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What You Can Do to Prevent a Car Accident

Car crashes happen all too often. Most of the time they seem to come out of nowhere. In some cases, there’s nothing you can do to avoid a collision caused by someone else.

You can only do your best to deal with the aftermath. However, prudent drivers do their part to make the roadways safer by changing a few of their driving habits.

People who drive with greater care are less likely to cause or get into a collision. If you’d like to make the roads safer for everyone, here are four major things you can do.

  1. Put Down Your Phone

Over the last five years, distracted driving has surpassed drunk driving as the number-one cause of vehicular crashes in the United States. Most distracted driving incidents occur because the driver was using a cell phone while he or she was behind the wheel.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that more than 3,166 people were killed in the United States due to phone use on the road. It’s not very heartening to note that nearly half a million people admit to using their cell phones while driving.

You can substantially reduce your risk of getting involved in an accident by putting your phone down when you drive. Put it in your purse or in the back seat if you must to avoid the temptation.

If you need your phone for directions, use a hands-free mount and leave it alone while the vehicle is in gear.

  1. Have a Plan When You’re Out with Friends

Drunk driving is the second most common cause of accidents on the roadway, and it’s also the most preventable. The best way to stop yourself from getting behind the wheel when you’re drunk is always to have a plan.

You might not know when you’re going to end up drinking when you go out with friends or attend an event, but you can keep the number of a cab company handy or choose a designated driver among your party.

Claire Taylor of Integrated Family Community Services suggests asking a friend to hide your keys if you’ve been drinking. “In case the roles were reversed and it is your friend who is drunk, don’t think twice about hiding his keys too,” she suggests. “Give him other transportation alternatives … offer to drive him home or call him a cab.”

  1. Slow Down

You might think exceeding the posted speed limit is harmless, but it’s the most common manifestation of reckless driving. When you’re always in a hurry, you don’t often heed all traffic laws, which can get you in trouble in more ways than one.

Avery Thompson of Popular Mechanics uses math to illustrate the way that increased speed creates such dangerous circumstances. “We tend to think about speed linearly, which can be misleading when trying to determine how fast is too fast….

“You have to think about energy, not speed,” he says. “An object’s kinetic energy is proportional to its speed squared, which means doubling a car’s speed quadruples its energy.”

This means if you’re going 75 miles an hour when other cars are going 50, your vehicle will have twice as much energy as the other cars do. Even if you both slam on your brakes, you probably won’t be able to cut your energy enough to minimize a catastrophic impact.

  1. Know How to Drive in Bad Weather

Education can also prevent serious accidents, especially in the case of bad weather. Many drivers aren’t aware of the proper behavior to adopt when their vehicle enters a bad weather situation.

For example, do you know how to control your car when you hit a patch of black ice while going 65 mph? Most people instinctively slam on their brakes and turn the wheel away from the ice, but that is the worst thing you can do.

Hitting the brakes will cause your truck or car to skid, and turning the wheel can cause it to flip and roll. Instead, do as little as possible.

Don’t hit the brakes and keep the wheel straight. Once you’re past the black ice, touch the brakes gently and pull over to assess the situation, if you can.

Terrible conditions in rain, hail, snow, and even major catastrophes like tornadoes can be survived if you brush up on bad weather driving protocols.

How to Handle Anxiety While Driving (or in a Car)

It’s not uncommon to feel a creeping anxiety while driving a car. It could be because you’re learning to drive for the first time and you’re not sure of yourself. It could be because you were once involved in a car accident, and experienced trauma that now makes every car ride difficult.

In any case, this anxiety can make your life more complicated, preventing you from driving when and where you feel, or causing distress whenever you’re in the car. Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help you manage that anxiety.

Accept Your Anxiety

Anxiety tends to come with a self-contained feedback loop; you know you have a tendency to have anxiety, so you feel anxious before you even get in a car, wondering whether you’ll have a panic attack mid-trip. This cycle can be tough to break, but one of the most important steps is to come to terms with your own anxiety.

Understand that anxiety is a normal human response to stressful situations. In some cases, anxiety may arise with greater severity than is warranted, but that doesn’t mean it’s something to be feared or hated. Also, try to acknowledge the root causes of your anxiety. Were you involved in a traumatic car accident at some point? Are you nervous while traveling at high speeds? What is it, specifically, that triggers your anxiety? Your awareness and acknowledgment can make you more comfortable, which can keep your anxiety from spiraling out of control.

Practice Exposure Therapy

One of the best treatment methods for phobias, panic disorders, and anxiety is exposure therapy. While typically exercised by a licensed practitioner, it can be used by ordinary people hoping to make a positive change in their lives. The basic idea is to gradually expose yourself to the condition or situation that makes you feel anxiety, teaching you that there isn’t anything to fear.

For example, if you feel severe anxiety while driving, consider getting behind the wheel of a parked car, turned off, and try to calm your nerves. Do this frequently until you feel in control. When ready, move onto sitting behind the wheel of a parked car that’s idling. When you’re comfortable with this, consider taking the car to a big, empty lot and driving short distances in a straight line. With enough time, effort, and patience, you can eventually work your way up to driving on streets and highways.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation is a cognitive and emotional tool you can use to get more control over your emotions, and filter out some of the creeping feelings of anxiety or dread that come with driving a car. The idea is simple; you’ll pay attention to something consistent, like the rhythm of your breath, and allow yourself to be enveloped fully in the present moment. Whenever you notice your thoughts deviating from the present, gently bring yourself back and notice the drifting thought as if you’re a separate observer.

This takes a lot of consistent practice, but when you’re experienced, you’ll be able to call up this state of attention in almost any situation. Calling upon it when you feel a sense of anxiety while driving can almost instantly relieve the pressure, at least partially, and help you feel more in control.

Drive With Someone You Know and Trust

As you become more comfortable with driving and test the limits of your own anxiety, consider traveling with someone you know and trust. If desired, start with them driving and you in the passenger seat. When ready, drive with them riding shotgun. The presence of another person you inherently trust can make the entire situation seem less anxiety-inducing. You can also incorporate this strategy into your plans for exposure therapy.

Consider Getting Professional Help

If these strategies aren’t helping you, or if you’re dealing with anxiety for deep, complicated reasons, you may need to seek the help of a professional therapist. For example, if you’re suffering from multiple PTSD symptoms and anxiety is just a small part of what you’re going through, it will be hard to get over those symptoms on your own. A therapist will help you understand what you’re thinking and feeling, and put it in a context that’s easy to understand. They may also be able to recommend a medication or alternative strategies you can use to improve yourself.

Everyone experiences at least some anxiety when driving, even if it’s exclusively in response to unexpected events (like a car swerving in front of you). But when it becomes so severe it interferes with your ability to drive safely and consistently, it’s time to take action. Learning to manage your anxiety is challenging, but entirely possible with the right mindset and adequate support.

Installing a Shed in Your Backyard? Here Are 4 Things to Consider

Outdoor storage isn’t something most people think much about when buying a house, but most homeowners find it to be an important and necessary investment. If you’re thinking of installing a backyard shed on your property, there are some things to consider before getting too far along in the process. 

Reasons to Install a Backyard Shed 

Backyard sheds serve a variety of functions and purposes. Some of the most common applications include: 

  • Lawn and tool storage. One of the most common uses of a backyard shed is for storing lawn equipment and tools. This allows you to save your garage for parking vehicles and gives you a place to store items that may only see occasional use. 
  • Some families find that a shed makes for the perfect backyard playhouse for children. It’s a great way to get kids outside and to encourage the use of their imagination. 
  • She shed or man cave. Sheds aren’t just for kids. Many adults are using them as “she sheds” or “man caves.” 
  • Home office. In a day and age where millions of people work from home, using a backyard shed as a home office allows you to continue using all of the bedrooms in your home for their original purpose. 

4 Considerations for Your Backyard Shed 

Whether you need additional storage space or you’re interested in creating a private area where you can enjoy some alone time for a hobby, a backyard shed can help. Here are some things to consider: 

  1. Codes and Neighborhood Requirements 

If you live in a neighborhood development or busy urban area, you may have to contend with building codes and neighborhood requirements that tell you how big your shed can be, where it can be placed, and even what materials may be used. Research all of these details before getting too far along. 

  1. Shed Materials and Appearance 

Sheds come in a variety of materials and appearances these days. You’ll want to select one that’s durable, cost-effective, and (ideally) complements the appearance of the other buildings on your property.

“Vinyl siding sheds tend to be one of the most popular due to their easy to care for nature,” eCanopy explains. “These sheds often require no maintenance. They are made from double walled vinyl panels that can withstand severe weather conditions. This material is also flame retardant which helps protect your investment.”

Other popular shed materials include metal, wood, and polyethylene (plastic). Each comes with its own set of pros, cons, and tradeoffs. Carefully consider each option before making a final decision. 

  1. Shed Size 

How big do you want your shed to be? Think about your needs and don’t underestimate your spatial requirements. You also don’t want to overestimate, as this could consume too much of your yard.) 

  1. Shed Features 

Are there certain features you’re looking for in a shed? For example, if you’re using it to store lawn and tool equipment, you may want a workbench, rollup door, ramp, etc. If it’s being used as a home office, you’ll probably want insulation, lighting, and windows. Think about these things and make a list of the features you want. 

Building vs. Buying a Shed 

Depending on the circumstances involved in your situation, you may find that you have very unique needs and preferences. This could make finding the right shed quite challenging. But before you make the decision to build your own, you must understand all that this entails.

Building your own shed will save you a little bit of money, but it’ll cost you in terms of time and energy. Not only will you have to source all of your own materials, but you’ll also have to handle aspects that you may not be familiar with – such as building a foundation, framing, roofing, etc. And if you don’t already have the right tools on hand, your cost savings can quickly evaporate.

Generally speaking, it makes more sense to buy a prefabricated shed and have it installed on your property. While it’ll come at a slight premium, there’s something to be said for having a shed professionally built and installed. You’ll get a quality product with peace of mind (in the form of a warranty) and can spend your time doing other tasks that fall into your realm of expertise.


Grrr!!!!!! A message rolls in while your hands are firmly on the wheel, meandering your way probably on the highway. You are immediately caught in between the urge to for a split second or many seconds divert your attention from the wheels to check that message. You are at the same time trying to give full attention to the road. This happens a lot all the time. It might at times just be a call, or maybe you just got bored of staring too much at what is ahead of you that brings your phone to mind. Abstinence from this act is strongly emphasized even in pretests lessons in Dublin if you happen at all to be a resident of Ireland. It is essential to abhor such actions.

A genius by the name of Albert Einstein once said: “A young man kissing a girl and driving at the same time is simply not giving the kissing enough attention.” This simple quote shows that the human brain is not wired to multitask and give full attention to two things at the same time. If at all it was a bit wired this way, the combination of driving and staring at your phone at the same time is definitely not one of the acceptable combinations. There are gigantic dangers to it. You would agree driving on the road alone requires a lot of attention, and if you are very confident in your ability to even safely maneuver your way, you cannot always be sure that other road users are in their proper state of mind and ideal senses.

You might be wondering or thinking that starring at your phone is not much of a big deal, these reasons will reveal the secret big deals behind it. It takes a millisecond for accidents to occur and it takes only a minute, seemingly irrelevant trigger most times.  Here are some reasons why you should never stare at your phone screen while driving.

But wait! Before we dive into that, let’s rev our engine with these research findings.

A lot of research has been conducted, showings have revealed that typing on the phone especially increases the chance four times more of experiencing an accident. Research by Michigan medical association adds to this number, claiming that it increases six times more the risk of accidents. Another study shows that drivers starring at the screen of their phones drive 91% more poorly than those not starring at their phones. A lot of accidents that have occurred today are plain because of this reason; staring at the phone while driving. Any accident that occurs wasn’t mostly wired by some malevolent spirits; logical reasons account for the majority of accidents that happen on the road most of the times. While staring at your phone, two things happen

  • Your attention is divided and
  • Physiologically, You lose partial visual control of what is happening on the road. It is quite impossible to “kiss a lady and drive” at the same time, giving both full attention.

In case you have always felt staring at your phone while driving isn’t much of a big deal. These reasons will most likely convince you.


The effect of an accident can be thoroughly damaging, not to the injured or physically affected alone but to everyone connected to that person. If it by chance happens through you, you are causing pain to a network of people. Going farther a bit, if the person dies, that’s some messy situation. How easy will it be to forgive yourself? Those that have caused this through a glance at their phone are way much more than you think based on statistics. The truth is, they never planned to kill anybody and all that, It just happened. Some legal, psychological and twisty scenarios will follow, which might go on and on…it’s not always as simple as causing an accident “accidentally” and going scot free. Some really weird complications always follow.


Isn’t the day just filed enough with its share of trouble? Why bother to add new by merely checking a message you could check later. Why endanger your life an others because of a little impatience and negligence. Scratch that “endangering” part, without even any occurrences, starring at your phone’s screen while driving has its legal implication in most places. It differs from place to place in the world, countries to countries and states to states. Common legal consequences are

  1. The temporal ceasing of privileges and revocation
  2. Monetary Fines
  3. Criminal charges
  4. Jail term etc.


Having been convicted or charged for texting while driving, that ticket at times automatically increases your insurance rates. This depends on the law of that particular place where you are and the pricing policy and pattern of your insurance company. The insurance company automatically sees you as a liability.


You probably spent a lot of money acquiring your car. If you didn’t, remember some folks out there cannot afford to ride in your self-acclaimed “low class” ride. Starring at your phone while driving has limitless disadvantages. A lot of research shows several figures of vulnerability to accidents while driving. While it might be hard to arrive at an accurate number, you would agree accidents are awful things. Anything that exposes you to it by a tiny percentile at all should be avoided. Whether it exposes you by 77 percent or 88 percent, it is clearly to be avoided; staring at your phone.


As we have established earlier, several sources claim several percentages of harm that can be caused by staring at the phone while driving. Bio.org is of the opinion that it increases the possibility of a crash by 23 percent which is the same as when smoking. Starring at your phone, maybe texting while driving and being drunk both affect your perception, visually and mentally so they can both be compared. It is a general belief that as a drunk person, you are more prone to accidents, well both of these road habits are comparable. Your reaction time to the happenings on the road greatly slows down. Your ability to reflexively pull up some danger averting stunts and respond to ill driving by other road users also dwindles and is at a dangerous minimal.


Why put yourself at the arm’s length of fatal consequences you could avoid. Why not pause that message, exercise a little message and check later. It’s better to assume your phone’s battery was dead while driving than to be the cause a death causing accident. This is one of the critical things that will be hammered on when taking your driving lessons in Dublin if at all you are in a place like Ireland.  Better to drive home safely than to drive to the mechanic for repairs.

Remove the “Fear Factor” from your Personal Finances and Start with a Budget Checklist

If you find yourself in financial turmoil, assessing your situation might seem like the last thing you’d want to do.

But, having a realistic perspective on your own fiscal well-being can keep you from entering the never-ending debt cycle.

While it might seem overwhelming at first, creating a budget can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be.

Get your finances back on track by creating a personalized budget checklist.

Source: https://cartitleloanscalifornia.com/how-to-build-your-credit-score-infographic/

1. Outline your Expenses

Creating a budget is exactly what it sounds like. You need to know how much you’re spending, and you need to balance that with the income you’re collecting.

To have a healthy budget, your income should exceed your expenses. If this isn’t the case, you need to figure out how to either reduce your bills or increase your incoming revenue.

Sitting down and itemizing your static and dynamic expenses can help you understand where your money is going.

Certain expenses, like rent and car payments, aren’t likely to change very much over time. If you need to reduce your spending, you can start by cutting back on auxiliary purchases.

Extra expenses like entertainment and shopping can be easily reduced to balance your monthly budget.

If you’re even more diligent, you can cut down on grocery expenses or food costs by cooking more at home and limiting takeout and unnecessary snack purchases.

For at least one month, write down every purchase including the amount spent. Taking an honest look at your regular spending habits can help you to pull back bad behaviors and create a healthy and functional budget.

2. Make Debt a Priority

Nothing will keep you from advancing economically like a batch of debt.

Whether you’re dealing with student loans, credit cards, or personal debt, you need to get a handle on what you owe as soon as possible.

If you don’t have the income necessary to start paying off your debts, there are other ways to make a difference.

While it might seem counterintuitive, borrowing additional funds can help you reduce your overall debt.

In some cases, older debt accrues interest more quickly.

If handled strategically, taking out a new line of credit can help you to reconcile existing debts, while also buying you enough time to pay off your balance before being hit with high interest rates.

Additionally, you can alleviate your debt burden by moonlighting. Obtaining an extra job, or even just a few more hours each week, can help you make a dent in your total balance.

When it comes to getting your finances back on track, having a clear idea about your big-picture goals can help you stay focused and driven to fix your income ratio or outstanding debts.

3. Set Goals for the Future

Nothing will motivate you to pay off debt like working towards a concrete goal.

Managing your finances is much more intimidating when you feel like you’re heading into the unknown. Coming up with a practical solution for your economic struggles and goals is like putting on a life vest before you jump into the water.

Think about what is most important to you, and use that as motivation to either save or earn more. This could be debt reduction, a major purchase, or even building an emergency fund.

For this part of your checklist, break your main goal into smaller objectives. If you’re plan is to save $3,000 in one year, calculate how much you’d need to put aside to make that happen.

Set up an automatic transfer for each payday. If your paycheck is a bit thin for that right now, think about other ways that you could make up the difference.

You might be able to offer your services for a ride-sharing app, or maybe there is something you can create and sell on Etsy. If you’re really in a bind, selling your assets could help you get back on your feet.

If you really want to get on top of your economic situation, there are a million ways to get started. Save yourself the stress and begin with a concrete, practical checklist. The sooner you start checking those boxes, the quicker you’ll be financially stable and independent.

How can CBD topicals help with arthritis and joint pain?

In today’s life full of halter-skater, many people are dealing with the issues of having pain in their joints. To ease the life of the people, the scientists have come up with the CBD oil, which has the magical propensity to kill the pain. Cannabidiol products can be used either as edible stuff or even can be applied as an ointment.  It is creating a positive impact on the endocannabinoid system as it eases chronic pain regarding issues. Doctors are suggesting CBD topicals to Insomnia patients because it improves the quality of sleep. CBD is available in the following forms like-

  • Salves
  • Topical Lotions
  • CBD oil

After applying topical on the skin, a patient will surely get instant relief from pain. Companies are selling top-notch quality , which is infused with some special and organic ingredients that can repair extremely damaged skin. Here I have recapitulated some important things related to CBD topicals where you can have a glance.

How do CBD Topicals work?

Experiencing joint and bone pain? Buying CBD topical will surely give immediate relief from pain.  Consider for a genuine topical and apply it directly on to the skin. This particular product is infused with great ingredients that instantly relieve you from spin-tangling pain. Topicals are offering a considerable amount of benefits to damaged skin as well.  Regular usage of CBD topicals can ease the Joint and Muscle pain.  To learn more about the working of CBD topicals check out this resource.

Highly effective topicals are manufactured for those who are suffering from muscle pain and inflammation.  It is treating several chronic conditions, including pain related behaviors. CBD Topicals contains 0.3THC that is giving enough relaxation from extreme pain. All this is possible because of the endocannabinoid system in our body, which is made of lipids base. This ECS system that binds with the cannabinoid receptors and then the CNS of our body expresses it.

How can it help with arthritis and joint pain?

More than 76 million Americans are having some sort of pain in knee and joint. They are using some over the counter and prescription medicine that gives temporary relief.  So many folks are looking for an alternative that can give permanent relief from chronic pain. CBD topicals are proven to be great that is easing arthritis and joint pain. Topicals come in the form of gels sprays and drops.  

This particular topical is working well with sodium Channel blockers. CBD Topicals are easing chronic and inflammation related issues.  Whether you are suffering from joint or knee arthritis pain, opt for genuine tropical. Recently a study reveals that topical’s are easing pain and sustaining the physical function in the body. Topicals are proven to be boon for those who are suffering from chronic pain. 

Why is CBD Topical lotion effective?

Majority of the professional doctors are suggesting CBD topicals as an effective solution to their problem. It will able to repair wrinkles and damaged the skin. This particular product contains an antioxidant component that will surely rejuvenate the skin.

Where to buy CBD Topicals?

Buying a CBD topical may seem overwhelming as a user need to invest proper time and efforts in research. Lots of websites are selling topicals that are claims their products are effective and organic. Please note that lots of topicals associated with 0.3% THC that is helpful in treating painful conditions. Opt for an organic topical that will able to give above-average relief to you. Before buying any CBD topical, a user should pay close attention to the testimonials and ratings. One needs to buy a product according to the concentration.  Here are some considerations that one must take into account while purchasing CBD topicals.

  • Quality of Product
  • Worth
  • Are the products manufactured using organic ingredients?

Some topicals are infused with lavender and Chamomile extracts that are giving instant relief from chronic pain and will give enough relaxation to the body.

In addition, in this guide, you’ll learn various aspects related to CBD products such as purchasing them and their application. Now, there is no need to feel stressed about the situation, straightforwardly opt for the CBD topicals that will surely treat arthritis and joint pain.  

What Kind of Lawyer Do I Need for Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment is an unfortunate situation that happens all the time. In many instances, it happens in the workplace and involves any type of unwanted sexual conduct or advances that make for a hostile, uncomfortable, offensive or intimidating workplace environment. There are also many ways that this type of harassment can be present, such as someone sending pornographic photos to telling sexual jokes to make certain sexually suggestive comments to or around employees. Additionally, although women the most common victims of this type of harassment, men can also be victims. Generally speaking, anyone, gay or straight, can also become victims.

There are both federal and state laws in place to protect employees from sexual harassment while at work. Many of these laws also protect people against gender discrimination. If you are being sexually harassed in the workplace, there are certain measures you can take to protect yourself.

Tell the Harasser to Stop

Although it might seem difficult, the first step you can take to protect yourself from harassment is to outright tell the harasser to stop their actions or behavior. Dealing with this head-on is often the most effective. This lets the individual know that you do not like the actions or behavior and tells them that it’s not welcome. If the person ignores you, there are other steps you can take next. Document the situation and keep a copy for yourself. You should also speak with your direct supervisor or boss about the harassment if the harasser becomes more hostile or threatening and you are worried for your safety.

Complain to Supervisors

As stated before, you should go to your supervisor to complain about the harassment if speaking with the harasser is ineffective. Refer to your employee handbook to learn whether there is a policy against this type of harassment in place. See how you can handle a complaint and if you have to make one with the supervisor themselves or through your human resources department. If your supervisor isn’t helpful, you will have to bypass them and speak to a higher-up about the situation. Continue to document the situation as well so that you have a record.

Even if there is no formal procedure regarding making a complaint against the harassment in the company, you should still inform the company of the problem.

Document Everything

You must have documentation of everything regarding the harassment. This is essential in the event that you decide to file a legal claim against the harasser or even the company. Gather as much evidence as possible and save anything you receive from the harasser as proof of the harassment. If possible, include all the dates and possibly times of each instance of harassment. You may also want to write down how the action or behavior affected you physically, mentally and emotionally. Note whether it has also adversely affected your job performance and keep your journal or notes in a safe place at home.

Always make copies of your employee performance evaluations and other work-related documents as well. You can even ask the human resources department for a copy of your file. If your employer tries to retaliate against you for filing a complaint, you can use this in your case.

Complain to Government Agencies Before Filing a Lawsuit

If your employer won’t help you, you can then complain to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or state fair employment office. File a civil suit if an internal investigation and attempt to settle is unsatisfactory to you. However, it’s important to note that you are required to file a complaint with the EEOC before filing a federal suit.

Contact an Attorney

It’s imperative that you speak with an experienced sexual harassment attorney if you are planning on filing a lawsuit. A sexual harassment lawyer will listen to you about your situation and inform you about whether you have a legitimate case. To that end, it’s important to know whether the conduct by the individual in question at your workplace is sexually harassing.

Conduct Reasonable People Would Find Offensive

If someone is sexually harassing you at work, it includes any type of unwelcome, offensive behavior that any other reasonable person would find objectionable. Comments, emails, jokes, physical conduct and other actions can be considered harassment if they create a hostile workplace. In other words, if something the person has done would be viewed as just a friendly gesture, it won’t qualify as harassment.

Severe or Pervasive Conduct

If the individual’s conduct is severe or pervasive, such as constantly telling a female coworker how “hot” she is on a daily basis, it can be considered harassment. At the same time, even a single incident can fall under the category of harassment if it is severe enough. If someone sexually assaulted another person at the workplace, for instance, that would be enough to go past harassment laws and can even be criminally prosecuted.

Supervisor Harassment of an Employee

If a supervisor harasses an employee, the employer is liable even if they had no knowledge of the situation. However, if the harasser is a coworker and the victim is not a subordinate, the victim is required to report the problem to the employer. The employer is required to then address the situation and take action before being held liable.

What Lawyers Look for in a Case

When you speak with a sexual harassment lawyer, there are certain things you can expect them to look for in your case. They include the following:

Whether the conduct was truly unwanted: If you participated in banter or sexual jokes, the conduct was not truly unwanted.
Whether the conduct was objectively offensive: A sexual harassment attorney also explores whether the conduct was objectively offensive.
Whether the conduct was committed by a supervisor or if it was reported: If it was a supervisor who committed the harassment or even a coworker, that needs to be documented. An attorney wants to see the evidence so they can use it in your case.
Extent of your damages: It’s important to learn from the lawyer about the extent of your damages and even what damages, in general, you can expect. For example, if you lost pay, were demoted, denied a promotion, had your hours cut or were even fired, you would recover the money that was due to you.
Whether you are a good witness: Your attorney will also determine whether you are a good witness to testify in your case. An evaluation includes your credibility, appearance and jury appeal. It’s important to dress appropriately for meeting your lawyer and for appearing in court.

If you believe you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment in California, it’s important to get in touch with West Coast employment lawyers. It is the best way to learn whether you truly have a case and can recover the compensation you deserve. Contact West Coast employment lawyers at your earliest convenience.

Dwarf Kitty With A Big, Purrrfect, Fluffy Tail Is Taking Over The Internet

We live in a society that is constantly filled with negativity. Everywhere you turn, you see sadness, misery, disappointments, failures, and tragedies. It’s truly hard to be a part of this world today. However, lucky for us, one of the things that help us transcend from that state of mind and find our source of happiness are animals.

 These fluffy, adorable and loving creatures are an essential part of our lives.

That is why I believe that none of you out there could ever resist what I am about to show you.

This adorable dwarf kitten with a big, purrrfect and fluffy tail and short fuzzy legs goes by the name Bell. But Bell is unlike any other cat you’ve seen. You see, this cute feline has the biggest tail which pretty much resembles the tail of a squirrel. And that is because Bell is a very distinctive breed.

She is a Napoleon, also known as Minuet – which is the result of Munchkins and Persians. These adorable fluff balls are well known for their chubby, round faces, short legs, and fluffy fur. Another thing that makes them stand out is the fact that they can stand on two feet.

This cute and hilarious video off Bell meowing and strutting around is really taking over the internet. I mean, how could it not? Just look at how adorable that tiny little face is.


However, besides starring in short videos on her YouTube Channel, Bell is also a big Instagram star. She has her own Instagram account where she has over 140,000 of followers.  If you haven’t checked her profile but want to see more of her amazing exploits, make sure to head over to Instagram and follow her.

And if you have cat lovers in your life, don’t forget to share this adorable video with them so they can also appreciate Bell’s beauty.

Instagram | YouTube

Homeless Man Gets Job At McDonald’s Thanks To Policeman’s Act Of Kindness

We’re daily exposed to negative news to the extent that when something like this happens, it is difficult for it not to make your day happier.

A homeless man from Tallahassee, Florida, was told at a job interview at McDonald’s that he could get hired if he appeared at the restaurant freshly shaven. So, to prepare for the interview, Phil managed to buy a razor, but he realized that it was broken.

Policeman Tony Carlson noticed Phil struggling with the razor in a petrol station and offered to shave off the rest of his beard.

What a great act of kindness, right?

Well, Phil’s story doesn’t end here.

Namely, Phil was offered the position at McDonald’s, but there was still one little thing preventing him from getting the job – he didn’t have a social security card or a government ID.

Fortunately, as Phil’s story went viral on social media, it caught US Senator Marco Rubio’s attention, and his office contacted police officer Carlson and told him that they’d help Phil with the paperwork.

In his Facebook post, Carlson said:  

I then told Phil I had good news about that and told him I had been contacted by Senator Marco Rubio’s office here in town. They stated they had also seen the story and wanted to help Phil get his ID and Social Security card. I told Phil when I got to work on Thursday I would print out the paperwork they emailed to me and bring it by for Phil to fill out.”

So, as you guessed it, once Phil successfully did everything he had to do so as to get the job at McDonald’s, he began performing his janitorial job at the restaurant.

What’s more, Raphael Vasquez, the owner of McDonald’s, also said that if Phil stays at the company for 90 days, at least, working 15 hours a week, he will have the opportunity to qualify for the restaurant’s Archways to Opportunity program.

This program can help Phil gain a high school diploma, tuition for college, and even the chance to start a career.

Indeed, this story is proof that little, seemingly unimportant things can make a great change in the world around us.






9 Uncomfortable Signs That You Are Slowly Transforming Into The Person You Were Always Meant To Be

Growth means change. And change is a necessary part of this journey called life.

Here are 9 positive signs that you are changing and slowly becoming the person that you were always meant to be:

 1. You have a strong urge to end some relationships and cut ties with people who have no meaning in your life. As you begin to question your relationships you realize that some people should no longer have a place in your heart.

2. You realize that you have to work hard on yourself. You are completely aware of all the issues that you are going throw. You know the source of your insecurities, fears, and doubts. You know that the key to your self-growth lies within you. You acknowledge this fact and give your best efforts to overcome your issues.

3. You cannot open your heart and confide in other people. And it is not only because you are selective about who you hang out. Mostly it is because you’ve already been through many things in life and those experiences have shaped you into a person who doesn’t put up with other people’s nonsense.

4. You feel like you don’t have enough time for everything you wish to do. You are always running, multitasking and doing all at once, but somehow there’s not enough time for you to do everything. It seems as though 24 hours a day are not enough for you. There is always something that you want to do. This is a sign that your ambitions are growing bigger and bigger.

5. You catch yourself feeling lost and a bit confused at times. Even though you seem strong and certain, the insecurities inside of you are weighing you down and making you feel a bit anxious about where you are headed in life.

6. You regret your past mistakes. You are in fact, completely aware of your bad decisions. But the fact that you are not in the corner, pitying yourself, but instead you’re accepting your mistakes as your lessons show that you’re indeed growing up and becoming a more mature person.

7. You know how sadness feels like. You’ve been through many heartbreaking life experiences that that made you too familiar with the feeling of sorrow. But even though you’ve struggled, and even though you still feel the pain, you are strong enough to embrace those experiences as a part of you and let them teach you a lesson.

8. You get easily bored with life. You are addicted to a certain dynamic. You are always on the go. That is why it feels strange and boring when you stop for a second. Life gets easily boring to you because you no longer deal with people and things that are not worthy of your attention.

9. You can feel that you are growing up fast and that makes you miss your careless childhood. You live independently on your own, you enjoy working on your future and chasing your goals, but somehow there is a part of you that still misses those days when you were close to your family and loved ones. It’s not that you don’t see them anymore. This new phase of your life reminds you that you are slowly growing and becoming a completely different person.