diagnostic and therapeutic agents; it is estimated that the costs will also continue to increase throughout the years.

Financial Help for Cancer Treatments

When someone is diagnosed with cancer, the next thing the doctor and the patient will talk about is cancer treatment. In this type of disease, no one-size-fits-all. The regimen will depend on a lot of factor which includes: the organs in the body that are involved, the extent of the cancer, the patient’s age, the patient’s functional capacity, and of course, the patient’s financial capabilities.

There are three major treatment modalities in cancer: medical therapy (includes chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy), surgical therapy, and radiation therapy. Some patients need to undergo only one of these modalities, but others may need to undergo combination therapies. The cost it will incur will depend on the type and the extent of the chosen therapy.

Aside from the cost of the treatment, there are also a lot of indirect costs of cancer that add to the encumbrance of the patients and their families. The indirect costs include caregiving costs, transportation to treatment facilities, costs for special food, and even mental health services and legal services.

Fortunately, there are non-profit organizations in the US that provide assistance to cancer patients and their families. They offer programs that vary according to the different patients’ needs.

Below are the enumeration of these local and national financial support resources. You may contact these organizations directly to learn more about their services.

  • The American Cancer Society—It directs people to services in their community. This organization offers not only information on cancer diagnosis, treatment and prevention, it also provides information on patient support. It has local chapters throughout the country.
  • The Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC)—This is a group of national organizations that provide financial assistance to patients.
  • CancerCare—It provides limited financial assistance for co-pays, transportation, home care and child care.
  • American Life Fund—This company help patients with terminal cancer obtain cash for their life insurance policies.
  • HealthWellFoundation—It is an independent, non-profit organization that provides financial help for medical therapy to those with chronic diseases (including cancer) when their health insurance is not enough.

There are also local health insurance programs for patients. One of them is the Nevada Medicaid which helps those patients who can’t afford to pay some or all of their medical bills.

Nevada Medicaid will pay your health care providers directly. However, this program is only available to those eligible patients who belong to the low-income group.

There are also certain centers in the country that provides residential home for patients with chronic illnesses. One of these is the Congregate Living Health Facilities (CLHF homes) which provides inpatient care including medical supervision, nursing care, and supportive care, which is more affordable than hospital care.

CLHF homes also provide services to those who are mentally alert, physically disabled or those who are ventilator-dependent. They are located in several locations in the country. Each CLHF home is located in residential areas and they are no more than six beds to provide patients with better services.

Lilly Myers’ Bio

Lilly Myers is a freelance content writer and social worker at Beverly Hills Speech Therapy. She has just recently received Master’s in Medical Sciences. Besides her occupancy she tries to find a spare time for volunteering and helping the people with disorders.

Safe Laser Hair Removal in the Summer

Summer is upon us in the northern hemisphere! Folks everywhere are breaking out their swimsuits and finalizing their summer vacation plans. As the weather is getting warmer and you’re showing off more skin, you might start considering laser hair removal.

Shaving is time-consuming and leaves bumps. Waxing is painful. Laser hair removal destroys hair follicles to prevent the growth of hair over a series of treatments. So why not undergo laser hair removal?

Some individuals will immediately jump in and tell you that it isn’t safe to get laser hair removal in the summer, because you’ll need to keep areas of your skin out of the sun before and after treatment.

While this is true, that doesn’t mean you need to wait until autumn before beginning your treatment. There are ways to make laser hair removal safe in the summer.

Avoid the sun

Even if you’re ready to get outside as much as possible, you’ll need to take some time away from the sun while you’re going through treatment. It’s generally recommended that you don’t expose your skin to sun two weeks before and two weeks after treatment, because your skin becomes more sensitive once exposed to the sun. Exposing sensitive, heat-damaged skin to laser hair removal treatment can cause burning, scaring, and other permanent damage.

It’s also easier to go into laser hair removal without a tan. It is harder to find the melanin pigments within tanned skin so that hair can be safely removed. While it is still possible to undergo treatment with a tan, you might have to attend several additional sessions before the hair is completely removed.

If you’re not sure how long you should avoid the sun after treatment, check with the professional that performs your laser hair removal.

Be as educated as possible

Before you commit to laser hair treatment in the summer, make sure you’re as prepared as possible. You’ll want to make sure your skin type is suitable for treatment, be aware of any potential side effects, and know how long the process will take.

You’ll also want to find a skin and laser center that best meets your needs. You’ll want to find a place with professionals that are able to communicate honestly and provide an exceptional experience.

For example, Ethos Spa, which is probably one of the best hair removal (laser) services in NJ, has trained physicians and technicians that will provide a consultation before treatment as well as provide a personalized skin care treatment plan for after treatment. Their website includes before and after pictures, a list of frequently asked questions, and client reviews.

While there are home laser hair removal kits, you’ll want to weigh the pros and cons of a kit. In general, a professional will provide a more optimal treatment because they have the knowledge on how to create an effective treatment plan and adjust the plan accordingly throughout treatment.

Wear Sunscreen

You should wear sunscreen even if you aren’t undergoing laser hair removal, but it is absolutely necessary if you do have the treatment done. Sunscreen helps protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays. Your skin will be more prone to burning, even if you’re not purposefully trying to catch some rays, and you’ll want to regularly cover the area that received treatment with a layer of sunscreen.

If you had your face treated, you should also consider covering up with a sunhat.

Let your skin heal

Laser hair treatment opens your pores, so after your treatment, your skin will be more vulnerable and more prone to infection. To allow your skin time to heal, you’ll want to avoid activities that expose you to sun, sweat, heat, and germs such as going to the gym, going to the pool, or visiting the spa. You’ll also want to invest in a cleanser designed for sensitive skin to keep the treated area clean.

You might also find that your skin is dry, red, and swollen after treatment. Using a lotion such as a fresh aloe vera gel can help relieve some of that discomfort. There are also moisturizers designed for sensitive skin that will allow your skin to heal while also preventing dryness.

Makeup and other harsh skincare products will further irritate your skin, so you’ll want to avoid using those for at least 24 hours. If you don’t already have an existing skincare routine, you’ll want to have one after laser hair removal treatment.

In conclusion

Laser hair removal in the summer is perfectly safe, but you may need to readjust your summer plans. If your current plans include laying on on the beach and catching the waves all summer, you might want to stick to shaving or waxing this summer and start laser hair removal treatment in the fall in preparation for next summer.

Why Outdoor Activities Can Make You Better At Your Job

At first glance, putting outdoor activities and work in the same sentence may seem somewhat off-putting. The two should not have anything in common, except that there is a connection you might not be aware of. If you’re a passionate outdoorsman or outdoorswoman, you might not notice the benefits your hobby has on your work.

But take such activities out of the equation, and you’ll notice a drop in productivity. Why does that happen? Learn next what makes outdoor activities so good for you in other areas of your life.

You’re a better team player

People who spend a lot of time outdoors do so in a group more often than not. Even people who prefer to be solitary like anglers still have buddies who they meet with for their fishing vacations. Now that’s where an important aspect of outdoor activities lies.

Being with a group makes you better as a team player. That’s something that’s appreciated in any work environment. Projects require a lot of human resources, and the chances are that whatever you’re working on requires the involvement of several individuals other than you.

That said, the fact that you spend the end of the week away from it all, in the company of your friends has a positive impact on your behavior at your workplace. Furthermore, you may learn to deal with different personalities when the group you’re hanging out with for your outdoor adventures is comprised of many people.

You learn how to solve problems and deal with new situations

Do you see the resemblance between spending time hiking or camping, and what you do for a living? A cursory look will tell you that one is fun, and the other is work. But both require you to face new things and challenges, and they stimulate your ability to solve problems.

Spend more time outdoors, and you will notice how that can have a positive impact on your productivity at work. The neural pathways and habits involved with one type of situation are the same for others. In other words, you create patterns that you will use, even unconsciously, in your work, as well.

You know what to do when you meet new people

Another thing that outdoor activities offer a great opportunity for is meeting new people. How many times in your work have you ever had to deal with new employees, a new boss, or new business associates? Unless you are an amiable person by nature, such situations can yield a lot of stress.

That is why going to hike with a group, where you can meet new people, can help you in your work, as well. There can be many ways to strike up a conversation with a stranger, be it that you explain to him or her what your latest monocular from Aviator can do, or you have fun recounting your latest fishing adventures.

At work, you will find yourself dealing more calmly with changes, such as a new addition to your team or the upper management. Not to mention, you will enjoy all the benefits of stress relief outdoor activities have.

You are more productive because you are more relaxed

No matter how driven you may be, stress will accumulate even without your knowledge. That means that you will need a break, at least once in a while. Consider outdoor activities instead of a vacation in a crowded place that will leave you feeling drained and even more tired than you were before.

There is a reason why many people consider outdoor trips an excellent way of recharging your batteries. That pretty much describes what happens to both your body and your mind. When you go back to work, you will find it much easier to deal with everyday tasks, and you’ll be more productive.

Top Liberating Activities to Help You Cope with Stress

According to the World Health Organization, over 70% of employees all around the world handle stressful situations on a regular basis at work. Adding to the stress coming from financial struggles and family obligations, most people can feel overwhelmed at times.

But, no matter if you’re battling with stress at school, work or in your private life, you are not alone. And, while you cannot always turn to professional support and help, there are still plenty of things you can do on your own to improve your mental health and get rid of the stress factors in your life.

Try meditating

Meditating has proven to be a great short-term stress relief technique that comes absolutely free and can be performed anytime, anywhere. All you need to do is close your eyes and try to block all the thoughts and inner voices that rush through your mind until you clear it completely.

The technique works better outdoors because you can get to focus on one particular sound – the humming of the birds, the wind blowing through the leaves or the river running.

You can also develop a short mantra that you repeat in your head a few times while taking slow deep breaths at the same time. This will also help you clear your head and shut down all the negativity.

In time, you will learn to perfect meditating and achieve inner peace that will help you cope with almost all stressful situations from your daily life.

Go swimming

Submerging yourself in water is one liberating and relaxing way to handle stress and stressful situations. Other ones include floating or swimming. No matter the way you choose to integrate the power of water, you will learn that it helps you calm down your mind and induce a sense of peace and tranquility.

If you want faster results, swimming is the best option because while you’re in the pool or in the sea, you’ll mainly have to focus on your hand-eye-foot coordination and try to regulate your breathing at the same time. As a result, you won’t get to think of anything else but how to avoid sinking, which will clear your mind for a while.

Enjoy aromatherapy

What can be more relaxing after a hectic day at work than to come home and enjoy a few moments alone? Aromatherapy is another method that provides almost immediate results in releasing stress from your body.

Simply take a long bath and add salts and scented oils that will stimulate your senses. Mint and peppermint are great for whenever you want to refresh, while chamomile, lavender, and even orange are perfect for when you want to unplug.

You can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oils on your pillow or rub them onto your temples and forehead to relax instantly and have a good night’s sleep.

Try new experiences

New experiences force you to get outside your comfort zone and embrace the unknown, which won’t leave too much time for your brain to think about the stress factors. Thus, it wouldn’t hurt to try something new once in a while, no matter how small it may seem.

If you’re not brave enough to go bungee jumping all of a sudden, you could start with activities that require a smaller dose of adrenaline.

Learning how to ride a motorcycle can be one of them. Both amateurs and professional bikers mentioned that feeling the wind on their bodies as they head toward an empty road represents a liberating experience. Just make sure to wear protective gear at all times and learn how to properly lock your helmet before getting in the saddle.